Available on Amazon now for that special fascist in your life...
I filled out this form (FEMA will cover your hotel) and within 12 hrs I got a confirmation email and text! It was surprisingly easy, https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=NE0EUssEpEGgzVSubu_7n2kl_c4_ptNHkLZZ2zU1n8lUMzBGSlRJMlBUQzFYVVlYNlEwSzNYQTlBRC4u
Caterpillar is also suing guys who do a cat & cloud podcast. As someone else pointed out, Caterpillar probably wants to use Cat & Cloud for something tractor related.
I hope what happened to McDonald’s trademark in the UK would happen to Caterpillar
The headline is incomplete- this expansion DOES include food service. But it looks like it will be arranged through employers, meaning employees cannot just go sign up for the vaccine on their own.
Tell your employer to fill out this form and hopefully that will allow you and your coworkers to get vaccinated soon!
If you're interested in the old rail system, I recommend this book. I've done a bit of poking around but there's not a lot left. The most photo-oped tunnel entrance is on the water company's land and the last time I was there they were a little touchy about people being there.
I don't think it's weird to strike up conversation with people in bars or coffee shops - that's how I prefer to meet people and have made quite a few friends that way. Though I'm up closer to hmb and not quite in santa cruz so I dunno if it's very different down there, and I'm not from this area originally - i'm from the midwest where it's not strange at all to strike up conversation with people you've never met. Also, just going to the same places regularly, getting to know the people working there and the others who go there regularly, really helped me start to feel like I was part of a community.
meetup.com also has so many options for meeting people with similar interests.
I'd recommend camping at a camp site.
If you show up late and leave early you probably would not have to pay anything. If you do have to pay it's worth the money to know you're safe.
Not sure if this link will work. From Nextdoor app screen shot of SC police FB post. It was a pipe bomb in the fence of the baseball field.
Seabright Beach is a good spot. Just get there early so it's not too crowded.
They're all pretty far away (check out the map: https://maps.google.com/maps?q=Fremont+Peak+State+Park,+10700+San+Juan+Canyon+Rd,+San+Juan+Bautista,+California+95045&hl=en&ll=36.75484,-121.530762&spn=0.402152,0.617294&sll=37.547753,-121.965017&sspn=0.049745,0.077162&t=h&...), and it's pretty high up (about 3200' elevation) It's a very popular spot with amateur astronomers.
Of course if you really want to get far away from any city lights, I'd recommend Big Sur. The only problem there is you might get fogged in.
Another excellent, fog-free option is Pinnacles Natl. Monument, but that's further away, and its a long hike to the top.
In that case, definitely try bittorrent or rsync --partial. I've been able to transfer largeish files over 3G on a moving train, no problems whatsoever.
Good question. You might try wading into that cesspool that is Nextdoor.com. There is lots of angry opinions there (think twitter for neighborhoods) but, like twitter, if you are good at sifting through noise you will find people who can provide factual information regarding what is going on with our city and county governments.
TANGENT: people often post about various property crimes in the neighborhood. Vitriolic responses aside, I find it useful to know how much of this is going on.
From the County, employers (and individuals) can sign up and submit a survey to theoretically get their front line food worker staff (or themselves for individuals) an earlier access to vaccines. The survey is HERE.
none that I'm aware of right now. I'd suggest hitting up the facebook group of the mailing list http://www.facebook.com/groups/scultimate/ https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/santacruzultimate and seeing if anyone is willing to carpool.
Some more info at the wikimapia page.
> nything in my car overnight.
I would advise you to never leave anything of value visible in the car. If it is out of sight in the trunk, fine.
A backpack or duffel bag might have nothing of value in it but a thief doesn't know that until after he has broken your car window and made off with it.
Smash and grabs happen during the day time, not just at night.
I've never had my car broken into (20 years in SC) but I know many people who have. I'm pretty diligent about not leaving anything visible in my car.
You can also checkout Nextdoor.com a social media site for neighborhoods. My neighborhood is pretty active on Nextdoor.com. It is a good way to get to know folks in the surrounding area.
Free detailed viewing (and download link): https://www.loc.gov/resource/g4363s.la000040/?r=-0.094,-0.197,0.778,1.157,0
Purchase a print: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07HMLR63W/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_XGGKZBYHJS8TDGMM106K
Its not the stove either. those coils are pretty efficient regardless of age and they are not used that much.
use this item to measure your dyson heater usage. :
I really like these - they look nice are are really cost effective
> For the vast majority of users though, a 100x100 connection with lower latency is going to be a better fit
I feel like this is why many nations out rank the US when it comes to internet speeds. Companies telling us what is good enough for us as justification to not provide the best. Comcast used the exact same reasoning when imposing its 1tb data cap (now 1.2tb) and many other isp's quickly followed. Claiming vast majority of its users never go over that limit so it should be good enough. Gigabit fiber is nothing new and in fact rather old when looking at it from a technology point of view. Back in 2012 it started showing up around the US and today some cities already have 10gbps internet. Do you know anyone that still use a smartphone from 2012? I can't think of a single phone that doesn't shoot in HD with many already shooting in UHD (4k) As technology continues to growing at an accelerated rate its not far fetched to think people are going to need to download and upload large amounts of data. Physical media is absolutely dying. If I were to buy a 4k movie via digital download at 100gb on 100Mbps connection it would take me almost 2.5hours vs 14mins on gigabit. Also keep in mind that with the current housing situation it is no longer unusual to find multiple families with multiple generations sharing a home or plot of land. AT&T fiber is continuing to expand its fiber. Comcast is preparing its network for full duplex DOCSIS 4.0 multi-gigabit symmetric services. With other cable providers to follow I am sure. Speed test on tmobile 4g at time of writing this. Current 4G mobile speeds are already in the same realm as your wireless backed fiber with out the line of sight barrier. With 5G who knows whats to come.
I never thought I'd say this but AT&T Fiber blows doors on Comcast for almost half the price. If you can get fiber, then get AT&T. I pay $50. I get 280mbps download and 374mbps upload, which is rather odd actually. Usually upload is slower, but here we are.
We had to find something like this for my grandma - we got one of these.
It's an ice shaver/snow cone maker - you just put cubed ice in and turn the handle till the ice is the size you want.
This one?
I bought this little container on Amazon and it hangs on the inside of my under sink cupboard and I line it with biodegradable liners. It's very handy and discreet. I love it. I just drop the bags in my massive yard waste bin every 2-3 days.
Here is a handy and affordable security tool, but get it from anywhere else than the worker-hostile vendor in the link https://www.amazon.com/Portable-Security-Additional-Traveling-Apartment/dp/B08L7DNXT9/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=Hotel+Door+Locks&qid=1661185478&sr=8-5
If not for California's regulation you could have backup for your refrigeration for about $150. I had a friend from Oregon bring me one.
We had gnarly internet issues at my house (family of 6, 5 bedrooms, big place with a basement) and every issue we had was fixed by buying a set of Eevo pods from Amazon for $170. I bought the 3 pack and it works better than any bullshit WiFi booster we ever tried. Here’s a link Amazon eero mesh WiFi system –... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WMLPSRL?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
How many quarts? Invest in one of these (or one big enough for your car): https://www.amazon.com/FOUR-UNCLES-Extractor-Pneumatic-Convenient/dp/B0836GH3G7/
And do your own oil changes going forward. Once you've pulled 98% of the oil outthis way, it's a lot less messy to change the oil filter as well. Synthetic oil seems to have increased in price by about 25% in the past 2 years.
If you're worried about the long term financial health of the city/county, the best thing you could possibly invest in is dense, transit-oriented developments, and building the train line automatically lets these kinds of dense developments happen. Replacing single family houses with larger multifamily dwellings requires no new infrastructure investment from the city but gives a massive increase in taxable property for the city, and all of that money goes straight into the general budget for fixing problems like the ones you show here.
If we leave things the way they are, the existing infrastructure will still cost as much to maintain but the city doesn't get as much tax money to actually do the maintenance. Plus, building apartments near a transit line allows people to drive fewer miles on public roads, making potholes less of a problem. Meanwhile, the Greenway would be more expensive for the city because they would have to give back a bunch of grant money that they got for building the transit line.
If you're worried about the long term budget of the city and its ability to do maintenance, then you're pro train and pro dense housing!
Source: Strong Towns,, a book by a city planner on how to plan for the long term financial health of small cities
I recommend a natural product called Curcubrain, it works for me. Good for all forms of inflammation. https://smile.amazon.com/Supplements-CurcuBrainTM-Longvida%C2%AE-Optimized-Curcumin/dp/B00K31PXSU/
Yes, this solves the problem you are talking about. I maybe didn’t explain it well.
Buffered bike lanes use a physical barriers and parked cars to prevent cars from going in the bike lanes.
Here is what they do in San Jose: https://www.nrdc.org/experts/rabi-abonour/california-cities-celebrate-bike-month
Haha 💯. we actually order it by the 1/2 gallon jug on Amazon and bottle it ourselves.
The Pepper Plant Chunky Garlic Hot Pepper Sauce 1/2-gallon Jug https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007VXUYP0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_MHWXGS4XPQBR5NMJQNCJ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
By the Boardwalk you will get harassed. You can camp with the homeless in The Pogonip or Neary Lagoon or you can drive up north a little ways and camp on a beach but parking your car will be difficult. I know a spot that is 99% safe but it is pretty far north of Santa Cruz and closer to Half Moon Bay. PM me if interested.
Else I would find a legal spot and pay the money. If you split it up between you it can't be that bad. If it is, perhaps visiting Santa Cruz is a bad idea?
Anyway check out the camp section here... http://wikitravel.org/en/Santa_Cruz_(California)
When I go hiking alone, I always tell someone where I'm going. I've had friends get lost in Nisene and had to camp out in the rain overnight. It's never a bad idea just to give someone a heads up about where you'll be. Bring a flashlight/headlamp just in case and snacks/water of course. Alltrails has an app that can give you an idea of the different trails around the area.
>Awesome, thank you so much for your participation in this, it may be what gets the dog back. We were able to find a crime report on social media of the woman vandalizing a car in Marina on Thursday, my friend went to Marina and was able to confirm with the police that she did have his dog with her, but she wasn't arrested at the time because they didn't know the dog was stolen. The police in Marina have history with the woman and she has schizophrenia. If the post you're referring to is accurate, then that must mean that she made her way back to Santa Cruz after being in Marina on Thursday.The marina police saw her there in Marina this morning, Sep 5th. So it sounds like she's driving back and forth between cities for whatever reason. She's possibly back in Santa Cruz by now.
>Could you possibly give me a link to your nextdoor post? We have a post as well.
OK, that makes me hopeful. Here is the link: https://nextdoor.com/news_feed/?post=160310910&comment=459814945&is=notification_center
I'm cross-posting your comments on Nextdoor. There are a lot of concerned people there too. Let me know if you can't get into Nextdoor for my neighborhood.
I got a VIOFO Dash cam. It is one of the pricier camera, but it has been awesome for me thus far.
Fortunately, I haven’t had to rely on it, so hopefully it will come through in a time of need!
It's going to be windy tonight which is dangerous in that lots of debris and such may end up on the road, which can be difficult to see at night.
Wind starts picking up at 5pm and gets to maybe 30kts by 9pm.
As others have said, torrential rain. Don't drive tonight.
If you can get over the hill before 5pm today that would be the best. I'm not looking forward to driving tomorrow.
Air pollution can travel hundreds of miles before dissipating. Annually, South East Asian and Oceania nations are plagued by haze from peat fires, some burning 500 miles away. Big Basin is approximately 236 linear miles from Redding, so this is definitely possible.
Check out this air quality map (look at the red dot over Redding and other fires): r/https://www.weatherbug.com/maps/?center=39.1982053,-121.0473633,7&layerId=AirQuality
Furthermore, fire haze regularly blows through Santa Cruz county in the Summer. Most years the haze originates from the North. Although, we do get a few fires (e.g. the Loma Fire in 2016), they typically don't destroy our air quality.
Stay indoors as much as possible during the day time. Go outside in the early morning or night.
Wear face masks.
Be especially cautious of elderly, infants/children, and those with respiratory issues.
Don't lose hope, the haze can disappear tomorrow given the right wind conditions.
He thinks Nextdoor.com was created by the CIA. He thinks people that I consider extremely right wing are part of a global, leftist, mind control conspiracy. This is his site: http://www.newsexpose.org/
You can borrow a humane trap for free from the animal shelter. Set it up where the cat was last seen with hot stinky food inside. You can put it on a folding table to avoid catching skunks. Read this book and follow all of its advice: How to Find a Lost Cat: The professional guide to the correct methods for recovering a missing cat. My cat went missing for 7 weeks last year during the evacuations and I found him a half a mile from home. The only reason I found him was because of the advice from the book. Making many LARGE posters (not 8x11 flyers) was one of the most important things that helped find my cat.
Either my class or Cub Scout troop did a tour there around this same time this was filmed. They gave us a copy of the newspaper and a copy of this book on the Loma Prieta earthquake. I had dreams afterwards of running on the freshly printed newspapers like a treadmill as they made their way through the printing process.
I finally broke down and got a kit for my family from amazon, had my eye on it for awhile, since I felt it would be more difficult finding all the individual items, too. $179.99 for a 4 person supply, theres 3 of us. There’s two huge backpacks packed with most of what’s on that list above, with room and pockets to add what you want personally. Amazon I’ve never added a link from the mobile app, not sure if it’ll work.. but if you search for emergency pack or go bag, you’d likely find it. I had rechecked when we were waiting for the power shut off from PG&E but then we never lost power. 🤷🏽♀️
Oh you for sure need a filter straw. The bamboo ones suck. You can probably buy a metal one at new leaf, but if not here’s a link to one for like $3
You can also get the traditional way of drinking it in Argentina, some cups have a built in straw / filter. You’re not supposed to have any particles in your mouth, that’s gross
No, not a terrible speed but a lot less than what the OP was getting. It's this Motorola modem, recommended by Comcast: http://www.amazon.com/SURFboard-SB6121-DOCSIS-Retail-Packaging/dp/B004XC6GJ0
It is capable of handling up to 21.5 MBps (172 Mbps), almost twice as much as what I'm getting.