The word you are looking for is hibernate (really it’s brumate , but hibernate is commonality used)
My Russian tortoise has hibernated in my house for years. She is outside almost all year, but I live in California. She gets restless and stops eating. She usually hibernates in a box with loose bedding like this She walks out when she’s done. She usually hibernates from the end of October to the middle of January. This year she decided to blanket under my bed was just the right spot.
Looks like the shell is deforming and pyramiding. Most likely causes are:
Lack of moisture. Baby and juvenile tortoises require lots of humidity for healthy shell growth. Make sure you're doing daily soaks for 30 minutes.
Lack of vitamins and/or calcium. This is what I use for my baby Sulcata. I sprinkle about a teaspoons worth every few days onto his Mazuri and he eats it up.
I agree with this. Our 4 year old wanted a turtle in the worst way and we settled on a Russian Tortoise after research. He has a big wooden box home that we got on Amazon (link below), and after initial setup, it seems like expense will be low. He’s super friendly and we are really enjoying him.
PawHut 37”L Wood Tortoise House:
Little update:
been a couple of weeks , confirmed as a male.
Weighed Freddie when I got him came in at 3.6kg just under 8 lbs really stunted for an apparent 10 year old sulcata.
Shell is in pretty good condition , he can now lift his plastron fully off the ground walking is a lot better, getting more stable every week.
I have 12% Arcadia fluorescent, was planning to expose higher UVI for shorter period but as the weather has been great he spends is time outside grazing.
eating well, using Nekton-MSA twice weekly , calcium carbonate once a week.
uploaded couple of videos , his legs look quite bowed
What kind of box turtle?
I would definitely start with the rubber made tub, but eventually get one of these). Glass terrariums are no good. Turtles like to be little bulldozers and when they see through glass, they will constantly bump up against it. It's really frustrating for them.
Also get a water bowl with the little ramp. So much easier for them to climb in and out of. Be prepared to change the water once a day. They love going in the bathroom in there.
Get some reptile bedding (avoid gravel) for your guy to dig in, a little cave or flat rocks to dig under, and a full spectrum light and a heat lamp. Make sure there is a warm area and a cooler area in the environment. If you are in Southern California, I'd also get a mister. It's pretty dry for them here (at least it's super dry for my three toed box turtle).
Also, be prepared to have your turtle for a long time. I've had mine since the 4th grade and I'm 33 now! Good luck!!
I actually don't know too much about lighting either! My understanding is that these kind are the "best", or any T5 HO UVB tube.
I don't know the difference between UVA and UVB though, and also those tube lights are pretty expensive.
I bought an off-brand UVB tube light and it broke in less than 24 hours, so I have just been bringing my tortoises outside for like an hour or 2 a day rather than buying a new one (and I can do this easily since I live in a year-round sunny state). It may be worth asking other people on this subreddit to see what they use.
My bad. I didnt answer your question. The greenhouse I got off amazon. Here is the same style greenhouse:
Then used pond liner underneath. I folded it over to create a second layer underneath. Finally I used some old towels to create a raised perimeter around the greenhouse. Then I took some rope and ran it around the greenhouse and tightened it. That prevents my tortoise from getting out.
I have the Zoo Med one that is a lot like the one you posted. It has been great for my Russian Tortoise and has survived our cats and dogs very well. I had one that lasted for several years until our house burned day last year. I replaced it with the same one again. The one you posted here I think I like even better (better look, better screen top) - I checked it out the other day after another user had a post about it.
WINGOFFLY Large Reptile Feeding Dish with Ramp and Basking Platform Plastic Turtle Food and Water Bowl Also Fit for Bath Aquarium Habitat for Lizards Amphibians
Its a Reptile Humidifier
I'm pushing it a bit hard in this enclosure, and will probably buy a second and jerry rig a reservoir system, but that's some effort. As for a top; its open. However, I'm keeping any eye on the temp / humidity (which is hanging around 80 so far). If there is an issue as Winter comes around, I already have the wood, staples, and wire to build a wire top. I'm hoping I don't have to.
I saw someone else post a gif here, and this was what they linked. Its worked great! I have it hooked up to a Hydrometer set to 80%.
I purchased this for my young sulcata. There’s drainage holes in the bottom that I filled with halved wine corks and covered the bottom with pond liner and filled with substrate. Not sure how big a Russian needs, I know my guy will outgrow it but it’s great for now.
UVB light. Not the coil ones, they can damage the eyes. I would cover the top of the screen lid with a shower curtain to retain humidity. Another option is to buy a greenhouse, like this, and buy a bin/tub to fit it (it should be pretty long), use cypress mulch and orchard bark as the substrate (won’t impact and provides tons of humidity), our two cups of water into the substrate and maybe add a warm mist humidifier. This should last 1-3 years. For UVB, take the tub outside and put it half in shade, and half in the sun for an hour or two 2-3 times a week and you won’t need a uvb bulb. I’d recommend the greenhouse method as many people use it and it’s cheaper, lasts longer, and it retains humidity.
I'm using a very simple and low budget solution - an outdated Android phone with IP Camera app ( It's super easy to setup (only needs to make port forwarding on the router).
Absolutely! I buy the big, fat bath toys from the baby toy aisle like these ones.They don’t have sharp edges and won’t cause any injury. Anything with no sharp edges and cannot be chomped thru easily.
Looks like your little guy is a tad dry! Redfoots need high humidity around 80-90, that’s the range you should aim for. Looks like orchid bark is the substrate which isn’t the worst and is surprisingly good for maintaining humidity that’s what I use in half of my baby sulcatas enclosure. But redfoots like to dig too so I’d recommend coco coir for your torts substrate. It’s very good at maintaining humidity, nowhere near as dirty as dirt, as long as you keep it moist there shouldn’t be any dust, and your tort will absolutely love it. You can even plant grass or other small tort safe plants in it. I’d invest in a fogger when you can to help keep the humidity up. You won’t have to soak your coco coir as often if you run a fogger. Foggers are pretty overpriced they’re basically just humidifiers so here’s the one I currently use it does a great job and it’s even on sale.
Definitely still take him to a vet who has experience with treating reptiles. Good luck with your new tort👍
I take my teeny tortoise with me all kinds of places. He won’t be teeny forever! If we are staying anywhere for an overnight or longer this dog pen enclosure is perfect. The bottom even unzips for when I want to put him on grass.
DONORO Dog Playpen 29" Portable...
Oh I was shopping last night and found this! I don't own it and haven't tried anything similar but tempting! I also found a similar feeder.
Buy a hydroponic garden like this. I bought seeds (salad greens and dandelions) and grow almost all the food for my tort and beardie. And, of course, some hand sanitizer. Keep your hands clean after touching them and/or their enclosure!
Amazon - I saw mixed reviews but it fit the budget. It's basically a space heater that came with a thermostat. It circulates the air, but the manual said not to connect it to something that turns the device on or off. We will see how it goes. I can let you know if I have any issues.
Put it on a timer. You can get one for pretty cheap off of Amazon or from a pet store. I have mine turn on for 15 minutes every hour for my cherryhead. I use this one Timer Outlet, Nearpow...
I’m not sure where you are in the world but I have a camera for mine, it’s cheap but does the job well and I can check in while I’m at work using the app. It just connects to your wifi at home. Link below is for the one I use from Amazon but they sell it everywhere. It’s the TP-Link Tapo pan&tilt indoor camera incase you don’t link clicking links.
Give him space to grow. Since he's still small, if you bring him in at night this type enclosure will work for awhile
My tort has 2 heat lamps and a heat mat. One lamp is a ceramic heat bulb so it doesnt produce light. That and the heat mat are on 24/7 on a dual thermostat ( The bulb is set to 84 and keeps the air in the enclosure warm on the more vented side, the mat is set to 90 so he has a couple spots to burrow or hide in radiant warmth.
The other bulb is a basking bulb and only on during the day. this is coupled with a uv bulb that is also on 12 hrs a day. This allows for a night temp drop and gives a 93ish degree basking spot
I would definitely recommend Mazuri tortoise diet and then supplement a bit with fresh veggies. The diet you are feeding is not adequate. Also more sunlight.
You can buy cool packs that are used to ship reptiles and rotate them out of the enclosure and into the freezer or you can get one of the exoterra-style Chinese incubators on amazon that have a cooling feature.
My Leopard got really hung up on zucchini for a while; I started growing a couple types of grass and clover indoors, bought a couple hibiscus plants (with active flower blooms) and started picking two new things every week from the produce section till everything grew in. I added several live plants to his enclosure and researched what he'd find from his locale in the wild.
The dandelion leaf at the store is not the same type as grows in my yard and his preference for the outside version was a learning curve for me longer than I care to admit. 🙄
I found that pansies with greens, in a variety of colors, tempted him well enough. Summer squash helped transition him from zucchini to something of similar texture but a different color...from there I kept trying to shift colors to see what worked. Mixed up textures, but really pushed the grasses and clovers of differet size, shape and color shade. Wrote down for a few weeks what he sampled, what he ate most of, what wasn't touched and started limiting his zucchini more and more.
Repashy sells a powdered supplement that I found he fancied (it smells really good too), so adding that to new items encouraged him:
Hope any of this helps. It really seemed to be a print-a-list-of-everything-that's-safe and steadily working my way through it. I took the list to a bunch of local greenhouses to see what plants I could snag, ordered a bunch of seeds from online and really watched him outside to see what caught his attention the most. Keep us posted!
I hear you. I was in the same boat when I was researching mine. I think as long as you use one if the recommended substrates, you should be fine. Ultimately as long as the tortoise can dig around, he’ll probably be happy. Personally, I use cypress mulch mixed with moss. Cypress wont mold, and the moss helps keeps the humidity higher. So that’s my reasoning.
I don’t use glass on my tank because it can stress out tortoises, it would be a good idea to block the tortoises view from seeing through the glass. Something like duct tap could work. So, unfortunately, I’m not sure how to clean it best. I suppose if you tape the lower part of the tank, you could use windex or something on the rest, since he wouldn’t come into contact with it.
I mix moss in my coco coir to help keep the humidity up.
I use this. (But look for a local place if you can. My local reptile shop is cheaper.)
Zilla Reptile T8 Slimline Desert Pet Habitat Light Fixture with 15 Watt Fluorescent Bulb, 18 Inches
I am dusting every meal with calcium. I have the light placed the recommended 12 inches away. Should I get a larger size? I bought this housing before I got a 40 gallon. Like I said earlier he spends a lot of time sleeping under his cork.
It seems to be about 52cm in width, and about 6,5cm deep
Haha! Well, I would still guess that he's some kind of NA desert tortoise, but I couldn't tell you which one. Desert tortoises thrive on basically grass and weeds, and cactus pads as a treat. You can try hay or hay pellets (not alfalfa, but Timothy, orchard, or Bermuda are good), although my tortoise (a leopard, a type of desert tortoise from Africa, not NA like yours but similar diet) won't even look at hay or pellets. His diet is literally mainly dandelions that I pick from the yard, grass weeds, and other weeds in our yard, with an occasional salad mix or vegetables like zucchini or squash.
You can also try growing fresh wheat or oat grass, ours loves that. If you need to grow it inside, you can try growing it in batches in something like this in a windowsill, we get wheat berry seeds from WinCo. Idk how often you feed strawberries or other fruits, but I would reduce to very limited treats, maybe a few times a month. I don't think shell waxing is really a thing anymore, but honestly yours looks really good for being cared for a decade without you having looked up the "proper" care, so good job whatever you're doing. Continue with the soaks and outside time, and maybe make a little diet adjustment for long term health, but good work so far.
It’s a mom and pop feed store where I live.
I just found this
Mazuri | Tortoise Diet | 25 Pound (25 lb.) Bag
It’s a little more expensive through Amazon but will still be a money saver.
We grow some wheat grass sprouts for our leopard, he really prefers fresh grass and refuses to eat. You can buy by the ounce from the bulk bins at a grocery store like WinCo (labeled red or white wheat berries), and it's way cheaper than ordering them online.
Before we moved him outside full time, we grew them in a sprouts container like this, and you can successively sow the seeds so that there's a batch ready every few days when he's done eating the previous round:
Kitchen Crop VKP1200 Time for Treats Seed Sprouter, | 6" Diameter Trays, 1 Oz Alfalfa Included
It really saves a lot of space and cleaner/easier than growing in a pot of dirt indoors. I wouldn't recommend feeding the included alfalfa seeds (alfalfa isn't good for them), but we've also grown barley and oat grass which is good.
I got mine something like this: ZHEQOGZH Reptile Rock Hideout Reptile Rock Hide Cave Reptile Hide Away Turtle Hideout for Bearded Dragon Tortoise Small Lizards Fish Amphibians
Just make sure it’s the correct size
Juvenile tortoises will probably stay in their hides most of the time because they’re small in size and hide from predators
Hm give it a go on Amazon or AliExpress? I'm not exactly sure in other countries. I like to build stuff myself :p
This kind of stuff, for the smaller bridges :p
Smart Plug, 2PCS WiFi Plug Smart Life Plug, Smart Socket Compatible with Alexa, Google Home, Remote and Voice Control Timing Function, No Hub Required
Here is a link for the ones I use for the tortoise table.
I have an Wi-Fi smart plug connected to the extension lead where I have all his lights and filter plugged in. I originally set it up as I work nights and not always up to switch it on when he wakes up. Today discovered I could control the app through my watch. I knew I could ask Alexa to ‘Switch on Sidney’s table’. This is the the plugs I used
Deal: Yuin Smart Plug with Energy Monitoring, WiFi Outlet Smart Sockets Alexa Accessories with Timing, Remote Control, Alexa, Google Home, IFTTT, TUYA Smart Plug Smart Life, No Hub Required,16A (2 Pack)
Aquarium Bio Filter Fish Tank...
This is a link I’ve found on Amazon for the same one. I’ve spent weeks looking for under gravel filters/shallow water filters and this seems to fit perfectly for what I wanted. Adding the rock pool originally made such a difference for Sid but my old setup I was having to take it out clean it every couple of days.
COOSPIDER Reptile Fogger Terrariums Humidifier Fog Machine Mister 3L Large Size Ideal for Paludarium/Vivarium/Reptiles/Amphibians/Herps
I’ve been looking into solutions for this as well and want to try an ultrasonic mister disc. They’re cheap and seem like they would be pretty effective.
Something like this is what I’ve had in mind. Even the small ones produce a pretty large amount of fog so it would probably be best to run it off a Humidistat.
REPTI ZOO 10L Reptile Mister Fogger Terrariums Humidifier Extremly High Pressure Silent Pump Fog Machine Misting Rainforest Sprayer System Tank with 4PCS Nozzles for a Variety of Reptiles/Amphibians
Or just a regular spray bottle like I used to do
Best Choice Products 48x24x30in Raised Garden Bed, Elevated Wood Planter Box Stand for Backyard, Patio, Balcony w/Bed Liner, 200lb Capacity it's 48x24! This is the cheapest garden bed I could find and since my tort is still a wee baby he will get a few years out of it. I think the total I spent was around 140!
Reptile Basking Platform Tortoise Rock Plate Turtle Bathing Area Feeding Food Dish Resting Terrace
Exactly! This is one I bought from Amazon.
The Android app is from the Playstore
The band was a bit of stretchy fabric that I sewed into a loop and added a little pocket for the Tile.
I use a 100 W Solar glow in the day for basking and in the actual tort house where he sleeps I use a ceramic heat emitter and a chicken coop heating pad.
I’ve heard the red light is bad because it can confuse the tort into thinking the substrate and other things in the cage are edible. The CHE does not give off any light
I found it in my local garden centre where they had rolls of it and you could just get the amount you needed cut off. The closest thing I could find on a quick search was this kind of thing.
I have a layer of that ugly looking plastic then a layer of normal black woven weed blocking fabric over the top to make it look nicer. The second layer isn't water proof but it protects the plastic a little and looks much better.
Little update:
been a couple of weeks , confirmed as a male.
Weighed Freddie when I got him came in at 3.6kg just under 8 lbs really stunted for an apparent 10 year old sulcata.
Shell is in pretty good condition , he can now lift his plastron fully off the ground walking is a lot better, getting more stable every week.
I have 12% Arcadia fluorescent, was planning to expose higher UVI for shorter period but as the weather has been great he spends is time outside grazing.
eating well, using Nekton-MSA twice weekly , calcium carbonate once a week.
uploaded couple of videos , his legs look quite bowed
I recommend getting a pump sprayer like this:
CHAPIN 20000 Garden Sprayer 1 Gallon Lawn
It is a lot easier than constantly spraying with a mist bottle.
Jackery Portable Power Station Explorer 300, 293Wh Backup Lithium Battery, 110V/300W Pure Sine Wave AC Outlet, Solar Generator (Solar Panel Not Included) for Outdoors Camping Travel Hunting Emergency
LOVE mine! I live in Northern Ontario in Canada and it works amazingly well, even in -30 weather. You can get solar panels as well to keep it charged! Perfect for keeping my redfoot’s home warm and humid during power outages.
I read on some tortoise forums that those compact fluorescent UV bulbs can burn the tortoises eyes. I’m not sure if that’s true anymore since the forum posts are several years old but I didn’t want to risk it. I personally like the ceramic heat emitters. They’re a bit expensive but they last 10 years. They don’t give off any light though so if you’re looking for an actual bulb then try a mercury vapor bulb (MVB). MVBs give off UVB as well as heat. Here’s a link for the ceramic heater:
Don’t use a deep dome with these. A deep dome is kinda like the one you showed in the pic. Try to find a fixture that’s wider so it disperses heat. They also have those metal cages for the ceramic heat emitters, it’s really up to you as long as the wattage and stuff match the fixture. Also ceramic heaters can get pretty hot depending on your enclosure size and how far from the substrate you put them. I recommend using a thermostat if you don’t already have one. Here’s a link to the one I have:
Sorry for long post, hope this helps. Btw I’m in no way an expert, I’ve just read a lot of tortoise forum posts and tried lots of different bulbs myself and this is the combination that works for me
I would recommend getting an infrared thermometer and a pack of humidity/temp meters. That way you can always know what the temp is in every corner of your enclosure and you can move the humidity meters around to keep an eye on humid spots.
Don’t forget about your UVB lights
I often try to find different things for my tort to climb on and the one thing that my little monster loved was this.
It's easy to climb on because of all the little holes in it and he also love to slide on from top to bottom.
Of course he still do the "jump" from time to time but not as often as he used to.
These are an inexpensive, if imprecise, way to get some peace of mind. You can use each one something like 500 times, so in my opinion, definitely worth it. I am similarly paranoid about my tortoise’s wellbeing so I use these every few days until I can afford a fancy meter. Some bulbs burn out faster than others (you might need to change it after anywhere from 6-12 months) and even mesh lids can block a ton of UVB, but if you hold it down where your tortoise is and it still turns pretty purple then you know you’re all set!
JEDEW 4-Pack Mini Hygrometer Thermometer Digital LCD Monitor Indoor/Outdoor Humidity Meter Gauge Temperature for Humidifiers Dehumidifiers Greenhouse Reptile Plant Humidor Fahrenheit(℉) or Celsius(℃)
Fill it enough that he can sit in it and his head can remain out cause as you know tortoises can’t swim … soak him several times a week… I soak my tort once a day and he drinks and then does his bowel movements in there(less to clean up in enclosure) make sure to add this to all his water drinking and bath
That's a perfect substrate, that's actually exactly what mine is made with.
For the bulb it means a non light source. I will provide two types of these bulbs.
Never ever use red bulbs. It hurts their eyes.
Deep Heat Projector Reptile Heat Lamp (100W), Basking Light for Bearded Dragon & Leopard Gecko, Carbon Infrared Heater for Amphibian Pet
LUCKY HERP 75W Ceramic Heat Emitter, Reptile Heat Bulbs, Ceramic Heat Lamp for Reptiles, Amphibian, Chicken, Dog, Cat (2-Pack)
Dreyoo Reptile humidifier is better than the zoomed. I know this because Ive owned both. I ended up returning the zoomed for a 2nd Dreyoo reptile humidifier 4 gallon. i bought them all on amazon.
Dreyoo Reptile Humidifier Fogger,...
This is hands down the best book I’ve seen (but it might be overkill)
Essentials of Tortoise Medicine and Surgery
The UV strip light (Zilla Tropical T8 Light Fixture that got delivered yesterday is trash. The light goes off every few mins and I have to tinker with it to get it back on.
What‘s everyone use for UV for their tortoises? Links appreciated.
While most people recommend an 8 ft x 4 ft enclosure for tortoises, I think this will be fine for now! Still a bit on the smaller side, but definitely an upgrade! As for bedding, I use a combination of Eco Earth and Coco Coir currently, but am planning on using a mixture of Eco Earth and Repti Bark next time. Any of those beddings are perfect! You can also use Timothy hay, which I also use for a small part of the enclosure!
Not to sway your decision, but this is the enclosure I use and have been fairly happy with it, but am looking to make a larger tortoise table soon.
For context
i got Molly early September of 2020. i got her from pet store and they said that a 20 gallon glass tank is a okay size for her size (at the time) but that in about 2 years she’ll need a bigger tank. i later found out that you shouldn’t put them in a glass tank and should keep them in a enclosure instead. but about 2 weeks ago her tank cracked when i was cleaning it so i’m use this time to upgrade her to a enclosure( The enclosure i’m thinking about getting, Tortoise House Wooden Tortoise Enclosures, Indoor Tortoise Habitat Outdoor Reptile Cage -Upgrade Version ) again she’ll just be in the tote until i get the enclosure. i’ll of course put all her accessories and he belongings in the tort along with bedding (also what type of bedding should i get her?, i’ve seen a few times that it’s best to use a mixture of Coco Choir and bark)
A simple hydrometer will work. I use this one Zoo Med Labs Digital Thermometer Humidity Gauge, Single (TH-31) .
Are you soaking him daily? That’s the most important part for tortoises who are still growing up.
I got the 200watt fixture and 100watt mercury bulb off amazon.
They look pretty generic. I got this one, but I think probably the cheaper ones by a few bucks would work just as well.
Recently changed my Horsfield's bedding, he's got grass pellets on the table (his favourite) and I'm trying out Komodo edible bedding in his hide - About a day or two after I changed the bedding, these little flies appeared. There's about 20 or so of them, they're quite sedentary and only really move when I disturb them, and they're distinctly clustered above and around the table, they haven't appeared anywhere else in the house. Has anyone seen this before? Should I be worried?
Solarmeter Model 6.5R Reptile UV Index Meter, ABS Polymer, Black
As a warning, it ain’t cheap. But I think its worth it to have.
I bought one of these when my guys were small and we lived in an apartment. It made a great humid closed chamber by putting a tarp in between the two beds and duct taping the edge of the green house to the top bed. You can then regulate humidity by opening the zipper. I loved it because it gave them plenty of space and I Added a wooden platform with a ramp for more floor space later and then when we moved into a house I converted it back to a normal garden bed.
Are you getting a hatchling or an adult (i can link you to care sheets)? Do you have a plan for food? Make sure you check the temperatures before you get the tortoise. What lights are you using? How big is the enclosure?
Yes! They gave her a little beak and nail trim. As for the missing toenails, she has all of them! I'm just a terrible photographer lol. But I do have a question about food. More specifically growing it indoors. I bought these seeds... But so far, no luck. Any suggestions? And just double checking, kale isn't good for her, cause it can bind to calcium, right?
Incase you only want to feed romaine lettuce this is great: along with a cuttlefish bone, don't buy any calcium as the cuttlefish bone let's the tort manage their calcium intake.
> you just add 1 big pellet to their food and your set.
Ohhhhhhh.... I thought that I was supposed to feed it to him in place of the other food. I bought that stuff a couple of years ago and he never touched it. I don't think I ever mixed it and I certainly never simply added just one grass pellet to his regular food. I'll give that shot, thanks!
Last winter he was eating so infrquently that I bought a LAN camera to try to see if I could "catch him" eating while I was away. Beyond that, I bought this "critical care" powder. He also used to avoid food when I added flower-toppers to it but he eats it now if I sprinkle just a few of the purple/violet flowers petals on top of his pellets. Same with the critical care power, he never easts it on it's own but if I add some to his regular T-Rex pellets he'll eat it.
Thanks for the idea. He certainly didn't go for his "banquet block" so I'm happy to hear that the grassland pellets will do the trick for providing calcium.
I have the calcium with d3 and multivitamins ready I do have a fogger and some moss to keep the humidity plus i also bought the ceramic heater to keep warm for the whole enclosure plus it will also turn off as I also bought a temp controller so when it detects a certain temp that I want which is 90 it will turn it off and will turn it on if it gets too cold also do. you think this UVB bulb is good I got the 20 watt tropical bulb but there is also a dessert one I only got one my setup is a dual dome which will use the uvb and the 100-watt ceramic heater together
You would definitely need a basking spot. Both of mine love to bask. They can always be found under their fave plants, mainly the pony palm, in the cave, or sleeping under the basking light. I use a non light basking bulb rather then a ceremic emitter. It drys out the air less the the ceremic and focuses it downward for a basking spot rather then a ceremic which is a all around heat.
It's not best to use a ceramic bulb with redfoots as they dry out the air a lot more then heating the ground, you can use these types of non light bulbs. I'm blanking on the exact name but here is a generic Amazon one.
My basking bulb is a combo uvb and heat light. I also have a double fixture of T5 bulbs to provide as much UVB as possible.
You also want calcium with D3 since they are shade dwellers they won't bask much. Doesn't mean they never bask tho. Just not as much as a desert tort per say. The combo of d3 and extra uvb will help with them since they hide for most of the day only coming to bask in mornings and evenings.
This is an amazing and cheap temperature controller. I use this connected to a 150W ceramic heat emitter. You could use a smaller size, like 100W, if your enclosure is smaller. It ensures the substrate where my tortoise is burrowed doesn't drop below 80 degrees at night.
You should check this website out, it has a lot of good ideas for enrichment ( link here )
I also think if you made a play enclosure for them that could be a nice way to let them explore a new space and get some stimulation and allow them to interact with each other for a few hours each day. and if they are not able to be together you can put a mesh barrier to separate them and split the pin, but still allow them to see and hear and smell each other
you could use something like this playpen on amazon for an idea maybe
Sorry I'm bored scrolling and noticed you were also looking for help with food in another post. Weeds and leaves are great for these guys. Tortoise table app is awesome. Also you can check this out for a supplement. Flukers is good too.
Ok I was going to say I will take him if you can't care for him. I have an outdoor inclosure. He can live outside, just make sure he can't dig out and there is a closed top because hawks, other raptors even raccoons will take them. You can use a kiddie pool with a hard screen top (make sure it's sturdy and hawks or raccoons can't get in.) On nice warm days he can go out. Cooler days or night bring him in.
This is the outdoor pen I have for my baby torts.
Tusco Products TRSQ15BK Square Saucer, 15-Inch, Black Little expensive but 15 inches wide.
Sorry didnt notice this, been looking for one that is ready and found something on amazon
But I decided to make my own, will post the steps and the final product once done as I have been running around and planning it for the last 2 days.
I would just go for something along these lines - - then make it 50/50 or 25/75 with normal top soil (try to get organic and make sure there are no chemicals in it)
You can buy something like this which is very cheap and can tell you what temps are in different locations in the enclosure... you'll have to figure it out for yourself based on the temperature requirements of your species and the readings.
Remember it takes a while for the thermometer to adjust and give an accurate reading so leave it in place for a while.
i think most aquatic turtle filter (like this )should do fine since they're designed to be used on low level water
I have one of these light stand
Maybe but I just upgraded to a bigger one here it is.
I purchased this from Amazon:
I like the overall Aivituvin, but it required a lot of post-work (which is likely reflected i. The price). First, assembly of the entire habitat was required. Nothing was pre-assembled. Then, I applied three coats of clear sealant on the outside and inside (it isn’t treated). I then applied silicone sealant along the bottom edges of the inside. I secured the entire set-up to a bottom board for support.
I installed Mist King and two spouts. I’m currently working on what the right schedule will be.
UVA/UVB powersun for heating and sun. Basking rock underneath that I found in the woods.
Soaking station for baths and morning dooties.
Three condiment cups have tortoise grazing seeds planted that will grow in various areas to promote natural grazing. I might add one or two to the sleeping quarters. I buy tortoise grazing seed mix from Zella Jake Farms on Etsy.
Safe toys and rocks that promote mind stimulation.
The sleeping quarters is Terra Firma from Bio Dude (who I use exclusively for all my critters) and cork bark that she can burrow in and/or under. Subtle night light.
You could get a roll of coconut husk and line the inside. Like this stuff coconut mat (not for substrate though, just the walls) I do agree that a wooden tortoise table would be best, but some times you have to make due with what you have for a while.
Also Would this be good? Sorry for asking a lot of questions
I use a combo of the coconut substrate abd coconut bark/chips. Here’s some links to buy on Amazon though I’ve found that (as mentioned earlier) tends to have more in stock and better deals sometimes.
(2 Pack) Zoo Med Eco Earth Bricks
ReptiChip Premium Coconut Reptile Substrate, 72 Quarts, Perfect for Pythons, Boas, Lizards, and Amphibians
compressed coconut substrate I have used this before. It gets a little stringy when it breaks down but will do in a pinch. It’s super compressed so you end up getting quite a lot in the end. I would boil multiple pots of hot water to not only decompress the block but kill any potential buggies inside (I never had that issue though with this).
Watch out which one you get if you go the cool mist modding route: the one I tried to mod just ended up blocking up at the tube after 5-10 minutes. :( The gf got an armoatheraphy unit of of that excusion. Haha.
I got this reptile fogger on amazon, and it's been amazing. The tank lasts 2-3 days on the middle setting (on a humidity probe controller), and on high it can completely fog the enclosure. I accidentally turned Sydneys enclosure into a metallica concert the first time I ran it, not realizing the power it held. Just needed a laser light show.
Please make sure that you buy a greenhouse or grow tent and a bigger bin for him/her! here’s the link. They need lots of shade so I recommend plenty of shade. Closed enclosures are best for tortoises to avoid pyramiding. Definitely will need an outdoor enclosure. I’m sure you know how to feed cherryheads so I won’t explain the diet. Remove the moss as it can impact the tortoise if eaten. I hope that this is a temporary enclosure, a 40-ish inch bin should last a year (or two). Goodluck! (This enclosure is good if you’re putting him/her outside for a few hours a week to get uvb, if youre putting it outside you won’t need a uvb bulb)
No. Buy a mini portable greenhouse and place it on top. He/she will probably need an outdoor inclosure in the future. here’s the link, you can buy a bigger or smaller one, but it depends on the size of the bookcase. Don’t forget to remove the shelves!
I got mine a little “play gym” (that’s what I’m gonna call it), it has a little ramp (not too steep), a tunnel that he sleeps in (he barely fits lol), and another ramp. this is the link I removed his half log for a few days and placed the play gym in, he still climbs it but doesn’t flip over as much. You can also add fake plants or Aloe Vera/succulents by the log.
I did a quick google search and it seems like their diet is quite similar to Sulcatas. If you’re worried that he may get hungry I recommend buying small pots and planting these grass in his enclosure. Not only its nice because tortoises like plants, but its also high in fiber and safe to eat. The grass plant is super easy to grow and its actually quite pretty.
I recommend you change out your substrate as soon as possible. The white stones (perlite) can impact your tortoise which can lead to death. Eco earth, cypress mulch, or orchid bark are also great for humidity if moistened properly. Pour 1-2 cups of water into the mulch/bark/eco earth and mix until it’s nice and incorporated. Spraying barely does anything to the surface. You can get a mini portable greenhouse for about 30 dollars on amazon. here’s the link
My Hermann only eats romaine lettuce and Mazuri I have to soak the pellets in water and then give them to him.