If anybody is interested, here's Will.i.am's previous attempts at stuff:
Car: http://www.celebritycarsblog.com/wp-content/uploads/will-i-am-car-600x388.jpeg
Watch: https://thenextweb.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2014/10/william_2014_48.jpg
Both... were a bust lol
I moved to a raspberry pi running openzwave and home assistant. I am going to be installing a zigbee radio once that arrives. Its been a long road setting it up, but its the way to go if you are willing to get dirty. I have so much more incite into everything. I know if my locks were locked with a zwave function, or manually. I can automate based on that. I can tie into my wireless access points and figure out who is home based off of what devices are connected to the network.
If you are willing to put in the time, its worth making the switch. It also takes you out of the cloud, so flipping lights on through your cell phone is instant compared to eventually.
I emailed them and asked them to delete my account and all associated data. I got a reply saying it was done, opened the app and it asked me to sign in. ifttt.com emailed saying my connection was broken. So they've at least disabled my account. I kind of wish I changed my email address before, use the + after the username in a Gmail address so I could tell if they've sold it.
Yeah I saw their attempted charge come through for me yesterday. SO glad I use privacy.com burner/virtual credit card numbers for stuff like this. I blocked my Wink card number after 24 hours of down-time after I ordered my Hubitat hub the other day.
Call your card company and get it refunded since they did not provide the service they were paid to provide...
1) Go to https://ifttt.com/channels, create an account and sign in. 2) Search for "Wink" in the text box that says "Search Channels" about a 1/3 of the way down on the page. 3) Click on the channel icon that says "Wink: Shortcuts" 4) Click on the button that says "Connect". 5) Enter your Wink app email and password. 6) Click on the "Authorize" button. 7) A message should come up saying "Successfully Connected" 8) Find or create a wink recipe
However, HomeAssistant will link to a wink hub, and can be set to know when a phone is on the local wifi.
It can do automation, can control the Wink Hub.
Here is an iOS receipe, I'm sure there is an Android one.
Essentially you set up IFTTT to turn on the power pivot genius. And that's all you do in IFTTT.
Then in the wink app, set-up a robot to detect when the power pivot genius turns on to 1. Open garage door and then 2. Open locks.
You can do the reverse as a second IFTTT recipe and a second robot when you leave your geofence area. I'm assuming iOS or Android will have a much better geofence area set-up so it should work better.
FYI - before everyone gets their panties in a twist -
The Armis BlueBorne scanner indicates the WinkHub2 and NestCams as LOW-RISK devices.
[Edited] - Tile trackers are low-risk devices as well.
They were part of several panels, but those aren't generally available to the public.
C|Net did post a talk today though:
Send an email stating you wish to cancel your account to [email protected], and you will get their auto-reply very quickly. Review that message and respond with what you want them to do (i.e. Option 4, delete everything). Then dispute with your credit card company. See my tip above on using privacy.com for subscription services like these so you can retain 100% positive control of your $$ using virtual/burner credit card numbers.
Just a tip here on the "stealing another payment" thing - I'd recommend checking into a service like privacy.com. They allow you to generate merchant-specific virtual or "burner" credit card numbers that you can "pause" or cancel outright. That way, you use the virtual/burner number for any subscriptions / services / sketchy internet orders / etc, and pause/kill it when you want, on YOUR terms. ;) I've used privacy.com for a couple years now and it's GREAT!
Cool, just set it up to turn off the lights and lock the doors when Nest detects AWAY mode. Have always wanted that feature (Nest knows best when I'm away or home!)
FORTUNATELY for me I bought a hubitat although I've slacked since getting it HOWEVER TOMORROW MORNING so long wink ya useless POS!
BOGGLES my mind WHY they INSIST on cloud BS when they DO NOT MONETIZE it! It just shafts customers when it INEVITABLY GOES DOWN.
OTOH IF the HAD MONETIZED it I would've been gone even longer ago, or more likely NEVER purchased one.
I guess the answer is that putting your shit in a shittily flakey cloud is cool and shit versus a RELIABLE product... I wonder how much longer before their bankruptcy filing...
On a slightly more reliable note but not wanting Amazon/Google collecting any more info than they have I'm also going to try out a mycroft setup or in my case picroft. https://mycroft.ai/
Problem will be not even hubitat apparently has support for it ATM, OTOH maybe the hack project that I need after I wrangle hubitat into action and build a picroft... (the prebuilt mycroft's are assininely expensive for what they are...)
At this point in time we need a wink deathwatch megathread, but hey just my opinion as I can't see them surviving these CONSTANT outages...
I just learned about OpenHAB and installed it on a spare Raspberry Pi. It could be a winner after getting some dashboards configured. https://www.openhab.org/. All of the features, a fraction of the cost.
Nice this totally worked for me thanks.
I did use the most recent nodesource node.js instead of the incredibly old version that comes with ubuntu.
I did version 5 and it works like a charm.
I think "poaching" is a bit of a difficult term in this current situation.
Amazon did the right thing. Jeff doesn't need the money. I'm surprised Amazon hasn't already released a Z-Wave compatible hub and/or just bought Wink (but I think that says something about the value of Wink -- let it fail).
Will.i.am could've stepped in at any moment and righted this.
When you think about "how most consumers think" in this, Amazon is taking heat @ "My Alexa isn't doing what I told her to do!" So for Amazon, at this scale, to do this...it says something. I (don't like to predict the future) do not think Wink will be alive after 2021. All speculation, but I'm willing to bet on it.
Here's the Amazon email screenshot:
Here's the direct link provided in the email:
Here's the coupon code:
I got one of the go control kits that comes with a motion and 2 doors for $42 off amazon and they work. https://www.amazon.com/GOCONTROL-WNK01-21KIT-Essential-Z-Wave-Security/dp/B00XUXYSWU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1479839716&sr=8-1&keywords=go+control
You could get one of these to do it iHome Smart Plug, Wi-Fi, Works with Amazon Alexa https://www.amazon.com/dp/B010ACFEI0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_WY4EybYNY115N
But honestly, I think you should get a wink hub 2 if you can and use Ethernet instead of wifi.
Take a look at this product on Amazon. It can reboot your router on a schedule or whenever internet connectivity goes down. I've used it for a while at my house, and now several of my neighbors use it too.
I got these on Amazon. But there are lots of options, including clear if that's what you want. I went with white because I want to actually cover the lutron icons.
Thanks for the icons link, super useful.
I have 2 of these - works with Amazon Echo too.
Leviton DZS15-1BZ Decora Z-Wave Controls 15-Amp Scene Capable Switch
Android down to 1.8 today. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.quirky.android.wink.wink
Apple sitting at a 2.3 currently. This rating looks weird though, there are far more 1 stars than anything else. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/wink-smart-home/id719287124
I'm using the GoControl Z-Wave Siren and Strobe. The reason I have it in the shortcut is so it turns off if I accidentally trigger the alarm. I just hit that shortcut or trigger it through Alexa.
The files and instructions are here https://github.com/jhotmann/TaskerWinkAPI
You will need the AutoAlarm app for getting your alarm time https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.joaomgcd.autoalarm
If you have any questions or issues let me know.
Tasker didn't. I did :P
You can absolutely do it with my Tasker project.
Install some like Trigger (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jwsoft.nfcactionlauncher) and then use it to call the "Wink Process Command" task in my Tasker project linked below. The OP for that G+ page explains what to put into the "Wink Process Command" task to control a device.
I believe you are referring to the GE Link bulbs, which, yes are Zigbee.
There are much better zigbee bulbs on the market now.
It is possible that you may be trying to program an action that is not supported by Alexa voice control. Alexa is only able to understand commands and Shortcuts for Lights, Thermostats, or Locks. You would need to use IFTTT to link Wink Shortcuts to a trigger word on Amazon Alexa in order to do other actions. You can try to look into Ifttt.com, or give Wink customer service a call so we can help answer any questions. We can be reached at 1-844-Wink-app, M-Sat 11am-9pm EST.
Well, by allowing the app to start a stringify flow, or function as an IFTTT trigger, the number of platforms is no longer limited. I could add things to the app that aren't natively supported.
I could also add things that aren't exposed by Wink. Like door lock functions.
I think you might be halfway there already, as you have the ability to go to a webpage. There may be a way to just direct to a web service if IFTTT has one; (I guarantee they at least have support for a service that may do it) or cobble something together to allow an end user to set up an http request themselves. Clicking a button to send a POST or something.
Edit: Here you go. https://ifttt.com/maker_webhooks
Allowing the end user to push a button to send a simple web request opens up all kinds of possibilities and would allow interfacing with the whole IFTTT ecosystem.
Edit 2: Even better if said button had multiple options or could report the return value of the web service. A string, or whatever and display it. Could act as confirmation or toggle status.
Here is an IFTTT applet to do just that.
I'm not really sure how well it'd work, since I haven't tried it, but it seems like the right thing.
How about IFTTT?
Edit: Here you go.... Oops, this does lock the door, but IFTTT can just send a text or email.
You should check out https://home-assistant.io it works with Wink and you can link tons of different brands together. However like mentioned you can manually trigger an alert on either type of smoke detector.
If you have a way to make network calls (via power shell maybe) you could run Home Assistant on the media center and make a call to it's API with the Wink component enabled. https://home-assistant.io/components/wink/
If you are a developer in any way and think Home Assistant is over kill you could cut it out and just use python-wink.
These are cool, and a lot of people love them for use with Home Assistant, but there is no way to integrate these with Wink directly.
You should look in to Home Assistant, check out r/homeassistant and https://home-assistant.io
Wink works with Home Assistant and it also works with TONS of other products allowing them to all "talk" to each other.
I reckon they did exactly that. Amazon also (sort of) sells a hackable "iot button" that can call your own stuff. Of course, it isn't subsidized by a retail product, so it costs a lot more. https://aws.amazon.com/iot/button/
Another choice you have is to use Home Assistant with your Wink hub. Wink-connected devices are controlled locally by HASS; ergo automations written in HASS are way faster than cloud-dependent Wink robots.
My experience with Wink Hub 2 is that automations using HASS (eg. motion detected using Wink-connected motion sensor to turn on Wink-connected z-wave switch) are pretty much instantaneous. Certainly much faster than using a Wink Robot for the same ....
Some good info in that thread. Wink instructions link is dead. Here's the correct one:
You should look into HomeAssistant. I have automations running that do this very thing; Turn on an activity on the Harmony, fade up the lights, wait 1.5 minutes and then fade the lights down a bit. But only if it's sunset or 45 minutes before. HA allows you to take all of your disparate systems and tie them together into something truly useful. And it's free, open source and runs on a Raspberry Pi.
Figured it was one of his, dude does good work, but video might be a bit out of date. I actually use systemd as opposed to init.d as it's the more modern way of doing it.
I then setup some aliases so I can just kick things off a little easier:
alias homeassistant-restart='sudo systemctl restart home-assistant@pi' alias homeassistant-stop='sudo systemctl stop home-assistant@pi' alias homeassistant-start='sudo systemctl start home-assistant@pi' alias homeassistant-status='sudo systemctl status home-assistant@pi' alias homeassistant-upgrade='sudo pip3 install --upgrade homeassistant' alias homeassistant-logs='sudo journalctl -f -u home-assistant@pi'
Someone posted about a similar issue here following the same setup.
I actually manually call out my HUE setup, all of my HA stuff uses DHCP reservation which I find helps setting up this type of stuff:
light: platform: hue host: {IP} allow_unreachable: true scan_interval: 10
allow_unreachable is an option I used for when I was, seems to be fixed recently, having problems with some my outdoor lights saying unavailable but they still responded to commands. Kept it from greying them out in HA.
scan_interval probably isn't needed anymore, also was a workaround for the unreachable lights.
>I have motion sensors in most of my house, and have lights set to turn on when motion is detected and turn off after no motion has been detected for a certain amount of time.
A robot will do that. May actually need two, one for the motion detector to turn the light on and then one to turn the light off.
>I have my exterior lights set to turn on at sunset, and then turn off at sunrise.
That's very easy, you can enter a schedule in and give it sunrise and sunset for the times. It will also take offsets so you can have it turn off an hour after sunrise. I do this with my porch light except I have it turn off for a few hours at night.
>I have my front porch lights set to turn on either when motion is detected outside after dark, or if my door is opened after dark. Same as one, just an additional robot for the motion sensor.
>I have baseboard heaters hooked up to z-wave outlets in two rooms of my house. I have them linked to temperature sensors in those rooms to keep the temp at 65 degrees if there’s been motion in those rooms in the past 30 minutes.
I think a robot can do this but I don't have anything similar setup.
>I’m not sure if Wink has anything similar to the routines/modes that SmartThings has. I have modes for home/night/away. It switches between these based on whether anyone is home.
You can have either shotcuts or a robot disable/enable robots. Something else you may want to look at is https://home-assistant.io/. It connects to Wink and can add some additional features.
I've got some stuff set up here for my locks: https://github.com/miniconfig/palafita using HomeAssistant as the itermediary, if you want a solution that doesn't require Android, but does require a bit more setup.
I use the Intermatic version. It is a lot cheaper. It is an Amazon link, sorry not sorry. https://www.amazon.com/Intermatic-CA3750-Multi-Volt-120-277VAC-Contactor/dp/B000YUCES2/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1541351426&sr=8-2&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=zwave+240v&dpPl=1&dpID=41rbOeFzELL&ref=plSrch
Yes, you can easily find them on Amazon, https://smile.amazon.com/SYLVANIA-Changing-Equivalent-SmartThings-Assistant/dp/B0197840KQ/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1548692257&sr=8-9&keywords=osram+lightify
And yes I use them with robots and shortcuts to change the colors.
Amazon seemed to have a decent price on the PRO at $112.
This was way cheaper than replacing each Lutron Caseta switch with an Inovelli no neutral switch.
I wish I could have just gone Inovelli no neutral, but I have 5 to replace and that would have been around $175 plus taxes.
Have you tried installing the home assistant app itself on the tablet rather than a web browser? Does that work well? https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.homeassistant.companion.android&hl=en_US
Yeah its this one here, i bought a used one from Amazon for $20 but it was in ok shape, just missing the sticky part. with the multi sensor you can have it do a bunch of different things like detect vibrations after midnight and turn on the lights. in my case im just using it to make sure the door locks after 10 minutes if the door is closed.
if the door is open for longer than 10 minutes, you can have it send you an alert message.
as for the user codes, there are 'SmartApps' you can enable. the thing with SmartThings is they have a classic app and a new app. for some reason, majority of the smartapps only work with the classic app. This is the one i installed for user codes:
The community is great, there are so many things i have yet to discover.
I just bought on Amazon the Singled hub and lights. Luckily, I had two of them already I was using. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N2TVDYQ?ref=emc_p_m_9_b
Sort of like Amazon still selling this: https://www.amazon.com/Silver-Mother-Smart-Care-Loved/dp/B0169P8JXO/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1873YW99ZJ7H4&keywords=sen.se+mother&qid=1575670132&sprefix=sen.se%2Caps%2C203&sr=8-3
It won't work at all since it needs a cloud connection and the company has been out of business for more than a year.
I've been using Transparent Weather on my home screen since I got my first Android. It's one of the first apps I bought a premium upgrade for. So I'm hopeful that will work and that should provide a decent Relay home screen. Anything after that is gravy. LOL
EDIT: Just checked and it should work on 4.4 and up. Further thoughts; I could probably use another tool I found a long time ago; HTTP Request Shortcuts. It allows you to make widgets that do http requests - posts/gets/etc. - and you could make calls to anything with a decent API, like HomeAssistant for instance. It works on 4.1 and up so you could actually build a few usable Relay screens!
I use this with Wink. It shows up as a "Leak Sensor" and has saved my ass once so far. Well, saved me from major damage. There was a leak but I got the phone alert and managed to stop it within a minute rather than it going for hours or days. Water heater blew, it was a big deal. It is still on the original battery after two years. You can test it just by setting it on your hand - if the metal prongs on the bottom detect any conductivity it goes off. Beeps loud and your wink notifications will go off on your phone.
Sorry if this doesn't help.
It looks like there is a 3rd generation that is actually cheaper. I wonder why it's cheaper?
> No neutral: PD-6WCL dimmer, PD-5WS-DV switch
Thanks! didnt know this existed.
These seem like a much better deal
I picked these up. The great reviews and low cost of two outweighed the need for Wink integration. I now have both our Christmas trees in a schedule and can control the plugs with google home.
I’m using this with stringify to open/close our garage door. It shows up as a door but you can use the open or close state as a button press.
Samsung SmartThings Button [GP-U999SJVLEAA] One-Touch Remote Control for Lights, Appliances, and Scenes - SmartThings Hub Compatible - ZigBee - White https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07F8ZFFQK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_4az4BbBM6J63G
I don't think this is possible with IFTTT. I believe I did something similar with Yonomi a while back. Give it shot and report back. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.yonomi&hl=en
Several years ago I bought eight Aeotec flood sensors for $150 on eBay. They run through batteries (2xAAA) every 3 months. So keep the cost/frequency/chore of frequent battery replacement in mind as you pick the cheapest sensor - if I was doing it again, I sure wouldn't pick what I did.
I'm in the same boat as you. Wink 2 is my zigbee/zwave radio. Though I am considering getting this guy for $40 and being pure HA
What are your thoughts on that?
Reported it to Wink several times. Of little utility. Waxman's solution is to pair the valve to their hub. I am most likely to replace the unit with a z-wave water valve.
BTW, this is the Aeon Labs water sensor that I use - I have eight of them. Batteries last between 5-6 months. There is a newer version with longer battery life that can also be mains powered.
Yes, but you have to get the Lutron pico remote that works via Zigbee rather than Clear Connect.
Lutron LZL-4B-WH-L01 Connected Bulb Remote https://www.amazon.com/dp/B014STZASK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_-Yr2AbER079XE
You can set it to turn on individual bulbs, or turn on entire scenes.
This might work: SYLVANIA LIGHTIFY ZigBee 2 Button Wireless Dimmer Switch, Works with SmartThings, Hub Needed for Amazon Alexa or the Google Assistant https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0196M620Y/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_Jft2AbCSWS0E5
Also, if you search Amazon for Zigbee remote, a couple come up that might work. Good luck!
The GE Model 14294 is $40 on amazon Its "officially" recognized by wink - Linking this switch up with wink hub 2 is super easy
Aw man... I just ordered a Lightify 2-button Dimming Switch today expecting to hook it up with my Wink 2 hub because according to the Amazon description, it should be compatible. Pretty weird that it specifically says "Pair your switch to a compatible ZigBee hub such as SmartThings or Wink."
Some Wink users (hub 1 or hub 2) use a secondary controller to configure z-wave parameters for Wink-connected z-wave devices. I use a Remotec ZRC-100, but I know of others using GE z-wave remotes.
Just a note for people who might want a switch in both locations you can use a Lutron remote with a wall plate in the 2nd location to control the light.
i've recently purchased the Leviton DZPA1-2BW Decora Smart Plug-in Outlet at this link https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01NAO4B9Z/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
they were completely setup through my Wink Hub 2 without any external app needed. setup my groups and robots and now all my christmas lights go on and off with a schedule
The GE Link Lights are awesome and extremely easy! https://www.amazon.com/GE-60-Watt-Equivalent-1-Pack-Zigbee/dp/B00NOL16K0
You can look at all the retailers that sell them and even try a used one for cheap. https://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B00NOL16K0/ref=dp_olp_all_mbc?ie=UTF8&condition=all
Here's the gist of it:
As for the cosmetics, others have alluded that the switch plate covers will not fit. However, the thread pitch is the same and so you should be able to get one screw to thread properly. I used a blank wall plate and covered the inside with black duct tape because the blinking blue LED on the switch was making me crazy when I'd watch movies. I used the top screw to hold the plate onto the Remotec switch, and then took a second screw and used a Dremel to grind it down to just the head of the screw, then glued that onto the lower screw hole on the wall plate. It looks like both screws are in, but in reality it's just the top one holding it in place.
I assume it pings and will reboot based on that
No comment on Omega or what it means for Wink, but I did notice that the model in the promo video was wearing i.am+ Buttons headphones (00:39 - 00:46 in the video.) Here's the YouTube link for the video.
Many fireplaces aren’t powered at the existing wall switch; it’s just a switch that closes a loop to turn the solenoid that opens the flow of gas past either a pilot or ignitor.
Something like this looks perfect, BUT while the damn thing looks compatible with Decora-style cover plates, it isn’t (it’s a little too wide).
It doesn’t come with a compatible cover plate, either.
It’s also not UL listed. :-(
I bought a Pico remote hoping it would be able to control my other lights or trigger shortcuts. It can't though. The good news is that this other Lutron remote CAN:
We have two of these, one mounted to a wall plate using the included 3M backed tape and one in the upstairs bedroom.
I haven't used their nano dimmer, but I do have several of their microswitches playing nicely with Hub 2 (and the original hub).
I just put the hub into z-wave inclusion mode, and clicked the button on the switch.
Not the solution you're looking for, but this is what I use - resets my cable modem automatically when connectivity is lost:
There is also this:
I returned it. Going to install one of these today instead: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00ZIRV40K/ref=od_aui_detailpages00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Still has zwave / repeater, works with alexa, can hook up a c wire.
Ok. I was thinking that was the problem. I did some research and I should be able to replace the zigbee module with a zwave one and it should work with the wink. I found this one : https://www.amazon.com/Yale-Z-wave-Module-Electronic-CP2-5-3/dp/B00QBQBVAA and i'm going to give it a try.
I don't have one, but your post got me interested in looking, as I am currently getting ready to add some smart switches. The price of these are great, your adding a motion sensor for just a few dollars more then a normal smart switch.
Anyways back to your question, I found this review on the dimmer version of the switch
> So, it works. Well, stand alone it works fine. Wink does not fully support it. So you get a phantom sensor that you can't control in the app and you get two switches (both do the same thing) in the app. They are aware of the need to upgrade their app. The tech was surprised since they support the Zwave switch and dimmers from GE without a problem. I was too. So, it works, I am keeping it, but with Wink, it's a bit winky. I replaced a sensor and non-dimmer switch with this. I like it
Will these work? They're about 15 bucks cheaper and supported by Wink.
Edit: Probably not as I think they're only 15A
I didn't see anything either with a quick look.
Not sure if this would fit into your outlet box, but there are "contact modules" that are 20A. You probably would have to have a double gang box with a blanking plate over the controller.
This looks similar to what I am thinking you would do. https://community.smartthings.com/t/garage-zwave-relay-switch/1176
I switched to SmartThings, but ran into a similar problem. It's not cheap, but I picked up one of these to work around the problem. Instead of using the dawn/dusk triggers, I use this sensor to detect illuminance levels (just have it sitting it one of my windows). Kind of nice as it allows me to turn lights on during days that dark storms come through.
No, this switch is for hard wired fixtures. I have one that controls my front porch light, and another switch that controls my ceiling fan. You may want to look at the Leviton DZPD3-1BW Decora Z-Wave Controls 300-Watt LED/CFL Compatible Plug-In Dimming Lamp Module. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01GONGX3E/ref=twister_B01KUY8VUQ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
The hub is not on a light switch. The cable modem is plugged into a switchable smart plug: https://www.amazon.com/Individually-Appliance-SmartThings-Compatible-Inovelli/dp/B01K6J1Y1I/ This is handy because sometimes internet problems can be fixed by restarting the modem. When the plug gets switched to off (which seemed to happen the other day when the power flickered), there doesn't seem to be a way to turn it back on automatically because with no internet, the Wink hub doesn't activate any Robots and only responds to local, direct control.
I've started using these and have been very impressed with how well they work. They're also completely hidden which is nice.
Unless something has changed recently, the Osram Lightify SmartHome Dimming Switch doesn't work with the Wink hub (or hub 2). Most of my zigbee lighting is automated through Stringify flows - so I use Alexa most often to trigger changes that I need. But for my living room, I do have a Lutron Connected Bulb Remote.
The range is not as good as z-wave. It operates at 2.4 GHz v/s 908 MHz. The higher frequency makes it less penetrant through commonly used building materials.
Another possibility is the GoControl battery-powered z-wave switch, but I don't know if it works with Wink. It would be terrific for your use if it did.
I have one of these: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0178IC5ZY/ Not Wink compatible, and it works with it's own app. Not using it for Wink, yet, but that's the plan. I'd like to have all the network devices able to restart. The only one that I can't figure is the router. For that, I'd need a self-timing plug, because when it goes down, so does all communication.
I think that's my best bet and one I'll be most satisfied with. I'll probably go with a recessed Reed sensor, like this one https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B005CFQ1L0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_-AtHybX0Q7KD1 and hide it in the door jam itself and then have the GoControl module above the door trim allowing for easy battery access. I would love to have it at the baseboard but I've got little kids running around that would surely try and rip them off the wall.
Also, I've considered placing the module at an outlet and getting a power supply that steps down to the right voltage and amps to power the module... But I think that might be overboard.
Edit: Added more.
I asked a similar question in /r/homeautomation.
Unfortunately, I've found nothing.
Lutron Pico Remote != Lutron Connected Bulb Remote. The former speaks Lutron ClearConnect; the latter speaks Zigbee.
I imagine these would work. I use them on my front door.
I'm using a MyQ, it's more expensive but works great.
Thanks. I also asked in /r/homeautomation and had this suggested. Looks like it could possibly work if I can jam a couple of them in the box with the rest of the wires.
Thanks! That sucks. I see that Leviton makes a dual switch that seems to work with Wink, the VRCS2-MRZ, but it's old (might even be discontinued), quite expensive, and is rated pretty poorly.
Happen to know if there are any other options?
In the reviews for the strobe included in that package https://www.amazon.com/VISION-ZM1601US-5-Z-wave-Wireless-Battery/dp/B01GQW2YC2/ref=sr_1_1?s=photo&ie=UTF8&qid=1480880653&sr=8-1&keywords=wink+strobe people say it doesn't work for the Wink. I only need the strobe/alarm because I already have the door sensors.
FWIW, I just got my first Lightify RGBW bulb and some light strips.
Bulb had 0.1b02/0.3b22 out of the box; now has 0.1b02/0.3b32 (and it reverted to default color / brightness after upgrading, as described).
My Wink, however, is still on 3.3.26, so no 0.1b02/0.4b92 bulb upgrade for me ... yet.
RGBW light strips are on 0.1b02/0.2b05.
What does this upgrade fix/add/improve? I've already noticed the status of the bulb in Wink is often wrong (typically, the wrong color is displayed in the app). I'm also disappointed the bulbs won't remember their last color/brightness, but I've already read all of the drama about why Phillips opted for this with their Hue products so I kind of anticipated it but was hopeful Sylvania handled it differently. I'd really prefer these come on at 4000K (when power is cut/restored at the switch). Also upset the shortest robot is 1 minute, so I can't even have Wink change them to the color I want within a second of turning on.
... and I guess, unlike the Lutron switches, the Sylvania bulbs don't recall their last power state following a power outage? I can expect any room that has these to come up full 2700K brightness any time power is restored????
LASTLY, I was totally surprised to learn that THIS kit included the power supply and controller (not the hub). The packaging is rather misleading compared to this one.
... therefore, I TWICE paid TWICE as much to only receive a third light-strip (I purchased two of the 3-strip packs and 1 of the 2-strip)!!! So head's up for anyone else shopping for these!
This is what I used. The ZigBee shows up as /dev/ttyACM1 and my Aeotec Z-Wave stick is ACM0.
I use this SYLVANIA LIGHTIFY by Osram - Smart LED Light Bulb, 60W A19, Warm White to Daylight, 1900K - 6500K, RGBW Color Changing, Works with Amazon Alexa https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0197840KQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_bazzyb6HAXCAD
I bought this package about a year ago.
GOCONTROL WNK01-311KIT Premium Z-Wave Home Security Suite https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00XUXYT6K/
I modified the sensors to work with the preexisting security system
Also I'm guessing something like this would partially solve your problem: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008VWAPU4/
The Relay could link up to two of your switches and the micro switch to the third.
Of course the problem with any of these solutions is that you will only end up with two, physical switches. Whichever switch you do not connect to the relay should be something you don't mind activating primarily through the Relay touchscreen, your phone app, or, better yet, schedules and robots.
To add to this I have a Leviton Decora Dimmer switch that I just installed and it works great for some track lighting I have.
/u/ekzoo85 explained how it works pretty well.
I'll add that the switch can trigger robots in the wink hub as well. So when you press the switch you can have it control pretty much anything else. Press this switch, when lights off turn additional light off, or if lights on wait 1 hour then turn lights off.
Controlling the switch from the app is very fast.
And there are options for the wiring a 3 way (4 or 5 way too). Using the Leviton Decora that I linked you would need a "matching digital switch". Here is the one I use for my 3 way.
My track lighting is just halogen bulbs but my dimmer makes it a smart light. I can say Alexa set Living Room Track to 62% and it works great! Way better than the old dimmer I had too.
EcoLink Door sensor on Amazon for $29 works great. You add it as a Z-Wave sensor and it works fast and consistently.
Ecolink Intelligent Technology Z-Wave Door & Window Sensor, White & Brown (DWZWAVE2-ECO) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HPIYJWU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_ufrnyb2JP9NZN
Yup. There are several of these available from Aeon Labs, Monoprice and Enerwave. Enerwave even makes a dual-relay.