You are clearly an articulate, well-rounded, rational individual.
In my own education, I learned the most about how programming languages work on a low level (just before they become assembly and then machine code) from when I studied C. Through C you can start to learn about what C++ and higher-level languages like Python and Javascript are doing under the hood, on a level that really only matters when you start caring about struct size and processing time, etc...
Flask is a web framework which runs on the server, and Django is a library largely intended for interfacing with database backends. That's great for building whole web sites. But if you want to build an interactive web app -- let's say a calculator, or a digital audio workstation -- something that as I said "runs in a browser", you have to use Javascript.
Browsers do not Python code, as I'm sure you are aware. Flask, Django, Twister, etc... all run server-side. It's true that if you go very far at all in web development you will have to write some stuff on the server. But again, none of that runs in the browser. So your suggestions make no sense.
But hey! Worst post on reddit for the day is pretty dope! I'll take that with joy! Cheers! :)
No idea. I found it through the yandex linked below. In the link to the image there is "cover photo", and the only site with this image (but partial), is this one:
So I guess it's a cover made for this song, but I have no idea who made it.
Okay gotcha. I used to produce a bit but it had to take a backseat to study and work, but if you fuck with any of these loops/clips feel free to use them or let me know if you possibly want them expanded on:
and I have a soundcloud but it’s a lot of unfinished vaporwave type stuff.
I’ve been wanting to get back into production but have had no drive to because no one to work with or anything. Would be glad to try and cook something up sometime.
Very first thing I ever produced, about 2 years ago.
And here is one of my newest beats. Jesus it’s crazy to think that when I made that drum loop two years ago I seriously thought it was like amazing. I remember just being excited that I was able to make something at all.
You could muck around on though it's UI isn't exactly standard. It's half its own thing, half emulating popular hardware devices. It runs in your browser.
The main parts you'll need is:
I love Ableton Live + my Maschine but I personally don't think the starter edition is worth it, it doesn't include the good synths and sample packs.
You could try Fruityloops Studio, I believe they have a pretty relaxed trial and it has everything you need. Some very respectable producers use FLStudio for "bangers" even if it's kind of looked down upon in some circles as a bit of "babies first DAW" (ignore them).
Give it a go, follow your dreams, anyone can become a starving artist, even you.
I will say that having hardware you can put your hands on dramatically improves the enjoyment you'll get from producing. Music is an emotional activity and it can be pretty disconnected if you're entering notes one by one with a mouse vs tapping away on a shitty cheap USB keyboard or pads.
Hunting around for a non-micro Maschine MK1 (probably cheap these days, they have a MK3 now) will give you a pretty well featured DAW with a big sound library of samples and synths as well as a pretty well regarded hardware interface.
/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers is probably a good starter sub, I dunno there's lots of production subs.
Caustic 3 is free for PC users. Mobile apps cost but not much.
Audiotool lets you sequence right in your browser.
Bosca Ceoil also lets you make music in your browser but has a downloadable version.
When you tire of those look into Reaper and get some free VSTs to expand your sounds and effects.
This on blows but this one works even on mobile
I ❤️ acid
There used to be a bigtime one (10 years ago) with every techno instrument you could think of with mixers, pedals, compressors, everything that you would virtually hook up like doing live techno in the late 80’s and 90’s… but can’t remember the name and wonder if it even exists anymore.
Edit: took a swig of coffee and a moment of zen but here it is
Requires an account now but still… there’s not even a desktop app quite like this.
You own both copyrights to your music and can put yourself down in both categories. The DAW is just a tool.
See also their ToS:
>Any and all music, tracks, samples, pictures, graphic, comments, and other content, data or information that User uploads, stores or submits to AUDIOTOOL (hereinafter „Content“) are generated by the User, not by AUDIOTOOL. User´s Content therefore remains in User´s sole property and responsibility.
AUDIOTOOL does not claim any ownership rights in any Content deriving from User.
As for samples and SFX, the copyright for those is owned by the creators. The issue is whether you have permission to use them in your works - and that usually depends on where you obtained these samples and what license was given to you when you obtained them, if any.
When you say "rejected from publication", what exactly do you mean? Published where?
I can't sleep right now, so I might as well post what I'm thinking of. - Every single open source app you can think of from GIMP to Inkscape to FreeCAD and every type of game from text based to FPS shooters to all modern browsers (Firefox, Chrome, etc.) is here. The office suites Apache OpenOffice and Libre Office are both on there as well.
Needless to say there is a LOT to cover if you want it AND have a large enough USB drive to install every app. you want.
I, personally would rather install to a USB drive over a local drive because updating the app is easier and you don't clutter your registry or hard drive with programs you could just run portable. - If you want to make music, but don't want to pay for or can't afford the expensive DAW's on the market. There is a strong learning curve and you have to know the technical aspects of how you want your "sound" to sound, budding musicians this one is for you. - This site specializes in algorithms trying to find out if a photo has been manipulated or not and to what varying degree. is a good one. It used to be available in the Chrome web store. It's a great little virtual tabletop studio. Sort of like Reason, but with tabletop modules instead of rackmount.
(Tabletop = desktop, didn't want to confuse people with the word 'desktop' when talking about a webapp)
*Mobile user, can someone make that a hotlink
hey there, neat video! i never was a fan of the cubase'esque style of DAWs (garage band, logic, cakewalk) but i understand how appealing it is for many producers.
personally i'm strongly connected to ableton for 15years already, but friends of mine are the people behind - and whenever a complete beginner asks us where to start, i tend to tell him/her to try playing around in audiotool. if he's already playing an instrument and has a little understanding of recording, i like to suggest garage band as its UI is simply build for the sole reason to help beginners in their journey.
both are a little more playful to explore than a complete daw and often times it's the first steps that either en- or discourage a person.
I use Audiotool to write it. I first make a synth bassline using a heiseinberg then distort it with a filter, then I make a drum track using 2 kicks one will run through a compressor to side chain the synth so it breathes placing each kick on 1,5,9,13 for a house sound or 1,7,13 for a trap beat with a machiniste, then I find a bell sample or chorus sample and run it through a decay filter so it reverberates and sounds distant, then I create a hat pattern to run under the kicks in time with the sample, then I make sure everything syncs together, To give it a deeper sound I'll make a second bassline much heavier and more distorted to run beneath the first one to create a sound almost like a rave hoover synth, then its about timing everything out, I bring the sample up first and loop it then gradually fade in the decay so it eases in, then I bring in the synths gradually fading in under the sample and then I bring in the hats and then eventually the kick comes in but I leave everything untouched for a few measures until I bring in the side chain, then add a section for the breakdown with a horror movie sample then bring the synth bassline back up under it and the kick behind it, then I let it all breathe with the side chain, Then once it's long enough I fade out the kicks and bassline so the sample is all you hear then fade that out as well and it's done.
I don't think I'm supposed to link tracks but I'm just gonna leave this here if you click the remix button it opens the project up in your browser, warning though, it's very poorly optimized.
For those not getting it: drum machines use what's called a sequencer to make patterns. These sequencers have 16 steps in them, broken up into 4 bars of 4 steps each. Those steps correspond to the 16 buttons in front. When you hit "play", the drum machine cycles through all 16 steps in order to make a pattern.
In order to program the machine, you first click on the name of a sound. You then click on one of the 16 button in front of you to "program it" into one step of the 16 step loop. When you press the play button it will cycle through all 16 steps and you'll hear the drum you programmed in a loop over and over in it's position where you programmed it, relative to the 16 steps. To delete it, click it twice more (the 2nd click is sort of a louder "accent note".
You have to program one drum at a time (not exactly, but its easier) so you put all of your kick drums in your 16 step loop. Then click snare or hi hat or clap and do the same, ad infinitum.
When you hit the play button you can hear your groove. Change the speed with the tempo knob.
You can change the volume and tone of each drum by turning the knobs under it's name.
There's more to know but that'll get you started.
There's also an 808 drum machine online: A TB-303 Bassline online:
And an awesome online music creator where you can load 909's, 808's, 303's, analog synths, effects and a ton more.
Audiotool ( is almost completely node based. Effects, instruments and samples are all represented visually and makes navigating your music so much more fun. Plus, it's free.
Finish a short horror story. Also finish that Naruto Fanfiction (NERD!) I've been working on for over a year.
Lose weight. No more 2020 stuck inside edition diet. At least right after I finish the giant reeses I got for Christmas. But afterwards, no excuses.
Start posting to my Youtube music channel regularly again. I have at least at or more than a hundred subscribers/followers in many of my other accounts save Youtube. Might as well see what it leads to. Here's my music if you're curious:
Last but not least, get my CCNA certificate. Cisco Certified Network Admin Cert.
"For some reason you have good taste" -_-
Of course I have good taste. I've read well over 200 books. And I'm somewhat of a film nerd too.
HAhahaha god what I wouldn't do if I could make 1000 clones of myself! Hell, I'd probably sleep and let them do everything I want.
I can just imagine:
Person A: "This one is a cop, this one is the president, this one-"
Person B: "Yeah, but where is the original"
Person A: "Oh. Yeah he just naps."
But no other than wishing I could sometimes be in 1000 places at once, I don't go around making jutsu hand signs.
But seriously, as for the phase thing... It might have been the case for me with Anime because my interests changed as time went on, (I'm 28 now) and I was a bookworm before I came across Anime so my understanding of tropes was already up there. If I see a trope too much I get bored, and nowadays I feel like most of the stuff out there just copies all the really good, older ones. Maybe I'm just old in this digital world. After all it's not age, its experiences.
And then again, there are just other times where other things take the place of things you once found enjoyable. For me its now repairing computers, writing/reading fanfiction and research papers, and finally, making badass, funky breakbeat, electronic music. The latter really eats up my time when I'm supposed to be doing homework. I just start making a song, hyper-focus on it, and then suddenly anywhere from four to eight hours have passed.
Here's one of my songs I created about a month ago if you're interested: Mary's_Poppin
But surely you have other hobbies right? Any that threaten the anime one?
I made this track almost 5 years ago. This was my first ever song produced. I would love for any feedback.
I am 100% a beginner. I don't know anything about music theory. I can't play any instruments only a few chords on the guitar. I just had this tune in my head and just "guessed" and somehow I was able to make this track. I remember jumping in joy when I made this.
I've just had a look and there doesn't seem to be any kind of automation implemented. audiotool is also browser based, offers a lot more functionality (including automation) and has built in 303, 808, 909 and plenty of other stuff to play with
Hi there!
this Channel exists (thanks to u/llloksd!!!), but is probably not the best place to get help/support.
I'd recommend checking and posting there if you don't find your answers in the FAQ and the boards already...
How can I analyze this chord progression I've created?
C#maj9 - D#9/11 - Emaj9 - B9/13 - F#dim9
Recording -
Years ago, before I got Ableton and actually took music production seriously, I messed around in this website called Audiotool. The progression reminds me of this song that I heard 5 years ago.
Can someone help me understand how this works?
Really surprised nobody has mentioned this yet, but for any music makers amongst us - or those just musically curious, Audiotool is up there as one of the best things on the internet.
What is audiotool? For the leyman, it's an entire studio where you hook up instruments and create electronic music. For those who have experience with DAWs, think reason, more than FL or cubase. Being that you have to physically jack in everything to a mixer etc to get it working.
The most amazing thing is, it's entirely free! And given that you could hypothetically make, and release money making music on here that's pretty insane.
However, as you open it up, it will seem incredibly daunting at first, being that's it's so powerful, if you haven't seen anything like this before you will be stuck for what to do, luckily there are enough tutorials around to get you going. Or if you just want to play around, it's fairly simple to hook the 808 or 909 into the mixer with a 303 and get a nice little loop going fairly quickly.
However, it is super powerful, and even me who used FL to release 7 or 8 EPs in the past. It's daunting to me sometimes, I understand everything, but the workflow maybe isn't the most user friendly because it's so realistic.
Anyway, with that said you should absolutely check it out.
There's quite a lot of browser-based stuff that falls into that sort of category. for example:
Don't worry man. Check this out:
Those are free online music creation programs or digital audio workstations.
You can use them to create your own beats, record your voice, etc.
Cloud DAWs are already a thing, but I have no idea if they are taking off. Perhaps a cloud jamspace - claim a device (instance) and start building patterns. When someone joins they can't claim the device anymore so not everyone jumps on the same thing. Something like but a bit more game-like?
Sharing samples and synchronizing them is also a thing. While library builders like Splice have drag & drop support that instantly syncs the sample so it's local, I believe you can't upload and share your own. Basically, make music in your browser, the App is 100% free. A lot of techno cats on it. The developer who built it is a techno producer himself.
Have you considered Audiotool?
It's got a few limitations, but there's a pretty active and friendly community on there. If you're into techno, house, or trance, I especially reccomend it.
No problem dude. It would mean everything to me if u could check out this beat I made. I’m an Audiotool producer and I’m trying to get this beat heard. Burn it Down by DEXDMAN on Audiotool
Hello, it appears you tried to put a link in a title, since most users cant click these I have placed it here for you
^I ^am ^a ^bot ^if ^you ^have ^any ^suggestions ^dm ^me
Here u go. For tutorials look on YouTube. It’s pretty awesome, and everyone are equal. Your results will not be a product of how expensive gear, daws and synths you have, but instead your creativity and technique.
There are lots of ways to go about writing songs. There are lots of elements to a song like lyrics, melody (the tune), harmony (the chords), rhythm and instrumentation.
Any one of these can be the starting point for a song. That doesn't mean you write ALL the lyrics first, but you might think of a lyric for a chorus or hook and then you can experiment with fitting a melody to that, either by signing what comes to mind or by playing/sampling something and then trying to sing your lyrics over it. If you're starting out, maybe just try to write a small piece of a song this way and then build from there.
It obviously helps if you can play an instrument, but you can learn this or learn how to sequence (check out or sample. To begin with, if you need backing you could just build something in Garage Band from clips and loops in their library.
Intellectual property depends on the country you're in. Here in the UK, your music is copyright as soon as you write it, so you do not need to register it as you may do in the US. You do still have to be able to prove that it is your intellectual property however (send it recorded delivery to yourself and not open it).
As for publishing, you can either be solely a published songwriter and sell your music to artists and performers or, if you are an artist, find a publisher to collect your royalties and license your music (films, tv etc.) when you are making money.
If you yourself are not a singer or a performer, perhaps consider finding a writing partner who can add music to your lyrics.
First launch the app, and then on the right side of the screen in the app theres a area covered in different modules. The top section has Three different drum machines one is an 808 one is a 909 and there's another that I haven't used. There are a ton of how ton on the site.
Ah, sorry for misleading. I didn't mean to say that it was mainstream, or headlining shows. I don't know of any mainstream techno artists currently making
I've been using this website called Audiotool for a few years now, and I've noticed a small community on there. Audiotool has a cool online DAW which has pretty convincing emulations of Tr808, 909, and 303 drum machines. If you dig around, you'll find a few users who post acid techno tracks on there. Granted, they're not professionals, but I like to think that Audiotool's DAW helps foster a small acid techno community on the website.
If you're looking for something really fun to play around with online, I reccomend trying out the app. The workflow feels a lot like Reason, with visible machines on a blank desktop. It's not just a simple toy; the app has compressors, effects pedals, different mix bus options, even a multiband compressor. Lately it's gotten a massive revamp and I love it. (I'm sorry for being misleading.)
Audiotool is the closest thing atm, it's not realtime but it's a pretty decent online platform and you can publish and remix people's projects.
I haven't done anything serious with it but they have a fun and vibrant community.
For sure, you’re welcome.
You might want to try Studio One or Reaper. I use Studio One, so I think it’s rather easy. I never used Reaper, but I see lots of people around here say it’s easier than some of the others. There’s also LMMS, which is open-source and free.
You can also try using an in-browser DAW. I don’t see many people mention these, but they’re an option too: AudioTool, Soundation, or SoundTrap.
>I agree, but Caustic is also $10.
And Cakewalk is $0. Yes, Caustic's user interface is neat and friendly, but also very limited. Speaking as someone who started on audiotool (which is also free), a limited feature set can ingrain bad habits and cut off routes of learning.
The Joker by ank probably has the most emphasized bass from any song I've ever heard without becoming gross. If bass-heavy headphones are what you are looking for this is a good test track:
read, experiment, explore. Learn by doing. Not being snarky, but I would speculate that the majority of us that do "this" as a hobby learned this way. anyways here are a few great resource(S)....
Instrumental hiphop, going for a style like dj format or wax tailor. I haven't really done any mixing on it yet. Any feedback would be appreciated, but I would love your thoughts on how I can improve the structure of the song.
At least I don't use Sausage Fattener on everything (its a VST if you don't know) Here are my tracks if you're curious: [the newest ones are around 6 months old though] P.S. I would say IDEKA, Sakura, and Plaid Beach are my best
Oh man. That is some real old school stuff there. The website even looks like it hasn't been touched in years. The "What are people saying" section is really hyping it up though. :)
I was thinking more along the lines of Audiotool. Which is actually pretty fun to mess around with, but a pain at the end of the day.
If you want to get into music production there's a free in-browser website that's nearly as good as some professional DAWs.
We also have a subreddit that needs more action!
Hey its mpira and I have been producing for around 6 months on a website called (I have multiple accts) and for the past two months on fl studio O lol and I want to make some chill trap or future bass
The soundcloud links are on the wall just look it has the sign but most of my music goes here 1st so im linking this site hope u enjoy atleast one of my accts <3