Sometimes, yeah, but there's tools that help emulate those environments. One example of a paid tool used to test on different environments is Browserstack.
And also you could create a virtual machine and set it up with the same OS and browser (and any other specific configuration) that the target user has.
I use BrowserStack. They run virtual machines for you and transmit a video to you, screenshare-style. You can even route your local environment to their service.
Sure you setup your own virtual machines for somewhat better performance, but emulating the thousands of possible combinations of browser versions and OS versions isn't practical.
Yeah, this is a known issue. Something you can do is set 1/100th height of the screen in a CSS variable, like this:
const calcViewportUnits = () => {
const vh = window.innerHeight * 0.01;'--vh', vh + 'px');
You will need to put this function in an eventlistener that listens to the resize
And in your CSS you can do something like this:
height: calc(var(--vh) * 100);
This will always give the right ratio for vh.
And to test mobile webbrowsers, you can use Browserstack, however it is not free.
You use services like Browserstack for compatibility testing. Having access to one version of IE on your dev PC is not adequate cross-browser testing, so having access to it is not really an advantage that necessitates development on Windows.
As far as photoshop is concerned, there are ways to get Photoshop running on Linux, but it's not great. That indeed is a deficiency, which is why I own a Macbook Pro. I get a unix environment crucial for web dev, but an OS that can actually run software like Photoshop.
I really like Windows as a personal operating system - much more than OSX. But the problem is Windows isn't unix/linux based, so doing full-stack web development on it kind of feels likes raking leaves with a spoon. If Microsoft made the decision one day to build the next version of Windows home edition on a Debian distro, I would switch back to Windows immediately.
Regardless of whether you add any additional tooling, always make sure you're testing on multiple browsers. Baseline would be to download Firefox and a chromium based browser. If you have access to a Mac you can check on safari too. Mobile versions of these browsers are also different, so try checking on mobile as well.
The next step up would be something like Browserstack, which can connect you to various virtual machines running different browsers and different OSes.
On a tooling side, a transpiler like Babel (which is often already included in something like Parcel or create-react-app) will take your fancy ESNext JavaScript and transpile it into a more basic flavor of JavaScript that can run almost anywhere. Usually people will run this as part of their build step, and then serve the transpiled version. Many libraries have special plugins to let Babel know exactly how to transpile their code, so you may need to do some research on those if you find it isn't working out of the box.
All this being said, there's no guarantee that your code will just work on every device. You may need to make some changes to your app or decide that you're only going to support some % of browsers and provide fallback content for unsupported platforms. Something like Browserlist can help you keep track of what is and isn't supported by your target browsers (and allow you to set targets in the first place).
None of the above is specific to threejs btw, just general tooling around js apps and websites
yes but you have to go enable it in settings. safari -> preferences -> advanced -> show develop menu
this site explains it with pictures if u want
Try using Browserstack ( ). Very useful for testing on real devices via the internet across alot of desktop/mobile platforms when you don't have the real thing on hand.
I hate to say this, but this is like asking about how to land a 747 in crosswinds.....the answer is, you have to learn, then test, and test some more.
The short answer is, whatever content you created, it won't work correctly in IE6 or IE7, and unless you have a very responsive theme and your site has both a mobile and desktop version, your results with Safari/Chrome on IOS and/or the android OS may be colorful and interesting.
Browser compatibility testing site:
I'm not aware of anything which is free, besides Virtualbox and the VMs offered by Microsoft. If you work on a Mac and are able to use the iOS simulator, you are able to test in the majority of desktop browsers and a big part of mobile browsers.
Add an Android emulator and you have the possibility to test in all browsers and devices most relevant for the average website.
If you also need to test other platforms and browsers, BrowserStack would be my suggestion. Not free, but it offers monthly subscriptions. And if you have that super special bug on that older iOS or android device you need to fix, this is super useful.
Browser Stack can fix that.
Honestly, I would look into something like BrowserStack:
Allows testing of tons of different browsers/platforms, your developers can automate the testing if they want, and you don't have to maintain a ton of different VMs/browsers/platforms.
Lol, I’m 80% sure you are trolling
Anyway, I have a couple of test devices I use sitting on my desk, good Android, shitty Android, iPhone, and even a Windows Phone!
I also use BrowserStack to automate testing across a bunch of platforms and browsers -
I do this because it’s the job! If your web app doesn’t work reliably across a wide range of devices you haven’t done a good job!
I literally just searched "test compatibility of website" on google.
The screenshots with the colors are the ones that look like they're working.
Also, if you're having problems with it being intensive, try out the Profiler (chrome I know for sure has it, don't know about other browser). Will help you track down with methods are taking the most time.
As for fixing the issue, it looks like it's an issue with WebGL. Try searching it up somwhere :)
The free way is virtual machines. Microsoft has a support site called that has different versions of Windows and IE combinations.
Within them, you can then install other versions of Chrome or Firefox if you need to.
The less cumbersome way is a paid service such as BrowserStack
Found the flash developer :P
They might make a decision to abandon the site when an iPad renders the page like this
Great resource! Below is a great tool for cross browser compatibility testing. We use it at my web dev agency. We have stacks of iOS and Android devices in the office we used to use for testing until tools like Browserstack came around. Now we just have a shit ton of paperweights and hardly use paper LOL. and have some options, for a fee (might be free trials idk).
If they have an iOS device TestFlight is really the easiest option but they will have to download it and you’ll need to do some work.
Other answers are good, but I'll also link some stuff. There are some web services that will load and capture a screenshot of a webpage in various OS/browser combinations that you can use to check this sort of thing. It was more useful in the past for development, but things are actually a lot easier these days as most people are on a very recent version of a modern compliant browser. - A free one - And a paid one
Basically the only way to really know how a website will look on a specific device is by loading it on that device, so that's how these services work!
Looks like according to browserstacks FAQ, they have functionality to test and change geolocation (specifically latitude/longitude) data. I'd look more into that.
BrowserStack, CrossBrowser or open Edge and in the dev tools (F12) you can set it to an older version of IE in the Emulator tab. I think it goes as far back as IE8.
You can fully free test your pages (including local) in EDGE browser using BrowserStack:
For IE consider downloading free Virtual Machines:
Would something like BrowserStack work? Runs entirely in the browser.
EDIT: It won't run apps as far as I know. The iOS Simulator is only available on OSX. Microsoft offers a very fast Android emulator and Windows Phone emulator running in Hyper-V as part of their SDK.
I can't repro these specific problems, but there's a couple items in my toolkit that have helped diagnose similar issues in the past:
Not sure if there are any scripts for it. But there are sites you can check the responsiveness on. Like BrowserStack. I also know there are some testing libraries that simulate the browser for end-to-end tests using Selenium. I did find: Cypress that does the same, without Selenium.
And I know there are some desktop apps for Apple, where you just insert your url (like on BrowserStack) and it displays the site you are testing in multiple formats.
But in the end, I believe testing in multiple browsers works best if you want to solve browser specific quirks.
I hope this helps.
You should use whatever you future audience will use:)
And if you not sure use most popular browsers you can on your platform. That definitely includes Chrome. You can check statistics on different sites like this one
Ideally this also means test on hardware (mobiles). There are services that will allow you to do that without real devices. Like browserstack
Obviously you still can use your fav browser for info search etc.
Yeh I completely agree with what your saying there and I think it also falls under the testing pyramid
There's lots of unit tests at the bottom because there easy to do and cheap / easy to run.
However I think the tests as you described above are very wrong and that's why they didn't work and became an issue.
In the pyramid, UI tests are the top because there shouldn't be lots because it's slow and expensive.
I think as well there's lots of good stuff out there for writing good tests for example in browser testing you have cypress. Cypress is awesome and I use it for e2e testing of different journeys a user does. The outputs from that are super simple and can pin point exactly where a issue arises if something has gone a miss.
It's a balance at the end of day & I work with frontend UI tests, unit tests, API tests, browser tests; the full monty and don't get me wrong it's a bit overkill at times but when any of these run and find a problem your always thankful
Use BrowserStack. It used to be free to use quite a bit but now you only get a minute on each machine. However, that should be enough for you, and they have like 50 versions to pick from.
believe it or not, I think there is! here take a look at this website
Going to be traveling the next couple of days but would recommend a site called browserstack
You can use a 10 minute email to sign up and get 30 minutes free. If you need more time, create another 10 minute email and repeat. Some of the 10 minute email domains are banned, so you might need to use some google foo.
> how do you test your sites/projects in safari then?
Is that even really important for you right now? Are you producing production code that needs to be tested in Safari?
There's also services like Or pick up a cheap mac for testing.
I've been making web apps for almost 20 years now. And on the surface your plan doesn't sound differentiated enough from say: BrowserStack is now my goto for testing on multiple environments. They have Selenium automation too. That being said, I'm there's probably some niche in here for better tooling. Like better native app testing or testing on some newer devices or platforms.
Don't blame yourself. Everyone goes through these phases.
Developer Tools are included in most desktop browsers. To access developer tools:
Or to select an element, right click it and select Inspect Element(Q).
Selecting an element will show css styles applied, inherited and overwritten. (Actually developer tools does much more, you will figure it out :))
If you have any doubts, feel free to PM me or ask here. (Don't worry if it's a dumb question too)
It’s not cheap but Browserstack will give you VMs running every major mobile to test on.
However, I’d first find out what “it doesn’t work” means before spending more time trying to make it responsive. Even some screenshots from your client would help.
You could use to check how your site looks on ALOT of devices, altough it's not in realtime, it's just screenshots from the devices browser, i've used it a couple of times, been working good for me.
Safari runs the WebKit engine which is incredibly similar to Chrome.
For testing on safari though I'd suggest checking out BrowserStack - It allows you to test in a range of configurations.
You could also look at using VirtualBox and setting up an OSX virtual machine within Windows but I'm not sure how much effort this would be cause I've not used a windows machine in a long time.
BrowserStack (
A tool I used daily by a small team in Mumbai. Saves me the trouble from installing a dozen VMs.
Also Postman Rest Client, but someone wrote a comment already.
They don't really - both of those sites just take the page and render it inside a resizable iframe. But I wanted something quick that I could use inside of Safari on the iPad to make sure it wasn't something specific to mobile Safari.
That brings up a good point, though. Chrome's DevTools doesn't actually emulate the browser engine (just the viewport size), so for true cross-platform and cross-device browser testing, I use something like Browserling or BrowserStack.
Modified it a bit (hover-header/winky snoo) for /r/sculpture!
Awesome work!
There seems to be a bit of a comment spacing problem for galaxy phones and tablets but it's very minor:
My bet is this is a Windows-only issue. On Linux I've never had issues with Unicode; but on my Windows machine Unicode always was an unresolved issue. But since my Windows machine is just for gaming, I never bothered to even try fixing it.
I also did some testing:
Suggestion: try posting links to the "test" pages, in addition to the screenshots. This way it will be easier to other people also reproduce the results.
In short, no. A browser must download the resources in order to display them. Something like Browserstack runs their own VMs and streams the video output to their users, but that means you'd have to run your own servers that would stream video to your users, which would mean you'd need a separate VM for every visitor.
Why would you want to do that in the first place though? I can't see any advantage.
Have you tried BrowserStack Automate? Sounds like exactly what you're asking for.
For a free alternative I'd check out (haven't used it myself yet)
I don't know off the top of my head why this isn't working, but you might be able to use the techniques described here to attach a debugger and step through the JS and see what might be going wrong.
You can create yourself a tool using some headless browser like Puppeteer or Playwright to screenshot your site at different resolutions and on different browsers to automate it via code.
If you are looking for ready to use solution then has the option to create screenshots of a specific webpage and send it to you. But there is a price attached to it.
Chrome's dev tools are really nice for that purpose, yeah. If you can get your hand's on them, using real devices is always better, albeit a bit more complicated and a lot more $$. There's also
Both of your statements are false. Most cheap laptops have 1366x768 (768p) not 720p or 1080p. 720p laptops are a super minority thing. And there are still a lot of non-flagship phones with <1080p resolution (usually 720p with variable height ex: 720x1600)
You wouldn't need to drag it into the browser. Once you identify the upload field, Selenium lets you upload the file by calling the sendKeys method.
Not sure what you are hung up on. The main purpose of the integration is to report bugs to Jira while testing on BrowserStack. It automatically provides the metadata including:
More can be found here.
If all you need is to build & test, there are cloud solutions for this, so at least Apple only gets your money indirectly... but I agree, they should support cross-building, there's no valid reason not to other than predatory product tying. is one option. for testing. Travis-CI has macOS CI instances. I'm sure there are more related things.
Sometimes I test my websites on this page: to see how they look on different devices. I also went to Best Buy and pulled up the website on different phones, lol. Not sure if they'll allow you to do that still.
I would check out selenium or pupateer. Which are headless browsers. This allows you to programmatically go to Best Buy and check if it’s in stock. Then you can alert your self to go buy it. You would have this script check the site every X amount of minutes via a cronjob etc… You can do all the above use Node.js. Selenium and pupateer are essentially the same thing just mainly used for automation testing.
Here are links to loading the desktop website which allows posting pictures. The second link looks comprehensive.
Sounds like your honeypot is too far away from the base and your flank barrier is too aggressive.
They work like this:
.contentarea img { /* the parent class should match your HTML structure / Max-width: 100%; Height: auto; } @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) { / this number should match the grid system you're using - like Bootstrap's small breakpoint */ .contentarea img { Width: 100%; } }
Study & experiment!
Tal vez estés usando una propiedad que no está soportada en la versión de navegador del Iphone12.
Fíjate está web que dice tener emuladores de navegadores de varios dispositivos, incluido el Iphone12.
Yeah, this is one feature of developer mode (under input> show pointer location) which gives you coordinate information. Never used it before so not sure if it supports multitouch info.
I saw on project where they have mobile 'test beds with an overhead camera
Maybe look at mobile testbed frameworks like
Ah, looks like that portion doesn't load on mobile. Your mobile web browser should have the option to "Load desktop site"
I just recently entered QA, but since I'm not seeing any other suggestions yet I wanted to put out there. I could be way off but I picked it up and I'm not that tech savvy (yet). ;)
Maybe look into the other systems already in use at your company and see what QA testing tools they integrate well with. For instance, we use many of the Atlassian products which have some keen integrations with various testing options.
Again, I'm a newbie. I'd welcome feedback on this from someone with more experience too.
Thats a private IP, I guess you are either behind firewall or a proxy.
If its behind the proxy check this windows post to find the proxy details.
If you are trying to click on a link and the text you are searching for is part of that link, then you can try the find_elements_by_link_text
or find_elements_by_partial_link_text
Otherwise, you might have some luck using find_elements_by_xpath
with the approach outlined here: They use an asterisk in place of a specific element type and the text()
or contains()
methods for exact or partial matching.
So, this works:
Just use mobile version on desktop for now.
this may sound silly, but have you tried using the mobile site from the desktop browser?
you can use the browser developer tools to do it.
press F12 to open developer tools, then use the shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+M or click the little icon on the top of the developer pane.
press F12 again to close developer tools and go back to normal.
here are instructions for chrome:
not sure if that works, i don't have the credit card to test it. but the app is really hosting a version of the mobile website from what i can tell.
you can also do it from edge, firefox... basically every desktop browser has this feature.
Yes, it can be done on Safari as well, you just need to enable the Inspector feature first:
To add css rules, go to Appearance > Customise > Custom CSS.
Hi, is the problem still present? We could not reproduce it on our end.
You can get error logs here: .
We use Browserstack at our place, it's not the best and can be pretty slow/buggy at times but for us it means we get access to a wide range of devices remotely.
I personally just use it for browser testing but I know they do have app testing capabilities on there too.
I'll start by saying that the job scope for software engineer can vary widely from company to company, and depending on the role. There are different types of software engineers out there (+ Site Reliability Engineer not in the list).
In general, software engineers solve problems, which can include new features or existing bugs, and writing code is just part of the job. A lot of the time is spent on discussions with my colleagues to understand an issue or new feature before the implementation starts. We also spend effort designing the code to be easily reusable and clean, so there's a lot going on before coding starts. In fact, the more senior an engineer gets, the lesser coding is needed (focus is more on architecture design).
I can only speak from my experience, for bugs, QA/test engineers will test every bug fix or feature before releasing. If there's issues found, they'll log down the issue on a ticket, and that ticket gets prioritized by my product owner and passed on to developers. Similarly for features, product owner gathers the requirements from customers, translate business requirements into technical requirements, prioritize it and pass on to devs for implementation. Hope that helps.
Yeah then
element = driver.find_elements_by_css_selector("#carousselArrow") time.sleep(1)
you might also want to try implicit or explicit waits to remove the need for the sleep call:
You're best off learning xpath imo. It's not too bad once you get the hang of it and it's very powerful!
Here's a decent guide:,Selenium%20to%20select%20various%20elements.
You won't necessarily need the advanced stuff start with highly specific selectors you get from inspect element, then write more flexible selectors as you learn more.
Is the iPad air up to date? What browsers did you use? Using devtools on a desktop should be most accurate. I do vaguely remember a while back seeing the website that would allow you to simulate different devices.
Edit it might have been this.
i'm sure its similar in java or python, whatever language you are using. i'm just more familiar with c#.
Here’s a link that might help.
Visited the website via a mobile. The biggest problem I had was that the text was crushed together, this made it very hard to read. If you are on Chrome, you can enable mobile view via the developer tools, here is an guide showing you how to use it. I hope this helps.
I don't know who downvoted you, nothing you said is wrong here. There are even "browsers as a service" services whose whole selling point it "we'll run your tests in a virtual environment for you so you don't have to" (BrowserStack being one I've heard of but I'm sure there's others).
Yes Selenium Firefox driver is there. You can check out this link for more info
Which cloud service are you using? I think as long as there is CLI support, which it looks like Cypress has, I believe it can be deployed and executed anywhere (CI or cloud). Browserstack has a doc that seems simple enough:
I am not am app developer myself, but I have paid people to make apps for me and then needed to test them, and I used services like: and although the sites I used were free (I can't remember which ones I used).
I am not aware of 3rd party tools but probably Automation Anywhere will work.
But, if you have some coding background or a colleague/friend does you can possibly build it for cheap in 2 parts. Extracting data from pdf and passing them to the browser. I have found tesseract to be good when processing pdf for data (some fonts cause issues) some code to get you started in python and for passing them to browser some selenium scripts with the browser running in non graphical mode might work (might be a little tricky to get started if you aren't familiar with basic HTML structure) A good tutorial is .
Follow the usage here,choice%20to%20create%20test%20scripts.
the issue is webdriver is a module name, not something you can call. The webdriver module will have a WebDriver calss (notice the capitalisation difference, this is on purpose). You can have an instance of a class but not an instance of a module. Make sure you understand the difference here!
Here is an example usage
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver (); driver. get (
I would recommend Selenium. Selenium is a suite of libraries that allow you to programmatically interact with your web browser (JS and all if necessary) and the pages you tell it to go to.
It's traditionally used for end-to-end automated testing of your own sites, but I've used it a number of times for this sort of task.
I don't know what their setup is, but their claim is quite clear:
>Do you provide real devices for interactive app testing?
>All our Android and iOS mobile devices are real devices stationed in our data centres. We do not use emulators / simulators.
It's called a testing pyramid for a reason. You need integration and unit tests. You can't really just use one or another. You should however pick the right tool for the job; testing everything twice is pointless.
Generally if code is relatively straightforward (so mostly data storage / retrieval) you can get away with an integration test heavy codebase. If the code on the other contains a lot of units with business logic, you're going to have to rely a lot on unit tests.
Just getting rid of part of it means you're severely shooting yourself in the foot.
There's no need to use regex. Try this:
tbody:nth-child(2) > tr:nth-child(index) > td:nth-child(4) > input
Substitute index
by 1, 2, 3 and so forth.
Take a look at if your use case varies.
> I’m at my first job out of school and the standard definition for unit testing at this company is simply the developer (manually) testing their own code to make sure that it it works.
Never even heard of the testing pyramid I guess. See how 'manual' and 'unit testing' are on completely other sides, and manual tests are not even really part of it?
When it comes to software engineering maturity the company you work for is a toddler.
Did some light testing on my Macbook Pro, looks good and functions. I'd suggest you look at BrowserStack though if the pricing isn't too much, as I'm not able to do a deep test and I don't necessarily know what I'm testing for.
There are servics like Browserstack.
I never used it but may need to. Created a site that looked perfect in dev tools for mobile but was broken when I looked at it on my actual iPhone.
This is a great article. When I learned this Selenium Webdriver concept, I went through another tutorial on Selenium Webdriver - . Pretty detailed and self-explanatory.
> Bots don’t have a pointer
What are you talking about? I work in web testing (as a SysAdmin, but still, I deal with the in-house software itself a lot), and I can say it's not exactly an industry secret that we simulate mouse and keyboard inputs in the browser. We even have videos of each automated test that the customer can review, showing all keyboard and mouse inputs, and the scrolling, and the annoying popups on their site that our tests have to click through, etc.
In fact, here is a company doing something very similar, with publicly available free tests:
I'm not trying to be rude, you just don't understand QA in Software Development.
Testing your software on different devices, monitors, etc. is literally bread and butter QA in software development. Every single software company I've worked in has done this.
This is something software developers figured out very early on, especially in video game development where there was even a meme in the mid 2000's where if people bragged about how powerful their home PC was, a common retort was "Yeah, but can it run Crysis?"
As others have suggested, using the Developer Tools in your browser of choice will enable you to view the mobile version of any site. is a good intro into this.
For doing more widespread testing of lots of different browsers/sizes, look at services like BrowserStack.
When it comes to testing design implementations on multiple browsers / devices:
Sometimes, when taking over a website project from another developer, it's great to set up automated visual regression testing to not having to go back checking every page after each CSS change. But I can't tell I have found an extremely easy to implement tool or service yet, it's still quite some effort to set up. Would be happy to be proven wrong on this.
I dont think that even Hackintosh + Emulator would help you out, there is no AppStore. There is no way to do this without Apple HW. But, you can find someone with iPad a just paid for license and test online with him. Or you can pay for BrowserStack Real Devices service, and you have real iPad online. It costs 59$.
I found some scrolling issue Chrome on Android and Firefox desktop browser. I made a little fix but I have no Android phone – so just tested on
This is a proof-of-concept of transforming the bunch of images into a single video file. Thank you all.
I recently came across an amazing post which talks about the same problem, in that they say:
For an existing website or app, you’ll start with analytics. But that’ll give you an implicitly biased answer. Your website/app only gets traffic from devices/platforms and browsers it supports in the first place. To figure out the variety of combinations of devices/platforms and browsers you must support (to keep the lights on at work, or expand your reach), look at market data.
The only way to keep up with this market is through early, continuous compatibility testing as and when more and more combinations are released. Try to do it in a periodic manner, may be once in a week or once in a month, so that you cover all the new device, OS and browser combinations.
Here's the link to the blog I am talking about:
I personally like to use BrowserStack for this purpose. One can test multiple browsers on different OSes or platforms or smartphones. Really helps to streamline the process and reduce the hassle of maintaining different browsers and devices. i.e. Recently used it for Safari Testing on my Windows too.
I feel you should give it a try :) You can try their free trial too.
I'm a web dev and think that keeping up with tech is nuts. I get an cheapish android phone, keep it for three years and buy data/calls for 12 dollars a month. Total cost per year is 200 dollars. Get your company to buy if you need to test code.
There are built in Chrome DevTools you can use to adjust your window accordingly such as using the Toggle Device toolbar feature.
However, my company uses Browserstack to test for mobile and browser compatibility. You can choose custom dimensions, or they have the major ones listed.
Have you tried any of the testing services available
They basically let you get screen shots from a whole range of devices.
It's not free but you can use Browser Stack
$30 USD/mo which makes it out to be $360/yr, depending on the iMac you buy they can be $1k on the lower end.. not necessarily worth it unless you're also interested in the other browsers it lets you test, such as mobile devices - either virtual ones or running on physical hardware.
There's services (not free) that provides easier testing like
It is still tedious to check. In general, develop on the same browser with the majority of your users, once in a while or every major feature, test in other browsers too.
([] allows you to test on iPhones, android devices, mac, windows, and various browser versions for each device. It's somewhat costly at $320/year, though. I've tried, but imo it's potato compared.
As I'm developing, I usually just use the emulator. It's faster that way. When I'm done, then I go to browserstack and test away. I usually check Safari and Safari iOS because those always seem to be the most broken.
I do occasionally test on my S8 by going to my computers local ip address (e.g.
). I think the server's address needs to be set to
instead of localhost
in order to do this.
>I always figured it would be some computer running different scripts to make it look like thousands of people.
The problem is, no matter how good emulation is, it is never exactly perfect and emulated environment will be subtly different from the real one. This can be due to obvious things like Build.FINGERPRINT or due to minor implementation discrepancies. People have collected those discrepancies and made specific tests to detect these changes. If you run a bunch of VMs, you'll play a constant cat-and-mouse game of someone creating new environment tests and someone else patching them one at a time. Apparently, this company decided the wall of phones is cheaper and/or more reliable than running the VMs.
Also, such farms can be used for legitimate purposes, e.g. BrowserStack (used for browser compatibility testing) or MacStadium (used for Mac compatibility testing).
You can try development emulators like * Xcode for iOS * Google Android studio for Android
Alternatively you can purchase a license from this will give you online emulators for Android/iOS in your browser or look for an alternate service which provides emulation in your browser.
I would recommend using the developer emulators, they can be finicky to use but once it works it’s fine.
Platforms like Browserstack are weird, some features work, some don’t. Push notifications are always a problem.
You can look at using WebDriver to run Selenium tests if you're looking to go the automation route.
BrowserStack and SauceLabs host a service where you can boot up a VM for a specific browser and use it manually.
Otherwise, if it's local VM's, your best bet is googling for a VirtualBox, or something similar, that has the hardware and browsers your looking for pre-loaded.
> I'd love it if there was a way to sync up mouse movements/clicks so that I can test multiple configurations at the same time, but I'm thinking this is a pipe dream.
Nothing out there on the market as far as I know.