Yes, you can. You can run the Collabora Online Development Edition in ownCloud, Nextcloud or Pydio and collaboratively edit text documents (docx, doc, odt), spreadsheets (xlsx, xls, ods) or presentations (pptx, ppt, odp). For info on how to do this, check out:
LibreOffice Online is the unsupported development version of Collabora Cloud Suite, and will probably be open core at best (or unsupported dev version forever at worse).
Seafile is open core, and much worse than OwnCloud when it comes to what features need to be paid for.
I would love to have an open source alternative to Google Apps or Office 365, but I cannot see many people jumping on the bandwagon when the base software being used to build the cloud versions is either crippled or requires paying just as much as the paid alternatives.
You can use Collabora Office. You'll need to add their F-Droid Repo.
Collabora isn't available through the official F-Droid repository. You probably enabled the 3rd party repo from here:
I guess they simply rebuild the app daily, and that's why you get daily updates. Doesn't mean anything changed, though.
Edit: After taking a closer look you probably installed the "Collabora Office 6.4 Snapshot" instead of "Collabora Office 6.4". The latter only gets updates every few months.
It seems like some of those already have open source counterparts, such as:
Interesting list though.
Not built-in, but you can integrate it elegantly with web clients for email (~~Raindrop~~ Rainloop, etc) and LibeOffice Online. Didn't try the LO integration myself, but you can do so here.
Having an entire internal team to maintain that would either cost a lot, or introduce more bugs and support hassle. LibreOffice already offers a stable product, and making your own changes will cause more maintenance costs. I'm not complaining if they're going to invest in it, but I wouldn't get my hopes up...
EDIT: Reading the product page (there's not much more info out there about it), it sounds like it's less of a fork and more LibreOffice+additional tools+dedicated support. I'm pretty sure most of the features are in stock LibreOffice anyway.
> If you have some VB scripts
Check this out:
> COLEAT is the foundation of an interoperability tool for Windows to make it possible to use Collabora Office in-place of Microsoft Office in lots of line of business applications written in Visual Basic.
Might just be corporate speak, but collabora say "we have provided the solution to many problems; regressions, simple application flaws and interoperability issues" --
The document foundation employ a QA engineer
Anyway adding non-linear solver for calc sounds like a far more exciting project to work on than cleaning up STL inheritance or tracking GDI object usage.
I agree there is plenty old bugs and feature requests in LO, i could name several that I'd like to see fixed. But they are being solved at a much faster rate than during the OOo Sun days.
Hi, there already is – LibreOffice Online, and products based on it eg:
Re: "LibreDrive", it's not the job of The Document Foundation to provide hosting, so you're best looking elsewhere for that :-) But there are various companies that offer LibreOffice Online + storage solutions, so check them out...
There's a repository you can add to F-Droid for it. I've successfully used it for viewing/editing excel and word docs.
I typically use Librera for viewing PDF's, though, there are a lot of options on F-Droid for PDFs.
Chromebook users should be able to access this file either by installing Collabra Office from the Google Play store or by installing LibreOffice under the Linux (Beta) container.
There is also the LibreOffice Editor extension for Chrome that works with LibreOffice Online. This may also work with Microsoft Edge as it is Chromium based.
Apple has their own apps such as Pages (word processor), Numbers (spreadsheets), etc and files can be saved to/sync’d to iCloud. Accessible via a web browser (although I do have some trouble logging onto iCloud in Firefox on Windows).
If falling into the Apple ecosystem doesn’t appeal, and you’ve presumably already ruled out Microsoft, you’re next step would be consider getting a NextCloud setup (self hosted ideally) with an Office suite such as OnlyOffice ( or something LibreOffice based like Collabra (
These are a couple of options I’ve seen mentioned before... I’ve used OnlyOffice very briefly as a local app (Windows 10) and not linked to any cloud service, so can’t really speak to how this works as a cloud solution if that’s what you need. I have used Numbers (iOS) as a cloud service before and seemed to work as expected coming from GSuite.
How come nobody from LibreOffice or NextCloud isn't jumping onto this? There's a self-hosted office solution called Collabora Online. This would solve all their privacy concerns and support open-source in the process.
> But, the I start to read something like this and I think, forget that.
You read just one guide on the internet and give up? That's your loss :-) I know people who've got LibreOffice Online running in 30 minutes with Docker images, eg
There's an hosted version of Collabora Online, ~~but I guess it has not been updated yet to the newly released version~~.
Edit: it [already uses the latest version](/r/linux/comments/5aq06d/libreoffice_online_with_collaborative_editing/d9jpog8/?context=3#d9jpdm4)
You're assuming it'll be a better piece of software... what if it's not? It's risk, and I'm sure it's been signed off because people believe it'll work well in theory, but software projects are usually more successful and cheaper by keeping things simple and tweaking as little as possible.
EDIT: Reading the product page (there's not much more info out there about it), it sounds like it's less of a fork and more LibreOffice+additional tools+dedicated support. I'm pretty sure most of the features are in stock LibreOffice anyway.
As far as I’m concerned these two are Microsoft’s platinum tier products (PowerBI and Office 365) that keep users in the ecosystem. Beating them will be hard.
For #2 I am aware of the following company that provides a commercially supported version of LibreOffice plus the web interface. Perhaps this closes the gap a little bit?
> Is LibreOffice HIPAA Compliant?
Collabora Online most likely complies. See their blog post (I bolded the relevant part):
> ## Collabora Online and FileCloud > > FileCloud, developed by CodeLathe, is one of the fastest growing enterprise file share, sync and mobile access solutions. FileCloud is used by thousands of organizations around the world including Fortune 500 companies, governments, educational institutions, non-profit organizations, and managed service providers. [...] FileCloud base product includes endpoint backup, data leak prevention (DLP), unparalleled customization options and HIPAA compliant auditing.
There's also a "Request more information" form on that page.
Note: Collabora Office is a LibreOffice-based office suite—think "Google Docs"+Android/iOS versions of LibreOffice.
And Collabora (the company) is one of the largest contributors back to LibreOffice—~20% of all bugfixes/enhancements are done by them.
(I recently linked to a talk about Collabora, and how they relate with The Document Foundation, in /r/libreoffice: "Does LibreOffice track its users?".)
Google provides support for lots of GNU/Linux projects including Debian(both financially and with code(esp. in security perpective)). But why Google does not use LibreOffice on Google Workspace is boils down to two things:
1- According to Lgpl if you're using code from LibreOffice you also should your modification under Lgpl, which means Google integration(Drive integration for example) parts also should be Lgpl'd.
2- LibreOffice Online(a.k.a. Collabora Office for Enterprises) on very big scales hasn't been tested yet(Like a million people using it at the same time), however if your company is hundred thousand personnel or lower it'll work nice, contact Collabora team for paid support if you want to do that.
"This development build is limited to 10 documents, and 20 connections - to avoid the impression that it is suitable for deployment in large enterprises. To find out more about deploying and scaling Collabora Online Development Edition (CODE) checkout:"
You can avoid this limitation by building it from source.
I'm having this problem as well. I've seen in this reddit post that it could be a websocket problem. I'm not sure how to fix it though.
I'm also running nextcloud and collabora in docker. Nextcloud is behind NGINX rev. proxy secured with SSL whereas collabora is not managed by the proxy, I'm testing it locally as shown here, so in my nextcloud settings for collabora I point to a local IP address.
Collabora works perfectly if I access to nextcloud with its local ip (eg, but it doesn't work if I access it through the SSL secured domain.
Likebook P78 - You won't want any screen smaller than that. Android, so easy to use. Price for mine was about 150 GBP.
Doubt you'd find taking notes on any eReader a pleasant experience, but you can connect a Bluetooth keyboard and use Collabora Office for Android to take notes.
Would Collabora Office do it? They have a FDroid repo to get updates.
Collabora Office is a version of Office that you can install from Nextcloud as a plugin and use to edit the documents from within the browser.
It's something similar to how you edit with Google Docs or Sheets documents from Google Drive.
Yeah, I figured Android, but there are a lot of Androids. Also, I was wondering whether you needed cross-platform.
I've never used it in production (mainly because I don't need it), but something like Collabora Office might meet most or all of your needs (and maybe more).
I've played with it a few times and was impressed by it, but I'm more desktop-focused. I use my phones more as phones than as anything else. But it's definitely something I would consider if I used a phone or tablet preferentially as anything other than a phone.
Some people would consider this easy. Someone that hasn't run Linux on anything likely won't.
Collabora Office is the only up-to-date FOSS option I know of for Android. Unfortunately, it's not in the official F-Droid repos. You can add their third party repo for it to F-Droid by following the instructions here:
CollaboraOffice offers AMD64 builds in the App Store.
TDF offers nothing.
Guess we'll have to go pay for it, eh? (What a coincidence! It must be so hard to port something.)
I don't really think moving from Docker to bare metal will do much to alleviate the issues here since both, at some point, will just be moving info back and forth through CODE's port (9980) for Nextcloud's purposes.
The reverse proxy situation can be confusing, but I found luck through playing with the ssl.terminate and ssl.enable "EXTRA_PARAMS" enviornmental variables in my docker image. I run a reverse proxy with Nginx Proxy Manager in another container creating certificates and passing traffic to specific ports, and the ssl.terminate variable is specifically in place for a reverse proxy situation like the one you might be having with Apache.
I don't know if you already looked at this page:
but it covers some of the settings I mentioned and looks helpful as far as code for the proxy in Apache. Good luck!
You can use Guacamole to access the system via the web browser.
or if you just want document editing.
checkout Collabora -
Yes it should be possible, although I know a number of people have struggled getting it to work. I don't have any links to full guides, but rough instructions can be found here halfway down the page and here . Granted it's not great, but if you search through this subreddit you will also find some resources.
If nextcloud/collabora starts complaining about lack of SSL, have a look at self-signed certificates.
Hey there,
To avoid managing a server by yourself, you can buy the service from one of our partners
We have much of them, maybe one near you? We are also working to make it easier to find those.
You can also find third party associations that have a hosted solution for you.
Hope this helps ;) . Don't hesitate to contact us if you have further questions :)
At FOSDEM, <strong>Muhammet Kara</strong>, one of our developer, explained how the GitPot platform helped to lower the barrier for new developers.
Check out the his presentation and the other tech talks, here ⤵️
If you have any question, feel free to ask them! 👌
I'd recommend using docker, at least I'd have an easier time of helping you.
I was able to get LOOL compiled from source but haven't managed to compile LibreOffice from source so LOOL doesn't run.
I've been trying to decipher how the docker container runs, but I'm not confident I fully understand it.
The only thing I pass to my docker container is (aside from the rest of )
It looks like the docker container edits loolwsd.xml, and so far as I can tell with this parameter, will only change the line
<host desc="Regex pattern of hostname to allow or deny." allow="true">localhost</host>
<host desc="Regex pattern of hostname to allow or deny." allow="true"></host>
So I would try limiting your loolwsd.xml changes to the above, and do not use "" there, only ""
To be honest, the SSL side of things is a bit of a mystery to me at the moment. I use Let's Encrypt for my domain and lool subdomain, and the reverse proxy is setup as yours (provided you have the cert paths correct)
The loolwsd.xml cert_file_path, key_file_path, and ca_file_path are unchanged, but ssl is enabled. So I don't exactly know what the point of those ssl config options inside the loolwsd.xml are good for anyway. It seems to generate them automatically, but I don't know that they're ever used given that it sits behind the reverse proxy with Apache handling ssl.
After starting your LOOL server, run this command from the same server you run the LOOL server on:
curl -k
And then compare that to if you can reach (you didn't mention trying this yet, nor did you mention trying to add the server to NextCloud)
Hmm understood. Why LibreOffice doesn't have this option anymore? Mozilla Add-ons website still have LibreOffice themes.
Looks like they might have updated their instructions:
Last I'd checked, they only had instructions from scratch, and then added Docker.
If the new instructions are not satisfactory, you can check with them. I suppose they switched to Docker because compiling everything is shit.
I've noticed better performance and stability from ONLYOFFICE, but Nextcloud isn't supporting it anymore and is going all in on Collabora. I did find the following hint in the Collabora documentation as to how to get the CODE server up and running from within the container itself, after you've installed the CODE server app.
Hi! Thanks for the info. Clearly, Big Sur introduces a lot of changes and developers need to update some things. You could check to see if anyone else has reported a similar issue at – Or if not, report one yourself. Please provide exact LibreOffice, Java and Big Sur versions for the QA community to check.
Meanwhile, work is underway to improve LibreOffice on M1 and Big Sur:
Als self-hosted app kun je LibreOffice Online gebruiken, en er is ook een betaalde versie die door Collabora wordt aangeboden (die overigens de ontwikkeling van LibreOffice Online sponsort)
My reasoning for this was Syncthing is used for just syncing and versioning files. It doesn't do much more than that. Pwndrop allows me to share files (primarily internally) without having to install anything, or try and copy paste across a weird url. Pwndrop has a lovely url re-write feature which has been pretty handy at times.
Having said that, I tried OnlyOffice recently as wanted a self hosted web based office suite. While this worked pretty well, the editing of files through a mobile device are restricted to paid versions. Due to this, I'll be setting up Collabora, which requires Nextcloud, which brings me full circle. Oh the joys of self hosting :)
For dictionaries, check the documentation for Collabora. There is a table for environmental variables, one being dictionaries
I think you need to edit the config file "loolwsd.XML" if you installed the native packages instead of using the docker image
Schön dass du fragst.
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To be clear, you followed the steps from this comment? And you have a reverse proxy set up between Nextcloud and the container, right? Make sure the reverse proxy is set up as described here, and especially includes the lines following # Capabilities
I get a white page if using the built in server and a docker server both via docker and machine IP address. But it works fine if I use the demo server. Not sure what to make of it.
You need something like this for nginx
You can skip the websockets if you don't want to be able to use collabora standalone.
Then use that server url in nextcloud.
There is work being done to make LibreOffice interoperate with VB applications:
Similarly, VBA macro support is also being constantly improved.
> i've not seen anything like it for Libre Office
There's Collabora Office for Android and iOS, based on LibreOffice and from one of LibreOffice's most prominent contributors:
Ah yes, I see the button that needs to be removed. Thanks - I'll remove it tomorrow. (There is a LibreOffice Viewer app, but we don't have a lot of resources to maintain it at the moment, so we're focusin on the desktop app.)
Meanwhile, members of the ecosystem are building mobile products based on LibreOffice, eg:
LibreOffice for android.
However Fdroid have been having trouble building it , LibreOffice no long offer binaries on their website
Best option is the Collabora build There is a link to the APK at the bottom of the page.
It looks to me like Collabora Online is basically a rebranded distribution of LOO, so I’d say its relationship to it similar to how RedHat Linux is to Linux: they brand it and advertise it under their own name so they can modify parts of it and/or ship additional features not offered by LOO, and most importantly they include a support contract in their subscriptionsz
Well, it seems like Collabora is the "default" office suite for Nextcloud, but OnlyOffice works too.
Also, docker is the preferred method to run Collabora, but you could also use the linux packages if you want.
it's pretty easy and straightforward using docker.
afterwards you just install the Collabora App on your nextcloud and type in your domain or ip on settings
I use G Suite over a regular Google account for this reason, however keep in mind that they still scan data for services. They also can still hand over data to the government if requested. Whether that's worth it is on you.
That said, another option for an office suite is Collabora, which is based off of LibreOffice. You can either pay for their instance, or self-host your own.
> Being properly financially backed, they can develop faster than LibreOffice, and having good office suites for Linux brings more people into the Linux world
LibreOffice is backed by Collabora so that argument doesn't work.
Hey, sorry. Forgot to answer this. But I really can't give you a proper answer. Didn't have a chance to work with LibreOffice online yet :-(
Anyway, there is this -->
What have you done to trouble-shoot aufs? This page has info on setting up aufs with Docker.
Alternatively, you could install Collabora on the OS itself. Collabora has a repo setup for Debian.
I started off trying to use the Collabora Docker container and quickly got frustrated by the lack of tools (or my lack of Docker knowledge) to do even basic trouble-shooting. Since I was already using LXD, I installed Collabora in a Ubuntu 16.04 LXD container on ZFS.
It sounds to me like you want:
No party does this as well as Google Sheets + Google Forms. Full stop.
Collabora Online is the only FOSS application that comes close. It requires a lot of work to set up and you will encounter productivity killing bugs.
In the Linux world, you could build a website front-end for a python/flask app with any dabase backend (postgresql, mysql, sqlite), but that would be a lot of work for less value than Google Sheets + Google Forms.
Well, since you mentioned LibreOffice, have you tried Collabora? I'm using it in combination with my Nextcloud and even though the initial loading is a little bit slow, it works great for multiple people (worked on a document with 3 people).
I'm not sure, but I think OnlyOffice also allows multiple people to work on one document at the same time. But I'm not really a friend of OnlyOffice, so I don't have any experience with it.
Seems dramatically easier for a G-suite user to move to open-source Collabora Online than for any Microsoft-solution user to move to open-source, though.
Beats me why the settings gui has no way of doing this.
I installed this distro because my arch linux install is getting a bit fubar and wanted to see if this distro could cross compile for example out of the box. Pop_OS! promotes itself as being an 'OS for the software developer, maker, and computer science professional' . After having to google for days to fix things like this and having to do a hundred 'sudo apt get installs' in order to get a basic development environment running. I declare this statement utter BS!
Solution 1:
Press escape key to wake up your machine
Solution 2:
Install disable screen shield extension:
git clone ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/[email protected]
Install gnome-tweaks:
sudo apt install gnome-tweaks
Restart gnome:
Press ALT + F2. Type r and press Enter
Open Tweaks app and under the extensions menu, enable disable screen shield option.
Solution 3:
Install KDE desktop instead of gnome
Solution 4:
Install another distro. (Wish I had spent the time fixing my Arch partition! I'm leaning towards it since trying to compile Collabora Office recently by following instructions on has broken loads of shit beyond repair that I installed on my Pop_OS system like binwalk of all programs!)
Linux: Looking at the web page:
one of the web processes starts eating 100% cpu. If i switch away, it will return to normal. about:performance doesn't detect this it seems.
You can try to build CODE, that is based on LibreOffice. Here is the source code and here the source code of the Dockerfile.
Tell us if anyone succeed. I wish you good luck!
I also had problems. Maybe you need to update your webserver configuration?
I am using nginx and I don't know how to do the following two Apache lines in Nginx, can someone explain?
ProxyPassMatch "/lool/(.*)/ws$" wss://$1/ws nocanon
# Encoded slashes need to be allowed
AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
The docker container log messages I get are: wsd-00026-0032 23:08:46.812091 [ client_req_hdl ] WRN WOPI host did not pass optional access_token_ttl| wsd/FileServer.cpp:255 wsd-00026-0630 23:09:04.181390 [ client_ws_0029 ] ERR ClientRequestHandler::handleClientRequest: BadRequestException: Invalid or unknown request.| wsd/LOOLWSD.cpp:1240
There are some screenshots here:
You can also register for an online demo of Collabora Online, the production-ready version of LibreOffice in the Cloud:
Edit: Forget what I said. This is not the Collabora/Seafile cooperation. They incidentally use Seafile, too.
Dunno about the others off the top of my head, but LibreOffice is supported by a company called Collabora. IIRC, they contribute the most commits of any group working on the project. They have a pay-per-feature and pay-per-bugfix plan for businesses.