iTools has a few different devices, the app itself does not include an overlaying joystick. They do however sell a device that works just like an in-app joystick, but it is handheld.
You can auto walk/run to a location using the GPX function in the app.
You don’t need a PC for it, however, iTools does also have a desktop version which is different than the mobile version. If you decide to use the desktop method, use the Bot method to avoid any bans and such. This is the only way people have gotten banned using desktop, not following the bot method.
They sell the devices and stuff on their website, however, most of the information needed for installing is in their discord. iToolsBT 2.0 is the device you can use to connect and use as a physical joystick.
The itools key is a one time purchase for up to five devices. The subscription is only if you want advance gpx routes, but I'd recommend using the bot method to move and not using gpx routes as that can get you banned. My accounts haven't been banned yet.
If you check this link the premium/platinum licenses are lifetime use.
This one is where you'd buy the license. The premium bundle is fine. Even if you're only using one of the five it never hurts to have more in case you get another device to use them on or give them to friends.
Their Gumroad (Selling Website)
You will see a message saying ”this action is temporarily unavailable, that just means that they’re out of stock. They update when they are back in stock on their discord.
The desktop version is a monthly subscription and over time would cost more than just buying the device and using mobile.
The app itself is free, but in order to get it to work you would need the devices which are not free.
When moving from point to point (walking or teleporting) kill the app on the phone, then restart it when you reach you destination. there is anecdotal evidence and analysis (nothing that you could call hard evidence) to suggest that if you leave the app open while you are walking around with the GPS overrider software, that the software may not take into account elevation/altitude of the location coordinates and report the elevation of where the actual PC location is (if at all), and that the fact that the elevation of the "street level" at any point on the globe is known to the Niantic servers which will actively compare what the game reports and what their map shows. for some reason (it's also only reported) that this only occurs while there's active movement, if your location on the software (and therefore in-game) is not changing, then this elevation check doesn't happen. Niantic can only check to see if you're trying to "walk through a mountain" if you're not standing still. hence the advice, kill the game app, walk or teleport to your new location, restart the game app (aka "the bot method"). check out these linkes more detailed informaiton - &
iTools has its own app, however, it is downloaded through testflight which is apples mobile beta testing app.
To get the app you need to go the the Apple app store, download “Testflight”, join the beta for the iTools app through this link.
For the app to work you need the actual handheld device so it can communicate with your phone and move it to where you want. Those you can find on their website here, but before you do anything you should probably know that you will be limited to a 7-25 km radius from your IRL location unless you use a bypass trick or run iOS 12 on your device. This is because apple implemented some sort of security/privacy fix in iOS 13 that restricts this.
The most common bypass requires an RJ45 ethernet adaptor (most other adaptors will work too). Using this bypass would allow you to go further than 7-25km regardless your iOS. If your on iOS 12 then DO NOT update and you will not need any adaptor or bypass. The app will allow you to go further without any troubles.
Since I’ve gotta go soon, I’ll link a thread I made a while back. It is an old thread, but all the info should be up to date still. In short, iTools is not a cheap method but the main part of it is safety. You could probably also buy a cheap android and use one of the safe methods over on that side of the street if you're looking for something different.
The best place to start is the iTools Discord group. The first link is where to get it, and the second link is to their Discord channel which you can use to get more info, and also be sure to set it up that if they don't have them in stock, you'll be notified when they do.
iPoGo or iTools are your best bets now.
iTools is $50 USD, the safest method for iOS as of now, and uses the legit app so it's harder to detect. iTools is a bit harder to get, it's a fairly long process, look at my previous posts on my profile and I have a guide for it. Basically, to get it to work you order a device for $50 from their website and install their app through test flight in the app store, this method has been around 3+ years and hasn’t really had any reported bans.
iPoGo is free, has a better in-game interface, and is fairly easy to download compared to iSpoofer has been. The downside to this is that this method is not safe since it's a third-party app. You can download this through a guide on their website.
The days of free are over especially for iOS. However using a modded client of the game is now very risky. If you want to spoof for free, then your only option will be to find a used android. Otherwise you'd be far better off buying 1 of the 2 iTools devices, that allows you to use an unmodded version of the game, at this time it a very low risk of being detected by Niantic's anti-cheat program, that was launched in January of this year. The iTools devices are a 1 time only cost, versus the paywall for the modded versions. You're not going to have any bells and whistles like you had with the old Tutu (later known as Global++). The old Tutu app has been gone for over 2 years now, as they were taken down legally by Niantic. Many of those that spoofed with either the old Global++, and later with iSpoofer or iPogo either moved to Android, or went over to 1 of the iTools devices.
Below is the link to iTools:
For more info on what's available, read the links below also referred to as the stickied. Those should help cover most of the questions you'll have.
So, here's the deal with iOS spoofing. Free apps are often 3rd party apps which are detected by Niantics anti-cheat, if you want a safe method that will just allow you to go around your neighborhood, I recommend iTools-Mobile however it's not free but it's pretty much the only safe method for iOS.
On iOS 13, unless you do the Bypass Trick you are limited to around a 15km range from your house you can spoof which sounds perfect in your situation, the only problem seems to be that it’s unfortunately not free. To get iTools working you would need to order one of their devices from their website . It's pretty costly, but it's a one time purchase and looks to be what you’re looking for.
If you have an Android phone laying around, I recommend using that for spoofing since Android methods seem to not be hit as much by Niantic and have been consistently safe.(iTools has too, but Niantic’s new Privacy Policy may be looking into software downloaded which may show them iTools)
I recommend you join their discord and check every once in a while to see if their devices are in stock if you plan on using this method, they are oftentimes out of stock and you just need to be patient.
You'll have to order it from and wait a bit to get it. Plus you may have a bit of a longer wait, if its not in stock. But it'll be by far safer, than iSpoofer or iPogo.
You need to get Testflight (in appstore) then accept This invite to their app (works with both the dongle and BT device)
Its also helpful to join their Discord for extra support.
You can’t start spoofing without a physical device using ITools, you need the device for it to work.
iTools ir (latest version)
Windows 10
• iPhone - iPad iOS transfer between Apple device and computer.
• The free version is very limited and the license is very expensive to buy.
It's pretty self explanatory. When you run the application there's a tab called toolbox, and on that page there's a button called virtual location. Clicking on virtual location brings up a tool that, when you have your iphone plugged in and unlocked, will allow you to spoof the gps location. You do so by navigating on the map to where you want to go, and clicking on where you'd like to set your location. Click on a point and in the little bubble that comes up with the info, click move. That changes your gps coords on the iphone. Click a new location, and observe the distance in the info bubble, that tells you the distance in meters from your old location to your new location. That should inform you as to how long you should wait before opening pokemon go after moving there... this is the travel time or 'cooldown' period. pogo won't let you teleport anywhere in a faster time than it would take you to get there in real life, so you have to wait this time before you can open pogo safely again. I just use it to travel to hotspots locally, places with lots of gyms/pokestops so I can play while i'm working, so relatively safe for me.
Here's a guide for how to do the bot method with itools:
these methods havea HUGEE ban risk.....UNLESSSSs you are using the "bot method" which is explained here....
basically a pain in the butt, you gotta teleport, force close pokemon go, re open pogo, catch pokemon, teleport, close pokemon go, re open, rinse, repeat, basically EVERY TIME you "move" because these "tether methods" use old methods of spoof which do not properly track it tells pokemon go you are underwater, in mountains, etc...basically at "zero"
i don't recommend walking in a spoofed app.
[excerpt from a posting]
B) When moving from point to point (walking or teleporting) kill the app on the phone, then restart it when you reach you destination. there is anecdotal evidence and analysis (nothing that you could call hard evidence) to suggest that if you leave the app open while you are walking around with the GPS overrider software, that the software may not take into account elevation/altitude of the location coordinates and report the elevation of where the actual PC location is (if at all), and that the fact that the elevation of the "street level" at any point on the globe is known to the Niantic servers which will actively compare what the game reports and what their map shows. for some reason (it's also only reported) that this only occurs while there's active movement, if your location on the software (and therefore in-game) is not changing, then this elevation check doesn't happen. Niantic can only check to see if you're trying to "walk through a mountain" if you're not standing still. hence the advice, kill the game app, walk or teleport to your new location, restart the game app (aka "the bot method"). check out these links more detailed information - &
from a bigger post of mine....
B) When moving from point to point (walking or teleporting) kill the app on the phone, then restart it when you reach you destination. there is anecdotal evidence and analysis (nothing that you could call hard evidence) to suggest that if you leave the app open while you are walking around with the GPS overrider software, that the software may not take into account elevation/altitude of the location coordinates and report the elevation of where the actual PC location is (if at all), and that the fact that the elevation of the "street level" at any point on the globe is known to the Niantic servers which will actively compare what the game reports and what their map shows. for some reason (it's also only reported) that this only occurs while there's active movement, if your location on the software (and therefore in-game) is not changing, then this elevation check doesn't happen. Niantic can only check to see if you're trying to "walk through a mountain" if you're not standing still. hence the advice, kill the game app, walk or teleport to your new location, restart the game app (aka "the bot method"). check out these links more detailed information - &
walking is not safe.
I only know software for PC which costs money:
thinksky soft iTools (one time payment option available) Tenorshare iAnyGo (subscription based only) iToolab AnyGo (one time payment option available) iMyFone AnyTo (one time payment option available)
Should be used with bot method:
AnyGo also has some redeemable codes at checkout to be a little bit cheaper (I saved 30% that way). Both AnyGo and iAnyGo include a joystick option in their app but I did not use that in my test.
correct, all of those "desktop" spoofing methods rely on old as "xcode" which does NOT track altitude.....BUT, by restarting the game after every teleport (as in the bot method outlined at ) the game recalibrates the altitude for you
the itools DESKTOP version is NOT safe......unless you use the 'bot method' which is straight from itoolls dev themselves.....simply put itools does NOT track altitude, BUT, by exiting and restarting the game after every teleport, it "resets" your altitude..... so technically you could "teleport" from pokestop to pokestop for field research tasks (as in, if you want to run a stardust run etc in NYC or smeargle research tasks) BUT after every teleport yu must exit the game and reopen so the game "recalibrates" your altitude.....because itools will set you at "zero altitude" which is kinda like middle earth LOL......considering even the elevation of my little city is only 10 feet above sea level :P
BOT method is the only way....and sooo painful lol....closing and reopening the app over and over.....
The problem with the "desktop" version is that it does not properly track'll "look" fine on the map INGAME, but server side, your client will be sending the altitude from your "previous" spoofed location.....unfortunately it's an xCode issue.....
I reccomend going to the iTools Discord and following directions, links and steps through there since those are official links from iTools themselves and stuff like that. Check pinned of a few of the discord channels and most of them have instructions. I have a post on my reddit profile from a while back in this sub that goes into a bit more detail and explains it all a bit more. All of the info in that post is still relevant and has been updated as far as I can tell.
Here is their website where you can find where to purchase the devices and all that stuff. A few different devices there, I personally recommend the regular iToolsBT if your looking for something compact that doesn’t need to be plugged into your phone and won’t be visible unless you take it out of your pocket or whatever. The iToolsBT 2.0 is also pretty good, but thats what I’d prefer to use at home because you simply just look weird walking around anywhere else with a odd shaped plastic joystick in your hand... The 2.0 is really good for using the shortcut buttons for shundo sniping though if thats your thing.
if you chose to use a "tethered" PC version such as itools/drfone I would study up on the BOT METHOD outlined at - basically amounts to teleporting, then launch pokemon go.....snipe/swipe, then close pokemon go...
THEN teleport to next location....obviously abiding cooldown! note: the interface is not "pretty" and will not tell you "cooldown" like ipogo and ispoofer does/did!
It's been long known that xtools which is the backend of itools and most of these other "location fakers" do not track altitude. Simply because people were using these services for other purposes than Pokemon Go LOL.....but pokemon go heavily tracks altitude. so iif you do multiple teleports/captures without closing out the pokemon go app your altitude will never reset (but we all know the earth is NOT flat, and there are hills and valleys LOL) and that;s how people got strikes early on using xcode.
The iTools are hardware devices, and to get 1, you'll haver to order it. For that I recommend going through their Discord group.
I'll give you a link for that, and their Discord Group, the group can help keep you informed in the event of if they're out of stock when they have them back in stock with notifications.
oh, you are saying the BlueTooth device is essential to faking the location? Is there anything special about BlueTooth that it can fake a location while without BlueTooth, it can't?
I was originally thinking that the device is merely to verify the purchase...
Oh their webpage even has an iTools Mobile app alone... without any gadget... it appears to be able to spoof without any device? (but this app cannot be purchased for now... maybe not yet released)
Depending on the package selected the cost can range from around $40 U.S. to around $80 U.S. However for more info, I'd suggest joining their Discord group.
I use Android personally, but were I to use iOS then you can bet your sweet bippee (a term from the 970s when I was still young) I'd be looking at of the devices.
First things first, stay away from the modded versions of the game. Those are known for getting hit with a ban of some type. If you're all set on spoofing with an iPhone, then be ready to spend some money, and buy 1 of the iTools hardware devices. I've YET to see a report of those getting hit with a ban or strike of some type. While they're not cheap to buy, but over time becomes cheaper than what you'll spend with paying a subscription fee, and possibly even a signing service fee. You won't have the added bells and whistles, but with the iTools hardware devices, you're only going to pay for it once, and you'll also be using the original version, and have a far lower risk of detection, or around the low level of what those with a rooted Android has, and maybe slightly better than a downgraded Android, that runs commonly either Android 6 or 7.
With the modded versions it's not an if it might become possible, but has been so for a year now. Also it's not as some may or will insist on, what you do in game that counts, with a modded version. It's been found it's all about the method used to spoof with. Many an experienced veteran spoofer, that knows the ropes and has spoofed for a long while, has either experienced first hand, or seen those who used a modded version get hit, and in some cases, learned especially with iOS, that using a modded version will eventually lead to getting hit. If I were to be able to afford another iPhone, and decide to use it to spoof with, then I'd buy of the iTools devices. I'm also saying that as an Android spoofer.
For the iTools hardware devices, the first link is where to get it, and the second link is to their Discord channel which you can use to get more info, and also be sure to set it up that if they don't have them in stock, you'll be notified when they do.
The best place to start is the iTools Discord group. The first link is where to get it, and the second link is to their Discord channel which you can use to get more info, and also be sure to set it up that if they don't have them in stock, you'll be notified when they do.
I'll give 2 links to help you get started. The second link is to their Discord channel which you can use to get more info, and also be sure to set it up that if they don't have them in stock, you'll be notified when they do.
Getting it can be complicated. It costs anywhere from $50-80 USD depending on the model you get. Their latest wireless bluetooth version is the most expensive with their older wired versions being quite a bit cheaper. They are in high demand due to iPoGo players switching and also the covid lockdowns so they tend to sell out very quickly. Best bet would be to check their site from time to time to see when/if they are in stock.
Join their discord server. The device is frequently out of stock. It took about a week and they updated the discord stating they had stock. Then another week to receive the device.
For iOS the best way as well as the safest to spoof with is to buy 1 of the 2 iTools hardware devices. So far to date, it's been shown as the least risky method. Using a modded client has the highest level of risk, for getting a warning or ban of some type. They're not cheap, ranging from $40 to $70 U.S. But over time, and compared to the costs over time are cheaper. It can take only a few months, to spend what the costs of 1 of the iTools packages will cost, for downloads and subscription fees. If can ever get another iPhone, and decide to use it to spoof with, then I'll be buying 1 of the devices. Also by buying 1 it's a 1 time only outlay of money, versus the recurring costs of paying for a subscription every month.
The devices tends to sell out fast however below I'll give 2 links to help you get started. However the second link is for their Discord channel which you can use to get more info, and also be sure to set it up that if they don't have them in stock, you'll be notified when they do.
Another big advantage with the iTools devices is that you'll always be using the original version, and when an update is rolled out for the game, you're not going to be stuck waiting for a modded version to be updated. The risks overall are by the way for using a modded version of the game estimated at 80 percent of higher. With iTools it's 10 percent or lower for being detected.
No, I mean you're trainer.
Here's a link to something called the "bot method" for people spoofing with iTools PC which is probably very similar to what you are doing. This is not guaranteed to prevent detection but should help.
It’s safe, if you don’t mess up the Bot Method you will be fine (its easy to mess up if your not used to it), also that video is pretty old, but the info is still relevant.
iToolsPC is not a 100% PC version of the game, you use the PC to move your location, and you have the app open on your phone. This method is a subscription ($4.99 a month maybe) and I don’t believe you need an iTools device to run this. I have never used this method before, but I believe it is device free, and all you need to do is pay for the subscription of X amount of money a month and you get access to it.
They sort of seem to hide the amount of money the subscription costs (they used to not) to use it per month, but I can’t really find that on their website. I wish I had more information this time around, but it looks like they changed a bit of their formatting on their website this time around.
iTools Info
1) iTools V1: Physical dongle that plugs into your phone which contains an external GPS chip which overrides the one in your phone.
Pros: Safe spoofing as it uses legit app,
Cons: plugs into your phone, so it uses phone battery, iOS 13 with bypass trick
2) iTools BT: Physical device that connects to your phone via BlueTooth. It also contains an external GPS chip which overrides the one in your phone.
Pros: Safe spoofing as it uses legit app, external device doesn’t use phone battery, works in iOS 13 with RJ45 connector
Cons: external unit must be charged,
3) iTools Desktop: Similar to the other iTools forms, except it’s a program on your PC, and works by accessing developer mode on your phone
Pros: Uses legit pogo app, works on iOS13
Cons: Must follow bot method (no autowalking, no teleporting with pogo app open) for account safety
Please note that iTools, while recommended (by me) for account safety, is a PAID spoofing method. There is NO way to get iTools for free.
You best to buy is 1 of the iTools devices. Below are somethings to help get started towards doing that.
However understand that the iTools devices sells out fast, so you're going to want to set it up, to be notified when they're in stock. They won't be cheap by the way, but far cheaper than losing an account you've spent money on, and what using a modded client will end up costing over a period of months. Plus it's a 1 time purchase for 1 of the devices.
Below are somethings to help get started towards doing that.
However understand that the iTools devices sells out fast, so you're going to want to set it up, to be notified when they're in stock. They won't be cheap by the way, but far cheaper than losing an account you've spent money on, and what using a modded client will end up costing over a period of months. Plus it's a 1 time purchase for 1 of the devices.
I would not recommend using any modded clients, unless you want to risk losing them. If you want to spoof and use iOS, then save the money using a modded client will cost, as well as what you've spent on the game, and use it to but 1 of the 2 iTools devices. The costs of a subscription for using a modded client over time will cost more. The iTools devices are a 1 time cost, versus what you'll be paying regularly every month. Also by using a modded client, is a ban in the making. Modded clients saw the beginning of the end in 2018, when the old Global++ was detected, and then shutdown legally by Niantic. You can buy when they're in stock through the link below, or contact them through their Discord channel, which I don't have.
The devices are here and the hardware is installed through testflight which is in the appstore (apples beta testing app) through this invite.
The “iToolsBT” app, which is the invite above will work with both devices. There is also the “iToolsGoV2” app which can be found here that only works with the dongle, but does the same thing. If you have both apps installed at once it will try to fight for your location, there is a button on the left side which turns off the gps for one app so you can use it without trouble. (Turn it off on the one you won’t use, I recommend only using the BT app.)
The only relatively safe method to spoof is via 1 of the 2 iTools devices. Any modded client is going to have a very high risk of detection, especially if Niantic has fixed and as some has said reinstated their anti-cheat program, or are working on fixing it. As far as using a jailbreak goes, those I'm not to certain about those, and Niantic's ability to detect them. There maybe 1 at the moment that works, but how long before Niantic finds a way to detect it, if they can, will be a matter for the future to decide.
By the way I'm an android spoofer, but I've seen what's gone down with iOS spoofing for the last over 2 years now.
Actually the best way to spoof via iOS isn't an app, but rather a mechanical device, known as iTools.
None of the modded versions of the game are safe to use, especially if Niantic has gotten up, or is working on fixing their anti-cheat program. However you'll need t buy it. The big upside to it, is it's a 1 time fee, and no monthly fees afterwards to pay, plus you'll be using the original client of the game. There are 2 versions of it, a dongle and a Bluetooth device. Each 1 has a different cost though. This is coming from someone that's an Android spoofer, who has seen numerous times of iOS users in the recent past getting hit with anywhere from, shadow bans, 30 day account suspensions, or even the outright termination of accounts.
In the U.S. depending on which 1 you chose $60 or $70. But I can't tell you which is the cheaper 1 to buy. I'll link to it below so you can look into it as per your link request.
This subreddit is for Android Spoofing only. We do not provide support for iSpoofer, iPogo, and iTools. iSpoofer = iPogo = iTools =
Your best and safest is to buy 1 or the 2 iTools devices. So look at the link below.
They also have a discord channel that would be able to answer any questions you have. I don't have a link to it though, to be able to give it to you.
While if there is a download method I can't help you with that. The iTools devices are an actual mechanical device that you connect to your phone, or tablet. You have to order whichever 1 you want, and then depending on whether it's the dongle, or the Bluetooth device buy it. See the link below.
They also have a discord channel that would be able to answer any questions you have. I don't have a link to it though, to be able to give it to you.
I'm new to reddit and cant post new threads so I'll throw this here
Has anyone come across AnyTo iOS location tool which acts like a USB "dongle" tethered to your PC & relocates the phone it's pretty heavily plugged on youtube at the moment cause there is an affiliate link for 20% off so they like to push it. Has anyone got any experience?
Anyway I found if you install the app after the laggy "free trial" they'll offer you 60% discount for a year pass. Assuming it works and they have a legit 30 day refund process this is a pretty decent price to test it and get a refund if it's gonna ban within a week (25€) ..
I've seen very little posts referring to a ban with this app.
SO what I wanna know is peoples opinions and experiences.
Is it possible that this is a similar set up to iTools desktop? In that a ban is highly unlikely if you don't walk and just "jump" as described below from location to location & remain static for all encounters.
It's a bit clunky but I'm interested in any opinions on this tool or iTools desktop - as there will be no dongles posted to Europe in time for gofest.
I'm guessing you're implying that using iTools does not put you in a Developer Mode. That is the part you are contesting not true. Assuming that is what you are contesting, I'll point you to the Thinksoft web page on how they work. They admit this is how it is done.
When you simulate a location, " Developer Mode will be activated on your phone, and it will disappear once you reboot your phone. " I will note I am no longer a developer, as I have advanced in my career. Also note, I have not worked on the OS layer for a while. However, most OSes have very simple api calls to check if the dev mode flag or similar OS states flag is on or off. That can be easily sent along with the payload to their servers. Now imagine this paired with a well trained machine learning system on spoofing pattern. This is not out of the realm. One major setback would be cost (depending on how it is designed). This will take some dev time (although not too much, most of it will be procuring and training the Machine learning system). However, they have shown they are willing to implement similar systems. Therefore, I am wondering what you feel is not true?
Agreed. with the iTools Dongle/BT, you're using testflight. You're still in developer mode.
"Developer Mode will be activated on your phone, and it will disappear once you reboot your phone."
With Itools desktop you are flagged just by using the joystick. The way to use it is to follow the bot method I'm not talking about the physical itools device but the desktop version for mac. The RW is almost immediate. I get it on an alt account created only for testing that.
So once you log on ispoofer, niantic add you on a list with a random timer to RW you ? It's a little wierd.
See the link below.
Now in all honesty it would be faster and about as easy to go on eBay, and buy an older used android, and set that up. From all accounts, you'd have that all done in far less time, than the wait. If you can get an unlocked Pixel for example, you can set that up, and be playing a couple weeks sooner. Which if you look you can find 1 for under $100, or even an unlocked Samsung Note 5. Give me a bit, and I'll see if I can find 1 of either brand.
No. With iTools PC version you cannot walk, you can only snipe. If you walk you get banned
This is directly from their discord:
It is NOT SAFE to use iTools Desktop for grinding, walking eggs, farming or any other in-game movements that imitate walking.
It is considered SAFE to Snipe and Raid (as long as you open and close the game every time you change location), called the Bot Method.
Works with ANY iOS.
For more information regarding Bot Method whilst using iTools Desktop (AT ALL TIMES), please check:
It is free for 48 hours I believe, paid to use indefinitely on multiple PCs and you can spoof multiple devices at once.
All the info is here. You would buy this for the virtual location feature.
Dongle is cheaper and works a bit better but breaks easily and drains your battery. Bluetooth can be a bit temperamental but doesn’t break and you can charge your phone while using
I really looked after my dongle and it still works but have Bluetooth now. Got dongle as backup
As far as I am aware there had never been a RW or van on iTools mobile.
Hey, so I did some more research. I came across this chart on think skysoft's website and here it said under the latest update (Version, it is safe to move using mouse/keys. Am I misinterpreting this? I don't know how current this chart is.
I have a lifesaver here:
You need iTools, there is an option in there that is called "Virtual Location". You set the Location where you should be and do whatever you want. Back home, set the virtual location off again and problem solved...No need for a jailbreak. iTools is a bit pricy, but you get your privacy back...
Hey OP, I've helped one of my friends bypass Life360, I used this computer program to spoof her location, and it works really well, only downside is that it costs $30.
That should be a list of all their products. Right now only the Bluetooth version is in stock which is a bit more expensive than the Gen1 version that plugs into your device.
I don’t understand why you guys praise the gotcha. Just being in my pocket against my leg activated the screen and changed the settings which would make it stop working and that charger is legit aids. Auto spin auto catch USB TYPE C CHARGING and it’s not a tiny ass pill to go missing with some rando ass proprietary charger.
I bought the dongle, there’s a YouTube video I watch, ban proof spoof or something. if you have a computer you can do the software on there somehow. I’m glad I went with this one because I’ll be able to use it for wizards unite too.
iTools mobile device never got revoked and you will use the official pogo app and it’s not a modded pogo app lol ke ++or ispoofer give it a shot and you will spoof with official pogo app you can get iTools mobile device here it’s a extreme gps device where you can fake your god location
Here’s a pretty nifty little chart that helps break down some of the do’s and don’ts:
Main rule is respect the cooldown times.
Also remember that player reports are an immediate signal to Niantic to check your account. Don’t get a bunch of crazy high CP Pokémon and wreck every gym in your home town.
The way I do this is by using iTools4 for PC. Choose your device, go to Apps and all of the installed apps will be listed in the program. They all have checkboxes. Check all the apps you want to delete then click the Uninstall button and one by one they'll vanish from your app's springboard.
I've put my spoofing on ice for the time being, once my red warning ran out on the alt account. I wanted to get it to Ultra Friends with the main, trade what I used it to get, and then I figure I can startup again. I was hoping iTools would be in the clear by then, but it's still up in the air as to what is/was going on.
People will say "don't be an idiot and you won't get caught", but there was someone posting here recently who ran a bunch of tests, using iTools, and got a red warning without spoofing (just using the IV checker, which is just screen sharing). Take that with a grain of salt, as to if they can be believed on their testing. I got my red warning without leaving the area that I started spoofing in, not using GPX routes etc. BanProofSpoof's channel on YT had several red warnings using his method (also respecting cooldowns). It could also be random whether or not you get the RW/SB if you're detected. That way, it's tougher to pinpoint what exactly causes the warning to show up.
Maybe it just comes down to the fact that the developer mode can be detected by another app, and if PokemonGo checks to see if you're in developer mode, and gets a hit, then it moves on to the next check. Just being in developer mode shouldn't be enough for a warning. There are plenty of reasons your device could have it enabled. The next step may be detecting any common iTools behavior.
Long story short, if you're thinking of picking it up, I cannot recommend it right now. A month ago, I could do so without hesitation, especially as they added new features, but it's too risky to use, IMO. Hope it changes soon!
EDIT: adding a link from their site with their own testing. It hasn't been updated very recently, but it lists what they had tested by that particular version of Pokemon Go.
I found these because I was having trouble getting the regular buying page to load and it wound up having options that were a tad cheaper than what it usually is. This is from the official website as well. I just went to the promotions tab at the main ThinkSky page. I just used the second option since its a better deal than buying one license for only a dollar less. They seem to be available until the 18th of July.
It's a Windows program that you can use to spoof on an iPhone. It wasn't intended for PoGo spoofing, but since spoofers started using it for that, the dev has been very receptive and adding features that aid spoofers. They have a free trial.
iOS file manager
The new version has a virtual location in developer mode that I want to try out before buying it. The trial version just lets you try it three separate times.
Windows 10
iOS file manager
The new version has a virtual location in developer mode that I want to try out before buying it. The trial version just lets you try it three separate times. <-- is that the link? my laptop is a lenovo ideapad 100 which i had to get for school, i have no clue about PC's myself. but i have a feeling this isnt the best for anything related to photoshop or video editing work..