If you ever want to delete your account on basically any site (like facebook, twitter, etc.), this place will tell you exactly how to do it. the site will also tell you the difficulty of deletion, ranging from easy to impossible. It also has an extensive fake identity generator.
Most social media profiles are becoming increasingly harder to delete, and it is infuriating. As an aside, it seems that you deactivated your account and not deleted it. Unless it was intentional, there is a difference between deactivating and deleting FB account. You can permanently delete your account by following instructions on this page.
Edit: Just Delete Me is a handy (and searchable) list of direct links to permanently deleting accounts for many web services, including most social media accounts, in case some one is interested...
Going back in time and never using the internet is really the only way.
An easy tool for deleting your accounts:
But know that once your information is online, there really is no way to delete it for sure. I believe even facebook stores your account on their servers 'just in case' you decide to undelete it.
In addition your content is likely cached on google or archived on the wayback machine.
Here's a few tips to staying safe for my less internet savvy red pillers out there. If you forget to use a handle and are somehow targeted, here's some steps you can take:
> Delete yourself from the "deep web".
You can go to and search your name + location. It "aggregates" info, so you can follow all the links pointing to you that it shows in the results and request the removal of your information on those respective sites, along with any information of your relatives, family etc.
> Search your name, aliases and old accounts.
justdeleteme has a chart that shows you difficulty (and even ability) to remove or close different website profiles.
Some things that leave really big footprints on the web:
Website Domain WHOIS information that wasn't registered through a service like domainsbyproxy, etc.
Facebook profiles / posts without the right privacy settings.
google+ is notorious for keeping your picture + email address public for the world to see.
LinkedIn is really bad about this too.
Basically, pretend like you're trying to doxx yourself and see how far you get as a logical human being. Please feel free to add to this list. SJW's/antifa are misled, delusional chicken shit cowards and thrive on subversive tactics, so there's no better offense than a good defense.
A surprising amount of services and sites allow you to delete your account. If the data still remains you can't know for sure, but still.
There are still some that refuse to, but hey, it's better than nothing.
Find the services you use on, and go through your email to find sites you've used before.
If there's no listed procedure, search for site + delete, and if you don't find either "you can't" or "do this", send them an email and ask.
Since a lot of people seem to be saying that it's hard to delete your FB, I'm going to share the site I used to do it. They have links to pretty easily delete your account from tons of sites, Facebook takes about 5 minutes to get through the form and is actually permanently deleted a week or two later if you don't access it. Hope this helps someone!
tl;dr: Wipe yourself from the internet, encrypt or preferably destroy your hard-drive, stop talking to your girlfriend over the internet or texts. Be safe and keep us updated.
edit: Consider a dead man's switch. They send documents or information to people if you haven't checked in within a set time-frame. seems like a good option.
Para redes sociais podes sempre usar o
Há outros do género e alguns mais radicais como o que te dá links directos para apagares a tua conta em diversos sites.
There are two ways that are quite different.
The easily accessible one only de-activates your account and keeps your profile "on hold".
There is another way very well hidden that actually de-activates your profile for 14 days, then deletes it if you don't log in for those 14 days (Be careful of accidental logins on your smartphone and such).
Take a look at, they have a link to the proper page.
This site will tell you how to delete your account on any site (facebook, instagram, twitter, etc.), and also gauges the difficulty of deletion.
Bonus "fake identity generator" that is pretty hilarious.
O maior problema que tenho com vpns é a latência que fica muito alta.
Outras coisas são tapar a webcam com um bocado de fita/postit, coisa qualquer. Principalmente se costumares andar pela deep web ou se costumas sacar torrents/cenas de sites duvidosos- isto é o pai nosso dos RATs.
Outra coisa, e um user-agent switch, why not? Não afeta nada a nível de enciptação nem adiciona grande segurança, mas ao menos pode servir de decoy.
Edit: Neste site estão informações acerca de como eliminar contas de vários sites e plataformas.
/r/privacy may have an answer.
Although, I'm also curious to how to go about removing this kind of information. Some websites may still hold your account information, despite it's deletion. I could be very wrong, but there may be a period of that must pass, before they remove all account information from their servers. See Terms of Service; Didn't Read for a comprehensive summary of the account's you're attempting to remove.
Background search Websites, such as the one's you've stated, may also have previously aggregated the information, prior to the deletion of said accounts and have stored it onto their servers.
Again, this is my theory. Another site worthy of bookmarking is Just Delete Me
That's really not "how it works".
"The internet" is not a single unified thing. As you interact with a particular website or service, that website or service accumulates data about you, including content created by you. To have that content / data removed you have request that the site removes it, and then they have to comply with that request.
There are a number of ways to streamline this process, like However, it will take a good deal of effort on your part and will probably take a while. Expect to have many sites simply tell you "no" unless you can provide some sort of legally compelling reason for them to comply with your request. As far as I can tell your reasoning boils down to "Because I want to". Good luck trying to figure out how to submit a "Right to be Forgotten" request to Google :P
I was there not too long ago. This is how it worked for me (some may not be applicable to your situation):
1) I deleted, not closed/inactivated, but deleted, my facebook, twitter, linkedin etc. This is the website I used to do so...
2) I set aside a time for playing video games, usually on the weekend. I started with 3 hours window, but I am reducing it by 15 minutes every week. I don't play multiplayer games, so don't know how that will work...
3) I consciously stop taking my smartphone and tablet everywhere. I will have my phone with me when on the road, but when at work/home, I just leave it with on the charge.
4) I am one of those people who can't stand the little red notification on any icon. So I utilized the granulated control for App Notifications (I have iPhone) and turned all of them off for the first couple of weeks. Now I have it setup so I only see Mail notification from one of my most used account.
5) I workout at a local gym, and like many other, I used to take my phone with me, listen music etc. I stopped doing that. It was difficult in the beginning, but now I am used to it.
6) Lastly, find an outdoor activity for which even if you have your phone with you, you will have very little use for it. Hiking and Rock climbing are two of my favorites. Swimming could also work.
It takes a bit of discipline, as you would imagine, but it is completely possible. And the fact that you are asking this question is an indicator that you have already taken your first step in that direction.
Did you have to delete them one by one? If I recall correctly, there is a site that allows you to easily delete them all at once, although all I could find was from a Google search.
Haha, I have a problem with pointless e-mail subscriptions too. It's such a wasteland that I must have like 20,000 emails on it.
I have to admit, I don't know if things like this are entirely useful. All it said was to delete all of your accounts. It could have said all of that in two pages, or could have just linked to Just Delete Me.
The reality is, however, that many of these types of services are useful. For example, it says to delete your email. Great, you've deleted your email, now what? I know this was aimed at 'Completely Disappearing Online', but for 99.9% of the public, this won't do them much good, as it leaves them pretty much in web 1.0, but with Google Analytics still following their IP. If it had said, "Delete your accounts, install HTTPSEverywhere and Disconnect, set up an email with Autistici over Tor and use Thunderbird with TorBirdy check it, set up Diaspora, use the Tor Browser, etc", then we'd be talking. But this seems almost like a, "How to remove yourself from the internet entirely, thus losing agency in society".
To me, things like this need to not only teach us how to remove information from online databases, but also persist online without information being added to those databases.
Well for email newsletters there's for logins for most services there's the open source
I have not tested either of these sites, I know from others that just delete is great, I can't say anything about unroll.
Ooh wait, " just delete " only tells you how, it doesn't find the accounts.
I think legally, due to international Internet privacy laws, there's not a way to do this, though I could be wrong.
Ooh there is a few sites which say they can do "reverse email search" though most are terrible and work by looking for public mentions of email on profile pages, when they even work, a lot are actually disreputable marketing agencies pretending to offer the service so they can spam you.
Would something like this help?
And I know it's not possible to just logic away anxiety, but consider: If you can't find it (googling yourself or old usernames) then the odds of someone else finding it and tying it back to you are basically nonexistent.
> If you ever want to delete your account on basically any site (like facebook, twitter, etc.), this place will tell you exactly how to do it. the site will also tell you the difficulty of deletion, ranging from easy to impossible. It also has an extensive fake identity generator.
Process of deleting accounts
Not sure why you were downvoted. Some sites make it incredibly difficult for you to close your account. Here is a neat website that lets you know which sites are easy and difficult to remove yourself from.