did you track how much you got paid for pooping?
if not then i recomend https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.poopsalary&hl=en
"Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why i poop on company time"
Did you have to delete them one by one? If I recall correctly, there is a site that allows you to easily delete them all at once, although all I could find was http://justdelete.me from a Google search.
Haha, I have a problem with pointless e-mail subscriptions too. It's such a wasteland that I must have like 20,000 emails on it.
I can see im on page 3 of this book.. i think its about you..?
No, but im keeping it in my back pocket if he ever retrieves a pube from between my teeth one day.
Wtf this question doesn't make any sense! How many combination pizzahut/taco bells are within a 3 mile radius of Sally?
You know what the best one is, imho, its the Gum expanding floss..or any expanding floss. I used drtungs brand before but not every place has them i think gum brand would be easier to find.
It is. 💁
It's a battle to achieve immortality. You should start researching robotics, genetics, and software and compete to be the first human to live beyond the traditional lifespan. Soon there will be a handful of borderline-immortal humans fighting for dominance over Earth. In a few centuries Earth's immortal(s) will have to battle other immortals from our galaxy, and the best one will absorb all the galaxy's matter and antimatter into their being. Then this galaxy will battle other galaxies until the whole universe is one mind. That mind could be you. But then that mind will have to battle other universes until one universe dominates the omniverse, and that will be <em>the beginning of time.</em>
Well first you should get an [anal speculum)[https://www.amazon.com/Best-Surgical-Pratt-Rectal-Speculums/dp/B00IDCJLWU) to preserve the integrity of your ass toast.
Assuming your ass toast really is the best kind, you may also want to get some premium preserves that go well with toast, and can double as a lubricant. I recommend St.Dalfour brand, available at your nearby Whole Foods or hoity toity market.
Then with your tasty preserves lubed anal speculum in place, gently apply the eggplant by jamming it in there.
Gentlemen, please trust me as an webcam addict. For years I have been searching for real girls who want fun. Hard to find right...not now. This site does charge you for minutes however all the girls are real and not paid to be online. And there are plenty. https://www.luckycrush.live/?maid=mref&mbid=tn1 You can thank me later :)
Maybe you have a long "bowel transit time"? Dr. Internet just taught me this term today.
Hmm maybe you could try this: https://www.verywellhealth.com/blue-poop-challenge-measures-gut-health-5186504
And adjust fiber, water, physical activities, stress?
You can also try this: https://www.amazon.com/Squatty-Potty-Original-Bathroom-Toilet/dp/B007BISCT0
Maybe go to doc, too.
If you find something that works let me know my hubs does the same thing hahaha
Wait, really?
I just learned about IMVU. It doesn't sound very good to me, BUT the guy who founded it wrote the book "The Lean Startup" which is excellent. If you have interest in entrepreneurship it presents an amazing path.
I assume you mean something like these?
Oh, that thing is there so they can hang themselves with it if they ever fail to gain the meaningless validation of strangers regarding their trendy and modern fashion statements. It's the height of technology.
My favorite film? Mad Max: Fury Road. Why? Because it's unlike anything I've ever seen before in film. Best of all, practical effects and stunts. Crazy stunts, too. It's a respectable action film too that you can tell the filmmakers put a lot of effort into making.
Different people have their own opinion on what qualifies as a good movie. I like films with characters put in situations that go against their nature (Like Blade Runner). Underdog stories are also a personal favorite of mine.
I highly recommend you see Blade Runner. However, there are several different versions floating around. My personal favorite is this version.
I don't think it's science fiction, it is! It's based off renowned author, Phillip K. Dick's 1966 novel "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" (albeit, loosely). A Blade Runner is a type of Bounty Hunter whose sole job is to hunt down bioengineered beings, or "Replicants" and retire them (euphemism for killing them). Harrison Ford plays Rick Deckard, a former Blade Runner who is brought back to hunt down four Replicants who have returned to Earth illegally.
It's a Science Fiction/Action film that operates on multiple dramatic and narrative levels. Check it out.
You should learn the German language.
If you're an Android user I suggest: