This app was mentioned in 70 comments, with an average of 3.91 upvotes
There's an app for that called Poop Salary. You enter your salary/hourly wages and each time you poop you hit the "start poop" button and it tracks how much you get paid to poop. It even gives stats AND HAS ACHIEVEMENTS. I made $1300 pooping in 2015 according to the app.
did you track how much you got paid for pooping?
if not then i recomend
"Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why i poop on company time"
FYI there's a phone app you can get called poop salary that will let you calculate how much money you make from pooping at work. :)
There's an android app called poop timer I think where you put in your hourly wage or salary and average number of hours per week and it lets you keep track of how much you've earned by shitting at work.
Edit: actually I think it was called poop salary.
FYI there's an app called Poop Salary where you can put in your hourly wage and then run a timer while you shit to calculate how much money you've made work pooping. :)
Poop salary is an app that keeps track of how muck you make while dropping a deuce at work
Poop Salary, mark those poops while at work to see how much you're earning, while pooping!!!! I wish there was an app to see how much time you were wasting while shitting, while not working.
The Poop Salary App sounds perfect for you, then.
There's an app called Poop Salary that lets you clock how much you're getting paid while you're dropping a deuce.
Poop Salary is my app of choice, I'm sure there's better out.
If you could get everybody to use this app on their Android phones, we could get accurate data.
But besides that, some people don't like to poop at work. Or they can't take a leisurely dump due to their occupation. (Trapeze performer? Airline pilot? Scuba diver?, etc...) I however LOVE dumping at work. But I may be an outlier in that regards. But I digress..
Anyways, here's a super rough guess: In April 2015, about 120 million people were employed on a full-time basis.
There's no "normal" frequency of poops per day. For n=1 for just myself, sometimes I go zero times or as many as 3. But let's go by this site and say once per day.
So that's 120 x 1 = 120 million American poops/day. Let's assume we're all trying to stick it to our bosses by pooping at work. Let's also assume we can pop our squat in 10 minutes, just like you did. 120M x 10 minutes = 1.2B minutes = 20M aggregate hours on the toilet per day.
This site says the average American wage is $25.57/hour. 20M hours x $25.57/hour = $511,400,000 total salary spent daily on employees dropping the kids off at the pool. If you get 2 weeks' vacation per year, then there are 50 work weeks/year. $511,400,000 x 5 work days/week x 50 weeks = $127,850,000,000 spent annually on employee poop time.
There's an app that tracks it for you.
Don't forget this!
It can add up (
Download Poop Salary and see how much money you've earned while pooping on company time. Paid poops are best poops.
Sounds like you'd get some good use out of this app.
I just calculate it manually, but it's nice to see it presented like that.
So you can keep track to your poop salary.
To simplify this for you:
It's called Poop Salary
It's actually called Poop Salary:
I was using the app Poop Salary (Android)Great concept - but this takes poo to the social level!
Semi related, theres an app that tells you how much you make while pooping at work!
There used to be an app for calculating how much you got paid for shitting on the firms time. Twas a thing where I worked a few years ago. I'd say 40 minutes a day, 5 days a week would net you a nice little bonus.
not sure if this was the one - poopsalary
article about the above app :-
Now There's an App For Calculating How Much You Earned While Pooping at work
Here's a handy app that lets you know how much you're earning while shitting.
There is an app for that!
Poop Salary
Helps you calculate how much your work pays you to shit on their payroll.
No, /u/kap06 is just illiterate.
> poop salary
There's an app for that.
Hope this helps
In case you really enjoy knowing EXACTLY how much money you've made whilst pooping, there's an app for that
As an aside, there is an app for calculating your pay for pooping at work called Poop Salary!
Sounds like you should start calculating metrics on your poop salary
Do you also run a poop app to keep track of how much you're sticking it to the man?
I love vaping in the third stall in the 4th floor bathroom because I know I'm getting paid to poop:
With poop salary you can now tell your wife how much you earn while doing shit work.
There a great app for tracking how much you get paid to poop.
I give you the Poop Salary app.
I've been using this app for years to keep track of just such a thing.
Same idea but put to an app
Better: Poop Salary app