- Fast-forward to around the 15 minute mark for the full context.
John Fahy and Justin Montemayor were talking about the origin of certain Fahy drops. They discussed the drop where Fahy got called out by a P1 a few years ago for not watching a Cowboys game because he was out of town watching an F1 race. Fahy responded angrily back, “I’m in control here Bill!” which became a semi-famous Ticket drop.
Fahy then discussed that after the P1 called him out, it bothered Jeff Catlin so much that Cat had a company-wide meeting about it. During this meeting, Catman singled Fahy out and mentioned credibility. Then on the podcast, Fahy stated the following:
Fahy: “Fuck you dude..credibility..give me a fucking break.”
Justin: “This is the same Cat that you said was your best friend.."
Fahy: “Hey, I can still tell Catman to go fuck himself. I tell my friends to fuck themselves all the time, like seriously, what are you talking about, credibility. I’m a fucking nobody and also, how do I not get credibility by being honest [about not watching the game].”
Not sure if this is why he got fired but it probably didn't help.
The degree thing is interesting... I just recently read a book (The Death of Expertise by Tom Nichols; which, among many topics, touches on the subject of how with the massive explosion of degrees and the fact that as college degrees have become more and more widespread, the value of the degrees diminishes. The author postulates that college was not necessarily meant to be the egalitarian thing that it has become and... honestly, I can't disagree with him.
And the downside of it all is that you have many who enter degree programs that are not well positioned to the modern workforce or (worse) folks who enter college when perhaps college was not the best course of action for them. We need to start encouraging more younger folks to look at the trades and other forms of employment... I think they often get overlooked and I know they were even 10 or so years ago go when I graduated high school.
If people from Wisconsin have “speech problems” Texans must be doing sit-ups under parked pick-ups because we pronounce loads of shit so weird there have been multiple commode books written on the subject.
So no, u/BobSturm with a super-awesome radio voice does not have a “speech problem”...unless you count the way nearly everything he says sounds like Principal Ed Rooney saying “nine times”. (An observation I think Bob would even laugh about.)
His email and phone number are on Linkedin. Give him a call. I went direct to the source to understand leasing. It was me, him, and the bless your heart guy in a big circle of trust.
I'm listening to "Silver Anniversary Roundtable: #7 Moron Dog With Bob Sturm, Dan Mcdowell, Gordon Keith and George Dunham" via SportsDay TALK
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"Handy Gym" is a thousand dollars LMAO
For that money it better be giving ME a handy ^ayooo
Looks like it might have been shadow deleted? I see it in the thread when I'm logged in but when I log out the thread doesn't show it. Either way uts here:
He and Corby were riffing about the crazy comeback while waiting for Monty. They were talking about their texts throughout the game and Bob had some insider HSOs he decided not to share. Here's the segment.
The Ticket: Full Disclosure: the Completely True Story of the Marconi-winning Little Ticket, a.k.a., the Station That Got Your Mom to Say 'stay Hard'
I find it on TuneIn, iHeart, and Sports Day. The only one not doing it is as long as you pay $24/mo. I'm in Oregon, so that's all I have to listen. My kryptonite isn't Jamie but the spots. Frikkin' thing is incessant and it's on every break.
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And thanks for spreading the word!
OK, I remember early on he was overweight big on getting healthier. I seemed to have a distant memory of him cowriting a book. Your post came up and I went to his Wikipedia, which led me here.
This in my extra bedroom. I use it during freezing temps too. It's just how I avoid heating up the house.
I feel like an idiot not know a trainer existed. Went for the first time last year and it took a while to figure it out.
Its the Gospel of John. All gospels are pretty short. Not sure how that would hit even 100 pages
Edit; avg bible is 1200 pages thats both old and new testament. Now it is unique in format.
80 pages in this version but includes devotional notes
This is also an option: Food storage containers w/ lids
I missed the bit but i have this one and there is no way anyone could sleep through it. 85+ db sound and it has something to put between the mattress that shakes the bed.
It's not a blanket hatred of country so much as a blanket hatred for "bro-country" - at least for Danny, anyway.
You might recall Danny's <em>Too Much Living</em> from a few years back; the prevailing opinion is that it's a pretty good country effort. I therefore find it hard to believe the guy is down on country, but I find it easy to believe that he wants to kick acts like Florida-Georgia Line straight in the nuts.
No comment on Corby.