Liquid Ass Fart Spray from Amazon . Read the reviews. A few sprays under the door once in a while may help, or even cause them to move or be evicted from the smell.
Or if you want to do it en masse, use Ad Nauseum.
Like adblock, but it clicks on everything in the background. Hurts the companies, makes ad companies' stats less reliable, and stops companies from building up a good profile of you (they can't tell who you are if you registered an interest for literally everything)
I just Googled "high frequency alarm app" and downloaded the first thing on the Android app store. It's called High Frequency Sounds
There’s a far more famous story about Hemingway saying he could write a story in six words. No one believed him. He scribbled the following: For sale: Baby shoes; never worn.
Dropped the pen and bounced.
Sure it is apocryphal. But, it’s a great tale.
Here’s a write-up.
You are actually on to something. I've been a filmworker for decades. The few times I have ever brought friends/family to a set, they were always most impressed by the food. We are spoiled. The food overall is fantastic -- stuff I would pay a lot for in a restaurant.
The key is the walkie headset. You can get a cheap one on Amazon.
Chances are, no one will even check to see if it's actually plugged into a radio or not. They will just accept you as one of them.
EDIT: A belt with a small pouch, or a fannypack, anything like that will probably seal the deal. It doesn't even need to have anything in it.
People come and go. Positions are filled with "day-players" when someone can't show up. No one really questions a new person on set for the most part.
I live in the hot South. You don't even need the Patagonia here, just shorts and a tee shirt.
I use a program called Caffeine at work - doesn’t require admin rights. Just put it in your startup folder and never worry about your computer timing out again.
It's commonly sold online. It's useful for a variety of things such as an anti-Christmas tree theft device. Doesn't stop the initial theft, just all future ones.
I have these ones specifically, they're pretty cheap $6 USD and are 120pcs, just make sure to have your keycap remover at hand or its going to be a pain in the ass to put a ring on every switch.
Someone mixed facial recognition and social media with porn. It's pretty scary. And more or less what you're looking for.
This won’t work if bitlocker is enabled. If it’s not encrypted burn yourself a copy of Hiren’s boot CD / USB and boot the machine with that. It will allow you to browse the disk without taking the PC to pieces
Yep, including uranium ore. I actually bought that for a friend of mine. Back when we were roommates, he would constantly be getting packages, so it started to become a running joke somehow of telling him that one of the bombs (packages) he ordered came. So, I decided, why not give him the gift of a nuclear bomb? And thus came the present of uranium ore being sent to a guy I texted many times saying his “bombs” arrived. If he isn’t on a watchlist by now because of me, the government is really failing at this whole surveillance thing.
Working for the government makes you ELIGIBLE to use the Government rate, but it doesn't guarantee that you'll get it whenever you use a hotel, even on business. The corporation determines a number of government rates they'll offer at any given time, and the hotel I work at offers very very few, especially in the holiday season and in the summer. Eligibility does not equate to availability. The trouble is that even mid-range hotels are raking in a million dollars a day because their rooms rent for $200-$300. The Government rate chops that down by a LOT and that cuts the revenue of the business. So the government and the corporation have to reach a deal over the availability of the government rate. The government can't ask for too much availability because it encroaches on the hotel's revenue, and the Hotel can't deny too much because, well, it's the government and they don't want to get fucked by taxes.
Ex, My hotel offers five rooms a month on the GOV rate in the summertime. That means five people get to use 1 room once under that rate, and then no one else that month can use it. It's usually sold out before the month even begins because there are some good planners out there who are good at booking in advance.
If you really want the GOV rate during those times, you need to book several months in advance (as mentioned above, this is with Marriott Hotels, and probably more applicable to high-end ones).
And since we're on the topic of hotels, can I say, PLEASE don't book through Expedia or Go to the actual hotel site. No matter what Expedia says, 90% of the time the hotel's price will be cheaper. Expedia has a shitload of dirty backdoor fees hidden in the fine print and they prey on people who don't read it. Fuck Expedia man.
Memento or Trello. They do the same thing in a different way.
They've definitely got a multiple gpu setup, I'd guess probably 12 or 15 1080tis based on Nicehash current profit amounts, unless they have a good electricity free setup like this post suggests.
Bonus ULTP, room mate blackmailing your shower usage by controlling the shower curtain? Shower without a shower curtain or buy a cheap shower curtain from amazon
AmazonBasics Shower Curtain with Hooks - 72 x 72 Inch, White
Mullvad is the best I have found. Based in Sweden who has reasonably strong privacy protections, costs €5 (about $6US) per month flat, and has (mostly reliable) fast servers all over the world. Also has a 10% discount for paying with bitcoin or bitcoin cash.
Your account is just an account number, and that's it. It requires zero information from you to make a new account, so you can throw one away and make a totally new one as much as you want. I'm sure there are other decent providers out there, but I haven't found one that even really compares in the privacy department. A VPN that knows as little about you as possible is about as good as it gets.
It also supports openvpn and wireguard, the latter is for me is way easier to use across all my devices (especially linux), and is nice if you want to run a separate torrent server.
Edit: forgot to say the other comment is right, there is no good free vpn. They are at best horrible reliability and speed wise, and at worst have no interest in privacy and actively try to harvest your data.
There are apps to edit the EXIF data, such as this (just as an example, I've never used it, and haven't read the reviews):
You could pre-prepare a lot of the data like camera type, photo size, etc, on a computer, then edit the time, date, and location when you need to.
TBH, if you are running late to work, you probably wouldn't want to waste even more time by editing it, but it would depend on your situation, and how late you actually are.
Edit: I just had a thought; if your boss would spend the time to check the EXIF data, they would probably just do a reverse image-search beforehand, which would come up with the exact same photo.
In a river should do. However, you absolutely MUST make sure that it is at least 5 metres deep. You can do this by dropping in a marked rope with a heavy weight at the bottom (e.g. a stone).
Alternatively, dig a hole. However, you must make sure that it is in a secluded place. Also, when covering the body with dirt, grow grass over it if in a grassy area. This minimises the chances of it being found.
As for what to wear, have a pair of gloves handy. I would personally recommend some nice gardening gloves like these. These are necessary in order to avoid leaving finger prints on the body, in the case of it being found. Also, wear some shoes that do not make noise.
I would recommend moving the body in the night and avoiding other people. Just in case you are seen, keep the body in a camping bag or suitcase. Try not to be seen by security cameras.
In the event of being noticed by security cameras or other people, dump ALL visible clothing worn on the night into the sea or a deep river. Again, do NOT leave fingerprints.
This small guide should set you up quite nicely.
DISCLAIMER: I am not in fact a murderer. This was just a joke that I took waaaay too far. It took me a while, so I’m gonna post it anyway.
There's a similar tool that's used to stop the dog from barking. It's about $20.
It's basically an electric dog whistle. Walk by their house and wait for the dog barking to start, then shoot these sounds in their direction. Keep it up consistently and it will train them to stop barking at strangers. at least at you. At least when you're in your own backyard.
Works best when the dogs are also outside. Not the best if you can hear them through walls/doors.
Hello, I'm a bot! The movie you linked is called Going in Style, here are some Trailers
I've been mining for about a week now. Here is my mining stats atm. I haven't had it full tilt all week though as I only started with 3 1080s and have since added another 1080 and 1 570 and 1 580. I've spent about $3500 total. At the rate its going, I'll have made back my original investment, and then should make a few thousand at the end of the next six months. That also doesn't factor in when I sell my video cards for at least 50% of what I paid. I've been looking into mining for a few months now and decided to pull the trigger because I had some extra cash I could invest. I'm going to continue to slowly build more machines as well. I'm sure you did tons of research though to come up with you "0,10$ a year profit" number.
It was around 2 years ago an airhogs fpv race car. Got the last 2 at my store. Can’t find the actual page anymore but it was referenced in the comments here:
Honestly it was a shitty car, absolutely not worth $100
> Android WiFi crackers?
> I didn't see any root tools since Jelly Bean
As Android can install Termux, you can also setup a full Arch or Kali distribution there :) If you want to go full root + kali, TWRP is pretty straight forward for most devices these days.
With the above two techniques alone, I have a success rate of around 80%. If that doesn't work out, just crack the next neighbors' WiFi. Additionally, there's the WPS exploit, most people have WPS activated as they have no clue about how to configure their WiFi router, so that's also nice and works most of the time :D
edit: The krackattacks were the actual reason for the WPA3 spec btw. So it is known to work, and cannot be fixed by concept.
This guy is correct. It's MAC filtering. Which is pretty hardcore, but not full proof.
I'd say get two cheap routers and use DD-WRT to spoof a know good mac on the network and then bridge it to the other router so you have a brand new unrestricted wifi you can do whatever with!
Asus N12 works for DD-WRT fine
I did something like this AGES ago to setup a hotspot off of the xfinity free shared crap so older TVs could get WIFI (back when they didn't have browsers built in)
You reminded me to leave a legitmate bad review... Just got this error:
Sorry, we are unable to accept reviews for this product. This product has limitations on submitting reviews. There can be a number of reasons for this, including unusual reviewing activity.
Upon looking, it appears they have somehow managed to delete all reviews of the product and do not allow new reviews.
Anyone know why?
1) always use a VPN
2) you are always responsible for what other people do on your network
3) don't give out your password
4) if you have to give out your password to help someone, change it before and change it back
5) forget all that and just tell your neighbor you don't have wifi
6) My apartment router had a password set by my ISP that followed a pattern with my apartment number in it. Between that and default passwords you probably know half of the wifi passwords. And they have maps of known passwords. And you can crack weak passwords in minutes or hours with a little Google-fu and the right wifi card.
Here's Android version of the same app by the same dev at £1.79 (20p is the difference):
Apple Tax being an entirely different developer wanting to be paid? Sure. And I'm sure there are free equivalents on the App Store as well, but I took that from the top comment's website.
Use a VPN or try on a different WiFi network. I typically get prices around 750CAD to fly to Miami, FL. I tried using my library's WiFi once and it was 600CAD (massive savings but still expensive). I used my NordVPN subscription and went through all of the addresses with a spreadsheet marking each, managed to book a ticket for 280CAD. Exact same fucking flight, just affordable.
This is a good place to check your profitability estimate. Internet speed/data caps don't really come into play. The only thing I would note is that if you manage your own cryptocurrency wallet (as you should) then the initial blockchain download can be substantial. Monero was 16+ gigabytes last I checked.
I think there's an app which is Socratic where you take a picture of a question and it searches the question for you on 6+ or more different websites which is known for answering questions. I can't explain it that well but it's better to check it your6
If everything is locked by IT, use one of these:
It's a USB dongle that jiggles your mouse and prevents sleep. It's used by law enforcement when they catch a perp in the act and want to take the computer to forensics without having it lock.
Going much further:
Get you SO to demand a tour of the backyard from the realtor during an open house and use the distraction to unleash Liquid Ass on the first floor bathroom. It reputedly stinks to high high heaven.
You'll get the house for much less $$$$. You might have to take that bathroom down to the studs, but that will cost you much less than the $$$$ you saved on the purchase of the home.
Not true. You can block ads to any device on your network with a pi-hole or something similar.
Apparently with pi-hole you can pair it to a VPN and when your phone is on VPN it will also block ads, even on cellular network when you're away from your home wifi.
It's basically only profitable to mine with GPU's. But if you're using free electricity and don't care about the wear and tear of equipment, then your CPU can net you a little over a dollar a day with your GPU getting a bit over $2/day. Personally, my 980s that I'm mining with, makes a little over what nicehash says it would make in income.
How about $8.25?
Wand Massager, Rechargeable Waterproof Personal Wireless with Multi Speed Powerful Full Body Massage, Head, Neck, Back
Memento or Trello. They do the same thing in a different way.
You can go to the Amazon product page and scroll down to the reviews where there are customer submitted images that should be sufficiently shitty for whatever your nefarious purpose may be:
Just don't forget that not all VPNs are working with Kodi, maybe this will help
Load one of the "mosquito" ringtones that only young kids can hear, set it as your hangouts/chat/messaging tone.
Install an app like Google "Find my Device" app. Allow it to use the tablets GPS (if it has one).
> super effective
Depends what you are trying to achieve. Probably some long term negative consequences to using bribery as a way to achieve desired outcomes.
At least it seems questionable to use allowance as a way to get kids to do chores:
Use relay for reddit.
Play store link: Relay for reddit
I installed a Pi-hole server on a Raspberry Pi that blocks ads on my entire network at home. It's not foolproof - some apps stop working when they can't display ads - but for others it works great. It looks like there are also Pi-hole solutions for when you're outside your home network, but I'm not experienced with those.
Step 1: go to this link: Download and install it. It may look unsafe but its real. If you don't believe me look on youtube or whatever. After you finish, tell me then your done so we can move on to step two
I've seen other things in the past, but to start you out, have this: Not a great source, but it might hold you over for now.
Mohandas (Mahatma). In the Civilization series of games, he’s famous for slinging nukes around like there’s no tomorrow, all thanks to a bug in the original title.
Zantac can increase your BAC by up to 38% over what it would be with alcohol alone. Here’s a WebMD article about some research done on it.
Can vouch for this $19 one too. Good range outdoors. Accidentally left it outside in rain and in snow. Still worked great. Eats up 9V batteries so might want to buy some cheap ones while at amazon.
They don't log, offer 256-bit AES encryption (among other options), support OpenVPN, have 3,160+ in 33 different countries, gigabit port speeds, unmetered transfer, and allow you to pay with Paypal, credit cards, cryptocurency, and major brand gift cards.
Also, not sponsored, I just like the service.
And if you're on Android and your phone didn't come with it, you can achieve this with NoRoot Firewall. As long as you don't turn it off or connect to a VPN / data saving App / Adblocker, it works wonders. Also works for those apps and games that only download and show ads when they are connected to the Internet, but don't really have cloud save or any valid reason to connect other than ads! No root needed.
Download an app called "SMS Backup and Restore"
Make a backup
Find the backup
Open the backup in Notepad++
Using the existing SMSes, create new fake texts. The type field is 1 or 2, one being a received message and 2 being a sent message. The date_sent is in a unix timestamp format - you can find converters online. readable_date is obvious. body is the text content.
Save the file, replace the original one you made
Restore with the app, and it should inject your fake messages with timestamps into your SMS app.
If you need any help, lmk
"Personal item" does not necessarily mean something tiny like a laptop bag. If it can fit under the seat, it counts. For my "personal item" I have always used this Everest bag. It fits perfectly under the seat, has an amazing amount of usable space for the size, and between the external zip and netting pockets as well as the bottle-holder I have easy access to everything. There's even a side "shoe" pocket if you want to keep certain larger items physically separated.
It's also several dollars cheaper than a CPAP bag.
This one's gonna get a bit technical, but if you're looking for pure revenge, if you buy a random beeper annoying device
And an old rumble motor from a game controller
Take the speaker out and wire up the rumble motor, then find their bedroom and affix it to the ceiling. It'll make an ungodly noise through the floor.
Also for them smoking outside, buy the hottest chilis you can, a non stick frypan and a hotplate or camping stove. Chop and dry the chilis into a powder. When they start smoking, start up your mini stove below them and put some oil in the pan and let it burn. The smoke it makes will have chili in it and makes you cough like crazy and generally feels uncomfortable and horrible.
Not sure how well these will work, but it's some ideas for you
Also report them to whatever enforcement you have every single time they have people over
Same place Where you can get almost everything, Amazon. I even linked you some.
This won't help you with your current contract, but for next time, consider using a privacy card which is an auto generated debit card basically. You can set it to expire or put a spending limit on it. That way, next time they do you dirty...well, they can't! (I don't work for this company or have any financial investment in it..just sharing)
>* Diagnose gallbladder disease * Evaluate blood flow * Guide a needle for biopsy or tumor treatment * Check your thyroid gland * Detect genital and prostate problems * Assess joint inflammation (synovitis) * Evaluate metabolic bone disease
Yea, that's a losing battle, buddy.
1st thing: Headphones
I recommend this website to play white noise to block the bitch out:
They also make apps for devices.
2nd: Maybe try to record her blackmailing you, and show it to your parents. But I really wouldn't expect it to do anything.
All segments.
From their site:
>SponsorBlock is an open-source crowdsourced browser extension and open API for skipping sponsor segments in YouTube videos. Users submit when a sponsor happens from the extension, and the extension automatically skips sponsors it knows about using a privacy preserving query system. It also supports skipping other categories, such as intros, outros and reminders to subscribe.
There's always the old Liquid Ass sprayed/squirted on or around the door.
If the insulation is thin enough to make out conversations, then listen for when she orders pizza or something. Then just meet the delivery guy downstairs and intercept the food.
GFCI reset tester...
Plug it into the outlet, push the button, outlet will shut off until reset at where ever the GFCI is located.
Safest way is to use a VPN. But you will need a good one, not free.
Take a look over different providers and make sure they don't save logs, also a fast one is better, since you don't want to wait for days/weeks until it's done. Also some providers doesn't support torrents, so be careful.
I made good experience with ExpressVPN so far. It's not cheap but pretty stable, fast and supports P2P, if you're connected to some special countries like Netherlands.
In Utah, there an app put out by UDOT where you add a road concern, take a picture, and wait for them to fix it.
The regular traffic app is pretty good too, especially showing the cameras.
Sounds like an advertisement, in my opinion. What's the advantage of using a potentially compromised third party than using and an in-house solution? How do we know for certain that you are not running an input logger and capturing the password as they enter? Really doesn't make sense to give third parties access to passwords... Definitely in violation of PCI-compliance (though, you never advertised to be such).
usually, for web browsers gecko based browsers are more private so using a hardened version firefox would be a good idea or even better, you can try out librewolf, just started using it a few weeks ago and it’s very nice. it’s essentially a fork of firefox without any telemetry or google. it has ublock downloaded by default i believe and the project is open source
as for other programs, like cloud storage, I have a personal instance of Nextcloud where you are the owner of your data and your files can be encrypted. you can self host nextcloud or have it hosted by a provider.
for password I would maybe avoid NordPass (because I don’t really trust the company personally and their marketing is quite ambiguous) and definitely use either Bitwarden (can sync automatically between devices or KeePassXC (which is local but you can still transfer your password)
ProtonVPN is good and probably the best vpn you can find for free that doesn’t sells your data but if you’d like a premium one you can always look up MullvanVPN which is my favourite one and rated the most private one by many privacy activists. it has a flat rate of 5 € and no bullshit like affiliate or subscriptions, it stays at 5€
for communication I can recommend Signal (essentially what’s app and messenger combined but your data are yours and everything is E2E encrypted) or Element (kinda discord like) but I heard Telegram has a E2E encryption too and it’s also quite good
for search engines, imo duckduckgo is the best one but there are alternatives based on what you want to achieve or what language you speak but ddg is the closest to google in terms of results
hope this helps, if you have any questions I’m here also to ramp up your data security, less is more meaning that the fewest programs you use the more likely you are to keep your data in your hands
I'm sure there's something. Whether it's stock or 3rd party. Apple never comes up with anything that innovative. They're always 2 years late to the party.
Edit: I found an app for it. And it has been on the play store since 2016. Someone else commented another app by the same developer. Like I said, apple comes up with nothing new.
Lot of 500 Blue Wristbands for Event Admission on Amazon, or even better get the variety pack
I wrote up a list for an old thread, but I think it applies here:
Get a sms spammer app. You can send like 500 txts at once.
TunnelBear is owned by McAfee (who is based in the US) which automatically rules it out as decent choice from a privacy perspective. Not to mention there are cheaper alternatives that are better anyway.
Get a "UV flashlight and this non-toxic UV dye from Amazon. Add dye to something likely to go missing. Don't tell managers until youve caught someone as they could be the thieves as well. Use the UV flashlight to check for traces of the dye. BOOM culprit caught. Keep the dye handy to prove you posess said dye and prove that florescence under the UV flashlight equals guilt.
The three other suggestions are the best, but all work about the same. If you're on a budget, get the cheapest one, but I've used Express VPN and Private Internet Access and I think while Express is a better VPN, it's not worth the additional money versus PIA. Up to you though, they're all amazing!
I prefer netbalancer. You can limit the global speed and/or individual programs at your own will. If you've got someone else's software monitoring your computer like University exam monitors, it might be detected, I don't know, I wasn't caught but that's just the software that they used, haven't tried it on others
What? I use Vanced and I have never seen an ad, thats like the point.
You must've downloaded a fake one.
For reference, this is the real Vanced app site (it is not on playstore):
If you want to read lots of articles, paywall bypass is also pretty great:
If you simply want to read one article, add the url to the end of and it will format it nicely and skirt around most paywalls.
It's not much better that torrents for new stuff, but usenet is pretty good for older movies and for hooking up automated downloads. Couch Potato is a good service based automatic movie downloader that works with bt and usenet, it takes some setting up, but it works well.
for large amounts- The BeerBelly Beer Canteen, 80 Ounces
for small amounts- The Original WineRack Booze Bra Flask - Adjustable Design - Holds 25oz of Booze (Grey, Large)
I managed to fit almost a whole liter in their older wine rack bra one which was discontinued, but these work great if you don't mind the alcohol getting warm against your skin. I'd recommend buying a cup of cold free-refill soda or somthing inside the festival and mixing.
If you don't already have a dash cam - get one, and I'm recommend a dual cam. Besides paying for itself-this will at least prevent any further occurrences, or provide proof. Having a young daughter, it's also great being able to save video from conversations or memories made in the car.
The link to mine - if interested, I can even send you some footage first to view the quality. 1080P when both are recording, 1440P during front cam only. Sorry this happened to you.
I've never used it, but I stumbled across this app a while back - it pretends to be a camera app while letting you instead pick a file from your phone as the picture. The app you're trying to fool with this has to let you select an external camera app instead of using their own built-in routines, though.
Just curious though, what are your suggestions? Like what free programs I could use to ramp up my data security?
As of right now, my data security consists of using the free aspects of NordLocker for my written materials and research, NordPass for storing passwords, and ProtonVPN for bypassing censorship, using DuckduckGo as my default search engine, and using ProtonMail and Telegram for sensitive communication.
I'm by no way even a beginner in programming, so please don't suggest programming...
Depending on how much you need to keep cool, very small mini fridges exist. And I mean large enough for maybe three to six cans. Much easier to hide that.
I bought this and just stick it under the optical sensor of my mouse, it registers as movement. If I had a 3D printer I’d love to make like a little “holder” to place my mouse into and an indent for the watch.
Minimalist Ultra Thin Open Face Quartz Pocket Watch with Key Buckle Unisex Portable Unisex Watch
For now I have a goofy cardboard cutout to help me quickly line it up:
Or $11 on Amazon.
This will at least scare the crap out of your neighbor
GE Personal Security Window/Door Alarm, 2-Pack, DIY Home Protection, Burglar Alert, Wireless Alarm, Off/Chime/Alarm, Easy Installation, Ideal for Home, Garage, Apartment, Dorm, RV and Office, 45115
WiebeTech Programmable Mouse Jiggler MJ-3
I use this. It registers as a usb mouse and just jiggles. So im always active lol. And they cant detect it.
You can buy replacement water caps on Amazon/eBay/other eCommerce sites.
LPT: If you're from a Western country and order bottled water at a restaurant while traveling to another country, you're probably drinking from a bottle that's been refilled and re-capped hundreds of times.
Check out single ear earbuds on Amazon, use them at work constantly.
Check the battery limits, I use the 6 hour type (2 hours exists also). Works great
Vomit smell is sold. Transfer some to a small glass eye dropper. Few drops on the toilet and maybe one on your neck should do the trick.
I will reach out to Big Money Salvia's agent and see if that can be arranged.
Make sure to check our NordVPN for an exclusive episode involving how Nobbleberry was to avoid a tax evasion charges through my services.
Hope I'm not too late. Theyre supposed to check their own phone now. But if you force yours on them, they'll usually take it. Use this website to seem more legit. Literally a live editor. or - the only problem with AI generated pictures are that they are only 1 pose, so you can't really have multiple different pictures
Visit here and choose a version that matches your os and hardware requirements.
Try searching for linux commands to practice things you could easily do on windows or mac by dragging and clicking. Baby steps baby
IIRC they also got in a shit fight with MIT when MIT pointed out other major flaws.
It's a good idea but no where near a functional product
Original Quote: >Offer your seat while still sitting in it, then people are much more likely to not accept, and you both get to keep your seat and you are seen as a polite person.
The part in question could better be rewritten as:
> You get to both keep your seat and be seen as a polite person.
This is an example of using the word "both" in whats known as a correlative conjunction, or sometimes referred to as a linking expression.
Examples can be found here:
Or for the dictionary definition: (look for the example defining linking expression)
This is one of those quirks of english that ESL people find difficult, so I don't fault you for misunderstanding.
I use privacy that can generate tons of cards. Regular cards, one time burner cards, and etc.
However, you need to link your bank account / debit card first. If you would like a referral, pm me.
>How to get banned from When playing the Black pieces on get a second phone and play as the white pieces. On the 2nd phone put it on the max difficulty and play as the other player. Make the same moves as the other player on your game with the AI and the AI will give you the best moves to play.
FTFY. Also, for reference, is supposedly surprisingly good at catching cheating
You could try image sourcing them to see if you can find them in higher resolution. My goto is
You could also try Rasterbater to rerender images in a unique way that allows you to print them at any size.
Not sure about the legality but you could try
The pictures you see there are not real people, just created by an ai or something like that. Everytime you refresh you get a new person. Just tried refreshing and you can get some pretty professional looking pictures.
If it turns out to be legal, it's probably even free.
Although it wouldn't work if you need multiple pictures of the person.
You can use an interactive virtual browser within your browser. I used to use an old Oracle Test Browser back in the day.
here is one I found but it looks timed. A few Google searches should get you going to some good one.As a matter of fact here is a DuckDuckGo search of them!! Hope it works bud!
You could do a full wipe of the storage drive with
Makes any data on there virtually unrecoverable
This would require you to reinstall windows and all necessary drivers however.