You have to use Magisk to pass Safetynet since official LineageOS builds don't bypass Safetynet. Ironically, to pass Safetynet you have to make your phone less secure.
Once you have Magisk, you'll have to enable Magisk Hide and enable it for your banking app. You'll also have to get MagiskHide Props Config in order to change your device fingerprint to pass ctsProfile.
I was interested, but some quick perusing of the lineageos site and the comment section on this Android Police write-up of the event is really, really putting me off trying it.
I mean, okay, they really fucked up that April Fools thing, but the AP comments seem to indicate that that the devs like fucking with your phone for April Fools:
> Remember a few years ago when they changed all alarm noises to Minecraft animal noises? Or when they changed the "Android is upgrading/Optimising" screen to a Windows logo?
Is this true? Because that kind of childish idiocy has totally poisoned me from even thinking about putting lineageos on any device I care about. The OS maintainers shouldn't ever fuck with my phone like that. I'd rather deal with controlling Yahoo's bloatware than tie myself to a project run by uncontrollable children. If their project controls — or their fucking judgment — are so poor that this kind of thing gets approved, what the hell else are they doing to my phone and my data that I don't know about?
(Conversely, if their approval and controls are so lax that any rando project member can slip this shit into the production release, then that's even worse.)
LineageOS wont pass safety check without rooting it with suhide/magisk.
So, in order to make your bank think your phone is safe, you need to make it even more unsafe. It's just how it is.
Read more here.
Dumbphones still run proprietary software and are usually less secure than smartphones because they don't get regular software updates.Your best bet is to get a phone that supports either Replicant, Copperhead, or Lineage Android ROMs
They can't have it both ways. They promote their software and say it's better, more secure. And promote people using it.
Read that and it talks security, and community. And their stance is basically screw you to the users.
Nokia should thank them, I'm buying a new 6 when it's available. I'm done with this.
> What makes you say that?
You are right, it would be more correct to say: Many people (including me) are using LineageOS to be a little bit less dependent on Google
> I would imagine that the Lineage team don't ever hold/process any user data themselves
I'm also not entirely sure, but I think it isn't that easy to waive one's responsibilities on GDPR to Google. After all it's still the lineageOS-website that causes the data-collection to happen. And at the very least they need a privacy policy explaining what data get's collected and how to opt-out (similar to how explains other data-collection very well)
Regarding full lineageOS support for the foreseeable future, your best bet is probably a Pixel phone. These are still getting updates from Google, but when this ends, they will almost certainly follow their Nexus predecessors with good support in the custom rom community.
Here is a list of phones that are currently receiving the latest LineageOS builds (this list will likely grow, but you can be confident that these devices will be supported):
Unfortunately, I am not sure that any of these devices have been IP rated, although I have read that many users have experienced some type of water resistance with the OnePlus 5. The pixel 2 is IP67, but this is almost certainly out of your price range (although you can probably find it on ebay for only a little over $500 (like this one)
It was mascot called VoLTE, intended as april fool. They used the mascot as the bootanimation and the changelog said
-added VoLTE for all devices
since a lot of people asked to add VoLTE for their devices (which you can't just simply add without the OEM supporting it).
The current answers are decent, but surprisingly not thorough, or sort of incomplete.
Short answer: A huge NO
Longer answer: a distribution like Ubuntu (I can't think of any other distributions) doesn't currently (as far as I know), and very good chance won't in the future, but as you showed, they did do certain things some people didn't like.THAT SAID, as far as I understand that feature was disable-able/removable, and even what it did do wasn't super crazy or invasive, just stuff like search query logging which is pretty weak (of course R. Stallman will say that's getting their foot in the door and a slippery slope, or even merely that even that in itself is totally unacceptable, but most people aren't even close to sharing his specifics of opinion).
Anyway, virtually all distributions of Linux aren't owned by a company and hence have no reason to do such a thing (I guess one other exception might be Chrome OS, but that's typically hardware limited to Chromebooks). Even one of the few that is owned by a company immediately pulled that feature after introducing it.
One notable exception is Android, if you count that as Linux (it is certainly not GNU-Linux, but it uses the Linux kernel so many people still consider it to be Linux). Google has all sorts of stuff that they watch and use. Although for both PCs and mobiles (but especially mobiles), frequently the biggest issue to privacy is simply with the programs and web services that you use, not the OS itself. If you use Android and don't like how Google has you in their pocket, you should easily be able to switch to LineageOS
Only for devices that have the license in their stock rom
> AptX and AptXHD have been added to supported platforms. Bear in mind, only devices that had this feature on their stock ROM will have this functionality in LineageOS
did you also flash an updates version of Gapps right after flashing official LOS 15.1, like mentioned in the in Changelog-16?
If not this explains your errors with play store related apps. Updated Gapps version for Oreo has to be flashed before first boot.
If you look at their webpage, they seem to promote exactly what you did. Mentioning extending the lifespan of devices.
It's more secure, it's better, we have lots of people using it.
And then they go and do something dumb like this and all of a sudden it's "these guys do this in their spare time, don't like it, get lost leech"
They want it that way, take the site down.
I'm going to drive mine until it's completely dead... LineageOS. I've been running it on a Nexus 5, OnePlus One, and a Nexus 10 since they became available. They've got the latest patches from Google. They all work like new.
I would not like to have anything like Yalp that naturally points to Google preinstalled (it's a shame Jelly no longer defaults to DuckDuckGo!). We should also consider what they wrote about SafteyNet:
> Any action taken to bypass SafetyNet risks a backlash against all custom OSes, and could cause Google to block them entirely from the Play Store.
Such a huge, sudden popularity boost would definitely give Google a heads-up that alternative clients exist and are usable. They would then increase security mesurements in order to lock more people in with the default Play store client.
Natively preinstalling F-Droid would show more people alternatives exist without yielding the risk of getting locked out of Googles ecosystem. A custom F-Droid repo that delivers updates to stock LineageOS apps and possibly WebView would be great. Although I can't really imagine them doing that.
The Lineage OS homepage offers a pretty good overview:
In short:
Some stuff you may be interested in:
I hope this offers some insight! If there’s anything I didn’t explain well, look it up/let me know.
Have you actually tried this? Because this is wrong. Unlocking the bootloader on stock OxygenOS, and doing nothing else WILL fail SafetyNet, unless you install Magisk, or SuperSU and SUhide, or a custom kernel with the SafetyNet implementation bypassed.
Edit: On top of that, if you install a custom ROM like LineageOS, that will also fail as they will not circumvent SafetyNet, unless you do one of the solutions I mentioned above.
A ROM like OmniROM will pass it because they have the bypass in their kernel.
Yes, they do. The machinery has been in place for a long time, but the actual enforcement for their own Google apps has only started happening as of recently.
They can't have it both ways, promoting your software, saying it's better and more secure, and then tell users "well if you don't like it, it's free, quit complaining, get lost"
Incredibly bad taste to put a security warning up while you promote your software as better and more secure, and actively encourage people to use it.
MD5 is not the recovery image, it's just a checksum file that lets you validate your download is correct. Also, don't flash OxygenOS - it's old and unsupported. Flash the latest LineageOS instead.
> Safety Net will inexorably lead to the end of LineageOS
Not really.
> Why not letting the users decide
They do. There are programs like Magisk that can get SafetyNet to pass. Nothing is stopping you from installing Magisk and passing SafetyNet. The reason they don't include it by default was already given by the developers in a recent blog post. "Our official stance is that we will not intentionally circumvent an integrity check that Google has put in place for app developers." You can read the full post here.
Your best bet, depending on which Android phone you use, is to install a 3rd party ROM such as LineageOS. You can use these alternate OS's to disable all Google Services entirely, or sandbox how they access your phone data.
You can run lineageOS on your phone, which by default is free and open source. It comes with camera, gallery, email client and browser software etc. Most importantly it comes without anything google (including the play store and play services). You can avoid the play store by downloading APKs from a mirror and installing directly. Some developers (like Signal) offer open source apps with direct APK download on their website, including an MD5 hash so you can verify the download.
Android is freer than iOS but both have proprietary software which tracks you by default. Furthermore, phones have proprietary modems which can be used to take over the device unless they are properly isolated. Telecommunication companies also often share your cell location information with the state. For example the NSA has a program called CO-TRAVELER where they use people's cell location information to figure out who knows who.
While it's safer not to have a cell phone, there are phones you can buy that give you more control over the proprietary modem and that support Lineage OS. Lineage OS is a completely free (as in freedom) Android distribution.
"Best" is subjective. It really depends on your ROM preferences.
My go-to ROM is LineageOS (aka CM) because it has a large community and seems to be the most "professional" ROM. Other ones I've tried like AICP have actual profanity in the settings menu - which is unacceptable for me. I'm currently on the June 7 build of 15.1, and there are no issues to address - the ROM is totally stable, which is a powerful statement considering how picky I am about stability.
Lineage has a small but powerful set of features; some of my favorites are Styles and Privacy Guard. I would go into it, but you might be better off doing your own research (or you can reply and have me do it anyway :P). The link to their official website is here and the builds for the Moto G5 Plus can be found here.
Happy flashing! Feel free to contact me with any more questions.
SafetyNet will trip if the boot loader is unlocked.
You may be able to get around that if the kernel you run reports the BL status as locked but I'm not sure.
Bottom line is that if your BL is unlocked and you want to pass SafetyNet, use Magisk.
Also the Lineage stance on SafetyNet, is if you want to pass go to a stock ROM and lock the BL.
See here:
So Magisk IS your only option to keep Lineage and pass SafetyNet
Doesn't require root, requires an unlocked bootloader. Don't know about the ROM itself tripping the safetynet (am not using it at the moment), they don't say it specifically breaks it, they just say they won't do anything to circumvent it.
Magisk usually solves safetynet issues concerning root and others. There may also exist variants of the rom that may work around it too. There are usually ways.
Also, not everyone cares about androidpay or safetynet. No one uses it or any other similar form of phone pay at all here and I never saw any app not working because of it.
I never claimed it was perfect, but Cyanogen mod has been the gold standard solution over the years to anyone wanting to replace their phones os with something more stocklike, without replacing the phone itself and this is still true for lineage os. It's a great ROM. However it's not a one size fits all kind of thing, as with any decision in your life, you got to check pros and cons and see if it works for you.
Between Android and iOS, I'd go with Android. It's open source but Google is in the mix, so it's still not great.
Many Android phones can run LineageOS. Check that out.
Coming from apple myself I wouldnt buy a Samsung Phone Touchwiz is the worst I would recommend a Pixel, Nexus or Oneplus 5 if its available in your country I'm in australia so cant buy it :( . I find stock to be a great and unified experience similar to apple
If youre still set on the S8I would recommend getting rid of the samsung bloatware as soon as possible. Use lawnchair rootless google launcher to get a stock like feel. If you're still not happy root your phone and unlock the bootloader. Flash a stock rom like lineage os this gives a much cleaner feel to android. If you care about timely updates definitely root. Custom roms give you get the latest version of android which you probably want considering samsung are one of the worst OEMs when it comes to updates. A custom recovery like TWRP or CWM let you backup your data which isn't really possible with a locked bootloader.
Use any of the builds before 1st May.
> Merged android-7.1.2_r8 tag (May Security Patches). All builds from May 1st will include these.
But I'm curious too - is there any specific reason to opt for older release?
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LineageOS is a custom OS built on top of Android with a focus on privacy and security. It doesn't include Google apps or services by default.
MicroG is an open source replacement for Google Services Framework, which allows Google apps and apps that need Google Services to run.
Android itself is.
Now, whether you get a locked phone or not (and you kinda have to specifically get one that way) is a separate story.
If you have an unlocked phone/tablet (or can unlock it) you can install something like ~~CyanogenMod (RIP)~~ LineageOS.
I don't think you're legally (and even in the wrong) allowed to record calls without consent from the other end, thanks to UU ITE. That's why Lineage team has blocked call recording feature for Indonesia:
So, better turn that shit off. If you wanna record, make sure you obtain consent first before recording. This is also why legit call centers will notify you that your calls are being recorded before CSes start their conversation (because by then the recording has begun).
It's not about the ROM it is about the device, if the device is certified then you can flash LOS and GAPPS and it will work.
Here is LOS's article on it:
while you're waiting for a more knowledgable response, maybe it's worth trying to register your GSF ID as per
This says it should be possible.
1.(Optional) Make a backup of your important data
2.Download the build either from download portal or built in updater app
3.Download proper addons packages (GApps, su…) for Oreo 8.1 (8.0 packages are not compatible).
4.Make sure your recovery and firmware are up to date
5.Boot into recovery mode
6.Format your system partition
7.Install the LineageOS 15.1 build, then install all your addons WITHOUT rebooting
8.When you’re done, reboot the device
The way I understand this is that while this is not a simple dirty flash, I can get away without a complete reinstall. Right?
Unfortunately, the guides you've seen are probably the only ones I know of :(
How to flash and install TWRP and ROMs.
The nice thing is, once you have TWRP installed, flashing a new ROM and GApps is a breeze. And since most custom ROMs are Lineage OS based, you won't have to completely wipe the phone, allowing things like pics and music to remain on the phone.
Dude are you serious? This is an unofficial build by vache. The inbuilt updater is for updating official builds(i.e) , builds on the website However for the Moto G5 plus there is an update available unofficially on the same XDA developers thread ( November security patch).
From the about page of lineageos > © 2016 - 2017 The LineageOS Project > Bitcoin: 12aDckQC6YHEn75zReQWxXFCivBBNXfRjM > PayPal: > Note: LineageOS LLC is not a 501(c)(3) non-profit, as such donations are not tax-exempt.
Or you can find the maintainer of your device and pay him for testing the emergency calls for you.
Don't get Apple and don't use Google apps. Get the nicest phone you can get that supports this:
And install this free software repo:
It's still quite grim, privacy-wise, but that's heading in the right direction.
No, official shouldn't, but it's up to the device maintainer to merge the code they like for the device, so maybe the maintainer for the S4 mini decided to merge the code...
But yes, you can read the official stance here:
> AptX and AptXHD have been added to supported platforms. Bear in mind, only devices that had this feature on their stock ROM will have this functionality in LineageOS
This is a Safety Net issue:
TL;DR: It's an API from Google that can check the condition of the device (rooted, bootloader unlocked, ...). APPs can use this API tod disable certain functions and even hide in the PlayStore so the user can't install them.
But you can use software to pretend everything is fine. Use a search engine to find the needed steps.
As Lineage doesn't root you phone per default and not all (older) devices have a kernel which can tell the os that the bootloader is unlocked not everyone has this problem.
LineageOS will not implement the hiding feature because that might trigger Google to lock custom roms out of the playstore.
So you have to do it by yourself.
Ugh I hate when projects don't even describe what they are on their own website.
LineageOS mentions NOTHING about what it is, what problem it solves or what it's even used for.
Can you give a reason why you're recommending it?
It would really help to know what phone you are using.
The general advice I can give you is to install a Custom ROM. Depending on what the manufacturer ships with your device (again: what phone are you using?) you might see performance and battery life improvements as well as less bloatware and thereby more free storage space (and you will most likely get a more recent Android version).
The most popular Custom Rom is LineageOS, so the chances of your device being supported are pretty good (compared to other Custom ROMs) and even if there is no official build you might find an inofficial build on the XDA Forums.
(It should be mentioned that to install a Custom ROM you will have to unlock your bootloader, which might force you to factory reset your phone, so back up your data.)
Congratulations. You got lucky. Here is Lineage's official stance on SafetyNet:
You will note that article was written nearly four years ago and specifically calls out Google Pay (then known as Android Pay) as not working on some devices.
I've had two Lineage devices which I used Google Pay on in the past. Both worked initially but eventually broke on a major version upgrade in Lineage and/or when SafetyNet started checking bootloader status. I'm currently using a stock Pixel 5 as my daily driver so I don't know from direct experience, but all the information I see makes me expect I'll need to either give up Google Pay or find an unofficial workaround (such as Magisk) when I do eventually install Lineage (probably near the end of official device support).
Thank you, that helps a little.
But I can only take a shot of an a opened app, not from the homescreen or the apps overview. And the long press for the partial screenshot isn't available.
In the LOS-Changelog it is mentioned under 'New features!' like this:
(17.1 too) The partial screenshot feature has been improved with a new UI that’s easier to use. On 18.1 it also integrates nicely with the new Android’s “instant screenshot”. Long press the screenshot button in the power menu and give it a try!
Any ideas?
> You can check out modules by TinySine. They're $7-$15 each and support quite a bit of customization.
Great suggestion, these look very nice! Will further research them, $20 programmer does not scare me.
> As a side note, why are you so intent on having bluetooth 5.0?
> There are no audio quality enhancements over 4.2 assuming you're using AptX.
I don't really care for AptX, and don't like that it is proprietary and not supported by most devices. SBC codec is great when implemented properly. On smartphones, there is SBC dual channel to address its original shortcomings. Windows devices can't do that, so faster BT5.x to the rescue.
Total agreement. Google Play apps auto-update, it's exactly the same issue. Things should be as automatic as possible, and my Lineage phone rebooting itself with a new OS version every week or so, at 4am, would be sweet.
>Does anyone know a way to achieve the automation?
Um, hack it up! I'll use it, I bet a lot of people would. Procedures for getting the source (don't worry it's in git) and submitting a patch are at
Why are you quoting the privacy policy for Gerrit, out of interest?
This is of absolutely zero concern to you unless you intend to contribute to LineageOS.
The information you probably want is located here.
The Lineage os team which is a popular custom rom released stats a while ago showing how lineage keeps phones up to date
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>I have a samsung s7 edge (17.1 unofficial build - not sure if right place to ask here).
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Take a look at the website: You'll have to check to see if your phone is supported as not all phones are. And if you do want to install it, then you'll probably want to make sure you use Gapps so you have the Google play store. Once you find your phone there are installation instructions, just note that they can be kinda complicated
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It's not just the skin. It's the entire way Android is customized to different devices. With normal devices (e.g. standard Windows or Linux), they use the same kernel with different drivers embedded to support each device. But even though Android uses a Linux kernel, the way AOSP is set up means that each device requires a customized kernel to run.
So it definitely is possible to have one Android image to support all the different devices. But they didn't do it that way for some stupid ass reason! And it frustrates me to all hell, because it means that projects like LineageOS have to go super out of their way to support devices, and have to constantly test to make sure devices work. Compare that to Windows/Linux, which just needs to maintain driver API backwards compatibility, and old devices can just support new OS version magically, since all the drivers are stored along with the kernel.
I learned about this sort of thing when I found out about postmarketOS, which is a super cool project. They're doing all the work to make the mainline Linux kernel run on all these devices, and because they're doing it properly and modularly, they can sustain supporting tons of devices. They've come super far since the last time I checked a few months ago. Crazy impressive and awesome stuff.
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This subreddit is for LineageOS. If you have a problem with a non-LineageOS ROM, ask elsewhere. This also extends to asking for ROM suggestions.
If it's not -- it's not official.
Please read our rules before posting.
Don't link to unofficial builds or sites.
Please don't post links to unofficial builds or unofficial news sources.
If it's not -- it's not official.
Please read our rules before posting.
Don't ask for help with non-Lineage ROMs
Don't link to unofficial builds or sites. Posts & Comments Please don't post links to unofficial builds or unofficial news sources.
If it's not -- it's not official.
Please read our rules before posting.
Don't ask for help with non-Lineage ROMs
This subreddit is for LineageOS. If you have a problem with a non-LineageOS ROM, ask elsewhere. This also extends to asking for ROM suggestions.
If it's not -- it's not official.
Please read our rules before posting.
Don't ask for help with non-Lineage ROMs
This subreddit is for LineageOS. If you have a problem with a non-LineageOS ROM, ask elsewhere. This also extends to asking for ROM suggestions.
If it's not -- it's not official.
Please read our rules before posting.
Don't ask for help with non-Lineage ROMs
This subreddit is for LineageOS. If you have a problem with a non-LineageOS ROM, ask elsewhere. This also extends to asking for ROM suggestions.
If it's not -- it's not official.
Please read our rules before posting.
Don't ask for help with non-Lineage ROMs
This subreddit is for LineageOS. If you have a problem with a non-LineageOS ROM, ask elsewhere. This also extends to asking for ROM suggestions.
If it's not -- it's not official.
Please read our rules before posting.
Don't ask for help with non-Lineage ROMs
This subreddit is for LineageOS. If you have a problem with a non-LineageOS ROM, ask elsewhere. This also extends to asking for ROM suggestions.
If it's not -- it's not official.
Please read our rules before posting.
Don't ask for help with non-Lineage ROMs
This subreddit is for LineageOS. If you have a problem with a non-LineageOS ROM, ask elsewhere. This also extends to asking for ROM suggestions.
If it's not -- it's not official.
Please read our rules before posting.
Don't link to unofficial builds or sites.
Please don't post links to unofficial builds or unofficial news sources. If it's not -- it's not official.