What distro are you running? Here are the links for Mangohud and Goverlay - follow the instructions in the readme section to work out how to get packaged application for your distro if you aren't comfortable building your own. Once both are installed, goverlay provides an interface to set and view the results being saved into the Mangohud config file. This allows you to get fps, temps and other data you want in your HUD plus some basic screen positioning for it.
I would guess you will be able to install MangoHUD if you want more detailed info than just FPS. Would be nice if they put it in the SteamOS package repository or maybe even install it by default.
> mangohud %command%=cpu_temp,gpu_temp
This is invalid syntax. You are completely mixing stuff up here... I'd suggest you read up on shell scripting syntax first.
Whenever you don't enter %command%
into the custom Steam launch parameters, the entire content of the line will be appended to the command Steam runs internally. This is a short way for setting parameters for the game itself, as they come after the game executable.
However, if you have %command%
somewhere in the custom launch parameters string, Steam will replace its internal command with your input and substitute the game launch command with the %command%
part. This allows you to run a wrapper application and to set environment variables for the game/wrapper.
This is the correct syntax:
ENVVAR1=value ENVVAR2=value %command% game-args ENVVAR1=value ENVVAR2=value wrapper wrapper-args %command% game-args
So if you're using mangohud
as a wrapper executable, you need to set its config data via an environment variable. Either one that points to a config file, or one where you set the config flags directly.
MANGOHUD_CONFIG="cpu_temp,gpu_temp" mangohud %command% MANGOHUD_CONFIGFILE="/path/to/config" mangohud %command%
I'm surprised no one has mentioned mangohud, a RivaTuner like overlay for Vulkan games that is under highly active development.
The only issue is that it really needs a GUI for setting it up (something I'm hoping to start working on once I reinstall Pop)
You can use MangoHUD for the FPS/clocks monitoring side of MSI Afterburner (or rather RTSS), but overclocking is handled with other tools as indicated by others.
Mangohud works with both, Vulkan and OpenGL. But for some OpenGL games you also need to enable dlsym.
u/Rechalles make sure you have 32bit version of Mangohud installed as well, as it is needed for 32bit games.
> mangohud glxgears
It doesn't say NVIDIA anywhere. Just has
I added the following setting to mangohud game_engine,gpu_name,gl_vsync but nothing shows up Can only get GPU temp to show.
Weird it doens't have the data for the other two vars form here https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud#mangohud_config-and-mangohud_configfile-environment-variables
Install MangoHUD to see your true FPS reading, and set a limiter.
Use GOverlay if you want a GUI tool to manage MangoHUD.
If you're ever unsure about a project continuing to be developed, just check the commit history. MangoHud has pretty regular activity. Flightlessmango approved other contributors so he's not on his own anymore.
Don't forget MangoHUD by u/flightlessmango
Benchmarking is not mandatory to enjoy gaming but it helped show that Linux gaming performance doesn't suck anymore. It will also give reviewers an opportunity to now use Linux for GPU reviews.
MangoHud also has FPS limiting, although I haven't tested it myself so I'm not sure how it compares to RTSS.
To use it you can put a list of FPS values in fps_limit
, and then cycle between them with Shift_L+F1
, there's also show_fps_limit
to display the fps limit. For example MANGOHUD_CONFIG=fps_limit=60+30+0
(it's all documented in the README.md
This is just a GUI to create config files for several tools, including Mangohud and vkBasalt. To enable those tools, you have to follow the respective commands on the project pages. MangoHud, vkBasalt, ReplaySorcery.
And of course you will need to have the tools installed to use them, goverlay does not come with any of those.
The small gray text is from Steam. The big green text is from Nvidia, and isn't available on Linux because GeForce Experience is windows-only
Also, if you want even more performance stats (like temps and cpu/gpu/(v)ram usage) check out MangoHud
MangoHud doesn't log CPU and GPU stats at all. You can't do anything about that. Actually Linus Tech Tips mentioned this themselves in the most recent Linux gaming video, where they said "if MangoHud logged CPU and GPU stats we would actually use it over what we use on Windows, that's how good it is."
You would have to write a merge request yourself to add the functionality. If that's above your skill level, maybe file a feature request at https://github.com/flightlessmango/mangohud
Well, it might be a driver crash.
If this was happening to me I would first give mesa-git (mesa is the driver) a try, to see if it also happens with it. You could compile it yourself or use a third party repository, like Chaotic Aur.
I would also check the temperature while gaming. For a while my pc would just crash while playing games and it turned out it was getting really really hot. I threw some extra fans at it and problem solved. You could check the temperature while gaming with mangohud.
Another thing to try is to see if the same happens with other games or if it's a Warframe specific issue.
Last but not least, if you can't think of any other fix, you could always boot into Windows and see if it also happens there. At the very least to rule out faulty hardware.
This is all that comes to mind right now, good luck!
Ds3's vsync is a bit broken, it's better to use mangohud's vsync. Adaptive(0) works well with minimal tearing. Using the fps_limit=60
option is also a relatively good choice.
That's great! If you could be bothered to demonstrate that with evidence, using, for example Mango HUD https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud that would be even better. Dispelling the myths around Linux gaming is important for its more widespread adoption.
I'd check if he have enough RAM/Swap because otherwise the computer will crash like he describes. I good way to check it out is with MangoHUD.
The crash happens sooner with higher graphics settings because high quality textures require more RAM/VRAM.
Did you monitor temperatures of your GPU?
sudo watch -n 0.5 cat /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/amdgpu_pm_info
If you don't have 2 screens, you can also use flightlessmango's overlay to monitor (I guess you run sims using dxvk), and even write it to a file so even if your notebook turns off, you will have the data in that file:
<strong>MangoHud Example</strong>
. Must point to a TTF or OTF file.Recently Changed
As of a few days ago, MangoHud was a fork from Mesa with the overlay files modified to produce the hud. We have managed to serperate the hud from Mesa to give it it's own repository.
There have also been a number of bug fixes and compatability changes related to other distros and different gpu vendors.
For context this website can take CSV output's from Mangohud on the Linux side And PresentMon, OCAT, FrameView And CapFrameX On Windows and will create graphs based on the information with greater detail than those tools can do natively.
To get a CSV from Mangohud to use with the website you have to define an output path in your Mangohud Config file: https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud#mangohud\_config-and-mangohud\_configfile-environment-variables
Make sure you're installing version 0.6.6-1 (Pre-release ). I'm on kubuntu 21.10 and that one works, while version 0.6.5 gives the error that you mention (can't get dlopen())
Yes sure! You have to make new github account..
Here press the new issue green button and there you can tell your problem :)
They will fix it
I would suggest using the precompiled binary! download the tar gz from hereJust extract it, and then from the shell inside the folder where you extracted them type ./mangohud install
Are you or your wife using MangoHud with exec calls?
Cause if you are there is currently a bug that silent crashes Steam Mango's Git.
This often happens with you use Goverlay as it sets the exec options for you. pls check the mangohud conf file
MangoHUD is something you install from your package manager typically, and then run with environment variables like this (in Steam launch options):
MANGOHUD=1 MANGOHUD_CONFIG=fps_limit=140 %command%
If it's not in your distribution's package manager, follow the installation instructions on the github page.
To be clear, there shouldn't be any files from mangohud in the installation directory, so that's not an issue.
Try turning on Freesync and then capping to just below your refresh rate (140 fps would be reasonable) with mangohud. This should give you input lag that is close to the ideal case of VSync off (which doesn't work on Wayland right now) while still preventing tearing.
Just in case someone stumble upon this, in case of Mangohud this a know bug: https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud/issues/614
It can be fixed adding gl_size_query=viewport
in the config file or using MANGOHUD_CONFIG="read_cfg,gl_size_query=viewport" %command%
in the Steam game launch options.
Hope this helps someone.
"I really think about switching back to windows because there It was all smooth..."
Seems like a defeatist attitude?
First of all have you checked you are running the game on your nVidia GPU, and not Intel, you can check with MangoHUD.
Second, are you using the Performance CPU governor, use Feral Gamemode to enable this on the fly.
I recommend using <strong>MangoHud</strong> to verify the game is running at the desired resolution. You need the resolution
option enabled.
You can reference the default configuration here to configure it to your liking.
Or here is mine for example :
> ```#Display fps_limit= vsync=1 gl_vsync=0
cpu_stats cpu_temp cpu_load_value gpu_stats gpu_temp gpu_load_value wine vulkan_driver
cpu_text=CPU gpu_text=GPU
background_alpha=0.1 resolution fps_sampling_period=500 fps_color_change fps_value=30,60 fps_color=B22222,FDFD09,39F900 ```
The .config
file is located at : ~/.config/MangoHud/MangoHud.conf
. But you can also just use <em>Goverlay</em> to configure it easier.
Mangohud has that option build-in (see the fps_limit option in the table). You can add multiple fps limits by using a comma to seperate them. A 0 (zero) mean unlimited. Make sure to launch the game with the mangohud parameter (see github page)
When ingame, press Left Shift+F1 to toggle through the set fps-limits.
Install GOverlay (in the pop shop) and enable the overlay in Anno to see what is going on. Should tell you gpu/mem usage and what card is being used.
If the game is 32-bit you will need to install MangoHud manually because the Ubuntu repo maintainers have an idiotic hatred for 32-bit binaries.https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHudDownload the none source tar from the releases tab, extract, and run
./mangohud-setup.sh install
Might try installing mangohud. I can't remember if it's available by default in Pop! 20.04, but you can follow the instructions here: https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud
In particular, either the "Ubuntu" or "Flatpak" install instructions.
Then in steam, you'll put in your launch options "mangohud %command%". I'm not sure for Lutris, but I'd wager it just has a checkbox for it.
This should tell you a bit more information about your setup, and whether it's using DXVK or not.
>I would like to limit my fps to around 142 FPS for gsync and because rendering 300/400 FPS in less demanding games is stupid.
Just use V-Sync instead?
Anyway, as far as I know, the only solution that works across all graphical APIs (OpenGL and Vulkan), is MangoHud.
After you install MangoHud, just set this in your game's launch options:
MANGOHUD_CONFIG=fps_limit=30 mangohud %command%
That will work for both Vulkan and OpenGL games.
You have to modify the deadcells.sh to either load the system's library or add mangohud/libstrangle to them. See this issue for the complete workaround: https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud/issues/80
Use MangoHud in combination with Goverlay (a GUI for mangohud and other stuff), I have no idea if they are available in pop's repos though.
Make sure you have all dependencies installed https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud/issues/499 Look up ~/.config/MangoHud/MangoHud.conf and see if everything there is all right.
Mangohud is a great FPS tracking
About the frame dropping,are you talking about stuttering? Because stuttering is pretty normal when you start a game first time,the game need to compile shaders during gameplay,once it completed no more stuttering will occurred.
>I am currently struggling with having my FPS drop from 200 to 30-50 mid game after following the installation instructions
Actually there may be no fix to this problem. The game engine itself is in a very bad shape and everyone(including windows users) have frame drops as the game goes on.
You can try mangohud to check if there is any memory/cpu leak. Also shut down the client after the game starts(there is a setting for this in client options).
You could try limiting it with mangohud:
MANGOHUD=1 MANGOHUD_CONFIG=fps_limit=160 %command%
In the game's launch options (with mangohud installed of course).
Looks like it's hardcoded, you'd have to edit the source and compile.
I didn't look much into it, but the calls to <code>ImGui::TableNextRow();</code> probably moves to the next line, so try commenting those out where it makes sense, then see what happens.
>Currently, I just didn't find any reliable way to really determine when user is gaming or not.
I feel like hooking directly into DirectX/Vulkan/OpenGL, like fps monitoring overlays do, to detect if a game is running should work well.
Detecting if there's a fullscreen program opened should also work for a great deal of users, also.
That being said, I'm no programmer. The whole thing is probably more complex than I think.
Did you also revert the change with the GPU config?
Unfortunately I can't help much further as I'm not familiar with the program. If you don't find any help here, it might be a good idea asking around at https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud or /r/linux_gaming
You're probably running into this issue.
tldr: the newer steam linux runtime is containerised, and doesn't have access to the mangohud libraries. There are some workarounds mentioned in that github bug report.
Sorry for the delay in the answer.
I'm not totally sure about Windows, but far as I concerned, because on Windows DLL injection is something way more "accepted" than on Linux. For example, check this tutorial, for example..it allows you to create an application that can hook into an opengl program and force it to be windowed, instead of fullscreen for instance.
On linux, that's also possible, using something like ptrace for example, but that usually requires root to work globally, or needs LD_PRELOAD to load each library that will hook into the opengl calls (that's what mangohud does, for example)
If you run 32bit games via Proton 5.13 you will not have much luck with MangoHUD since Pressure Vessel is used by it which currently can not inject 32bit libs.
For my knowledge it uses a Kernel Level AntiCheat which will not (yet) work on Wine/Proton at all.
What version of proton? 5.13-1 would only run in steam linux runtime, which mangohud does not work on. "SLR does not have access to system vulkan layers" In other words, there's no way to effectively pass the communication back and forth so mangohud never loads, and/or renders, as it's detached from the game in SLR mode (a full container if I'm not mistaken). Steam fixed it in their experimental release, or you could grab a gloriouseggroll build,the latest 5.21-GE1 is really damn nice.
Mesa is literally called mesa
as package name
for any more graphical intense work you WILL need it unless you run Nvidia proprietary driver
you will not find amdgpu
in your package manager directly, it's a kernel module not a package
I highly recommend using MangoHud for any further troubleshooting it allows to display OpenGL/Vulkan versions or which GPU is currently in use
MangoHUD is the only other alternative I known about. Its primary purpose is to show performance info but it can also be used as a frame-limiter.
MANGOHUD_CONFIG='no_display,fps_limit=30' mangohud <game-executable>
Not sure how to integrate this in GamerOS though since I never used it...
I would just recommend to get Steam running (without Wine) and just use it's SteamPlay feature to utilize Proton for you
installing Steam basically means enabling Multilib repositories (see the Wiki for that)
everything after that is small tinkering which may or may not improve with your specific hardware and/or your specific games
for me switching to a different kernel cpu scheduler helped with lagspikes (allthough raw benchmark performance is slightly worse), in the official repositories the linux-zen
kernel for example offers a different cpu scheduler
to monitor game performance MangoHud helped greatly and for my Microsoft dongle for my Xbox One Gamepad I use xow (both available in the AUR)
OK, the error is because you are using 18.04 then, the version of Lazarus is too old.
But if you just want to use MangoHUD, you could build from source.
See the installation section - Build / Install
You might need to install git beforehand using:
sudo apt install git git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud.git cd MangoHud ./build.sh build ./build.sh package ./build.sh install
If that still does not work, then unfortunately I am out of ideas.
Probably simplest to just run MangoHud while playing a game (you can set MANGOHUD_CONFIG=full to show as much information as possible).
On machines with only a few cores it might be enough to just check if cores are being maxed out (it can get complicated on many core machines because the scheduler moves threads around a lot to reduce heat). You can also check if gpu usage is maxed out indicating a possible CPU bottleneck if it isn't near 100% usage.
Some desktop environment specific task manager allow for that, the upcomming new version of KDE Plasma Task Manager for example
Otherwise there are also things like MangoHud
Can really only answer for Problem#1 sadly.
Have you tried MangoHud by flightlessmango?
It has cpu/gpu usage & temps if those are the most sought after for you, check it out.
Can you try this:
<strong>https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud/issues/369#issuecomment-709902078</strong> ?
Sporif commented on 16 Oct
Alternatively you can bypass the runtime container by editing the start script at
Adding the following lines after #!/bin/bash:
shift 4 exec "${@}"
Obviously if SteamLinuxRuntime_soldier gets updated then this will need to be done again.
I have the same problem but I'm not in my house now, so I can't test.
There seem to be this thing: https://www.guru3d.com/files-details/rtss-rivatuner-statistics-server-download.html
And mango hud seems to port their project to windows: https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud/issues/222
Right, re-reading your other comments I see your issue. How are you normally starting these games? You using a launcher like Steam or Lutris? If so, that's where you want to be making this change. The Github page for MangoHud outlines how to do this. It also mentions adding MANGOHUD=1
, which might be a viable option; you might be able to add this to the Steam/Lutris .desktop file, which should then include it for every game launched by it (I think). Just change the Exec
parameter in the .desktop file. For me, the steam.desktop file is in /usr/share/applications/
, and the Exec line is:
Exec=/usr/bin/steam-runtime %U
So you could just change it to:
Exec=MANGOHUD=1 /usr/bin/steam-runtime %U
If your .desktop file is not there, it's likely in ~/.local/share/applications/
Try playing with lowest graphical settings possible and if it doesn't crash after 30 minutes - try increasing them a bit. You can also try using MangoHUD (https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud) to monitor CPU and GPU temperatures while playing the game.
>if you are making claims that it will
What do you want from me? Just try it out for yourself. I'm don't care why it works, I only know that it does. When I run MANGOHUD=1 vkcube
, MangoHUD appears. It even says so on the GitHub page: https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud.
If you want to know why it works then ask the developer.
> I say partially working because I'm showing vsync is on, but it isn't locked to any specific framerate.
I don't really understand what you're trying to say, but it is not supposed to be locked and you can check the status of VRR with "Enable G-SYNC/G-SYNC Compatible Visual Indicator" under the "OpenGL Settings"->"X Screen 0" menu item. You should also limit your framerate with vsync or with mangohud's frame limiter(set it to be under your Hz with 1-2%). If you have another monitor attached then unplug it because it breaks gsync.
> I typically run cinnamon as my DE but after much research, I saw where mutter cannot be completely bypassed and the Gsync is impossible when running cinnamon even if you disable effects.
Mutter works fine with gsync. It will also stop compositing fullscreen games automatically, you just need to enable that feature in the General settings on cinnamon(it's enabled by default on gnome-shell).
> What concerns me is my nvidia control panel shows no option to enable Gsync anywhere and there are so many tutorials out there of various ages that it is tough to tell WHERE I'm supposed to be seeing the option when using a Prime laptop.
Maybe you're not using the nvidia card by default. Try sudo prime-select nvidia
and a reboot.
if you've seen the report on the MangoHud GitHub page, you've probably seen a solution to this error. link I can say that this partially solves the problem. MangoHud starts working with some games in Wine. But only with a few.
I agree with /u/cryogenicravioli and /u/IRegisteredJust4This. This is hard to read and compare. Why not record and use MangoHud. I'm pretty sure you'll benefit from the logging tool and would be able to present your data much more clearly.
I would like to see the same comparison with default kernels. It would be much more interesting to see the comparison with kernel 5.6.11 which is the default one for Manjaro 20.01 for example.
Also, look at using markdown mode and maybe edit your post by organizing using tables and/or bullet list.
version 0.5.1 no longer has a 32-bit version mangohud. there is only one script that connects the required library. only, he cannot connect it for unknown reasons. developer mangohud reported the following: "I think the problem stems from this commit d712d35, it doesn't play well with some distros"
I can't comment on how well it compares to RTSS but it does have frame capping and frametime info. The project has not been around long, I don't believe it's even a year old, so it's still a work in progress. You can find better info at it's Github page. I have used it's frame capping feature, and it even logs FPS too. It may not be as good as RTSS but it will surely be improved upon over time. It didn't have fps capping feature to begin with when it was released.
You searched for an hour and couldn't find these? They were the top results for me... Literally just searched for those 2 names.
Also this will help with MangoHud https://github.com/benjamimgois/goverlay
It's most likely this issue https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud/issues/307. (title is missleading)
There is no fix for it yet and it seems to only affect ubuntu derivatives
What you could do is use an older wine version on lutris as a workaround
I prefer package managers, but had to build MangoHud from GitHub.
Running ./build.sh build
gave me a Permission denied error for /opt/MangoHud/build
Running ./build.sh install
also gave Permission denied errors
Using sudo
for both fixed the problem, but I'm not sure what additional risks that opens me up to, and if/why permission/ownership changes would've made more sense.
This is the game's fault. The only way is to edit the game's launch script, which is located on steamapps/common/Dead Cells/deadcells.sh.
Change it from
cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )"
LD_PRELOAD= LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./deadcells detect.hl
cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )"
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libMangoHud.so LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./deadcells detect.hl
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libMangoHud.so LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./deadcells
Source: https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud/issues/80
Here's the initial commit on this open source side project for video games, from earlier this year:
What qualifies as production for a project like that, and can you recall one that was considered "finished" in under a year with a handful of contributors?
I would say, also, it seems like he's not particularly worrying a lot about backwards compatibility.
Don't ever, ever run sudo for anything which doesn't require root permissions. Neither git, nor build commands should be run as root. You only need root permissions for writing/"installing" the built files into your root filesystem (unless a custom user/local prefix was set), but even that is not a good idea, because that's what package management is for. The reason for that is that all written files are untracked and uninstalling self-built software from your root filesystem without packaging it is often difficult if there are no uninstall targets provided by the build tool. And you can introduce file conflicts with your system's package manager. Also, their <code>package</code> build target simply creates a tarball, which is useless if you decide to run the install
target afterwards, which does what I was talking about.
As a general purpose suggestion you could use MangoHud which is apparently very good and pretty much a visual clone of MSI Afterburner on Windows if you are familiar with that.
If the game you are playing uses DXVK you could use its inbuilt HUD with the 'memory' option instead, which I believe shows VRAM usage
Nice to know. Good for you.
Now go make Linux gaming videos and share it on YouTube or whatever video streaming site you prefer. No need to learn advanced video editing. Just enable MangoHUD then record the game play. That would be enough to show the game is indeed running on Linux.
Put these in the Steam Launch Option to enable MangoHUD.
mangohud MANGOHUD_CONFIG=full %command%
If MangoHUD isn't installed yet, check the link below.
You can use libstrangle or MangoHUD to limit your FPS.
Once installed you can use them on any steam game by adding the following command in the launch parameters of your games:
strangle <FPS> %command%
Where <FPS> is the maximum number of FPS you want.
MANGOHUD_CONFIG=fps_limit mangohud %command%
MangoHUD is also useful to display your fps, frametime, GPU & CPU temperature,...
If you want to make extensive use of MangoHUD, i would advise you to use GOverlay to configure it with a GUI.
If so you should remove the "MANGOHUD_CONFIG=..." part of launch parameters for your steam game so that MangoHUD use GOverlay config for all games.
The nvidia driver works fine with vsync, some games just don't limit the fps or use mailbox mode.
u/JaroMils: try mangohud, it'll give you vsync and framelimiting too. Create a file at $HOME/.config/MangoHud/MangoHud.conf
and use the vsync=3
(or vsync=1
for opengl) or fps_limit=60
options. If you start your steam game with MANGOHUD=1 %command%
then it'll use your settings.
J'avais écrit un dossier pour jvcom il y a quelques années sur le sujet (avec krakou), avant Proton et fait quelques vidéos sur Proton lors de la sortie.
C'est toujours sympa d'avoir des points de vue dans des medias qui touche un large public.
Par contre dans le 1er article, j'ai un peu de mal sur le côté "Proton, c'est tout simplement le miracle qui rend possible le jeu sur Linux, rien que ça.", un peu comme toute les vidéos qui sortent en "Linux gaming" alors qu'il s'agit de wine/dxvk derrière. Ca donne une vision un peu fausse du truc. Il y avait déjà des milliers de jeux natifs disponibles sur Linux avant Proton (~5000 à la sortie de proton) et quoiqu'en disent certains, les vrais portage natifs restent plus rapide que proton/dxvk.
Concernant les steam machines, je doute que le critère déterminant ait été le "trop peu de jeux" (2000 jeux lors de la sortie, quelle ocnsole peut se targuer d'en avoir autant à la sortie ?).
Conernant les logiciels de bench, je conseillerais Mangohud.
I think Mangohud is only for Linux (or other unix-like operating systems)
Edit: Windows-version is in early development. You can see more info about it here
Other people are reporting issues here and here, so maybe the 1.38 version has some bugs in it. If you can revert back to 1.37 or try to disable SSAO in the graphics settings.
I have noticed some syncing issues here and there, but I can't really pinpoint where and when they happen.
BTW. are you using the native Linux version of the games, which is OpenGL or are you using Proton to launch the game in DX11, which is then translated to Vulkan using DXVK?
Edit: Some suggestions from the SCS forums is to turn VSYNC off in game settings.
I'm also using Mangohud to cap my framerate to 60 and enabling VSYNC in the Mangohud config-file.
Sorry, I don't know much about AMD. Stuttering can be shader pre-caching or maybe CPU related. I would give gamemode a shot though, it sorted out stuttering for me with Skyrim and Fallout 4.
You can also use https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud to see if it is a GPU or CPU bottleneck.
If you use lutris, you can simply add ‘mangohud’ as a command prefix in the system options and it’ll work almost globally, outside of some OpenGL games! Just make sure you launch steam with lutris as well.
This depends on the wrapper program and what it actually does. Remember that everything that comes after the executable (name or absolute/relative path) is considered its arguments list. If it treats its arguments list as another shell command and simply executes it without doing anything else, then there's nothing to worry about. That would be a rather pointless wrapper though.
What these two applications do however is they prepend their library files to the LD_PRELOAD
env var, export it and then execute the arguments list as a command. See both wrappers here:
The gamemode wrapper is a bit special however and it accepts another env var GAMEMODERUNEXEC
, which it executes its contents instead, if set. So it's basically a wrapper within a wrapper. According to the docs, this is meant for users of hybrid graphics who need to wrap their games with another application or env vars.
What this means for the order of gamemode and mangohud, I'm not entirely sure, as I'm not a developer of those applications, but it's probably irrelevant, unless they're both overriding the same stuff or unless you're depending on the special gamemode use case which I've just mentioned.
Maybe you will like MangoHud - i cant live without it :) And for undervolting/underclocking i am using PowerUp but maybe you will like more Radeon-Profile also for fan control..
> Nice! It seems that LTO can't be applied to everything and anything.
Unfortunately not. There are some workarounds maintained in the lto-overlay, but it still happens once in a while that a new package just won't compile because of LTO.
> Also, since you are Gentoo user, what's with this website haha, someone posted it in the comments. A history lesson would be welcome xD
I'm not using gentoo for that long to give a history lesson haha, but I find it always amusing
> I wouldn't personally test a 'simple' program like glxgears with lto'd mesa.
Yes, agree. mangohud is perfect these days to benchmark such things, but its still time consuming to do.
Just make sure about a few things first:
Have you disabled xfce's compositor too?
Is your SSD full or close enough?
Have you tried using older proton versions(like 5.0.9 and 4.11.1)?
Have you tried using another DE?
Also try using mangohud, record your frame-timings and upload it so we can see what is happening with your hw utilization.
You can add a non-steam game to steam with "Games"->"Add a Non-Steam Game to My Library". But ACO should be good enough.
>Use mangohud %command% as Steam launch options.
I know that this work. This work too MANGOHUD=1 %command%. Both showing cpu/gpu usage and fps. I want to ADD GPU AND CPU TEMP TOO.
I read what to you copy and paste from https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud#normal-usage, but I don't undestand it. Do you expect that someone new who see this for first time would understandt it? If I have to spend time for any simple task that I can do in Windows for 2 seconds/few clicks... Just tell me, what to add in steam>launch options to see cpu and gpu temps.
Instead to enjoy fresh linux distro install I lost hours for bullshits.
Read MangoHud readme starting from https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud#normal-usage.
Use mangohud %command%
as Steam launch options.
Configure MangoHud with a config file (~/.config/MangoHud/MangoHud.conf
to set options for all games).
Alternatively set options in MANGOHUD_CONFIG
variable. In this case Steam launch options should look like MANGOHUD_CONFIG=cpu_temp,gpu_temp mangohud %command%
i dont know about the --force it was just said by the answer from the random question i found on stack overflow and i deleted the manually installed one and installed it from rpm fusion and it works (credit to MangoHUD for the ability to show whats in use of DXVK proton games to show me that my GTX 1050 is being used sudo dnf install mangohud to install it on fedora more is listed on the github)
It's not really meant for Windows, it's a Linux-first thing. But yeah it runs on Windows, that's how the files for the benchmark graphs/charts are created, you can't upload other benchmark logs to the website and get those, from everything I know about it, and having looked through and uploaded numerous benchmarks myself.
It's even obvious from the context of what Linus said. You think they would change their entire benchmarking suite to get rid of the most popular games so they can use MangoHud? No, they were talking about using it on Windows.
Oh wait, I found it:
There you go. As I said, Linux is obviously the focus. But it works on Windows.
Hi, yes you can use e.g. RTSS (Riva Tuner Statistics Server) only show FPS MSI Afterburner (showing more detailed statistics like FPS, GPU usage, CPU Usage, Temps etc.
Or if sou want some generated graphs you can use MangoHUD from here: https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud
It does indeed sounds like an over-heating issue. In other words, a hardware issue unrelated to Linux (you can still ask about it here, no worries).
You can use MangoHUD to check temperatures while playing.
Do you try to use it in OpenGL games by any chance? If so you might also need to set MANGOHUD_DLSYM=1
as explained in the readme.
If that still won't fix your issue, I suggest to join the MangoHud discord.
> If they could get it to run so great that the little tweaks you need to do to get games running would be unneeded, or have a central Steam-maintained database of tweaks that you could just select and they would activate, Proton would be ready for primetime and Steam Machines would instantly be very viable.
I wouldn't go quite that far; I'd say that you're correct in that it'll be the feature that really shows Proton as ready for primetime but I think we still have a fair bit of work to get to the point where it's worth putting in and to work out how to actually best implement such a feature, because something like Protondb won't work for Steam. We've still got to get anticheats/DRM working properly, GPU drivers still need work (nVidia still semi-regularly breaks on certain setups and AMD still takes a while to properly support a new GPU) and performance still could do with improvements in quite a few areas, although we're really getting there even in terms of more "optional" stuff that Linux has traditionally lacked natively. (eg. Proper In-Game Overlays or PostProcessing/Reshade)
You want to be looking at MangoHUD.
If you are unsure on installing it, see a quick two videos I produced on installing it and configuring it.
Also since you are using Ubuntu 18.04, and have AMD hardware it would be advisable to update the kernel if you want the latest AMD drivers.
Ubuntu 20.04 is a decent option.
I'm going to assume that you have installed the latest nVidia driver, if so what games does this happen with?
Check out MangoHUD for an alternative to Afterburner.
To see FPS
Or you could use mango hud (https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud)
I know you've already pulled the trigger, but hopefully this will make you feel better:
I've been running an ASRock Taichi RX 5700 XT for over a month now with no major issues.
I also got a 1440p 144hz monitor recently. Every game I've thrown at the RX 5700 XT has consistently been able to get 60+ FPS at 1440p. However, I've had to turn down the settings in some games to get a consistent minimum of 144 FPS.
Also, I recommend disabling the Steam overlay. I don't know why, but I've gotten significant performance improvements with it disabled. Everspace, for instance, saw at least a 20 FPS increase after I turned the overlay off. If you want something to measure your FPS after disabling the Steam overlay, I recommend MangoHud
No the MangoHuD present fals data on Optimus Hardware. It messures the iGPU even if the dGPU is used.
See the gitlab Issue here: https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud/issues/114
Edit: Nope the dGPU is running as you also can see in the doom hud on the right. I assume the HD 3000 would not even launch the game due to incomplete Vulkan support. Even everything above OpenGL 3.0 is broken on that Intel GPU.
> any negatives?
Some games don't work or don't work as well on Windows. Any specific games you play frequently? If your main games include R6:S, Fortnite, Apex Legends or other Windows only games with anti cheat, then to be blunt you won't have a good time.
> and will that allow games in my library to install if i find them on protondb?
Yep, once you enable proton for all games, you can click install then play any Windows game on steam and it'll automatically launch with proton. For a couple you might need to edit launch options, but protondb will have any information on any tips to make it work (better).
> Also if you could recommend some software to keep track of GPU/CPU while gaming?
https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud is pretty nice if you're looking for an overlay. If you want a standalone application, then I like KSysGuard on KDE, then just have it up on your other monitor with graphs for temps/usage/etc for CPU/GPU/network usage.
> Setting up
In general, install the distro of your choice, Fedora, Pop!_OS and Manjaro tend to be commonly recommended for gaming, I use Manjaro and really like it. Then install steam (installed by default on Manjaro) and enable proton for everything in the steam settings, restart and you're good to start trying stuff.
I don't have an nvidia card so I'm not entirely sure how install goes, but if the installer gives you an option, you'll likely want to use the proprietary drivers. If the installer doesn't prompt, then in the example of Manjaro, open up the manjaro hardware utility and select to install the proprietary gpu drivers