It is fair to say that.
We have a plan in place, but perhaps the most interesting thing that has happened is that I discovered PowerBI (I had no idea this existed before) and have been mining our data to understand where we stand on bugs.
The tool is just simply amazing, and free!
It works better in Windows, but you can also use it on the web.
I've been using Power BI this summer to create dashboards with custom R visuals using ggplot2 and custom R/HTML visuals using plotly and I've found the R integration really useful in creating some custom plots that my clients have found pretty impressive so I'm happy to see Microsoft expand this into python too.
There's a blog post to accompany this announcement with some demo Power BI dashboards with python visuals.
Microsoft Power Bi is a great tool that I use to do this in my job. You can get the free version here. And follow free courses here.
Edited to add you can find much more in depth courses here via Microsoft Learn. This will allow you to select a business function you are interested in and take learning paths associated with it.
From the extremely limited information you provided, it appears you where just dropped into the PowerBI world. That sucks, allot. To answer your questions:
>Hard coding fonts?? >>Fonts can be added.
>Can't resize tooltips? >>ToolTips are resizable
>Am I fool or is this garbage for producing good looking dashboards? >>I get your frustration, but let's focus on moving you in the positive direction.
>What are the alternatives? >>Tabluea, Excel, Python, etc.
I would recommend you start with "Dashboard in a day". All of the lab materials and course books are free so you can pursue this at your leisure.
However, PowerBI is becoming to Bussiness Intelligence what Office is, a huge player. Given that you are trying to use PowerBI and not another alternative (PowerBI costs allot), I would recommend you ask your employer to pay for some training for you.
Your background in graphics design will help you make great reports, apps, dashboards, etc. but only after you understand how it is modelling your data.
I hope that helps and good luck to you.
So there are really 3 options to choose when rolling out Power BI from scratch across a new organization.
Power BI Premium Per User Licenses (PPU) ($20 / Month)
Premium Capacity (Starts at about $5,000 USD Month)
For an organization of only 50-ish people we can rule out # 3Premium Capacity right off the bat as that doesn't make any sense until you have at least 500 users. #1 probably makes the most sense for your organization. Power bi doesn't have different licenses whether you're a report write or consumer, so you'll need to purchase a pro license for every single person that needs access.
If you have super large scale data and need to look at billions of rows 50 columns wide for the past 20 years, maybe Premium Per User could be an option, but for just starting out the basic Pro licenses should suffice. You can always upgrade later.
We just finished collaborating on Power BI customer templates with people from Microsoft aaaand we are a 3rd party vendor.
The environment at MS in the past few years has changed a lot. That would have never happened 5 years ago.
The Windows 10 push is, unfortunately, a very public blunder for a company that is really being steered in the right direction I believe.
It looks like a SanKey diagram made in PowerBi.
Edit: Apparently it was made using
Like what? Outside of the client software license, all you have to do is pay for the Power BI Premium nodes, which is pretty plainly laid out in the docs:
The cadence of Report Server updates recently got changed to Jan/May/Sept for 2019, so could be as early as May, but might be a better question to pop on the blog post for the team if you want any specific feature dates.
Check out the Data Stories Gallery:
And the Best Report Competition:
You absolutely can.
You can either use the embed functionality which makes the report public, you can get tokens from PowerBI/OAuth service for the current user.
There is nothing mentioning this change in feature summary post. I think this is fairly significant for it to be included in the update overview.
Consolidating CSVs is easy in Power BI. Extracting the indetifiers sounds possible as long as there's a finite number of ways they appear in the Note. Creating 2 extractions from one Note sounds more difficult.
This URL suggests that ServicrNow has an integration into Power BI.
You should be able to Get data from weblink, enter your credentials and the data flow through in a cleaner format. Sounds more complicatrd than CSV initially, but will probably be much easier.
This is by design. Currently (not in preview) you cannot use a shared dataset along with other data sources in the same PBI report.
There is a preview feature available though that allows you to direct query a shared dataset. You need to go into your options and settings and enable that preview feature (DirectQuery for PBI datasets and AS). Once done, you can then bring in other data sources along with your shared dataset.
Does learning count? At least, we're investing in ourselves :)
Attended a Microsoft user group meeting today to learn from gurus about the latest in data analytics, machine learning and AI...and guess what, learnt that we can use machine learning without code! for those interested.
Nice job on both saving your earnings and visualizing it. As you mentioned, adding expenses would add some interesting depth. While it's important to save, don't be afraid to have some fun. Set some goals/have a budget for entertainment/expenses and reevaluate as needed.
If you're interested in data, it's a challenging career that pays reasonably well.
Try running that data you have through Power BI with some different visuals.
Agreed, check out the Magic Quadrant, but pop "Gartner Magic Quadrant 2021" into Bing ;) and download the full document from a vendor, here it is from Microsoft. Keep in mind that Microsoft paid A LOT of money to be able to give this to you, and that much of the Gartner analysis is based on "the overall effectiveness of the sales channel." They're words, not mine. Alas, the analysis is very good if you actually read it.
Not sure how you came up with your survey list, but my take on Power BI vs Tableau: Tableau has a great community that does incredible things with the tool, but the learning curve for real "self service" is rather high. Power BI is easier to use and much cheaper. Tableau started the viz game, Power BI carried the legacy on. Looker is well loved, but read about it to see if it's a good fit for your org.
All of the above doesn't matter at all if it's not a fit for your organization. How savvy are your users, admins, etc.? What features do you need? And so on... My company makes a product called FlexIt Analytics that's geared towards medium-sized organizations that want to stay close to their SQL and spreadsheets, but still get solid viz/dashboarding and enterprise BI (metadata, apis, security, etc.) features. Not for everyone, but perfect fit for some orgs.
Yea this is happening for me as well. Seems like the service is down then, although that status isn't reflecting on their support page as of 4:46 PDT:
Glad to hear that it's happening to someone else, though! I'm sure a fix is incoming shortly.
Edit: the support page is now showing that there is an outage!
As a Student, chances are that your university has some kind of deal with Microsoft licensing - which means PowerBI should be available to you.
Failing that, Excel is the old-school BI tool, and is still used heavily for prototyping purposes in conjunction with powerpoint for presentations.
The best BI implementation is the one that allows you to use as much time as possible on your datasets, not the software in itself. Unless a business requirement calls for it, use techniques and software you are already familiar with.
Instead of focusing too much on the technology part, think about which kind of data that interests you. Then the visualisations will come naturally to you when you have a subject you're interested in. Failing that, sports statistics are pretty easy to grasp, and thus implement.
Just remember that the intelligence part of BI very often consists of just analyzing changes over time, so keep in mind when you develop your dataset and reports. Having one stellar set of records for one time period is less interesting than having a smaller dataset over several.
Microsoft Power BI sounds like what you're asking for. If you can download monthly statement data from each account/brokerage you could maybe create a display dashboard from Power BI.
I mainly use Tableau so I can't provide you with any personal recommendations, but r/PowerBI is an awesome community. There are a lot of experts on that subreddit and they seem to be more than happy to help. As with any new software, I always highly recommend reading through their documentation if available.Microsoft's PowerBI site is a good start.
Np. I put together a thing for PowerBI if you want to play with it - I put it on dropbox here, you can get PowerBI here. I really encourage you to take a look, it'll help you dig into some of the trends just by clicking around.
Some highlights:
Violent crime is definitely up over the past few years - we went from 211 homicides in 2014 to 342 in 2015 and 318 last year. Violent crimes in general are up, but auto crimes and larceny are down.
The police district where you're living is the Northern District, which has 11% of the city's crime despite it being one of the largest districts. This data doesn't say why, but you could look at the ACS for clues.
In your neighborhood, which is Abell, crimes reported break down as:
39% larceny (auto and petty, 260-some incidents total)
9% street robberies (61 incidents)
0.45% homicides (3 incidents)
0.3% home robberies (2 incidents)
0.15% rapes (1 incident)
Play with the data more if you want, you could calculate some averages but I got somewhat lazy at the end.
>What’s next for AAS?
>As we make Power BI a superset of AAS, we understand it’s not always easy for existing AAS customers to transition to Power BI Premium. For example, Azure billing is preferred by some AAS customers. There are manual steps required for migration. The different licensing models and costs of AAS and Power BI Premium can make it difficult. We are working on a plan to address this and will share it in the coming months. Please stay tuned. I guarantee you won’t want to miss it!
Found some confirmation? Source
Select the option to refresh weekly, this will open up the list of weekdays to select/unselect. You can add multiple times, but the report will run every day at every time you select. If you want other options you can use Power Automate to schedule refreshes; the only catch I ever found using this last method was the fact you will never receive an alert if the refresh fails.
Would this be affecting you?
“Known issues with opt-in preview that will be addressed in December release:
The action card for button, image, and shape, responsive toggle, and data limit settings are currently missing.”
Depending on how deep you want to go I would recommend Microsoft PowerBI Desktop, its free. Very easy to get up and running and you can export to excel for action.
Also depending on how old your AS400 is getting data out of it to any other platform might be your biggest challenge.
If you don't want to go the AD group route, you can do fake RLS in dax by having it use the current username. Adam Saxton has an example here
the crickets are there because the comments on the blog are on a personal blog, not an official blog. I'd recommend responding to this blog for example: to ask this question about automation. In the mean time I'll also reach out to the PM.
There was a brief inclusion of a new teams connector in the pbi desktop release for march or april blog, but it was not in the download so it's been delayed a bit.
It was in the summit announcements as coming soon.
Microsoft Business Application Summit Recap | Microsoft Power BI Blog | Microsoft Power BI
Unless you have a specific reason for Tableau, I'd learn Power BI. It's much cheaper and as it's a Microsoft product, it will likely be continually ingrained more into their ecosystem. If it's not already, it will likely surpass Tableau. Regardless, learning one will make learning the other easy considering they share a lot of the same functionality.
Premium Per User workspaces are where you can deploy reports with premium features using a PPU license, and you need a PPU license to access them. You can subscribe a Pro user to a paginated report in a PPU workspace though. See "who can access..." here
They've just posted this: Power BI customers with Tenants located in the UK SOUTH region may experience issues accessing the Power BI service. Azure Engineers are investigating the issue and an update will be provided soon.
You want to use Power BI Paginated Report Builder. All the functionality of Power BI in a static document 😁
Ahh, I see this now makes sense understanding your use case (strict internal branding guidelines).
> Fonts would constantly change size
This should hopefully be addressed in the June update - font sizes were inconsistent because in some places they were in points and in other places they were in pixels. As per the link above, they've now made it so that almost all of this is cleaned up, I think they still need to adjust text boxes and some other small areas.
> If Power BI were built with the same fundamentals as other Office products, I suspect it would work fine, but it seems like an ugly relative.
PowerBI is really a moving target, and is in a state of constant/active development. The goal is to get it to fit into the Office ecosystem (as evidenced by the last the updated pane design, i.e. light mode) and the quote below:
> Our new look is much more modern and is the first step and refreshing the entire interface.
Eventually it will get there.
The elephant in the room that no one is mentioning is that for the interactive access for vendors, you will need to license them for Power BI. Embedded would already cover this but other methods need a license.
As for SSRS, it’s called Power BI Paginated Report Builder and it was available in April for those with a Power BI Premium license.
Email subscriptions are also available.
This was made by Power BI, which is definitely a step up in terms of both complexity and power compared to your typical spreadsheet program. The good news is that you can use the desktop app for free! Like I said, it takes a bit to get used to but if you're good at it, people will pay you a lot of money to make their data pretty for them :)
Something like the following:
Get User Name:
Apply Conditional Formatting:
This is as close as you can currently get:
But it's not really what you're looking for
Only with R at the moment, check out this article.
It's nice to have the zoom and the tooltips, particularly when you have lots of data to show, though it can be a little slow for the visualisations to show up.
I think it's worth it. You're on the right track in pushing toward more modern BI, and given the reliance on Excel, Power BI is actually a good place to enter that world. Use of Excel is common in ANY company and Power BI is designed to work alongside and with Excel. Also, learning Power BI is also learning capabilities/skills shared with Excel PowerPivot (Power Query / M, Vertipaq/In-memory engine and DAX, and Power View), and also in SSAS Tabular, which is a good layer to implement for corporate reporting even if the end-users are working only in Excel.
One thing to consider - assuming you amaze everyone with new reporting capabilities, can you get the cost approved? Power BI is relatively lower cost compared to competing solutions, and it technically is possible to work strictly in the desktop version and share the desktop files. However, you would probably find this quite frustrating compared to the automatic refresh and sharing capabilities that are available in the paid solution. So, ideally you would either be using one of the following options:
Power BI Pro: $10 per user per month, full sharing and refresh capabilities in the cloud service
Power BI Premium using the cloud service: Same as above, but $10 per report-creator and $5k per "node" (1k-3k report-consumers) per month
Power BI Report Server: On-premesis solution where Power BI, Excel, and SSRS reports can be published and shared. Same pricing as Power BI Premium, or the cost of a SQL Server Enterprise license with software assurance; This will also require hardware for implementation.
The "Planning a Power BI Enterprise Deployment" whitepaper is a good resource for understanding more. and would probably be top of the list if you are using SQL, and Azure already as data sources.
I see your other comment about power BI but the product is constantly changing.. Also there are different variations of it.. the FREE version is very limited but the PRO has so much more.
You will also need to clarify what TYPE of BI reporting you are doing as there tends to be different methods.. There are going to be standard reports on key metrics and then there will be Adhoc reporting..
Just to be clear on the date format, that's June 1st, 2017.
In regards to the free pro trial, as of June 1st, 2017, any existing users of the free service who were active on or before May 2, 2017 are eligible for a free, 12-month extended trial of Power BI Pro. You'll get prompted when you log into the power bi web portal.
Per the May 2017 Power BI announcement (link/except below), the problem that you're experiencing is the part about "sharing and collaboration" being removed from the free version.
"Going forward, we will improve the free service to have the same functionality as Power BI Pro, but will limit sharing and collaboration features to only Power BI Pro users. Users of the free Power BI service will benefit from access to all data sources, increased workspace storage limits, and higher refresh and streaming rates. These changes will be effective June 1, and you can read more on the Power BI Community. Power BI Desktop continues to be available for free."
The best way is to use the Power BI desktop.
Since PowerBI caches the data, you need to configure schedule refresh as well as a data gateway so the cloud can see your on-premises OracleDB.
You can embed PowerBI to sharepoint with a bit of javascript, the auth part is the most annoying, but with SPO SPFx there'll be a PowerBI webpart "soon"
It is completely different. If you created your report using the desktop app, you can share your report by going File>Publish. Once uploaded, you can share the power bi report with a url or allow them to access the report on their own power bi account.
Info on Sharing:
Hopefully this is what you are after. PBI as well as SSAS Tabular have two ways to connect to some data sources. Either In-Memory or DirectQuery. In-Memory caches the data in memory and the data is stored in the .PBIX. With DirectQuery the data is pulled from created connection string but is not saved locally. You can get more information here. You can mix the modes by using dynamic connection strings which is a pretty neat trick. Hope this helps you.
Not exactly what you are asking for but speaking from experience...
Power Query, Power View, Power Pivot and Power Map are a perfect solution to the frustrated "above average" Excel user that doesn't want or need to know SQL.
I am a BI SQL consultant by trade but there are plenty of organizations who simply cannot invest in a full blown data warehouse infrastructure let alone even license a copy of SQL Server. This is a great way to model data, manipulate data and visualize data on a budget.
And if you dashboard with Power BI services? It is a great end to end BI solution on the small.
In order to publish a report which will have general access to the public, the company will have to obtain a per capacity license which enables a premium workspace to publish reports to. This is the only way to make reports accessible in a generalized way.
Then any user who publishes a report needs a Power BI Pro license, which is probably what you need to get if you want to be able to publish reports for different clients.
I came here to check if someone else was asking for the preview release and I'm so happy it just got a preview release minutes ago!
Agree that a Sankey visual sounds like what you are looking for. In addition to the Sankey custom visual, check out the newer Charticulator visual. It’s very customizable and there are some good video tutorials out there for it. Curable has a good one in fact .
I'm guessing this is my problem:
"Power BI customers using a date slicer that has been pinned to a dashboard may experience rendering issues with the visual after refreshing the dashboard. Engineers have identified the root cause and the fix is expected to be deployed by end of the day of 11/05/2021."
If the Power BI report is in a Premium Capacity or Premium Per User workspace, then you can connect via the XMLA endpoint
"Dataset connectivity and management with the XMLA endpoint in Power BI - Power BI | Microsoft Docs"
If it's Power BI Pro then I think your only choice will be the DAX API - however, that limits output to 150k rows, so you'd need to be mindful of how much data you need to return
"Announcing the public preview of Power BI REST API support for DAX Queries | Microsoft Power BI Blog | Microsoft Power BI"
In both scenarios, you'll need to learn how to write queries using DAX
"Writing DAX Queries"
I started with zero Power BI experience and learned through Google and YouTube.
Microsoft do loads of free training:
You're talking about Power BI Report Server, which is a legacy, on-prem version, used by a small minority of companies. It's not the main offering that people think of as "Power BI", nor is it included in every edition of SQL Server (you need Enterprise Edition with Software Assurance, as shown in your link).
Making a broad statement like "Power BI is included with SQL Server", when it only applies to a minority of Power BI users, and requires an above-average SQL license, is not correct.
If you're just wanting to hold data in the initial workbook (wb1) and won't add any measures, then using dataflows seems more appropriate. That would let you import data into the other workbooks, and then add measures to them as needed.
Also note that you can connect to an existing dataset/workbook and combine it with additional data sources, it's known as composite modeling but might still be in public preview. It works fairly well.
Are you using your own Power BI Pro license for $10/month ? I've been meaning to launch my own Power BI portfolio site but I don't really want to use my work alias so I think I need to buy Power BI Pro? I wish Microsoft had a free tier like Tableau Public, where it's free and all the data is available for public use-- ideal for portfolios and such.
The Chrome/Edge alignment is a wider issue and is announced on the Power BI support site BTW.
> Power BI customers using Edge or Chrome V93 web browsers with the default page scale set to 100% may experience UI behavior issues when interacting with common web page controls, such as dropdown slicers, date pickers, or line charts. As a workaround, users can use the zoom setting of anything other than 100% which forces the browser to behave normally. Engineers have identified root cause, and an estimated time to mitigate will be provided shortly.
Yes it is possible by using the rest API See example here
Requires Premium however.
You can use the web service’s subscription feature if you have premium.
I would agree the Pro route makes the most economical sense. If there’s a feature that you think would greatly benefit your organization that is Premium (Per User/Capacity) I’d check the matrix and make the most informed pitch to your purchasing decision makers right off the bat as opposed to having to come back later -
That's a good question. I've always just had access to it through work, so I don't know.
It looks like you could get a subscription as a single user for $10 a month.
Well it’s definitely not deprecating it as a solution but rather investing in feature sets for Power BI instead and working diligently to bring feature parity to anything that is still missing from AAS.
This blog post which is a follow up from one posted in 2019 summarizes the strides they have made:
2021 blog post:
2019 blog post:
Like I said, if there is nothing game changing that you need from AAS that Premium doesn’t already offer, your answer is Premium. Especially when we are talking about multiple datasets/self service analytics.
With Premiums dynamic memory management and Gen2 enabled, I am sure you’ll save in the long run.
Apparently she came back last month. Didn´t even noticed tbh Quickly create reports in the Power BI service (preview) | Blog de Microsoft Power BI | Microsoft Power BI
No, according to, PBIRS is positioned as an on-prem solution with the flexibility to move to the cloud down the road. So you won't see any major investments in on-prem only capabilities.
I see this question a lot and on one hand, fair enough you don't want to pay for the license. On the other hand, someone has to, or PowerBI won't make enough profit to run.
Typically you need a pro license and the end user does too. However, you could try exploring the premium per user license which has just released. I haven't explored all the details but you might be able to create a premium workspace for your clients to view reports without a license. You can read a bit more about it here.
Final point, users won't ever need a username and password for your reports, users need to sign into the powerbi service using their Microsoft accounts, so it's OAuth as opposed to username and password based authentication.
Also, as a general point I would typically not develop powerbi in my environment I'd generally expect the client to have thier own powerbi environment setup and I'd expect them to provide me with an account and a pro license. This way you are being added to their environment and work within that which is a much better solution especially if you need to use on-prem data sources / gateways.
"Using SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) as a DirectQuery source is not supported. We plan to support SSAS in the next release of SQL Server.". Source:
Yes, the content must be stored in a Power BI Premium backed workspace.
I think you may be using the Power BI cmdlets incorrectly.
There is a sequence you must run prior to being able to call “export” or any other Cmdlet, including installing the Power BI cmdlets themselves on the machine running powershell.
Also, the Export-PowerBIReport is to save off the PBIX, not to save a snapshot
Additional reference:
Paginated reports can be used on screen, but are not the greatest as there is almost no interactivity once the report is rendered. Without developing things as a single report, you don't really have many choices for embedding things. If the report they have developed is embedded in some kind of portal, maybe you could embed your report below it? Another option would be to add visuals from their report and your report to a dashboard in Power BI. Lastly, you could create a custom visual for the iframe and have your PBI admin allow custom visuals in your tenant
When you create workspace with Premium per user license ,the users must have premium per user license to view/access the content(even pro license users can't view/access the content)
Check the below link for detailed understanding:
I say this line in every meeting where the topic comes up - "The clear future direction is Power BI Premium."
Power BI Premium and Azure Analysis Services | Microsoft Power BI Blog | Microsoft Power BI
Where do you have it set for a two minute refresh interval?
I personally haven't used this feature because we don't have any dbs in direct query mode but the blog article for the June update mentions that if you're using Pro, the minimum refresh interval is 30 minutes and Premium the default is 5 minutes. If you're using Premium, the capacity admin can override that default and set a custom value with a minimum interval of one second.
We recently added dual axis support for line chart, so you should be able to have your two different lines now.
> They’re certain there’s a way without spending more money though
... By building something like Power BI Tiles yourself?
I think your best bet is digging through the REST API documentation and see what you can export exactly. There is a new preview feature to export reports, but you need a premium license.
Power BI Tiles get their data through some API I guess, so there is probably an endpoint to access visuals.
Maybe this will help?
You shouldn't need a gateway for Azure SQL unless it's on a virtual network. You just configure the credentials ( )
And you should be good to go.
If all else fails, though, Basic = SQL auth, not a Windows /AAD credential.
Edit: the article on dataflows says AAd auth isnt supported for ADW so maybe not for Azure SQL either, and to use Basic auth instead.
Power BI Desktop is free! (
I've never used Tableau, but I'm pretty well versed in Power BI and Qlik Sense - IMO Power BI is very beginner friendly, specially if you're not a coding person.
What are you trying to achieve with this? In excel you can use the datasets from Power BI service using the Power BI dataset connector:
A very unfortunate situation indeed, the recent loss of lives on the Everest.
The report is developed using Power BI with data from Wikipedia
Should we add Summit Fever/Overcrowding to the cause of death?
You should brush up on row level security, it would better handle your situation than using default slicers.
If that is not an option, and you are using embedding to distribute your reports, then use the filter call on the Js API.
If you are using power bi app, consider persistent filters Docs
If you must use the approach that you asked for in your post, you can create a measure that returns a Boolean type based in whether a branch is assigned to a manager. Then apply that measure to a report visual. That would filter out irrelevant branches. Create a second measure that checks if a single branch is selected- and if not, select the first branch that has a true value (assigned to manager).
I'm sorry if the explanation is not thoroughly laid out, I'm on my phone.
You'll need to configure a Power BI gateway if you want to use local network files as master copies (alternative being OneDrive, Azure blob etc.). Power BI dataflows are new and shiny. Hardly used them yet myself, but they'll let you ETL data into the service and then import into Power BI to create datasets - you can still only have one dataset per report, but it avoids having to repeat the same transformations in multiple datasets/load the same data multiple times. If not dataflows, I imagine you'd be looking at some sort of database or document DB solution but your use case seems like exactly what they're meant for.
Query Parameters. Parameterize the email address in the exchange query, then have them input their email address into the parameter when they open it.
I'm not sure what the source is but the application itself is powered by Microsoft's "Power BI":
Though that doesn't exactly help because Power BI also needs a source to display data, but if you can find the source of the image or person who made that Power BI file, you can get the source from there. It's possible that Lucky Bancho could be a source in the Power BI file if it has an API or DB Power BI can connect to.
OK, I agree that going from scratch in Python will take longer than probably makes sense here.
If you can dump the emails/labels in a usable format, maybe you could take a look at some Business Intelligence tools that are designed to build dashboards in a graphical way?
Microsoft has one named PowerBI, and the big commercial player is Tableau.
We use premium capacity nodes for this purpose.
There’s a useful calculator that MS provide to work out sizing.
Take a look at the Power BI gateway too when you get a chance. This would bypass your issues and allow the reports to update from anywhere, not just your desktop.
Check out the Data Stories Gallery:
And the Best Report Competition:
Hopefully these can help you see what sort of data/analytics you want to “report” or mine.
Yes, but then it's just hitting the backend database. And snowflake is an awesome backend database for analytics. That's the value here.
It's what Redshift markets to be. It's not new, it's just a columnar database that's really good at what it does. Scales easily and doesn't need management overhead like others in the market do.
Plus it supports full ansi SQL, so need to know dax or mdx or another flavor.
I like ssas, but I'm fairly certain it's going to be rolled up into the power bi service rather than it's own offering sometime in the next year or two. Just like we saw ssrs roll into it over the past year. (link to the latest PBI news:
no problem, Power Query is an add on that will deal with your large data set issue. It's something you can get direct from Microsoft and download for free. Same with Power Pivot. And i'd suggest using Youtube or the various Excel helper sites to get started with learning on how to use it, plenty of stuff out there for free.
Power BI you can use for free as well, download from the Microsoft site and play around with, though to use the full reporting functionality it does require buying a licence and licence for those using the reports. Agin plenty of free tutorials and info out there, the Power BI team have done a good starting set of tutorial videos/walkthroughs as well which are a good place to start. Power BI tutorials
Power Query is native to Excel 2016 and later, but if you are still running an earlier version, you can download it for free.
Microsoft Power BI Desktop is also free. BUT is Windows PC only.
If you are already using Excel for tracking anything in the brewery, these tools will make your job a lot easier. Tables, Power Query, Power BI are your friends.
Check out the June release:
It looks like one of the new features allows you to format labels on combo charts separately. See the fourth bullet under “Reporting.”
This might help a little.
I found it and got it implemented to test phase. Since I handle a lot of reporting, I needed something that allowed quick views for numbers without having to open multiple reports.
Still in testing, it's giving me a better general idea where we stand with updates and deployments and it's customizable to where you can add more pages/tables based on custom SCCM SQL queries.
I'm hoping over the course of the next 2-3 weeks to take it out of testing and live to production.
Hi there-
Actually, I'm kind of looking into this sort of thing as well, and actually, it's probably a pretty common-type consideration in the BI business, if you take my meaning.
So, you'd obviously have to be careful and/or steer clear of NDA issues, and perhaps even further that just "anonymizing" it would be to work out arrangements with some parts of the client-work that could be presented as either a template or as referencable, etc. ...But, the other day happened to see this "Power BI" Partner Showcase. Maybe worth checking out?
With as quickly as Microsoft changes things in Power BI, January 2017 is practically ancient history-- you shouldn't rely on the accuracy of any older "upcoming features" blog posts at this point.
What they ended up doing was releasing "Power BI Report Server" for on-premise report management, which is built on the SSRS platform, but isn't really the same as just publishing a .pbix to SSRS. I believe it also requires a Power BI Premium subscription.
I recommend checking out these two links:
Thanks for taking the time to post this. And yeah, auth from client side is no good here.
I'm actually trying to do the non-Power BI users, "app owns data", authentication mentioned here:
It's different in that you are always just authenticating the same "Pro" user and displaying their data instead of a particular client-side user's data. As I understand it, this is a new method that corresponds to the new "Power BI Premium" product that we are trying to use.
So users are authenticated into our web app as usual, and then they make a call to our API to get an "embed token" that embeds the report on screen. This keeps the Pro user credentials and the clientId safe on the server.
I think I've got it sorted out now, and I posted my solution elsewhere on this thread.
Ok. A few things:
I think what you are looking for is what we'd call data visualisation or data exploration software. That's really the realm of Microsoft Power BI:
It's free and absolutely worth playing with.
What are you hoping to achieve with more of a product focus? (As opposed to marketing focus?) In my experience, Adobe Analytics has much deeper capabilities than GA, supporting both product UX and marketing insights. But what you get out of it depends on your initial setup and your rollout and stack integration roadmap.
You're probably aware of this, but Adobe Analytics and Power BI have an integration:
Other than this link I don't really have anything for PowerBI I have only used it in one session at MS Build last year. There is this video about analyzing sp_blitz output with PowerBI dashboard which could be more helpful. It's about an hour, and an applied example might be easier to understand:
You seem to be a little confused. Power bi free a counts are limit live queries to 10,000 rows per hour. You can load tons of data in a free report. I think it is 10gb per accound, but that may be pro.
You can also publish and share reports with free acounts. The pro license comes in with embedded and some specific features.
You can create them using the free power bi desktop, link below.
Then you host the report in power bi service (office 365)
Then you integrate the reports with SharePoint pages. Not hosted in SharePoint, just presented.