On the dock (which I think is rocketdock, but there are a few other docks for Windows out there like Objectdock) the third icon from the right is the rainmeter icon. Also the icons that are fourth and fifth from the left are CCCleaner and Defraggler I believe, which indicates a Windows OS. That is why I'm guessing it is on Windows with Rainmeter and Rocketdock.
eidt: spelling
It took me a second to figure out what you were asking. I was thinking Why would you want the time upside-down?
There's no built in way to do that. And a quick search for third party apps didn't offer much either.
However, ObjectDock does allow you to place the dock on the side and you can place the Start Button anywhere on the dock.
This looks amazing and I'm probably stealing this.
What I had previously for a totally rainmeter'd desktop was Stardock's program launch thingy.
It lets you place certain icons on an apple-esque taskbar and you can make it look really cool and fit most themes.
I found an example here
Rainmeter skin: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Mix-n-Match-v1-0-525092923
Objectdock: http://www.stardock.com/products/objectdock/
More then a theme I went out and "made", this is just how my setup has evolved over a long period of use. Still, I like how it looks, and very much like how it works.
Even autohide tends to leave a bit of taskbar peeking out. I'm assuming taskbar eliminator does the trick if you don't want any sort of taskbar at all (can't vouch since I personally don't use it). I use Object Dock for a mac-ish type taskbar that can be set to pop up when you mouse over whatever part of the screen you've placed it on (it's positioning and hide/show properties are pretty versatile). There is also an option to completely hide/eliminate the windows taskbar that comes with objectdock. If you're only looking to eliminate the taskbar and want no other dock-like programs, Taskbar Eliminator will probably work best for you, though.
I was running the Windows 10 Tech Preview, but the memory leak sent me back to Windows 7, which is what I am currently running.
The dock is called Objectdock, which can be found here: http://www.stardock.com/products/objectdock/
Im looking for a skin that Hides a list of apps that are clickable on the side or top of screen until you hover mouse close to it then they pop out. Not sure what to search for.
edit: Like THIS , but with icons instead of text.
My solution was object dock. Rocket dock is alternative.
Dock program, called ObjectDock. I am using a Mac OSX skin for OjectDock, which is found here.
The clock is from my Zelda theme over here
The launcher's look like ObjectDock. Possibly with a custom theme since I can't seem to find anything similar.
And I can't find the CPU/RAM monitor in the top left either, I've seen something similar before, just can't remember where. Could just be OC.
It seems that you can do it with ObjectDock. Support page. It costs $10 but there's a 30-day trial.
I've replaced mine with Objectdock, and it will automatically remove the taskbar on startup. If you use that, but leave the dock empty, that might help.
I use it to only show windows that are currently running (no persistent icons) and it works perfectly.
Object dock is what I use, here a screens hot (link).
You can customize it quite a bit, including where the bar protrudes from when you hover (top, bottom, left and right) how long it takes to appear on hover, all the icons, the theme ans the transparencies.
Damn neat program.
Don't think rainmeter is that 'interactive' that you can minimize windows and find them back on your theme.
Maybe you could use the object dock, which fakes the mac-dock.. But that not really what you're looking for i'm affraid
Im totally not sure, so keep on searching :)
Object dock http://www.stardock.com/products/objectdock/
With a mixture of icons by:
Dr Slash https://drslash.com/flat-osx-pack/
Martz90 http://martz90.deviantart.com/art/Circle-Icons-Pack-371172325
/u/vincegio's method will work fine, but if you're looking for something more advanced, check out ObjectDock: -
It's $10, but some people love it. I used it for a couple of years before eventually moving away from it and deciding I no longer needed it.
This program has a theme to do that. I'm not sure where the download for that theme is though. I haven't used a dock in years. I'll see if I can find anything.
This one had more themes back then. Not sure which had the object launcher though.
You could basically create a group and have it expand when you hovered over it.
I used to run a combo of Objectdock and Rainmeter. Work really well together. I had the dock in the lower left corner and it would fade away when the mouse didn't hover over it.
The dock is ObjectDock with custom icons and background. On my phone right now, so having trouble digging up the wallpaper source, but will post it tomorrow.
I went through the same thing. I am using a custom windows 7 theme, fences and this rainmeter theme. Also, I made this simple theme I used for a while. It helped to clean up my desktop.
I stopped it for a while, I just wanted something simple. You might want to look at this dock from stardock. A custom theme however will change a lot, might want to look into it.
itsbeesh is using Objectdock, I've never used it so I'm not sure how it works.
Also, the taskbar is just hidden. (If you look on the left side of the screen you can see a thin strip of grey).
Startmenu is objectdock plus.
Rainmeter theme is enigma.
Iconpack is ecqlipse 2.
You should be able to. He(she?) is using ObjectDock or a similar program and the desktop icons disabled. I know you can set it up to look like that in 7.
You could try Avedesk
If you want to spring for $20, you can use ObjectDock Plus to make multiple docks, and have them sized independent of each other.
I bought OD-Plus several years ago, and still use it with separate docs to group different functions together.
Other than using a 3rd party option, Anthaneezy is right, it's a global setting in Windows.
I agree that those who use Winrar should pay for it.
However, I think that Winrar is not suited toward the proprietary software model for all but the very few users like yourself who are creating content with it.
This is where the shareware model failed: frankly, the vast majority of it was simple (and usually sucked). It's not worth $30 for the average user to unrar a file every couple months, and there are open source alternatives. I wish the Winrar dev would just implement some basic DRM, because few of the so-called pirates would lose anything by switching to a different app; I imagine he doesn't because he likes the free advertising and increased sales from everyone using his product, including the crowd who would just use something else if he protected it.
I'd have to say that among the crowd of excellent free desktop apps, one proprietary example which hangs on is Stardock's superior ObjectDock. Worth using (and therefore paying for).
I was into using BumpTop as a desktop management, was pretty sweet then Google purchased the company and the software was discontinued. I had fences for a little bit on my tablet pc, turns out it wasn't as touch friendly as I was hoping. Objectdock is another good dock program that's still available today-
The desktop is convenient for launching frequently used applications. Once I started using ObjectDock instead, I cleaned up my desktop. Now I just use it as a temporary work area and for a few important to-do items.