You need KLWP Pro in order to use this preset. If it was up to me, it wouldn't be necessary, but that's the way things are.
Stuff used:
Full disclosure, this is my own app, rules don't prohibit such posts, but if a moderator deems it unfit for this subreddit, please let me know.
I went to this website!
It will replace your current start menu but have a look through the setting for basic setting and select windows start menu for all of them. This will give you back your original start menu. Have fun!
I don't know if there's a better place to ask this, but I believe you can use a program called ResHack to change the icons for any .exe or .dll file.
Open the skype.exe file with ResHack, and there should be a 'subfolder' called icons. It can take a while to replace all the icons of different sizes - and if skype ever updates, you might have to do it all over again.
Good luck!
I am using a program called Fences to create desktop docks. You can drag and drop any shape, free-transform them, label them, and adjust color/opacity. Fences is a super easy to use and best of all it's free.
Here is a link to the free download from the Stardock website:
If there's anything else I can help you with let me know!
Thanks! I'm using TaskbarX for the transparency on the W10 stock taskbar, the other skins I've made myself with some youtube tutorials lol. Currently working on a volume slider for the custom taskbar. Windows theme is Nord by Niivu
Hellu :)
Theme: After Dark Gray | cleodesktop @ deviantart
Rainmeter: selfmade :]
If you only use windows for small tasks like that, you might want to look into virtualisation, it would mean you wouldn't have to reboot every time you wanted to put an album on your itunes.
The only real reason for dual booting these days is if the program you're running requires a lot of memory or processing. (gaming/video editting/etc.)
To be honest, I was just kind of winging it and trying stuff out. It's fairly simple to set up, but the intricate details and things like that take some work. You can download it here: May want to flip through this, or something similar:
This is a very basic mod - macs are getting hard to mod - using geektool to have a $~:date output. Hiding the dock and top bar is done in the system settings. My emacs is a project called spacemacs which comes with helm, and support evil and emacs bindings (whichever you prefer). My terminal is iTerm2, and im using ohmyzsh with a theme called "agnoster" Im new here and im looking forward to seeing all of the beautiful desktops. Cheers I hid all the desktop icons, read more about it here Its great for keeping a clean look and not having to delete or move everything in the desktop folder.
Grab Winaero Tweaker.
It has hundreds of these options all rolled into a nice single place with a gui. It also keeps a history list for easy roll back of unwanted changed.
Dock: Rocketdock with MacOS Skin
Cursor: MacOS Cursor
Image Viewer: Image Eye
OS: Windows 10 Insider Preview
You can download the wallpaper here. I recommend you check out MyerSplash, it's the app I use to get all my wallpapers from. The app itself gets them from the website Unsplash. Myersplash costs $1 but the free trial is the complete app, making it optional to buy it or not (more akin to a donation).
It's a collapsed Ribbon Bar. Use Old New Explorer. Best place to install is in your Program Files, as you won't be able to move the .exe while it's running.
Once done, set your setting to this and that ribbon bar should be gone ;D
This isn't Windows 10. OP is using a Unix system, which is much easier to customize. You can try a program called Rainmeter if you want to attempt this setup on Windows 10. I'm not discouraging you, I just mean OP will not be able to help you probably
Carsten went to work for Samsung in Korea, now is at ARM in the UK, and Geoff did a stint at before moving to GoDaddy. Haven't talked to Geoff in a few years, so not sure what he is up to these days.
There's an application called Windows Style Builder that makes it easier; it basically replaces default textures with the ones I make using Photoshop, and also values for stretching, fonts, etc.
Here's a guide observing which you can get the basic idea of how it works.
TranslucentTB allows for a lot of nice customization with the taskbar.
Available on the Microsoft Store:
and on GitHub: (as far as I know, the GitHub version does not support Fluent design)
There was one redditor, who wrote a little Programm that makes the Taskbar transparent without installing ClassicShell (or other stuff like that). I believe his post was in this subreddit but Im not sure.
Here you can get the tool:
Just klick "Clone or Download" -> "Download as ZIP" -> extract it and run the programm.
I overlooked the code for any malicious stuff and dont make a find, but I can't warranty it (but well, its would be pretty strange to upload programs with evil code on github).
Looks pretty much like the discontinued CrunchBang, a Debian derivative.. I love the minimalistic getup on a Debian base.
If anyone's interested, there are two successors of #! that I know of, keeping the spirit alive with up to date packages:
CrunchBang++ (seems to be down at the moment..)
edit: the CrunchBang++ website is up again.
it's a port of the linux desktop environment "blackbox" for windows. So it's an alternative shell to explorer, although you can run it on top of explorer. Check it out
I'm not really sure it seems to work for me. Except for on Firefox it blinks constantly and is really annoying. I am using Windows 7 x64, and the 64-Bit version of BlackBox from Here.
Perhaps its the wrong arch? Are you using the 32 bit version on Windows 64-Bit?
Still on the hunt for a good icon theme, but I'm happy with how it is for now.
In-case anyone asks, that iTunes logo is for this Apple Music Snap. I'm an Apple Music user, so I needed something for that.
It’s actually an image I found from the neofetch github page if you look at the example image in the readme (this page i just scaled it up using AI and filled in the bg to make it the right aspect ratio. Image file here; Sorry I don’t have a better answer for you/the origins of the original image.
Here's some more things to help:
Alternatively from a dock program you are looking for you can give Fences a try. Granted they changed the model so the free is now only a 30 day trial and the full program is $9.99... But one of the best things I've had on my pc for years now.
In addition to Rainmeter and such, I'd also recommend launchy. It's a small application launcher that is like a faster version of the search menu in the start menu. It lets me keep a blank desktop, because I don't need desktop icons to launch programs.
Looks good. I use bartender to just hide everything except wifi and battery. If I click the bartender icon the menu expands out and shows everything else.
Also, memory clean is pointless. OS X is designed to cache things in inactive memory (ie memory not in use by running programs). If you keep clearing that out it has to go back to the disk every time.
Here is a similar css that should work with the new firefox UI. It's designed to be used with vimperator though, so it may remove some features you would normally like to have (like the url bar, back and forward buttons, the menu and so on).
Text editor looks like Sublime Text 3. Personally really like it for quick edits, it can read a lot of file types, recognizes many programming languages and text formats. Also, as demonstrated, highly customizable.
Wallpaper is actually from an app on the Google play store called Black Art Wallpaper which I'm currently using for my phones bg. I saved and edited it in order to fit my desktop so that they would match. They've got a ton of cool minimal designs to choose from which I'm sure you'll like if you're into that kind of thing.
LOL sure. I found the wallpaper in Lines Free Icons pack for android.
I’m gonna start asking VIVO for royalties, because this is the most common question that comes up when I post my setup, haha:
They’re great! I had to flip the part that attaches to the rails upside down to create enough vertical space for the keyboard.
the widget is dolphie kwgt widget 4 which can be found on google play course you will have to convert it to rainmeter , using gimp or photo shop by erasing the text or if you can manage to get an apk file from another website that has piarated android stuff , you need to download the apk open it using 7zip and go to \assets\widgets\ and editing preset_thumb_portrait.jpg
in gimp or photoshop and erasing text. My files could be a bit iffy especially when resizing and if you haven't installed font it's going to be a mess and the wallpaper will be uploaded shortly
My link to my modified rainmeter skins as well as the custom files I used to get the paralax and the helmet.
The original file was jpeg, but I converted it to png to save everyone trouble with jpg compression.
A zip with the rainmeter skins. I'll post them on another site if anyone wants, but I'd rather not trouble myself.
If for some reason the placement files don't work, the equalizer is in position 539 by -1260.
All of the image overlays are mine, the record player is somewhat modified, as well as the eaqualizer. I had to hack the code a bit to get them in place without looking awkward.
[Edit: Vinyl record player is set to autohide, so if you don't have your music on when you start it up, it won't appear immediately. I would recommend turning it off, which can only be done after it appears...]
For those who follow my work and have supported me throughout the years on DeviantArt and here I'd like to say thanks!
Windows 11 Home. Theme and explorer icons my own.
Maybe THIS
I already had git installed through so I don't know why it'd be installing 7z too, kinda strange, my .7z protocol is set to open with winrar anyway. Is neofetch still working?
Inspired by one of novoo's screenshot on dA.
Wallpaper: Here
Taskbar: It is a rainmeter skin made by khanhas. It's called Polybar. As for the one I have done for this setup, it is customized. I removed the tracking processes and kept the taskbar rainmeter skin "floating" with a custom taskbar image along with 3 modules (Start Menu, Time, Tray).
Weather: It is also a rainmeter skin done by khanhas and it's called Authentic Weather.
Visualizer: Another rainmeter skin by khanhas called Dots Visualizer v1.2
Windows 10 Theme: Blossom Suite for Windows 10 done by the amazing niivu
Potplayer: Part of the Blossom Suite as well (You can find the skin along with the theme mentioned above)
Thanks. Original picture by Orlova Maria in Unsplash.
The modded picture is available here.
Check out DesktopCoral. It lets you limit the area a maximized window takes up, so you can get functionality similar to a taskbar without a taskbar.
> QTTabBar
This is the official site.
The SF site is 10 years out of date and the Github that comes up is a CN localization port as a heads up for anyone else searching it.
It has pretty good integration with Steam, in fact, the Steam proton framework makes it so that windows Steam games can run natively in linux with fewer issues than with Wine. I don't personally play LoL, but according to the lutris page, it works flawlessly with minor tweaking
Depending on your hw, as long as it properly supports vulkan, you can run pretty much any game through lutris. You can check wineHQ and the Lutris page to see whether or not a game runs well or not. Online games that use EAC can be a bit tricky to get running or won't run at all (AFAIK) but, nowadays, linux gaming is going up and thus, getting more mainstream exposure.
I know this stuff because I use linux (manjaro KDE actually) in all my machines as my daily driver.
I have a Windows 2000 setup too! I highly recommend using this high contrast theme that looks like the classic theme! I also recommend Explorer++, as it looks like the explorer of XP/2000 if you tweak it.
My vote would go to Manjaro. Easy to install, easy to run, python included (as with most distros), good wiki, good forums. And, if you need more information, there's also the Arch Wiki for more complicated / technical information (Manjaro is based on Arch Linux).
Here is the link
Thank you so much for your appreciation! \m/
Check out Vista Shortcut Manager if you like the clean look. It really helps with the finishing touches.
While SharpE is no longer being developed/supported, I love it. I run a stable 0.8 build and wouldn't have any other Windows 7 experience. I'm incredibly green to Linux experiences but this minimalist shell is my go to that I've ran for ~10 years. I really wish they would continue development on it. : / It and the impending lack of support for W7 are what keep me from W10.
This would be great if you could setup zones for images to be displayed in. Like you I have a massive wallpaper folder... It's up to 1081 files + how ever many more I toss in from my downloads folder next sort session. I'd hate to go through that many images to set up banners.
As for my icons I use Bins. Bit of an old still somewhat useful tool for taskbar icon group pinning. Only semi-supported for W10 though. The modern app stuff doesn't like to be pinned. :s It's kinda like object dock or any version of those from back in the day but better in someways.
Yo! I'm one of the devs of TTB, and trust me - we were worried about that too. That's why TTB has Dynamic Windows - you can set it so that if a window is maximised (taking up the whole screen), the taskbar will automagically revert to normal, or to another manually configured style :)
The steps to get this look are really easy:
- Remove everything from your desktop, I suggest storing these things in your Documents folder or other folders instead
- Remove the Recycle Bin shortcut by going to [Personalization > Themes > Desktop icon settings] and unchecking the Recycle Bin checkbox
- Download TranslucentTB for making the taskbar see-through (download the TranslucentTB-setup.exe), make sure you
- Download FalconX for auto-centering icons (this costs 2 euros but totally worth it)
Really easy, just two:
- TranslucentTB for making the taskbar see-through (download the TranslucentTB-setup.exe)
- FalconX for auto-centering icons (this costs 2 euros but totally worth it)
Hello, to my acknowledge its a know issue, the way that worked for me is downloading the new build, and editing the config.cfg.
editing this line to your preference should fix:
; Taskbar appearance: opaque, transparent, or blur (default). accent=transparent;
thats mine set to clear if your wondering how to do it.
On, unzip the file, open the .exe, right click on the taskbar icon, check open at boot and either clear or dynamic windows to get the desired effect.
A tool called "transclusentTB". I think someone in this subreddit wrote this tool but I'm not sure. I can add a github link later.
Edit: here is the link: (sorry for raw pasting, im on mobile).
Recently got into the Metal Gear Solid series due to seeing youtube videos on it. Needless to say I'm loving the hell out of it. MGS3 is my favorite of the series so far and thought I would try to throw together a MGS style desktop.
The "taskbar" is a window manager for Windows 10 called bug.n. I've never used a Linux distro and never used a WM before, but I'm really liking it so far.
The terminal is Hyper with a theme called 'hyper-oldschool'. Many of the available retro terminal themes for Hyper have been broken and won't work with the latest version, so to get them to work I use version 1.4.6 of Hyper. I think it came out well and emulates the old school MGS codec pretty well.
The top bar is part of Bug.N. Which is the window manager. Bottom bar transparency was done with Rainmeter. Don't have links for the latter but you can get Bug.n here
Here's a cheatsheet to get used to the commands:
I learned everything from the documentation:
It's all done through Übersicht, a mac app. It offers a gallery of widgets written in CoffeeScript that you can download and customise -- the clock is one of them. Check it out!
Its this thing called screenfetch and there are others that I see around like archery that they talk about here
Not to rain on your Linux parade as a fellow user, but there are plenty of programs on both Linux and Windows that offer this functionality: RocketDock for example, or Plank on Linux. They're both maintained.
You can download the iso from here.
Also watch some YouTube videos on the distro. If you like what you see on your research and have more questions about how to install it on your laptop or your PC, come to r/kde with your questions.
ok well unity tweak is good but i find i can do more in ubuntu tweak. just download and install. it can do a few things but i mainly look at the theme options. from there you will be able to change the themes to the ones you have installed - all i do is follow the steps to install the free icon pack and theme. then use ubuntu tweak to set the themes and bam done.
i also use as my background manager. awesome little app.
>"fontFace": "CascadiaCode Nerd Font","fontSize": 10,"colorScheme": "Campbell","useAcrylic": true,"acrylicOpacity": 0.75,"snapOnInput": true,"background": "#151515","cursorShape": "bar"
where did you put these settings in the profiles.json?
Not exactly a sidebar but i think what you're looking for is a program called Fences. It lets you organize your icons by category then it hides them until you mouse over them.
You may want to look at Launchy (free and opensource), I do'n use my start menu anymore since I have that little helper.
It works like this: You press a hotkey (ALT+SPACE is the default), a window (skinnable) pops up, you enter a few characters, upon matching with a name in you start menu (which is indexed previously) it displays icon and name of the program and you hit enter, this way you can start programs really fast and never have to look at your start menu again.
ObjectDock looks fine, but I fear it may be a resource hogger for my old system, this box is from 2004, and I am not planning on upgrading soon. I can do all the stuff that I want, working and surfing the internet.
Do you know Fences? As you like it very organized, you might like it. I do not use it myself, but a lot of people I know are very fond of this tool. I think it’s also free in a basic version.
Edit: I see, that Object doc is from Stardock, too, so I guess, you may know Fences already.
Edit2: I tested ObjectDock, and I am not satisfied (uninstalled already), 65MB in RAM + 65 MB in pagefile, also you need all new icons for every program you have unless you want to face 16x16 pixel icons zoomed to 96x96 or something like this. Also if I still have the taskbar I feel it is redundant. Nothing for me.
it`s not much what i use, but here :
Rainmeter -
and here is the list of the skin i use
- Elementary (for the date and Chronograph)
- PolyClock (for the watch)
And thank you for your suggestion about nexus, i already tried that and it`s just didn`t match.
Rainmeter is a free program that allows you to add custom desktop widgets (called rainmeter "skins"). Think the widgets seen on Windows Vista and 7 (clock, CPU/GPU usage, notes, etc.), but completely customizable, and with a large number of people making new widgets all the time.
There are many widgets that act like docks, which would save you from having to do hacky things like hide the shortcut arrows, modify file names to not render, and change icon settings.
Basically (and sorry for having to tell you this) but all your hard, in-depth work to make your desktop awesome could be skipped with one (or a few) simple rainmeter skins. :P
Main webpage link:
Link that links to different sources of widgets:
Reddit link (great source for skins, and to see them in action): /r/Rainmeter
OP used rainmeter, then installed the honeycomb skin. Good luck!
EDIT: I put links in my msg but you cant tell. Hover over my comment.
Let's see:
I'm sure I'd really love some others but there are so many. Going to give a few more a try. I saw JellyBean being used in SublimeText once. It's pretty.
Photo viewer is JPEGView, by the by; one of the best I've found for MS Windows Wallpaper is this image with some color splashed around it
I would use Rocketdock + icons, try the numix windows pack (
For a clock, I don't know what style fits you, but something simple/number based would look nice. Try Rainmeter. Plus I would put it in the middle, so it emphasises the Dark/Light sides of the Force!
And sorry to be off-topic, but can I have the wallpaper? The colours are badass. Thanks.
Understandable. Windows 10 is pretty hot garbage and I hate it with a passion. I prefer Windows 7, as I feel it's the most consistent UI, but I do miss the Win-X menus that 8 and 10 have.
At this point, it's been more worth it to me to ignore the 'lack' of software and just run Linux, as most of the themes are consistent and easy to install. Office is hit or miss depending on the version of Office and WINE, though...
That said, if you really wanted to keep your current setup, here's what I would recommend:
Doing these will raise your desktop to a 6-7/10, it's just too all over the place right now.
> I'm using the leaked version of Winamp 5.8 that was released by Nullsoft when they found out
You should be using the version patched by one of the original developers /u/thedoctor_o:
or try WACUP, also by /u/thedoctor_o
Hmm can't say I have tried any. Have you had a look on the components section of the Foobar site? Like I said I just kinda changed the transparency and the font colour. Sorry I can't be of more help lol.
the alien head on the taskbar is foobar2000, a pretty sweet media player. The big selling point for me was that is starts quickly, and can download podcasts for me. Seems pretty feature rich. I'm a fan. If you're asking about the stuff in the system tray? I got no idea.
It's a Steam launcher I made for rainmeter along with a few others which I've listed in the description. And I used Desktop Coral to make it act like a taskbar, so windows don't maximize over it.
Oh dude, it's Vivaldi, I've been using it for maybe 3 years now and it's the best I've ever tried! Startpage is Tabliss, it's available for Firefox, Chrome, and it has a web version too, which doesn't require a browser extention. Thanks for the silver too, it's my very first award <3
EDIT: Just in case you're wondering, fonts for the startpage are Cyrvetica Shadow and Source Code Pro(also this one is my main font throughout the system).
I would not say most people install so much junk on there computer that they forget the name of the program they want to start, that's a bit silly to think and even if you do a folder for those portable programs is just one icon on the desktop.
I like my computers super clean but that's not for everybody i know there are people that don't care (like the op in this post clearly) how their desktop look.
Maybe check out Xyplorer? ( i use that on my windows machine heavily modded though (icons borders scripts etc) i have all my programs linked to that program and start them from Xyplorer itself to get rid of search and icons works great for work as well you have everything you need if you take time to customize it.
You would find some nice wallpapers from the official collection of elementary luna OS wallpapers or you can simply download their whole set straight away.
for the dock, I'm using Nexus Dock (theme is mine, not for reshare)
and Icons is Aivy, ported from Aivy Icons on Playstore.
If cheap is your #1 priority: OR get a used samsung EVO. Buying used always gives better bang/buck. + try Linux Mint! It's not much more effort if you're installing an OS on your new SSD anyway... At least try the Live USB. Mint will run fine on your CPU.
Not too bad actually. I wasn't really expecting much to be honest when I bought it (I got it for $25 on amazon). It feels a little flimsy, but it's actually pretty sturdy. I've dropped it a couple of times and it still functions like it should. It's light and compact and fairly quiet when typing. I use it when I hook up my laptop to my TV and there's no problems at all with range or anything. It works right out of the box on Windows and Linux (not sure about Mac).
9/10 would recommend.