This app was mentioned in 535 comments, with an average of 1.86 upvotes
Icon pack: Whicons
I've gone through a couple of icon packs but stuck with this one for the moment. Also if anyone has any wallpaper recommendations for whicons I would love that.
- Several Cyberpunk related images found via Google
Found it. Called whicons.
It says you need a custom launcher to apply this icon pack.
... if this is the Whicons icon pack you speak of.
Wallpaper: Forsaken Title Screen
Icons: Whicons
Massive regards to /u/kayeldoubliupee for the inspiration to this theme (plus it's wallpapers)
Icons: Whicons
Calendar: Calendar Widget
Also Nova Launcher and KWGT (can share if people want / once I've worked out how to do it!)
Home screen contest entry.
I am using the Whicoins Icon pack and Nova Launcher prime.
Sorry. I'm on mobile and don't know the formatting by heart.
Icon pack - Whicons
Backgronud - part of an icon pack, can't recall which one right now and my phone is dead so I'll back to you later
Widets - made with Zooper
• The whole wallpaper including the widgets is an OC made with KLWP
• Here is the background image
• Apps Icons are color customized from whicons iconpack
If you're on Android, let me tell you about custom icons.
My favourite is definitely Whicons, but there's tons more out there.
Also you have to make sure your launcher supports it. Also this is sort of available on the latest iOS, but only through Siri shortcuts which seem like a bit of a hassle to me.
Thanks! 😊
It's a mix between whicons and Flight lite
So I was inspired by the Black Mesa wallpaper
Added few of my own made in kustom widgets. Mostly used roboto fonts.
Last but not least used Whicons Icon Pack
All the text that makes it look like a screenshot from the device from black Mesa labs was also made in kwgt.
Hope you like it and I hope I won't get fired from Black Mesa for this.
Icon pack: whicons
Widgets: made using kwgt
Font: product sans regular
Check out Whicons
Might give you an icon pack that doesn't take away from your wallpaper as much as the current ones do, I feel like they look a little out of place at the moment.
All my themes are always dark, so Whicons is the only pack I've ever used.
I tried a few "white" icon packs before, but only Whicons had almost every single app I use.. And if there's no icon for an app, it still makes it white/gray, which did not happen with other packs.
I'm using KISS Launcher with Whicons. It's nice because a program is never more than a few taps away.
Yes, some will work. I like Whicons. Tiny White Icon Pack works too but they look strange since you can't adjust the spacing between the icons or make your drawer icon very small. I'm sure there are other packs that will work.
Icon pack used: Whicons
Notification icons: Flat Style Bar Indicators
I have a Tasker task that changes a KLWP variable to my school subjects every day. Everything else was made in KLWP.
It's part of the Whicons icon pack in the Play Store.
I tried to download the wallpaper itself and upload it, but it wouldn't let me. But just install the icon pack, open it, and it's under wallpapers.
Try Whicons icon pack. Might need to add like a black background to the icons or something, but the icon pack looks great with mostly black backgrounds
Launcher: Lawnchair Icons: Whicons Widgets: Android 12 Widgets (modified by me) Wallpaper: Topography c/o r/amoledwallpapers
Android 12/OxygenOS 12 threw off my previous almost stock setup so we go with this now.
Wallpaper: Topography c/o r/Amoledbackgrounds
Icon Pack: Whicons
Launcher: OnePlus Launcher
Recently upgraded to a OnePlus Nord 2 and the stock experience has been surprisingly accommodating. To do a minimalist/AMOLED theme on other devices I'd need to tinker with custom launchers and KWGT but for this one I only needed to install Whicons (the stock launcher supports icon packs,) which is pretty cool.
Icon pack:
Launcher: Nova Launcher
Widget: kwgt Add text and a flash icon in an overlap group, then in text write [s=1.3]$df(EEE)$[/s] [s=2.0]$df(d MMM yyyy)$[/s]
[s=0.7]$if(bi(charging) = 0 & bi(level) < 15, "mettimi in.carica..", bi(charging) = 1, "In carica")$[/s]
And for the condition about the icon, that you have to put next to the "in charge" text, write $if(bi(charging) =0, remove, visibile)$
Icon pack:
Launcher: Nova Launcher
Widget: kwgt Add text and a flash icon in an overlap group, then in text write [s=1.3]$df(EEE)$[/s] [s=2.0]$df(d MMM yyyy)$[/s]
[s=0.7]$if(bi(charging) = 0 & bi(level) < 15, "mettimi in.carica..", bi(charging) = 1, "In carica")$[/s]
And for the condition about the icon, that you have to put next to the "in charging" text, write $if(bi(charging) =0, remove, visibile)$
Heyy sorry to chase mate, did you get a chance to try custom icons? I'd suggest this pack as it looks really clean
The Goodlock/ThemePark app should have an Icons tab at the bottom with OneUI 4.0, reallllly hope it has it because OneUI 3.1.1 doesn't have it :(
You could try whicons and make them the foreground color using icon pack studio
Icons are Whicons. All of the icons are actually folders so they don't correlate specifically to any app.
The widget is custom using KWGT, but I downloaded it from another post on the KWGT sub. Let me check to see if I can find where it came from!
Send what? the wallpaper? I got it from here: If you are talking about the icons, they are Whicons from Google Play Store
I don't want to switch launcher for something as trivial as renaming apps. I really like Microsoft launcher and have everything setup how I like it. Almost all my icons are white (Whicons) and almost never use the app overview to find an app, but when I have to and they are one of those 'My apps' it always takes a second or 2 longer to find it.
Nova launcher
Icon :
Widget: Free 099 and Free 013
Nova launcher
Icon :
Widget: Free 099 and Free 013
Icon pack:
Rest made in KLWP including icons on second page which go coloured with notifications
The wallpaper is from the Verge
Weather widget
Created in KLWP
Whicons (the boxes containing the icons are added in with KLWP)
Google Drive link
Icons: Whicons
Made my first theme in a while! Probably the first one I've ever posted to Reddit. If anyone has any suggestions please say, I especially had trouble with the weather card
Wallpaper here
Icons here
If you tap on the following things, this is what happens:
• Time: Opens clock
• Date: Opens calendar
• Goku's speech bubble: Opens Messenger
• Krillin's speech bubble: Opens Phone
• Roshi's speech bubble: Opens Outlook
• Song title, album, or artist: Opens Spotify
• Song progress bar: Play/pause music
• Right side of song bar: Next song
• Left side of song bar: Prev song
For some reason, I can't get outlook UC, so I just have Roshi's speech bubble always say zero. You'll have to change that if you use gmail
I like whicons and nate wren's icons. Also, I meant making the calendar background transparent so you could see your wallpaper.
Sources: Wallpaper: (blender 2.83.1 render) Icon pack: (Whiticons) KWGT top widget: [b]$df(h:mm)$[/b] KWGT bottom widget: [b]$df(EEEE)$[/b] KWGT Font: Ubuntu regular
KWGT: huk kwgt FREE 01 but I moved some of the stuff around and added functionality to some of the text in bold
Wallpaper: I got it from Google wallpapers and it changes daily
Icon Pack:
KWGT: huk kwgt FREE 01 but I moved some of the stuff around and added functionality to some of the text in bold
Wallpaper: I got it from Google wallpapers and it changes daily
Icon Pack:
Icons: Whicon Widget: Ansari KWGT (Bold rectangle edited) Wallpaper: Black AMOLED
Icons: Whicon Widget: Ansari KWGT (Bold rectangle edited) Wallpaper: Black AMOLED Launcher: NOVA launcher
Interesting take. I would recommend searching for a budget android phone. Personally, I'm going to buy the Samsung Galaxy S9+ refurbished for $300, because I think it has the specs and features to last me at least 3 years.
The reason I recommend android, aside from price, is that you can customize it a great deal. I downloaded this icon pack that automatically makes all icons white. I also use this app launcher mostly because its awesome, but also to hide apps that are too addictive without completely deleting them. In order to launch them I have to search for the app by name.
There are plenty of other ways to reduce fight phone addiction like setting your phone to grayscale, or getting an application that locks down certain feature at specific times. I'm sure apple has lots of these, but android has way more customization in my experience.
Good luck with your search for a new phone.
This is the icon pack whicons the speed in the status bar was built in within the OS however there are apps that can bring this feature like this one internet.speed.meter
Icon Pack: Whicons
Wallpaper: Starman (r/AMOLEDbackgrounds)
Launcher: Nova Launcher Pro
Widget: KWGT — DigitalAndBattery (Time/Date)
KWGT — Custom Weather 1. Circle 2. Current Weather Icon 3. Current Temp/Feels Like
No those are not apps at the bottom dock. They are app folders that I used Whicons to reskin as icons but when I tap on them they expand to the folder.
The Google search bar is a Google widget not a Nova widget.
By 'shapeless' do you mean icons that are not all contained within a consistent shape?
If so, I like Whicons. I usually have a frequently-changing background image and white icons go with every colour scheme. I also sometimes 'colourize' the white icons in klwp to perfectly match one of the colours in the background image.
It's from Whicons & Zwart icon pack. Same icon pack but different color. Whicons is white & Zwart is black.
Please take note that not all icons from these packs are designed in written text.
Wallpaper: Ryan Stegman's Venom #11
Icons: Whicons
Widget: Feast (widget #036) (KWGT)
Can't guarantee that it's what OP is using, but Whicons is a nice all-white icon pack. I used it for a while but then decided I liked colors.
Whicons from Play Store, not sure if this wallpaper/color scheme is the pack's best application but I thought they looked pretty nice. Normally lean more towards a material/pixel-ish design with my icons.
I used Nova Launcher, this image (this is something I found after the fact, higher res and unaltered), and Whicons icon pack.
Best icon pack for dark themes is Whicons in my opinion.
Whicons is similar (and has an amazing amount of icons.)
Sure, here's the link.
Widgets and Wallpaper:
Nova launcher
Note, you need to hide the notif bar in nova launcher and pad the bar widgets.
Made with KLWP and Nova Launcher.
Icon pack: Whicons
Background made with: this map tool. It's a map of my home area.
I think the iconset doesn't mix well with the above widgets, because of the color. I'd try with something like whicons or similar, like in this theme.
Alternatively, if you really like that iconset you could try to desaturate the icons (extracting them as bitmaps or in real time with a launcher capable of it). Or simply save it for a contrasting color wallpaper.
Also I'd remove the icon labels, cleaner.
Cleanest white icons pack imo, and it's free!
Launcher: Nova Prime
Icon pack: Whicons
Wallpaper: Used KLWP to add two rectangles. This enables me to color coordinate the right side to the current album art, blue in this case
Launcher: Nova
Icon Pack: Whicons
Hi all, this is my first KLWP! Tell me if you have any suggestions! I'm not entirely sure how to post the KLWP file, but I'll do my best. I forgot where I got my wallpaper and I'm on mobile so I'll find it in a bit.
You don't need KLWP to make a theme if you have nova prime and icon packs. I recommend for a black theme with white accents to get Whicons
Custom KLWP clock widget
Nova Launcher search bar
The wallpaper and icons can both be found on the whicons app
Funnily enough, I had this very wallpaper but in pink, blue, and purple. I saw the wallpaper but it was instead in black and white.
You cannot apply custom icons to the default Samsung Touch wiz launcher downloaded from the play store. Nova on the other hand is an amazing launcher which can be customized to look and work like any device including custom icons so I highly recommend it. I have the paid version myself.
As for Icon packs, I myself used to use Whicons on my Nexsus 6p before getting the S8.
Edit: The Delta Icon pack looks amazing. Edit2: There seems to be a work around.
Here is the KLWP file and here are the icons used (Whicons). Let me know if you need anything else!
Thanks! The clean and simple look is what I was going for. I also usually just use an all black wallpaper behind white icons. The OLED blacks are just so good!
It is stock with Apex Launcher and the icon pack is called Whicons.
Launcher: Nova Launcher
Icons: Whicons
I used Nova Launcher and played around with making all the background black. Pixels will only shut off if it is true black 000000. For the icons I used the Whicon icon pack which is available free in the google play store. For the background and folders I downloaded a black wallpaper (from googling it) and then set it for both. For the dock you can set the background color as well to being black - notice that I didn't have it set correctly because in the picture it's not completely black as I thought it was.
I'm using Nova Launcher. Desktop Grid: 8 Rows 7 Columns Dock turned off Icon Pack used: (Sorry unsure of how to link on mobile) Any other questions just ask! :)
I used two different icon packs:
Background image: (I completely lost it so posted it on Reddit on this link)
free to use/edit theme
1 page setup
all phone sizes from 9:16 and up
almost fully customizable via globals
dark/light theme can be set to automatically or manually
full navbar support (on/off, adjustable height, background color)
2 in 1 music visualizer and track progress
charging animation (on/off)
5 different accent colors
kustom made weather icons with adjustable stroke
Tapping the notifications button will drop down Androids status bar.
This is a Nova launcher feature.
If you are using another launcher, please change the touch action in editor.
MIDORIYA SHOUNEN (For real tho, Hero Academia is great, you should check it out)
If you end up using/modifying the KLWP, all I ask is that you credit me if you post or share it somewhere. Cheers.
Version 2 of original "Unfolding", both made using KLWP and Tasker.
Brief Description of how it all works:
Edit: Didn't expect reddit gold for this, that was a nice surprise. Thanks stranger!
Also, I forgot to mention another "feature". Sometimes the unfolding icons get mixed up and it seems like the wrong ones are unfolding. So in the KLWP file, you can tap the screen anywhere outside an icon or a widget to minimize/reset everything. Normally, the unfolding pattern only messes up when I am opening and closing KLWP.
Artist image will NOT work for you from the get go. It's pulled from and to do so you need an API key which I removed from the KLWP file due to privacy reasons. After you get one yourself everything will work just fine. To get the API key you need a account, then you go here for the key. You can fill the form with whatever info you come up with, the key will be given to you either way.
After you get the key, go to the KLWP file, scroll all the way down and tap on "artist image" overlap group, then tap in the first "artist image" object in this group, go to "fx" tab and tap on bitmap formula. Replace "YOUR_API_KEY" in said formula with your actual key, save, and you're good to go.
It WILL take a good while for images to load up initially, but generally once you have an image for a given artist pulled once, it seems to be cached and the delay is much shorter.
This setup was made as an entry to our periodic contest over at the Android Theming discord server which I highly suggest you join if you're subscribed to this subreddit.
Now, on to the resources:
I didn't want to spoil the look of the player, so the controls are invisible. Play/pause button is right where track timing is. "Next" is to the right of it, and "previous" is to the left. Tapping on Track Info will open the music player. Tapping on music note icon on the homepage brings up the player screen, tapping on artist image closes it.
I'll try to answer any questions you may have, enjoy!
Tulips are nice, but not as nice as being done with school.
anyways i haven't been making a lot of themes lately because of final exams and some other stuff ~~that may or may not be related to theming too~~.
Icon pack: Whicons.
KLWP file (make sure to download it if you haven't already)
wallpapers: wall 1 wall 2 wall 3
Font: moon
>How do I use this theme?
Download KLWP, buy KLWP Pro, download the KLWP and import it.
>How do I import the KLWP file?
>Why can't I export the file with changes I made?
File is locked, and that means you can't export it or copy elements of the theme.
>My music player doesn't work with your file, what do i do?
Go to KLWP settings -> "preferred player" and select your music app.
Note: i have an 18:9 phone, which means that me theme will probably look like ass on your 16:9, unfortunately I can't fix that, but don't worry, you can just change a few minor things and it'll look just fine.
Blue master race!
Also, big surprise coming soon.
~~klwp file~~ I delete the file after 3 days of posting.
font is Product sans
>How do I use this theme?
Download KLWP, buy KLWP Pro, download the KLWP and import it.
>How do I import the KLWP file?
>Why can't I export the file with changes I made?
File is locked, and that means you can't export it or copy elements of the theme.
>My music player doesn't work with your file, what do i do?
Go to KLWP settings -> "preferred player" and select your music app.
Note: i have an 18:9 phone, which means that me theme will probably look like ass on your 16:9, i can't fix unfortunately, but don't worry, you can just change a few minor thing and it'll look just fine.
( Here's mine. Took a bit to build.
Icons: Whicons
Launcher: Nova Launcher Prime
Clock: I'm not even sure. It's cLock, but I'm not sure if that's stock with Google.
Wallpaper: Mountains
Calendar Widget: Event Flow Calendar Widget
Overall setup notes: Nova grid set to 12 x 6. The stats page to the left is with KLWP Pro You'll need the Pro version to import themes, but here is my preset if you can somehow find the Pro version. ;)
If you guys have anymore questions, let me know.
Edit: Also forgot to mention, my app drawer is a Nova gesture for swipe up. It's so much more convenient.
My first ever theme and directly going for glory with a contest submission! The dark theme aims at creating a Nordic feel with darker, muted tones while the light theme is more reminiscent of Arctic ice.
The main goal of this setup was to create a theme that combines a lot of information with a clean looking homescreen, hence the flippable cards. They can be switched individually between either displaying weather, calendar etc. or the wallpaper which resizes automatically.
Color palette: Nord
Icons: Whicons (colorized in KLWP)
Font: Lato
Generally, if you're looking for these kind of Nordic / Arctic wallpapers, check out Felix Inden (Website, Instagram), he's the photographer (and OP) of the first wallpaper (post) and I use a lot more photos from him in my wallpaper rotation (I limited the above mentions to those used in the screenshots).
You can find the KLWP file here (unlocked, see disclaimer below).
There are 2 more wallpapers in the KLWP file, here are their respective sources:
DISCLAIMER: The layout is largely calculated by formulas based on rwidth, rheight and a bunch of padding and offset values, so it should for the most part resize accordingly but this is untested. Also most of the content unfortunately is NOT resized automatically and you will have to adjust it!Sorry for that but I currently don't have the time to work on it anymore and I don't want to leave you guys waiting for the file forever.
So have at it, enjoy, and if you post a theme in the future based on any parts from my preset, I'd be happy about a mention. Thanks!
Hello good people. I'd like to share my latest theme with you, "Disjointed". As always, thanks to the people on this subreddit's discord server for giving their input.
Fonts: Futura and Poiret One
I like "Whicons"
I made it on Nova launcher.
I hid the notification bar, the clock battery and notification are still visible on the secondary screen if I clic on it.
App grid is 9 by 7, I also hid the labels
I hid the navigation bar using "hidenav" app in Magisk and I'm using a gesture app.
Wallpaper from Walli.
Icon pack is Whicons on Nova launcher
Pixel 2 XL with Android 9
Here's mine. I like wallpapers that get dark at the top to help hide the notch.
Using Nova with Whicons icon pack and a slightly modified Huk Kustom Widget. And finally, wallpaper.
I liked the subtle Whicons icon pack with this wallpaper. I feel like the cloud widget also goes well with the pack and wallpaper. First time poster.
Wallpaper is from: Artwork
Free Icon Pack: Whicons
Widget: KWGT Custom: 70+ Time The cloud is widget 71.
Device: Pixel 2 XL
Launcher: Nova Prime (prime for icon size)
Looks like whicons:
I am a man of honesty and will give credit where it is due. I did not create the status bar on the bottom of the battery bar at the top. Those were created by a fellow themer who goes by u/Milkwentbad. I have asked permission for the use of their creations and permission has been granted.
Other details:
I am using Lawn chair Launcher with Lawnfeed so I have access to Google feed when I swipe right. I also have my icon scale set to 50% with a total of 5 rows and 5 columns--although that’s default on my phone.
Alas, the time has come. Wait no longer; I present to you :
Edit: fixed link to Wallpaper
Nova Launcher
Whicons icon pack -
Wallpaper -
Hey everybody. Not sure if this will notify you or not, so I apologize. I'm also unable to get access to my desktop at home, because my transmission blew up on me in my car yesterday, but I'll try to format it easily for you all.
Icons: Whicons
Launcher: Nova Launcher Prime
Clock: I'm not even sure. It's cLock, but I'm not sure if that's stock with Google.
Wallpaper: Mountains
Calendar Widget: Event Flow Calendar Widget
Overall setup notes: Nova grid set to 12 x 6. The stats page to the left is with KLWP Pro You'll need the Pro version to import themes, but here is my preset if you can somehow find the Pro version. ;)
If you guys have anymore questions, let me know.
Edit: Also forgot to mention, my app drawer is a Nova gesture for swipe up. It's so much more convenient.
Okay I found it again on /r/androidthemes they have a ton of great themes. The icons are Whicons and the clock is Timely Alarm Clock and this is the background.
I thought hard about this month's contest. I wanted to use something that was touch or full screen optimized. At first, I wanted to make Xbox One but it just wasn't fun looking. Steam's Big Picture mode is perfect for full screen. I've not tested it but I'm sure it is intuitive to use on touch screen displays as well.
Also don't forget to ~~leave a like and subscribe~~ check the global tab for a bunch of customization options.
Follow me on Twitter for more themes and stuff
Hey everyone,
this is a theme I made a while ago but then didn't share since it relies heavily on the $ce(_, contrast)$
formula which was broken / didn't work properly in KLWP at the time. Now that it's been fixed, the theme works really nicely so I thought I'd share.
The setup is centered around gradients from the uigradients website, more specifically it actually uses the JSON file from its GitHub to give you access to all its gradients and stay up to date (the file hasn't been updated in a year though, so... well, it's still 380-something gradients!).
$ce(_, contrast)$
instead of #ffffff
Everything else made by me in KLWP, theme file here.
You mean Whicons.
Looks like Whicons
Can't wait for winter.
It's Whicons
Whicons have been colorized in KLWP. To make status bar icons dark go to Nova Settings -> Look and feel ->Notification bar -> Dark icons. Clock on status bar was hidden with root via Nova settings.
The setup is inspired by the amazingly looking Retro Music Player. All the possible animations have been recreated.
Dark theme variant is coming soon™.
This looks really good but imo I would suggest this icon pack as I think it fits with your theme
First post here after lurking and getting inspo! ��
Icon pack - Whicons
Wallpaper - Unsplash
Widget - Custom KLWP KLWP file
Launcher - Nova Launcher
Additional screenshots: Music Widget Open folder
Device is OnePlus 6
It's Whicons
Resources -
Adaptable is a single-screen, AMOLED-friendly theme for KLWP. This theme can be used with any light-colored background, although it works best with blurry backgrounds that don't feature any dark colors. Simply change the "bg" global variable in KLWP to your desired image and you're good to go. The icons are Whicons. The font is Bebas Neue Bold. Everything else is made entirely in KLWP. The two wallpapers shown are included in the album above. Music by Gorod and Kavinsky. KLWP preset available here.
Here's the details! I didn't realize other ppl would like it hahaha
Widget: kwgt
Launcher: Lawnchair
This is an sort of an update from my SM4SH theme I did, but this time it's themed after Ultimate's main menu
You can edit the icons and text to what application you want this time, though the colors will have to stick there ��
^^^I'm ^^^still ^^^nub ^^^at ^^^KLWP
It's the Whicons icon pack Danny
Icon pack:
Clock :
I lost the wallpaper, sorry.
those are whicons
I guess the icon pack is Whicons.
I'll ask my brother if he's okay with me sharing the base image and if so, I'll post it here later. I'm gonna try and get him to make some improvements so this likely isn't the final product.
The icons are from the Whicons icon pack for Android and I'm using a combination of Nova Launcher Prime/Tesla Unread to get the layout. The clock is a Kustom widget that I'll probably edit to better fit this background; this is the original widget I pulled it from.
If you want to get rid of the distracting colours try install Whiticons icon pack:
My icon pack is Whicons!
100% hand made KLWP theme.
I'm not super happy with the notification panel on page 3, I may post an update in a few days.
Edit: Formatting
Edit 2: Inspiration
Icon Packs: Whicons and Stamped White
Made with KLWP and Nova Launcher
Here's an imgur album including some android wear screenshots!
The "pills" at the top right show a rough battery percentage and open the battery part of the settings when pressed. THe clock opens the clock app and the day/date opens Google Calendar.
Here is the KLWP file. If you have any questions about anything feel free to ask!
If you download an icon pack with a theme, it will theme those icons as well. Here's a screenshot of what Whicons does to my lockscreen shortcuts when set as a theme. Obviously I took this as an example.
When I say theme, I mean the setting under Display, you need to set your default launcher to Home to access it, it doesn't matter if you use it or not, I use Nova Launcher, just switch your launcher when you're done. This will also theme the icons in the "Share to..." menu.
Unfortunately I can't tell you which icon packs come with themes for the LG launcher, I know of Whicons and Minimal UI. You can also get themes from LG Smartworld (the download icon) but in my experience they are outdated and don't have too many icons themed.
I also don't know if you can theme just one icon.
(Click each sentence for their relevant Google play link)
Wallpapers are from this album I found just a few days ago on reddit
I use Smart Launcher, kind of old and not as popular or customizable as Nova and other launchers
However, I've experienced an absurdly high battery drainage for some reason, could be due to having the live wallpapers or Snapchat, can't really tell at all after looking at the battery usage.
Still a work in progress, sort of
Launcher : Nova
Icons : Whicons
Wallpaper : Minima Live Wallpaper
Calendar: Month Calendar
Clock : Minimalist Clock Widget
The battery indicator is the barcode one included in Zooper by default. I don't really like it, but without it the top of the screen looks empty and weird.
I found the day indicator here
I hate Windows, but I have to use it, so I tried to make it as good as possible.
- Desktop Environment: Cairo Shell
- Run/Search Box: Microsoft PowerToys Run
- Media Popup: Modern Flyouts
- Spotify Themer: Spicetify
- Discord Themer/Mod: Powercord (Discord Canary Only, use BandagedBD for PTB and Stable)
- Windows Theme Engine: UltraUxThemePatcher
- Windows Explorer Addon/Theme enabler: OldNewExplorer (does not replace default explorer, it's an addon)
- Wallpaper: Wallpaper Engine
- Widget Engine: Rainmeter
### Windows Shell stuff (last screenshot)
- Remove Start Button: StartKiller
- Transparent Taskbar: TranslucentTB
- Autohide Taskbar: SmartTaskbar
- Custom Text Renderer: MacType
# ---[THEMES USED]---
- Cairo Shell Theme: [OC] Samu DarkRed (based on the Flat theme)
- Windows Theme: Dark by KDr3w
- Animated Wallpaper: The Last One {Artwork by Josef Bartoň}
# ---[ICON PACK USED]---
- Whicons
- Flat White Icon Pack by TxusMetal4ever
- Doom Cursors (Animated) by XxavierSanchezZ
- Oreo Nord by Abod1960
- Start Menu: ValliStart by u/EnhancedJax
- System Details: PlainText by u/EnhancedJax
- Quick App Launcher: KeyLaunch by u/EnhancedJax
- Battery, Music and Weather: Khaybar by u/Weird_Maybe
Really like it on a black background
This is the icon pack I used hear
Get the wallpaper here. It's my drive. I forgot from where I downloaded it.
Icon pack is whicons:
Widget is from Huk KWGT pack for KWGT widgets
Launcher is Nova:
Icon pack whicons
From Whicons
I used the third post as inspiration
Wallpaper (The wallpaper will pull images from r/travel, but this is the one that was in the screenshot)
Font: Poppins
FontIcons: Microsoft Fluent Design Icons
Emoji for Home/Music/Weather Buttons: Twemoji
Icon Pack: Whicons
Inspiration for the forecast pop-up came from DarkSky
Weather images all came from Unsplash (I am not going to link them all, but they can all be found in the file)
And finally, the KLWP file. I made this file from scratch, hence the OC tag in the title. Disclaimer: it isn’t super organized, so it may be difficult to modify, I’m sorry about that. I did try to label as much as I could
The main thing about this file that you may want to change, especially if you do not have a new enough android version for system dark mode is the drkmdtgl global. Auto will follow system dark mode, but there are also manual on and off options that you can choose if your device does not support system dark mode.
Here is an optional Tasker profile. All it is used for is to determine if music is playing through the internal speaker or wired audio. It definitely isn’t crucial to the functionality of the theme. (You must turn on the Tasker global switch within the file if you decide to use this)
OK...all these should be correct now.
clock is a modified u/lostseven73 design
Widget - Sent to me by a friend and edited by me. I don't know the source of the original but I can send the .kwgt file if anyone needs.
Wallpaper - Liquid black on Abstruct. It's at the bottom of the first category (free).
Icon Pack - Whicons in Play Store.
Launcher - Nova Launcher Pro
Whicons. I really love how simplistic and flat they are. Kind of a sucker for minimalism.
If you want I have a white fonticon based on whicons
The icons are Whicons from play store converted in svg by me, if you want them just PM me
I submitted a couple of themes to this subreddit on an old account a few years ago; I can't seem to find any of them now, though :(
Here's the scoop:
Icon pack: Whicons (
Wallpaper: Van Gogh's Bouquet of Flowers in a Vase + a few edits (
Widget is OC; if I figure out how to share it, I will.
Real screenshot: (
I used good old Nova Launcher for this.
Made With KLWP
Still work on some details..
It should be Whicons
The icon pack is called whicons.
Wallpaper: Photo by Daniel Olah on Unsplash
Icon Pack: Whicons
Widget: AirPlain from Cheesecake KWGT
A theme Ive been working on since I got my new phone, crazy 6.18 inches displays are really awsome but it is a tad bit too big for one-handed use. So with this theme its to me much easier to open my folders as all folders open at the same place directly where my thumb is normally.
Background is from
direct link:
Icons: Whicons on playstore
Wheater icon is Freakin' Weather Font But I was also thinking of using Clean Weather Icons that have thicker lines.
Created with KLWP
I would suggest whicons if your launchers supports icon packs. . Would look great on that black background and is super minimal.
I would just go plain cand white...(Whicons)
A relatively simple 3-page KLWP theme, criticism very welcome.
Icons: Min (dots), <strong>Whicons</strong> (drawer)
Font: <strong>Google Product Sans</strong>
Launcher: <strong>Nova Launcher</strong> Prime
Wallpaper: <strong>from Unsplash</strong>
Calendar: <strong>kCalendar for Kustom</strong>
KLWP preset: <strong>Google Drive</strong>
Any and all feedback is appreciated! (also, I know the calendar page looks empty, but I don't know what to do to fix it.)
Thanks! Whicons from the App store
Here's a nice one that I just found: Whicons with over 5000 icons.
Just place a folder on top of whatever element in Nova and set the icon to a blank. Personally, I use the blank icon in Whicons
Functional in action. Sorry for the yellow tint. That's night light.
My First attempt at KLWP. The design is 'inspired' from an older theme on which introduced me to Android customization and the infinite possibilities with Nova and Zooper, and now KLWP.
Whicons Icon pack. I'm actually looking for a better icon pack which will suit this theme.
The colors of the 'pie' folders can be changed in globals. Can have a color combination of your choice with a different background like this. The battery and music progress bars (top and bottom) also change accordingly.
Feedback appreciated.
KLWP file
Pixel2 XL
Wallpaper courtesy of codered96 on this subreddit:
Icon pack: Whicons
Whicons :-)
First off, I based my theme off of u/GabrieI theme. All original base design goes to him. I figured it looked great, and I wanted a little function to spice it up so to speak.
Second off, thanks for the comment u/ragamuffinpuddingpie! Here's your tag!
Made using KLWP.
Icon pngs were extracted from Whicons.
Calendar widget was Event Calendar.
Some of the objects used in the scroll tab were taken from the Cornie Icons Pack and Material Weather Komponent and edited to my liking.
Here's the drive link for download.
Music control that is displayed when Spotify music is playing. Unfortunately, the music playback only works with Spotify as that's what I use.
Scroll tab that has an apps list, calendar, Google fit data, system buttons, weather, and a manage center.
Notes for use:
You need 4 pages for the scrolling to work. Ideally, I would have made the scroll tab scroll with a vertical swipe, but Nova doesn't support this. I have since emailed the developer.
All of the app touch actions are set for their respective app. If you wish to change them, don't forget to change the touch actions.
If anything doesn't work, please feel free to message me or reply to this post.
Everything should be labeled as far as editing goes.
Thanks for the support from the r/Androidthemes community! You're help is what made this theme possible.
Shoutouts to /r/androidthemes and /r/kustom.
If you want to learn how to make your own wallpapers, check them out!
If you want to install this on your Android device, install Kustom Live Wallpaper and open the above KLWP file in the app.
Sorry, forgot to post them
Check out this icon pack if you want to get a similar look for your apps. It's called Whicons
Everything you need :
So I made this with Photoshop, set my work as a wallpaper and add my APK on the right (in folders) as invisible icon with Whicon. The clock is from Parrot for Zooper.
If you want to customize with Photoshop here is a link with the .psd and the font I used. You can change everything you want here.
Tell me if you have any problem, I will respond as soon as I can. Have nice day !
> It's the Whicons Icon set (
Not OP, but it's Whicons.
Sorry for the lowish quality. I had to do this all on my phone. HERE is a higher quality image not animated.
The GIF for the background can be found HERE.
The icons are called Whicons and can be found HERE.
To set your background as a gif I used this app: Gif Live Wallpaper.
Wallpaper: credits to WhiteFox (Thanks /u/nineswords for making it wallpaper sized!)
Icon Packs: Whicons and Polycons
Made with KLWP and Nova Launcher
Here's an imgur album for all the different pages.
The new Anniversary update for Windows 10 reminded me of this theme by /u/themetheif and I figured I'd give it a shot myself.
Edit: Almost forgot to add, the calendar was not made by me! I used I Am Topher's wonderful kCalendar for Kustom Komponent for the calendar. It's great and I recommend y'all checking him out if you're looking for a calendar for your KLWP themes!
Edit 2: The anime the wallpaper is from is Re:Zero, animated by WhiteFox. It's a really good show that's airing this season.
Edit 3: Here is the KLWP file. If you have any questions about anything feel free to ask! This evening I may edit again to explain some of the functionality of the theme, as the gif doesn't really show all that much.
I don't blame you, this is the icon pack.
Icon Pack - Whicons
Widget - RL Zooper Collection
Image -
Edit. That's on an HTC One m8
Probably Whicons
It's called Whicons
Whicons (my favorite icon pack!)
This has been honestly the best icon pack I have ever used :D
Personally I love Whicons for anything minimal. Lots of icons and fairly regular updates.
Icon Pack -
Wallpaper -
Clock and icon placement - Zooper, Nova Launcher
The widgets of this theme are made by /u/darth_mau5. You can find the widgets in the comments of his post. All of his themes are really great, so you should also check them out!
I modified both the widgets. This link should work but tell me if it does not. The main widget looks a little different from what is shown but you can delete elements as needed.
Let me know if you want the wallpaper. Icons are Whicons and the calendar widget is Month.
If you need anything else just hit me up!
My favourite is the Whicons White Icon Pack
Maybe something white and/or purple like: Whicons (free), Linebit Gaming (Paid) or PurpleLine (Paid)
it's called Whicons, here's the link to Play Store
Whicons for my dark background.
>spent a long time scoring the internet for tile pictures to use as app icons
Check out Whicons icon pack:
•Icons: Whicons
•Launcher: Nova Launcher
•Wallpaper: Walli
Wallpaper: u/BUNKERBASH
widget: KWGT Custom made\_US&gl=US
Launcher: NOVA\_US&gl=US
Icon pack:whicons icon pack
Download Whicons icon pack for more consistent experience
Clock widget: From the base pack, modified
Bottom Widget: Custom
Whicons forever 😍
PS : thanks everyone for helping discover new packs;)
This is my first Android theme in a while, so I apologize if it's not that great :/
Wallpaper: Self made
Icon Pack: Whicons
Launcher: Nova
Widgets: Self made (using KWGT)
The functions of the widgets are as follows:
Could try using Whicons pack
-Widget: OC
-Icons: Whicons
-Desktop: Plasma
-Theme: Layan Theme
-Dock: Latte Dock
-Widget: Clear Clock
Neumorphism Komponent:
Launcher: Smart Launcher
Neumorphism Komponent:
Launcher: Smart Launcher
I myself use Whicons but I do use White on Dark, so you might want to check out Zwart which are the same icons^(I think) but in black.
I also use Total Launcher, for the circular shortcut-layouts and being able to rotate widgets&shortcut-layouts 'into' the background along with glowing text which I use for the clock.
Icon pack is Whiticons
|| Icon pack and wallpaper || Icons and wallpapers are in this app
The wallpaper was Stock S8
|| widget ||
The widget I used was the Bw39
Whicons by Randle
Is it this one ?
Try Whicon icon pack
Sure thing, I'm using Whicons.
Clock: AphaJPClock
Dock: Interactive Dock
GameHub: GameHUB Launcher 2
Visualizer: Monstercat Visualizer
Recycle Bin: Just A Bin
Audio Switcher: Audio Switcher
Icons: Whicons
wallpaper made by me: Wallpaper
I'm pretty sure it's called Whicons white icon pack by randle
I again, felt bored as fuck - this time as home. So i made this, featuring my virtual avatar.
Suites used:
Icons used are from Whiticons, which you can find here:
Font used is F25 Bank Printer.
If you want the wallpaper of myself, i may provide it to you upon request.
I again, felt bored as fuck - this time as home. So i made this, featuring my virtual avatar.
Suites used:
Icons used are from Whiticons, which you can find here:
Font used is F25 Bank Printer.
If you want the wallpaper of myself, i may provide it to you upon request.
Whicons No, on OnePlus launcher
I think Whicons
Based on a sign I saw In a restaurant
Icon pack:
Based on a neon sign I saw in a restaurant
Icon pack:
You can just get them using Whicons
Wallpaper (with a few more gradients that might look nice):
They are originally from this pack but I edited them in the way that feels best for me, this link is for what I have came up with:
It's clean; and since it's all white it goes with any color scheme.
One UI edited with Hex installer. (Can't share the link from play store, not sure why)
My entry for this month's contest, a simple one page setup with all colors extracted from the picture and no black.
No sharing of the KLWP file yet, I will add it here after the contest has ended.
Icon Pack: Whicons
Wallpaper: Here
Icons: Whicons
Widget: Free 041 Huk kwgt
The wallpaper is live. I edited the original to fit my home screen.
Also there's an invisible app over the sun which will bring you to the Google weather app.
I don't really have any of the other screens done. But let me know you think! Any feedback is welcome.
These are just the white icons from this pack:
Thank you. It's Whicons -
Icon pack: Whicons- white icon pack Wallpaper: taken from Google's wallpapers app (solid colours, teal) Widget: Overdrop
The one I'm using has 6168 icons
Found in the wallpaper section of this app
I would suggest getting the non-pro version of the Hisense A5C.
I feel the color is important (as it's used in just about all UI-stuff), the ability to Root it is very cool... I myself went with the pro-version and while I'm happy(ish) with it, right now I would like to Root it.
from Battery optimization
fixed this.Other than that... I'm very happy with the phone, can't wait for a Rooting option to be found... and would thus suggest the non pro version even if it's a bit less powerful in general.
Settings>Other>Accessibility>High Contrast Text
off... to increase readability with Dark Themes (which also tend to be annoying... tho... I do find using Whicons from Aurora Store and Dark Wallpapers a really good look)Wallpaper : Made by me
Icons Whicons :
Widget 1 time/date made from :
Widget 2 battery :
Widget 3 media player made from :
Widget 4 search button made from :
Wallpaper : Made by me
Icons Whicons :
Widget 1 time/date made from :
Widget 2 battery :
Widget 3 media player :
Widget 4 search button made from :
I would suggest this one.
Wallpaper - After Rain - BisBiswas also it can be find in Walli app.
Nova - KWGT - Velvet Thunder
Icons - Whicons
Visualizer - Muviz Edge
Btw all of it is free so you dont need to worry.
Resources :
Wallpaper: Created By Me
Widgets: Custom Made
All Files (G Drive URL):
Icon Pack: Whicons Icon Pack
Based off of Design 1. This is my first!
My contest submission inspired by Design no. 3 (and done in KLWP)!
More specifically I adapted the prominent use of images as well as the color palette to create a setup focused on beautiful shots from Yosemite NP.
Icons are from Whicons colorized in KLWP.
I used Design no. 3 as a base for this theme.
If you were wanting to know I used this icon pack and a wallpaper from the same app. here's the link:
Whicons,I love it!
Whicons icons
Axis Wallpapers (gradient category)
Min-ism KWGT
Whicons - White Icon Pack
Phone (if your interested) -
Whicons Icon Pack -
KWGT Pro Key -
Shadow KWGT Widgets -
Lawnchair 2 Launcher -
Wallpaper (go to the bottom) -
Note 9 with Nova Launcher.
Icons: Whicons
Wallpaper: "Army of Two" on Backdrops
Weather widget: Today Weather
All white: Whicons Stylised: Raya Others I liked: Belle Glim Pineapple Moonshine Ortus square Candycons Viral
[wallpaper]( )
[Icon Pack]( )
Webb OS (not a typo) is a preset I made some time ago and then recently reworked, replacing the font and adding a light mode.
It's a very simple setup inspired by this post (and subsequently NASA's James Webb space telescope) with just 1 page, no animations, and only very basic information for everyday use.
Resources: • Icon pack: Whicons • Widget: Nebbia KWGT • Wallpaper: From @929xWalls from Twitter
Whicons - White Icon Pack | 4.5 rating | Free with IAP | 1,000,000+ downloads | Search manually
> You need a custom launcher to apply this icon pack ▶ Features • 5880 icons • Wallpapers • Dashboard app with icon request tool • Frequent updates • More than 25900 apps covered • Dynamic Calendar Icon support • Multi launcher support • Muzei ...
Widget: included on Asus zenfone
Icon pack: Whicons
Nova Launcher
Wall: Fluid Simulation Free
Widget: huk kwgt
Wallpaper: Solid AMOLED Black (Sourced from icon pack)
Icon Pack: Whicons
Widgets Pack: huk zooper
Widget maker: Zooper (not available on the play Store, quick Google search will source apk)
Widget used:. Zooper ppick 66
Grid size:11x10
Dock number of icons:9
Hide status bar
Just the first screen.
Stuff used
Oh and the windows emblem came from Whicons
Whicons icon pack
Shortcuts on right are just normal home screen icons without labels.
Icon pack dock
Walli Wallpaper - Artist: The Paper Crane
Komponents : Cassettes Status bar Sbk
Nova Launcher
Music widget:
Clock and battery widget :
Wallpaper Link:
Nova Launcher
Music widget:
Clock and battery widget :
Wallpaper Link:
Nova Launcher
Music widget:
Clock and battery widget :
Wallpaper Link:
Wallpaper :
Icons: Whicons
Launcher: Nova Prime
Widget: Huk KWGT - FREE 082
Screen shot tool: Snapmod
I love those minimalist designs. I've been using this icon pack for years.
First time doing this, any criticism is appreciated :)
Icon pack:
KWGT BACKUP : (I hope I didn't do this wrong)
😂😂 sure ... whicons
i think its this.
Icon Pack - Whicons (Just for the nubank one)
Widget - KWGT Pro Key
Nova Launcher Prime -
Element for KWGT - The base I used to do all the rest (except the icons, that I made w/ the fontawesome in the KWGT)
Wallpaper -
Icon Pack - Whicons (Just for the nubank one)
Widget - KWGT Pro Key
Nova Launcher Prime -
Element for KWGT - The base I used to do all the rest (except the icons, that I made w/ the fontawesome in the KWGT)
Icon Pack: Whicons
Launcher: Nova Launcher Nova Launcher Prime
Icons are all modified from either the Whicons, Outlines, Flight, or Stick Pixel icon packs using the Photo Layers app paired with a lot of patience.
Widget is a modified version of one found in Wolfie for KWGT
Wallpaper: Batman
Icon Pack: Whicons
Nova Settings:
Nova Settings > Folders > Folder Preview > Grid.
Hit the back button and go to Background and select the dark grey color (ff263238).
Now go to App & Widget drawers > Background and set it to dark grey.
Change the font colors in Desktop and Folders to white.
source -
Wallpaper: Click Here
Icon Pack: Click Here
Launcher: Click Here
Wallpaper: Click Here
Icon Pack: Click Here
Launcher: Click Here
Widget - Sent to me by a friend and edited by me. I don't know the source of the original but I can send the .kwgt file if anyone needs. The two on the right are from Pixxy and edited to match the theme.
Wallpaper - Liquid black on Abstruct. It's at the bottom of the first category (free).
Icon Pack - Whicons in Play Store.
Launcher - Nova Launcher Pro
I like "Whicons"
I converted this from png to svg to use with klwp, you can do the same, will be a fonticon
Launcher - Nova launcher
Wallpaper - DopeWalls - Aesthetic
Icons - Whicons icon pack (
Appdrawer icon - moonrise icon pack (
Widget - KWGT
Top one on right - Andromeda - widget AK 008 (
Bottom one - mini music player for kwgt - mini music 019 (
Launcher - Nova Launcher
Icons - whicons (
KWGT - Mini music player for kwgt (mini music 019) And android for kwgt (ak 008) (
Appdrawer icon - Moonrise Icon Pack ( )
Use whicons for the icons and it will look amazing!
- Icon Pack: Whicons - White Icon Pack
Whicons for most. I have a few spare other ones.
Whicons - White Icon Pack:
Original post: I accidentally dragged discord on top of Gmail and now it's a furry
Author: slandeh Body: Hi there! Your submission has been removed for violating our community rules: * Rule 2 - No Low-Effort/Low-Quality Posts Allowed. --- If you have any questions about the removal please contact our mod team here.
Author: DaggerSwagge Body: It’s always been run by furries, I don’t see a difference
Author: Nemesis301 Body: Yeah, a Discord developer went to the yiff convention or something like that.
Author: TBeest Body: It was much more than that, if you've heard anything about the nsfw/furry policy controversies around the start of this year.
Author: None Body: [removed]
Author: EbborVSP Body: A lot of or somethings
Author: babydoll_bd Body: Looks like the aftermath of Chernobyl in the background.
Author: JoyJoy_ Body: But... Discord is already a furry. It's a puppy dog with big floppy ears.
Author: radical_sin Body: I thought it looked more like a crab
Author: Building_Bjorn Body: I’m scared
Author: connectedwizzard Body: stop it get some help
Author: reddit_user_von Body: "Accidentally"
Author: SlowShi_ Body: owocord
Author: AnAutisticSloth Body: DiscOwOrd
Author: Zeebuoy Body: How did you drag it on top of another app?
Author: ThotbGot Body: It's a folder
Author: SecretlyUpvotingP0rn Body: What's the launcher/iconpack you're using? It could look kinda neat
Author: I3ULLETSTORM1 Body: the folder might just be set to the Stacked appearance on Nova Launcher, the icon pack idk, it's white so probably just look up white icon pack on the play store
Author: poison5200 Body: Can't guarantee that it's what OP is using, but Whicons is a nice all-white icon pack. I used it for a while but then decided I liked colors.
Author: SxR1993 Body: oh no
Author: A_Can_Of_Chili Body: uwu
Author: virgo_venus Body: interesting
Author: BambiBlueHair Body: I'm into it.
Author: BusterTheTurtleKing Body: i doubt this was an accident
Author: ColourBlueAddict Body: Nya~
Author: d-a-m-b Body: Fuck
Author: SomebodyNotFamous Body: cursed
Author: lil_memer Body: This physically hurts im reporting your post
Author: Catalyst-EXE Body: KILL IT WITH FIRE
Using Nova launcher (on top of MIUI 10 system).
The top widget is of course a simple one made by myself
The icons are from Whicon icon pack
The wallpaper is actually from the MIUI theme store. I couldn't find any credit or who is the author.
i think the icon pack is whicons
It's called Whicons. Here's a link:
ICON : Whitecons
TIME/DATE WIDGET : Water Melon Kwgt
Icon pack :
Wallpaper :
Widget : Huk kwgt
Try a plain white pack like Whicons
And I built a widget using Zooper [APPS].
Icon pack:
Wallpaper is from zedge
Icons: Whicons
Widget: Ornate KWGT
Widget 8 - Audioplayer
Widget 22 - Clock
Wallpaper: @jeztimms via resplash
Launcher: Nova
Maybe Whicons?
Could you upload the wallpaper? I like it and would like to try it :)
Just found it ;)
Hello hello, long time no see!
I haven't been posting much themes lately, although I made a couple of themes, I still haven't posted them, I don't really feel like it honestly, maybe they're not as high quality as I wanted them to be? Who knows.
So here's a almond theme, now if you'll excuse me, I'll go hibernate for two to four months.
Font is Google sans
>How do I use this theme?
Download KLWP, buy KLWP Pro, download the KLWP and import it.
>How do I import the KLWP file?
>Why can't I export the file with changes I made?
File is locked, and that means you can't export it or copy elements of the theme.
>My music player doesn't work with your file, what do i do?
Go to KLWP settings -> "preferred player" and select your music app.
Note: i have an 18:9 phone, which means that my theme will probably look a bit different and worse on your 16:9, I can't fix that unfortunately, but don't worry, you can just change a few minor thing and it'll look just fine.
Other stuff: clicking on the flower opens the app drawer, and clicking on the headphones opens the app you're listing to music from.
Launcher: Action Launcher Pro
Icons Whicons
Widget: Austere KWGT (I'm still looking for something a bit better for this setup. If you have any recs, let me know).
Phone: OnePlus 6
Wallpaper is from Zedge, but I've uploaded it here.
Wallpaper: Whitecons 8.
Icon pack: Whitecons
Widget: Eye in the Sky Weather.
Launcher: Nova Launcher.
Around Christmas I usually go with a mix of Whicons and red variants from Glim.
Writeup of last year's holiday theme (which I've used 2-3 years now):
I understand, however an icon pack or two won't slow down your device.
I you figure you want to test some other icons I use this:
I use Whicons for most icons. It has more icons than Flat white icon Pack (5100 vs 1200)
Also, you need a launcher so you can have custom icons or Awesome Icons, but you have to set all icons one by one and they only look like that on the homescreen since they act as widgets(so longpress options also don't work).
Launcher: Nova Wallpaper: From this /itookapicture post Icons: Whicons Folders: Fresh Widget: Zooper by beard
Hey guys! I hope y'all enjoy this theme :) Just wanted to freshen up my phone and figured I'd post it here.
Icon Pack + Wallpaper: Whicons
Widget: huk kgwt
Launcher: Nova Prime
My new phone arrived after THREE AND A HALF MONTHS (thanks, brazilian post!) and I had to redo my homescreen to take advantage of the Super AMOLED screen. It's actually my first try at something this elaborate (I usually just threw icons in the homescreen) and I'm pretty happy with the result. I made the icon dock in the bottom of the screen myself, so no resource to offer there.
Here's the link: Whicons
The first theme I've actually seen through to the end. I took after the style of something I did a couple of weeks ago and think it turned out pretty nice!
Credit to u/MHcharLEE for the background job!
A note about the .klwp file: I'm not providing it, this theme is for my personal use only. (Plus I doubt you want to deal with my (lack of) organization)
Icons used: Whicons -
Weather graph: An edited version of Graphs Komponent -
KLWP file: private
Font: Geo
Try White Icons.
Great companion to SquareHome2. Oh, and the official Reddit app is my favorite. Dark theme, of course.
Halloween is not a part of my culture so my theme doesn't have any pumpkins :D Well, orange color is inspired by pumpkins but still, spider webs and skulls are good horror themes.
Artist image will NOT work for you from the get go. It's pulled from and to do so you need an API key which I removed from the KLWP file due privacy reasons. After you get one yourself everything will work just fine. To get the API key you need a account, then you go here for the key. You can fill the form with whatever info you come up with, the key will be given to you either way.
After you get the key, go to the KLWP file, scroll all the way down and tap on "artist image" overlap group, then tap in the first "artist image" object in this group, go to "fx" tab and tap on bitmap formula. Replace "YOUR_API_KEY" in said formula with your actual key, save, and you're good to go.
It WILL take a good while for images to load up initially, but generally once you have an image for a given artist pulled once, it seems to be cached and the delay is much shorter.
This setup was made as an entry to our periodic contest over at the Android Theming discord server which I highly suggest you join if you're subscribed to this subreddit.
Now, on to the resources:
I didn't want to spoil the look of the player, so the controls are invisible. Play/pause button is right where track timing is. "Next" is to the right of it, and "previous" is to the left. Tapping on Track Info will open the music player. Tapping on music note icon on the homepage brings up the player screen, tapping on artist image closes it.
I'll try to answer any questions you may have, enjoy!
Icon pack: Whicons
Zooper Widget Pro
Mnml UI for Zooper
Nova Launcher
Natural, minimal, functional.
You can check this one Whicons Icon Pack
I also found this Monoic White Icon Pack It has 1k icons atm but gets updated + icon masking available
P.S. I'm using min for only dock icons, for the rest TwoPixel Light serves me well for a "glyph like" interface. It's not exactly what you looking for but you may like it since it's getting update every 5 days + icons look amazing.
Icon pack: Whicons Zooper Widget Pro Mnml UI for Zooper Wallpaper: Nova Launcher
Icon pack: Whicons
Zooper Widget Pro
Mnml UI for Zooper
Nova Launcher
Icons are from the Whicons icon pack
Shoutouts to /r/androidthemes and /r/kustom.
If you want to learn how to make your own wallpapers, check them out!
If you want to install this on your Android device, install Kustom Live Wallpaper and open the above KLWP file in the app.
I'm going for a minimalist approach with this anime-based home screen configuration.
Wallpaper: Blushing Red Cat Girl
Icon Pack: Whicons
Clock: Minimal Text
Launcher: Nova Launcher Prime
Yeah, I like this illustration too. Simple and effective. It might actually be an image trace in illustrator.
Re:icons/clock, I use the Whicons image pack and Minimal Text widget. Check out this screenshot to see how I put it together.
It's the Whicons icon pack in the play store.
My first submission since KWGT PRO went free recently- well ever in this sub.
Wallpaper IMG
Icons Whicons [I only use these for the dock, otherwise its Ango]
Clock Unity KWGT
Box widget Ocea KWGT (blurred and B&W modifications of base widget)
Text widget is just a self made KWGT text widget, considering turning down the type face size as it gets pretty close to the edge.
This is a free alternative to the high contrast icon pack. Whicons - White Icon Pack
I'd suggest Whicons
I cleaned it up for ascetic purposes, this is what it looks like when I'm actually using it
Made with:
+Whicons Icon Pack:
+Zooper Widget Pro:
+Widget File (includes wallpaper and bitmap image):
Icon Pack: Whicons
Clock/Weather Widget: Zooper Pro
Launcher: Nova Launcher
Music Widget: Jack's Music Widget
Just to preface: this is my first time doing something like this, so please criticize me without mercy! Also, this is functional, I just don't know how to make a GIF of it. If someone can let me know how that'd be rad.
Launcher: Google Now Launcher
Icons: Whicons (using Awesome Icons GNL compatability)
Wallpaper: Album art for HelloWorld by Hello World, taken from their bandcamp page
If there's any more stuff you want/need to know I'll edit this comment!
Launcher: Nova
Wallpaper:, KLWP
Icon pack: Whicons
It's the Whicons. I really like it too.
Simple KLWP theme
I use the whicon icon pack
I just got this phone a couple weeks ago and have been absolutely loving it. This was a huge upgrade from my LG G3 that died on me. I've been tinkering with the theme for awhile now but I've been pretty happy with this setup.
I'm enrolled in the beta program so I'm running stock Android 7.1.1 with the System UI Tuner enabled.
Whicons Icon Pack. Same pack I use for all the icons shown. Enjoy!
I'm using Whicons
Background source:
Clock: Android standard clock widget.
Hey! This is my first theme in the sub.
Here's the wallpaper,
The icon packs, Whicons for the apps and NucleoUI for the app drawer :)
Widgets are litterally just two lines and a clock, made on KGWT.
Make sure to be on Nova, and to put one of the lines in the dock, after enabling widget overlapping.
Hope you enjoy! :)
Icon pack: Whicons
Whicons white icon pack.
Made with KLWP, and the icons are from Whicons
This is the icon pack he used.
I believe it's called Whicons.
Icon pack: Whicons
Launcher: Nova Launcher
Date, time & battery widget made with UCCW.
Klonoa artwork by Foxy-The-Wolf (sadly can't link his DeviantArt because the account has been deactivated).
Whicons -- Free. I like the clean white icons and to have my wallpaper be the star of the homescreen.
I'm not super interesting or creative, but here's my homescreen.
I like black and white.
Made using Nova launcher, Zooper widget pro, and Whicons.
I like black and white.
Made using Nova launcher, Zooper widget pro, and Whicons.
your whicons link was dead for me, FYI. here is one that works
Samsung Galaxy S3.
Icons: Whicons (free)
Launcher: Nova Launcher Prime ($4)
Weather widget: 1Weather (free)
My HTC ONE M7 ARHD ROM, Nova launcher, Whicons icon pack, UCCW with Caviar clock widget and Minima live wallpaper, which is IMO the best minimalistic live wallpaper pack.
Launcher: Nova
EDIT: Added link to wallpaper