OS: macOS 10.13
Terminal: iTerm2 (Nightly)
Prompt: ZSH w/ Powerlevel9k (Nerdfonts)
Desktop: Übersicht + gradient-bg + Simple Clock + Weather + Calendar + Particles
Window Manager: Moom
Not Shown:
Commands Used:
figlet -f chunky Hello, World! | lolcat
(for the big text "Hello, World!")neofetch
(for the specs)cmatrix
(for the matrix visualization)code -n .zshrc
(to open Visual Studio Code to my .zshrc)Disclaimer I'm the developer of nonky so i'm a little biased
I learned about Übersicht when i was pretty much through with my first release. Übersicht is a great project and from the user endpoint might be better as it is much more mature, has more features and more widgets are available. I decided to go ahead releasing my project since from the developer stand point i think not every one knows coffescript and i wanted to make it so that anyone who knows a little bit of javascript and html can build his own widget or template. in addition, Übersicht is built so it is open ended in the way it lets you run arbitrary shell commends but is more restrictive on the way you build your widget. nonky's api to the computer system is more restrictive but gives you freedom to do what you want inside the widget. like including whichever js libs you would like and use well known js frameworks to build the widget like react, jquery or even angular I hope that clears the air a bit. i would be happy to answer any more questions and very open to suggestions
I posted my heavily customised OS X setup on here a while ago, and put a fair bit of info about how it was done in my details comment on the post. Some of what I put there has already been covered in responses to your post, but I think there might be a couple of things in there that haven't been mentioned yet. Since posting that setup I've started to use Amethyst to manage window tiling, rather than the manual thing I had before.
I saw someone mention Geektool, which is definitely good, but if you're CSS-savvy you can get some very pretty things displayed on the desktop with Übersicht. It's not been around long, but there are already a few pre-made widgets available that can be good starting points for making your own.
For anyone wondering, the go-to Mac/OS X alternative used to be GeekTool but it's pretty old at this point and there's less active development. Übersicht is the best option at this point, and has a huge number of widgets. OS X El Capitan isn't as customizable as Windows because it's rootless (from what I've heard), but you can still use this to get weather, album art etc on your desktop and make it look a little more unique.
EDIT: Others things I forget to mention:
> Übersicht
Pretty cool, hadn’t heard of it until now. Looks like a much-needed modern competitor to GeekTool. Much easier to style too with HTML5/JS/CoffeeScript.
Link for the lazy. And I believe this is the disk usage widget in question.
If all you want to do is add some widgets to your desktop, you don’t need to use MacForge or disable security.
It's through a widget called Übersicht. The weather forecast is called Authentic Weather and the clock is called Morning.
Good question. For clarification, I'm on Sierra.
It's a custom Ubersicht widget called Nerdbar and I have my normal menu bar hidden. Nerdbar requires kwm I believe, so I just edited the coffee file myself, removed the kwm requirements and made it match the theme. The top left is supposed to show the currently focused app, but I haven't found a way to do that without kwm. I'm still playing around with it, I think I might do horizontal color bars that match my theme in it. I'm not sure though.
I'm starting a new job soon where I have to use a mac. I've been very spoiled with my arch linux machine with dwm and I tried to recreate that environment as best as I could.
Luckily I was able to find kwm amidst all the other mac window managers. It's so great and the only true tiling WM for mac AFAIK. I've used Slate in the past but it doesn't compare at all. Basically you need to install and configure kwm and khd to handle keyboard shortcuts.
I've never set up a dashboard but I figured it may be useful. I found Ubersicht from other configurations on /r/unixporn and decided to give it a go. I was surprised how easy it was to create your own widgets, but it's frustrating to manage more than one or two. I came up with a solution to use a single Emacs org file to configure my dashboard, then I could create the whole thing with just one Ubersicht widget.
It's basically set up like this: - has declarations to include my inbox org file, and org-babel shell commands for other dashboard info
make-dashboard - shell script that exports to html - the Ubersicht widget file, this is set up to call make-dashboard every 15 seconds. Also contains css styling. Uses CSS flexbox to line up the top level divs.
Thanks for looking!
Thanks :) No, I haven't made a post since almost everything I'm using is pretty common in the unix world. Although somebody did find a scrot of mine on /g/ and posted it to /r/osx asking what I was using, that was pretty flattering.
The menu bar is set to auto-hide, and in its place is ubersicht using the "bar" widget. There was a mod I found somewhere to make it display the current MPD song. I'm not sure where I found it but if you're interested I still have the config. Let me know if you have anymore questions!
How should I read this? If it are desktop widgets it could be done with something like Geektool or Übersicht. I use Übersicht and this is what my desktop looks like.
I use the desktop widget creator, Ubersicht and then installed the time and date widget ( I then changed a bit of the code so it made the clock lowercase and changed the position a bit
You can download Übersicht and install the Black Bar widget. I used it to fill the gap between a maximized window and the bottom of the screen, but you can edit the simple widget code to put the black bar wherever you want (like at the top of the screen to close the menu bar gap).
Übersicht is an alternative to geektool. i've switched to it long long ago. it seems more modern and versatile to me. no shade against geektool though, it's still a great tool!
Hi! Can u pls try this? I used this on my older MacBook Air 2015 version, and it worked, but on my 2020 version, it's not working anymore. I have no idea why, and it was very cool:''(
The overlaid widgets is from an app called ubsersicht. You can see the icon for it in the icon tray top right. Highly recommend. Unsure how the moving wallpaper is done.
Have you tried the widget below?
works fine for me, you just need to add the RSS feeds you want in the config.json file (that's in the widget folder).
I'm not the expert here (my coding skills are limited) but from experience I believe you'll need some CSS handlers to manage positioning and refresh rate of your image. If you didn't have set a refresh rate, what you describe is normal, Ubersicht will not dynamically pull the new image when updates as it will not refresh the widget.
the coding for this widget is very similar with yours and it may give you some hints regarding the CSS you require to add.
Thanks. And yes, it's macOS. yabai is a tiling WM that sits on top of Aqua, and skhd is a hotkey daemon that can interact with it to give you keyboard shortcuts. Together they work in a similar way to what a WM like xmonad can do on Linux, even if it's not as clean.
Then you just set the dock and menubar to autohide and use a widget engine like Übersicht to make your own status bar.
I've been using an Übersicht widget to dim my desktop and after some customization, it's been great... except it really only works over the desktop (I use it to dim my screens when I go to bed and essentially use my computer as art/nightlight).
I must have missed any screenshots, but I'm assuming the dimming is system-wide and dims even the apps you have open? I have plenty of other Übersicht widgets, that I don't mind switching to Nocturnal if it does a better job of dimming everything on the monitor.
Yes MacForge is safe but as other users have said if all you want is desktop widgets you can probably just use Üebersicht. If you want to just put the system widgets from notification center on your desktop you can use Todeska.
It's not going to be an exact equivalence, but for tiling windows check out yabai; for a customizable toolbar check out uebersicht - you might want to search this sub for them also since there are a lot of custom bars written for uebersicht here.
There are a ton of really good ones that do a ton of things, but my favorite hidden gem is Black Bar which just adds a 5px bar across the entire bottom of the screen to fix the window height problem if you're running a hidden dock. Even with a maximized window (not full-screen), there is a small gap at the bottom that you can see other windows or the desktop through. I find it super annoying. But with Black Bar it just fills in that space with a seemless bar. It's like the least complicated widget, but it solves one of my biggest annoyances.
I'm calling this sunset theme.
*Folder Icons >
*Transparent Finder bars > XtraFinder app
*Transparent Dock > cDock
*Firefox theme > Rainbow Blur
*Desktop widgets > | Calendar | World Clock | Memory | CPU | Spotify current track (bottom right)
*Screen Resolution 2048x1280 > Display
*Terminal > adjusted font color and transparency
Let me compile a list of stuff then, because I'm a software dev as well. In the meantime, here is the official list of Übersicht widgets. You can find others on Github as well that just haven't been submitted for "official" approval. Coincidently, I'm populating a repo of all my used widgets with their modifications for me system.
For macOS, Übersicht is where it's at nowadays!
I can share my Spotify widget if you want. It grabs the album name, album art, artist and track name if Spotify is running. You can style it all with CSS.
Hijacking this comment to say that there is another project with similar purpose (desktop widgets) already existing, that allows writing and styling widgets in js/html/css. It's called Übersicht and it already has a nice widget library. The project is free and open-source.
Also it doesn't require disabling SIP.
There's an app called "Just Calendar" on the Mac App Store for $.99 it looks like it does what you want. Or you could use Übersicht and put the calendar right on your desktop, this is what I use.
Wallpaper: Abstract Colorful by
Übersicht Stuff: "Memory Bar" & "Fancy DateTime"
Dock: uBar
probably never used one.
Answering the actual question, you can actually do something similar if you use Übersicht
You can download widgets and customize them with a text editor. They use mostly html coding and are not too difficult to get used to.
Edit: forgot to mention that you will have to look for a dynamic wallpaper widget and install it via the Widgets page
Good luck!
You have to first download the app, and then you can go on to the widget gallery and download whatever widgets you would like to use. After that , click on the Ubersicht logo located at the top of the menu bar (the bar on the very top of your computer), which you will then see the option to "Open widget folder". Click on that, and drag your downloaded widget in :)
It's all done through Übersicht, a mac app. It offers a gallery of widgets written in CoffeeScript that you can download and customise -- the clock is one of them. Check it out!
For people with Mac, Ubersicht is basically the same thing. You can either download widgets or write your own in CoffeeScript and position it with CSS. If you have basic coding knowledge, it's a breeze.
Not possible afaik. I've seen this question several times and nobody ever seems to have an answer. Alternatively, you could map a keyboard shortcut to open it in system prefs if you aren't already using a trackpad shortcut or something, or you may be able to rig something similar up using geektool or ubersicht.
i used powerline-shell, some widgets from uebersicht, and a custom bashrc for the colors and useful aliases. i use the default terminal , but i wonder to switch to iterm.
I love this feature and have been using it since I upgraded.
I now rely on Übersicht for displaying information I need right on the Desktop, e.g. battery status, memory usage, or a round (yay!) clock.
For opening a menu, I use Cmd+?, then search for the menu entry I need, then Ctrl+N down to the entry I need.
I wholeheartedly agree. Although this isn't like the popup/drop down calendar in windows but it has calendar widgets which you can stick on your desktop which serve partly. I think the widgets are non interactive. So in my case it only shows the current month.
Sure thing!
I'm actually using Ubersicht instead of Geektool for most of the widgets. You can download it here: and the widgets here:
I'm using Calendar, Memory Bar, SimpleDate, and Weather Now.
The music widget is called Bowtie, and I'm using the Pixl theme
If you want something like geek tool for OS X that uses HTML, then check out Übersicht. It's much faster and less of a hog of memory than geek tool, and it's super customizable because of the HTML and Coffescript