No, completely different.
A hyperlink is a link you can click on a web page that takes you to another web page.
xpath is a way to navigate, drill down and select specific nodes of a structured document (like html, or xml). For example if you have an html document like
<body> <table> <row></row> <row></row> <row></row> </table> </body>
And you want to extract just the second row of the table, you could get there with this xpath string:
This is how you will tell selenium which things in the webpage to click on, for example. I believe selenium also supports selecting via css selectors.
I'm a senior QE and was a QE manager. I get these emails constantly. The one thing I can recommend is to not send multiple emails if I have not responded. Every extra email just makes me hate your company even more.
Most emails I delete immediately. The few I've actually looked into offered demo videos and made it clear what exactly their product is useful for. Don't try to win over everyone with generic emails.
If companies really want to me pay attention, offer me some value. Create some video content of how to solve problems using your software. SauceLabs is a good example of a company that won me over with video content.
Actually, when we started using computers... Of course, modern software tends to be used in more dynamic environment and so QA became (maybe) a little bit important. Some reading here:
We're hiring:
I know you said not customer support but it's nearly all email support here and much more interesting than what you'd get than working for ISP support or something. Plus you are right next door with the developers (e.g. me) for help or if you want to move into that.
Happy to answer questions about the company if you're interested.
You don't need to log in to anything!
Here's a video session of me creating and playing a new game on a fresh browser session. Online play does of course require an opponent to be matched up with you. Fortunately, you can invite a friend. Hopefully that will make things easier in the awkward stage where doesn't have many users.
I’ve been using Selenium at work for over 5 years for web scraping. I’ve found the following resources to be helpful, and continue to refer back to them from time to time:
Selenium with Python Documentation
Sauce Labs Selenium Tips: CSS Selectors
Also something people don’t talk a lot about but is very helpful in seeking answers to problems online is how to use Google to solve your programming questions. Learning how to write effective google searches will save you a lot time.
Personally, I learn best by having an actual problem to solve. If that approach works for you, pick a website you want to extract data from and just go for it. Break down the problem into smaller chucks and tackle it bit by bit. Whenever you get stuck, try googling your problem and see what’s been posted online, or post your code here and ask for help.
Good luck!
“A simulator provides a fast and easy way to set up a software environment for application testing purposes without mimicking actual hardware. An emulator takes things a step further by emulating software as well as hardware configurations”
Are you looking for an in-house solution or hosted? SauceLabs supports emulated and real devices. They obviously use Appium (or a custom version of Appium) behind the scenes, but they have a wrapper around most of the operations stuff.
We've found a lot of success automating our deployment pipeline. Releasing and testing used to be a pain. Now when a user checkin, our CI (continous integration) kicks in. On checkin, our code is checked out of our private github, built and tested. We run unit tests and integration tests with the build. If all pass the code is pushed to a test server where we run a bunch of automated selenium tests (it launches an automated browser). We also use Sauce Labs .
If automation passes, we have a small window for human sanity tests and then if that fails we push to production. We now push several times a week, but our goal is to get to multiple times a day.
We still need more testing and better coverage, but automation has really made finding defects quicker a reality.
in terms of day to day workflow, we use gulp to automate a lot of dev tasks like minification, bundling etc. For some apps we use typescript and that is transpiled in gulp. We also use browsersync to update multiple browsers on file change and that helps developers working on features.
Testing that occurs below the UI layer is unlikely to ever negate the need for UI level testing (be it manual or automated). However, I wouldn't really recommend SelIDE to anyone for professional automation.
If you're interested in browser level test automation I'd look at the WebDriver project (, with something like Grid ( or SauceLabs ( for parallelization.
Here are a couple that allow for interactive testing via hosted VMs. I've been using SauceLabs for a couple of months, but I've yet to play around with Browserling.
it's not necessarily "hate" - trying to keep up with Android is a challenge.
Mobile Testing Considerations: Android versus iOS
The challenge lies in the fact that the global market share of Android OS versions is greatly fragmented when compared to that of iOS versions. This means that a greater variety of Android OS versions are in use on Android devices by a significant percentage of users. For example, if you look at statistics gathered by StatCounter GlobalStats for Android OS version usage, you can see that six versions of the Android OS are currently in use by around 7% or more of the total user base (at the time this article is being written). This differs from the usage of iOS versions where (as of right now) only two versions of iOS are in use by more than 6% of the total user base.
So how does this complicate the application testing process? If a large number of active devices are still running older versions of the Android OS, then it becomes critical to maintain application quality across a greater variety of versions. By extension, this increases the number of scenarios that require test coverage while also increasing the potential for issues with presentation and usability. This, in turn, can lead to greater cost for the organization in development and remediation. While this is also an issue for teams designing for iOS, they have less to account for since there is less OS fragmentation in the marketplace.
There is selenium and Appium You won’t be using dart for this though. You’ll be using Java or Ruby. Not sure if they have any other languages.
I avoid anything that adds extra complexity as much as possible. It always ended up to be a lot of extra work, for slower progress, and no benefit or use.
Sauce also recently had a seminar in this topic. offers a less expensive basic package ($19 vs $29). They also mention on their website that they have a free of charge solution for open source project,s but it appears that you need to get in touch to find out if you qualify for that.
You mention both Selenium and Appium, so I’m assuming you’re doing web- and mobile app-based testing. Sauce Labs ( runs a “test infrastructure as a service” that supports Selenium, Appium, and more. Mobile devices and a large matrix of desktop OS/browser combinations and versions. This may be a place to start. You’ll need to know a programming language. Python is a great start.
Disclaimer: I work for Sauce Labs.
I think I found it here by configuring a firefox profile:
No clue how long they'll leave it up, but I just got it by logging in on saucelabs.
Unlike Kobiton you don't have to vie for a shared cloud device among free users. With the trial you have access to some older devices that you can start an emulated session of in browser and it worked fine for me on an emulated iPhone 6 in browser.
Just needed to agree to a lot of terms and conditions logging in with an apple account.
You can register for an apple account here.
Sign up for saucelabs here.
After verifying everything I logged in.
Works similarly to Kobiton for anyone still having difficulties with that. Phone pops up in the browser. If you're new to Apple basically you have to go to the appstore, search for FFBE, click get, and open once downloaded. A lot of time is spent signing in and agreeing to stuff as you'd see when using any phone for the first time.
The webstore was being wonky so I copied the URI into Safari and it worked instantly.
Hope everyone else had a nice turkey day. Mine was bereft of IOS users, which is something to be thankful for. (5 Galaxy s10s at the table, like wtf)
Not really, CSS selectors can do lot more than just matching classes.
Yeah, it was like that when I was there. The speed of the emulated devices was not great. It looks like they do offer it now, but it's maybe in another tier of service?
Saucelabs did not have audio support when I was there. I submitted a feature request and never heard back. It looks like people are still asking for it.
I tested it in SauceLabs. ~~Are you sure the IE11 emulatation simulates currentStyle
& runtimeStyle
used by the polyfill~~? edit: according to the issue below, this should work
Maybe try SauceLabs - I have no personal experience with it but I believe it's closer to how Litmus works than BrowserStack.
(fwiw, I personally prefer BrowserStack to litmus because just looking at screenshots doesn't help me much when building interactive sites -- but I can understand that different testing styles are a better fit for different situations, so I don't think there's "one true best" way).
At work, I support latest versions of Chrome and FireFox, as well as iOS, Android, IE7+ and Safari 5+. I have a mac and PC available to me at work to test latest Chrome, Firefox, Safari and IE. Then I use SauceLabs virtual machines to test IE7-10 and Safari 5 - 7. I also use my iPhone to test ios, SauceLabs and a coworker's Android phone for testing Android.
One of my main concerns is 'The Grid' will be using Grid Style Sheets which are neat and possibly the future, but take a look at the current support It's grizzly.
Aside from having a variety of browsers and devices, I also use Sauce Labs. They have a free plan, but make sure to not idle in your session or you'll waste testing minutes.
You can also use SauceLabs, although it's not free (there's a free tier with 2h automated testing + 30min manual per month). They have tons of vm's to test almost every browser/OS config out there and they also offer running browser based automated tests. You could write a test spec or even use selenium to do some content testing. I haven't tried UI testing, but I've heard it's possible.
Chrome's Emulator does a decent job actually, but if you'd like more extensive testing or to double check on a certain browser/device combo, try a service like Sauce Lab's manual testing. They have a free plan which offers 30 minutes of testing a month. I know that doesn't sound like much, but it's enough for a few checks on various devices… just remember to log out of the session asap so you don't waste your minutes idling!
Hope that helps! Good luck. :)
If it's responsive, would not resizing the browser work?
If not, I use Sauce for testing and they have mobile , although since I am on a mac, for ios testing I usually use the iPhone/iPad simulator already mentioned.
Another alternative is Browser Stack, but I've not used it personally.