SnipeIT - Users get an email notifiying them that they have been issued equipment and can have them accept a liabliltiy if you want. Also - its free. Takes about 1 - 2 hours if you are comfortable with *nix enviornments or you can do a hosted version.
> Snipe it can only manage one serial per item, so a PC wit 8 ram bars would have 8 items with 8 serial numbers instead of 1 item with 8 serials.
Those would be components, not assets. So yes, Snipe-IT can do exactly what you're asking.
Try out the demo if you're unsure:
We have had excellent luck with
Its free if you host it yourself or they provide hosting for a small amount of money. It took us a few hours to get it up and running and has been smooth sailing ever since. Also their support is top notch even if you are using the free tier.
Use snipeit, it's open source. In my company we use this for assets management like notebooks, mobile phones and other hardware. You can use active directory to sync user, you can use mail to user for asset check-in/checkout. You can generate barcode for your assets. I think it is you want
We implemented Snipe-IT for a client for this purpose, it's lightweight and easy to configure. The client purchased a decent label printer onto which the asset numbers are printed so that one can reference the physical item back without needing to care about who it was assigned to.
Demo here
edit: its Opensource which is nice
This is indeed the reasoning they've given in their FAQ:
> Why does the pro-support plan cost more than the hosted plan?
> It seems counter-intuitive to charge more for (seemingly) doing less, but supporting our software on a system we don't control (and may not even have access to) is profoundly more challenging and time-consuming than supporting our software on a system we know inside and out.
I have had good success with SnipeIt and Dymo Industrial Labels. It took a bit of work to get right, but then we had an easy and durable label. This was in a manufacturing facility too, so I needed the labels to stand up to the heat/cold/vibration/chemicals used there and all seemed well in the 6-12 months I was using them. I have since moved on from that position, but I would recommend these to anyone wanted a self-rolled solution.
Please don't use excel -
Never reuse asset numbers. Start at 1, go up from there.
For systems that have known unique serial numbers like Dell computers we use the service tag as the asset tag. That doesn't work as well on network gear though. has a web version that can be used on Linux just fine. I wouldn't recommend using it for something like this
I've worked in IT for a while and different places use different things. One place kept all of our inventory in an Access database, where others had full inventory management systems with agents running on each server, such as Lansweeper, that gathered a ton of information from each server.
Snipe-IT ( is an open source asset management system that could work as well
Honestly, at your relatively small scale, you could just keep everything in a spreadsheet and probably be fine
Where are all of these things hosted? I'm hoping they're all on the same service (AWS, Digital Ocean, etc)
You're looking for "IT asset management" software. Here are a few links from a quick Google search:
I have no personal experience with any of the above programs, and there may be better options. Knowing the name may help with searching. Good luck!
> Unfortunately all the asset tracking Tools i could find focus on actual assets like Cars, Beamers instead of reflecting a person <--> item relationship.. Any Ideas?
If I understand correctly, your problem is that these asset models are predefined. IIRC, in snipe-it and Asset Explorer from ManageEngine let you define your own asset models including whatever custom fields you want.
Maybe have a look at that, if it does not NEED to be a spezialized software?
I highly recommend Snipe IT, its open source and works really well. It doesn't have any of the automated scans of the network, which I find much more attractive than a LAN sweeper type of application. You need a static source of truth, it puts you in control of the asset management.
We're a pretty small shop, but I've had great experiences with Snipe-IT. It's open-source, so you can self-host, but their hosted solutions are really reasonable if you don't want to deal with it. Data fields are completely customizable and all data is easily exported. Search is great, too.
For asset labels, just order some custom ones online. I think I paid around $250 for 1000 labels with my company logo on them.
Lansweeper and Snipe IT.
There's always Spiceworks (which is free...) but their reporting can be suspect sometimes. It used to pull reports with a PC that I literally had on the table next to me, guts open because I was changing a CMOS battery, and yet still say that it was online.
But that also may have just been an issue with how our previous IT Director set up Spiceworks...
Could SnipeIT solve the problem for keeping a record of phones to numbers and users? Kinda goes with the simple website idea you mentioned.
Best asset management I have used. it is also free if you self host
Snipe generates the bar codes and then i use a Brother 810W to print them out on 62mm roll
Snipe IT or Spiceworks would be my first two choices. Personally, for what you're describing, I would use Snipe IT.
Snipe-it for inventory. Spiceworks for tickets. Spiceworks can be setup so that users can direct their emails to one address and it automatically creates tickets from those.
You might get useful answers to this from /r/sysadmin, or maybe even /r/msp.
I also would expect there to be a number of open-source projects for this. IT is full of people who can program and some of them would want to write their own instead of buying. Things such as - I have no idea if this is any good or not, it was just the first result in a google search.
Snipe-IT can track maintenance information for assets. Don't let yourself get confused by its IT-language. I use it for everything in my household. Different suggestions in this thread as well.
I'm assuming you're a developer?
This is open source but offers business plans as well! Haven't used it but it looks cool.
I'm sure there are more out there. Try looking for open source equipment management and it should set you on the right path.
If you aren’t comfortable building a front end to a database yourself, you can maybe look at something like Snipe-IT. It’s an IT asset management software that’s open source. You could easily use it to track this sort of thing.
Here’s an example using the features in Snipe:
You import “users” to assign the assets to. You could create “assets” for each extension. The “asset” can have custom fields associated with it. You can create custom fields to match the data that you need to track. You then can assign the “assets” (extensions) to users, the app tracks history for you, so you get that built in with a user friendly interface. You might even also consider it to track your IT assets too.
And if you are PHP savvy, you could probably even fork it and modify it to be specifically related to phones.
You can find Snipe-IT here:
I also think phpIPAM might have a telephone module. I think it may be geared toward PSTN, but I’ve never used that one.
We've been using Snipe-IT for about a month now, its free if you host it yourself, or $40 a month if you want to pay for hosting and support. It seems to do everything we need it to and so far are extremely happy.
I'm unaware of anything specific to the PS4 but you could look at using Snipe-IT with QR code scanners to manage your inventory.
The best thing about it is it is open source and free if you host yourself.
We use RT with mostly email submissions, though some people use the web portal. It's free, self-hosted and pretty straightforward to customize if you know your way around Perl and CSS. We hooked it into our inventory system and can assign assets to tickets for easier tracking of recurring issues.
Not necessarily about MS licensing, but we are going through the same struggle, except we are for-profit, right now and I have found SnipeIT invaluable for asset management. Once it is set up on a very basic linux box, add your machines, users and licenses and "check out" the licenses to the machines or users so you can keep track. It also has reports you can use to show mgmt and probably MS that you are in the clear.
Give a look. There's screenshots and everything. I'm a friend of Snipe, so I'ma little biased, but she's absolutely amazing, and does whatever she can to help users, and the project is tracked here:
I found it to be incredibly simple, and if you don't want to host it yourself (and that's a reasonable ask in many situations) there's a hosted version. It's pretty resistant to feature bloat, which is one of the things I have found makes asset tracking software become just horrifically cthulu-esque disasters of usebility.
Currently use something that was developed in house but we're looking at switching to Snipe-IT. Tried the demo and it looks pretty slick. Free to host on your own and there are paid hosting options.
The category of software you're looking for is asset tracking. This is a random open source solution (primarily targeted at IT, but you can likely make it work) that I found by googling around. I played with the demo for a few minutes and it looks pretty usable.
It's a PHP app that you would host yourself, either on a VPS (such as from DigitalOcean or any other VPS provider) or a computer locally.
We switched from snipe-IT to Device42 for similar reasons. Our reasons were more than just contracts/configs, but D42 covered what we did with file attachments, and custom fields (and great discovery in addition). Here is the feature request on snipe-IT:
>I heard a good rap about
I actually tried this last year and I didn't like it at all. I found it too hard to get started. Some people love it, though, so it's worth test driving.
Mosyle is for free too and has more options. Also the paid plan is cheaper.
Do not do a Google Sheets inventory, use some sort of inventory management and asset tags. Try . It will save you a lot of maintenance.
For your use case it sounds that snipe-it might be the perfect fit. It can be self hosted, open source, has a login system, has a user system incase you let people borrow items, supports barcodes, supports putting an item out of service incase its broken, supports keeping track of serial numbers and much more. Another one ive tried is partkeepr which is mainly focused on individual electronic components but can still be used for other non related items. It is also open source and can be self hosted easily. Hope these two recommendations help!
I have successfully used Snipe-IT in the past. It allows you to manage assets (track items with their serial numbers), accessories (no S/N), components, consumables, etc. It is open-source (code on github) and free if you self-host it (basically on a LAMP or WAMP environment).
pokušavam shvatiti što točno znači maznuti u tom kontekstu, zvuči krivo :)
ali ti predlažem snipeIT za asset management.. open source, digneš linux virtualku i dalje buš videl.. ima čak i demo..
I feel like I've seen the gamut in my time:
What system? SnipeIT, Smartsheets, Google Drive/Excel, Oomnitza. Depends of the company size and the needs you have.
For what do you track? I've seen IT Managers who will inventory every cables and USB drive handed out to users. On the opposite end of the spectrum only track that which Finance is tracking for depreciation (so typically >$2000, laptops, network equipment, etc).
Personally I think there is a middle ground there in terms of what "should" be tracked. Typically I define it as a dollar value, plus specific asset classes. So everything worth more than $500 plus all IP phones, screens and network equipment. Of course, that was in the time before COVID.
If you're shipping things to employee's home, like say a monitor. Do you really expect to get it back? I don't, it's too expensive and too risky to ship monitors. So effectively they are a write off once you send them, so why bothered tracking them?
For the "cables and everything", like I said, I have seen it done. But you have to think about the value of the IT Departments time. Is it worth spending an hour of someone's time to record each individual cable being received? Then spend more time updating a spreadsheet for each time a cable is requested? What is that persons time worth versus the cost of the cable? If the persons time is only $10/hr and the cable costs $100 - sure - totally makes sense. But if the person costs $50/hr and the cable costs $5? Not so much.
QR code - google says it’s coming to cloud native soon - FAQ
Simple setup - you do realize you’re using jira. The words “jira” and “simple setup” really don’t belong in the same sentence…
You might be able to use snipe-it (snipe-it but not being a native atlassian function my guess is it doesnt tie into all of the automations available in jira
please check If you can manage, there is a self hosted free version and if you dont want to manage it on your own, there is a hoated version as well. You can add assets by categories, add location, AD sync, chdckin/checkout to user, mail notification before expiry, can be used for users ti request assets via portal etc.
A ticket system is paramount to recording what you do and recording your answers for recurring problems. Also when you have to setup another person with the same role you can use the previous ticket for the same person of the same role.
If I'm at someone's desk, if I spend more then 5 minutes or it seems to recur, it gets a ticket.
Do not deviate from this with the thought of "I just don't have time to document a little, best to just keep doing stuff!" Even 1 minute of documentation in a ticket with "Helped George realize his wireless mouse needs Batteries to work" is enough.
Longer term projects, sometimes I spend 15 minutes trying to remember where I was last time. Make a ticket and use it!
Also, inventory management, I don't have great advice on this as we are just trying to implement in our environment, but if you use tickets to Assign laptops and serial numbers you can keep track of what equipment is sent to people. My boss only cares about stuff that is plugged into the wall and is over 100$ dollars, so it can be recovered when people leave the company.
Check out Snipe-IT. You can check out items and a log of activities is being kept. You can define different statuses. And you can check out assets 'to each other' to keep a kit together.
I recommend Snipe-IT. You can self-host for free and it has a JSON API you can use to create custom plugins for whichever ticketing system you use.
Asset Tiger is a good option. Cloud hosted, works well, free up to a certain number of assets, also free if you purchase tags from them. Snipe-IT is a great option as well if you can host a server in-house. For ticketing take a look at FreshDesk, great product with a generous free tier. Best of luck to you.
I think our (small) workplace uses Snipe-IT for keeping inventory of assets (both hardware and software).
Can't give you more details, because I'm not directly involved with our IT management.
In the professional IT world, we have things called asset tracking systems, just for things like this. My favorite is snipe-it,
It's a php based web app, but there's a docker container (!) so you could run it locally.
For inventory and asset management, check out Snipe-IT. We self host, and the API has been great for integrating with other work flows. Just having a method to check hardware out to employees has been invaluable this year.
Haven't used it in a while but seem to remember snipe it being pretty good not sure what inventory you're working with,this is geared more towards it but you could probably use it for other things as well.
Spiceworks or Snipe-IT are probably your two best bets. If you can automate it, Spiceworks is probably the better of the two. Walking around and writing down is fine, but you'll be doing yourself a favor by using an inventory system instead of a spreadsheet.
FYI, this is a really frequently asked question. A search would have probably gotten you the info you want:
Haven't used the one that your looking at, but if you're looking for a solid IT asset management platform, my suggestion is always Snipe-IT. It sounds like the one you're looking at does more things, (which is fine if you want/need those things). But if you want asset management, I'd suggest giving this one a try as well.
Never used but I have really enjoyed using It took a little bit of time to get set up / fill your inventory, but otherwise, it has worked well from a selfhosted/home use perspective.
>Jira Service Desk
Why would you do that to yourself?
You should have a trigger warning....
IMO Jira doesn't do Asset management, square peg round hole, use a tool built for the job.
Snipe-IT is free and well regarded:
>PC / Laptop Inventory Management
>Remote Access Control
Intune offers Teamviewer Integration. Purchase Teamviewer from TechSoup
> Software Deployment
Intune can do this, your fall back plan would be SCCM - Because Intune licenses you for it.
This is intune.
> On-Prem or AU data sovereignty if cloud (currently a nice to have but likely a must in the short-term outlook)
Microsoft does this
>Some have decent reporting
Intune has some info in the dashboard, what do you want in your reports?
TeamViewer has this.
I think you should really just perform a POC with Intune.
Looks good, I’ve never used it. I utilize my ticketing system + SharePoint to track this.
The first part of security is identification - is great for asset management if you don’t have anything else.
Looks great! An initial brain dump. Will update if i think of anything else:
and a VPN of you’re choice in terms of things jumping out as missing straight awayBigger question would be how this is setup and orchestrated. Single server? Docker swarm? Having just got to the bottom of the rabbithole you could decide to just keep digging and start on Kubernetes.....
SnipeIT is one that jumps to mind that I know has an explicit licenses section along side; assets, accessories and consumables. I can’t recall how/if it deals with requests though.
Alternatively but likely more bulky would be an IT tool such as GLPI which I know supports service requests and has a licenses section too.
It’s probably worth playing with some demo’s of apps floating about as its probably not an explicitly advertised feature and more one inherent/implied with the business case/need the app targets. When I get home I can take a gander at my app list and chuck any I spot or that jump to mind on here for ya
I fiddled around with Snipe-IT after research between a few different options. It seems to be geared toward IT applications but I've been using it for insurance related documentation around my house just fine. I honestly haven't used it a lot yet but it was easy to set up on my server and has a pretty straightforward web interface.
I work in IT (and shoot video as a side hustle) and we use free software called SnipeIT to manage our assets in the office. It sounds like it does everything you need. It’s free if you host it, or you can pay and they’ll host it for you. There’s no app, but the web interface works great on phones.
Finally made my wrapper for SnipeItApp API.
Full API coverage (even with fields support), fully automated code generation from API definition on SnipeIt docs site. It even works in production.
Still need to publish it. Anyone interested?
I currently use Snipeit (Free), WSUS (Free), and PDQ Deploy and Inventory (1k a year for Enterprise) to accomplish those 3 tasks. I have not seen a single solution that does all of those things well without spending a horde of money but hopefully I am wrong and someone else will mention an option.
>But I don’t want the word to get out that we haven’t been tracking, and people will be like “oh well I’ll just keep this then and not say a word.”
Work with purchasing to pull reports of equipment that has been bought. You may not be able to get a list that's 100% accurate, but it'll be a good start. And you've got to start somewhere, otherwise any/all of your equipment can just be made to disappear. You can also pull a list of machines from:
At the recommendation of this sub, our unit has been using SnipeIT for inventory and we're really happy with it:
Other things to consider, depending on your role:
Snipe-IT has been an awesome open source inventory system. I came into my district last year with spreadsheets for inventory. Being new, I didn't want to ask for a bunch of money and I'm glad I didn't. Easy to setup, super customizable, easy to import existing inventory via csv.
SnipeIT. It’s free and open source.
Netbox is also nice for managing your datacenter and switch closets. Again, free and open source:
Just checked on my environment. You can attach the signed document to the asset tag or the user (whichever seems better suited for your use case).
There’s also a live demo of the platform available at
I'm not sure if this would work on the scale you're looking for, but is very good for asset managment.
I agree with /u/pdp10, getting your stakeholder requirements organised will make your search much easier.
We are currently testing out snipe. We sync users via ldap but i do believe it does tie into AD as well, as far as hardware we used CSV imports to get all the assets in as previously we were using google sheets and it was easy to export/import. You can self host or host through them, its open source as well.
We tried SAManage (they have a free trial) but it was just too much for our needs, it also didn't allow us to do one or two specific things that our executives wanted.
I send my minions around and do the sorry work. Then they make sure everything in is accurate.
So student workers plus snipeit.
Note. I'm also doing IT management.
You work for a school district but they clearly don't care about their equipment if they're not willing to provide you with a budget to setup a proper hosted Asset Management solution for their assets...
Don't use something hosted on a single iPad, computer, or server - you need a system accessible from anywhere by anyone with access (in the event that you quit) which also supports redundancy. is what I recommend for free options, but if the school suddenly realizes they might actually have a wee budget to do this properly, there are other options out there.
Get a good 3/4 drawer filing cabinet. Of course, I've really started to change my thinking in the last 10 years that almost everything I want should be stored digitally (why keep discs), but for personal/sentimental items, and for essential paperwork you need the physical paper documents.
Get regular file folders and separators. Categorize by broad category, alphabetize, and then if you need more, by date. For the personal stuff, keeping it in photo albums and/or small archive boxes is the way to go... those can go in the filing cabinet too, if there's room.
All of these need to be scanned and kept digitally too. While you'd be upset if you lost the originals (and while officials might not like them if you needed the paperwork), the digital copies are better than nothing.
> Linking objects to computer files. For example, I have a scanned copy of the manual that came with my dishwasher. It would be neat to have an ID I could put in the file name.
Check the lower lefthand corner of that manual (front cover, or maybe every page, tends to vary). There's an internal document id that the manufacturer uses in their own document management system. Also, rarely a need to scan except for old stuff. Anything made post-year-2000 tends to be available as a digital pdf, and you only need to google that id number to find it usually.
Also, you need to check into inventory management for some of your stuff. There are software packages that do this stuff, they ask about them on r/selfhosted every few weeks. Something like maybe.
>Create a list of computers that I have
>Create a list of software that I have (license management I don't care about too much, but I wouldn't mind it).
>Be able to assign software to a computer (multiple computers)
>Bonus points if it can import a CSV/Excel
>Custom Field support would totally rock my body, by the way.
Hi! I'm finishing up my 2 weeks at a university, but I revamped our naming convention with good feedback from the team. I'm in charge of workstations campus wide, we have about 700 endpoints.
We frequently had computers be transferred to different departments, or employees moving buildings, so what I came up with is agnostic of building, department, or user. All of that information is stored in our asset tracking system, Snipe-IT.
The computer name / asset tag we use is: 3 letter abbreviation for device (DSK - Desktop, LAP - Laptop, etc) 2 digit year the computer was purchased (19 for 2019) 3 digit unique identifier (start at 001 and increment until the next year).
I'm obviously biased as the creator, but I'm very happy with it. Computers never need to be renamed; once they get an asset tag, they will have the same name until recycled. Info in Snipe-IT tracks all of the other info that changes, like user, department, and location.
SCCM is our heart and soul but we also use the free tool SnipeIT to track physical inventory check in and check out and have done some scripting to link information from SCCM to SnipeIT. SnipeIT can be found here:
I, uh... what? ...are you and I looking at the same website? Did I post the wrong link? Where are you seeing typos? What looks weird to you?
I've been following this project from day one and I think their website looks just as good as any other project of similar size, like Snipe-IT or Mattermost. Do you consider those projects to look unprofessional as well?
Used SnipeIT up until recently, set up was easy. We did it with a CentOS VM and used LDAP for authentication.
Users could request equipment, we could track licenses/warranties.
As of May 2017 there was no ability to develop a plugin. As far as I know there is no automatic polling however I do see they have a REST API. I took a quick look at their site ( but didn't see anything stating it had that capability BUT I COULD BE WRONG PLEASE CORRECT ME!
We use Snipe-IT but as a manual / static application where you need to put in software and hardware as there is no automatic polling. Right now we use OpenAUDIT + Spiceworks right now for polling/inventory (PRTG/Observium for network stats).
SnipeIT is free, open-source and does asset tracking along with barcode printing (though there's no mobile app, but the website is Laravel-based and works pretty well on phones and tablets).
I don’t have any real experience with this, but check this out.
Looks pretty good, you can generate asset numbers and barcodes/qr codes to scan with a scanner or phone and tag items as out for repair etc. I’ve never used it but looks pretty good.
Did you ever find anything? I'm currently looking for the same thing and the closest I have found to what I want is, which is completely overkill for what I want to do but I'm wondering if I can get away with disabling a lot of the attributes (like check-in / check-out) and simplify it to do what I want.
Really for how little I'll end up having I'm still considering just spreadsheeting it.
Depending on your IT skills, have a look at a website called Snipe it
Its a free open license if you know how to do some of the stuff otherwise you can pay someone else to host it for you.
Opsview Atom for network monitoring
Snipe-IT for asset management/inventory
osTicket for helpdesk
All virtualized on a single physical host.
I have several other recommendations but this seems to work best for most people. A free amazon ec2 instance can host this without issue.
If you wanted to share some basic requirements I'd have no problem referring you to some other solutions.
I managed to find this: Basically seems to be exactly what I'm looking for with extra functionality. Since it's all about asset management and not trying to monitor or give me a helpdesk or other junk (Spiceworks style) it'll have to do. Some customers might want to hide the unwanted functions but since it's open source that should be possible. It also runs on linux and even supports nginx so seems like a winner for now. Just got to test.
I too have used snipe-it. I am not sure it has the print out the page and sign it functionality, but does inventory management pretty well. It is also use for keeping tract of sign-out and return functionality with who has it and when it was checked out.
I've been looking at Snipe-IT for this purpose. It's lacking a couple of things that I want, but I may fork it, add the changes, and submit. We'll see what happens.
It does a bit ore than just licenses. And it's great that I can assign licenses to individual users and then report on that.
FreshService's asset management is managed by a network discovery process. As far as I'm aware, it is intended to track network devices for association with a ticket. If you are looking to do QR code type inventory of hardware, I don't believe it does that. We use Snipe IT for that internally which has a paid cloud model or open source on prem that runs on a LAMP server.
What are the goals for the asset management solution? What are you trying to do with it?
You could try Snipe which tracks physical items, licenses, allows for check in/out, tracks consumables, allows for template asset models, etc.