Plex. Life changing for me. Made my TV sat connection redundant. It runs a media server on your pc/mac, organizes all TV shows according to seasons, downloads subs automatically and supports playlists/resuming. Even allows casting to Android devices or other computers.
I setup an old desktop with Sonarr to download shows automaticall. I ran my main Plex server on it which organizes these new downloads. This makes for a near automated system for getting HD quality shows and movies, and watching then on my TV, phone or other laptops.
Edit: Added Links
> kuskilt torrentsaidilt tõmmata ja siis ise jamada
Selle vastu aitab kodupruulitud Netflix. Vanem arvuti või uuem miniarvuti + Sonarr torrente otsima + Transmission torrente alla laadima + Kodi neid näitama.
Sonarisse tuleb sisestada sarjad, mida alla laadida. Sonarr otsib neid perioodiliselt, valib välja eelistatud kvaliteediga failid, laeb need Transmissioni abiga alla ja pärast allalaadimist sorteerib/nimetab ümber ning teavitab sellest Kodit, mis töötab meediakeskusena fancy'de menüüde ja muu sellisega.
Pärast ühekordset ülesseadmist ei pea aju enam üldse liigutama. Robotid teevad kogu töö ära - nagu peabki olema.
It's not rocket science; it is literally just basic Unix permissions.
I'll assume Ubuntu
And it appears you failed to read the instructions
> During the installation, you will be asked which user and group Sonarr must run as. It's important to choose these correctly to avoid permission issues with your media files. We suggest you keep at least the group name identical between your download client(s) and Sonarr. If you need to correct these after installation, please run dpkg-reconfigure sonarr. See debconf for more information.
Also you don't tell sonarr where anything is downloaded; it gets that information from the download client's API
Check out
Just Debian (open media vault) running a download client or two.
You can use newsgroups or torrents.
*I pay for Netflix, Prime and the TV license for the BBC. That seems like too many services already hence the downloads.
This is why even though I have a Netflix subscription, I still watch almost all Netflix content by pirating it. It's trivially easy to get new content with the right software setup, it always has the maximum possible quality and, no BS usage restrictions and allows me to use my favorite viewing software.
Sonarr macht's noch einen Tick komfortabler, zumindest wenn man Usenet (oder auch Torrents) nutzt. Einfach die gewünschten Serien und Qualität angeben und Download/Sortierung funktioniert automatisch.
> but everything I have come across is out of date and the sites listed are no longer available. Is this even possible?
That doesn't sound like a proper RSS feed. RSS only lists new things as they come in, how are you pulling down items that are out of date & sites that no longer exist? My guess is you're using a bad RSS provider.
In general RSS will be good for this though you might want to practice your REGEX if you want to do it right. uT's own RSS filter isn't too bad either. A lot of people seem to use sites like for this but technically you could just pull a RSS directly from KAT or another torrent site & filter it down to what you want to download.
Also check out Sonarr & Sickrage (see /r/sonarr & /r/sickrage), they make this much easier. Might also be worth checking out /r/cordcutters, lots of the people there have setups to replace their DVRs (automated setups using Sonarr, etc. are popular there).
Ik gebruik Sonar (a.k.a NZBDrone) metCouchpotato en SABNZBD. Ik gebruik zelf DogNZB, maar die zijn spaarzaam met de invites. Je kunt even op Reddit zoeken, meestal heeft iemand nog wel een invite of weet hoe je moet registreren.
Ik draai een custom installatie van Ubuntu op een Intel NUC. Downloaden, indexen, streamen en opslag allemaal handig in 1 apparaat.
If you want to, you can install Sonarr. It can organize your library and show you which episodes you have and don't.
By the way, It's main purpose is to automatically download shows from other sites, but you can not use that.
basic ownership and permissions and a lack of reading the installation instructions.
Sonarr by default - unless you change it when prompted at install - runs as user/group sonarr
the user sonarr has no access to your user's home directory.
This program is to automatically download TV shows.
Just add all the TV shows you watch and it will fetch the torrent of latest episode of the quality of your choice, add it to your torrent client, move it to the folder of your choice when downloaded, rename it to format of your choice.
Add Plex in the mix and basically you have your own Netflix.
Setup guide
ça me gène pas trop dans le sens ou j'utilise sonarr qui lance lui même les download sans que j'ai rien à faire dès que l'épisode sort.
Mais hier il m'a DL deux saisons de Rick&Morty bien packées
Seriously though, make the change to Deluge. I used to be a uTorrent user for like 4-6 years and just changed a little bit ago. It was worth it. It seems to be what uTorrent was. It's simple with extra features if you want them. I currently have Sonarr running Deluge with ExtractNow making it ready. The Deluge internal Extract plugin isn't currently working properly.
You're not likely to find any releases with ads, people revolt with pickforks when something isn't properly edited.
If you want to automate, has a Mac client. Far better than rss feeds.
I have been using Sonarr (formerly NZBDrone) for a while and it has handled everything I've thrown at is so far. I would look into that as it can automatically track episodes, search your indexer (you mentioned TPB and Kickass and I know it has support for Kickass along with other private trackers) send tv torrents to your specified torrent client and once they're done it will copy the episode to your "tv" folder and rename the episode with your provided naming scheme.
I had been handling all my TV shows manually up until I built a server and setup Sonarr. Once you've set everything up it works perfectly. I have it setup to track 72 TV series right now, there's a calendar that shows upcoming releases and it sends me an email whenever it's snatched an episode.
Have a look at Load up your favourite shows and it will populate a guide as to when the shows will come out. If you want to take it further it will also automatically download said shows into their own directories... It's like an integrated Sickbeard, Cheetah, TheRenamer concept. Looks nice to me but haven't spent any time trying it out myself.
Well sonarr just automates the process of downloading torrents using sites like TPB rarbg kickass etc as RSS feeds . Once it's setup it's so easy and just works no need to visit shady sites and you can set it up to get the desired quality and resolution you want and import it into jellyfin or Plex
Try making a backup (just to be safe), then change :preview to :develop or :latest. If you check their docs, it says that preview is depreciated now:
Based on Sonarr docs, it should convert the database from v2 to v3 on startup:
Don’t know who you’re talking about but it’s documented on the front page of sonarrs site. Using 2 file systems in the arrs is not intended. Names aren’t arbitrary when they force you to hard copy and paste when a single file system gives you hardlinks.
sounds like it's it not running then, but you're not supposed to edit the service file
> During the installation, you will be asked which user and group Sonarr must run as. It's important to choose these correctly to avoid permission issues with your media files. We suggest you keep at least the group name identical between your download client(s) and Sonarr. If you need to correct these after installation, please run dpkg-reconfigure sonarr. See debconf for more information.>
Ainakin laitevalintojen puolelta joo, tekniset ohjelmistojen asennus ohjeet löytää netistä aika helposti kun hakee vaan palvelun nimellä.
VPN laitteena toimii raspberry pi 4, jossa on PoE HAT että saan virrat suoraan omasta PoE kytkimestä, joten tuo ei ole välttämätön. VPN ohjelma itsessään on PiVPN joka on toteutettu wireguardilla omassa tapauksessa.
NAS on vaan joku linux kone (itellä linux mint) jossa pyörii SMB palvelin. Tämän stepin pystyy niputtamaan tuohon raspberryyn, jos haluaa käyttää USB SATA adapteria johonkin useamman teran kovalevyyn, tai halvemmassa setupissa muistitikulle.
Verkkolaitteina on teltonika RUT240 mobiilireititin bridge/passthrough modessa ubiquitin edgerouterX reitittimeen, josta taas on tarvittavat port forwardit oikeisiin osoitteisiin.
Mun setupissa tuolla raspberryllä on seassa myös pihole DNS filter/adblocker ja unifi network controller. Linux koneella taas pyörii utorrent serveri joka latailee automaattisesti sarjoja kun sonarr huomaa että uusia jaksoja on tullut. Samaan syssyyn on tietty myös Plex palvelin, koska miksi muuten noita latailisi. Vähänväliä siellä pyörii myös modattu minecraft palvelinkin jolla pelailen omissa oloissa.
v2 -> v3 you should backup before upgrading... from the official documentation
>Sonarr v2 migration Sonarr v3 will automatically convert the existing Sonarr v2 installation. Sonarr v2 stored it's database in C:\ProgramData\NzbDrone, which will be automatically converted to C:\ProgramData\Sonarr. It's advisable to make a backup of the v2 data first.
for v3 to go from service to tray, I'm pretty sure you can just disable the service and then set the tray app to start on startup, no reinstall needed (may be wrong on that)
So question for OP:
Are you not using hardlinks on your sonarr/radarr install?
Having a /downloads and /media share kinda defeats one of the biggest features of sonarr and radarr; which is hardlinks. Having docker point to different shares will look like 2 file systems and break hardlinks and make moves really slow and bog down the *arr's.
The right way to set up this would be below:
data(share name)
├── torrents (or downloads)
│ ├── movies
│ ├── music
│ └── tv
├── usenet
│ ├── movies
│ ├── music
│ └── tv
├── media
│ ├── movies
│ ├── music
│ └── tv
Good writeups about this:
Correct. You need everything to tier under the same share. Having them on the same disk doesnt matter for docker. Docker doesn't see the disks for unraid. It see's what you mapped in your config. Take a look at the common pitfalls section from sonarr q/a:
> But to summarize: The best solution is to use a single, common volume inside the containers, such as /data. Your TV shows would be in /data/TV, torrents in /data/downloads/torrents and/or usenet downloads in /data/downloads/usenet.
Use hardlinks to rename your files with Sonarr. You will be able to seed and have the correct naming at the same time.
Hi. To delay the sonarr service startup a bit you need to go into your services settings and set up to delayed following these steps:
Win + R
(to get the run dialog)services.msc
and press enterautomatic
to automatic (delayed start)
To upgrade to v3 is simple, the installer migrates everything for you. follow the simple steps here
The Sonarr team does not offer an official Docker image. However, a number of third parties have created and maintain their own.
These instructions provide generic guidance that should apply to any Sonarr Docker image.
So that's a no :(
The download page says it should work, but won't be supported much longer. And XP is right out. Maybe give it a try and when it stops working, just +3 your Windows and join us in the modern era? :)
I think is the better source now.
The best way to do it probably depends on how you installed it. On Arch Linux, we have the sonarr-phantom
package you can use.
media elch or tiny media manager work good, but I'm loving Sonarr - you don't have to use the downloading section of it if you don't want. It works great for renaming, fetching images, creating nfos (if you want) and updating kodi. It even has a calendar that lets you see when your shows are going to be on so you don't miss any.
That's perfect. That will make things much easier. I would setup sonarr first, then radarr, and then jackett (if needed). Open the web ui and get those settings situated to your liking. Sonarr has a great setup guide:
Once you have sonarr and radarr setup and actually working, go ahead and setup ombi (I recommend v3). In order to get it talking to radarr in sonarr, open the web ui and fill in the TV show/Movie settings for your sonarr/radarr instances.
If you need more specific instructions, please let me know! Also, if that's the case, it would help to know your OS as well :)
If you have an Apple TV 4 or the new 4K version, you can get one of these ans hook it up to your router. Download the VLC app for free, and it will show up as a DLNA server so you can access it directly.
Then, if you have a decently-powerful computer, you can download Plex and use its DVR feature to record the shows your OTA antenna is bringing in.
And while you're at it with Plex, you can also download [Sonarr]) so that you can 'acquire' shows you want that are not available OTA in Calgary. It integrates with Plex very well. It can be a little tricky to set up, but with a medium-level of technical know-how you should be able to get it up and running.
Once you've got these two things set up, you're off to the races and won't miss cable one bit.
Sonarr is basically a program that downloads tv shows automatically. You tell it the quality you want, and it'll download new episodes as soon as they're available, will rename them, then place them into a folder where plex can scan them.
You need to jump through a few extra hoops to get it to work with torrents as it's primarily designed for newsgroups, but the end result is well worth it.
You just search for the shows that you like, tell it the quality you want them in, and then it downloads them when they are released, puts them in the correct folder, and renames them to a standard format. I also have mine setup to notify my Plex server so it's ready to watch from anywhere on the planet with an internet connection for me, and it also sends a notification to my phone when it's ready to watch.
It is literally the most convenient form of piracy I've ever used. I don't think there will ever be a paid service that is this convenient.
There is also couchpotato that does the same thing for movies, but I can't get it to work right with torrents.
I use Sonarr for my tv shows. They have an option to use an iCal to see what shows are on and when. So I made a workflow that will show me what's on "tonight". What's on TV Tonight? I'm positive the workflow is way longer than it needs to be, but it does work. Max of 4 shows will be shown, but that can be increased.
IMHO Netflix via VPN isn't great because;
1) Theres a fair bit of overhead (and congestion on international routes) which makes Netflix via VPN much slower than your normal connection.
2) The best Netflix region is USA, and getting a US VPN kinda removes all of the privacy benefits.
If you were the kind of person who wanted to Netflix via VPN, (thereby infringing on copyright law/rules) you could have a look at Popcorn Time or Peerflix Server both of which use Torrents to provide a Netflix-like (streamed) experience - and have all the content in all the regions..
This combined with a private torrent tracker or usenet service is ideal.
Another option is Sonarr which once installed/configured (on an old pc or NAS), will automagically get your next TV/Movie episode for you as soon as its released (or so I've been told)
Well, it's sort of community law to not talk about it, but I use usenet for all my downloads. It's a bit harder barrier to entry (you need a good release tracker and one or two providers), but you're only ever downloading, so it's grey-area legal for Canada, and you can ssh so no one would likely be able to prove what you downloaded in court anyways.
But aside from the legality question, usenet is really nice and easy to automate. Sonarr is a great program that will auto organize/rename your tv shows, auto download new episodes and even gives you a calendar. There's similar programs from Movies and Music.
It's pretty simple once you know what you're doing, but still a lot more set up then a layperson would ever want, which is why i doubt it'll ever catch on as a popular way people pirate. And conversely why Kodi boxes are so popular and likely about to get some serious Robelus shade thrown their way.
Step 1: Get Sonarr
Step 2: Install Sonarr
BTW, this is very intentionally not that easy. Napster and Bittorrent got too much attention because any kid or moron could install them. The NZB method is very deliberately a little more difficult.
720p torrents normally pop up within an hour or two of the show ending. I use, a VPN (PIA), and Plex with auto-detection of changes. Shows are normally up on Plex an hour or two after each show ends.
And if you want something easy and guided, check out Sonarr.
I followed this guide, pretty straightforward way to get a pretty good result.
> you have me worried about the lack of kill-switch.
As you should be, I had a similar setup the VPN would disconnect and traffic would keep on flowing. This freaked me out needless to say.
> I just rebuilt Sickrage, too.
Check this out
> I had everything running on a Windows 7 VM but was getting terrible download speeds while connected to VPN.
I run with AES 256/SHA 256/RSA-4096 on the PIA client in a VM and maxed out my line. That's a shame it was your router, at least you figured it out. I'd also recommend connecting to a server that supports port forwarding that will help your speeds, unfortunately you'll need to change the port on your client unless PIA releases some sort of API.
Sickbeard has been abandoned by the developer as of December 2014. There are a few forks taking it over, but Sonarr does a number of things right that Sickbeard never did well (deleting failed USENET downloads and trying another release being the major feature). Further the UI is much nicer and works well on mobile devices.
I'd recommend looking into usenets and something like sonarr.
Downloads everything for you automatically as its released, no need to torrent anymore.
Didn't realise the login requirement. Here's the thread
> [Name] > Sonarr (NzbDrone) > > [Description] > Smart PVR for newsgroup and bittorrent users > > [Version] > Sonarr: Updating via web-intergface > QPKG: 150111 > > [Resource] > > > [Dependencies] > Depends on Mono > Install Mono from Qpkg > sqlite3 > mediainfo > > [Download] > Sonarr QPKG:]Download Sonarr V150111 qpkg for all QNAP series > > [Remarks] > thanks to MrK for al his work! i only repacked it in the new Sonarr version. > > The package itself works on ARM and x86 but NzbDrone needs sqlite compiled with SQLITE_ENABLE_COLUMN_METADATA or it won't even start. And it will need libmediainfo to get info from already download files. And it will need Mono of course. > All the above is met by the above mentioned Mono for ARM package but I don't know if that's true for the official 2.11 version (I guess not). > > If you run it on QNAP ARM: After installing or enabling it give it a minute or two. It will max you your CPU while starting.
I have a TS-469L... is sqlite3 and mediainfo already there? Or will I need to install these manually too?
Sonarr :
Primarily for usenet but now supports torrents. Works great.
Either that or Show RSS :
Create an rss of what you want and put it in your torrent client.
I just set up an internetdvr called Sonarr. You basically subscribe to a TV show and it checks every 10 minutes for new episodes, fetches all the old episodes, and can notify Plex/XBMC to update your library.
It takes a bit to get set up, but truly once it is set up it becomes a TiVo replacement.
> It was a command line installation, so there was no walk thru.
Either you didn't follow the official instructions and followed some random third party guide that's not supported or you blindly bashed your keyboard. Upon install you are prompted for what user and then what group to run sonarr as. the instructions also specifies how to change that as well
Scroll down to install windows.
Run the installer.
Browse to the webpage
Once logged in I can help with Sonarr to plex connections.
Do you have a download client for Sonarr to link to. I’ve used transmission and deluge
Not sure I follow. Let’s pick an example like sonarr which tracks TV shows. You have the files to create the container, ostensibly docker-compose.yaml. Inside of that file may be some configuration settings for the service, but there are many others that you configure using the service’s GUI. My docker-config services often have a /config
volume mapping, which usually maps to a directory named for that service in the appropriate “stack”. In this case ‘\home\titties\stacks\media\sonarr\config`. In most cases all the data the service uses would be either in the config volume or a volume on the same level.
Now if I want to backup the files needed to create the service, using git to track docker-compose.yaml would suffice. But if I wanted to track any settings I made thru the GUI, I would have to explicitly add those to git. But what I wouldn’t want to track thru git would be actual data. Since sonarr tracks TV show listings, if I added M*A*S*H* as a show, that listing would be added to sonarr’s database which would probably reside somewhere in the /config
volume. You see where my confusion lies? There’s files for creating the container, files for container customization, and then files for container data.
They're definitely doing an amazing job. Easily one of the best open source projects that I've worked with.
Since I'm commenting anyway: small reminder that the devs do accept donations to help recover some of the costs they make. If you or anyone else reading this feel like it's worth it and if you have the means, please consider donating.
I'm assuming you've installed it directly and aren't using docker? If so can you confirm you followed these steps as the version you have installed is old.:
Looking at your logs it is epic failing and crashing out, so not actually running. You might want to try uninstalling it and reinstalling it.
Check out Sonarr if you want to automate the process. With a little bit of setting up you can have it automatically search for, download, and organize whole seasons of shows with only a few steps. I'm always having to download soaps and daytime dramas for family as well and it usually saves me a lot of time. Avoid common pitfalls?
i installed it on windows and jumped on the web interface simple as that.
i bet you find tons of stuff just typing in "sonarr docker" or even "sonarr synology docker" on youtube for example.
If you are looking for something that tells you what you are missing give Sonarr a try. Very powerful tool that links to torrent sites and your torrent downloader with automatic search and monitoring of new shows etc....
(Assuming you are using Linux)
Make sure you are looking at Sonarr 3 . Practically identical install as Radarr.
Setup CIFS, and mount your nas shares in /media/whatever
I have Sonarr running out of an Ubuntu container right now, and the instructions this page links to (here's the link /u/stevie-tv 's page sends you to: are exactly what I used to get it up and running.
Has worked like a charm for about a year now.
Reporting back on this. I've upgrade my Sonarr container to the latest v3, did some testing and found that with SNORT enabled on my LAN interface, I'm not having the same issues I did with v2 around metadata. This is without whitelisting So, very cool. I'm going to keep monitoring, of course. Next test will be to enable SNORT on the WAN interface and see what breaks or needs whitelisting. Thanks for your help.
you probably did not read the install instructions
among other issues > Sonarr v2 ran under the System account, which has far too many privileges. Sonarr v3 runs under the Local Service account, and will not have access to user's home directories. This may lead to unexpected behavior when you're using a download client thats configured to download to your home directory. If this applies to you, please install Sonarr to run as system tray application instead.
> path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr: C:\Users(removed)\Downloads
Sonarr doesn't run under your user account, and does not have access to your user's personal directory. It also explicitly mentions that on the website twice.
Also, no Sonarr version, no qbit version. A bit more effort would be appreciated.
>Updating Sonarr v2 to v3 Sonarr v3 will automatically convert the existing Sonarr v2 installation. Sonarr v2 stored it's database in C:\ProgramData\NzbDrone, which will be automatically converted to C:\ProgramData\Sonarr. It's advisable to make a backup of the v2 data first. implied, but not explicit for the service, fair
edit, no reason to delete this post
Just be advised that intended usage of arr's are to be with hardlinks:
copy and delete freezes processes in v3 in sonarr and radarr. But if its working for now thats good!
I checked it out friday and tweaked it a bit.
This looking good?
I combined the 3 code sections (with emerge instructions).
Also added a "Package maintainers" to the top right coz I'm done with vague instructions with no specific maintainer I can contact :D
A few things:
(v3-stable) To determine the branch & version number for the latest in that particular release channel.You’re creating unnecessary I/O having it this way. Sonarr and radarr themselves recommend not doing it the way you currently have it. And your hardlinks don’t work.
Documentation is really the save all ;)
> Most Docker images suggest paths like /tv and /downloads. This causes slow moves and doesn't allow hard links because they are considered two different file systems inside the container. Some also recommend paths for the download client container that are different from the Sonarr container, like /torrents. The best solution is to use a single, common volume inside the containers, such as /data. Your TV shows would be in /data/TV, torrents in /data/downloads/torrents and/or usenet downloads in /data/downloads/usenet.
I would still look into having a single share for downloading and your media.
Structure looks like this:
Having a /downloads and /media share kinda defeats one of the biggest features of sonarr and radarr; which is hardlinks. Having docker point to different shares will look like 2 file systems and break hardlinks and make moves really slow and bog down the *arr's.
The right way to set up this would be below:
data(share name)
├── torrents (or downloads)
│ ├── movies
│ ├── music
│ └── tv
├── usenet
│ ├── movies
│ ├── music
│ └── tv
├── media
│ ├── movies
│ ├── music
│ └── tv
Good writeups about this:
> I still think youre misunderstanding the point of hardlinks. It's for sonarr/radarr system performance. Hard copys slow down sonarr and radarr and can miss finish downloads/index for new shows etc.
Have a good day.
Read the guide it tells you. TLDR: Sonarr and radarr aren’t really designed to be ran in docker. To get one of the main features to work (hardlinks) you need 1 file system on the docker side. So you need to use a single location that all containers see. (*arrs, and download client).
More explanation:
There won't be any automatic update from v2 -> v3. And right now, v3 is what I think most would call a release candidate. You can get it from the downloads section of the sonarr site.
I checked and it's still beta:
Mind you I find V3 to be stable for my own usage (I don't do anything complex though) but I also run it in Docker. I would roll back to the stable version
I did a 'sudo apt reinstall sonarr' after following the steps on the Debian download page ( Would that be the same thing?
The same error is still appearing after doing that though.
"A generic download is available for linux, but dependencies, installation and permissions will need to be done manually."
There's no read me or install because it hasen't been written. If your on an OS not listed, you'll need to figure it out yourself.
You can check the update logs to see if the update went right, and if not, why not.
I don't know where CentOS stuff is installed, but by default it's in ~/.config/Sonarr/UpdateLogs
The updater makes a backup in /tmp/sonarr_update
& /tmp/sonarr_backup
so that could be useful too for comparison purposes.
Finally, the website contains a link to the latest tar.gz. It'll be manual work to copy the right stuff and set permissions correctly. Note: You cannot just unzip it into the sonarr directory.
Note, I don't know how the CentOS package is installed and how it autostarts sonarr normally, we don't provide it.
Found the answer...
Download the latest version of Sonarr from
Extract the zip file into your target directory. Use a folder that Sonarr process would have write access to (DO NOT use C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86))
Run NzbDrone.exe once as administrator to register the port and URL with Windows (Required for remote access)
Manually start Sonarr by running Nzbdrone.exe or ServiceInstall.exe to install Sonarr as a Windows service. Open http://localhost:8989 in your browser
The port will be opened on the firewall (if enabled) for the private profile only, if you're connected to a domain or a public network the port will not be opened automatically, but can be done so manually.
I run Sonarr, just add the show and choose the quality preference and your done . It downloads each episode within hours, no hunting required, no visits to shady websites or pop-up gauntlets. Calendar page is awesome, shows what it available, what's missing and what is coming up in the next weeks....
This weeks 1080p version was ready to watch after 6 hours, lower res versions appear quicker. It relies on some decent indexers but Jackett provides those...
I know it's not the answer you're looking for but you're much better off using Sonarr for TV show management.
It works very well with both public and private trackers, rss feeds, usenet etc. and supports multiple torrent clients.
It's fairly easy to set up and highly customizable. Check out the r/sonarr if you have questions.
Is this the v2 version you are installing? I have v3 running on my Debian server and it went pretty flawlessly following the directions here (I did follow their mono and mediainfo directions):
They have a section for Ubuntu as well. You should not need to alter any of the perms/owner info for the mono directories or the service file. I do agree your problems are definitely permissions related. Maybe the sonarr application directory perms/owner needs to be redone? Not sure if this will help, but here's how my sonarr is set up:
Aside from that, no other changes were made when I installed sonarr. Maybe blow it away again and start from scratch using the above links?
You might want to look at Sonarr. It can search for entire seasons of a show and if they exist out there it will download the entire season as one download, if it exists out there. Otherwise it will search for every episode it can find and download them one file at a time.
Run Sonarr with a torrent client on a cheap VPS or seedbox. Automate checking/downloading of files to your home PC. It's easier than it sounds if you aren't afraid of computers.
Never actually spend time on a tracker website. It's worth it.
My indexer prefers Sonarr and since my SickChill has been down for days I decided to give it a try. Every solution I found had git commands, and since I've been using SickChill for years without it I saw no reason to change now. Not knocking SickChill, I used SickRage before it and SickBeard before that. And after all I didn't break it. The GUI of Sonarr is quite different but I think I managed to get it going without issue. Time will tell.
Edit for grammar.
All the TV we watch downloads to our NAS automatically (Sonarr manages ~13 TB of TV). The commercials are already stripped out so the runtime is usually 42 minutes or so. Compare that to 60 minute shows from 60s and 70s that were about 48-50 minutes of actual TV.
They charge more and give you less. No thanks. Cable-free since ~2003.
> Path for Sonarr /tv Path for Bazarr /tv > Path for Radarr /movies Path for Bazarr /movies
By the way, I recently learned when installing Sonarr v3 that it is better to avoid /tv
and /downloads
but prefer a /data/tv
and a /data/downloads
. Source in 1. Avoid common pitfalls
v3 is officially still in beta, but it's comparable in stability to our v2 develop branch, so a ton of ppl have already upgraded. But it won't auto upgrade since it has a couple of breaking changes, and the UI is completely redesigned.
It can be a very easy upgrade depending on the OS. The official download instructions are here (Make a backup of the v2 config, just in case)
Regarding the Anime:
It should've grabbed that episode but simply not import it yet.
What happens if you do a manual search for it? does it show up in the list without a rejection reason? If I search it it shows up normally, but I tested it only with AnimeTosho configured directly in Sonarr.
Are you using via Jackett?
Finally, set log level to debug/trace if you haven't already. Any release on the rss feeds should show up there and is an easy way to verify whether Sonarr saw it or not.
Allow me to introduce you to Sonarr.
Keeps track of all your shows for you, and automatically downloads new episodes as they get released. I also have it notify me on downloads of certain shows, pushbullet notifications to my phone and my personal discord, so I get told immediately when a new episode/season of something I want to watch is out.
I would just focus first on getting Sonarr installed and working. It's the biggest timesaver to me since dealing with tv series/episodes requires a lot more work than movies. I first started out by lurking in r/sonarr, learned some things, went to their website and GitHub site, and fairly quickly took the plunge. They also have a forum at their website and a discord channel. You can ddg for guides. So give it a shot. You'll need to enable the Web UI in qBT, and add qBT as a Download Client in sonarr. Their isn't much I found that explains how to do this, so if you have questions feel free to post back here in r/qBittorrent.
Be sure and note what u/Duffs1597 said above. I as well still add torrents manually and assign them to a sonarr category, but sonarr takes over from there. If you want subs, you can look at adding r/bazarr next. It's not quite as polished as sonarr, and has fewer settings, but does allow you to add multiple sub sources v. other things like filebot that only work with opensubtitles. I still haven't installed radarr for movies, but that's next on the list. I've seen that it's a little more difficult to setup than sonarr. Eventually, I want to install docker and run qBT, my vpn, sonarr, bazarr, etc. in docker containers so I can isolate using the vpn only for torrenting.
Setup either an [Emby]( or [Plex]( server and become you own Netflix for you and your friends. Where you get your content is up to you but installing Sonarr and the haugene/transmission-openvpn docker container might be an option...
Yes, should be automatic. From
> Sonarr v3 will automatically convert the existing Sonarr v2 installation. Sonarr v2 stored it's database in C:\ProgramData\NzbDrone
, which will be automatically converted to C:\ProgramData\Sonarr
. It's advisable to make a backup of the v2 data first.
Yes, it can do all of that. You should install V3 ( Its technically still in beta but its stable. Once you get it up and running its pretty self explanatory. There is a bulk import function where you point it at your library and it matches it to its database, similar to plex. If your library layout works with plex, sonarr will probably be able to work with it. Once everything is imported go to settings > media management > episode naming and change the settings to how you want it. Then series > mass editor and select all your shows and hit rename files. This will rename everything based on the settings you selected. Once you setup indexers and downloaders, sonarr will grab releases it finds in the rss feeds of the indexers. You can also manually make sonarr search for missing episodes.
Here's what I would do. Scrap it. Delete your install and follow the directions here.
It's a simple straight forward install. No messing with the config.xml. No mess no fuss. If you still have an issue, there's a system problem.
haHA! That fixed it! Literally just needed the beta. Weird, because I didn't think I had downloaded a beta; usually used homebrew or the main download link on Thanks!
Well, I'm currently on:
Mono Version4.6.2
AppData directory/Users/dubosefamily/.config/NzbDrone
Startup directory/Applications/
I don't know the previous version, but it is super weird I can't find the nzbdrone folder anywhere else. But when I downloaded, I definitely just went to and downloaded the latest from the github link, so I don't know why I would have reverted.
It might be worth using sonarr to guide you in terms of what and how you might want to do specific things, it does everything you described and more and even though its written in mono it can help you to reason things out.
Known issue on v3.0.1.363 (updater got broken), grab the download from and install.
Please note that the installer will reset the windows service settings (if you changed the user for example, you'll need to reapply that after install).
Sonarr is really useful for automatically downloading shows, both completed and airing, as episodes become available. It can download from nyaa using bittorrent and has a tag system so it only downloads from preferred groups. I use it for Plex and it helps save a bunch of time.
There you go, .348 is an 2 months old alpha version predating the memory fixes.
The beta install instructions are here for debian/ubuntu or docker. Please note that between the alpha and beta the apt repository changed. It's advisable to make a backup first.
What is the relationship between the v2 binaries on github which weren't updated for several months ( and the v3 software on the main website (
Either way, neither seem to fix my freezing issue which seems to be related to my mounted network shares. A version 1.5 years ago never had the issue though
Sorry, post removed. Not quite specific to usenet thus a bit broad for /r/Usenet. (Sonarr is a PVR application)
You might try a sub like /r/htpc, /r/selfhosted, /r/homeserver, /r/Sonarr, or Sonarr's forums/IRC/GitHub.