Try youtube-dl, or one of the frontends for it. Paste in the URL, set what quality video you'd like, and play the file once it's downloaded.
Can you elaborate on this? Are you referring to <code>youtube-dl-aria</code>, because that's appaerntly obsolete?
Or are you talking about aria2? And if so, how does that relate to YouTube downloading?
Plex. Life changing for me. Made my TV sat connection redundant. It runs a media server on your pc/mac, organizes all TV shows according to seasons, downloads subs automatically and supports playlists/resuming. Even allows casting to Android devices or other computers.
I setup an old desktop with Sonarr to download shows automaticall. I ran my main Plex server on it which organizes these new downloads. This makes for a near automated system for getting HD quality shows and movies, and watching then on my TV, phone or other laptops.
Edit: Added Links
Give aria2 a try. You can download a file from multiple sources protocols and connections at the same time. Eg. from both FTP and HTTP at the same time using multiple connections.
I use youtube-dl, the GUI version.
Lets me select multiple videos and queue them up for download, either as just audio or the full video in a multitude of filetypes.
My only gripe with it is that you can't download audio as .flac, aside from that it's perfect. In case you want to try it remember to check for updates inside the program.
FDM is a program that you can use to queue and schedule downloads. It supports both regular HTTP/FTP downloads and torrents. Everybody only uses it for regular downloads though and uses a dedicated torrent client for torrents.
if you want a more general solution to downloading reddit videos, you should get youtube-dlg. It'll pull the mp4 and the audio from the json and stitch them together.
I use the command line version so all I have to do is open my command prompt, type 'youtube-dl' and paste the url, and I get the video on my desktop. Perfect solution for sharing with friends. It's a bit harder to get to work than the GUI version to work though, since you have to make sure ffmpeg is installed and pathed correctly, and other things.
Always download your playlists (e.g. with youtube-dl-gui), search Youtube IDs in Google and Bing (Bing seems to cache longer), consider using NewPipe for Android (alternative YouTube client, can download videos, play in background, remembers video names and thumbnails ever after they were deleted).
About a month ago popular uploads of soundtracks of Need for Speed games were set to private. Previously, in December and January there was Touhou-apocalypse (many accounts uploading music arranges were banned, some had multiple videos over 1M views).
Jdownloader is the program to use. Downloads from almost every website out there and deals with interruptions very well. Use this ad-free installer:
It takes a bit of getting used to - this is a powerful piece of software with a ton of features. Make sure to read the documentation and a guide or two beforehand.
It is worth mentioning that some servers, especially certain file hosting services with optional premium subscriptions, do not allow free users to continue interrupted downloads. Jdownloader can not circumvent such restrictions, but very short interruptions are not going to end the download in many cases with this program, unlike with a web browser.
You should also consider switching over to Firefox. It's more efficient, has better working ad-blocking (Google made intentional changes to Chrome that made uBlock Origin significantly less effective) and is far superior in terms of privacy. It can also continue interrupted downloads far better than Chrome, although it's a manual process (you have to pause and continue downloads that appear "stuck").
i got you.
Sign up for a real debrid premium account-
Go into your add-on settings or tools (incursion for example)
Go to accounts and find real debrid. Select it. It will take you into your URLResolve tool automatically
Find real debrid in this section and authorize your account, it'll give you directions on screen.
Also get disciplined about saving every video you like. I just started using YTDL-GUI and it's boomer-easy to use. Works on every video site I've thrown at it so far.
I've only found one way to download the video properly and that's with Youtube DLG installed on a desktop. Reddit stores the video and audio separately so they have to be separately downloaded, rejoined, then uploaded somewhere else. A bot would be very expensive to run using that much bandwidth.
So I usually save a lot of posts from this sub, the other 2meirl42meirl and depression. Recently I lost all of them but I've managed to get most of them using ripme.
I'm still missing one which had some nice comments. It was a picture with some text suggesting they want to cuddle? I can't remember which sub exactly it was from, if someone finds that post link me pls.
PS: I was too shy to ask from my main account
Basically any add-on that scrapes sources is a good one as they all use the same meta data with slightly different scrapers of sources. Exodus is done like last year's xmas dinner. To get a Netflix feel, there are skins you can use for that. I don't have that myself, but others can give you more direction on that. You will need a premium service like which is less than $5 a month, but you can get shows from ALL the streaming services in HD.
Sure. cracks knuckles
First thing is you have to install the Real-Debrid Addon for Kodi. It's a google search away ;)
Now open your favorite torrent site, we'll use piratebay for example.
Now search for your favorite movie, we'll use blade runner 2049 for example purposes. See that magnet icon under the first link ? Right click on that icon and copy it's url to your clipboard.
Now go to and paste your magnet url into the field on the right and click on convert.
This will make it so Real-Debrid will download the torrent for you.
Now open the Real-Debrid addon for Kodi, and click on "view torrents"
That's pretty much it, you can watch your torrents from there
RipMe is my preferred tool. Also supports imgur, GFY, and other popular image/video hosting sites. Jdownloader 2 works as well, but may be overkill for this purpose.
Right from real debrid's website:
You can use your account from any public IP address but you can't use your account from more than one public IP address at the same time.
If your devices are connected through the same router, they are getting only one public IP address and you can use as many devices you want.
If you want to use Real-Debrid from two different IP addresses at a time, you have to sign up and pay for two different accounts. (with a different username and a different email address)
If you want to disable or verify a previously allowed device you can do this right here: (you must be logged into your account)
Actually they are helping by not providing the search functionality.
Think about it. If a cached file could be found through search, then the owner companies would do that. Then force real-debrid to provide the list users who are downloading it. (Yes, they will do that. As described in their policy.).
> We may be required to disclose Users personal data in order to protect our legal rights or where disclosure of Users personal data's are required of us by the judicial authorities only when legal procedures are followed.
If you have used credit card to subscribe, it's super easy to find out where you are from. Once they find who downloaded these files, then the owner companies can sue you in your country. Do you really want that?
Go to
Sign up, choose your package.
You'll have a username and password.
Log out of terrariumtv
Log back in
In the menu of terrariumtv, go and log in to real debrid
When you choose what to watch, you will have links in green from real debrid, they load instant, no buffering. You're paying for own private server. And you won't look back.
If you're not aware of the tool ripme yet, I can highly recommend getting it. It supports erome.
The download link is a bit below, but here's a link to the latest release.
Download the ripme.jar file and just run that. It's pretty self explanatory from there.
Youtube-DL is incredibly useful for people who like watching Youtube videos. You can download them so you can watch them later on your computer in case Youtube takes down a channel you really like. There's a GUI version for people who don't like command-line terminals.
For steamunlocked it is a good idea to use a download manager for increased speeds, try jdownloader: it usually offers increased speeds over the browser's download manager. The torrent client recommended by r/piracy is qbittorrent > signup top right of page > fill out form > go to premium offers tab > pay for premium days using the options listed or use a reseller below the default options
That makes no sense that Vodafone is doing that! is just one more social network like many others!
About the use of VPN with Real Debrid I had the same problem as you did. What you can do is first go here: and you’ll find a list of white listed VPNs. If your VPN is on that list but it’s still being blocked it might be because they have a new server that needs to be added to that white list. In order to do that go here: and send them a request with proof that IP address you’re using is from a VPN and they’ll added and you’ll be free to do everything you want.
Hope it helps in the meantime while you’re looking for a better solution.
Yep, a lot of Kodi users think Real-Debrid is just for use with streaming addons, but actually R-D doesn't support Kodi add-ons at all. The service is really a way to access file lockers and download torrents from the web site. The addons using R-D are actually hacks and behind the scenes they talk to the R-D site as if they are doing it manually.
To download a torrent with R-D go to and paste in the magnet link or upload the .torrent file and then just go do something else and let R-D retrieve the file for you. You are allowed up to 25 concurrently active torrents at a time. After it's done click on the box next to the completed file and you are taken to the download page and given the choice to download or view the file, but this time it is coming from the R-D servers as a direct download. Like I said, it has been ages since I fired up a dedicated torrent client. R-D is just easier, quicker, and safer.
It has an option to modify the peer id prefix, and there isn't anywhere close to enough demand/interest to outweigh that.
I think the easiest way would be not to use Firefox in this case. Instead you probably should use wget, a Unix/Linux tool that's also available for Windows.
It's the tool of choice used by the people over at /r/opendirectories to download files while preserving the folder structure. Easy tutorials on how to install and use wget are available there, and they're definitely able to help you should the need arise.
I just tried it and it doesn't appear to function, you'd probably have to request it, but somehow I don't think it's going to be a priority.
Youtube-dl if you can stand the commandline. Preferably on linux for the ffmpeg support and automatic re-muxing.
Youtube-DLG if you need a GUI on Windows.
I even have a script setup that automatically downloads any videos I've liked every week using youtube-dl.
Have you tried doing a speed test from the premiumize and real debrid websites. You may need to change CDN's to get best speed.
Can't thank you enough Jacanuck basically my VPN is a "Non Cooperative" VPN so some links work and some don't, just went through
Checked all my links and sure enough some weren't working so I've adjusted and it seems ok now, once again many thanks much appreciated.
rTorrent / Transmission / Deluge are the ones you'd be looking at.
Alternatively you could look at something like Aria2, I wouldn't call it a torrent client specifically (really more of a multi downloader) but it does handle torrent duties well & is purely CLI like rTorrent.
jDownloader und pyLoad haben z.B. Web-Interfaces. Ersteres ist aber heftigste Bloatware, pyLoad wird meines Wissens nach schon 'ne Weile nicht mehr weiterentwickelt.
Daher empfehle ich aria2 mit Webui-aria2.
Alternativ auch einfach per ssh auf den Rechner einloggen und mit cURL oder Wget arbeiten.
Use a download manager (I use IDM) it catches the stream and resolves it as a downloadable file from within the browser. Example from IDM homepage
You need to alter the options you're using a bit. You need to turn on recursive downloading (-r) for a start. Also, most of the pictures on the subreddit aren't actually hosted on, so you'll need to use options for Spanning Hosts. I'm sure other people can finetune your command usage more precisely...
Also keep in mind that wget is mostly designed for sites with relatively simple, static designs - sites like Reddit can pose problems whether or not your wget usage is correct.
I'm certain there's a way to do it with Powershell (since you can do damn near anything with enough code), but choose the right tool for the job.
wget has a built-in switch to mirror a website/URL, including following links & retrieving images. Minimal additional scripting needed.
I love the concept, and thank you for sharing this!
I use something similar for batches of images called, RipMe:
RipMe is a Java (.jar) app that supports clipboard monitoring. You should take a look at the code for ideas on URL validation. It seems to me that you are on your way toward making a video downloading version of that app.
Note: RipMe CAN download videos, but it does not give you the control that youtube-dl does. A similar app (particularly with clipboard monitoring) that was specific to youtube-dl would be awesome. I'm no Java dev, but I'd be happy to help you out with ideas and testing.
>go to the release page
>download and run the .jar file under the latest release
You should be able to double click it in windows once java's installed, if not the command line is
java -jar /path/to/where/you/saved/the/jar/file/ripme.jar
once it's open it's fairly straight-forward - paste the url (it can even catch urls from the clipboard), set the destination directory and click "Rip". There are bells an whistles, take some time to have a look at the settings.
And enjoy your tame no-nipples tumblr pr0n!
You can use the config option history.end_rip_after_already_seen = X
. It will cause ripme to end the rip after it finds X urls that where already downloaded
It's not rocket science; it is literally just basic Unix permissions.
I'll assume Ubuntu
And it appears you failed to read the instructions
> During the installation, you will be asked which user and group Sonarr must run as. It's important to choose these correctly to avoid permission issues with your media files. We suggest you keep at least the group name identical between your download client(s) and Sonarr. If you need to correct these after installation, please run dpkg-reconfigure sonarr. See debconf for more information.
Also you don't tell sonarr where anything is downloaded; it gets that information from the download client's API
Check out
Just Debian (open media vault) running a download client or two.
You can use newsgroups or torrents.
*I pay for Netflix, Prime and the TV license for the BBC. That seems like too many services already hence the downloads.
Sonarr macht's noch einen Tick komfortabler, zumindest wenn man Usenet (oder auch Torrents) nutzt. Einfach die gewünschten Serien und Qualität angeben und Download/Sortierung funktioniert automatisch.
Download the video before it gets taken down by Tamaki.
YouTube DLG is a great option if you're using Windows or Linux, but there are hundreds of other options as well, use whichever one you prefer.
You should really consider youtube-dlg
It's a graphical frontend for youtube-dl which is a commandline program.
Sure it's not as easy as a chrome extension but you can download from a tonne of sites:
it's free, open-source, fast and provides a load of options for downloading - just make sure to hit update at least the first run + every other week - it pulls down the youtube-dl python code from github.
If you try to download the files, you'll get this message:
>total size of requested files (52 GB) is too large for zip-on-the-fly
What you need to do is download a program called JDownloader here. Install the program and open it. Click on "Add new links" and paste a link to the page linked in this post. Once that's done, you can click on the browse button to change what location the videos will download to. (You can skip this step if you're ok with the default download location.) After that, right-click on the entry called "ScottTheWoz" and click "Start downloads" All of the videos should download normally.
Free links hardly exist anymore and if they do they are generally shit quality or buffer s ton.
Make an account and purchase a period of time (start small, probably a month to test, it's like $3)
Then go into an addon that supports real debrid and find in the settings where you can authorize real-debrid. Follow the settings on screen and you should have the account authorized and a ton of working links
Go here and delete all X
Then in Seren, Tools, Wipe Addon Data, after restart Kodi and setup your Real-debrid in Seren. Also for other addons and apps Authorize Resolvers
I use Real Debrid on Kodi. I went to this site to purchase it . It's relatively cheap. when it's working (which for me is about 80% of the time) with placenta. the links it provides stream way more reliably and don't cut out when you have a good internet connection like the free links do. I personally think it's worth it if you watch a lot of movies/tv
An example of a premium service is Real-Debrid ( )
When you subscribe to their service, you gain access to files they or their users have already cached or downloaded (or torrented), directly. Without mention of Kodi, when using RD, I can download via HTTPS a file from them that I normally would have torrented, and it maxes our my internet connection (so I get it VERY fast). In the event that one of their users hasn't already downloaded it, I can tell RD to download the torrent for me, and once its ready download direct to my PC, such that my own personal network connection and computer is not actually doing any of the torrenting, which is advantageous for users who might be worried about torrenting in their location for policy or legal reasons.
Now let's consider Gaia and Kodi. Within Gaia, it searches these cached repositories if you enable access to your Real-Debrid or other premium services accounts. If it finds the movie/show you're looking to stream as a cached file (indicated by CACHED), it will immediately start streaming the file to you from that premium service, which we know is capable of achieving max speed, so this is an excellent viewing experience (no buffering etc., even for super high quality files, even 4K).
By default, Gaia will show you NON cached torrents as well. If you have enabled RD via Gaia, and select a non cached torrent file (indicated by TORRENT), your RD account will be notified by KODI and will start to download the file on your behalf - and once finished, will stream to your Gaia / Kodi. Generally this isn't useful as it can take hours for a download to finish (or sometimes minutes). When this is the case, I only select a TORRENT vs CACHED stream if no cached streams of the quality I desire are available.
Hope that clears things up for you.
This is my own experience from using RD for 6 or 7 months on a LibreELEC based system, I often find after using a multi scrapping addon, such as Covenant or Death Streams after the links are listed, no matter how many links are listed the RD links wont play, BUT with going to, kodi has definitely resolved the links as I can see them there, just kodi wont play them, with other addons that don't scrape alot of sites at once, RD works fantastic, I don't know if this is a bug with URLResolver or LibreELEC
BUT the solution I've found is doing a reboot when this happens and using this addon to play any media that kodi has previously resolved with RD
I remember seeing some mega downloader that didn't have limits. I'll put a link of I'm able to find it.
Edit: I did fond something but I'm not sure if this is the one
(1) I think you know it, but with a premium account you can bypass the limit.
(2) I'm quoting from a group I'm in, but haven't tested the program yet:
>How to get around the mega file transfer limit for free:
It is a command line download manager. Let's you do 10 http sessions concurrently in a download, also supports torrents.
Mainly use it as an alternative to curl or wget.
ProTip- Use a download Manager. I use Free download Manager. It's way easier to manage downloads because you can turn off your PC and continue the download on next boot plus it's faster.
Here's a link
The site uses a header field, 'content-disposition', which when using a browser will download a file.
Luckily, wget has an experimental feature (wget docs) supporting that header type:
wget --content-disposition
Which will save the desired file to your current directory.
Use this:
Download albums from: * imgur
YouTube-DLG is a good program to grab any YouTube clip as and download it as any format, you can even download from other sites like SoundCloud and Crunchyroll.
YouTube-dl. If you're not familiar with anything coding related or don't care for advanced settings, just want to download some videos with ease, you could use YouTube-dl GUI instead, as it comes with a interface and is very easy to use.
You're better off using youtube-dl. If you are unfamiliar with the command line, you can use youtube-dlg (youtube-dl with a GUI).
For you non-command-line users out there (or if you're just lazy), there's a lightweight cross-platform program available for it called youtube-dlg (the g standing referring to GUI or Graphical User Interface). Located here:
You're welcome.
It is very simple actually. There is a tool called youtube-dl that makes it possible to download audio and video from a variety of websites.
BBC Radio is available worldwide so all you need is this tool to download.
GUI is also available for simplicity:
Let me know if you have any questions.
did you run the speedtest first?
if you have two [?] next to setting CDN Servers Selection, you'll need to do so, before it'll be unlocked
Most video add-ons will get you TV shows from any network and streaming service. TheOath has a Networks category and will pull free links. However, finding sources may be a problem. You will get the best results using a Debrid service like which is less than $5 a month. Just check out the Recommended Add-ons thread pinned at the top of the list of threads in this forum.
tror ett reddit-community finns på /r/kodiaddons
finns många addons att välja bland som alla egentligen gör samma sak (söker igenom fildelnings-sidor efter filmen/serien du är ute efter) men t.ex incursion tror jag den jag kör heter.
dessa addons kan du koppla till ett debrid konto, på så sätt får du tillgång till premium-konto på typ alla fildelarsidor och kan alltså komma åt fler filer + högre nedladdningshastighet. eftersom debrid tjänsten betalar för premiumkonton på alla dessa sidor (och via deras konton får du alltså access, automatiskt dock) så har dom löpande kostnader.
så man pyntar för den tjänsten, du kan ju prova utan först, det blir ju desamma utseende i kodi osv (baserat på vilket skin du kör, själv kör jag ett netflix lookalike) bara att du inte alltid får tillgång till HD filer och bra nedladdningshastigheter.
jag använder mig av men det finns många debrid-tjänster, kanske även finns billigare, har kört den ett tag och är för lat för att byta.
Rd is real-debrid. This is a dedicated service with lower traffic to links so you have less chance with buffering. Using non Rd links will increase your chances of buffering so it doesn't matter how fast your internet is. If you decide to purchase make sure you enable in the app.
Vlc is a free video player that you can install and use which I highly recommend. If you decide to use vlc make sure you enable in the app.
Are RD streams unwatchable or ALL streams?
The reason I ask is because when you request a stream through RD, it gets sent to their servers and they connect to the hoster and stream the file from their servers to you. If something happens and you cannot get a decent connection to their servers, that is your problem.
You can test this very easily.
Real-Debrid actually keeps a log of everything you have tried to watch with their service.
Go there in your browser and hit the video icon on a stream and see if it plays. If it does, you have eliminated their servers as the problem (you can further test this by grabbing the download link and looking at the rate of transfer). If it does not play on your computer, try to play it on your cell phone over your provider’s data connection as well as your personal WiFi. If it plays in both of those scenarios, your computer is the problem. If it plays on your wireless provider but not your WiFi, it is your ISP at fault - be it through peering or otherwise.
If your tests prove inconclusive or show that RD’s servers will not work with your ISP, you can ask /u/cody_premiumize for a trial of Premiumize. Premiumize has CDNs that you can choose which can help you with interconnection issues. Since you use Gaia, I would recommend Premiumize anyway. It’s a more expensive service but in many cases, you get what you pay for, and I have both RD and PM and what I’ve found is that lately RD has been a lot more problematic than PM, especially when it comes to torrent streaming in Gaia which PM handles with finesse.
It's pretty easy with do with internet download manager you just have to install it and the plugin for your browser and then a download button just appears on above the video. keep in mind it's a trail version for only 30 days
Ah. Then you will be way better off using FDM. Its free and open source, works fine in FF, and does all the thing IDM does (plus, it can also download torrents with magnet link support).
This question has come up repeatedly over the years. Long story short no there is no podcast and likely never will be, because it was filmed in the early days and there was generally no regard for visual references so sometimes there might be confusion if listening to only audio.
But, that doesn't mean there aren't solutions if you're undaunted by that. There is a free program called Youtube-DL that permits you to download and convert videos from youtube en-masse. This includes downloading an entire playlist and converted it into mp3 with a single command. The catch is that it has a bit of a learning curve depending on your computer. I use a lot of Linux so I'm perfectly happy to use the command line version. There is a GUI version for Windows machines though that's pretty straightforward. The program is open source and very well-maintained, and works on other websites besides youtube ;)
If you want to, you can install Sonarr. It can organize your library and show you which episodes you have and don't.
By the way, It's main purpose is to automatically download shows from other sites, but you can not use that.
Go to the contact page type in the searchbox 'account'. Click on "My account has not been credited after a Bitcoin / Ethereum payment". Create a ticket
I believe it's hosted on Amazon S3, infrastructure speed shouldn't be an issue there.
How are you downloading it? Use a program like Wget that provides a --continue
option so you don't need to redownload from the beginning if it fails.
This might help..found it here.
2.12 Recursive Accept/Reject Options
‘-A acclist --accept acclist’‘-R rejlist --reject rejlist’
Specify comma-separated lists of file name suffixes or patterns to accept or reject (see Types of Files). Note that if any of the wildcard characters, ‘’, ‘?’, ‘[’ or ‘]’, appear in an element of acclist orrejlist, it will be treated as a pattern, rather than a suffix. In this case, you have to enclose the pattern into quotes to prevent your shell from expanding it, like in ‘-A ".mp3"’ or ‘-A '*.mp3'’.
‘--accept-regex urlregex’‘--reject-regex urlregex’
Specify a regular expression to accept or reject the complete URL.
‘--regex-type regextype’
Specify the regular expression type. Possible types are ‘posix’ or ‘pcre’. Note that to be able to use ‘pcre’ type, wget has to be compiled with libpcre support.
you'd have to specify the directories in a list then. Either output all the directories you current have for the exclude option or the ones left for the include option
You could use wget or curl to POST data to a URL like speedtest does. Check out "--post-file" in the http options in the man page.
Download the latest jar from "releases".
There's no view of the progress of 1 file downloading, so when it lists the files it's downloading and then says "Downloading next page" and it seems to be just sitting there, you just need to wait. It's downloading those files in the background.
It's still uploading, but here's a link to the Google Drive folder (should be done in an hour or so).
Alternatively, you can use the wonderful RipMe utility.
EDIT: It's finished uploading, so Google Drive is an alternative now.
Im a noob. So i just have to translate the words in ?
Edit: I dont have Github but I translated the file as good as I could
Sometimes there's a download button at the bottom of the album off a little '...' menu. If that doesn't work, ripme is a java app that does the job nicely. There's a wiki on how to run it.
There's this tool made by a member of this subreddit, but it is unfinished and yet to be released. I don't know if there's an existing tool that can save text posts. Someone else will probably know if there is one.
If you want to download only the images posted on a subreddit then there's ripme
basic ownership and permissions and a lack of reading the installation instructions.
Sonarr by default - unless you change it when prompted at install - runs as user/group sonarr
the user sonarr has no access to your user's home directory.
This program is to automatically download TV shows.
Just add all the TV shows you watch and it will fetch the torrent of latest episode of the quality of your choice, add it to your torrent client, move it to the folder of your choice when downloaded, rename it to format of your choice.
Add Plex in the mix and basically you have your own Netflix.
Setup guide
ça me gène pas trop dans le sens ou j'utilise sonarr qui lance lui même les download sans que j'ai rien à faire dès que l'épisode sort.
Mais hier il m'a DL deux saisons de Rick&Morty bien packées
You're not likely to find any releases with ads, people revolt with pickforks when something isn't properly edited.
If you want to automate, has a Mac client. Far better than rss feeds.
I have been using Sonarr (formerly NZBDrone) for a while and it has handled everything I've thrown at is so far. I would look into that as it can automatically track episodes, search your indexer (you mentioned TPB and Kickass and I know it has support for Kickass along with other private trackers) send tv torrents to your specified torrent client and once they're done it will copy the episode to your "tv" folder and rename the episode with your provided naming scheme.
I had been handling all my TV shows manually up until I built a server and setup Sonarr. Once you've set everything up it works perfectly. I have it setup to track 72 TV series right now, there's a calendar that shows upcoming releases and it sends me an email whenever it's snatched an episode.
Have a look at Load up your favourite shows and it will populate a guide as to when the shows will come out. If you want to take it further it will also automatically download said shows into their own directories... It's like an integrated Sickbeard, Cheetah, TheRenamer concept. Looks nice to me but haven't spent any time trying it out myself.
Use youtube-dl, should mux things back into an mp4 for you. (Releases)
Or if the command line isn't your thing, use youtube-dl-gui.
I'm assuming Windows? You can just download the exe. It has python embedded in it, no need to set it up separately.
There's also youtube-dl-gui that you might want instead if you'd like a graphical interface.
I second this. Used to use 4videodownloader but made the switch to youtube-dl and divined it with an autohotkey script that grabs the url from my clipboard and downloads the video for it. Been very happy with it.
Also youtube-dlg is available for people that prefer a GUI.
Well if you have a dvd burner in your computer and a little bit computer savvy, you could make your own dvds.
>youtube-dl: a completely free tool to download audio, video, and playlists from websites like YouTube, Soundcloud, and Vimeo. No more ads, quality limit, first 20 files in a playlist restriction.
is the windows interface version, no command line needed.
it just gives it a nice interface.
Can just download like a playlist of music from youtube, and automatically convert it to mp3.
Could also offer, space sniffer, freeware as alternative to windirstat, its freeware, preference witch is better.
Youtube DLG. Lets you download audio and video from a metric butt tonne of websites, so long as it isn't DRM protected. Just paste in the link and hey presto, done. It was originally a program that you had to run in command line, but someone decided to make an executalbe version for those who can't wrap their head around it. I use it myself, really useful too.
It's also good for grabbing music from youtube too as it can download a whole playlist, and as far as I'm aware, has no limit (or at least a very high one) on the length of a video.
Just be sure to play around in the settings, namely to download at high quality and to add metadata to the file.
If you need help using it, feel free to ask. It shouldn't be too complicated though.
No problem!
if you're using the commandline, it's easy, this is all that's required:
If you don't want a lot of the advanced features that you can use via the command line to download thumbnails, info, subtitles, put in folders automatically, etc, etc, etc, I highly recommend youtube-dl-gui It makes is as easy as pasting in a link to the video or channel or playlist you want, and clicking a button.
JDownloader2 or youtube-dl should sort you out.
Both can get you all audio variants (aac/mp4 mostly) so you can pick the ones you want.
Get them all, then it's an one-step operation to extract.
You might get some mileage out of JDownloader2 and perhaps realdebrid or alldebrid or the like for speedier downloads.
it's not a torrent so JDownloader is the best option. if it was a torrent you still shouldn't use utorrent. super unsafe and has bundled bitcoin miners in the past. use qbittorrent instead because it's open-source
Use JDownloader2. I just used it on a video that you supplied (Fall Out Boy) and these are the properties of the video.
Video: AV01 1920x1080 23.976fps 1542kbps [V: ISO Media file produced by Google Inc. (av1 main, yuv420p, 1920x1080, 1542 kb/s)]
Audio: AAC 44100Hz stereo 127kbps [A: ISO Media file produced by Google Inc. [eng] (aac lc, 44100 Hz, stereo, 127 kb/s)]