Ot but this is hardly surprising. The eff has been warning from this type of tracking for some time now. It's called fingerprinting https://coveryourtracks.eff.org/
> A digital fingerprint is essentially a list of characteristics that are unique to a single user, their browser, and their particular hardware setup. This includes information the browser needs to send to access websites, like the location of the website the user is requesting. But it also includes a host of seemingly insignificant data (like screen resolution and installed fonts) gathered by tracking scripts. Tracking sites can stitch all the small pieces together to form a unique picture, or "fingerprint," of your device.
You could try waiting for the battery to die and in the meantime get some tools from amazon or ebay or somewhere. They're pretty cheap and disconnecting and reconnecting the battery is fairly simple, just make sure you pay attention to which screws go where.
To get to the battery, it's 2 screws on the exterior and then another 2 screws to get to the battery connector. Gently lift up on the connector until it's out of the socket and then plug it back in, screw everything back together and try turning it on.
It is a command line download manager. Let's you do 10 http sessions concurrently in a download, also supports torrents.
Mainly use it as an alternative to curl or wget.
This should init unconditionally, so it won't read preferences but this way I can tell if the tweak works, regardless of whether prefs work
I typically fly south west and use the free onboard WiFi. You normally have to pay 7 dollars for the “premium” WiFi but I just turn on a free vpn like Betternet or VPN-Super Unlimited Proxy. Then I’m able to do anything I want. Have been doing this for about 3 years and have had no issues.
Just because Checkra1n does, doesn't mean you can actually install iOS 14 on a phone that doesn't support it. iPhone 6 doesn't have support for iOS 14.
The first generation iPhone SE is supported on iOS 14 - see https://www.apple.com/ios/ios-14/. i
Have you tried a font finder thingy? Just crop your picture around some of the text and upload it on that site, it might help, hopefully. It's worked for me before.
oh, it looks like you are iCloud locked, I can't help with that. If you want to know more about Exit iOS Assistant with iMazing, check this
Best side loading app is AltStore in my opinion. You can then go to sites like iOS Ninja and download whatever you want. That's who I've used in the past for getting Unc0ver, but that was about 9 months back. I don't think much has changed with them, but keep in mind you will only be able to keep an app signed for 7 days, unless you have a developer account ($99/year). If you have the developer account, it will keep the app signed for 365 days (or however long until you developer account expires, but don't quote me on that). When the app expires, you just resign it manually with the help of a PC/Mac.
The only way to avoid this is by downloading AltDaemon, but this requires you to be jailbroken. There is absolutely no way to get AltDaemon without a jailbreak so anywhere that says otherwise is just downloading something malicious onto your phone.
To answer your second question, I haven't kept up to date on the jailbreak news recently, but it's usually sometime early in the new year that a jailbreak will get released. However, one thing I would insist you do is don't update your device any more and turn off automatic updates. If you have an update already downloaded, delete it off your device (it will cause issues if you try to jailbreak with the update already downloaded).
The reason I say these things are mainly one reason: A jailbreak will be more likely to be released on a lower iOS than higher. So, sticking with iOS 14.3 is about as far as I'd go. If you have anything lower, stay there. I updated to 14.3 just for the Fitness+ app or whatever, and I don't intend on updating my phone any further.
The golden rule is the newer the device and iOS version, the less likely you'll be jailbreaking anytime soon. Older devices typically get the jailbreaks quicker, as do the lower iOS versions.
Hopefully that answers your questions!
Oke so just download the free version like you already know right? In case you didnt, just follow the tutorial they have in https://altstore.io/faq/ and stop after #6 in the Installing section for Window.
First you click on AltServer Patches to make sure that you’re installing AltStore to your phone. Then click on AltServer and download it to your phone, and just enter your apple ID like for Cydia Impactor. After it finished, on your phone go to Unc0ver website, download the IPA and click on open in AltStore. After that you should have it on your phone.
You should update to iOS 13.3 and jailbreak with checkra1n.
Download Xubuntu from https://xubuntu.org/download/
Download Rufus from https://rufus.ie
Open Rufus and plug in your flash drive
Select your flash drive in the drive selection
Select your Xubuntu.iso file under “boot selection”
Select MBR under “partition scheme”
Click start and wait. If and dialogue comes up with anything about downloading things to do with linux click “yes” or “ok”
When done exit Rufus and turn off your PC
Turn it back on and mash your Boot selector key
Select your usb
11a. When you get to a black and white selection screen use your arrow keys and select “try without installing” using the enter key
11b. If your screen stays black try booting again but selecting “try without installing (safe graphics)
Connect your system to your internet (top right corner)
Top left corner there is the Xubuntu logo press it for a start menu
Open the web browser and head to checkra.in
Download for your system (CLI, x86_64)
Download it to your desktop
Right click on your desktop and select “open terminal here”
In the terminal input these 2 commands (1 by 1)
Chmod -x ./checkra1n
Sudo ./checkra1n
If all done right you should be at checkra1n follow the on screen instructions
Done! You can move checkra1n to a secure location on your hard drive so you don’t have to download it every time.
If you ever need to rejailbreak follow steps 9-20 however if you store your checkra1n on your hard drive you can skip steps 14-16 and “chmod -x”
You should update to iOS 13.3 and jailbreak with checkra1n.
Download Xubuntu from https://xubuntu.org/download/
Download Rufus from https://rufus.ie
Open Rufus and plug in your flash drive
Select your flash drive in the select drive
Select your Xubuntu.iso file under “boot selection”
Select MBR under “partition scheme”
Click start and wait. If and dialogue comes up with anything about downloading things to do with linux click “yes” or “ok”
When done exit Rufus and turn off your PC
Turn it back on and mash your Boot selector key
Select your usb
11a. When you get to a black and white selection screen use your arrow keys and select “try without installing”
11b. If your screen stays black try booting again but selecting “try without installing (safe graphics)
Connect your system to your internet (top right corner)
Top left corner there is the Xubuntu logo press it for a start menu
Open the web browser and head to checkra.in
Download for your system (CLI, x86_64)
Download it to your desktop
Right click on your desktop and select “open terminal here”
In the terminal input these 2 commands (1 by 1)
Chmod -x ./checkra1n
Sudo ./checkra1n
If all done right you should be at checkra1n follow the on screen instructions
Done! You can move checkra1n to a secure location on your hard drive so you don’t have to download it every time.
If you ever need to rejailbreak follow steps 9-20 however if you store your checkra1n in your hard drive you can skip steps 14-16 and “chmod -x”
If you are talking of the paid apple music this works.
If you are talking of the music app for local playback, you can use any youtube dl tool to download playlists and import these files using something like filza, multiple copy/paste using the music library section.
install the IPA with altstore, and download an ubuntu ISO image and set up the vm like you would a normal one. Alternatively, you can use one of their prebuilt vms if you don't want to mess with settings. Be careful to not over-allocate your RAM though. And i dont recommend using the android vms
I came across this site just now: https://addoncrop.com/youtube-to-mp3-converter-direct/
It works pretty well and has addons for multiple browsers. You have to install it through the developer interface though, but it's is easy enough and they provide tutorial for it too.
iMazing worked great for me when trying to save individual app data! It doesn't guarantee everything gets saved for every app (I'd test each one if you have a spare iOS device lying around), but I had no issues with it.
Edit: just saw that you have limited computer access... beyond iCloud, I'm not sure there's much you can utilize to store app data in any cloud.
I use CyberGhost paid, they gave me 2 years on a holiday sale, as far as a free VPN I couldn’t recommend because I’m positive a 3rd party App Store could edit the file to do the exact opposite of what you need. - harvest you’re network traffic! No bueno..