This app was mentioned in 26 comments, with an average of 2.42 upvotes
The countdown thing seems to be a generic countdown app And the life bar shows how much battery is left
I'm finding a new background from BoTW right now haha.
I used Nova Launcher Prime with an icon pack called Elun. I put the countdown widget into the dock so it scrolls with the pages. This is what I used for that:
Thanks!! It's this one:
If link doesn't work, it's called countdown, and the icon is like a little uhhh party popper thingie? Idk english isn't my first language haha
I googled and found a couple, hopefully they are good!
I've got the same one :) Made it red/white to match the switch colors though
I used Calendar Widget to quickly make this:
It's an android app/widget called Countdown Widget
I have set the time to when the stores open where I live.
It's the first one I found when I searched 'countdown' by Sevenlogics Take a look at "Countdown Widget"
Definitely a widget.
You're aware you have competition...
Even a roundup:
I eventually settled for Countdown Widget, but it's a poor replacement.
Countdown Widget maybe?
It is an app here's a link
I don't know if it's on iOS but:
I just changed the font and background
Widget: Countdown
KLWP: TG Helix KLWP (Customized)
KWGT: Ornate KWGT (widget 51)
Icons: Mino
Wallpaper: Chester Bennington
Countdown Widget is what I use and I think what OP is using too
I just searched "countdown widget" and this one popped up :)
this one has been helping me count and it looks great :)
This app, and then add the widget to your home screen