This app was mentioned in 31 comments, with an average of 1.55 upvotes
Many thanks for the pointer! Here are the details.
I just added icons to my phone's home screen for toggling garage doors and a gate that are controlled with Tasmotised Shelly1 devices. Here is an example toggle URL:
Remember to select the "Show Nothing" option for the Response Handling setting, so that no JSON response from the Shelly is displayed when toggling a door from the home screen.
> På den anden side, synes jeg måske heller ikke det er fedt at være gæst i mit hus, hvis der står kamera fremme, selvom det kun slås til, når vi ikke er hjemme.
Vi har videoovervågning i begge entréer, køkken og stuen og selvfølgelig også vores udendørsarealer. Videoovervågningen kører 24/7 og indendørs kameraerne kan slås fra og til ved hjælp af en Flic, når vi lige mener det er nødvendigt. Der er bevægelsessensor og "human detection" i vores kameraer. Vores gæster, rengøringen og barnepige er bekendt med overvågningen og det lader ikke til at genere nogen af dem. Det handler vist primært bare om åbenhed.
> Vil gerne have en fysisk alarm i huset, som kan gå i gang, hvis der skulle være ubudne gæster.
Jeg har købt sådan en fætter som jeg aktiverer via en Shelly med et HTTP kald, som jeg har en genvej til, som jeg har lavet i en app til Android.
You could probably use HTTP Request Shortcuts to create a widget that you could press and take a specific input as a variable, and call the next variable, and once gathered send it to IFTTT as a Webhook.
I believe you can create several shortcuts that take a single variable, and call them one after then other as I could read from the FAQ.
Yea, I never got to the bottom of it. The suggestion above to sideload HTTP Request Shortcuts is what I settled on.
That was also pretty laborious to set up. The UI barely functions on the Shield. After much frustration, what ended up working was putting the app on my phone and setting up all of the shortcuts there. There is an export/import function, so the trick was to set it all up on the phone then import it into the Shield.
Fortunately I haven't needed to mess with it much after that.
I made my webhooks/automations on the HA side generic and just mapped the handful of actions on the remote to them, so I can change what they do from HA and not need to bother with either of the apps on the Shield anymore.
Could do it with just a http get request and use a http short cut app
Use the swagger api explorer to find the command
I use this app
HttpShortcuts is simpler and free (and open source). Very easy to accomplish the same thing.
Here's a decent guide:
i Have Public IP so i use HTTP Shortcut a lot.
I use an android app call HTTP Shortcuts and that allows me to make a REST (really just HTTP GET) to the ESP8266 path, and triggers a GPIO with a 3.3V relay on it to trigger the door button. The widget can be on my homescreen. I can only access it via WiFi and that't good for me.
Although I also added URI Virtual switch to smart things so I can trigger it from there as well (and thus my Amazon Echo can call it to).
Lastly, I added a door sensor, and set up a Smart Things alert to ping me if the door is open for more than 30 seconds. Has saved me many times already.
Also, if you only want to operate this system locally and keep the system out of reach from the Internet, you can remove IFTTT from the whole thing and use apps that can make HTTP queries like HTTP Requests Shortcuts on Android.
Been using this. Have a start and stop shortcut created.
You send it commands via the API (kinda like cURL)
I did try doing it with IFTTT but didn't have any luck.
> Automagic
> Smart Plug
> HTTP Shortcuts (Google Play Link)
I'm familiar with none of these. However I went through the link for HTTP Shortcuts. It looks like it doesn't allow you to program it, so I'm not sure if this is the correct sub to post your question. What I'm saying is HTTP Shortcuts seems to be a software, not a compiler. You will be able to do what hl_xemnas suggested only if said software has said feature: of being able to program it.
HTTP(S) communications are two applications talking to each other: a client app and a server app. Think a shop(server) and a customer(client). In your case the shop is an API at the URL and the customer is HTTP Shortcuts. The shop gives the product to the customer in a bag. But the customer doesn't know it should open the bag before using it, and unless there is a way for you to tell the customer to open the bag there is nothing that can be done.
So for now go through the app's documentation and see if there is a way to manipulate the response(the bag with the product in it). If it can be done through code, we can help you. If it can be done without code, even better. But if it cannot be done then... :(
So I know it's been a couple months but summertime summertime sum sum summertime happens.
I did eventually get this working.
Had to use the app HTTP Shortcuts to add the header.
It integrates with tasker so I can still use it for my use case.
I'm sure there's a way but I couldn't figure out how to add a custom header in tasker.
Thanks so much for your help.
Does the website's page after the form page accept / fill out the form fields if you send it a query string, like:
If so you can use Tasker's "HTTP Get" action, and the web page data will be returned to Tasker inside the variable %HTTPD.
There is also an "HTTP Post" action if you're familiar with using the Post method.
And finally, although I haven't yet used this app - I have heard very good things about it, and it has Tasker integration built-in along with cURL support - <strong>HTTP Request Shortcuts</strong>
> ... an Android guy ...
The Google Play page for this app ...
... says it can do POST transactions with custom headers and body, and dynamic value injection using variables. If true, and if it lets you save favorite POSTs, it would be a way for an Android user willing to do a one-time lookup to create standard YNAB transactions or batches of transactions and launch them from the phone or tablet without all the overhead and finger-poking involved with the YNAB app.
try whether this does what you want:
else you could probably use tasker and the resttask plugin to send post requests through a widget.
also, yatse seems to have a widget option that shouldn't trigger any browsers.
try this app:
One of the first comments is about doing this on an esp8266
I use HTTP Shortcuts ony phone for some things. Ties in very nicely using HTTP nodes.
I use http shortcut, you can config some shortcut and put an icon on the home screen.
Try sideloading HTTP Request Shortcuts app. It's free.
You can then choose created shortcuts from Button Mapper
I have used these two apps, both are pretty good. Basically you place a shortcut (widget) on your home screen, pressing the button sends a http request to your set URL. Set up your esp with the basic http server example.
This way you doesn't require to set up a separate web server or use any new libraries. I am sure a similar solution for iOS is available but I wouldn't know about that.
If you want to set shedules, you have two options.
<strong>Tasker</strong> - paid This app is really amazing. You can automate almost anything that you can think of on your phone including sending http requests. You can't understand how amazing this app is without actually using it. I would 100% recommend it but it can be a bit overwhelming and challenging to get into. Alternatively, there is ...
<strong>IFTTT</strong> - free Use webhooks inside IFTTT to set up a shedule. This is easier to get into but requires your data to go through the internet. So your ESP must be connected to a web service like MQTT or []( All the other things that I mentioned before can work on your local network as well as over the internet.
There are many many more other ways of doing things but these I have found to give you the most freedom while still being relatively easy to set up on the esp side.
This is what you need.
and for the Phone i use HTTP Request Shortcuts
On Android I use HTTP Shortcuts to send web requests to others services that also accept Webhooks.
Is this the http shortcuts app you're referring to?
I am using Automagic (a Tasker clone in Android), where I have a task that will basically turn on a Smart Plug that is connected to a portable heater based on the current temperature. The HTTP request is done by a plugin called HTTP Shortcuts (Google Play Link). The plugin, once the request is made and the response is received, will save the value of the temperature in a Variable called "WeatherCurrent" so it can be passed into Automagic to complete the task.
The following is the cURL export that HTTP Shortcuts outputs:
<code>;callback=test&amp;id=5128581&amp;lang=en&amp;units=imperial&amp;mode=html&amp;q=new%20york%2C%20us</code> -X POST -m 30000 -H "X-RapidAPI-Host:
<code></code>" -H "X-RapidAPI-Key: somealphanumerickey"
Once I execute this code, the result I get is what I wrote on the OP.
And thank you explaining the proper names.
I am using Automagic (a Tasker clone in Android), where I have a task that will basically turn on a Smart Plug that is connected to a portable heater based on the current temperature. The HTTP request is done by a plugin called HTTP Shortcuts (Google Play Link). The plugin, once the request is made and the response is received, will save the value of the temperature in a Variable called "WeatherCurrent" so it can be passed into Automagic to complete the task.
The following is the cURL export that HTTP Shortcuts outputs:
<code>;callback=test&amp;id=5128581&amp;lang=en&amp;units=imperial&amp;mode=html&amp;q=new%20york%2C%20us</code> -X POST -m 30000 -H "X-RapidAPI-Host:
<code></code>" -H "X-RapidAPI-Key: somealphanumerickey"
Once I execute this code, the result I get is what I wrote on the OP.
HTTP Shortcuts to the rescue!
For a decent mobile interface to my Homeseer, I use HTTP Shortcuts.
While I think that's possible, it's not as trivial as on Linux / Windows because curl isn't native in any way to Android.
Perhaps this would work, but I have no experience.