This app was mentioned in 12 comments, with an average of 1.83 upvotes
there is a lot of stuff out there if you google "maximise rangetime" like this. But it really depends on what you are there for? If you are there for fun, Just set up challenges for yourself, like back the target all the way out and try get a bullseye an crap. Also a shot clock is fun for training speed stuff and quantifying improvments.
Also google/youtube "range drills" for some more specific shooting procedures/practices.
Edit: Also its hardish to train for IDPA and USPSA in a single lane shooting range apart from speed and accuracy, especially because (at least my range) wont let you have a holster and practice drawing.
Fun training aid is the Android app IPSC Shot Timer. Most ranges won't let you rapid fire so the timer function is worthless after the first shot. Obey their rules on shooting from holstered starts, etc. too. Nobody will pick on you for low ready.
Use an earbud to hear the starting beep. Combined with the random delay or a friend hitting start and you have a great stress inducer with shot timer. It listens via microphone for the shot, so it knows how long you took to react.
Very fun with a buddy and a private outdoor range, helps you critique why you slow down on a particular shot. IE caught the hem of your shirt and added 0.24 secs compared to last run
I use this one at the moment IPSC Shot Timer. I had a different one on my old phone that I used more but this one seems to work ok after some calibration. C02 works because it's a lot louder than dry-firing.
I just tested on my 2 android phones one app.
Dry and at home it works almost perfectly.
I will try it on the range tomorrow with BBs flying and hitting and stuff.
So far it seems to record my shots quite well.
You can find it here:
It is called "IPSC Shot Timer" and is able to notice the very quite noice the piston makes when hitting at the end of the gearbox and it's hard impact on the front. (On my Masada this seems to be 0.03s.) So I had to adjust the Echo delay (in my case to 0.05).
With the Threshold at about 97,0 or 100 it notices every singleshot (my fastest between two shots is 0.09s).
Also I could remove obvious measurement errors.
I think I will write something tomorrow oder on monday but maybe you will read from me later when I tested it in the field more.
For cheap, it's hard to beat the IPSC Shot Timer app. Depending on your phone's specs, it may or may not be very reliable, but it's worked for me as a short-term stand-in for a proper shot timer.
These things are cool. But this does well for my basic practice.
There's a bunch. Just search for "shot timer" on the app store of your choice. This one seems well reviewed. this is the one I've had best luck with.
Thanks! It's really great for practicing, so far I love it. Heres the link,
If you're budget-constrained, get the shot timer app on your phone and a pack of scaled-down targets from Ben Stoeger Pro Shop so you can effectively run some drills:
If you have money to spare, get a real shot timer and a Dry Fire Mag if your gun is compatible with one.