This app was mentioned in 70 comments, with an average of 2.24 upvotes
Productivity Challenge Timer (iOS version). It has a retro Soviet aesthetic and you have to make worker-themed ranks, but you get demoted if you don't keep up your work levels. The break function is perfect for me. The paid version has been worth every penny for me, but the free one is still good, and I don't think it has ads.
In my experience, laziness is downwards spiral. I had to pull myself out of this spiral a couple of times. In a state of laziness, hard work, exercise,... seems to be horrible and you keep making rationalisations to not do it, whatever it is.
Things that helped me to deal with laziness: 1) Realise you are in such a downwards spiral, understand the consequences of not changing this behavior. 2) Put yourself in environments where you have to do it: study in a library with friends; Give money to a relative every day you don't exercise, you know what I mean. 3) The hardest thing about not being lazy is just the initial shift in gears, once you have some momentum going it is easy to keep going. Try not to lose it. 4) Mindfulness: become aware of the moment when you decide not to do it and the negative emotions you have regarding the things you have to do, often they just dissapear when you become aware. 5) Don't judge yourself to hard, this can cause the opposite effect of changing you behavior. Everyone at some point is lazy. 6) Try to own the next thing: if you don't want to exercise, just tell yourself, I am just going for a 2 minute walk, once your outside, you realise it is not that bad and probably start running anyways. If not at least you went outside for 2 minutes. If you don't want to do that, just put on your running shoes, etc. Anything is better than nothing and you will probably do more. 7) Lastly, there is an app that helped me a lot with studying: productivity challange app timer (link below). Keeping track off your actual productivity made me wanting to break my previous ranking and during the examinations I pulled of 80+ hour study weeks, which I never did before.
Hope this helps.
Productivity Challenge Timer, you "unrepentant slacker". I've been on this for a week and only managed to get promoted to "competent operative" and unlock 4 of 18 achievements.
It's a pomodoro app that pushes you to work harder, with data and rankings. Link.
I've been using Forest for this exact purpose (a great app I actually paid for, it also allows you to contribute the virtual coins you gain to planting real world forests). I'll give yours a try tomorrow!
I am obsessed with Productivity Challenge Timer. It has ranks based on average time worked per day as well as accomplishments. The overall tone is very snarky which fits me perfectly. I haven't used any other pomo app in years, and I'd previously tried a whole bunch.
Also, Pomodoro technique helps deal with the brain fog.
Pomodoro is a way of structuring your time: 25 min. of work, 5 min. break. There's a bit more to it than that, but the simplicity is part of its power.
The 25-min. chunks prevent your brain's RAM from getting overtaxed. And every 5 min. break is like dumping your cache.
I rely on a Pomodoro-timer app on my phone. The app I like best is called Productivity Challenge Timer, in both Android and IOS:
Good luck!
I present to you Productivity Challenge Timer. This app fixed my procrastination with it simple design and engaging rank levels.
I hope you have an Android... (I don't know if it's available on iOS)
I'm surprised there isn't productivity Challenge timer listed here, it helped me start studying everyday and strive to study more, rewarding you with ranks and achievements when you're working more , consistently. and demoting you when you don't keep the habit. The achievement descriptions are hilarious. Link if you want.
Pomodoro all the way. Work 25 mins earn a 5 min break. And make sure you take the break! Repeat 3 more times and earn a 15 minute break. That's called 1 pomodoro. Use an app to track it. My fave is far and away is Pomodoro Challenge on Android.
The best feature is that you can give different projects names and track how much time you've spent on each one. Also, you get achievements! And demotions! So it hold you accountable.
It's basically a timer to have you work for a set amount of time and then rest for a set period of time. For example I work for 25 minutes and rest for 5.
Here's the timer I use -
Here's an app recommendation to that effect.
It's a gamified pomodoro thing where your pomodoros literally do stack up to give you achievements and such.
Za pomodoro skini:
Najzabavniji pomodoro tajmer.
Što se Ankija tiče 4 stvari:
- napravi tag "teško" i sve kartice koje primetiš da su bitne a da ti stalno idu loše taguj sa njim. Pred ispit ili u slobodno vreme, klikni na špil i "study by tag" i izaberi teško. Tako ćeš osigurati da delove koji su ti najproblematičniji najbolje odradiš.
- skini Anki app na fonu i obnavljaj u prevozu.
- ukoliko primarno učiš Ankijem, kupi jeftin tablet od 10.1 inča i obnavljaj sa upaljenom whiteboard opcijom, koja ti omogućava da pišeš odgovor olovkom po ekranu tableta. Možeš olovku da nabaviš za 500 dinara.
- skrinšotuj (ili kopiraj tekst) slajdove sa predavanja/vežbi koje profesori okače onlajn i pretvori ih u kartice za neka pitanja
edit: takođe ako si kojim slučajem na Pravnom, uploadovaću neke špilove iz predmeta koje sam položio, pa javi ako ti treba, sada imam špil za nasledno spreman za upload.
I recommend this app combines the pomodoro technique with Gameification
Flash cards help as do past papers,
Good luck! You’ve got this!
Ich kenn das nur zu gut. Ich schaffe meine Fristen zwar meistens, aber musste schon den ein oder anderen Alle-Nächter ziehen. Vor allem zieht mich dieses Nichts-auf-die-Reihe bekommen immer super runter.
Grundsätzlich: ab zum Arzt mit dir, haben ja auch schon andere geschrieben. Hört sich nach ADHS(-Grenzbefund) an oder so. Low-Key Ansprechpartner wäre vielleicht der Psychosoziale Beratungsdienst deiner Uni. Da sitzen normalerweise auch ausgebildete Psychotherapeut*innen, die einen guten Job machen.
Tipps/Möglichkeiten, die mir dabei helfen, mein Leben zu managen und irgendwie halbwegs in den Griff zu bekommen:
Ich habe vor ein paar Jahren einige Zeit mal mit Methylphenidat experimentiert, verschrieben vom Arzt. Hat irgendwie nicht so viel geholfen. Kann man sich teilweise echt easy verschreiben lassen, ist aber irgendwie trotzdem keine dauerhafte Lösung.
Meditation. Wurde hier auch schon genannt, hat mir glaube ich ganz gut geholfen. Dabei fällt mir ein, sollte ich mal wieder machen. Wenn einem die Motivation für alles fehlt, dann leider halt auch für Meditation. :/
Pomodoro-Technik: Die Motivation, die ich brauche um diesen blöden Timer zu starten ist uuuunendlich viel kleiner, als die Motivation, die ich brauche um tatsächlich mit der Arbeit zu starten. Wenn der Timer aber mal läuft, muss ich arbeiten, ich trickse mein Gehirn einfach aus (oder so). (Ich empfehle diese App für Pomodoro, bisschen Gamification kann für zusätzliche Motivation sorgen und man hat eine Übersicht, was man so gearbeitet hat)
5-Minuten-Regel: Wenn eine Aufgabe weniger als 5-Minuten dauert, dann mach sie sofort. (Kannst danach weiter South Park schauen und Reddit browsen!) Hilft jetzt nicht direkt beim Schreiben einer Arbeit, aber hilft trotzdem, das Backlog an Aufgaben, die unangenehm im Hinterkopf rumlungern, im Zaum zu halten.
Hi, I would recommend a few things:
Firstly, give Pursuitas a try for goal and habit setting. Focus on daily progress and maybe invite some of the positive people in your life to the platform. This will help with your longer term goal setting.
Secondly, try something like Productivity Challenge Timer. I used this to work in 50 minute blocks. You set a micro-goal for that 50 minute block and push for it. Then take 10 minutes and do the next block. Do that 8 times a day and you'll make huge progress.
Thirdly, try meditation. It's great for improving focus on your most important goals and will highlight the negative thoughts that are causing procrastination.
Pra estudar eu uso esse:
Mas se for pra só apitar de tempos em tempos uso o relogio do android mesmo (relogio da google na play store?) e coloco vários timers.
Contact your friend(hopefully someone who knows what to study) ask him about the main topics of syllabus. Set a target like 5hr/day (12 sessions of 25mins). Take a sheet of paper and write down topics that you can cover by studying 5hr/day for a week. Also divide the day into 4 batch: 10am-1 (1st batch) 1-4 (2nd batch) 4-7 (3rd batch) 7-10pm (4th batch) Try to complete 3 sessions during each batch.
Currently I am using this app:
I find this one to be really good, tracks pomodoros over weeks and months so I can see if I'm hitting my monthly goal of x# of pomodoros on certain projects.
I use a pomodoro regiment that is similar with some tweaks, here are the steps I take to get things done:
1) I write down what I'm going to do and WHY I'm going to do it. (When work fatigued, remembering WHY doing something has value and relates to my life satisfaction goes a long way towards retaining my discipline)
2) Then I start a pomodoro circuit:
25 Minutes - Meditation that focuses on breath, so that my mind doesn't wander too far while I work.
5 Minutes - Review what I'm going to do, then break.
25 Minutes - Work.
5 Minutes - Break.
25 Minutes - Work.
5 Minutes - Break.
25 Minutes - Work.
5 Minutes - Break.
That finishes 1 circuit, then I rinse and repeat from the start of step 2) for however long I initially specified.
3) After finishing the all the circuit I review what I got done and how it compares to what I set out to do. I don't do this to beat myself up if I fucked up, but I do it so I can see what works well and what works poorly, and adjust my work conditions accordingly in the future.
I just started this regiment, so I have no idea how well it will hold up, but it's looking promising, I use this app, because it has a lot of useful features, a fun ranking system, and tracks my pomodoros by week and month:
I use it with a goal to do 50 pomodoros a month, which isn't really a lot, but a start on my path to getting more productive. If anyone has any tweaks they think would improve this then let me know.
If you wanna use an app that gamifies it in a great way (achievements and ranking and all that), check out productivity challenge. It bugs the shit out of you to continue (in a good way) and the app itself is created in a way that shows its personal to the creator. It's in all really awesome and I've started studying more just to find out what the higher ranks are. Also, the images really remind me of fallout 4, just saying.
Android link here.
I use an Android app called Productivity Challenge. Basically it's just a timer app that nags me to do my shit. I set it up for 20 minute blocks then I give myself a 5 minutes break. Usually it works. (I'm not affiliated to it in any way. There are several good ones in the store.)
I like "Productivity Challenge Timer"
And "MyEffectiveness Habits - Goals, ToDos, Reminders"
Both for Android
Productivity Challenge Timer has two settings areas that might give you what you want:
1) Count from 10 to 1. When it reaches 1, I have to do that.
2) Use this app: (It's on iOS too)
3) Get up much earlier than normally on weekends(about 4 AM), then immediately start working.
4) I tell myself to do something for 3 minutes only. Since only beginning the task is hard, I always find myself continuing it after 3 minutes.
I've been using Productivity Challenge Timer on and off for years now, and though basic, it has lot of flexibility, and handles gamification wonderfully.
It has a ranking system, based on your 7 day pomodoro average, and it really motivates me to push my productivity (sometimes to a fault), similar to Todoist's system. You can also set it up to bug the hell out of you throughout set work hours, or not.
I just tried out pomodoro yesterday. 5 sessions. It worked for me. Of course, it wasn't perfect, I still got distracted, but overall, my productivity was infinitely larger, considering that without it I would have continued browsing reddit.
You could try it too.
I used this app. Turn off the internet after opening it and see what dares to distract you.
Yeah, I struggled a lot in the beginning too but apps actually can turn that into some kind of game or challenge. And sometimes that help. Produtivity Challenge is the one that I use.
I don't use any pomodoro timer on android ( due to lack of space) , but this one was mentioned here
I recommend an app like Productivity Challenge Timer. Since you are interested in computer related stuff it might help you getting used to it. It does help me getting started and stay motivated when I try to be focused on something important.
This app is pretty good at breaking up tasks and insulting you while letting you unlock achievements for getting your shit done. It amuses me. I wonder if it would amuse ENTPs?
I've always used timer apps to be productive when working from home, cleaning, studying, and so on. This one is a few steps above a generic timer - it's got a neat theme, it keeps track of your cumulative hours spent working on different tasks, and you can earn achievements for consistently logging work hours. I also love that it tracks both work sessions and breaks, so you don't have to set a bunch of timers of different lengths.
Give it a go if you have trouble getting motivated on your own. The free version has minimally intrusive ads and is plenty functional, so might as well try it out.
You can get apps that help you with this. My favorite is for Android:
It lets you unlock achievements and also occasionally insults you.
I also deploy Google Calendar liberally for appointment reminders. You can set up notifications that bug you an hour or two before the appointment so that you are ready on time.
I also Google Maps the route I am going to take, then double the estimate if it's during a high traffic period, then add a bit of time for parking, walking, and getting lost (if it's a new place I am going to).
This is pretty annoying, when it wants your attention, when your break is over or the 25 minutes work are over and also when you don't react to the timer (e.g. actually start the break or start working)
It also tracks how much time you spent on different projects when using the app or when you are the most productive.
From the ones that nobody has mentioned here so far:
I use this fairly religiously. I found that it really helps me to focus on just one thing at a time, which makes me productive as a result. Plus trying to break task complexity down as much as possible.
Honestly, repetition. First, pick something and just do it. It doesn't matter what it is providing it's something that can provide you in life. Try something STEM related, you'll always have a career in those. Even if you don't like it. Tell everyone it's what you're doing for a career. This will make you accountable to others.
Secondly, Once you begin, don't stop. Even if you get apathetic about it. It'll be hard at first. Our brains associate something we don't want to do with pain. Try the Pomodoro Method. This way, you'll have a little goal set to do and you only have to do one a day. Once you've gotten accustomed to that (In the beginning, I could only do 1-2 pomodoros. Now I'm onto 8-10 a day before I start to lose focus) great work! You might want to check out this app for android
After a while, you'll begin to notice all the hours you're putting into it are adding up. You're starting to know more about this topic and boy, does that feel great. After a while you notice that, "hey! This isn't so bad after all!'. You'll go longer and harder. It's discipline you want to cultivate. Motivation is a fickle mistress.
But, what if you don't want to do STEM or some other line of work? Honestly, that's too bad. Why do I say that? Simply because the idea of 'the perfect career' was broken to begin with. Nothing is going to amount to what you've idealised. At some point in your career you're going to have pitfalls, loss and complete and utter disdain for your coworkers/boss. I know, I've been there. Every time that happens, you move onto the next romanticised idea that tickles your fancy and the cycle will begin all over again.
Don't get hung up on trying to find the perfect career, just focus on doing something you're capible of and eventually you'll love it.
Source: Was in the same position as the person above me 1 year ago. I followed the advice above and now I'm almost a qualified IT person and I'm going on to a double degree next year.
Try this : Productivity Timer
Indeed this . It's a pomodoro timer with lots of useful stats and a ranking system that motivates you to keep working
Productivity Challenge Timer is fun, as long as you don't mind being shamed when you don't keep it up.
Productivity Challenge timer does all that, I've been using it for a while.
Mie imi place mult aplicatia astia pentru productivitate :D
You honestly have to take the first step. Even if it's just 10-30 minutes today, that's a good starting point. That's much better than 0. Eventually, you become accustomed to longer durations.
Ask classmates for help/attend office hours.
Just focus on today. Take it day by day. Sometimes I would start thinking about the past or future and just be negative. Realize that we never get time back, so choose wisely with what you do with your time.
Best of luck. Believe in yourself and visualize yourself passing.
I've recently been studying on a consistent basis. I wasn't the type to study growing up. I would either waste time on Netflix, Youtube or playing video games.
In the beginning, I found it hard to study. I would get distracted, going back to my old routine of playing games or watching a new series, etc.
Instead of watching entertaining videos, I started searching up, how to study, study methods, etc. I also came across. Study With Me videos. You can filter Live videos on Youtube and see people studying for hours a day. Seeing someone do it, helps me at least. I usually watch for 10-15 minutes in the background, on my off days.
Surround yourself with people who are studying the same thing. I'm sure you can find a subreddit for your subject, in there, you can probably find their Discord channel. Join it, and you can ask for help, etc.
I watched this video:
You can watch the first 10 minutes. (I like watching Youtube videos on 2X speed)
I like using, this app
It applies the Pomodoro technique, which the above video speaks on. You basically study for 25 minutes, take a 5 minute break. On your 4th, you take a 15-30 minute break. You can adjust the intervals to your liking.
I enjoy that app because it has stats and a nice promotion/demotion system that motivates you. It makes studying for an hour or more a breeze.
Blocksite, is another great app which works on mobile and PC, to limit distractions.
Meditation is also helpful.
For PC and Android:
I'm not much help but I saw that there's a discord for LSAT,
Which you can check it out and surround yourself with other people studying it. Perhaps ask them what they do, etc. Check out their subreddit as well.
For studying, I like to use this app, ( it's on iOS too)
Best of luck!
Productivity Challenge Timer
It has something called "casual mode."
I have a couple of ways to combat this in my own life:
The main thing to understand is that discipline is a lifestyle. Each little tip you hear about can give you a little boost, but it's not until you work to make them habits and personalize them as part of your life that you get phenomonal results.
What I gave you above were the concepts, it's up to you to find tactics to successfully implement them into your life. But I've been in your shoes, so here are a couple that worked for me.
a. 25 mins - Pomodoro b. 5 mins - break c. 25 mins - Pomodoro d. 5 mins - break e. 25 mins - Pomodoro f. 30 mins - break g. Repeat until finished.
5-seconds rule implementation -
a. Set ONE GOAL in your mind when you sit down to work. b. Have your pomodoro ready to start (as in, all you would have to do is push a button) c. Count down from 5 - let yourself think and feel all of the thoughts of anxiety come in. d. GO - ignore all those thoughts, start your pomodoro and do it anyway. "It's just 5 minutes. I can do this." "It's just 25 minutes. I can do this. I will do this."
"It doesn't have to be great at the start. But I have to start in order to be great" hope you are on an Android device !
Productivity Challenge Timer (for Android and iOS)
I posted a screenshot of my stats the other day and it got me my first reddit karma too! I just can't stop winning!
I didn't mean to advertise it, I'm angry with it right now because it demoted me.
We'll make one from this Sunday. Is the name "Weekly Progress Thread" okay?
The body can be something like this:
> Wassup, r/INP? Use this thread to post your goals for the week gone by or the week coming up, track your progress, keep each other accountable, share your pomodoro count, or just engage in random conversation with fellow INP users.
> Resources:
>* /r/GetDisciplined >* /r/GetMotivated >* /r/LoseIt >* Apps: Productivity Challenge Timer, Habit Tracker, Google Keep (Suggest more in comments below)
I've bought this one:
This is the timer I use for Android. Huge help while in grad school.
I've been sorta good at using the Pomodoro technique. That said, Productivity Challenge Timer has been a lifesaver.
Bin/War in der selben Situation wie du.
Vor einem Jahr habe ich - auch aufgrund des /r/adhd subreddits - die Vermutung aufgestellt, dass ich evt. ADHS haben könnte. Termin bei insgesamt zwei Neurologen (nacheinander) ausgemacht, getestet, Medikinet ausprobiert.
Ende vom Lied: Die Fragebögen waren nicht eindeutig, einige waren gut über dem Grenzwert, andere darunter. Medikinet hat gar nichts geholfen (bei 80mg hätte ich eigentlich fliegen müssen, aber ich hab davon irgendwie gar nichts gemerkt). Habe keine "offizielle Diagnose", die Beschäftigung mit ADHS hat mir aber trotzdem geholfen und ich habe viel gelernt.
Meine Erfahrungen/Tipps:
Pomodoro Methode: Stelle dir einen Timer auf 25 Minuten, während diesen 25 Minuten wird konzentriert gearbeitet. Wenn der Timer um ist gibt es 5 Minuten Pause. Repeat. Nach 4 oder 5 von diesen Arbeitsphasen gibt es eine lange Pause (15-20 Minuten), auch dafür einen Timer stellen. Ich verwende diese App, die ist ein bisschen witzig und man kriegt ein paar Statistiken über sein Arbeitsverhalten (wann, wieviel, was).
Eigentlich vor allem zur Konzentrationssteigerung gibt mir die Methode auch einen Motivationsboost: Um diesen blöden Timer zu starten braucht man viiiiel weniger Motivation als um mit dem Arbeiten anzufangen. Läuft der Timer aber mal, dann muss ich halt arbeiten.
Ist ein Klassiker, aber: Arbeitsumgebung beachten. Ich arbeite im CIP in der Uni viel besser und mehr als daheim, vor allem wenn andere Leute um mich rum sind, die auch arbeiten.
Ähnliche Richtung: Lerne zusammen mit anderen Leuten. Sinnvollerweise sind das Personen die motivierter sind als du.
Meditieren: Ist tatsächlich relativ schnell konzentrationsfördernd. Auch ansonsten eine ziemlich coole Sache. Einfacher Einstieg geht mittels "guided Meditations", z.B. von Headspace (10 Tage Einstieg ist kostenlos, danach kostet das was. Im Internet findet man aber auch Torrents vom kompletten Headspace Material)
Tracken, was du zu tun hast: Schreib alles auf, was du erledigen musst. Gibt da verschiedene Ansätze wie man das macht, ich mache so ein bisschen Getting Things Done.
Ich verwende dazu das Programm taskwarrior. Das funktioniert allerdings nur über die Kommandozeile richtig gut, danke dem neuen Ubuntu-Subsystem in Windows 10 allerdings sogar quasi unter Windows.
Zu deiner Frage bezüglich Medizin noch: Die Medizin, die man in Deutschland bekommt hilft, allerdings nicht jedem. Wenn du dich als Erwachsener neu diagnostizieren lässt gibt es soweit ich weiß eigentlich nur das Medikament "Medikinet adult" auf Methylphenidat-Basis (also so ähnlich wie Ritalin). Bei mir hat das wie gesagt überhaupt nicht gewirkt, bei anderen Leuten wirkt das aber wunderbar. Tendenziell gibt es in anderen Ländern mehr Medikamentenauswahl aber auf lange Sicht sind die meisten Medikamente sowieso nicht empfehlenswert. Aus deinem Post kann ich nicht lesen, dass du deinen Alltag im Großen und Ganzen nicht auf die Reihe bekommst, insofern glaube ich auch nicht dass du längerfristig Medikamente nehmen wirst.
Edit: Verdammt, eigentlich sollte ich arbeiten... Prokrastination, fuck yeah!
If you have an android phone I use this app and love it. If you just want to use your computer you can use this site. It really works as long as you stick to it and don't get distracted. If you prefer to listen to music as opposed to simply ear plugs then I would suggest checking these earphones out. They're cheap but solid and are noise cancelling.
Pomodoro Challenge on android. If you wanted something for iphone idk what to tell ya.
>De exemplu, am citit undeva ca unii folosesc anumite programe de productivity / time management , recomandati asa ceva?
Am văzut că vrei pentru PC, dar recomand pentru telefon. Am folosit aplicația asta și pentru proiecte personale, și pentru dizertație și cam pentru orice altceva putea și trebuia făcut de acasă, dar mie-mi zbura mintea oriunde altundeva.
E un timer pomodoro, ca multe altele, doar că poți să creezi proiecte și poți câștiga achievement-uri, care ar trebui să te motiveze să fii mai eficient.