This app was mentioned in 49 comments, with an average of 1.78 upvotes
You should try Rebuild 3!
I usually uninstall games when I'm not playing them, which usually deletes the save. This sometimes causes me issues when I want to play a game later.
Rebuild 3 has mode that lets you generate random maps. This mode is unlocked after you finish the main campaign at least once on any difficulty. I've kept the game on my phone for awhile so I don't have to play through the campaign if I wanted to mess around on a randomly generated map.
It probably hasn't been a year and I'll probably delete it at some point. I've deleted it a couple times in the past and played through the campaign repeatedly, so it wouldn't be the biggest issue.
I also had the original Pixel Dungeon for awhile. The r/pixeldungeon sub would have challenges and kind of a leaderboard that you could submit screenshots to. Was fun for a bit, probably not a year, though. This game was fine if you uninstalled it. There was a local scoreboard and some achievements that would reset, but they didn't really matter.
Since it's the same developer, you could have just clicked their name from the store page OP linked to.
That found me Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville.
Rebuild 3:
Sort of a mix between a survival & a 4X management game. It's not as casual as it looks. Pretty decent, but not one of my favourites.
Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville | 4.3 ⭐️ | $4.99 | Varies with device | ▶️ 🏠
> It's been a few years since the zombpocalypse turned the world's cities into graveyards and sent the few survivors into hiding. Now you must gather them up and restore civilization to a ruined city, one ...
^(Legend: |🏠: Family Library| ▶️: Play Pass|)
Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville play store is really fun about defending against hordes of zombies and rebuilding cities, long campaign plus skirmish modes
Dungeon Warfare Play store 1 and 2, tower defense style with good difficulty and challenges
I don't think it's really like Rimworld. I think it's a good game, though.
Rebuild 3 is a combination of a city sim game and a 4X strategy game. Throw in some unit management and a zombie apocalypse theme.
You make a main character and then start the main campaign with a small group of survivors. You slowly retake a city and defend your settlement from zombies and npc humans.
Your survivors have different skills, where they are better at things such as: fighters at killing zombies and defending, scavengers at finding food and items, leaders at recruiting and morale improvement, builders at reclaiming structures and making defenses, scientists at researching tech and crafting.
The survivors you recruit can level up. They can earn different talents. As you find items you can equip them. As long as they didn't die, you can take a small group with you to the next campaign level. If you don't care for the unit management, you can mostly ignore your survivor's morale on the easier difficulties. But it can lead to some issues on the harder difficulties where your survivors will leave or kill each other if they are really unhappy.
Besides the zombies, Rebuild 3 also has more interaction with other human factions compared to Rebuild 2. You can work to get the factions on your side as allies or you can attack and destroy them.
There's some interesting ways to play through the game. If you don't have enough food, you can start eating people and play as cannibals, for example. Some of the campaign missions have multiple ways to finish a level. For replay there's multiple difficulties and after you finish the campaign, there's a random level generator.
The game play let's your pause at will, which basically makes it a turn based strategy game. There's actually a one day at a time option, but it's more efficient to just pause when you want to issue a lot of commands.
I own this game, like it, and recommend it. It's a premium game with no IAP, no ads, no stupid timers that limit your game play. Link if you need it:
I think Rebuild 3 supports both portrait and landscape.
list: [game name]
description: {game name}
you mentioned the games:
Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville
It's been a few years since the zombpocalypse turned the world's cities into graveyards and sent the few survivors into hiding. Now you must gather them up and restore civilization to a ruined city, one building at a time.Rebuild 3 is a strategy sim game with a good helping of narrative and dark humor. It's a thoughtful game that'll make you fond of your survivors before you send them to their deaths for the greater good. As you expand your fort to new buildings, you'll decide between farms or f... continue reading on RAWG
know a better description? Edit it on RAWG!
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Not free, but on sale is Rebuild 3:
My God does this game help to pass the time ����
Rebuild 3 is pretty decent, but you might be better off asking over in /r/AndroidGaming.
Nice, this is what the Rebuild game would look like if it you were there.
Without knowing what you've played, here's what I'm playing :
Rebuild - Turn based (real time option) zombie survival and colony expansion
War of the Zombie - Action strategy game as you develop your soldiers / aircraft carrier at the end of the world :
Star Traders - Epic space strategy (rpg / galactic expansion)
Block Fortress, great fun building and defending base :
Machines at War, awesome RTS :
Isn't quite what you're looking for, but it does have zombies, strategy and survival :
Rebuild 3 :
Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville - 4.6 rating - $4.99 - Search manually
Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville - 4.6 rating - $4.99 - Search manually
Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville - 4.6 rating - $4.99 - Search manually
Headshot ZD : Survivors vs Zombie Doomsday - 4.1 rating - Free with IAP - Search manually
Mini DAYZ: Zombie Survival - 3.8 rating - Free - Search manually
Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville
Rebuild 3 is amazing and one of my longest installed.
Can't recommend it enough.
The one that might fit your description is Rebuild 3, a zombie survival turnbased strategy game.
Mobile game - Rebuild 3. I have an embarrassingly amount of hours in this game.
I wouldn't set a specific location for TD2 but instead make it multiple locations. Let's say you liberated manhattan but the virus spread to the whole world. In TD2 you'll start in your usual BoO but all manhattan is now peaceful and people started rebuilding the town. You now get the chance to help out on other parts of the world, india, france, australia, russia, brazil, japan.
It's going to be slightly open world as in you can conquer a location and reinforce it with defense measurements like on missions you can free civillians and those civillians got random stats like medical knowledge, engineering knowledge, combat knowledge and farming knowledge.
Once freed, you can assign them to a job on one of the locations that you got unlocked. For example you can assign one farmer and 2 combatants along with a medic to japan. The farmer will regenerate resources for you available for pickup at said location BUT you don't have to travel to each location (having to go to each resource object in BoO is already a really bad mechanic and more annoying than helpful) like you could just open the map and click onto a gather icon at the said location. The combatants or now called defenders help securing your obtained location because from time to time attacks happen against the locations and you aren't always online to help them out. Medics support those defenders in battle. Successfully defending a location also nets in resources.
Rewards increase as you improve your location by adding more NPCs to certain jobs, e.g. having one scavenger/farmer on a location may give you one consumable and/or a crafting material while two scavengers would result in 1-2 consumables and 3-4 crafting materials.
Failing in defending will remove the location for you and you'll have to free it again (anybody here played Rebuild?).
In order to not make this mechanic an nuisance, the chance for a freshly obtained location to be lost is about 25% per day BUT you can reduce this percentage by doing clear out mission. Doing a clearout mission removes 25% danger and the percentage increases by about 5% a day. So after obtaining a location and not doing a clearout mission, if the location hasn't been reobtained by the enemies (rikers, cleaners etc.) the chance will be 30% on the next day. Hitting 0% danger on a location will guarantee security (not being able to lose it) for 3 days.
The difficulty of reobtaining locations would be relative to the % of danger, which would just further increase the longer you don't pay attention in reobtaining the location. For example you obtained a location, it's danger % is now 25%. You'll do the cleanout mission so the difficulty for this mission is 25pts. Successfully cleaning out drops the danger to 0% and the location will get a shield symbol along with a number on it that displays the days it cannot be lost (default 3). You come back later and the danger has risen to 5% and the number on the shield dropped to 2. You could cleanout again which would be very easy because there's only 5% danger, successfully cleaning it would reset the stats to 0% danger and a shield of value 3. If you don't choose to clean out and come back on the next day the shield dropped to 1 and danger risen to 10%. After that 0pts on the shield and 15% danger. The next day if you were unlucky the location has been taken back by the enemies or the danger would rise to 20%, shield pts still 0.
Each location would also offer different missions, e.g. search and destroy (kill target), sabotage (deposit a bomb at enemy base) or rescue (kill enemies, free civillians which can be used in your location).
You can also transfer civillians from one location to another, say you got 4 defenders at location X and no scavengers but 3 scavengers on location Y and no defenders, just balane out 2def, 1scav on X and 2scav, 2def on Y. Also different locations will give you a higher chance on different civillian stats, e.g. Russia may give you stronger defenders to rescue while Japan may give you better scavengers.
Let's get back to the danger level on your locations. You can counter those levels by adding another type of role to that location, the attackers. An attacker reduces the amount of danger for each day received by 2% divided by number of attackers. So one attacker reduces the amount of danger received to 3% a day. 2 attackers recudes the amount to 2% a day. 3 attackers recuing the amount to 1.5% and this is the limit of deployable attackers for a single location.
Ofcourse this is just an idea and it's the devs jobs to actually balance out the numbers, adding more functionality (like obtaining special perks for a location for your locations and for your character).
So yeah, not only would you be able to play more versatile missions but also would there be a reason for you to check in every day.
What do you guys think about this? The management needs to be kept simple tho as in you can manage (assign roles, collect resources) any of your locations from any terminal (each location has a terminal).
Q: "What the fuck you want us to play a mobile collecting game?"
A: There's daily and weekly rewards already so not sure why this idea would be the bad part...
Rebuild 3 is kind of similar. It's not quite as heavy on the crafting side but the survival sim aspect is there. Maybe check that out?