This app was mentioned in 24 comments, with an average of 1.50 upvotes
I use an app that tallies how many drinks I've turned down, how much money I've saved, and how many days I've been sober. Whenever I feel like drinking, these quick stats help keep me in check. You can also set custom reminders (i.e. "I value my health" or "insert name of important person inf your life") that will be randomly sent to your phone as a text or email notification would be.
It's called "EasyQuit Drinking", but they only make it for Android devices: Even if you have an iPhone, there are plenty of sobriety trackers that will tell you how long you've been sober for.
The number/s you see upon opening your tracker app can be a great source of pride and motivation to continue your hard work.
Good for you! I quit drinking in August 2019 and I still haven't had a drop. What really helped me was a sobriety counter app. I put a widget on my homepage to keep track of how many days I haven't drank. I used this one:
Keep strong and you'll feel better!
The naked mind helped me a great deal so does this app
It may just be on Android then. I found it in the play store. Looking at it, it shows as EasyQuit Drinking in my apps list but I found it again here as Sobriety Counter-Stop Drinking...
This is it (Android)
If you have any good app suggestions I'm all ears. This one shows you the amount of drinks you've passed, the money you've saved and things like how your body is healing.
The screenshot is from the Easy Quit Drinking app.
That's a link to the play store.
My life is far from perfect right now and I'm actually struggling financially more than I have in years but my ability to handle things and remain more emotionally stable. I'm slowly working toward some goals. Things are way less chaotic these days. Best of luck to everyone and IWNDWYT
One thing that I found very helpful on the booze side at least was a little free app called Easy Quit Drinking. It had little counters and heath improvement meters that I found very motivating. There are a dozen more apps like it, too.
IMO, getting off the booze will be a bigger challenge than the green. Use the folks around you and groups like this online - while you can just do it alone old-school, it's generally more successful and lasting when you have some peeps behind you.
22 months here.....congratulations! I will not drink with you tonight!!
I recommend you download nomo...a app to track your sobriety. It backs itself to its cloud, so if you get a new phone, you won't lose your clock.
This second clock shows your body's progress towards healing. Very cool stuff.
And it shows you how much you save by not drinking....I've save 15,679 dollars over my 22 months.
Fantastic job!
I've found this app handy... ...and I've been trying to remember the things I used to enjoy like reading and crochet.
It's called Easy Quit Drinking i think. Here's a link to the android app
I'm using this app
It has two widgets that suit what you are looking for.
Thats the link to the app for android. It does so much its very useful. Even tracks your days for you.
I have an android too, it's this one
I second EasyQuit. Knowing the money saved alone is amazing.
Play Store link:
I'd like to recommend an app to you it's called Easy Quit Drinking. I like it because it doesn't show you anything but the benefits since you've quit drinking as well as the little bonuses you don't even think about. So fill it out honestly to begin with. I like it because especially of the physical health properties! I think we overlook how negatively alcohol affects our body. It's no nonsense and it gives you a good basis for the reason to quit drinking in the first place. Easy Quit drinking
It's called EasyQuit Drinking.
Here's a link:
Check out Easy Quit: Stop Drinking app
Try this link?
You should download the Sobriety Counter... You can input the day you stopped drinking, and how you were drinking... And it will tell you much you saved by stopping. Also, in the health section, it tells you how much health is restored to your liver, etc.