I had a friend who brought two Annoyatrons and hid them in his boss's office when he was leaving. Produces random buzzes and beeps (you can adjust how often, so if it only goes off once every few hours so quite hard to track it down, esp with 2 different locations) - and battery lasts 3 years.
I highly recommend you read the book "No more Mr. Nice Guy" by Dr. Robert Glover, he tackles extacly all of the things you mention.
It isn't a pick-up, or a seduction book, it is a self help book for men. Oh and if you are in America, there are No more Mr. Nice Guy support groups, which will highly increase your recovery success.
4.6/5 in Amazon with more than 4000 ratings, the book is that good.
I read it a while back, but I think I am going to read it again, since I realize I may have fallen in old habits deemed detrimental to my wellbeing.
Possible but it is more likely like the reason I posted in the comments below. I will also include the text here for your convenience
The virus is commonly found and normally resides in human mucus membranes (i.e back of the throat) the problem begins when it gets down into your lungs. The rain and additional moisture helped "wash" the virus down into your lungs.
Source: Biology class and this website.
lol nothing illegal or anything like that, I use a standard commercial VPN (IPVanish) and ad blocking whenever I'm on the internet. I know I'm probably overly paranoid, but you never know what sort of shit sites have up in the background these days.
Original U.S. Made Mouse Mover/Jiggler with Random Left/Right, On/Off Mouse Movement, Cannot be Tracked.... Freedom! Designed, Assembled in U.S. Help Support US Business. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07P6HBD1N/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_VTDXTC1NDSW2RJW6YZSZ
Blaming poor human interaction on your IQ is just a poor excuse for not putting enough effort into it. Earlier today I was reading about what it's like to have a high intelligent quotient. You might see things differently than most people, but it doesn't mean all your social interactions have to go down the drain because of it.
If you're lonely and need someone to talk to then give me a holla, but you'd probably be better off working on fixing the relationships you claim are falling apart.
What I was referring to: What is it like to have an extremely high IQ? @ Quora
The virus is commonly found and normally resides in human mucus membranes (i.e back of the throat) the problem begins when it gets down into your lungs. The rain and additional moisture helped "wash" the virus down into your lungs.
Source: Biology class and this website.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0713YBSFX (Pt 1) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0716K19PH (Pt 2)
I think I ended up having one or two sales. It was fun. I wrote a lot more on paper that was never transcribed into the computer because I just didn't have the time.
My dude, Good confession I'm sure you have feelings across the board about this. Has she tried noom? For people in her position this little app works wonders. https://www.noom.com/
As you know being married for 17years, our spouses need us to fight for them when they can't. I don't know your wife or what she needs. I do know that it's possible she feels broken, worthless and undeserving of anything in life. If she is in a dark place you will have to help her out. It will mean focusing only on the positive despite wanting to make comments, basically you will have sacrifice hard for her until she feels safe enough to give something a try. Then you will have to work your ass off to help her reach whatever goal she has the way that works for her.
Being physically attracted to someone is a biological response. Chiseling to love someone when we don't want to and doing it fully. That's what the promise you made 17years ago was about. Be the man you promised, be the partner she needs now. Hell yeah it sux, hell yeah its hard. Do it anyways, or give up and pretend it's about her issues when the reality is you could have stepped up and loved her through it.
I'm no expert, I have been married 16 years this year. She and I have both had to fight each other's demons to hell and back.
Don’t worry about thermal glasses. CAT makes a smartphone with a thermal camera on it. They sell it on amazon... https://www.amazon.com/CAT-PHONES-Waterproof-Smartphone-integrated/dp/B01JO9ZF3Y/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1540081552&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=thermal+smartphone+cat&dpPl=1&dpID=51PX-XAHvVL&ref=plSrch
I replied with a link to the amazon page on another similar comment. I'll post it here. I had a lot of fun writing it all by hand and illustrating. I think I got pretty good at both. I ended up having no real sales so I kind of stopped making them but the whole story is pretty much mapped out, intrigue of the Gods and all.
"https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0713YBSFX (Pt 1) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0716K19PH (Pt 2)
I think I ended up having one or two sales. It was fun. I wrote a lot more on paper that was never transcribed into the computer because I just didn't have the time."
The guy who made the bot got scammed hard lmao. The site he is using, shorte.st, which gives you money per the amount of people who clicked on the link you made, hasn't allowed its users to payout, or withdraw, any money for months now. Its last "estimated payout" was August 10th.
Looks like he's available on Amazon! With a friend! Because no gnome should be lonely.
Set of 2 Gnomes on Vacation with Flamingos Tropical Party Garden Statue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00D8JWTA4/ref=cm_sw_r_em_apa_i_qkFXCbACA3RTM
Everyone's got their thing, and I bet you're not the only orc-lover out there. There's even a Hulk dildo on Amazon so you're not the only one into giant green dong. I don't think it would be too hard to find a woman who would dominate you while wearing an orc costume...seems like a harmless fantasy.
I bought these smart light bulbs off amazon that slowly light up when you turn them on, maybe they could help you!
I kinda do have to give my opinion soon because he keeps asking me what I think, lol. I like your idea on what to say because I didn’t want to say to him “it sucks and I hate it” because I know that is not how you help people grow.
I just really had to rant on how much I hate it and how frustrating the book is. I think what frustrates me the most about this book is that I want him to pursue his passion, but he won’t accept any outside help from others. He can’t develop his skills if he fights every critique. He especially cannot improve when he shuts out the critiques that he asked to be given from me.
It’s not on kindle yet but it’s on Amazon. It’s called ”Book It” by Robert James Murray.
I use VPN Speed and downloading torrents as much as I want. It's the only one VPN I like, it's free and super safe. It's fast enough comparing to other VPNs. Using on my Android for a four months and didn't have any issues in that time. I mean when I'm downloading torrents or etc. And I'm downloading a lot (movies, games, music, everything). So don't worry.
You should check out Dave Ramsey "The Total Money Makeover" it is a very good book that has helped me and uses the exact strategy said above. It explains many different things you can do to help you get out of debt.
Dude, no.
>"The prostate is a walnut-sized gland located between the bladder and the penis. The prostate is just in front of the rectum. The urethra runs through the center of the prostate, from the bladder to the penis, letting urine flow out of the body."
Women don't have a prostate, only men do and the prostate is considered to be the mans G-spot, that's probably how you got mixed up.
Just take the plunge! You can use Davinci Resolve, its a free pro-grade video editor, and it's phenomenal. While it has a learning curve there is a ton of how-to videos and documentation on it, for real man just give it a shot. Worse case scenario you learn some new skills, and you have fun!
Hello. I just read this.
It says the prefrontal cortex, which could help you see things in a more analytical way, isn't developed fully until you are in your mid twenties.
Maybe meditation will help you. Please read the whole article in detail. Try to understand it, download the app too, it has helped me with my issues (different from yours).
It might, it might not. But the liver damage it would cause would be extremely painful for a very long time. Please go outside and take a long look at the sky and soak in some sunlight if you're able. Listen to something on an app like this one and give yourself a moment to breathe and empty your mind.
How to Shit in the Woods, 4th Edition: An Environmentally Sound Approach to a Lost Art https://www.amazon.com/dp/1984857134/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_AS6LFbWQ5X5T7
It’s up to the fourth edition 😂😂 I love this book. It makes a fabulous gift!
I know where you have been and what you are going through. After 5 therapists and God knows how much bad advice, the one book that actually helped me process the experiences(especially on how to deal with family members who knew about it and did nothing) is called 'A Courage To Heal: A Guide for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse' by Ellen Bass and Laura Davis. They will go over all the motions with you of recovery and point you in the right direction of self-healing. See here on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Courage-Heal-Guide-Survivors-Sexual-ebook/dp/B01097MG8C Footnote: I was sold the snake oil of 'EMDR' for sexual abuse by 2 different counselors. They never actually resolved anything for me and even after months of therapy, it was never administered - 'I am still identifying which memory to process'. When shopping for therapists, this should be a red flag as a counselor who wishes they were a psychiatrist.
You can't go on the way you're going on and it wouldn't be you that tore the family apart it would be him he chose to do that at 17 he is smart enough to know better than to abuse an 8 year old.
in the years between that he's tried to touch you he's just trying to continue to exert that power if he could.
Rarely is there one victim. If you can't do it for yourself, do it for those you will prevent.
The longer he lives like that thinking it's okay the harder it is for any therapy methods to work, don't for him. Do it for him too
And...it's shady and risky but if you need it....talk to him alone, your phone recording or BF on the line and it muted him recording.nasknhim about it and flirt. They have what's known as "criminal pride"
There is no honor in what he did and no honor is deserved back. If your family will not support you thinking you are the lier don't give them the ability to argue.
If you do this be safe don't be alone without someone close, don't be on his "home truff". Clearly it has risk of him trying to act on it too fast with even a perceived moment of you agreeing being enough for him to take it. In my state.you can record phone conversations you are a part of... I use this one
If you’re afraid to put your name out there then use a pseudonym (false name) like I did.
After that:
You can proudly share your work wherever you go and you won’t have to worry about it.
Edit* not trying to advertise just making a point.
Dude. Download this app and do this workout at least a few times per week, like every other day. More if you can, but try to do at least every other day.
or on iphone:
The great thing about this workout is that it's over really quickly -- you don't even have time to start thinking about quitting because it's so fast. It's called the '7 minute workout' because there's 7 minutes of exercise but with 10 second breaks between 30 second intervals. So it lasts just under 9 minutes.
I suspect some people will say it's not possible to get a good workout in this short of a time, to which I say bullshit because I do it, and I've definitely had benefits of losing weight and getting stronger.
It's all body weight workout. It might be hard at first and you might not even make it through each 30 second interval, but if that happens, just go through the whole thing as hard as you can. And then do it again like every other day.
This workout is great especially as a whole body workout -- it is designed to work out all of your muscle groups and with no equipment needed (other than a wall, a chair, and the floor).
Well obviously I've got no idea, but you're only 23 and its over????That's madness, you have so much time. It sounds to me like you're trying to beat the world to the punch by saying that you're going to just give up. You don't want to have your hopes thwarted by "reality", but the reality that you are accustomed to is not all that's out there. You are right about making your life better yourself, you can't sit around and wait. But i'd focus on yourself and making sure you treat yourself with love and respect before Bella. It seems like you've got a lot of wounds to heal. I bet you could learn a lot just by reading up on depression and theorists/ philosophers on the subject etc. Maybe you have already but understanding analytically what's happened to you and coming to terms with the fact that it happened to you and you didn't deserve or merit that kind of treatment will help. "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl is really good, it's all about finding a purpose when everything has been stripped away.
This is the best advice for your situation. It will be the one and only book that will save you and change your perspective.
The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey.
It teaches you and comforts you on the financial problems and literally works along side you on your way to getting out of debt, no matter how small or big, on an average of 18-24 months. Word of caution...it's not a get rich quick kind of thing, it's hard work.
But it will help you. Go to the local B&B and check it out. Trust me on this.
Padded briefs!!
You can remove the butt pads and just keep the front one
I am soooo soooo sorry you went through all that I truly wish you the best and that you can continue to r/HealfromYourPast
I highly recommend this book <em>Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving</em> by Pete Walker
> Pete is a "general practitioner" who specializes in helping adults recovering from growing up in traumatizing families, especially those whose repeated exposure to childhood abuse and/or neglect left them with symptoms of Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder [Cptsd]. He has a great deal of recovery from his own Cptsd, and his professional approach is highly enriched by his own 40 year journey of recovering.
A few things we did for our dogs. Trained too many.
-leash and harness, when your with the pup and it's not in the crate leash it by your side. Out of the crate leash right on, then outside with them. Then if you come back in until trained keep puppy at your side. We did this with all our dogs besides each one would sleep with us with puppy pads on the bed. They learn to wake you.
-a clicker, YouTube and be a great source to teach you how to use this device
-bull horn / bone or toys to keep them busy https://www.chewy.com/bones-chews-water-buffalo-horn-medium/dp/249806?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=12621679125&utm_content=Bones%20%26%20Chews&utm_term=&gclid=CjwKCAjwzY2bBhB6EiwAPpUpZme0aQOxnOK28_hPKqV...
If this fails please re-home the pup before it's to late and they think they're staying with you forever. Your new to the pup, so it will act hyper because it's unsure of everything. Biting is what it did with it's litter pack. You're both overwhelmed. It's called the puppy blues.
Get yourself one of these & set it up on a strategic place where nobody will find it. Like somewhere way above the ground hidden behind somewhere or on top of cupboards & air conditioners (push them way back so nobody will see it.)
Hope it isn't so. I would never forgive my father for something like that.
bro just get a pill cutter https://www.amazon.com/DUBSTAR-Splitter-Vitamins-Tablets-Portable/dp/B09YYGY7CM
I would NOT go cold turkey. you're gonna set yourself up for a bad time :(
Make sure Wearing: 100% Cotton
Using <strong>Armpit Detox Scrub</strong>:gonna helps on eliminating odor. Deep Cleanse and Exfoliating!
The smell is of peppermint and it leaves a cooling sensation on your underarms.
Make sure wearing:100% cotton
Detox Armpits:Draws out impurities
<strong>Armpit Detox Scrub</strong> which works to eliminate odor caused by bacteria. Corrects pH levels through cleansing.
Here is the Mayo clinic link with all the particulars. Feel free to PM me or comment back if there's anything you need to know. Unfortunately our family knows about it all too well.
These are the best and they feel like nothing. Infact, I almost prefer them to "raw". https://www.amazon.com/LifeStyles-SKYN-Elite-Condoms/dp/B0735Q681B?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1&psc=1
Give her oral until she is really wet and turned on. Use lubricant! Slip one of these on and go easy on her and yourself. This is discovery and a new way to please your partner.
Maybe Colic?
My daughter was crying the first stage until I changed her milk bottle and ever since then I've never had a problem.
There's also an app for AA meetings. It will tell you location and times of meetings in your area. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.meetingguide&hl=en_US&gl=US&referrer=utm_source%3Dgoogle%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_term%3Daa+meeting+guide+app&pcampaignid=APPU_1_ZpsBY5nVCLbdkPIPy6u3wA8
Right? Dudes really out here denying being gay while he seeks out and fucks other men.
If you just wanted to nut you could jerk off or fuck a fleshlight, hell just buy 24lb’s of pussy and ass.
Although I feel OP might prefer this version more.
You could try getting him an official Cum Rag™: https://www.amazon.com/Towels-With-Attitude-TL14-Embroidered/dp/B004TH3P8O
Aside from that, I bet he would prefer to ejaculate into your mouth. Have you tried kneeling before him while he masturbates and allowing him to aim into your mouth? From experience, I can tell you it's a much simpler clean up.
Genuine good energy to you. I know the anxiety issues but my daughter (not hers) is doing wonderful out on her own so I didn't have kid stress (which probably will bring out the best in you anyway). Actually the anxiety (almost panic sometimes) brought me closer to my daughter when she helped me walk through it. One foot in front of the other. Now's a great time to learn basic breathing meditation if you want a great book link. If you do it at night it also helps you sleep, it just helps repair your parasympathetic nervous system (your "trauma-handling organ". This is ridiculously similar to Buddhist small heavenly cycle breathing which makes sense because they drew from several well-researched sources: The Healing Power of the Breath and it comes with a CD. No reason not to start making new traditions for yourself and your household!
I want to suggest a book to you for your PTSD that has helped me a lot. It’s called The Complex PTSD Workbook. I went through a really rough childhood as well, I hope you are able to get this book and it can help you.
Here, you'll need it to start.
This is the bra I wear. You're right that it's not exactly right in my pits but it definitely catches the sweat that drips down.
and Get yourself in therapy and put in the work to r/HealfromYourPast and develop a sense of self and self esteem.
I feel the exact same way. I've only recently truly realized that I have these thoughts and so much more. It's affected my whole life so much more than I knew. Because of that, I shared it with my wife (who's a therapist) and she recommended CBT therapy.
It's not easy to bring up all these feelings but it's the only way to heal and I commend you for admitting it. Check out this CBT workbook. It's really starting to help me, you won't regret it.
The CBT Workbook for Mental Health: Evidence-Based Exercises to Transform Negative Thoughts and Manage Your Well-Being https://www.amazon.com/dp/1647398053/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_D0Y1MNYVT3Q5AEBQPE3S?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I hear you. In this world of extraversion, it can feel like there's something wrong with you when you are highly sensitive or introverted. But there isn't! It is a normal, natural way of being.
I suggest checking out the following books:
The Highly Sensitive Person by Elaine N. Aron
Hopefully, learning more about yourself, how you operate and why will help you to accept and love who you are. When you do, it is likely you will start to feel more comfortable in social situations and understand that your limits aren't because you are broken, but a special kind of person the world needs. 💜
Nothing's wrong with you. You're just going through a bad patch, that's all. We all think strange and stupid stuff from time to time.
Do you think a book might help? I just finished a good one about shutting down intrusive thoughts to open up your life. Maybe help you understand what's going on? Take a peek here? Good luck!
Yep. Go to their website. Sign up for it and you can download their app on pc and phoned etc. They'll do a black Friday special if you wanted to pay monthly and try it out. NordVPN has some decent reviews too, but has had some dodgy press recently and a believe a data breach.
MULLVAD VPN. Swedish company. 100% protects your privacy. Less than $5 dollars a month. They are so private you can even mail your payment in anonymously. You can't even create a username you're just assigned a massive random number as your login.
DO NOT use ExpressVPN KAPE technologies bought them and have a huge long history of selling data and generally being shitty
DO NOT use NordVPN for similar reasons above.
Go to Mexico 100 bucks can get you a hot hooker for a week and she will do ANYTHING during that time. And Fuck her every single day to get some practice in. Good hygiene Exercise
Also read https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FK901R8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_54FN4V62AEZYV0H0A3XW
It will give you a whole new perspective.
There are psychiatrists who treat the voices as real entities. Dr Wilson Van Dusen and Jerry Marzinsky are two that I know of. Both have books available that go into this thoroughly if you are interested. These are areas of psychiatry that do have spiritually based ideas but they are very interesting reads nonetheless if you are interested. Would you and your entity be ok with you exploring this area? Van Dusen particularly treats his patients as if the voices are real because that is what they are to the patient. I hope you find something that may help you there.
I'm so sorry to read your comment. I don't want you to give up, Life is fantastic when you get a handle on it, and you certainly can get a handle on it. I released a book the other day that I'm sure will make a huge difference to you right now, I want you to read it. Don't give up.
Here's the link to the book. Good luck to you! https://www.amazon.com/Being-Me-Free-framework-finding-ebook/dp/B09WQQ7SDF/ref=sr_1_1?crid=36YR1WBSUL1VF&keywords=being+me+being+free&qid=1648797228&refinements=p_n_publication_date%3A1250226011&rnid=1250225011&s=books&sprefix=being+me+being+free%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C290&sr=1-1
I use these:) NutraBlast Boric Acid Vaginal Suppositories - 100% Pure Made in USA - Boric Life Intimate Health Support (30 Count) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07212DK9F/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_9AT1D90MPE2435DDCX68?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
definitely hot wheels I think!
I would get one of these. They are breathable, they keep out dust mites, it's waterproof, and hypoallergenic.
I don't know what your budget is but this one is in the $30 range. Do you have an Amazon wishlist for your room decor?
Look up Adalock on Amazon. For less than $20 you have a way to keep him out and your piece of mind intact. Just take it with you. Also, you can change out your door locks pretty cheaply and easily.
Addalock the Original Portable Door Lock : https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00186URTY/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_Z63RTD0KMWK8BF9YNXBY
Figured I’d add to the top comment that you can get some high security door stops too. In case adding a lock isn’t allowed. Found this one that could be good. Maybe help you sleep better
Master Lock Door Stopper Security Bar, Adjustable from 27-1/2 in. to 42 in., Door Bar for Sliding Doors and Apartments, 265D https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0002YUX8I/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_XF73MXX4J6141G5H60ZK
I use this to poop at work. Addalock the Original Portable Door Lock by Rishon Enterprises Inc. (1 Piece), for Home Security, Apartment Security Lock, Travel Door Lock, AirBNB Lock and Dorm Room Essentials https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00186URTY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_CM2YWYTH016HRQ272906?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Trust your gut and move when you can.
In the mean time this is an add a lock that's temp and doesn't leave any marks in the door.
Get a door jam. Not sure if this one is good or not but this is what they look like and they work, amazon
I would honestly suggest it! There're so many different toys out there especially if you're looking for orgasms/getting to know your body and what arouses you/etc. The aforementioned Satisfyer Pro 2 is a powerful toy that stimulates the clitoris only, in case you don't want to insert anything inside. If you're new to sex toys, I would suggest maybe getting a bullet vibrator to test the waters-- powerful enough to stimulate the clit, small enough to insert just case. Other people might suggest personal massagers, but I personally find them too powerful, and depending on the brand/size you get, they may be bulky and unwieldy.
I sound like a shill, but my absolute favourite is this rabbit vibe. I often just use the clit vibe (you can control each part separately) for a quick orgasm before bed. But if you insert the the main shaft as well, it rotates and stimulates the g-spot. Some very powerful orgasms can be achieved with the g-spot and clitoral stimulation! ☺️
im sorry for your loss, as others have said said youre definitely not directly the cause of her death
but in regards of 'being nasty', i hope this doesnt come out as mere mansplaining, but Loretta Breuning has written two books which offers a very easy explanation as to why humans are 'nasty to each other' among other behaviours, and it is Status seeking connected to Serotonin/Cortisol
Every mammal implicitly understands status seeking and it definitely was 'jealousy' or more generally status seeking why you retaliated by 'being nasty' to her, to normalize/increase your low status. What we dont know is that; status seeking is directly related to serotonin and cortisol release hence why status seeking is so overpoweringly 'oppressive', your brain is easily threated by status threats and appeased by status increase. No one is immune to it unless they are aware of their own brain's mechanisms and actively assess their own feelings.
As others have said be kind, and i agree; but hopefully a materialist/scientific understanding (by reading and researching how our brains/behaviours work) may help you to be kinder when your own or others' brains decide that they dont want to be kind.
Th Ricky territory. I had a similar conversation my nephew about his 14 year old son. Kids see SO much porn these days, even if they don’t go looking for it. I recommended a book I head about, BOYS AND SEX. More info and support than a box of rubbers.
GG, uncle!
I don't understand parents who limit their child's information about sex. They are setting their kids up to be unsatisfied and unsafe at best, manipulated and abused at worst.
I told my kids everything about sex, consent, safety, health, relationships, etc. and then when I ran out of information, I bought them each a copy of S.E.X. by Heather Corinna. There's no such thing as being overeducated.
You could compromise and become a peasant console gamer like myself.
If not then the best solution is to get a pre-assembled decently powerful computer (HP or so) and switch out the Power Supply and install a higher end graphic card. Because I've never been able to afford a full out gaming PC myself I have always gone this route and for about 1/3 to 1/2 of the price of a gaming PC you can end up with a decent machine that runs 95% of games at high or max anyways.
Look at cheap PCs at bestbuy and find the one with the best bang for the buck processor you can:
(right now probably something like Intel Xeon E5-2665 @ 2.40GHz)
Then shop online for the best bang for the buck Graphic card:
Probably something like this GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
To add to this: OP, you should talk to your gynecologist about it, but I got a set of these and they have been life changing. I couldn’t find an Amazon link for the smaller set, but you’ll want to start with those. I managed to go from really awful pain every time to really enjoying sex again.
I am intrigued by your comment: "This man has managed to make me 100% dependent on him." Is your father the father of your children, as well?
You may find this publication helpful.
Hey OP, I've just discovered this book, and it's been quite enlightening for me. It might be for you, too. Here's the Amazon page so you can have a Look Inside...
Congratulations on breaking the cycle. Your toddler is lucky to have you :)
Exactly my thoughts , I have no issue for a male deciding his own choices , but it’s different when the parents alter an infants body. With all due respects on them. Infants are so young to go through surgery so soon their bodies are still developing and so are their stem cells their not exactly fully ready for such things and how much more delicate things are ..
For future reference of your son if he ever gets yeast infections secure him with Terrasil , removes infections in less than a week, and if any point in time phimosis is one as well, there are natural steroid cremes that assist in expanding the tissue with manual helping devices or finger stretches.
I’m sure if many others read your comment the respect behind the knowledge you have given not only to yourself but with the choice made.
Limited-time deal: AREBI Spy Camera Wireless Hidden WiFi Mini Camera HD 1080P Portable Home Security Cameras Covert Nanny Cam Small Indoor Outdoor Video Recorder Motion Activated Night Vision A10 Plus [2022 Version] https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07GB2T125/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_dl_V0CJWSVJ7VBD2553HES4
Amazon: Top Race Drone Clip
Top Race Drone Clip Remote Control Object Launcher, Release and Drop Drone Delivery (180 Feet) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07521DGVD/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glc_fabc_ARMN4XZNK0PSDXD1NXHH?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
That sounds awful. It sucks that your parents are so closed-minded. I'm not sure how old you are, but are you anywhere close to being old enough to move out of the house? Also if your parents are helping with college, going to college is often a very freeing experience. My parents stopped stressing me nearly as much when I went off to university because I had so much more freedom to be myself and do what I wanted.
I tried to kill myself when I was 16, I sat in the kitchen in the dark for 4 hours afterwards waiting for my parents to wake up so I could have a serious conversation with them. But my dad didn't believe I'd actually go through with it, which made me feel like shit.
There are some free counselors online who may be able to help with more accurate guidance though. Like Seven Cups of Tea or SAMHSA (the second one is for the U.S., but you can use a proxy if you're in another country).
As for finding love, I believe that there's someone for everyone. You can go on youtube and find all sorts of interesting couples who get along perfectly, like they were made for each other. I'm sure there is someone out there for you, so I wouldn't worry about it. You have plenty of time to find someone. Even the process of looking for someone to love is an adventure itself!
Please please please seek out some sort of help. Things will get better, I promise. Maybe take a break from work and alcohol, and search for another job. There are so many resources to help you. There is anonymous online counciling that you can participate in as well, if that’s something you’re interested in. Trust me, I’ve been in some very dark spots as well. But try to remember the good things. Set some goals for yourself. Here’s some resources: National Suicide Hotline: https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org Free anonymous online counciling: https://www.7cups.com And remember: there are people that care. I care, even though you’re a stranger to me. And many others do as well. I empathize with you. It gets better. I promise.
You may have a mild form of gaestroparisis. I have those burps as well but finally got meds to help ease them. Basically your stomachs muscles slow down so it takes longer for food to digest so it just sits in your stomach and rots ...hence the wonderful smelling burps.
Not sure how to link on mobile if it doesn't show up right just Google gaestroparisis. Even if that's not why you have them at least you have something to start asking your doctor about.
You just spent nearly 15 hours arguing on social media that you don't have time to get yourself tested. What the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously, what is your problem?
>And I’m a piece of shit yet you’re the one who’s wishing an STD on me? Lmao! You don’t even know me.
I know that you're real fucking dumb. I know that you're dumb and that you don't mind putting other people at risk and then blaming them for it. If prostitutes didn't want to die because of a careless John, then they shouldn't have chosen to be prostitutes to begin with, huh?
I never once wished you were sick. I did say that all your kicking and screaming like a little girl, insisting that you don't have time, isn't going to be any consolation to you when you do become seriously ill.
> I used protection in each encounter I was in.
Here's another example of you being real fucking dumb. You obviously have zero concept of what hell you're talking about. Also worth mentioning that it can take take as long as ten years for being symptom free with HIV until full blown AIDS develops.
Let me bullet point this since you're struggling to read:
Huh weird... kinda like this skit on this radio show that took place 2 days ago I was listening to on my way home from work.
Number [2] and [3].
I guess you were wrong. You were only right when you said lying doesn't make you a whore. However, I said no such thing. Lying when claiming you would stay committed to the other person makes you a whore.
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz's book goes into great detail about everything mentioned and more in its last chapters
Thomas King's book describes this very well too, I find this book more digestible than my previous suggestion. Very short and written in a narrative tone.
Let me know if you'd like more sources in case those are too difficult for you :)
Get him a penis sleeve
https://www.amazon.com/Herpes-Blitz-Protocol-Destroying-Powerful/dp/1982967919/ref=sr\_1\_1?crid=W2VO4S81DFM5&keywords=herpes+blitz+diet&qid=1639977821&sprefix=herpes+blit%2Caps%2C208&sr=8-1 There is a cure for herpes! I cured myself of herpes in 2018. I have been off medication ever since and have had no out breaks.
That’s abusive and fucked up. It may be hard but if you’re underaged I would recommend talking to cps. Child protective services. I’m not sure the legality of denying your child medical treatment but there might be grey area with her needing to know what you talk about with your therapist. Hey and if that doesn’t work or wouldn’t be for you there’s plenty of sources (reputable) for free therapy. https://www.7cups.com The website I linked is a free to use website that you can talk to a real person who will listen to you. I believe they are trained as well. Best of luck and don’t run away from home.
Not sure what kinda music you like but this song just came out a few days ago and the lyrics may help you feel a little relief from your pain like it did mine, brother. Hope you can take care of yourself and PM me if you ever need to take a load off.
Hijacking the hijacked comment to mention Pi-Hole. Get a cheap raspberry pi (even an old used one works) and follow the installation guide to have your own ad blocking dnd server in your home.
Not using the exact method that user linked, since that's run by someone else and we can't control what domains they block. If you wanted to use existing lists, you'd need to setup something like PiHole, which will let you use any lists you want (although they might require some formatting first).
Unlike the White Book, this one is rather dark but explains it all. Basically, a soul is split male/female in creation but can incarnate in any body it desires. That Elixir Called Love: The Truth about Sexual Attraction, Secret Fantasies and the Magic of True Love
i saw a flight attendant wearing something like this recently. its adjustable, it might work for you
This will complete your life friend. Trust me: Rtreek Jar Opener, Jar Opener for Weak Hands, Effortless, Never Skidding, Jar Opener for Seniors with Arthritis, Jar Gripper https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0784GNRF1/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_J3F7RXGVS1QYD7TW66MK?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I have heard other sexual assault survivors say the exact same thing. In fact Roxane Gay mentions this quite a bit in this book: https://www.amazon.com/Hunger-Memoir-Body-Roxane-Gay/dp/0062362593 you should take a look... and also see therapy.
If you can manage to get away for school purposes (year abroad in high school? semester of college in a different country?) most universities in Europe have health services available free of charge for students (and in countries with national healthcare visiting students should be covered when they see any other doctor).
Those things might be available to you in your own country, but I only know you're from a muslim country, and from my experience (limited to North Africa) some countries that have free healthcare might not be the best places to see a shrink. Not because they have bad doctors, but because their medical systems tend to be overcrowded and things like psychiatry might not be considered priorities (so long delay to get appointments, and maybe not possible to get regular sessions outside of a major mental health issue).
You might look up places online that offer free help. I don't have experience with those but this one is supposed to be free and have "trained" people listening to you (I don't know what qualifications they have exactly).
I think lots of nonprofits, and even private doctors, might offer services free of charge. Even from different countries, it's quite easy through the phone or talking over the internet (I'd advise using VoIP services like Skype, making it less likely your family would notice foreign phone numbers either on their bill or as incoming calls).
Last but not least : don't seek help from people trying to reach you through Reddit PMs, or looking for identifying info (like IP address, social media accounts, phone numbers, first name, last name, name of pets, name of school...). Create throwaways (Skype or whatever) for everything.
I never watched the show but I see your point and know how you mean. I think I'll watch it now actually. Maybe you'll like Video girl Ai.