This is what amounts to "empathy" for them. Instead of putting themselves in someone else's shoes, they just selfishly assume everyone else is in their shoes.
I'd give them more than that, ngl. The only times I've come across it is when the author's used the word 'eyes' so many times in a page bc something important is happening to a character's eyes that they were probably thinking, "I should stir the pot here with some synonyms," and I can roll with 'orbs' just as well as any other synonym.
Random but related: one of my favorite synonyms for 'look' is 'peer.'
Also everybody needs to know about It is amazing!
Add an accent and tada! Do it for all the curses and really bring out the inner sailor. But I'm also a masochist 😅
If you're not trying to creatively push buttons and just trying to find loop holes go with other gross words like moist! Make him wish you still used boring curse words 😈
> she said nothing on the lines of "Crack down on internet" tho
The headline is:
> Theresa May says attack justifies her plan to crackdown on internet use
The quote from May in the article is:
> "This Government will act to stamp out extremist and hateful ideology, both across society and on the internet," she said
"Stamp out" is a synonym of "crack down on"
So "cracking down on internet use" is just another way of talking about an attempt to "stamp out [blah] on the internet."
unsure of what context you’re going for asking this-but i’m ngl a lot of these make me physically cringe, im not on t, but i usually call everything my “dick”.
i don’t think “hole”/“front hole” is that bad, especially in a gay setting since a lot of guys call their asshole their “hole”.
in the past i’ve seen people use the word “slit” in fanfic/smut settings, and looking at a list of other words to call ones “front bottom”- i honestly don’t mind the word “sheath”, it has more scaley porn origins in my mind but it’s not as bad as some of the words used.
I don't see it listed as an opposite.
Public ownership isn't inherently bad, it just depends on how it's implemented and controlled..
In the name of public ownership, dictators and oligarchies definitely have control of resources, that we have no control ov even as a collective
15 ______ (insert word you prefer that won't offend you here)
Here's three different sources to clearly prove underhandedness is a synonym of deceitful (since you so confidently wrote "lmao"):
For the sake of dicussion, let's work under the context you stated though, in which attacking a neutral country risks putting you in an isolated (and thus weaker) position:
The fact that you remain isolated is pointless if you win the war. Hitler was betting on a fast, isolated conflict. It didn't happen in hindsight, but it had worked so far, prior to the Invasion of Poland and the Battle of France (an example of strength, strategy and tactics).
You also have to take into account that many neutral countries provide concession to one side of the belligerents, so many decide to cut them off, and in that way weaken their direct enemy (another example of strength, strategy and tactics).
Last but not least, those attacks on neutral countries in WW2, as underhanded ad they were, didn't isolate Nazi Germany in the least. It didn't unite the world against Hitler, and it took several years, and a direct attack by the Japanese for the U.S. to finally join the war directly (until then, they were neutral but providing aid to the Soviets and the British, through the lend lease and convoys).
What it did do for the Germans, is amplify their hold of Europe, complicate the war enormously on Britain, and solidify them as a global threat. Simply put, it worked.
It would be many factors into the future which would play into the downfall of Nazi Germany, but attacking neutral countries certainly wasn't one of the biggest (if one at all).
Actually it is a synonym
Synonyms for Flabby
#chubby, plump
#silky, softness
#furry, squishy
Amenable describes someone or something that’s “willing to agree or to accept something that is wanted or asked for,” which I think may be a bit broad for your intended meaning. (For instance, I’m guessing that even a flexi plus ticket has some restrictions?)
I wouldn’t go with “amenable” there. I think “flexible” would be fine, though at your option, you could choose a word other than “flexible” since your sentence already has “flexi” earlier (which is almost the same word).
If it wouldn’t be unwelcome, I also have two other comments that aren’t directly related to your question—
Here's a list of Antonyms for Well-respected that should spark something for you, OP. Best of luck.
And louche is rather obscure (I've never heard it spoken myself as a native English speaker).
There is also plaster, daub, stucco
however each of those can actually be used to refer to a particular product in North America...
with up to 948 synonyms...
I'm not required to supply a complete diagram and guide to the world's economic beliefs, just so I can use one simple and glaringly obvious counter-example. Countering with communism is totally reasonable, regardless of whether the word was already mentioned.
I would say demanding is closer to commanding, which is an antonym to begging. Either way, a political party stating their platform isn't a demand. All political parties do this. If a political party didn't run on a platform, they would serve no purpose. This political party just happens to be running on a platform that is dumb as fuck.
>No. I know what the destination is, I just don't want to upset or offend others.
You wouldn't have to state that if your actions spoke for you.
>You are clearly socially incompatibille [sic].
>With you? yes.
I was trying to come up with something that would play off of rayon, since I see both crates as being in a similar category.
Came up with nylon, dacron, orlon, silk...
I love it when people get personal with their arguments and even then they fail. Go celebrate and go "verb" is pretty common way of speaking:
Also the fact that I don't have to go to the "pub" is something that I'm pretty happy about. As opposed to you, I don't like killing my body and decaying my brain. Guess it's a matter of how much brain you start with.
For the first one, either Power Thesaurus or OneLook Reverse Dictionary might be the sort of thing you're looking for. Neither are perfect (some of the results are a little weird/not that relevant), but you can order results by nouns, verbs and adjective as well as look up meanings and examples.
For the second, is Google's Talk to Books what you were thinking of?
I feel where you want to go with this. Something you might necessarily be asking to have critical information about, however there are bones here and I see what you want to make of it.
Others have broken down your wordage and offered much advice be it direct example or personal thoughts.
I feel your over reaching points. In a blocking sense man intercedes when monster attempts to eat kids. Awesome!!
So something that helps me, am I telling or am I showing? Pro tip read aloud. In the coffee shop,at the public library, on the pot when the thinking is prime.
Don't fret the Edit. Everything will be cheese clothed more and more as you get brain pencil to the paper. ( typing writing jotting all of those)
You don't need to reinvest and redefine the genre. Tolkien didn't set out to make the stand as it stands for his work. Just keep writing and redefining.
I watched a video of Alan Moore (v for vendetta, watchmen, league of extraordinary gentlemen) and he was standing in some bookstore told everyone listening you don't have to be published to be a writer. That if you take the time to create something, you are the master of it's creation. In this moment a dark fantasy writer! Now that is achieved you and we must all aid ourselves to be Better dark fantasy editors. This is an amazing help to flex the literary muscle without a brain aneurysm.
Yup, I googled after I posted the last reply. Turns out all the other words are way worse than anal.
My biggest surprise was ‘backstreet’. Gives a whole new world of meaning to Backstreet Boys.
There are a lot, but none fully cover the load, they are all only usable in certain contexts, I can't really find something with the same meaning as nostalgia but negative, but I've found some that represent negative feelings towards the past
This is a great list:
What is the difference between abilities and traits in term of your system? I assume that one is an active thing, while the other is a passive one.
A good question might be to think about how they are acquired. Do they come as "Rewards" from accomplishing special events. Are they "Unlocks" from grinding stuff. Are they "Specializations" picked from choices during leveling such as two of the same class might get different ones.
That kind of thing.
Last resort: gives you 3433 different ways of saying ability. I'm sure there's one that can encompass what abilities and traits are in your system...
Great, that's what I used, an analogy, I don't care if you want so badly to call it a metaphor, even though you could be technically not wrong, its not the most accurate word to describe what I wrote, because it was an analogy. Words are precious, treat them with respect!
Also, isnt the only thesaurus on the planet, it does not show ALL synonyms for every word and it doesn't do it the same as all other thesaurus websites or books.
For example, site above does state that small and microscopic to be synonyms, and any idiot can agree that they are.
Anyways, keep practicing buddy!
I like the 17th level feature. It's pretty gruesome. As you said, the word "Eldritch" is a bit overused here. I'd probably switch it up with some other words. Check out some synonyms here. Way of the Tentacle also caught me off-guard. I thought it would have something to do with oceans but it's more of a Lovecraft thing. Maybe Way of the Maddened God or something like that?
>its only correct if you look at it through the narrow lens of dictionary definition.
You still haven't demonstrated to me how it's not the correct word for the context. It literally means second to last so saying "your penultimate post" is correct. Theres no narrow lens. It was used perfectly. Do you have a better word? There is no other synonym for this context.
Edit: Look at it's synonyms.
It's an adjective so that means that it's a word to modify or describe to a noun. 'A post' is a noun (person, place, or thing). I'm using an adjective (penultimate) to describe a noun (post). It works with the context perfectly and is grammatically correct. I can't be more clear than this.
I don't know what faggy means. I don't think it's an adjective. If you can describe what it means then maybe I'll know how it's faggy to use 'penultimate'.
If you're baking cookies now and you're not wanting to open the business till you've saved up then you may never have it. Get your business license, business checking, logo, etc now!
Dream Cookies! (taken from your username) You can hit up some synonym words for Dream if you want that route.
here are some examples:
Now if you don't want Cookies and want to eventually bake different items, you can use
> I plan on trying to keep them warm if possible because they are best that way.
I'd suggest a microwave or oven to reheat. I don't like seeing cookies under heat lamps.
You could consult our word list, but it's kind of clumsy. No grouping or sorting apart from A-Z. But also try using synonym tools from various dictionary firms. Not all will supply you with carbon copy synonyms; you'll find a bit of variation. I do rotations with my Mac's built-in dictionary (I think it's Oxford),, and this bad boy.
Trying to cut back on the word character 'cut-off', without too much revising?
Trying to think of the right word to convey what you're thinking internally, but your mind goes blank?
This online thesaurus, is by far (or 'conclusively'), the 'most significant' I have yet to find:
Fore more fruitful writing, I advice to use Power Thesaurus - amazing crowdsourced tool which helps to find alternative to commonly used words. Strongly recommend!
Besides, it's smart to use such tools as Cliché Finder for more specific writing and Unplag plagiarism checker to find duplications in your posts with other published writing. I'm sure that these tools are really valuable for all writers who care about their content.
Great request is probably a good start -- I use it all the time. It doesn't list the frequency or language questions you're describing. I'm not sure where to get that.
To be fair, that adage comes from WW2 propaganda. It's not exactly OLD, but it isn't that young either.
Here's a link to a bunch of similes for the idiom. Maybe try adapting one of these?
Good points. Enjoy the holidays! Hopefully in 2022 we can be the opposite of vitriolic. Here are some suggestions from the interwebs. "#2 will shock you"
That honestly is a really interesting question. When you asked it the second time I think it clicked more.
If I am going to be super strictly honest about my negative feelings, I might say something like, "the speciously-named pro-choice cause isn't all about choices after all!"
Another good one perhaps more subtle due to the dual meaning of ostensible, "the ostensibly self-titled pro-choice movement has a long way to go before I am convinced of their sincerity."
You could say specious pro-life, but that's possibly ambiguous as to whether you mean they are "mistitled and PL" or "mistitled as PL".
My unusually large vocabulary is strangely also captured at this website. 😁 Thankfully, for the rest of us, and in case I forget.
I think you're right but I believe I have hear it again like that, this have some synonyms for the "said amount" I'm not 100% sure it's right but if I'm correct please correct me again.
Just like any other Blood Sport or Death Race, this contest is played by the protagonists against a team of competition fielding a diverse array of Dog Skull and Motor Vehicle.
It is a form of Jousting, that does not include being chained or tied to a rock with a sword made of Feathers or Seashells.
Instead it uses "Fluid Dynamics" the ball's volume has been partially filled with a Colloidal Heavy Metal, such as Gallium-Mercury. As such, the ball displays a chaotic vector of motion similar to a Double Pendulum or Strange Attractor such as a Double Scroll.
If you win, you win Butterflies! Yay.
However, David Carradine, Sylvester Stallone, James Caan and Jimmy Smits are on the opposing team.
Do you feel sporty? Punk? We'll do ya?
Really couldn't find anything that has a pale green search button. Your hints are also somewhat vague to search with.
Anyways, if you want alternatives (some I use almost everyday) are:
I doubt you need anything more than these three.
Advanced knowledge? Or a synonym from this list:
Gaining progressively more advanced knowledge shows that introductory information may be incomplete and/or not entirely accurate.
Power thesaurus:
Wordhippo is pretty cool too:
If you're trying to rhyme things and also want idioms and phrases:
Hope this helps!
I like and, but I would echo what others have said: use a thesaurus to find the precise word for a situation, not to make your writing fancier.
Like Esther, I got a little bored and started tuning out the minutiae, but I think it works. I wouldn't read a whole novel of this, but I like the rhythm of them arguing and giving justifications about what they're doing.
Using a modern idiom is fine, but if you can find an older one with the same meaning, it might fit better with the feeling of the setting. Like once I used wordhippo to find "kick over the traces" instead of "blow off steam". I had to go to power thesaurus for pot and kettle.
Absolutely this is a good way to begin web scraping.
Take note of how the url changes when you search a word.
For example, when I search "test" the url becomes:
So now I know that I could just keep this URL as a string and insert whatever word I want where "test" is to get the correct page back.
After that, You will want examine the html and css of the page using inspect element through a browser.
Find out how it organizes the synonyms.
They are probably just <td> tags (table data) inside of <tr> tags (table row), inside of a <table> tag.
Moreover, they might be styled with a specific css class.
Knowing all these things, a beginner should be more than capable of doing what You have described between the requests
and BeautifulSoup
Appreciate the feedback, I just wanted to make sure it's a real word.
Yea you're right, it's pretty hard to confuse what it means here, especially in the context I'm using it in... but I really can't think of another word that would work here...
Anyone have any suggestions? :D
This thesaurus also lists phrases and idioms.
Also, I'm not sure where you are but you've obviously not been spending enough time in Oklahoma, USA (or parts south), because people here definitely say 'raining cats and dogs!'
Ah, you're kindly welcomed, :O)
Haha, and like your opposite description. Which is timely also...
For whenever I am in doubt of a word, a good ol' thesaurus comes in handy. For not only synonyms, but for antonyms, too. As the "yin & yang" together can aid greatly in better grasping of definitions.
Before you start searching for any thesaurus out there, I have two recommendations for you:
Power Thesaurus - I'd say one of the best online thesauri out there, because it gives you different parts of speech as results (nouns, verbs, adjectives, phrases, ...) and also antonyms (opposites of the word you search for).
Or, if you don't mind spending some money, look up "Roget's International Thesaurus" (the 7th edition is pretty good, I think the 8th does have a few deficits). Costs about 22$ right now on amazon. Unlike other thesauri in book-form (which are sorted alphabetically) it is sorted by concept. E.g. you can look up the concept of food or different emotions etc. to find words you can use without having an exact word you need to look up. But remember to check if the word is still in use or outdated. I like to primarily use it to find words I know but didn't remember.
Use quillbot, get your text generated, rearrange the lines here and there, put some extra lines too. Don't be a dumbass and make sure you proofread it and it feels like it was written by a human. Run it through a plagiarism check again, and repeat accordingly.
Legal tip: Use a thesaurus, when you're writing and you wanna spice things up use sites like Power Thesaurus and look for better words that fit the context. Helps your vocabulary too
“I believe it will be a relatively small amount," Raffensperger, a Republican, told Fox and Friends. “I think that you will find that the machine count that we did will be fairly accurate."
Hmmmmm... what does “fairly accurate” mean?
55 Fairly Accurate Synonyms | Fairly Accurate in Thesaurus
It can be I could give a shit and many others this sub' fucked soooo thirsty for news, haven't seen this much thirst since thotts were invented. Have fun white knighting! Cheers...
If you are romantically or sexually attracted to women there is sapphist - and then there's the WLW (woman loving woman). I found a list here but it includes terms I'm sure are disagreeable.
My favorite was a religious lesbian since my first church was Presbyterian - lesbyterian
It's a solid no for me. 99% of the people he encounters in life won't know it's a family name. This thesaurus entry says it all: Unless he loves being the centre of attention and deflecting name jokes, it'll be a burdensome name to live with. Especially if he ends up being shy or romantically inept.
I like the name in itself and the family connection is nice, but to me this is an obvious case of "save it for the middle".
You're welcome.
Tip: Because of the well defined phrase, I searched for -
(Putting the phrase inside double quotes, is important and works with google & bing also.)
Based on prior, similar searches - was the first result I looked at. Had to add the -ly of course. is my go to for when I'm stuck with which words to use. You may just have to string a few more together to get the right effect as you are already leaning towards.
I mean, this is /r/words lol. Semantics is basically the theme. But yeah, I could see people understanding synonym to mean something that loosely related (and you'll find some pretty broad reaches on, or sites like this one where the limitations are completely out the window), but you could also read it as having to be even more identical than that. Obviously, this doesn't take away from my original point, but I can see my example being a bad one depending on how you define synonym. I should note that you won't find gaslighting as a synonym for lying on thesaurus or though.
it is literally a synonym for open secret. It is on the first page when you google "well known secret"
That you would claim that you got nothing when you looked it up means that you either didn't in fact look it up or you decided that some results didn't count. I get it, you didn't know this phrase existed, you didn't know that it is just another way of saying "open secret" and so your trying to defend the fact that you didn't know about the phrase. It's ok to just admit that you didn't know about the phrase and move on.
Call out 'poor' sure, not lower class. Take that shit back to Victorian England thanks. There is no way that calling a group of people lower class isn't offensive.
This was a bit of a mission. Had a couple of us in there trying to work it out. The problem was that the main dictionaries like Oxford, Merriam, etc., all have terrible formatting and put everything in one section.
PowerThesaurus keeps it nice and neat. Here's my formula:
It’s ok, they say English is one of the harder languages to learn. He is most likely in the county or city jail dim wit.
Try to come up with ways to describe your city that don't necessarily follow geography or common naming patterns. So for example, a poorer district might be called 'the Rundowns' or "Underquarter". You could also just gone simpler and name according to professions, so for instance "Tannery Lane" or "Coopers Street".
Use: if you want great alternatives.
But shouldn't you have the critical thinking skills to recognize the implications when you see any verbiage that dictates an opinion piece?
Here's the list of things that imply bias, Propaganda, or some sort of motive, criticism, rant, or feeling
Your point would be valid if it was published outside of the editorial.
Ahh, I see what you mean. I would definitely consider reading some erotica then, see if it tickles the creative juices. Alternatively there's other sources if you're conscious about that: - my personal favourite is "cum gun". Or you could describe his shaft, the tip, his balls etc. Mix it up a little.
Honestly, the guy isn't gonna be sat there grading your work like an English Lit teacher, he's going to have his pecker in his hand getting excited about his girlfriend. Easier said than done, but don't overthink it and just go for it, you may surprise yourself :)
I like these, haha.
I don't mind more similes or metaphors than that but I do a similar thing with 'unique words' ('vocabulary words') Can't use the same unique word within about 5-10 paragraphs (preferably even more than that). is my savior.
edit: my parenthetical said exactly the opposite of my meaning 😂 (I wrote 'preferably not more than that' hahah no)
Nights Watch Wall Watcher sounds IMO stupid, make shorter names please
Like: Nights Watch Ranger, Nights Watch Hunter, Nights Watch Huntsman, Trapper, Bowman etc... use this:
>If you are almost certain, you are uncertain.
We assign varying levels of certainty to everything, but those terms have different meanings. Opposite meanings, even.
You're technically correct, but from a linguistics angle, quite wrong. No one would use those two terms interchangeably in common parlance.
> Claim*s*
That's also not really best practice, since it's hardly ever make sense to use plural names for tables (a table will likely store more than just 1 row, so it makes no sense to use plural names, obviously the table User
stores users, etc.).
As for the specific about something like ClaimHead
, or ClaimBase
? Maybe a synonym for "master data"?
> I just didn't know the correct word for parachutiste in English so I just translated with Google translate which is not a great idea.
Actually, I find that to be a great idea. I never would have had an issue with that. And I never had an issue with your use of that word. It was a perfectly good synonym to use, and as such, confused no-one whose primary language is English.
My comment was never directed at you. Hell, it wasn’t even directed at /u/HowdyGangstas. It was an off-the-cuff statistical statement that a person who spoke only English could have most likely come from one specific country on the planet.
Congratulations 👏❤️👍❤️. Wishing you many joyous years together. When you talk and sing to her, what does she respond to?
(Anne & Nancy Wilson of Heart) Betty Boop has a heart theme. Spirit, Essence, Sweetheart Words for heart:
Yikes! *I don't get it? Was just playing along. I was going to choose comrade, but someone had already used it. Brainstorming synonyms, I ended up googling. Companion was listed after comrade.
Sincerest apologies to anyone I offended. No disrespect or harm intended. Sorry for any misunderstanding.
Thats a great website, better than other thesauruses because its created by the community, kinda like wikipedia. Take the suggested names in this thread ad put them in there.
Just from a mechanical point of view, that screw to fit the handle and the „blade“ will totally break when you hit someone with the wide side :D. Looks dope tho
It kinda looks like a cricket club maybe name it with something related to that like Wicket or Bowler, racket
Or go for a synonym with voltage like tension, potential (bat), emf, surge, tensity...
Or if you want to use names from different langues i can give you Strom (elek. Power), Schläger (bat), Stange (pole), Klopper (something like hitter if thats even a word) for some german word suggestions.
When I run into a situation like this - needing more info - I commonly put the word I want more meaning out of into one of my favorite sites - power thesaurus. Doesn't always help but it does more often than not. Here's what it came up with for corruption. Good luck. :)
Yeah, I think that <em>lighthearted</em> could work. Or maybe <em>cheerful</em>?
Or if you might like a few more options, this page lists a few others..
I am no expert but yeah crisps seems to be a synonym for french fries and chips, so there you go, point is fried potatoes in whatever presentation you want, still coherent and a synonym and not a lie in any of the headings
World peace and technological advancements eventually led planet Mackel to space travel. Mackelites spread throughout the galaxy until one fateful day when they discovered a planet inhabited by douchebag clones.
The Douchebagians were a primitive race who worshiped the moon. They immediately dominated and enslaved Mackelites who were seen as weak and gullible. But the enslavement was a rouse which allowed them to study the Douchebagians in their natural environment.
They eventually devised a plan for departure after they had learned enough from the planet. During a lunar eclipse, an extremely superstitious time for the average Douchebagian, the Mackelites suddenly started to dematerialize. They screamed in agony, flailed their arms around and some even grabbed at a Douchebag, pleading for help.
Generations have passed, but the legend of the Mackelites still carries on. Few douchebags still believe the story, but some say that if you listen carefully during a lunar eclipse, you can still hear the screams of the Mackelites.
I dunno, something like that or whatever.
As one option:
“My role allows me to practice being sensitive, supportive, and nonjudgmental.”
Or if you might like to switch up <em>nonjudgmental</em>, some options might include:
Where did I say that every redditor is an incel? What a straw-man.
Probably doesn't even know what "full of" means.
Here, I did the google search for you:
>is the use of threatened in this context correct
Yes, it is. In this case "threatened" is used in probably its most common meaning which is to "express one's intention to harm or kill". So, Trump is threatening tariffs which are intended to economically harm Mexico.
> should the newsman have used another term?
There are many synonyms for "threatened" but that's probably the best word to use here.
The very first thing that shows up (below) as the opposite of true is - false.
TSCC has beaten the idea that the church is true into the members heads and I for one know it is not true, my conclusion is that TSCC is false. You may do as you wish but I suspect you will lose the "argument" before it even starts if you approach it your way.
Thank you for sharing such a wonderful piece! Such a very engaging and inspirational poem, the first line just hooks the reader like THAT! (Well, that’s at least what happened to me, my eyes widened a bit) One thing you could improve upon though is the variation between your vocabulary choice. I noticed that some of the same words were used multiple times, which seemed a bit redundant to me. What I do when I write is keep a thesaurus next to me at all times, but if you don’t own a thesaurus, I highly recommend the power thesaurus it’s my favorite website to use for synonyms. If you do end up revising this in the near future, please let me know, because I love it and would like to read it again!!!
I have been doing crosswords lately to improve my vocabulary. I think it's working.
When I'm looking for a specific word and I have a few minutes to look it up, I love using and browsing through all the words.
It's almost always a fool's errand in my experience. If it was hard to find the words, they're typically less common, less familiar to readers, and increase the effort needed to read your writing.
But if you must use a Thesaurus, I like this crowd-sourced one:
The opposite of that name would be these perhaps they are more elegant in Italian? Sorry if I assumed incorrectly if that is your first language.
I don't see hierarchy and egalitarianism as opposite and if you do, I'm assuming you are making capitalist vs socialist argument because it implies low wealth inequality. Hierarchy antonyms are all about disorder, not egalitarianism. These concepts have little to do with one another.
>My point was that he's wrong about lobsters.
Only if you make reductio ad absurdum out of his lobster example. His point was that hierarchies are not arbitrarily socially constructed but fundamental to life for hundreds of millions of years. His argument ultimately doesn't depend on lobster example, anyway. You can remove lobster stuff from his speech on hierarchy and not lose anything I guess this counts? Lol in this case the connotation is because that's the most common first thought people have. But a philanthropic person can be philanthropic without being a charity.
Don't think the first one is too edgy, but it would be hard to segue into it in a graduation speech. Plus, if you said "the first axiom", people would wonder why you didn't expound on the other axioms.
All that being said, I think you could make a go of it if you paraphrased it and made your speech or a section of your speech about fairness and decisiveness.
For example, "it would be wise to remember that there is no 'right' without the will to back it up, but that will isn't 'right' on its own." Take that if you like.
Not related, but I would recommend PowerThesaurus for mixing up your word choice. It's a pretty comprehensive tool.
Usually, I avoid using big words unless a situation demands so. In my upcoming debut novel The Ryders' Riddance, there is one particular character, who has a polished command on the vocabulary and he just knows how to make spoken English sound so effortless.
To enable me use better words, I use Power Thesaurus and for usage of appropriate idioms & phrases, this website has been of great help!
Hope it helps.
I was just thinking a similar resource would be great. Like a rhyming dictionary but for the first syllable of the word. Sometimes thesaurus aren't the right tool when you are looking for words with doublr meanings but you want it to sound right. The closest I found was which allows users to add new synonyms, so it has more than the "official" sources.
Damn son, I really thought it was vacuous.
Can you ask the girl if she remembers? Just thought of another word: frivolous?
edit: just saw that frivolous was on the list... check this out tho
list of synonyms for the word gift:
Pittance is a good one:
the list of antonyms for the word gift are worthy too:
silliness inability n. incapability n. incompetence n. insufficiency n. forfeit n. penalty n. affliction baffle v. beg cheat v. fool
Since we're dealing with a 5 year old level mind here, i'll make it easy for you:
Governance, synonym as indicated here = centralism.
I'm no Albert Einstein, but logic would tell me that governance means it's centralized. Can't fix stupid!
I have no clue as to what you define as thinking, so no. It's psycho babble as "thinking" can mean many or few thing, of which there can be a multitude of antonyms to successfully challenge it. Basically you have picked a broad topic and wish to apply specific parameters upon it. Can I know what up is without knowing down, yes, obviously depending on the context one is learning the concept.
>To make such a distinction requires the opposite for it to make any sense.
Why, which opposite are you talking about? Opposite of happiness could be one of 650 possibilities of which unhappiness seems the most obvious. I can figuratively drive a cruise ship through the holes in your simplistic logic. That's why it's meaningless, specious psycho babble.
Buncha milk drinkers in here... But I digress
Edit:. Lucid. Lucid was the one I was trying to think of.