We sell it at the pet store where I work. It's the swan fountain by Pioneer Pet. It's available through Amazon.
ETA: Amazon link
Thank you :) it's a bamboo fountain kit in a dog water bowl. https://www.amazon.com/Bamboo-Accents-Adjustable-Half-Round-Split-Resistant/dp/B000XFRTXS/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=bamboo+water+fountain&qid=1620882620&sr=8-3
This cage is an inappropriate size. You need one that is much larger.
Food and water should not be placed so low to the ground, where it could potentially get poop and debris in it.
She needs access to more toys. There should be a handful of different activities for her to do in her cage. Bells, forage toys, different things.
You need different perch sizes so that her feet can have full range of motion and she can stretch her toes. Flat surfaces included. (Example here)
When you find a larger cage, a more interesting set up will be easier to achieve. But right now this is pretty unacceptable, I'm sorry to say. If you are tight on money look at craigslist for unused bird cages. If not, buy one from Amazon. This is the size that I have for each of my similar-sized birds, green cheek conures: link here
I hope this isn't too spammy to give out a Kickstarter link! They took about 6 months to illustrate, though I did most of the work within the last 2 months.
Your lil girl is so cute! I do suggest taking out mirrors and plastic toys/perched and replacing them with natural shredding toys / natural wood perches as the mirrors cause psychological harm to the bird and the plastic perches irritate their lil feet. They can even develop into arthritis over time. I bought my lil dude some wood perches I found on amazon https://www.amazon.com/BILLIOTEAM-Branches-Platform-Parakeets-Cockatiels/dp/B08P2MFHFG/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?adgrpid=116003452230&dchild=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2b6Nn5fQ8QIV5Do4Ch1ewgP1EAAYASAAEgKOWPD_BwE&hvadid=475271144078&hvdev=m&hvloc...
Only use positive reinforcement.
Spend as much time with them as you can.
Don’t push into their personal space bubble (but you can and should find out its periphery, stay as near it you can without making them anxious, and get closer as it shrinks).
It takes a lot of time but you’ll learn your bird’s body language; when you can tell their mood at a glance, it gets a lot easier to train them. Try to do things they want to do and they’ll get used to listening to you, which makes it easier to get them to do things they don’t want to do when they have to.
In all things be consistent. Use the same words to represent the same things/concepts, and spend time talking to them. You’ll build a (small) vocabulary together.
For example, the most important command is “step up.” If you’re trying to train your bird to step up, don’t say a whole bunch of words around the actual “step up” or you’ll make it impossible for them to figure out. Say “step up” and then show them what you want them to do through pantomime. Reward them with praise or a healthy treat. Don’t say “okay little cutie it’s time use those feet okay step up on my arm!”
Remember birds have an alien way of thinking relative us. Be patient. Also, they’re incredibly smart and have their own personalities. It’s possible yours just doesn’t like to be that close to people (just like some people). But it really does take a long time to build bird trust. Remember, you’re a giant and they weigh ~60 grams.
Buy a book about lovebirds and read it cover to cover twice. This is one of the ones I read when I got my lovebird. https://www.amazon.com/Lovebird-Handbook-Barrons-Pet-Handbooks/dp/0764118277
No. This cage is far too small for this bird. This cage is for budgies, a bird that’s about a third the size of yours.
Indian ringnecks have very long tails; from beak to the end of the tail, they measure about 17”. The cage you linked to is 28” tall inside. That doesn’t give your bird enough room to do much of anything.
This cage from Prevue is very popular because it’s huge and relatively low cost. It is much more appropriate for a bird this size.
The colors are wrong; it's not pure white, but "Double hoop bird toy" turned this up on Amazon...
NYMB Parrots Décor Shower Curtain, Jungle Colorful Birds on Tree Branches Watercolor Illustration Shower Curtain for Bathroom, Watercolor Fabric Bath Curtains Hooks Included, 69X70 inches https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BLRVWZB/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_vkQWCbZ2JABFW
Here it is on Amazon in three color choices. Accessories added by OP.
No offense, but you're feeding your parrot junk food. Get a good pellet diet (slightly better price than Amazon) for him (and ween him over to it). Zupreem Parrot & Conure (now Medium/Large Birds) is the staple food I've been feeding my flock for ten years. They love it.
Take him to the vet. Have him checked out to rule out any health causes. I second the advice to have your gf take a backseat in taking care of him. She and you will need to be on the same page about this 100%.
I also highly, highly recommend that you read and practice daily what you can learn from the following books:
My bf spent a few months reading and practicing what he learned from these two books. He went from "barely tolerated while lunging at you to kill you" to "I LOVE YOU FATHER, WHERE ARE YOU GOING? I LOVE YOU" with our quaker within a year and half of consistent work. I think there's still hope for you and your parrotlet. Give these a go.
It's a bamboo fountain kit off Amazon. The bowl is just a planter I had sitting around. I've seen similar kits at home improvement stores. https://www.amazon.com/Bamboo-Accents-Submersible-Split-Resistant-Adjustable/dp/B01DRSN7BK/ref=mp_s_a_1_16?keywords=bamboo+fountain&qid=1578530328&sr=8-16
Apparently it's called Kwik stop, haven't bought any in awhile.
It’s a pet drinking fountain! I found something similar on amazon maybe you can check it out,
i work at petsmart so i have seen said cage, and i have an indian ringneck too. personally, i think i agree the manor is too small for one of those guys. they have long tail feathers so i was always told to try to get a bigger cage than might be necessary. if you have the box you can return it in 60 days with the receipt but even without the receipt they can still return it for store credit I believe. at least my store does.
i have this for my girl (68, not 61) and it's amazing. https://www.amazon.com/SUPER-DEAL-Chinchilla-Cockatiel-Cockatoo/dp/B0734SYJQG/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=parrot%2Bcage&qid=1595963636&sr=8-3&th=1&psc=1
edit: my ringneck is also the most crazy, active parrot ive owned to date and having extra room for big toys and room to wrestle around is a necessity for my girl.
I think the wiki how really nails it: https://www.wikihow.com/Care-for-a-Pacific-Parrotlet
Keep in mind the birds will be in fear because of all of the change. Let them adjust and let them get used to your voice. My parrotlet likes it when I sit next to his cage and just talk to him. You can also try and feed them treats (millet for example) through the cage bars to let them get used to your hands. Don't give up if they don't take food from you on day one.
Thank you for taking in these parrots (whatever they may be).
Yes YT or some chill playlist is a perfect thing for them to get more comfortable. For the parakeets if the room is quiet it means it’s danger around. So you are doing a right thing to adding some background noise for them! Also I suggest cover the cage during the night with a cloth, it will muffle the sound & make them feel safer.
Birds are taking it hard to be rehomed & all I can suggest is to be patient. It will most likely take around 2-3 weeks to get them settle in & get comfortable. But yes, this cage is more like a transporting cage, I suggest check out Amazon for bigger cages with big doors. like this
You can also find better perches on amazon suggestions (basically pieces of branches you attach to the sides with metal fastenings, also wooden toys, swings, ladders, chewing toys, rattan/hay balls for rodents (I suggest to not add any mirrors & toys made of cheap fragile plastic) also do not use any air fresheners, hair sprays, scented oil diffusers, scented candles, perfumes in the same room as birds. They have very sensitive lungs, this is one of the biggest hazards for them.
I have the same one for my Hahn's. He loves it!
I got mine from a bird shop, but heres the closest thing i found on amazon:
Its a Prevue empire macaw cage
Linked to Amazon for details but can be found cheaper if you search around. Very easy to setup
A vet who is able to do this surgery should have plenty of good recommendations for recovery. But here's what I found worked for my old cockatiel as he declined and grew less mobile (heart disease, a tumor, etc).
While he was still able to sort of get around his normal cage, I added this corner perch (there are also similar solid wood shelves or cloth hammocks) and this branch bridge, used horizontally as a long perch. I also found a crossed rope perch - it was an X with four ends - which I have not seen available again but worked great for getting around.
When he was further along, he moved into a "hospital cage" - really a clear Rubbermaid tub with holes that I cut into it for more airflow. He was far beyond flying at that point so in his case the top was open. Most holes were higher than he could reach, but I cut two just a couple inches up, and attached a rope perch through them. The perch sat just barely above the towel that lined the bottom, but it meant he could be in a perching position (foot-wise) without having any distance to fall. Later still, when he couldn't perch anymore, it was just the towel.
Anyway, sharing this in case any of this is useful (in reverse order from how I did it) as your bird recuperates! Best of luck to both of you!
Edit: links
OHHH... Much easier then! mostly...
Lots of good advice in there... The gal I dog sit for has a new baby budgie and she's an absolute little beaute...
Large birds have more needs than small birds. Large birds are like having 2-3 year olds for the rest of your life. I would not recommend that anyone get a large bird without having a smaller, easier to care for bird.
Getting a large bird because you had positive interactions with one is a terrible idea. Birds may be tamed, but they are not domesticated. It takes an incredible amount of work to train and socialize a bird. Unless you are absolutely sure what you're getting into, [abandon all hope, ye who enter here](https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Inferno_(Dante\)#Canto_III:_The_Gate_of_Hell).
I used the cage you have as a temporary cage for my cockatiel as my cage I originally ordered him wouldn't come in time for him. I didn't like it very much because I still found it too small for him.
This is the cage that I had originally bought him and use to this date: Prevue Hendryx Pet Products Wrought Iron Flight Cage https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00176F5L0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apan_glt_fabc_EWTCXERDBM07K32JA157
You can find it cheaper on Petco I believe, especially since they have discounts often. I got mine for around $118. This one was cheaper than the one you have for some reason (I suspect it's because if the thinner bars).
This is Petsfit bird carrier i got on Amazon. It is expensive (90$ I believe) but i done tons of research & according to reviews this one is tge best. My bird is completely safe in it & now she joins my dog walks!
The quality is exquisite, it is designed so bird is not exposed & front window has a flap cover, side windows as well, it is also well sufficient for long term travel such as moving towns or go long trips.
Being completely honest here, i despise those cages. They’re overpriced for the amount of space you get (which isnt enough for any species) for your bird and do not use space effectively (which is obviously a massive thing for birds)
You’d essentially be downgrading the amount of space he has to work with, is there a reason you can’t bring his current cage into another room? Are you hellbent on a tabletop cage? this cage is around the same price but its way more space
Sure! It’s a white, plastic “storage tray” from the dollar store. It was in the plastic storage section. It measures about 16” long by 10” wide and maybe 1.5” tall. I line it with a piece of newspaper to absorb the liquid from poops. I have a little box where I store my collection of small bird toys (sometimes called foot toys), and toy parts from bird toys that I disassembled (if my bird wasn’t super into them) and the toys that I’ve made out of things from the dollar store and from things around the house. I replace the newspaper in the foraging tray after two days of use, and that’s when I switch some of the toys, depending on what Marty (my cockatiel) seems to be into. I usually put a larger toy in there, too. Marty really likes crinkle paper and balsa wood at the moment, so I always make sure both of those get in the tray. He also likes wicker balls, and whole toilet paper tubes. He LOVES throwing the toilet paper tubes off of my desk.
I sprinkle a tablespoon or so of Vita Prima throughout the tray, and try to hide some in between layers of cupcake liners and in foraging balls made of toilet paper tubes. The Vita Prima mix is for birds much larger than Marty (I bought the wrong one by mistake) but he seems to like a lot of the ingredients anyway. He also seems to like working his way through the shells of the larger nuts, like almonds. The cupcake liners absorb oil pretty quickly, so I tend to toss those out every two days.
Let me know if you have any more questions or want to see any more photos! I’ve actually been thinking about making a big post/guide about it because it’s such an easy way to give a bird something to do outside of its cage.
I recommend the X-Large version of this one. It has 1/2'' bar spacing. If that doesn't work for you, I recommend getting a cage as big as you can afford. (With the proper bar spacing, of course.) Also, are the ringneck and the budgie very closely bonded? I wouldn't put them in the same cage otherwise. There's a pretty big size difference and I'd rather be safe than sorry. Please correct me if I'm wrong!
I would recommend a bigger cage. They have one on Amazon for pretty cheep.
Consider getting a heater for his cage. Birds use their wings for temperature control, so it might help him keep comfortable during the winter.
I have this one and my bird loves it.
I got this one on amazon. It works well and it's pretty accurate. I tried a regular kitchen scale, but my parrots would walk around on it and that made it difficult to get a decent read. The stand on this one was a nice addition that gave me a definitive weight.
I got that one for Stormy at PetCo but saw it on Amazon too. It's a round log, but I saw them in half so each half lasts a good while. Of course, your mileage may vary. Zoo Med Natural Cork Bark, Round, Medium https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000QFR6AQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_R-PMybW47Z8YR
Aviator Harness.
I don't remember if I bought it from Amazon or directly from Parrot University. Either one is fulfilled by them (Parrot University has an Amazon store).
If you get a harness, be patient with your bird. Some birds take to them quickly, some do not. Mangogh has taken quite a bit of work.
Amazon is selling these flight cages for only $85 right now. For their size, they are an absolute steal (normal price is $100).
I agree that the goal should never be to simply get the minimum cage size for any bird. The small birds in particular are very active, and benefit greatly from having enough space to hop, fly, climb, and play. Especially if they are going to be locked up for most of the day.
We did not do a live tree but we have a corner with a java wood tree, a birdbath and a few other things set up. Our bird free roams so we have that, plus a large cage (that almost always is open) and a few stands in different parts of the house. The birds learn what are their spots and something like the tree corner becomes a popular daytime hang out. They do like it.
Note that Java wood trees are expensive. The one we have is a little over 6’ tall and was a few hundred dollars. Your birds look smaller and I think would be happy with this one . There are bigger ones also on Amazon but IMHO they are not appreciably bigger for the price difference, you can look for yourself just by searching Java trees.
Kiwi absolutely loves it, he swings and hangs upside down on the things I build for him, I highly recommend it!
I bought a “straw/connectors set for kids” from amazon but it looks like the particular one I bought isn’t available anymore.
Amazon. Pet stores. Anything bigger is better than what you have now. Find the biggest one you can afford with max 1/2” of bar spacing. I think 20”x20”x24” is the minimum size for a budgie (correct me if I’m wrong, I’m only used to cockatiel size). It needs to be able to spread its wings without hitting the bars.
Edit: I have this one and it’s been great, even though I wish it was a little wider. My birdie is out most of the day and only gets back in there during cooking and sleep time.
My grey also really likes the foraging toys. But my vet says absolutely no nuts no seeds - they will get fatty liver disease due to lack of exercise in captivity vs. wild.
Amazon - Caitec Creative Foraging Systems Four Corners Mount Foraging Toy
Once they know target training, you can use it as a building block in all sorts of other behaviors. Don't Shoot the Dog is a great book on clicker training. It's accessible, entertaining, and contains both theory and lots of examples and practical advice. I highly recommend it.
Should I just have them spend some time together before I agree to adopt? The whole reason we want the new one is so that Hilo has a "friend" for when we can't be home. If they don't get along, it'll defeat the whole purpose. Here's a gif I made of him last week :)
So I hand fed my African Grey from when she was 5 weeks old. This is the syringe that I used to feed her. Worked beautifully. Never had any problems. Definitely didn't have rubber pieces that could come off in the bird's mouth, either. Not sure how experienced you are at hand feeding, but if you need any tips or help, feel free to PM me.
you don't need an enormous cage, the cheapest cage i found on amazon that was big enough for a cockatiel was $50 with a 5% off coupon currently. it comes with food dishes, perches, and the top opens up with another perch he can hang out on. here it is if you want to check it out.
you can also check local listings like craigslist or facebook marketplace for used cages that people might be giving away. sometimes you can find some free of charge if you look deep enough. depending on how big his old cage was, the best bet is to leave him in there with the door open so he can come and go as he pleases. bottom line is he needs a cage, a permanent place he can go to. this is just an accident waiting to happen.
Yes, that cage is way to small, to give you an idea of how big to go is about this size will do ya fine, and it’s not excessively expensive either, but don’t worry, most parents think birds are like the ones outside, or the ones they see on tv, good luck!
Thanks and sure!
So the cage to the left is this
Prevue Pet Products Wrought Iron Select Bird Cage Black Hammertone 3151BLK https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000FRV3M2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_JJNCP3G9BB7R44PX084V
The cage to the right is pretty much the same but a bit cheaper on Amazon since it’s not prevue brand.
SUPER DEAL PRO 61'' 2in1 Large Bird Cage with Rolling Stand Parrot Chinchilla Finch Cage Macaw Conure Cockatiel Cockatoo Pet House Wrought Iron Birdcage, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0734SYJQG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_VG5BWTZCHVQM7NJQ1476?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
—I must warn though, the second link (non prevue brand) can very as some bars in the cage can be bent when you receive them but it’s still a great cage.
I plan on getting them a flight cage so they can be next to each other once I get them gender tested
Unfortunately that food isn’t really good for parrots. It’s very hard to find a good food, most of them are very junky.
Here are some brands I recommend
TOPS this one is probably the best bird food out there.
Some other goods ones are ZUPREEM brands found at most pets stores. There are the pasta,but,fruit, and veggie flavors.
Another good thing to try, is making chop. It’s just a blend of vegetables and lettuces. A simple google search will show you pictures for reference. I highly recommend that all birds should have daily chop. This stuff is just amazing for them.
My avian veterinarian recommends 30 minutes of direct sun exposure, two to three times a week.
If you’re in a place that has winter, where it would be too cold to take your bird outside, I highly recommend the Avian Sun light by ZooMed .
Cut your fruit into chunks, and YOU eat it by hand like that. Your bird will get the idea. Once eating, pierce the fruit chunks with a special bird fruit hanger that you can hang over his bowl in the cage. I usually put apple, pear, orange section, pineapple, grapes, on the hangers. The fruit is all chewed off within a day or two.
Yeah it is really concerning. I'm getting my conure in about 2 weeks. Please, let me know if you find something! Currently this one looks the most similar in construction and quality
I'm afraid of waiting too long to make a decision to order. I've been in this position before and that's why I ended up wasting $220 on a seriously piece of sh*t cage from petco. Anything made by "You and Me" avoid at all costs. It's my backup cage but I hate it with a passion. Flimsy, small, you have to take the entire thing apart to clean it. I'm getting so heated just thinking about it! Anyway, I've had fedex lose my a&e cage from Amazon and I had to reorder it in the time frame amazon allowed. So my cockatiel was stuck in the petco cage for longer than I would have liked.
Let me know what you decide! It's not ideal but my conure has to have a cage, you know?
lol "flimsy pieces of crap" feels like a good description for the cages I'm seeing spammed on every site. I'm really at a loss of what to do...I'm supposed to pick up the conures next week around Friday. I clearly should have got the cage earlier but I wasn't expecting this at all.
Stuff like this is what's creeping me out https://www.amazon.com/Topeakmart-Wrought-Flight-Multiple-Parakeets/dp/B07VSZVF8Y/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8#customerReviews and https://www.wayfair.com/pet/pdp/tucker-murphy-pet-sevigny-wrought-iron-large-flight-bird-cage-with-wheels-w002071334.html
^ They both look EXACTLY the same but they're two different companies? So it's just the same mass produced formula I see on every single cage. It really makes me worried about lead and corners being cut etc.
I got this for my two budgies we upgraded from one that was short and wide to this and they LOVE IT!! And the doors have little sort of clips that helps them stay closed because mine had figured out to throw the doors up.
ZENY 59.3'' Bird Cage with Rolling Stand Wrought Iron Pet Bird Cage Parrot Cockatiel Cockatoo Parakeet Finches Birdcage Medium Pet House https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077TGTPC2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_P1CV35Z3D3TM19AYG173?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I recommend the book : A guide to a well behaved parrot. It's not perfect but has some good info. I think that some formal training would be good to help get her behavior on track. Start with "step up" and give a reward. When she steps down without biting, give her a reward (tiny piece of something she LOVES-walnut works good for my birds).
Positive reinforcement is the best training method and will give you the best results. Try the book Getting Started: Clicker Training for Birds. Just basic training can help weed out bad behavior.
When she does bite hard, I would immediately put her back in the cage. Try not to scream or react but put her right back in the cage. Then try again in a few minutes. She will learn that she can only come out if she does not bite.
If the biting continues, I would suggest training her to step on up a perch (I recommend this anyway especially if you need someone else to watch your bird). As long as the perch is long enough, they can't bite you!
Hope this helps a bit. I'm sure you will get a lot of good advice here!
This stuff is amazing: https://www.amazon.com/Poop-Off-Bird-Remover-Sprayer-32-Ounce/dp/B0002G7ZQE
They sell it (or sprays similar to it) in pet stores as well. Spray it on and wait about 5 minutes and it dissolves it enough to be wiped off with a cloth.
Styptic powder is common in European pet stores, usually with the dog nail trimming supplies.
You can press cornstarch to the bleeding toe in an emergency, too, it is not as good but will absorb and thicken blood, helping the nail to clot.
In a very big emergency, heat the side of a butter knife over a stove until burning hot, then briefly touch the nail tip, for one sizzling second, to cauterize the bleed.
However, usually a bleeding nail will clot if the bird is left alone, in dim light, and given a couple hours for the clot to dry out. If the bird is looking sleepy, woozy, or unaware, there's been too much blood loss and you need to act.
I did not make this. I am not very crafty. I got this from Amazon
That looks like that would work better then the one I'd gotten my bird, I got one that's a baby rattle. My quaker will pull it (not push) and likes to tackle it.) https://www.amazon.com/Fisher-Price-DFP43-Corn-Popper-Rattle/dp/B016XS3A4K/
> I love love love throwing my bowls around so my parents might like one that I can’t do this with.
We have a Pineapple Cheek who loves to upend his food bowls. I solved that problem with these.
As for the cage, at first I was going to make a recommendation, then I saw the picture. I have no experience with cages for a Macaw, so I can't really provide useful input on that topic.
Now that I think about it, I have sometimes seen him standing on the tiny lip of his water bottle and dunking his head into the water and shaking it off. It’s not big enough for a full body cleaning though.
We are fostering a sennie that was literally on and off Baytril for almost 2 years (she had a reoccurring GI tract infection). In between bouts of antibiotics she would get yeast infections (most likely because of her beneficial bacteria had been killed off allowing the yeast to flourish) that were then treated with fluconazole. Rinse and repeat. By the end of two years her poor body was such a mess and now her gut flora is still recovering (she's only recently had consistently solid poops).
To help re-establish her healthy gut flora the vet advised that we feed her avian probiotics daily, as well as eliminate all added sugar in her diet i.e. fruit and her favorite fruity Zupreem pellets (in the absence of the healthy bacteria the extra sugar will only encourage yeast). The brand we use is this, mainly because 1) free shipping on Amazon and 2) it's one of the few brands that does not add sugar to make the powder more tasty. It's been a month or so now and again, this is the first time in 2 years that she has NOT either been reinfected with a bacterial or yeast infection so I can only suppose that they are doing some good.
I'd definitely recommend giving avian specific probiotics a shot, especially after antibiotics. I've also been giving them to my other parrot but really haven't seen any change in his droppings or behavior so don't think they need to be a staple with a healthy bird.
This one is 24-Inch long, 20-inch wide, 60-inch high with 3/4-inch wire spacing. I think like the bar space might be a bit too wide for a conure, I'd look into that first!
Here's the amazon listing I'm in Canada though so you may be able to find a better deal than this!
Its got OK reviews on Amazon and it looks to be decent. The pellet brands I have seen recommended here are Zupreem or Roudybush.
Personally, I recommend Lafeber's Nutriberries. My conure loves them and I didn't need to transition from the seed/pellet mix that the pet store fed him.
I had the same problem with fruit flies and I got these from amazon (linked at the bottom).. they worked really well. I did not have ants though so I don’t know about that. It didn’t seem to bother my green cheek or my sun, they just landed in the water bowl sometimes and died, which was gross.
BEAPCO 10036 6 Pack Fruit Fly Traps, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CRYOPMQ?ref=yo_pop_ma_swf
Try Amazon for pellets? Or theres this place which does toys, perches ect. Akd you can buy in bulk.
My vet reccomends this for both my tiel and gc conure. https://www.amazon.ca/Zupreem-Fruit-Blend-Medium-2-Pound/dp/B0054RV486/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=1H17GCRUFV0FW&keywords=zupreem+fruit+blend&qid=1556050726&s=gateway&sprefix=zupreem+f&sr=8-1
Also. PM me. Not sure where your located but I could help you find a good vet.
As for interaction. Take it slow. Open the cage. Let it come out as it wants. Talk to it. Then slowly get closer. Respect boundaries. It may take a while but be patient
Yeah sure! I got it from amazon for a good price. My cockatiel absolutely loves hers so I’m hoping Emil loves it too.
Prevue Hendryx F050 Pet Products Wrought Iron Flight Cage, X-Large, Hammertone Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0002AQ228/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_NN5WCbYV5KCVH
I use this one and it has worked well for me. I use it indoors, I know it is advised as for outdoor use. I chose it because it is much bigger than the snuggle up warmer. https://www.amazon.com/Pet-Products-Thermo-Peep-Heated-Pad/dp/B00JHK375E/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=small+animal+heated+pad&qid=1602536581&sr=8-4
I have also considered seed warming mats as a cheaper option or an option with an adjustable temperature control.
Get her a ton of toys for her cage, especially if she's the only birdy you have. Get a wide variety of colors and materials until you figure out what her favorites are! Absolutely no mirrors, but get lots of toys she can shred and forage with. The natural branch in her cage is good. Get a spiral rope perch for her too!
Make sure her cage is in a common area that you're in a lot, not by herself. As long as she gets 12 hours of sleep at night minimum (dark and quiet, not just covering the cage) she'll be much happier and bond more quickly when you're around her often. Talk to her gently and don't make a ton of sudden movements. I read to my parakeet when I first got him so that he would get used to me.
You need a good book on training. I like "Parrot Tricks" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DNL0WIS/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1
It isn't just about tricks, it's a good method of positive reinforcement.
I think this is what they have...
Super Bird Creations SB751 PVC Forager Bird Toy with Colorful Birds & Flowers, Large Size, 3” x 5” x 8” https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JL05TJM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_xyCmFbY9VCG4H
I translated the description: Square wire mesh hot-dip galvanized, spot welded. The Kraptrap wire mesh is ideal for building enclosures for small animals and their small animal cages, as well as for bird farmers. Our wire mesh also works best as a climbing aid for your plants. Of course, the wire mesh can also be used as a fence for trees, young plants and beds as well as raised beds. Our wire mesh is fully galvanized and thus offers reliable protection against corrosion. The wire can be processed quickly and easily with simple cutting tools such as pliers and side cutters.
This is the same hardware cloth you will find at your local hardware store. What I think you are looking for is stainless steel https://www.amazon.com/MTB-SS304-Stainless-Steel-Welded/dp/B07D26QVCN/ref=sr_1_14?c=ts&dchild=1&keywords=Mesh+%26+Wire+Cloth&qid=1595791875&refinements=p_n_feature_seven_browse-bin%3A5485702011&sr=8-14&ts_id=6469724011 It's $50 for a 3' X 10' roll. Hot dipped galvanized is $50 for 3' X 25'.
My current aviary was bought on Amazon. Here's a link: https://www.amazon.com/Sliverylake-Largest-Parrot-Cockatiel-Cockatoo/dp/B06XPDSY6S/
It's not suitable for my Macaw at all, as it's rather cheap and his beak is STRONG. Though honestly, it might not be bad at all for an Amazon! An Amazon/Grey would be the perfect size for that cage, as my complaints are just with stronger beaks. For my Macaw, I'm saving up for a much higher quality cage from https://naturalinspirationsparrotcages.com/
It's not a big issue if a bird destroys PVC on a toy/perch, but when it's the structure of their cage it can be more dangerous if it does happen.
I bought it from PetSmart but I know you can but it off Amazon for $40 CAD. They have various types of water fountains on there, you just have to take a peak. Catit Water Fountain
I appreciate your enthusiasm, but it looks dangerous. Please don't let your bird(s) in a cage with anything that would be toxic if they ingested it. So, no plastic plants. No fake grass/ground. Birds love to chew on things. Please consider bird-safe chewable/shred-able toys.
He’s not the biggest toy user, but he loves these few items. This in size Mini, and He’s kinda nuts about the small ant. Unfortunately the ant is available on Amazon.
I’d like to get that rope net you have hidden at the back by of the cage. My birds would love it. Saving up 🤞
My Amazon likes little snap-shut 2 1/4” plastic open rings from California Bird Nerds threaded with 1/2” drilled wood alphabet blocks from My Bird Store interspersed with chewy licorice beads from A Bird Toy. Ripple beads, wood tube beads, and other small drilled parts are sometimes appreciated. I also bought small plastic snap-together beads which I left in the container, open, and he would slowly chew them apart.
Sunflower must be avoided more as possible, there might not be at all in its feed; you should try a new treat like panicMy Quaker loves it! Aniway giving a reward (whitch, at the start, is always a treat) during training is essential for the positive reinforcement
Try these for the cages, the Amazon one uses USPS and has lost one for me once. I couldn't find the chewy link. Do not buy toys from Walmart, they will kill bird, the stuff you have is fine and it's a good attempt. I know some sellers are WAY overpriced on the stuff the sell.
Almost all of these have unsafe bells, and the mirror is bad too.
Whatever toys you end up getting, I recommend moving the metal connectors they come with and replacing them with something like this as these have no parts your birdies can get beaks or toes caught in
It looks like you aren't in the USA, so I don't know if you would have the same air purifiers available that I do. Just try to find a base level one with cheap filter refills. I try to pay $10 or less per replacement filter.
This is the one I use. The filters were cheap and the purifier works fine as long as you don't use the ionizer. Our air was pretty bad and I had to change the first filter after 6 weeks instead of 6 months. My fiancé has bad allergies so we always know it's time to replace when he starts sneezing like crazy.
Use this around my budgies and conure all the time, have had it for a year now with no issues.
Like another comment said, you can’t really teach them that the glass is there. If they’re startled by something, they won’t think about any of their training, and they’ll fly into the glass.
Personally, I put a sheer curtain in front of my sliding glass door. It’s sheer enough to let lots of light in, but opaque enough that my birds don’t think they can fly through it. It’s also easy to pull the curtain back when I want to see outside, or use the door, assuming the birds are in their cages.
Another option is “privacy film”. It’s pretty easy to apply, and it’s easy to peel off if you’re renting and need to take it down. Something like this or this still lets you see outside a little bit, but your bird won’t think that they can fly through it.
Isn’t it this prevue cage? My avian vet (an actual specialist and one of the most respected in the US) said it’s safe. I’ve had it for my budgies almost 5 years and I had a foster Parrotlet in one at one point too with absolutely no issues. :(
Maybe there is a quality control issue now?
Oil radiator heaters. https://www.amazon.com/Rellorus-Radiator-Adjustable-Thermostat-Electric/dp/B0B2DNHYMC/ref=sr_1_3_sspa?keywords=oil+filled+radiator&qid=1670007337&sr=8-3-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzN085WFVLU0Q3VkczJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkP... safe and low energy. Get one with tipping safety switch so if it falls over it'll auto shut-off.
there are specific avian bulbs. I live in the Pacific Northwest of Canada. And this is what I use for my bird.
Everybody on this subreddit is so dramatic. Just don't smoke in the same room and exhale into a sploof, which is an air filter made of activated carbon that captures all the smoke and toxins etc..
Something like this: https://www.amazon.com/Smoke-Buddy-0159-BLU-Personal-Filter/dp/B00478UIB2
Also, consider using a vaporiser rather than smoking which prevents the formation of harmful combustion products. Something like the XMAX v3 pro.
For how long did you lose heat? Cockatiels can handle cold somewhat well but the safest extra heating option is oil filled radiator.
There are also little heaters you can hang in the case like this: cage heaters
I would still wait for the pest control visits to be over just in case.
It's something like this: Amazon link
But the plastic endings were screwed on like here link
We broke off the plastic, exposed the wire inside and bent it into a hook to hang, then cut of the wire on the other end and secured it with extra rope that remained in the process
If you're not dead set on the seed catcher, you can maximize space better by getting a cage without (it can be more work cleaning, but there's always a chance your bird will be like my jerks and just perch on it to poop on the floor anyway!)
These (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09FDPSD2L) are the cages I replaced my older 20x30" cages (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B079JW8YCQ) with when I moved last because I simply didn't have the space. I have green cheek conures but they are pretty similar in size to cockatiels and it is plenty of room, especially since they spend most of the day out of their cages flying around my apartment.
Your commitment to spending time together and making your room a fun and safe place for them to fly around is more important, so while an 18x24" would be preferable, don't worry too much even if you need to get an 18x18"--a lot of the "if you don't have a space for a bird then don't get one" is directed at people who purchase larger parrots not realizing how much space they need to fly around the home, but cockatiels can have a lot of fun in a bedroom, especially if you make an effort in putting perches and ropes up on the walls for them to fly back and forth to and adding playstands where you can (mine's favorite is on top of a tall bookcase that prior to bird ownership was unused space!) And I'm guessing if you're used to an African Grey in the house you have no illusions about how much care and exercise parrots can need, lol...
The cage isn't ideal as it's 18"x18" and a cockatiel wingspan can be about 12". Many people recommend cage size 2 times their birds wingspan. A flight cage like this one will be more ideal so when you have to put your bird in the cage when you gone they still have room to flap there wings.
Radiant heaters are the safest cause they have no elements that can catch fire or Teflon. They also cut off if knocked over https://www.amazon.com/DeLonghi-Comfort-Thermostat-Settings-Features/dp/B000TGDGLU/ref=asc_df_B000TGDGLU/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=167116234959&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14829286214345515888&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hv...
I highly recommend this cage. I have 4 and they are nice and large. my teils and budgies all do well with this size cage. They were easy to assemble and easy for us and easy to clean.
PawHut 30" Rolling Metal Bird... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08BZGF27N?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
PawHut 30" Rolling Metal Bird... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08BZGF27N?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I have this cage and my GCC loves it-
Just don't keep the dowl perches or the plastic food/water dishes. Also, I'd be careful about putting 2 birds in one cage, especially if they are not bonded, or have just been introduced to each other.
Each bird needs a cage this size or larger https://www.chewy.com/e-cage-company-flight-bird-cage-stand/dp/224171?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=%7Bcampaignid%7D&utm_content=A%26E%20Cage%20Company&utm_term=%7Bkeyword%7D
And it doesn’t matter how much out of cage time they get; cage still needs to be big and enriching IMO. Bc it’s like a kids room - they really do want their own space that is truly their own for sleeping and when you’re away even for short periods of time during the day
I've always been a fan of the divided flight cages for two birds of the same species.
you know there are stainless steel cages that are square right?
also, round cages are bad for their mental health. no room for toys, no space to spread their wings, they get stressed, confused, and anxious in these cages due to the disorientation and how they feel they are in the open where a predator could get them. it's also bad for their physical health because if they get too stressed, they will pluck and self-harm. they can't spread their wings, their tails can get tattered on the bars, they can get their toes, wings, or beaks stuck in the top which comes to a sharp point.
https://www.amazon.com/Prevue-Pet-Products-Stainless-Playtop/dp/B07N94VTHF/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=GIJ6QBGAA9RH&keywords=stainless+steel+bird+cage&qid=1667366168&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI2LjM4IiwicXNhIjoiNS45MiIsInFzcCI6IjMuNzQifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=stainless+steel+bi%2Caps%2C295&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1 here is a stainless-steel bird cage with corners. it even has size variants for different bird sizes.