Anyone interested in just how fucked up Russia is right now should read Nothing is True and Everything is Possible by Pomerantsev. He’s a television producer who used to work at Russia’s TNT network (unrelated to the American one), and his descriptions of how Russian media works and the state of society with Russia’s oligarchs are just insane to read. It’s so difficult to comprehend how staggeringly different Russia is from any western democracy.
They don't even know the original language in most cases, so they follow some persons translation of what it "says".
If you read 'The Art of War', it's translated several different time periods and you can see the interpretations change depending on what is going on in society at the time. Pretty interesting read.
'Jon Jones the game developer — the man with the @jonjones Twitter account — estimates he received over 6000 tweets — almost exclusively hate tweets or death threats — over the course of 72 hours.' Link
(this is not a direct response to the above comment, just borrowing format)
A: Ayn Rand, the writer of Atlas Shrugged, accepted Social Security later in life, which is considered public assistance.
B: Ayn Rand, the writer of Atlas Shrugged, accepted Social Security later in life, which is considered public assistance.
"Reality had intruded upon her ideological pipedreams."
I hope this gets brought up every time her name is mentioned.
"When a Woman Is in an Emotional Tug-of-War for Her Man's Heart Why can't he commit? Many women find themselves asking this question when in love with a man who won't get married, won't stop womanizing, or refuses to give up his sex addictions. Often this kind of man is bound by an unhealthy attachment to his mother. This phenomenon is called "mother-son enmeshment" In When He's Married to Mom, clinical psychologist and renowned intimacy expert Dr. Kenneth M. Adams goes beyond the stereotypes of momma's boys and meddling mothers to explain how mother-son enmeshment affects everyone: the mother, the son, and the woman who loves him. In his twenty-five years of practice, Dr. Adams has successfully treated hundreds of enmeshed men and shares their stories in this informative guide. He provides proven methods to make things better, including: - Guidelines to help women create fulfilling relationships with mother-enmeshed men - Tools to help mother-enmeshed men have healthy and successful dating experiences leading to serious relationships and marriage - Strategies to help parents avoid enmeshing their children When He's Married to Mom provides practical and compassionate advice to the women who are involved with mother-enmeshed men, to the mothers who wish to set them free, and to the men themselves."
She's incorrect, the bill McCain voted on does not include the tuition waver change.
>Earlier versions of the Senate bill passed early this morning did not contain the tuition waiver change.
Keeping her in a dog cage while starving, raping, and torturing her was OK because their relationship started off kinky /s
Yes. Women perpetuate patriarchy and gender norms. Women police each other. It’s not new. Just because women can be as toxic in perpetuating these norms doesn’t mean men don’t benefit from it...
Edit: typo
Edit 2: hey! My first silver! Thank you, kind stranger!
I know these comments are always fairly controversial and spark a lot of conversation. It’s a complicated subject and though I tried I feel it’s hard to respond without either being overly simplistic or falling into lengthy responses (not fun on mobile!) or both.
Suffice it to say I likely won’t be responding to most of any—but I’m reading all the comments (good bad and the ugly) and appreciate those polite responses.
Regarding feminism/patriarchy and such there’s a lot of great resources. So if you have genuine curiosity to learn more, here are a couple sources that were helpful for me:
Video Lecture: Masculinity and Male Socialization
One of the best books I've ever read dealt with this topic.
At Hell's Gate: A Soldier's Journey from War to Peace
It's about a guy who's father was a ww2 vet, who drowned his trauma with alcohol and family abuse, and the his son the writer who became a Vietnam vet and started on the same path until he became a buddhist monk under Thich Nhat Hanh, the famed Vietnamese buddhist master.
It is beyond fascinating and really sheds so much light on this topic. More than anything else I've read. Really can't recommend it enough. I feel like every soldier and their family needs to read it especially. Very easy to read as well.
That’s...pretty close to the shape of the breast protectors women use in modern fencing:
If we’re going to complain about the armor being bad for medieval combat, there’s waaaaay better places to stay. The helmets are shit, the seams in the breastplates would hold a point, there’s no protection of the neck, armpit, or groin, etc.
Just let the space opera armor be space opera armor. Yeesh.
I get what you’re saying.
But the post isn’t wrong at all. Exercise has been proven to mitigate depression and anxiety. I can also speak from personal experience
Some people are saying fake, but it's worth noting that it was common for people to send absurd submissions to companies back then in hopes for a funny response. It was sort of trolling before Internet trolling.
Check out Letters from a Nut for a lot of examples if you ever find it at a library. Really funny collection of a comedian's letters and responses to different companies through the 90s. He would send a ridiculous letter and a lot would respond with letters like this one here.
Edit: This one could actually be a joke letter people copied and sent each other back then. Here's an old page with mostly the same text, but has a real name instead of the joke name.
Those are just the latest and greatest. Lots of good stuff in here. Literally pages of quotes...
It sounds like you more likely have basic winter blues or at worst Seasonal Affective Disorder (Mayo Clinic explains). Which, SURPRISE is treatable with pharmaceuticals! And also phototherapy, so yes maybe YOU feel better by getting out in the sunshine. But you’re being as useless as the author and/or poster of meme.
People with clinical depression need medical intervention. They have a chemical imbalance that can be righted through chemistry. This is literally life or death.
You, much like the poster of the meme, don’t seem to understand that doing an Activity—like seeing how hungry people in poverty are or seeing people dying—isn’t going to magically fix someone’s brain chemistry imbalance. Get off your high horse.
Thankfully we have one of those
It's just a matter of whether these big companies are using it or if they've locked it down so nobody else can communicate with it outside their closed-source client
Truth. Tolkien actually swore off publishing a translation of his book in German during World War II specifically because of their offer to "validate" his aryan ancestry. He spoke of it in a letter that can be viewed here.
The millionaire engineer who is the president of my not-small company is so bad at spelling and grammar that he has me proofread or just type all of his emails and letters before he sends them out. But he's amazing at math. I bought him this mug a few years ago and he proudly placed it front and center on his desk.
I doubt it, there are some really weird pictures out there. If you wash it and aren't eating or chewing it, there's no real reason to worry about it. Just wash your mouth afterwards.
OP, for the love of God, please use a screenshot stitcher next time.. Here's a few for convenience
Make deviled eggs how you like. Place them in a dish, under a cover or plastic wrap.
Fill said container with smoke from one of these bad mama jammas. It's a neat little gadget that you can use to add some smokey-ness to all kinds of things without having to go all in on a smoker.
If I'm doing eggs for a big party or want to particularly flex with my egg game I usually had some little crumbles of brisket to the top for some extra pizazz.
Here's a good video tutorial and here's a good written tutorial that goes into more detail.
Took me about 2 minutes because I knew what I was doing and went down that road myself. In fact I was that person asking that broad question at one point. I googled and had so many different answers with varying levels of assumed prior knowledge and jargon I wanted someone to cut through all the bullshit and give me a straightforward answer of where I needed to start and what I needed to do.
People asking the same questions over and over is a good sign, it means more people are trying to get involved in your community. It's annoying, but telling them "There's a sticky for a reason" or complaining about all the noob questions or just telling people to google it doesn't solve the problem, it tells people this community doesn't want them.
I'm more than willing to take 2 minutes out of my day if it means I can help someone else pursue a shared passion.
I used that app until I saw relay on a friend's phone. Took some mental effort to even think of switching. But now I'll never go back to reddit is fun.
Play store link: Relay for reddit
Damn that was a good book. If you liked that, may I suggest: * Crimes Against Women: Three Tragedies and the Call for Reform in India by The Staff of The Wall Street Journal (very short read) * The documentary India's Daughter
I spend a lot of time in India so the Indian perspective on these issues is of interest to me. I also find there is also a greater willingness to directly face and discuss some of the realities of rape culture there. For example, acting like rape is women's fault, encourages rape and that treating stalking and ignoring a women's wishes as a cute romcom narrative encourages rape.
There is a book called Models by Mark Manson. I'm not gonna pretend it's perfect, but it has a lot of specifics rather than the general "Have money/be attractive" or "be yourself" advice.
It's specific and tangible, which cannot be overvalued to someone asking these types of questions.
If they can't back it up with multiple large double blind studies, treat it like snake oil. Hyping as much as the FDA will allow, or cross the line and wait for a C&D letter is what they do.
Creatine and BCAAs and if your diet requires it, a natural multivitamin and/or supplemented electrolytes(potassium, magnesium, selenium, and of coarse sodium but modern diets usually have plenty of sodium)
I think it's called Peyronie's disease. Some can be severe, It's better if it bends up than down for the G spot.
Being ignorant means you lack knowledge. Being an idiot means you're stupid (you could be ignorant as well). People can be intelligent, but ignorant of certain subjects. Ignorant people can lose their ignorance through education. This isn't about your opinion, it's about the definition of words. What you are describing is someone who is WILLFULLY ignorant. Meaning you avoid knowledge that would change your view.
Anyone interested in this fact should definitely check out the latest episode of NPR's excellent podcast Throughline - White Nationalism. It goes into great details about how 'being white' has changed its meaning through history.
The truth between these two extremes is that there's more than one type of salt, and your body probably needs some of the ones that don't taste good on pasta.
E.g. contains sodium chloride, potassium chloride, potassium citrate, magnesium citrate, magnesium gluconate, calcium citrate, and calcium gluconate, all of which is technically a "salt" by the chemistry definition, but only the first of which is "salt" by most people's definition.
(To be clear, you should not buy a big bag of any of these things, individually, and start eating it. Large quantities of any of these may be toxic on their own.)
Not just trump, but many republicans are leading an anti-science trend that is putting not just the world, but all future generations at risk. They are going so far as to silence scientists who are trying to warn us about the dangers of climate change. The claim that today's US is squeaky clean compared to the soviets in the 80s is ridiculous when they're doing virtually the exact same thing: lying to their people because it's politically advantageous.
I don't know if it's per device or if it's reddit as a whole, but they were going for the man facepalming emoji, which under the hood is really a combination of normal facepalm emoji (featuring a woman) and the male symbol.
> Dr. Carl Hart is a professor of psychology and psychiatry at Columbia University. Hart is known for his research into drug abuse and drug addiction. In a recent article on his website, Hart explains that the only major difference between crystal meth and Adderall is public perception.
> Hart admitted that he too believed that methamphetamine was far more dangerous than d-amphetamine, despite the fact that the chemical structure of the two drugs is nearly identical. However, after thoroughly researching the evidence, Hart shattered this belief.
Also, methamphetamine is available as a prescription drug under the name Desoxyn, and used for severe ADHD cases that are unresponsive to Adderall (amphetamine).
There are so called therapeutic vaccines, which fight diseases that are already underway instead of building immunity. The Crohn's MAP vaccine which I believe /u/AvengersWasMediocre talked about is one of these.
Someone tried that here in Seattle a few years ago, and you couldn't be more wrong. It definitely wasn't full of people who were insecure about their heterosexuality. Because it wasn't full of people at all, it was just the one dude. Not one other person participated.
>Earlier versions of the Senate bill passed early this morning did not contain the tuition waiver change.
>How am I being fucking racist?
Mate if you honestly can't see how calling people born and bred in Britain not "native Brits" based on their ethnicity is racist I can't help that level of stupidity.
>And the Normans constituted far less than 10%, probably closer to 4 or 5, their influence was widespread as the nobility adopted French for the next 200 years or so but the genetic makeup didn’t change much.
You misread the 10% line, less than 10% of Brits are Anglo Saxon, not 10% of Brits are Normans.
>Do you seriously think only 10% of the nation is Anglo-Saxon? You don’t get out much do you mate
Purely? Probably significantly less than that actually. White is not Anglo-Saxon and even if it was the majority of us have thoroughly interbred with other immigrant groups. Germanic DNA (which composes way more than just Anglo and Saxon tribes makes up about 30% of British DNA in total:
so yeah by that measure of "native Brit" as in pure Anglo-Saxon basically nobody is, if your argument is that they don't have to be pure Anglo Saxon then what % of their genetic makeup do you arbitrarily demand be Anglo Saxon to be a "native Brit" and how long before we acknowledge this is made up, bullshit and arbitrary nonsense?
The average British person is less than 37% of British genetic ancestry (that is representing the genetic code of Britain 500 years ago):
Also, countries that have more consumption of organic foods have less rape. So shopping at Whole Foods will save us all.
It's called "Annoying Sound (Frequency Generator)".
Google play thought it was a good idea to recommend me it.
BTW here's a link if you want to check it out.
> Dr. Carl Hart is a professor of psychology and psychiatry at Columbia University. Hart is known for his research into drug abuse and drug addiction. In a recent article on his website, Hart explains that the only major difference between crystal meth and Adderall is public perception.
> Hart admitted that he too believed that methamphetamine was far more dangerous than d-amphetamine, despite the fact that the chemical structure of the two drugs is nearly identical. However, after thoroughly researching the evidence, Hart shattered this belief.
Also, methamphetamine is available as a prescription drug under the name Desoxyn, and used for severe ADHD cases that are unresponsive to Adderall (amphetamine).
The main difference between street meth and Adderall for ADHD is use / dose. It's used at lower doses for ADHD treatment than for recreational purposes. You'll get the same "high" from Adderall as you would from methamphetamine if you take a higher dose. There's a reason Adderall is a class II controlled substance (the most restricted class that's allowed to be publicly sold). Cocaine and methamphetamine are also both class II.
From the sound of it, you haveseasonal affective disorder
Major depression, which is a chemical imbalance, can't be fixed by thinking about how great my life is or how much worse it could be. Depression often manifests not as constant sadness, but as extreme apathy towards pretty much everything, and just thinking about it doesn't help.
>People who have the time and the money to lay around depressed have no idea how great their lives are
A lot of people with depression don't have that luxury either. A lot of people with depression drag themselves out of bed, go to work, and then after work, "just lay around depressed"
I know that my life could be a lot worse, I know that i have it relatively good, but does that help? Not really.
There's some information on the causes of depression here, published by the Mayo Clinic, a very respected and reputable organization. So if you think you know more than people who are at the top of their field, then go ahead, keep spouting this shit. But there is a wealth of knowledge with which you can educate yourself about the realities of depression, so you can actually talk about it without going against the scientific consensus.
That is a republish of the book.
If you look at the book, it is written by John Keasler, a newspaper columnist that died in 1995 (though the newspaper he worked on died in 1988) and Illustrated by Walt Kelly, who died in 1973.
Compost that food waste.
There is ZERO biomass waste in our garbage, and also no recyclable materials and doing that, our waste is in a jumbo paper yard waste bag and takes a month to fill.
You get into a stinky situation when you use plastic garbage bags and put food waste into them. (now my jumbo recycling bowl on the corner of the counter can get a bit reeky if I go too many days.. so I just hop it outside and empty it into the compost..)
My soil in my tiny back yard is very nice.
I feel like you don't understand Carlin at all.
There's a reason he went on Keith Olbermann's show multiple times.
Here, let his daughter say it better than I could
The list comes from Umberto Eco, an Italian political scientist and writer who was raised in the fascist Italian school system in 30s and 40s. The list is his Ur-Fascist list. Its features found in the core of every fascist ideology, because the exterior trappings of fascism are always culture specific. Trump ticks off each in his own way.
You can also read the full version of his original essay.
It's possible they found images like this. I don't think they intended to do anything insulting when putting this together.
I agree with everything you said, except possibly shaving with the grain. Shaving against the grain gives a smoother shave. I recommend everyone try it once. It gives some people razor burn, but for many people it doesn't.
Following that up, I far prefer safety razors. I find I get no razor burn, a closer shave, and the blades are cheap as fuck. Just looked at my Amazon orders, this is the one I got in 2014. There are a few on Amazon with slightly better reviews now, or order/buy from another place if you hate Amazon.
I will reiterate for you that the best method (for do-it-yourself) is to use electric clippers/trimmer with a short guard, followed by a razor. Use a razor on the balls, use a trimmer with no guard afterwards on the inner thighs (worst place for razor burn). I prefer using clippers before the shower, then a razor in the shower. The warm water and steam help a lot. I personally prefer the patch above the dick to be trimmed with a guard, I hate the bald look there.
Just my two cents/agreement.
Thank you for the kind comment!
I have a lot of admiration for people who are trying to figure things out when they weren't raised in a religious household. My parents were/are very devout, so for me I grew up around Bible stories my whole life -- it's like there's not a time I don't remember knowing the story of Noah or the 10 Commandments or what have you. I would think it would be very daunting to be coming into this stuff brand new.
If I could offer two pieces of unsolicited advice:
First, if you haven't read the Bible before, I highly, highly recommend starting with a children's Bible. Not because you have the intellect of a child or anything, but most children's Bibles will give you sort of the "highlights" version of it. I think this helps make it a bit easier to get through and digest.
Second, if you were interested in specifically Catholicism, the honest to goodness best introduction to it is Catholicism for Dummies. Again, not that you're a dummy or anything, just that it's so well written and accessible. Even if you weren't necessarily interested in reading it from the standpoint of converting, it's a great way of learning about the largest religion on the planet.
Has she ever tried a neck fan? Something like this is awesome
And for gloves, I have been using those rubber dishwashing gloves and then sanitizing between uses. Yeah my hands get sweaty but it beats covid
We have a strict no-pants rule around where I live. In fact, I can't remember the last time I wore pants.
They sell these fun pajama bottoms at amazon that look exactly like 'distressed jeans' unless you get your face within a couple of feet.
Even medically it's not so black and white. Alcoholism spans more than just how much/often you drink. The mayo clinic has a nice over view..
It's psychological, physical, societal. Some people can drink and put it down. Some people drink all day everyday and still function just fine (high functional alcoholism). Some people can't have 2 glasses of wine without falling over. Some people are mean drunks, ruin relationships, family, jobs. Some people are happy and talk more, connect more than they would sober.
Just saying someone who drinks a 40 everyday is an alcoholic may be clinically right, but that is just a standard for the industry.
I'm an alcoholic. Been to thousands of meetings. Gone back and forth with it my whole adult life. It's not black and white as "4 drinks and you have a disease." Majority of normal people who drink are not alcoholics. They may be abusing alcohol, but don't have a switch flip in their head.
40oz guy is still a douche regardless.
That is rare, but all c sections require at least a month of downtime.
Don't take my word for it, here's some science.
You literally save thousands of dollars and don't have to be of your feet for at least two months. If a woman CAN give a VB then their doctor will always recommend that. WAY better for the mother in 99% of cases.
Fuck off with your ignorant bullshit; You don't know what you're talking about.
>"Robots And Racism," a study conducted by the Human Interface Technology Laboratory in New Zealand (HIT Lab NZ) and published by the country's University of Canterbury, suggests people perceive physically human-like robots to have a race and therefore apply racial stereotypes to white and black robots.
>These colors have been found to trigger social cues that determine how humans react to and behave toward other people and also, apparently, robots.
>"The bias against black robots is a result of bias against African-Americans," lead researcher Christoph Bartneck explained to The Next Web. He told CNN, "It is amazing to see how people who had no prior interaction with robots show racial bias towards them."
>The researchers think this is an issue that needs to be addressed. "If robots are supposed to function as teachers, friends, or carers, for instance, then it will be a serious problem if all of these roles are only ever occupied by robots that are racialized as White," according to the study.
Here are some facts for you.
System racism still oppresses minorities today.^[1] Even if slavery ended 150 years ago the consequences of systematic oppression of an entire people are still felt well into the modern day.
Using the economy as a defense or justification for slavery dehumanizes the people that had to suffer as slaves.
Trying to establish that "some slaves liked being slaves" without mentioning the countless slaves that didn't like being slaves is disingenuous to the point of outright dishonest. You are essentially lying with your "facts" to tell the narrative that you want to tell. If your point were valid then it would still make sense even in context of other information. Sure, some slaves weren't beat to death. But many were. So you were not "dispelling a myth". In a sense you were creating a new myth to cover up the one that you didn't like to hear which is that slavery hurt many people and was one of the worst points in our nation's history.
Not only do they have audio books that you can physically check out, but if you download the Libby app, WHICH IS ENTIRELY FREE, you can download the audiobooks to your phone and listen to them any time, without streaming. At the end of your rental period you can either extend the hold if you haven't finished or "return" it which just deletes the audio files from your phone. It's been an AMAZING find for me, and it's a great alternative to a paid service like audible
Yes, as you lower the pressure, the water boils at lower temperatures. Try
And yes, the danger to high altitude pilots is that their bodily fluids will boil if they lose pressure, even if they have oxygen masks on.
They need pressurized suits to survive even well below the Armstrong limit.
He was correct, actually. Between is used when the objects being compared are distinctly different things. Among is usually used when the differences are vague.
Modern war isn't about primarily men. It's about equipment. Germany devoted about 55% of its war production to its air force, which from 1943 was mainly deployed against the US and UK. The US also directly supplied a lot of the Russian equipment.
For example, the Soviet victories in 1944 relies directly from air supremacy due to the Allies tying up the Luftwaffe, as well as mobility enabled by US trucks.
This is an excellent book on the subject:
There’s a fantastic book that is super accessible and is used in curriculums on the subject and written by the Harvard folks that have championed the push.
Even if you get yourself one of these bad boys?
A belt would be an improvised weapon Typically doesn't do much more than 1d4, or one four sided die, worth of damage. Seeing that a lvl1 wizard only has 1d6+Con for health points, this is a 5 year old, it wouldn't take long for the belt to be the cause of death, rather than any actual words.
Is this a reference to "A Modest Proposal" or are you unaware of that (ironic and historic) piece? If you happen to be unaware, you may find it funny.
> Being black doesn’t grant you special knowledge to speak on topics
I think the fact that since he is black the odds are about 100% he, or someone in his immediate family have directly experienced racism would allow him to have some kind of intimate knowledge of the subject. Source
Most congressmen know economics, they just can follow what they recommend because the economic policies is political suicide unless the population become educated.
Really great intro into the issue. Youll see 6 economic platforms that all economists agree on from left and right, liberal to conservative they all agree need to be done, but is basically impossible to get anyone to vote on it
I’ve recently given thought to this. You’re right that it is wrong to insult a whole group of fellow Americans based on some of their behaviors. Most people who voted for Trump aare probably not “dumb”. However, is it fair to say it’s short sighted to vote against things that are likely to ultimately benefit them? For example, voting in a party thats against making movement towards socializing healthcare, under the auspices that it will be too expensive, despite the fact that the US has the highest healthcare spending of any developed nation, AND still has individuals being ruined by catastrophic health costs? (Source
Surely it’s better to live in a society where people have access to better healthcare, and are then healthier and can then be more functional in society? And yes, Obamacare had A SHIT TON of issues, but it was better for most than what was in place before.
I mean, if you’re a libertarian, I can see the philosophical disagreement with any taxation, but at the same time, we have benefitted a lot from taxation in some areas a society as a whole. I suppose I may be missing someething though.
> pmdd
For others curious about what it is:
=premenstrual dysphoric disorder ...symptoms debilitating, and they often interfere with their daily lives
Adding to the irony, and somewhat spoiling the supposed murder, "bout" actually is a word.
China is a capitalist super power. The death sentence is given to marijuana smokers. Jeff Sessions wants to do the same thing
Hey someone wrote about y’all 🤣🤣
The internet’s idiots are already trying to discredit Katie Bouman’s historic accomplishments
> that fucking U.K. doctor in the 90’s set back the argument for vaccine
For his own profit...
For anyone curious how to get around this, you have to disable subreddit styles. By default, if you disable this, it disables all custom subreddit themes. However, using RES allows you to do it on a per-subreddit basis.
Its only a heat wave if you live in a place where its unusual. The AVERAGE temperature here June-Sept was over 80F. And I recorded days in Feb at 85.5F this year.
Tell me, what business can afford a 40% tax rate?
Easy, none can.
Now, where you live might have different tax rates, as you talking about VAT leads me to believe you're in Europe.
When you're talking about businesses here in America though, it's VERY easy to hit several million dollars for the value of the business quickly.
I love it when people get personal with their arguments and even then they fail. Go celebrate and go "verb" is pretty common way of speaking:
Also the fact that I don't have to go to the "pub" is something that I'm pretty happy about. As opposed to you, I don't like killing my body and decaying my brain. Guess it's a matter of how much brain you start with.
No, Reddit is my go to.
But, if you truly want a little bit of an addiction, try this.
Over 1000 games into it, and still addicted. No ads, full game free, IAP isn't required unless you want to.
What a tool and a fool you are. The GOP is bought and paid for by those corporations (e.g petro chem et. al.). They passed tax cuts for them by adding $1.5T to the deficit that you and your descendants will have to pay back with interests and they did this at the expense of fixing our infrastructure that's been left to languish for a decade (after they blocked it for Obama's presidency).
You're being fucked up the ass and yet you're begging for more because you're too stupid and willfully ignorant to identify your own interests.
Yup, I googled after I posted the last reply. Turns out all the other words are way worse than anal.
My biggest surprise was ‘backstreet’. Gives a whole new world of meaning to Backstreet Boys.
>According to a 2018 survey by TSheets by QuickBooks, 55 percent of business owners say they always round employee timesheets up or down.
> I never said they don't round time sheets, I just said not to 15 minutes, but instead .01 of an hour
That's not what you said. Go back and read your comment.
>Also even if you went to .000001 of an hour there would still be rounding involved in the time and your pay. No one pays you in fractions of pennies
Yeah no shit, but that's obviously not what we're talking about. At this point you're just being pedantic.
Look at this man tricking Facebook forever with his NordVPN premium account. I guess you were using a VPN when you installed your VPN, too
Nah man, you'll slip once and you're out. You probably did it already. The only way to trick the "system" is to never use their products
My wife and I had this problem, except we have cats and the litter box is in the bathroom.
Since we rent, installing a cat door seemed off the table, plus nobody wants to shit with a hole in the door.
We found these stupid little things:
The adhesive doesn't fuck around though. I came home from a night at the bar and forgot about it, It ripped part of the framing off.
I got one from Bosidin off of Amazon but I didn't do a whole lot of research beyond one or two reviews. Overall I'm happy with it.
You can try making your own. The stuff is really badass for biscuits. They get super fluffy and soak up more gravy than the standard biscuit.
If you're wondering about the ammonia smell, that smell burns off in the oven. But the dough still has a bit of the smell when you're working with it.
"Your Honor, Pound My Butt" is an actual short story by him. Would you like a direct link?
Screw it, you're getting it anyway:
buy a travel router — I use this one
sign into the captive portal on a phone/laptop then anything that connects through the router won't see it
Norwegian tap water so good we literally bottle it and sell it as fancy fjord water to the foreigners.
This app called WebPage Capture is perfect for stuff like this. Feed it a link and it'll render out a screenshot of the whole web page. It's exactly like you'd expect - super long and skinny but with more than enough resolution to zoom in and read the contents.
Honestly, a lot of verysmart people are actually quite smart, they're just asses about it. I do very well in school and take tough classes, (my US History teacher has said I'm literally the only one in the class that can legitimately argue with him and use facts and evidence, been wanting to tell someone that for a while :D) I'm in a lot of 95-99th percentiles for PSAT scores but I realize there's someone better than me, I realize that people don't give a shit, and I realize I don't want to be an ass, hell Im hesitating typing this because it seems kinda douchebaggy and humble brag-ish. If a high schooler can figure this shit out why can't actually crazy smart people like NDT figure it out? I like things like Quantum Physics and just science in general, I find it interesting, and if I'm trying to explain something to someone and they don't really get it, I try a different, I don't just say, "Only a true intellectual like me would get it." No, it's just not true, learning is available for everyone especially with the Internet, anyone that acts like that is the problem, not the people who don't understand it. There's a great quote from a book I needed to read called On Writing Well, by William Zinnser, and he talks about how if you lose a reader, it's your fault, not theirs, you didnt make it interesting enough, or simple enough, or explain good enough, or do any number of things good enough and I think it applies here. If you think someone isn't understanding because they're just not an intellectual, you're wrong. It's your fault, not theirs.
Rant /rambling over, hope I don't come off as verysmart myself.
ehhh... if only to play devil's advocate, i'll suggest that Q is an unnecessary invention, when you can explain the content of the gospels WITHOUT it just fine. for an in-depth look, check out "The Case Against Q" by Mark Goodacre.
with or without a Q, it's pretty well agreed that Mark wrote first, Matthew used Mark as * a * source, and then Luke uses the both of them to write his version (Luke intimates as much in the first couple paragraphs of his gospel). from here, you can either explain the commonalities among the three as coming from some other source - the "Q" source - or... maybe Mark was it.
to me, Q is like the monster in the closet that - your kid isn't scared because of the monster in the closet, they're just scared of the dark and anthropomorphizing it. likewise with Q - i think it was just invented to keep Mark from being the first gospel written. after all, Mark wasn't an eyewitness - if he doesn't have a source and he's just making it up (or worse, just re-writing OT stories and putting Jesus as the main character instead of like, Elijah/Elisha), that rather ruins ALL the gospels as having any tie to the historical Jesus.
4.8 out of 5 stars. Seems to be doing pretty well IMO.
Chompsky is a bit of a cliche at this point but if your dad isn’t familiar with his work (doesn’t write him off immediately), this doc on Netflix is pretty good.
Steve Jobs thought so in 1982:
> “This was a very typical time. I was single. All you needed was a cup of tea, a light, and your stereo, you know, and that’s what I had.” – Steve Jobs
This gimmick is 3 years old...
> The average professional in this country wakes up in the morning, goes to work, comes home, eats dinner, and then goes to sleep, unaware that he or she has likely committed several federal crimes that day. Why? The answer lies in the very nature of modern federal criminal laws, which have exploded in number but also become impossibly broad and vague.
Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent
Everybody loves the 'tough on crime' rhetoric until they been 'processed' through the criminal justice system.
>When Hannity asked Moore if he had ever dated 16-, 17- or 18-year-olds, he answered "not generally, no" and added that dating a girl in her late teens "would have been out of my customary behavior."
Really shitty of Vox to leave out the whole quote.
[I cannot, however, forbear to comment that if impertinent and irrelevant inquiries of this sort are to become the rule in matters of literature, then the time is not far distant when a German name will no longer be a source of pride.](
it’s hard to see how this would work – there’s a sphincter on the bile duct that ensures that fluid flow is very definitely one-way. So the mayonnaise mix you’ve drunk isn’t going to move up and into the gall bladder. Nor is it in some strange way going to change your blood pH: that’s controlled within fairly strict limits by your body’s own homeostatic mechanisms.
So if you want to be believed I would suggest providing a peer reviewed study.