Trump is playing the MSM by implying there is a rift between him and Sessions. He even took an interview with NYT/Fake News! Trump is a master at the media. They are so clueless and can't understand that their mud-slinging doesn't work on Trump.
The MSM only care about petty things and they took the bait. While they chew on this for a few days, Session and Trump are getting things done.
“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Trump supporter here. This is something I do disagree with POTUS on. The only thing I can suggest is to get squared away with a good VPN service. This is the best I've found thus far.
>* No Go Zones: How Sharia Law Is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You Hardcover – August 14, 2017
>* Author: Soon There’ll Be No-Go Zones in the US
Hell, even the monthly CAIR publications, offer "shari'a compliant Home Loans" If they didn't have Shari'a courts setup, then why would they publish/advertise Shari'a compliant Home Loans?
As far as I know Private Internet Access is the only VPN that has actually been tested in court to prove they don't log. They were issued a subpoena for user information and they had to tell the court they didn't have it.
I guess I'll just post this comment again:
Size of the country doesn't matter, healthcare is dispensed per capita. The US has 100 times more people to treat? Well it also has 100 times more people funding it, and 100 times more doctors. Administration of the system could also be done at the state level, doesn't have to be federal.
Money to secure the border and address other illegal immigration issues in exchange for universal healthcare? I'd like to see anyone in Congress try make that deal, unlikely though.
And I'll add, Europe does have an illegal immigrant problem.
It's not even a timer. It's a stick-on clock like you'd put in an old piece of shit car that's missing it's radio.
>But it isn't equality.
This ventures into a more philosophical realm, but stick with me. You need to consider what you mean by equality. This is an oversimplification of Aristotle's conception of equality (per Nicomachean Ethics):
There are two forms of equality, (1) Numerical Equality when all all persons are indistinguishable, it is just to treat them identically; (2) Proportional Equality which I'll summarize via C.S. Lewis' quote "Justice means equality for equals, and inequality for unequals"
What Aristotle, and later Lewis, are attempting to convey is that when you have people who are equal in a relevant facet then they should be treated identically, but when persons are unequal in relevant respects then the treatment should take into account the inequality, proportionally, in order to achieve justness.
Applied to the topic of taxes: because people are unequal in regards to wealth they should be treated proportionately differently in order to achieve justice. This is how we arrive at progressive tax systems. How a progressive tax system is implemented (number of tax brackets, lower and higher cutoffs, etc.) is a different matter of best trying to fit a system to an ideal.
Also, using these same ideas we would say since Americans are not unequal in respect to their rights they should be treated identically (numerical equality) when it comes to their rights in order to achieve justice.
No more YouTube or Fascistbook plz.
Rumble is more deserving of our support.
They are trying to fear monger the AI 'revolution' calling this a 4th industrial revolution, I haven't a clue what they are trying to do here, since the two industrial revolutions we had, created more jobs, and the economy grew both times. Knowing the dem's, they are probably considering WWII factory gear up another one. who knows with dem's, People have been fearmongering the AI/Robotics now for how many years.. Historically speaking our economy will create new markets, new jobs, and everything will be better in the long run, with a little pain, retraining in the short-term.
edit to add:
evidently, they are pushing a 'third' industrial revolution, i.e. globalization. >
By naming this the "fourth" they are in reality, telling you 'globalization already happened' and we need to bow down to it. Its paramount to our country to keep a manufacturing base alive.
>"The malware used to hack the DNC was used to hack the German Parliment back in 2015. According to german security officials, the malware originated from Russian Military Intelligence. An identical SSL certificate was also found in both breaches"
This is such a ridiculous overstatement. So the Russian government is using an outdated commercially available Ukrainian malware for international hacking?They kept their IPs with out signing into a VPN to cover their tracks? I mean, how the fuck do you explain this shit? There is very little (provided) evidence that it was Russian intelligence. There is even less evidence (None) available that this information was given to wiki leaks which was the only organization that was releasing info that could have possibly had any kind of influence on our election. So this is the problem I have (and many others have) with this cluster fuck, is that we have a lame duck president enacting unprecedented sanctions on a foreign government over very flimsy evidence that we have had and known about since the fucking summer of 2015. Give me a fucking break.
>If we are to say these agencies are all lying or being misguided into thinking it was Russia, then there must be strong evidence.
No. NO! This is NOT how this works, If an organization is going to MAKE AN ASSERTION particularly one that could cause potential military conflict with a foreign entity, they must prove the positive, the burden of proof relies on THEM. You can't ask us to prove the negative when they can't even prove the positive! Especially when our President was touting about having the "Most transparent government ever" yet he has been harsher with whistle blowers than any other president. Something is very fishy about this whole situation and I think people should have a very healthy level of skepticism over this matter.
>2. After reading a declassified report released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, I can say in confidence that I believe that Russia attempted to impact the U.S. election.
All that report did was build a motive. And yeah it would make sense that Russia would want the guy who is trying to mend relationships as the President. What it didn't present was any hard evidence. The actual evidence they presented proved nothing from a technical standpoint. What was actually used was free (you could use it yourself if you wanted to), outdated malware that was sent out to millions of Wordpress users at the time. Hell, the FBI didn't even examine the server, why are they acting so authoritatively on it? The only ones who examined it were DNC contractors. Wikileaks, the only ones that have actually had contact with whomever the hacker/leaker was, has denied that it was Russian government actors. Everything that has been released by the so-called "Intelligence Community" is inconclusive and the fact that they act so indignant when people are skeptical about starting a war over this stinks to high heaven.
Without doubt, Brave.
It was created by the man behind Mozilla and Firefox after he got fed up with SJW tactics and privacy violations of his former company.
Has a nice list of features and is improving pretty consistently. Give it a look when you have the chance.
Nazism on itself is "National Socialism" just like any other form of communism/socialism it does not call for genocide.
But the nature of such systems seems to bring gencodial traits inherently with them.
Nazi germany killed jews because "inferior", USSR killed everyone that they had a slight reason for. Not to mention that the holodomor was intentional
You can compare both goverment on a fair basis. But like I said, neither nazism nor socialism nor communism explicitly tells people to commit genocide, it is just something that comes along as history has proven( espacially when it comes to communism, as we only have one example of nazism)
Free trade would be best. But this requires everyone to play by the same rules. As Adam Smith eloquently wrote in "The Wealth of Nations", free-trade can allow countries to exploit other countries when they expect free trade but do not provide it. It seems that many of these other countries have taken Smith's advice and used free trade from us to take advantage of America while not reciprocating with free trade.
We will no longer be the stupid country that everyone takes advantage of. We will be the smart country.
How many times do I honestly have to say this? Especially on a site that is designed to be put into groups with different discussions...
a prefix indicating favor for some party, system, idea, etc., without identity with the group ( pro-British; pro-Communist; proslavery), having anti- as its opposite."
We are a Pro-Trump sub. I'm tired of answering the same question over and over again so this is my final reply and if anyone wants my answer, you direct them here.
You don't like the fact /r/The_Donald is a Pro-Trump sub that only allows Trump supporters? Get over it and grow up. You can come here to discuss stuff with us here and ONLY here on /r/AskThe_Donald. /r/The_Donald is not for you unless you support Trump. Too bad so sad.
We've never gone out of our way to say we are fair and balanced and all voices will be heard, whatever sort of fantasy you have that we accept lefties is just plain wrong, we only allow those that will vote and support Donald Trump.
I'm tired of this discussion since it gets us nowhere. We explain and you all still complain. There are other places on this website for different discussions. Personally, I don't even know why you guys care so much since Reddit has complete hatred towards us and Donald Trump. The way I see it, all you guys want is control of the only place we can actually discuss anything Pro-Trump.
Keep your questions here, that's how it's going to be. /r/The_Donald is only for Trump supporters. You don't like it? Goodbye. There are other places to go. I hear /Pol/ is nice this time of year, they're bound to give some good answers.
Yeah, it's a form of free speech. The "protestors" are well within their right to inhale the poisonous fumes. Plus, it's not like they endear themselves to anyone. Wasn't it The Art of War that said "Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake."?
This is not a Hatch Act violation. This is just partisan posturing. I guess nobody remembers Obama actually giving Hillary rides on Air Force One? Nobody remembers any President discussing an election? Gimme a break!
Here's NPR writing on this exact thing;
Obama condemned the baltimore riots:
Obama condemned the Ferguson riots:
I think this is what fucks me off most about the left nowadays. There's fuck all said about actual policies and actual impact, instead it's all made personal. Trump is a baby-eating puppy murdering megahitler and anyone who isn't vehemently against him is about the same.
It's textbook Alinsky. Literally.
The Mayo clinic recommends not taking it, and that's enough for me to steer clear. I would really recommend talking to your doctor before you start taking any supplement
> At the same, President Trump was not obstructing any investigation; rather, he was simply talking about Gen. Flynn's character (which Comey agreed with).
He wanted him to drop the investigation into Flynn.
>He then said, “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.”
>to agree to do or allow something
We have a part we need to play too:
It's important that we support any business that chooses to stay here by buying their products.
If we are truly America First, then we need to shop at home. Keep our value exchange within our economy and it will pay us back. That doesn't mean everything, but it's time we as MAGA supporters do OUR part.
So go out, put on your New Balance shoes and drive away in the American built Toyota. When you are at the hardware store and Carrier is $20 more than the other air conditioner, buy it anyway. If local farms have a market day to sell their food directly, buy it, it's fresh, and that doesn't have to compete with Costa Rica at the supermarket now.
Come on. The definition implies territory.
So let me ask you again, what terrorist attacks were perpetrated by Iranian nationals? What attack would this ban have stopped?
In defense of the party switch theory, I'd like to present one David Duke, unreconstructed white supremacist and former KKK leader.
Here you will find his party affiliation over the past few decades. He ran in Democratic primaries in 1975, 1979, and 1988, losing by solid margins in all three. In 1989 he switched to the Republican party- and was markedly more successful running as a Republican then he'd ever been running as a Democrat.
What are your thoughts on the fact that Perry just admitted he didn't understand what his job entailed?
you're arguing semantics instead of the point. Bannon joined the trump team in august which thoroughly counters your above claims.
> What other reporters were there?
Either these media blackouts are being selectively ordered or selectively enforced. Possibly both.
Hi, one question: why wait? I use Brave every day, on macOS and iOS. It's on Android, Windows, and Linux too. Chromium extensions support is growing every release. You can use DuckDuckGo and we get a revenue share. and click the big button. Thanks!
Thank you for the generalizations and pegging my specific personal beliefs with a mass of many. "We" do not hate leaks. "We" want to investigate and find truth in highly suspicious activities. "We" want the investigations of the Trump/Russia situation to be fully vetted because "we" believe "you" won't find shit. That's the whole point. Once, if, "you" find there's nothing to the Trump/Russia collusion, then what? What's the next narrative on the list? Dems have called for impeachment on the last 8 R presidents. It's old, it's tiring, it's exhausting. Rather than call for more bipartisan support on things it's all a ruse to divide and conquer. Straight out of The Art of War.
I have an app on my android (not sure if it's available for Apple phones) called Congress. It lets you track current bills in the House and Senate realtime. Also lets you follow Congress members to see how they voted on bills. I've found it really useful for staying updated on what Congress is actually doing.
"You don’t have to pay the fee for any month you have qualifying health coverage. If you’re uncovered only 1 or 2 months, you don’t have to pay the fee for any month"
If it's only three months, you're probably good to go, fam. Besides, penalty is only for the months you didn't have coverage, so even if they did levy a fee, it'd be only for those uncovered months.
> IMO, it's just more needless regulation, and an expense (in time and finances) to fill out a ridiculous amount of paperwork.
That's 1200 pages of ACA law. ACA actually has a number of exemptions from the individual mandate.
You may qualify for the "Coverage is considered unaffordable" exemption, which details that if the Bronze healthcare coverage plan combined monthly premiums is MORE than 8.05% of your 2016 gross income, then you don't have to pay the penalty.
I definitely have sympathies about the censorship issues here but I really don't see Reddit dying if T_D users ditch the site.
Reddit's Alexa ranking is #4 in the US - one spot below Facebook who have their own troubling censorship policies regarding the determination of "fake news" vs "real news," and hell, to some extent the subjectivity of what constitutes mature content or spam.
(Reddit is also ranked #11 on SimilarWeb, just two spots below Twitter and somewhat comedically sandwiched between two porn sites)
Edit: fixed link
This is the best I can do at the moment. I'm being pulled away for work. Hopefully others will chime in:
Trump on the issues: Environment (I personally trust this website, though I encourage you to do your own research).
Images of tweets on the subject; please keep in mind that authenticity can not be verified
I don't think he has an 'official' stance on global warming - at least not in print - but it seems clear that he thinks it is a BS tax grab. I happen to agree, but to each their own.
>And I can't find any evidence that Bernie has ever even used the word bourgeoisie in a speech or interview
It's not as if there aren't a ton of synonyms for bourgeoisie. One of which, interestingly enough, is "middle class".
You need not use the word to reference the concept.
With white collar crime you often don't immediately know if a crime even took place. It's not obvious like a murder where there's a body sitting in front of you, it's convoluted and buried in documents and computer records. Just like how the Whitewater investigation into the Clintons started as the result of allegations in a NYT article.
>As a result of the exposé in the New York Times, the Justice Department opened an investigation into the failed Whitewater deal.
That's simplifying it too much. The primary subject of interest is a high level Russian politician and banker who may be involved in money laundering.
And the news article that originally revealed the FBI's investigation into the NRA:
The only thing you can do is use encryption. Almost all email services in this country are monitored by the government, and even if not, your mail is visible to the server administrator. Read up on PGP, and use the strongest encryption method you can.
The official Trump store states that all items are made in the USA, and the Trump store doesn't even sell Keep America Great flags yet. However, you can buy Trump 2020 Keep America Great flags on Amazon for less than $8, which tells me they were made in China... Just like the flags in this article.
The problem with Islam is that it kills the Universe culture that existed before Islam. As a book it came late, but rather equal in its destructive effect as the German Marx’s Communist Manufesto’s guide to Universe killing. Meanwhile the better books’ The Wealth of Nations joined with the better of Asian, European, Nordic and all other’s All Cultures books are what terrorist attack victims could have lived.
Start with The Art of War, then go to The Art of the Deal. This is the foundation of how Trump thinks and why he behaves the way he does. Once you have those two, then move on to the wonderful list that u/300C provided. That will give you perspective on why Trump is pushing the policies and values he is, and why he has so much support.
> The narrative was "why hasn't he released them?". Now it's out there, it's innocuous, so narrative over. Frankly, I'm scratching my head wondering why Trump kept such a tight lid on the tax returns.
You have obviously never read The Art of War.
"All warfare is based on deception."
"Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak."
"Pretend to be weak, that [your enemies] may grow arrogant."
"Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."
I've recently been shopping around for healthcare myself and what I've read on the official government site makes it seem like the penalty still exists:
I think you're allowed to not be covered for up to two calendar months before the penalty kicks in.
> Tort reform could lower costs to employers by 3.5%
Doesn't that alone demonstrate tort reform is a drop in the bucket when we're dealing with 10-20% increases every year?
My understanding is the aging population and a collective unwillingness for people to know when to pass on the open heart surgery for 92 year old grandpa or to not artificially keep grandma alive for an extra five years because anything else would be "killing her".
The largest medical bills we incur typically occur within the last couple of years of our lives. Something needs to be done about that without it turning into a conversation about "death panels". NPR Planet Money did a great podcast on the topic. Let's just encourage people to discuss death more. It's happening to everyone - not ignoring it can save society money in the long run.
Link to source video below.
I don’t see him flash a badge, and I don’t hear him say he’s an FBI agent. What am I missing?
If the athletes don't matter, then why does the president have to waste his time rejecting them? You are, basically, openly contradicting yourself. You are saying that they don't matter, but then saying that the president is justified getting into a media war with a bunch of people who don't matter. It makes no sense.
>Frankly, President Trump is the only adult in Washington, scolding those losers that are misbehaving and carrying on like a bunch of 10 year olds who want to stay up past their bedtime.
I love it, suggesting that throwing around childish insults like "loser" is acting like "the only adult."
>I never said he lied
You said, and I quote, that he was practicing "strategic deception." The first two listed synonyms for lie are deceit and deception.
>he simply isn’t telegraphing all his moves to the media, so it gets skewed by the media,
Backtrack some more.
>Most people have no real idea why they oppose President Trump, because they wait to hear the reason of the day from the media.
You have made the argument that the athletes don't matter, but then defended Trump wasting his time making sure he was "punking" them. You made the argument that he was practicing deception, and then tried to argue that he isn't lying. Maybe this is a projection and you have no idea why you support him, only that you believe you should.
The claims of assaults are real. The statutes of limitation have expired so likely no lawsuits on the horizon.
However you have plenty of women claiming unwanted touching and/or outright assault. In addition, how does Trump justify strolling into the changing room of miss TEEN USA? He pretty much brags about it to Howard Stern.
>MR. DUBELIER: We're not. And the reason for that, Your Honor, is I think we're dealing with a situation of the government having indicted the proverbial ham sandwich. That company didn't exist as a legal entity during the time period alleged by the government.
Might want to try the facts instead of Wikipedia, run along now son.
yeah, it is interesting, considering the whole metoo movement.
Some topics are taboo, obama is one, sex trafficking of minors is another.
I saw an article today that quoted 80% of minor sex trafficking is related to the Foster Care System.. here:
Yeah, Crowdstrike's founder has a real bone to pick with Russia. Independent analysis pretty well shit all over their conclusions using the info provided by DHS.
I'd be surprised if they sell your data. The whole point of their end-to-end encryption is to keep your identity and discussions private. They're also strongly against it, from what it looks like.
Also, to support my first statement (and yours):
>Because ProtonMail utilizes end-to-end encryption, we don’t actually have the ability to read your emails, and therefore cannot sell your data to advertisers. Instead of paying with your privacy, ProtonMail is supported by paid users, which allows us to put your privacy first.
DevOps guy here - the new FF is pretty quick. If you want a smaller footprint. Consider looking at Light. It is a light weight browser based on Firefox
The app's just called Google.
In the app go to settings-->google assistant settings-->news
Edit, or possibly google assistant depending on your phone.
He is the Forgotten Man of William Graham Sumner. The reader will remember that in Sumner’s essay, which appeared in 1883:
As soon as A observes something which seems to him to be wrong, from which X is suffering, A talks it over with B, and A and B then propose to get a law passed to remedy the evil and help X. Their law always proposes to determine what C shall do for X or, in the better case, what A, B and C shall do for X....What I want to do is to look up C. . . . I call him the Forgotten Man. . . . He is the man who never is thought of. He is the victim of the reformer, social speculator, and philanthropist, and I hope to show you before I get through that he deserves your notice both for his character and for the many burdens which are laid upon him.
It is a historic irony that when this phrase, the Forgotten Man, was revived in the 1930s, it was applied, not to C, but to X; and C, who was then being asked to support still more X’s, was more completely forgotten than ever. It is C, the Forgotten Man, who is always called upon to stanch the politician’s bleeding heart by paying for his vicarious generosity.
How do you get rejected?
Anyway, OP should check out this site detailing the exemptions to the insurance penalty, which includes people who can’t afford it:
It varies by state and by household with special boosts for pregnant, disabled, etc. In KY, if you are single you get free healthcare if you make under $16,643 ($8.00 an hour times 40 hours a week times 52 hours a year). If you make less than $29,700 you will get "A health plan with lower monthly premiums PLUS extra savings." ($14.27 an hour). If you make less than $47,520 you will get "A health plan with lower monthly premiums" ($22.84 an hour!).
If you have kids or a spouse those numbers go up drastically. And KY is a red state...
Check out LineageOS. It's a community developed ROM based on Android, and is available for most popular devices.
Google binary on commercial Android devices can be divided into two parts, 1. the free and open source OS part and 2. The closed source Google service framework ("GApps", Google account service, chrome, play store, etc).
I assume that all the tracking stuff happens on GApps. As the open source code will be examined by 3rd party, any telemetry features in the kernel will be a PR disaster on Google's part. Microsoft has been absolutely blasted in recent years due to the telemetry in Windows 10. On the other hand, GApps code will not be examined by 3rd party, and the information gathered will be tied to your Google account.
Google requires a contract and a fee for manufacturers to include GApps with their products, and IIRC 3rd party ROM cannot legally include GApps. You can flash a GApps package with the ROM but the ROM itself doesn't include GApps.
While play store is the de facto monopoly in Android apps distribution, you can install apps using .APK files without going through Google. Apk Mirror (link above) is a site that provides the vast majority of apps that play store has, but in the form of apk. One major exception is bank apps, IIRC Google prohibits hosting of banking apps on 3rd party website or something to that effect.
This is IMO the best balance between privacy and ease of use. Linux distros other than Android usually have limited pool of apps.
Apple is shit. The company treats its customers like total idiots. App Store completely dictates app distribution. The company culture seem no less SJW than Google. Recently it is revealed that some Siri voice recordings were made available for HUMAN contractor to listen to. Oh by the way, a few years ago, a few builds of Mac OS X were distributed worldwide with a huge bug: the root account was left without a password.
He has a new book coming out 9/6 which lines up perfectly with what we have seen HRC's campaign do.
What separates effective communicators from truly successful persuaders? Using the same combination of rigorous scientific research and accessibility that made his Influence an iconic bestseller, Robert Cialdini explains how to capitalize on the essential window of time before you deliver an important message. This “privileged moment for change” prepares people to be receptive to a message before they experience it. Optimal persuasion is achieved only through optimal pre-suasion. In other words, to change “minds” a pre-suader must also change “states of mind.”
> which I believe is the 3rd most trafficked online news site in the US
i mean, even if that is true, which i couldn't find anywhere, but which alexa has pretty far down, how many pure online news sites are there? Huffington Post and Buzzfeed? Even if it is 3rd, there could easily be a huge dropoff in traffic, in which case there could be a small enough demographic for it to slant towards white nationalism.
Yeah because these don't exist or anything
H-P DeskJet 2752e Wireless All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer for Home, Office, Print, Copy, Scan, Wireless, USB Connectivity, Mobile Printing with Bools USB Printer Cable
Check out all the lies and deceit the FBI was involved in with the assassination of Kennedy.... And we still won't get all the details until 2029 when basically all those involved are dead or too old to care........ The coup started in 1963.
Guys these stickers are illegal! Don't buy these:
200 Pcs I Did That Biden Stickers Gas I Did That Stickers Joe Biden, 2.4x2 inch Sticker for Pumps Car Motorcycle Decal Sticker
More like this opinion piece is the reason it got shut down.
It fits Reddit's MO to only do stuff after someone goes public.
Been that way ever since r/jailbait got banned.
Doesn't make it less retarded, but that's how Reddit works.
Some polls are done by phone. Some polls are done online. If you click on a poll, it should describe which methodology was used to contact participants.
I don't know about "rigged" per se, but by looking at polling demographics it is quite easy to see that there is significant liberal bias in many polls (not all, or even the majority mind you, but enough to make a big difference in polling averages). I'm not sure whether this bias is even intentional or not, but to ignore its existence and claim that "there is no evidence that current polls are rigged" is a bit naive.
Example 1: McClatchy-Marist Poll showed Hillary with a 15 point lead while polling 50% Democrats, Strong Democrats and Democratic-Leaning Individuals, but only 38% Republicans, Strong Republicans and Republican-Leaners.
Example 2: Monmouth Poll showed Hillary with a 13 point lead, while polling 26% Republicans, 35% Democrats and 39% Independents.
If you scan through the polls on RCP, you should find plenty more. Based on past elections, these demographics are not representative of actual voter turnout, and are thus inaccurate or "rigged" as some may call it.
> How is playing dress up relating to hormones???
Because Desmond and a bunch of other kids are on hormone blockers. They're also posing with naked adults to further instill the sexuality of the lifestyle from an early age. Are you completely unfamiliar with drag queen culture?
Are you unfamiliar with a teacher giving a child secret indoctrination to be trans? Can you think of any earthly reason why someone WOULD do this?
First, isn't new york times official website. It only redirects there. Second, no it's not fake. China stayed at close to 50% of NYT traffic for over a week (I got tired of having to load the archive, might be more than that).
Because there is nothing to show...
Breitbart still only has a 4% China viewership at the same time that NYT had a nearly 50% China viewership.
> No where do I suggest that the jump in viewership is weird. It's the fact that almost half of their viewership now comes from China, when just last year it was closer to 5-10%
I ignored it because it isn't true:
Or see if you can find anything new in any of the articles on this:
I don't think the US should pull out entirely personally, but absolutely reduce the forces in Japan and Europe, I mean, if you look at this map which doesn't even list all of them as there are over a thousand US bases world wide outside of the states and this comes short of it US military bases around Japan are over 170, there are more than 450 in Europe, the US should be able to reduce the amount of military force it has outside of it's own nation which total to be over 1,000 US military bases outside of its own country, which those inside the country is also the ridiculous number of nearly 6,000. I definitely think the US should keep a presence in its own interests for the sake of holding power as well as for the interests of its allies as a staging area for US military forces should a conventional war ever break out, but it needs reduction and the countries need to be able to hold their own and build up their own armies and defense forces.
Words are viewed and used as weapons by postmodernist conditioned progressives - destroying societal trust - Word Wars: How attacks on meaning rob you of free speech explains it all really well, and why it is urgent to stand and speak up now -
But we both agree that Rob Gronkowski personally wrote that tweet, right? His signature is on it.
The response in the letter could be written about literally any book without reading it. For example, Glenn Beck's book, The Great Reset. Truly an enlightening take on what our world needs most and how to accomplish it. So we both agree that I've read that book, from my review, correct?
Off the top of your head, who was the last Chairman of the World Economic Forum before this guy? You're acting like he's Tom Cruise or something. Can you name his predecessor without Googling it?
> start expecting high ranking politicians to tell the truth about what they think and do we’d have better democracies.
Alright, he should come out and say that he never read this guy's book. Then you'd have no problem with him -- correct?
They all definitely use ghost writers to some extent, but I've got the impression that Trump contributed less than usual to the contents of the book based on the ghost writer's comments/concerns (assign him whatever amount of credibility you wish). Have you read this:
what exactly is your argument? Puerto Rico is immune to corruption?
Joe Colonnetta (the guy that founded this company) and his family have donated maybe 100k to Trump's campaign. Andrew Techmanski has connections with Ryan Zinke, secretary of the interior.
Now they get a sweetheart deal for 300 million (309$ an hour for their subcontractor among other things) from a country 75billion in debt.
you can believe the "fake news" or not, but this is corruption happening in real time. Trump can man up and make an example of Zinke, or continue to act like most other politicians and look the other way.
why lie? Joe Colonnetta and his family have donated ~maybe~ 100k to Trump's campaign.
Now his company gets a sweetheart 300mil contract, agreed upon by his boy Zinke and corrupt govt officials in Puerto Rico (who only happens to be in 70bil debt lmao)
if this is not american swamp politics, then what is exactly??
Not even talking about Cuphead. This guy wants the movie parts of the game without the boring bits in the middle that's too hard for a dude who supposedly spends a lot of time playing games for a living.
It's not the only one. He's also passed on/signed letters to the EPA which were drafted by energy firms/lobbyists.
From NY Times
>“Outstanding!” William F. Whitsitt, who at the time directed government relations at the company, said in a note to Mr. Pruitt’s office. The attorney general’s staff had taken Devon’s draft, copied it onto state government stationery with only a few word changes, and sent it to Washington with the attorney general’s signature. “The timing of the letter is great, given our meeting this Friday with both E.P.A. and the White House.”
>Mr. Whitsitt then added, “Please pass along Devon’s thanks to Attorney General Pruitt.”
The Statutes of limitations have expired so no lawsuit is possible but you have plenty of women coming forward claiming misconduct or outright assault. Trump has bragged as much to Howard Stern and also on the leaked audio.
I don't think his past misconduct towards women is up for debate. Always assumed his supporters knew but didn't care.
> Higher brackets won't have any cuts. Tax will stay 39.6% marginal rate for the rich.
They’re raising the threshold for that rate from $418k to $500k, though, which means that anyone making more than $418k will pay a lower tax rate on their income in the $418k-500k range than they do currently. That is a tax cut.
> Anyone paying 10% right now won't pay income taxes anymore.
Not true. They’ll be paying 12%.
The biggest gifts to the wealthy have nothing to do with the income tax rates, though. It keeps the carried interest loophole open, while eliminating the AMT and the estate tax these are all changes that would please wealthy Republican donors while doing nothing to benefit working people (not to mention blow up the deficit).
While not impossible, most economists say that 3% growth is very improbable. Some possible paths would be doubling the workforce by bringing in 40 million new immigrants (or everyone works an extra 10 years before retirement), maybe also cut the weekend to a single day.. We saw a 3% consistent growth for a few years during the 90's tech boom, but that subsided after the tech bubble burst.
I fully acknowledge that we've seen 3% recently, but GDP ebbs and flows. Even Obama saw over 5% growth in 2013. But to sustain it over a decade is a monumental and extraordinarily unlikely event, and something that simply policy cannot attain.
> Dude, you have only been able to point to something 400 years ago
Dude your started this conversation pointing out a story from 1400 years ago
> and an article that could very well be talking about Muslims in America
Given how few Muslims are in America it's actually significantly more likely they are white Christians.
Either way American courts today approve child marriages today
> But it's also a huge problem here in the United States. Sherry Johnson was forced to marry in 1971 at the age of 11. She'd been raped by several members of her mother's Pentecostal church. And she had a baby.
Pentecostal isn't Muslim is it?
Everyone is guilty of this
> Like Reiss, some of the women the organization has assisted come from the Orthodox Jewish community, but Unchained has also worked with Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs.
Doesn't say Muslims, Muslims, Muslims, Muslims and Muslims
Unless something has changed in the last 48 hours, I'm up-to-date.
>If the economy under Trump keeps growing at 3% (as it is currently), the debt won't increase. But we are confident Trump will make it grow even faster, decreasing the debt.
Even with extremely optimistic economic growth projections, new revenue is expected to account for half of this deficit. I would defer to economists who have spent years studying these exact things over people who haven't. In either case, why risk it? Even if you are confident in the growth, why not double down and make the bill neutral, to begin with? Double your money so to speak?
>take HC away from people >Why do you say that?
It was the Cuban voter turnout in south Florida that started the chain reaction of swing states going offline and exposing the corrupt elections.
Yes it is. It's a crock of shit that you can get up to 15 months in prison for reporting on something that is blacked out. Especially, when these sort of blackouts are either selectively ordered or enforced. The working class of the UK are tired of being told how to feel about Muslims. They're tired of having to follow the law without so much as a hiccup, while the Muslims get away with raping children.
I'm sorry but this is honestly a retarded discussion to even have and I made it very very clear as to how and why ethnicity equates to difference in accent. And background and ethnicity are the same thing when talking about country of origin. This is a petty discussion because you're trying to prove yourself right in a conversation about accents, is this so important you must take time off your day to actually talk about this? What I wrote earlier is very clear about how foreign accents form and it's true
Linguistic Society of America hopefully this shuts you up because this is the last comment because this is just a stupid conversation and it's going nowhere
Also Ethnicity is background and origin
The whole virtue signalling thing isn't helping you at all to prove a point by the way, it honestly just makes you seem ignorant about things that are common knowledge.
You are assuming a definition of innocent as "not having committed a crime" when I think in this context it might be more "lack of knowledge" and that doesn't seem to fit Flynn. I'll confess that's just a guess though.
Anyway, my point of the quotes and bolding was not really to say that Flynn is definitely guilty and there are absolutely huge national security concerns, but that an article that was linked purporting to defend him could just as easily raise more questions. It's sort of a Rorshach test - if you read the Breitbart article and think "Flynn is being railroaded" then you are definitely predisposed to believe him and think that the intelligence agencies are out to get him (and Trump, etc). The bolding was intended to show that the same article could just as easily be considered evidence that he is a treasonous scoundrel if you are inclined to dislike him. All it really does is raise questions that we can't factually answer.
We don't know much about what was actually said, just that the sanctions were discussed and Flynn lied about it. Which is not great for Flynn, but also not proof of treason.
The MW definitions don't require the info to be false or misleading. It's simply enough for me that people are already using this to condemn the left, liberal organizations, and George Soros, that leads me to consider it propaganda.
> but I'm not going to lump things such as sleep deprivation, waterboarding, etc. under this blanket term of "torture" as if they are all equal.
You don't get to bend the definition of a word just because you dont like it. Are you intentionally inducing physical harm/suffering onto another for the purposes of obtaining information from them? That's torture. Period. Is cutting off someone's finger more violent than waterboarding? Yes. Does that make waterboarding any less torturous? Nope.
Also, there is a reason the military issues you an ID with an indicator on the back to signal what rights you have in case you are ever captured. This is for the soldiers safety. The Geneva Convention prevents you from conducting any form of torture. And they defined it as I explained it to you.
Might as well cast a vote and have a say! (This polling didn't discriminate between supporters and non-Supporters, but I will do a separate one next time)
EDIT: Reuters link is in -
EDIT: as of now the result is 78 in favour of his decision to step down, 50 against it.
EDIT 3: 94-56 now
You ignore the yahoo links to multiple articles that state that the trend is heading in that direction. But yes obviously not a good faith argument. All those publications are lying to you...quite a conspiracy!
Most Muslims in the UK and other European nations are not white but you like to make arguments that aren't relevant so its not surprising.
The only factual links you gave me were related to birth rates were they not? I just sent you a rebuttal to that.
Everything else is simply my opinion vs yours unless you provide links which is tedious.
So that is why I drummed things down to what I see as the key issue.
Since you know it is very easy for me to draw up dozens of statistical links from multiple sources that say it is happening, you don't want to touch that.
Take your pick:
The argument goes, we should move the cleanest highest paying manufacturing jobs here:
Most companies predict 4-5 years until we have that (level 5 autonomous vehicles). I'd say at worst 10 years till we have it, at best 10 years until it is affordable.
I fixed the rotation see we can see it in all it's glory. This is huge.
>I don’t even know what PlutoTV is and I don’t have a roku. How about you chill out a little bit. Not everyone knows all the tech intricacies on how we can get media.
Here: PlutoTV. It's free. It's available on Android, iOS, on the Roku, on AndroidTV, and you can even watch it on desktop. Newsmax was available for free that way.
Aside from that, I was directing my ire to those who complain about not having options and then they don't support the options that are available. I apologize if you felt like I was yelling specifically at you personally, I was speaking in general. I personally don't think that five bucks a month is a lot to ask for OANN but I'm sure we could both think of people who would complain that it wasn't free. If we want options we have to support those who are building their own platforms to bring us those options.
Either way I gave you two ways you can have alternatives to the monolithic voice of the Left. You now have options you didn't know you had.