Currently 538 users have scored Golovkin Derevyanchenko with Fight Score, thanks to those who scored the fight.
The app is available via the links below:
Any feedback is welcome!
“If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected .” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Currently 546 users have scored Spence Porter with Fight Score, thanks to those who scored the fight.
The app is available via the links below:
Any feedback is welcome!
Economies are so tough nowadays, can't even afford paper and pen to score this fight.
But thank God, for the FREE Going The Distance scorecard app!
It has, you can watch the documentary about it here:
I'm hoping something comes of it or at least starts the conversations necessary to get them out of the sport.
You can definitely lose your eye(s) and go blind. It has happened before.
Like Paulie said in the GGG-Brook fight, breaking your eye socket is definitely a weird feeling. It probably feels like your eyeball might potentially roll out of your socket at any time. We saw that it was bothering Brook like no other injuries, he was trying to push/hold his orbital bone back together at certain points of the match.
Matthysse straight up quit on his knees due to similar injury during his fight with Postol. I don't blame any fighters wanting to quit from an eye socket injury.
Who is that Mexican Skull Guy at many Golden Boy fights? I always see him and wonder why he is there. I'm Mexican and I still don't know. pic
r/dictionary definition of a robbery
robverb [ T ] UK /rɒb/ US /rɑːb/ **-bb-**
C2 If someone is robbed of something they <strong>deserve</strong>, it is taken away from them: ~~unless it is a close fight~~
GGG was robbed by the judges of two wins over Canelo.
Currently 484 users have scored Groves Eubank with Fight Score.
The app is available via the links below:
Any feedback is welcome!
Currently 171 users have scored Fury Wallin with Fight Score, thanks to those who scored the fight.
The app is available via the links below:
Any feedback is welcome!
Looking forward to hearing from the "Fury is great for boxing" contingent..
Two gifs showing two of the best punches of the fight. I'm 18 & It was the first time I watched a full boxing match and I don't know if it was boring but I loved it
Currently 171 users have scored Rungvisai Estrada with Fight Score.
The app is available via the links below:
Any feedback is welcome!
Most people underestimate how good low level pros are. Y’all need to read Cut Time.
Edit: y’all meaning people who haven’t worked with pros, not OP. It’s a good book regardless.
Currently 146 users have scored Usyk Breidis with Fight Score.
The app is available via the links below:
Any feedback is welcome!
Two gifs showing two of the best punches of the fight. I'm 18 & It was the first time I watched a full boxing match and I don't know if it was boring but I loved it
These posts should help:
"Gold medals to gold belts...(Part 1)"
(Part 2)
I hope that works for everyone. I'm technologically handicapped at the moment. Don't remember if there was a part 3.
I've been watching all the ones posted here in frame-by-frame, and they actually aren't very clean.
Download the video/gif, use a video player such as vlc
or mpv
where you can jump frame-by-frame with a keypress, and you'll see what I mean. This will help you for all future videos/gifs posted here:
VLC download link ->
Instructions how to do frame-by-frame ->
Currently almost 1500 users have scored Canelo Saunders with Fight Score, thanks to those who scored the fight.
The app is available via the links below:
Any feedback is welcome!
Currently 537 users have scored Prograis Taylor with Fight Score, thanks to those who scored the fight.
The app is available via the links below:
Any feedback is welcome!
For those with access to BBC iPlayer, they did a panorama episode revolving around MTK Global, Fury and the links to the Mob - Well worth a watch
Please stop butchering Inoue's name... you might actually confuse people who know how to pronounce it
here's a couple of guides
Here is the petition for voluntary Chapter 11 that SMS Promotions filed in CT federal bankruptcy court today:
There's not whole lot of information contained in the filing. All we really learn is that SMS Promotions has "assets between $100,000 - $500,000" and "liabilities between $100,000 - $500,000". Because the Debtor has to choose from ranges, we don't know exactly how far in debt SMS Promotions is, but they're saying it's not more than $400,000 right now. Maybe they expect a large liability to be incurred in the near future (like a lawsuit or maybe he owes fighters fights that he can't give them without losing a ton of money). Usually, the purpose of a bankruptcy like this is to get rid of unfavorable contracts or overwhelming legal liability.
Something to keep in mind: Filing his company for bankruptcy does not mean 50 Cent is bankrupt personally. It means the company is bankrupt. Unless 50 personally guaranteed loans or contracts (or never put enough capital in to start the company), he is under no obligation to continue funding a losing enterprise.
Although we didn't learn a lot from what the petition says, we can infer something important from what hasn't been filed. If a bankrupt company (the debtor) plans to continue operations while they are reorganizing under chapter 11, they have to file all sorts of motions that would allow them to continue paying employees, paying vendors, etc. - basically everything the debtor needs to do to keep their business running except for paying off debt. SMS Promotions has not done that yet. Usually these motions are filed with the petition. Perhaps they will get to it, but as of now it looks like they do not plan to continue operating the company while it's in bankruptcy.
It will be interesting to see how this case proceeds, e.g. if they haven't been paying fighters, why they owe money, who it's owed to, etc.
I've still got the fight uploaded with both commentary teams if anyone wants to see/compare:
I was there live, and it was complete and utter bedlam. The cluster of people I was sitting with--including myself were terrified that Pacquiao was dead for a minute.
This is a great guide:
Essentially, you're creating a text file with all the lines and the times to show up on the screen. For example
00:04:08.759 --> 00:04:11.595
Morning, Scott.
Morning, Wells.
So the 1 means, "This is the first subtitle to show" then the times when to show up and the time when to end, and then finally the one or two lines of text you want to display.
Once you're done, name it the same as the source video but change the extension to .srt Most advanced video players, like VLC, will automatically search for .srt files with the same file name of the video and display those subtitles. Alternatively, you can upload that file with any video you post to YouTube and it'll parse the .srt file and display captions correctly.
Heads up, you guys can use something like to deal with the sync issues. That way viewers will only need to sync at the beginning and you guys are always on the same page. You could even enable webcams and/or do them live if you felt the urge. Another tip is having quiet instrumental music in the background so you can silence stuff in the commentary that you don't want without having awkward pauses.
Just some suggestions. Really enjoyed the commentary. Looking forward to the next one.
If you're looking to score this technical fight, give my scoring app a try, Going The Distance free in the Google Play store!
It is Jacobs who is being difficult not Golovkin. Rafael has got better in-depth article than the one on
>But the sides apparently aren't getting anywhere in the negotiations. Gilberto Mendoza Jr., president of the WBA, told that there has been discussion by the Jacobs side of a possible interim bout before facing Golovkin (36-0, 33 KOs), although Golovkin does not want an interim fight. He wants to do the mandatory fight with Jacobs (32-1, 29 KOs) as soon as possible, especially because it is such an attractive fight.
People still see YouTube comments? Adblock Plus ( and Block YouTube Annoyances ( and never see them, or an ad before a video loads, again. So much cleaner.
He was.
"Young Stuhley: The uncrowned middleweight champion of the world. He won his first Golden Gloves Championship in 1926. He was 2nd ranked contender for the middleweight championship title of the world. He won 102 of the 121 fights in his career, 30 by knockout."
Here's a newspaper article about his death. He was drunk and got hit by a train, rumored suicide.
My grandpa passed last year and I found a bunch of old photos/articles of his cousin, including these. Info online is hard to come by, though.
Interesting. I didn't know about the hand wrap controversy. Wouldn't have mattered anyway, Dempsy was a killer. He's one of the first fighters in boxing history that really looks and moves like a modern boxer. And that power, oh man.
His classic book Championship Fighting is available as a free E-Book. It's awesome.
Youtube link to the Dempsy / Willard massacre:
All week Sky Sports have been saying the fight will start at 22:00 local time. That's 17:00 EDT or 14:00 PDT.
For any other timezone check here.
Orthodox Stance is a really interesting film following Dimitry Salita in his early career as he developed, and how he juggled his career with his Orthodox Judaism.
Watch this gif in a frame-by-frame video player, and you'll see that nothing in the gif actually lands except for the little palm tap in the beginning.
Download the file, use a video player such as vlc
or mpv
where you can jump frame-by-frame with a keypress, and you'll see what I mean. This will help you guys for all future videos/gifs posted here:
VLC download link ->
Instructions how to do frame-by-frame ->
Looking to start boxing with my neighbor, but I was wondering what gloves would be good to train in? I’m 157lbs and am looking to do some heavy bag and mitt work, as well as sparring.
I have been looking at these 14 oz gloves on amazon. I dont want to spend too much on gloves, but want something with good wrist support and won’t fall apart on me after a few workouts.
Not ESPN+ is it? That's the $5 subscription I am aware of. This fight isn't on that. Not sure what that app has when a fight isn't on. You would need the regular ESPN app and a cable subscription to watch this on that app.
If you are on Android, use this app and log in with your cable provider:
Do you not have a podcast app on your phone? I'd think most decent podcast apps would be able to get it.
Here is the one I use, and it gets Sunday Puncher Pod
Most definitely. I can understand the mind games outside of boxing, but I don't believe it should involve a boxer's family let alone his kids and that's exactly what happened when Ali decided to rally the media along with the public against Frazier:
Book is called Sucker Punch written by Jack Cashill. Bottomline though, I don't think Ali would be where he's at without Frazier. He owes him big time imo.
Lol no they're not in trouble. They already have over 60 slots locked in with other TV networks for 2017.
Hello, I'm a bot! The movie you linked is called The Great White Hype, here are some Trailers
Hello, I'm a bot! The movie you linked is called The Great White Hype, here are some Trailers
He didn't make the press conference because he was in fact taken to hospital. Although I agree that it is rather strange that he would have been dehydrated. He also apparently had muscle damage.
If he runs for senator then absentee votes matter. Lower positions would be on the local level. The number of registered voters from 2013 in the Middle East is actually not impressive, so that was truly some crazy talk I just did there. But on the profitability front - with Khan a major draw himself - the Dubai fight could prove to be very lucrative. So at least that’s one fight we can see happening.
Hard to guess how big of a factor the tax case plays in his career moves. We don’t know how it is progressing. Here is what happened:
BIR had a warrant of distraint, levy and garnishment against MP’s assets.
MP filed a petition on the Court of Tax Appeals to suspend the collection of the BIR. CTA granted the petition on the condition that he and his wife post a cash bond of P3.3 billion or a surety bond of P4.98 billion.
MP elevated the case to the Supreme Court. The SC issued a TRO on the (1) CTA from implementing the posting of bond requirement, (2) proceeding with the tax evasion case, and (3) the BIR from seizing MP’s assets.^* (I hope I interpreted the legalese correctly)
The TRO “extends indefinitely and until further orders from the court” so there’s no new material for us to base our speculation. If you have a bit more of free time, have a look at this post which breaks down the merits of the case and the timeline. (Trapo means Traditional Politican)
How do you see him ending his career realistically? Preferably on a happier note :P
That's awesome! I love finding out fighters having other talents.
I've done 2 years doing a lot of print work and I just finished my first year working for a digital agency. I don't have a website but I do have an old page I used for my interview: old portfolio
Thanks for doing this AMA.
Consider Victor Conte, who seemed to be the go-to guy for all manner of PED's before his 2005 imprisonment. Since 2005 Conte claims to have had a change of heart, becoming an antidoping advocate, but operates a supplement business and seems to provide consultation services.
This article on A-Rod's doping suggests that there is a massive grey area based on sports administrators playing catch-up in a game where therapeutic treatment exceptions open the door for less-therapeutic abuse.
Is it reasonable to think that Conte has positioned himself close enough to the action so as to be able to profit from being on the supply side and also understand what the substances & protocols are about to move from possibly legal to illegal?
Conte seems to maintain the position that his continued involvement is for only legitimate purposes.
MANY WORKING FEEDS HERE (as posted a few mins before Round 1)
It's worth grabbing the live stream player called StreamTorrent and using the Blackburnman ST feed. (You have to wait 3-4 mins for it to buffer... just ignore the "page not loaded" that shows in the players window.)
Looks like his deal with Top Rank, and presumably(?) HBO, runs through the end of the year -
So is it that HBO simply doesn't want to produce two PPVs in the same month, with Ward-Kovalev around the same time? Or is it that the fights going to be in HBO PPV, which technically isn't HBO?
Something doesn't make sense to me. Based on this article, Arum said that Pacquiao-Bradley 3 lost money. Now he makes Pacquiao-Vargas. There's no way this fight makes money either right? Unless maybe it's on regular HBO? Anyone have some insight?
Please check out our newest episode (WILDER/FURY!) on your favorite podcast outlet. We're currently on Anchor, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Breaker, PocketCasts, RadioPublic & Stitcher with several more pending approval! 🥊🥊
I have a new Boxing Podcast. I run a regular show and I have started a phone in show. It’s new but I don’t hold back on anything, I don’t suck up and I have not heard any other show with the balls to say what I do. Below is a link to the show, you then have the option to choose the platform you want to listen on. I’d recommend the phone in shows and Episode 5. If you want a feel for what I mean by the balls to say what I do, go about 53 mins into Episode 1 of the first phone in show, let it run.
You can access archive by forcing DNS in /etc/hosts or C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts by adding the following line :
torrents are still uploaded, but a lot less activity though.
A good alternative is this russian forum :
I can confirm it does work. I use my ExpressVPN subscription to access the Canadian server and get all PL games, Champions League and NFL Gamepass, and the German server for UFC PPVs. Definitely worth giving a try for anyone living in the US (or in other markets when DAZN launches there.)
Using PrivateVPN. They have a number of servers per location, this lets you use Netflix, Hulu, Dazn etc. To sign up luckily I have a buddy in Canada who let me us his card to register.
I am in the really ridiculous situation where I could work for Dazn (they're located in London) but cannot use their platform.
It's better not to use Opera VPN, not very safe. Better get a paid but high-quality VPN if you have extra bucks. It's a nice thing to have for security and bypassing geo-blocking. Something like NordVPN or VPN unlimited.
It would not of mattered, Floyd is a grandmaster tactician. His tactics can be found in many centuries old Sun Tzu's Art of War. "Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemies resistance without fighting" "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake" "Sometimes we need to lose the small battles in order to win the war" "If capable, appear incapable" "Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance" "All warfare is based on deception" - Sun Tzu The Art of War.
I feel like if his hand was injured, he would throw it during the media workout. If there is ever a time to endure the pain, it would be during the media workout. To quote The Art of War: "Appear weak when you are strong and strong when you are weak."
I really recommend Ali and Liston: The Boy Who Would Be King and the Ugly Bear. When I wasn't that into boxing I had just picked it up on a whim. But it's really comprehensive.
The only drawback to the book is that half of it is focused on Liston and it doesn't really delve into Ali's full career. It touches on Ali's later fights but never really covers them completely. It's not a full autobiography but it is obviously very well researched and a pleasant read.
Hi man really liking the app, the design is really clean, congrats! I'm actually the developer of an Android scorecard app called Fight Score. Let me know if you want to bounce any ideas of each other.
Which one are you talking about, sorry don't quite understand. The one linked to this post is the newest, do you mean the previous one, It's You?
Happy you enjoyed it and shared it. Support is much appreciated!
Thanks for sharing the collection. Had wanted to for a while, but wasn't sure if it would be appropriate.
I'd say a lot of fighters don't do it, because it's hard to find the time and energy while training. Also I don't think those posts might be overly revealing at times, not making me look tough in the way I should. It's a hard line to figure out what to hide for strategy sake, mental etc, and what to let out.
Thanks for the support, sorry about the letdown of the fight. There's a new post by the way, not sure if you saw it yet. Naturally - boxing through moments X
Recently there was a very big women's boxing match in the United States, Shelly Vincent versus Heather Hardy:
Did you have any awareness of that fight?
It’s the culmination of the events in my life that preceded me coming to this thread and deciding to join this dumb conversation.
Mindfulness meditation taught me a lot. Specifically, the ability to analyze a thought and decide if I really believe it or it’s just an errant thing that popped in my brain.
This book really helped me grow as a person - I think it’d help you too if you put in some effort. (It’ll help anyone who reads this imo)
Hey folks, please upvote this thread for visibility. I want to try and keep it towards the top of the page so that people see it first thing when then come on to /r/boxing. The weigh in start times are in the link, but for those that don't want to read the whole thing 6 PM EST/3PM PST. Here is a time zone converter so you can find out what time it will be on for you.
So does anyone here VPN to watch DAZN content from other regions? I'm thinking about subscribing to DAZN and using VPN to watch Canadian content like EPL, other Futbol leagues, NFL. Germany also has MLB. I believe this works with ExpressVPN.
Some VPNs are better than others but the ones you should use are the paid ones, they offer better speed and more variety of funcionalities (like torrent support). I recommend ProtonVPN but you can try Mullvad, it's much cheaper but it's possible it doesn't have support for streaming services live the other.
ProtonVPN is good for a lot of streaming sites (DAZN for example), you can try the free version but it's better to pay for a sub because you get better speed, more devices, etc., but if you want to use it for DAZN I think you need to pay. In the free version you can't use it for some streaming sites.
finished it a few days ago, appreciate you asking bro. it was pretty shittily-written in all honesty.
the chapter where he talks about being Frank Bruno’s sparring partner is cool but other than that, meh. cant really recommend it but it’s called The Journeyman if you’re interested
Quoted from the article:
"Hopkins said -- and Gomez backed it up -- that contract has language legally stipulating that this is his last fight, as opposed to when he retired the first time after beating Tarver a decade ago and was bored to death a few months later.
He said it will be different this time. He is 10 years older and knows it is time.
"I signed off on this in writing that I am done," he said. "It says this is my final fight and I will not return as a fighter ever again. This ain't bulls---. I'm done, win, lose or controversy. But I came back for this fight because I wanted to go out on my terms."
For those interested, here is Jack's Book Championship fighting in an online scan. Interesting stuff.
The Ketchel story is pretty widely known. The fight was held in Colma, CA which is just south of San Francisco. I believe the officials in the city didn't want the spectacle of Johnson fighting a white in the city at the time.
One of my favorite bars in North Beach - Spec's - has a famous pic of Johnson sitting on his ass having been knocked down, about to get up and mess Ketchel up good. They have a few old boxing pics from back in the day on their walls along with a lot of other old memorobila.
Hello, I'm a bot! The movie you linked is called The Great White Hype, here are some Trailers
Ironic that you'd say that, because the word you're actually looking for is hyperbolic. Here's what pedantic means. Oopsie daisy.
Learn something new every day don't ya, bub.
[The Murder of Sonny Liston: A Story of Fame, Heroin, Boxing & Las Vegas
](http://The Murder of Sonny Liston: A Story of Fame, Heroin, Boxing & Las Vegas
This was a decent read might interest you a lot, talks in depth about Sonny's lifestyle.
I searched and searched for that link in various ways, but for what ever reason maybe the recent news has gone and buried it, anyway, from the Guardian in their own words seems like a mixture of emotions played out right up until the end.
My friend and I just posted a pilot episode of our boxing podcast, The Reunion.
We ramble a lot in the latter portions, but we do make sure to touch on Crawford vs. Khan and Canelo vs. Jacobs in the early goings.
Podcast app that i use for some history podcasts and npr. Really, I just like it because everything is in one place and an entire show can load in about a minute, allowing me to listen to it on my subway commute.
I'm not too hip to podcasts, so this is the only player I've ever used.
Oh boy.. and another upcoming boxer for the "Crime in Sports" podcast.
Coincidentally, I'm listening to 'Mitch Blood Green: King of Rikers Island" at this very moment:
There are a LOT of boxers on their list. Way way too many :(
The DAZN commentators are something else. I really can’t stand them. It’s like they don’t know what they’re talking about most of the time.
As for the subscription, $100 a year isn’t too bad. However, they have been receiving A LOT of bad reviews here
Edit: there’s also a lot of problems with streaming apps like DAZN and ESPN+ and the lagging that goes on. It makes it seem like it’s not worth the subscription. Sometimes you’d be better off with another streaming website..
I want saying all that man. Just get you one of [these](isnuff snuff bullet sniffer snorter dispenser (metal) black amsterdam style rocket bullet sniffer snorter
I’m looking to get into boxing. Think this would make for a good workout. How about it? There were some cheaper ones but I read they aren’t for power punches, I want to punch this hard.
Dripex Freestanding Punching Bag Heavy Boxing Bag for Adult & Youth, Fitness Workout Training
> It resulted in the overthrow of Mosaddegh and put the Shah in power.
Read a few academic works that use all of CIA's declassified files.
> You don’t know what you’re talking about.
🤣 Rich coming from a Pan-African nationalist coping American.
> With all due respect, you’re obviously an idiot, and I’m done.
Whatever helps you cope, Nkrumah fanboy.
To your point of Pacquaio generating profit, this article shows how badly his last fight went from a financial standpoint. It could've had something to do with the opponent. I can't imagine Pacquaio-Vargas does any better than Pacquiao-Bradley III. Still, I do agree that it doesn't look good for HBO. If things were going well with them, I would think that they would stick it out with Pacquiao. I also read the article when it came out and it's a quality read for sure.
Hidden away in the depths of BBC Scotland
Also on Distorting Scotland last night at 21m50secs after the really important football news that a former Rangers youth player got a call up to the Scotland squad.
BBC Sport main page have women's MMA fights as their top sports news...
Hope Taylor doesn't wear those TIT shorts it looks like his nickname is tit...
Stupid question, it's probably in German, right? It's one of the languages I'm learning right now and it would help for me to hear people talking in the language. Duolingo can only take you so far.
LOL.. are you sure you are from the Philippines? Last year, the Philippine was hit again with a super Typhoon named Haima/Lawin -- twice bigger than Haiyan/Yolanda incomparison There was actuall 2 consecutive typhoon in that week. It didn't create that much international drama like Yolanda because Duterte handled it very gracefully. Less casualty and everyone got helped.
You can talk shit about your Pacquiao as long you can say you did something for your shitty country. Other than that, just shut up. BTW, why do you hate so much Pac when you have senators like De lima, jaworski, Revilla father and son, Estrada mother and son, and who else? Pac is way better than all of these combined.
Posted on espn before 4th fight. Im not making arguments, judging is still a hair subjective. But watching and rewatching, my view is very similar to Dan Rafael's. ((I am also a JMM fan) I veiwed the first fight closer) - We will play HBO build up for an hour before the fight.
The link above is where we will stream the fight when it's time. It will be in sync with everybody at the same time. There is a chat room, and the usual fight discord voice chat will be available too.
I watched them all frame-by-frame (using commandline player mpv
), and some of these were edited to make grazes artificially look cleaner than they actually are.
Take the first one for example: Right as Canelo is about to do his counter, the camera angle jumps to a closer perspective, but in doing so, the actual point of impact is not even in this gif, yet it looks like it hits Golovkin when you play it in normal speed. The angle that it switches to also makes the punch look more clean.
If you watch frame-by-frame, the second gif appears to be Canelo hitting GGG's gloves alot.
Download the file, use a video player such as vlc
or mpv
where you can jump frame-by-frame with a keypress, and you'll see what I mean. This will help you guys for all future videos/gifs posted here:
VLC download link ->
Instructions how to do frame-by-frame ->
There's a ps3 emulator called RCPS3 and it looks like there's work being done on FNC (as of April) but it's not in good condition yet. It will probably require a pretty good computer to run at 60 fps+ tho, iirc even some emulated ps2 games struggle with that. It's a start, at least.
Shameless plug here. His first return fight that I went to watch. Looking back at it, the venue wasn't that bad. 95% of the crowd tho was random shoppers stumbling upon a random spectacle.
Would post the whole fight (not that I assume most would care) but I scoped part of a UFC event and received a friendly email from them. Assholes.
6pm in Pacific is 2am in Britain according to this link:
So Main event should be 4am is, possibly as late as 5am if there are any stall tactics or the undercard drags.
This book gives proper respect to journeymen boxers and its a fantastic read on the subject. Everyone on this sub should read it imo
Another interesting book is 42 world champs tell their story better because it’s in their own words