Typically it's okay if you wait until at least the first class to gauge whether or not you will actually be using the book for the class. Otherwise, required texts are outlined on the syllabus for your class which will be posted on CuLearn by the Prof.
Generally, it does not matter if the books are a few years old. There can be a lot of versions of the same textbook, the only big difference being their price. Unless the new version is absolutely crucial due to its content, older versions will serve you just fine. Just be aware that if there are assigned practice problems from the textbook these might vary from version to version.
Haven Books is a good place to buy books at a discounted price. Amazon often has better prices than the Carleton Bookstore as well. Also, if you don't mind screen reading, search for .pdf copies of your book online and you might get lucky. You can try Library Genesis as well.
This is the first time in years I haven't had to register for classes (yay graduated), but I'll pass along my usual strategy.
Step 1: find your time ticket. Someone else posted where to do that. I think its on central. That gives you the exact second you can begin to sign up for classes. I would try to find a way to ensure I was free at that time, with internet access.
Step 2: research. Many profs suck. Don't take classes with those ones. http://www.ratemyprofessors.com is a good way to pick them. Since fall schedules are up a few weeks before time tickets, this gives you time to research. Find the classes you need, find all possible ways to take them, and find a way to avoid the shitty profs. CS majors: Bertosi. Avoid him like the plague.
Step 3: make your schedule ahead of time. When the ticket hits, you want to be ready to go. Classes fill up. Have backup plans too, in case some course is filled.
PS: plan both terms.
Good luck!
Hey, I am in the same program as you and I have a few PDFs. Idk if youre the type that prefer physical textbooks but hopefully these help.
Physics: Link
Math: I am working on that one, apparently the prof wrote it herself and since our program is so small I doubt someone took the time to scan and upload it. Its only $30 so just buy it. For anything else just message me.
Edit: Thanks for the gold!
Edit 2: Apparently we need the 6th edition physics textbook so here is the Link
It depends what software you use in your field of study.
I'm in physics and I would actually recommend Macs because of its Unix-based OS, which means you can install a lot of scientific open-source software easily (such as Root, Geant4, EGSnrc, etc.). Other popular software such as Matlab, LabVIEW, Adobe apps, etc. are also Mac-compatible.
Besides, if you have a spare copy of Windows (or you know where to look online for a free one...), you can do one of two things on a Mac: 1) install Windows on a separate partition on your hard drive using Boot Camp (this allows you to dual-boot OS X and Windows); or 2) install virtualization software such as the free (as in beer) Virtual Box and create a Windows virtual machine. I personally use option #2 with VM Ware (a paid application) which allows to run Windows applications side-by-side with Mac applications.
In short: I'd go for the Mac, as long as you get a large enough hard drive to accommodate a Windows partition, if you need to run Windows-only applications.
all good, happy to share. check these articles out:
Also, their privacy policy is much more invasive than providers of similar services.
You can get it for as cheap as $16 on amazon.
You don't even need it tbh, but I only got a B- in that course so maybe the textbook would've helped lol since it's easy to do well.
Probably not for an absolute beginner. But if you want to learn without spending a dime, try Duo Lingo and/or Mango Languages. The latter is free if you access with your Ottawa Public Library credentials. If you are not in Ottawa, check if your library has access. Also, see if your library have Pimsleur courses.
I'm going to buy this when (if?) I get a good co-op. https://www.amazon.ca/Samsung-C49J890DKN-49-3840x1080-32/dp/B07CS4KF7J/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1EUOSBX47HERV
If 27 inches is large then this must more than double your productivity.
Almost all of your programming assignments in the 1st/2nd year of your program will be run in a Ubuntu VM, realistically as long as your laptop can run Oracle's VirtualBox you should be fine.
I always recommend (and often get downvoted for whatever reason) this site: https://leetcode.com
The thing that few understand, is that to become a good programmer, you got to re-wire your brain. You got to start thinking algorithmically, which is very different from normal human thinking. Re-wiring one's brain requires a lot of practice and hard work, though.
You said that you were lost during lectures and that is the first sign of mismatch: your professor and you were communicating in different languages. Change the way you think and you will be able to anticipate what your professor will say next.
Start by solving the easy problems on that website using a language of your choosing. The problems are often worded in the way, that will make normal people cringe, but that is the point here.
This is his page for when he was at University of New Brunswick. Looks good.
If two profs are rated roughly equal (even if one is slightly better than another according to Rate My Prof), I would suggest using your secondary criteria (in this case your schedule) to make the decision. The Rate My Prof pages can vary in accuracy.
Seconded, have this on my worksheet right now and am interested to know how it will be.
EDIT: Rate My Professor gives a good review of him, so I'm cautiously optimistic (http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=1833529)
"All I can say is... Physics envy. I have no idea why there was so much jargon used. He came off as a Charlatan. This is genuinely a very easy course and because of this, you get a theatrical show to try to convince you it is not. I took this course twice.. first with Jordan, second time with a different prof. Grades : C- to B+. Skip him if you can."
Pretty much sums up Jordan
I was originally neuro before I switched to biophys and so I had to take 2001 with him. Holy fack he pissed me off. He will ramble on about nothing and then grade you hard.
I have had some very tough courses in bio and physics and none of the professors talked like Jordan. Jordan is the kind of guy to make an easy course hard because he has a complex with the perceived prestige of his education.
I'd skip him, 2700 is an easy B+/A- if you give half an effort but with Jordan...who knows.
Don’t buy anything from the bookstore. You can download a lot for free (https://libgen.is).
Only buy used from the Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/113118523468/?ref=share) or kijiji. If you can’t then Haven bookstore is the last option.
According to the TA list, as well as a linkedIn profile I found, Ahalya is a TA, not a prof. Are you sure you've got the right person?
Here's a RateMyProf page for <strong>Siva</strong> Sivathayalan. I've never had him before, but I've taken some of the classes he teaches, and have heard mixed reviews from others.
Before doing Grade 12 computer science I took a free course on Python at https://www.udacity.com/ it helped me a lot in understanding a modern programming language (since I was taught in ms-dos basic)
Which version of Dev C++ are you trying to install. The latest version is 5.11 (Which is quite old) is here: http://orwelldevcpp.blogspot.com Clicking the download now button will take you to the sourceforge site that lets you download the latest version.
I took the course during the term you linked to - and it will almost certainly be once again taught by Dr. Shawn Graham, as he is the department's Digital History expert.
I'm not sure what to tell you to expect from the final assignment for the course, when I did it we gamified scenes from a specific range of historical periods in Minecraft. This was a major focus of the pitch for the class then, so I do think this will likely remain the final project. Otherwise, the format was that people were broken up into groups for the final, and each group was also responsible for creating content based on certain weeks' challenges in Twine. The midterm when I went through was to take a previous essay you've written and gamify it in Twine in addition to arguing the opposite of your original argument.
You don't need any coding experience, but there is a certain expectation that whatever your level of skill, that you will improve beyond that. So if you know nothing, maybe there would be hope that you learn some really basic html in order to pretty up your text-based challenges.
I really strongly encourage anyone to take the course if they have even the slightest interest in this sort of thing. Shawn is incredibly passionate about the field and will sit down and walk anyone who asks for help through any issues they may have.
Hope that helps out some!
If you want to develop C++ on windows no IDE is better than Visual Studio. You can get the community version free from Microsoft. https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/
It was interesting, but I am still trying to figure out how it has anything to do with PoliSci, especially at the first year level. I could see it being relevant for a political philosophy class, but dude... I just need to know the ins and outs of the various types of Realism. I feel terrible for the TAs who were scrambling to teach the actual material in tutorials.
But now I know enough to write a Match.com profile for Charles Taylor, so there's that.
All of the above but I’d also add ICETRAX V3 Tungsten Winter Ice Grips for Shoes and Boots - Ice Cleats for Snow and Ice, StayON Toe, Reflective Heel https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07ZJN36G3/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_3ZWN4VPVH19AQ2SY7KD8?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
It can get pretty icy and these can really help out
Two things get me through winter blues:
1) Daylight/Sunrise alarm clock like this or similar. What this does is in the half hour or so before your set alarm time, it gradually gets brighter and brighter, kind of like a sunrise. You wake up to a bright room, and often to the light instead of to the sound/alarm, which helps a ton.
2) A daylight therapy lamp. You want something with enough lumens to make a difference. You can find them at costco on decent deals, and sometimes used as well (I thrifted mine for 15$ for example). 15-30 minutes of this per day depending on manufacturer's recommendations helps your mood so much.
3) Plan your day out the night before, not in the morning when you're feeling unmotivated.
Found it on Amazon for 108. You can check out the marketplace for cheaper ones.
Children and Their Development, Third Canadian Edition, Loose Leaf Version (3rd Edition)
Edit: Nevermind, it ships withing 1-2 months.
I've never biked to school here. But in the GTA I had my bike stolen. Now if I'm going to leave my bike anywhere I use one of these extra large chains: https://www.amazon.ca/Kryptonite-999492-60-Inch-Fahgettaboudit-Chain/dp/B001SMUB7G/ref=asc_df_B001SMUB7G/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=292958473101&hvpos=1o1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=12433647985033178060&hvpone=&hvpt...
Anything smaller can be easily cut or removed. I don't know how bad bike theft is here. If it's anything like the GTA then I'd invest in a good lock if your bike is worth anything.
Yeah. My brother encourages me to use it when downloading some content.
There's HideMyAss which I haven't had a problem with. They have been criticized for not taking privacy seriously though.
I also used AirVPN. They take privacy seriously. Your speeds however get limited.
I'd suggest HideMyAss for now. Pretty good speeds on some of their servers, and they have a lot of servers. Some are... decent to use for gaming should your network block the required ports.
During the summer I'll buy a few more subscriptions because I'm curious as to what's out there.
Another thing that you can use is a Network Switch. This is the one that I use. As far as I am aware, it is like a router, but without the wifi.