…0%. The only things that really use your devices' idle computing power are malware or things you explicitly set up yourself like Folding@home. Consumer computing resources are far too unreliable to be used at any sort of scale in real-world settings; big companies literally have entire divisions dedicated to making sure their tightly controlled systems still function as intended, and any of those DevOps/SRE/SysAdmin/IT people would run screaming if you asked them to run their infrastructure on such an unreliable platform.
That's a pretty generic question, and like u/hell_0n_wheel said - Cloud computing is the idea of hosting apps/databases in the cloud. The Microsoft book is a good start.
I suggest you start with something basic like hosting a website on AWS. AWS Free Tier gives a bunch of resources to devs for free for 12 months and/or lifetime. https://aws.amazon.com/free/
OR.... take a look at what sort of skills are needed to get AWS certified. https://aws.amazon.com/certification/certification-prep/
I was doing some digging on my end, seems you have to get in touch with the russian huawei representatives to be invited (some kind of russian regulations). Try here https://www.huawei.com/en/contact-us and ask about how to get registered in the Moscow Region.
Hope it helps.
> Anyway, it's good to use the platforms to learn, but the real learning comes from understanding the nature of cloud computing in general and what that means to your apps.
This. While Amazon, Google and MS are the leaders in cloud, they offer many of the same bits of architecture, just wrapped in different packages. Compute, object storage, data storage, queues, job servers, etc.
All being said, regardless of who you choose to start with, there's a great body of tutorials at DigitalOcean's Community site.
Yeah definitely, Like I've not been anywhere where people don't understand why their instance is going slow and they don't check CPU Burst Balance credits and overspend on Surplus Credits Charged for example.
Ahh, It should be.
So the data I’m storing can’t be put in S3, it’s very relational, which is why it’s in a database. (Users, etc…)
Maybe. I think what people need is a simpler postgres hosting solution or even Postgres as a service, which I’m not sure can be done. MongoDB has a server less option, https://www.mongodb.com/pricing, which looks pretty compelling.
But right now, the best managed DB providers are AWS, GCP, or Azure, based on the research I’ve done. There’s also this company, https://aiven.io/postgresql.
Honestly, you could probably make a decent product if you offer cheaper DB services in the form of Heroku addons.
My information is more than two years out of date so go to webhostingtalk.com and see what they say or just get a quote from Equinix itself.
For the AWS side, see here:
For the EQIX side, you need to ask them. Also, check this for which EQIX data centers support AWS Direct Connect. It's not every one in all regions, but, at least for EQIX, it is most of them. They seem to be very good at it as long as your ticket is correct. When I was doing this, my company said that the fees for the EQIX/AWS connections cost more than the data center power/network/colocation cost.
Compliance – Sarbanes Oxley, PCI and HIPAA compliance can not be delivered through a public cloud deployment. Because the hardware, storage and network configuration is dedicated to a single client, compliance is much easier to achieve.
That's just not true. I work for a security company with many customers subject to those compliance regulations who are in AWS. For example: * https://aws.amazon.com/solutions/case-studies/simple/
I'd recommend the most popular Public Cloud (AWS, GCP, Azure) also, check out similar providers such as Linode (I heard they have very competitive pricing).
How much CPU do you use and how much bandwidth do you consume? The free tire at AWS will get you a considerable amount of computing resources for no cost.
Another option would be to run a small server in your closet. Head over to /r/homelab for advice.
NextCloud is a popular free and open source cloud storage and file sharing software that should not require email. It advertises end-to-end encryption. You can download the NextCloud server and run it on your own server. This is the website for NextCloud:
I haven't used it myself, but people I know who have used it are very satisfied with the features and privacy.
It's 100% worth migrating to a cloud host. You get access to a ton of management features, and your host can give you guarantees on uptime, redundancy, etc.
EC2 pricing info is easy enough to find. Reserved instances are (as far as I know) the most cost effective way to run VMs on AWS but they're a commitment.
If you want to dip your toes in the water you can also check out LowEndBox and find a cheap virtual private server (VPS) over there. They're typically way cheaper than the on-demand plans of big cloud vendors like AWS/Azure/etc.
AWS allows you to rent an IP address that you can attach to an EC2 instance, remove, and later attach to another instance.
Edit: Also, you only pay for the IP address when it's not in use. Details near the end
Hey there, If you're interested in AWS cost management, optimizing the cost or setting up budgets, try CloudSpend. Here's our website link: https://www.site24x7.com/cloudspend/
Additionally, you get to add business units and cost tagging to help you with organizational cost accountability.
First of all you should understand all your needs in details. How much space you need for storage, how many people should have an access and so on. Then you can create a table with different cloud providers and all your needs. This way you'll see which one is the best choice for your customer.
Also, I would recommend to read this article to get to know with different cloud services Main Benefits of Migrating to the Cloud
I would love to see those Smart Files that OneDrive used to implement be reinstated. Being able to view all of the files on the cloud from Windows Explorer without taking up any local storage space was great, and is one of the most essential uses for a cloud IMO. I actually just came to this sub looking for any cloud providers that might offer something similar - I'm on the hunt...
/u/georgek9999, I just came across a service called odrive which consolidates folders and files from multiple cloud services into one place. Might be useful? But it seems like you've got a pretty sweet solution figured out already. You mind sharing what program you're using? Sounds like something I might want to check out.
Odrive also appears to have something similar to that Smart File / placeholder feature I'm looking for, I'm playing around with it now to see how it works..
Good catch, I'll throw in a note about that :)
And thanks! I'm using Ghost yes, with the Nubia theme
edit: It seems the limit of 100 messages is to non-Pushbullet services, such as SMS, WhatsApp etc. Not the Pushbullet notifications (link).
> What i'm talking about : after uploading a truecrypt (or veracrypt) archive to dropbox, if i modify just few files inside of it, dropbox will just reupload that part. I dunno how it's possible but that's it. Other cloud doesn't seem to be able to do so : BOX, MEGA.. But maybe there are others and i just dunno! That's why i'm asking to you. Let me know, thanks ^^
The rsync command has been around for a very long time. Internally it probably uses some kind of hash/MD5 checksum system to modify files within a archive that have changed. You can read more about it. A quick Google search brought up, https://rclone.org
I highly recommend ownCloud. It is an open source "enterprise sync & share" project. I think it will provide the functionality that you are looking for, however I believe they've deprecated their Windows Server version - so it will have to be Linux. There is an OSX client application. There is a commercially supported version available as well. https://owncloud.org/
This blog has links to the big three's sustainability statements https://www.cockroachlabs.com/blog/the-ethical-cloud/
From my reading Microsoft's is far and away the most ambitious. They pledge to be carbon negative by 2030 and have removed all carbon they ever emitted since 1975 by 2050 using a combination of tree planting and technology. They're also investing $1bn in developing that technology.
In a nutshell, a cloud database is many computers connected and communicating in real-time using the internet. It is the same as a traditional database but with the flexibility to be accessible anywhere. Storage is scalable to what is needed as a cloud database is not limited like a traditional database.
If you wanna know more you can read this book for a better understanding: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08C6THB8T
My friend works for a company that provides cloud implementation and summarized their beginner understanding in this book. I'm sure you will learn alot from there as the project was also deciding between using AWS or Azure and there is an explanation on why they chose it.
Here's the book. Its good for beginners :) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08C6THB8T
It makes me cringe seeing them try to hold a laptop up to the wall. One of these would help.