Look into being reincarnated
You are aiming to have extremely wealthy parents. Ideally they will have connections to the television or film industry and have friends who run galleries or art schools
Also this book
A collective I'm in, neverhitsend, just did a project at a space in Los Angeles that involved scanning.
We collaborated with the founder of diybookscanner.org to build a scanner and etched designs on glass plates that sat on the scanner platter and acted as watermarks.
We then invited people to bring in materials to scan in response to the prompt Post Private. Participants picked watermarks to overlay on their materials and were instructed on how to use the scanner.
All of the scans were then compiled into a reader. You can check it out here: https://www.mediafire.com/?36csn0ceep59na0
If you have any questions about the process let me know.
Do they play and loop a selected video on boot without any other interaction? All the video players I have require you to mess with the remote every time you turn it on.
I often use a Mac Mini with the Save Hollywood screen saver because then it's push-on/push-off and mostly foolproof.
The Curator´s handbook by Adrian George is a good step by step of the curator´s process : https://www.amazon.com/Curators-Handbook-Adrian-George/dp/0500239282/ref=sr_1_1?crid=GUNXSVCHAGCY&dchild=1&keywords=curator+book&qid=1604459160&sprefix=curator+%2Caps%2C189&sr=8-1
no I think that's cool.
Magnifying glass is the go-to but there are also fresnel sheet magnifiers.
Like imagine a plexiglass box with these things on every wall fitting each wall perfectly.
Good going and best of luck with this, sounds cool. Maybe you can share a photo.
tons of arduino scripts out there that do exactly this. or if you hate your life, you can try it with midi controls in ableton. or if you value your time, you can try it with this here https://www.amazon.com/Century-Digital-Countdown-Repeat-Function/dp/B01D3QEK4E/ref=zg_bs_495340_5?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=RWG03MGRWR2Y62Y396S1
I turned my physical installation into a game and app and screensaver iOS app and android app. Basically, I went the opposite direction. I also have a robotic version I install in galleries.
In the Making: Creative Options for Contemporary Art
Creative Practices for Visual Artists: Time, Space, Process
so you're saying this by itself will serve my purpose? will i need to mix anything in it, or will it be fine?
This book
Theories and Documents of Contemporary Art: A Sourcebook of Artists' Writings (Second Edition, Revised and Expanded by Kristine Stiles) https://www.amazon.com/dp/0520257189/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_S6MFW1TAGC5G6GKKRQFT?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Basically you need to get the book: Supernatural America: The Paranormal in American Art
that looks very nice, but yeah, probably out of my range. i may look into the raspberri pi option if it can play gif files like this appears to do: https://lifehacker.com/make-an-animated-gif-photo-frame-with-a-raspberry-pi-1658839211
if i'm still having to go with a conversion to mp4 and then copy the clip a hundred times to make the file longer so the gap between loops is less noticeable, then i might as well keep the Micca player i already bought vs trying to build the Pi if there's no real difference.
A good one, but not a great one that I have:
It’s not a super long book and it’s a little pricey on Amazon - but the author is a genius and every line is perfect. It’s a well researched and thought out take on how successful visual artists work, research, and create.
Best of luck!
where are you looking? no. don't pay more than $20 for a domain, and even that is too much.
i have a fullname.com domain i got through wordpress, i'm paying $24/yr, and only then that much bc i'm willing to let wordpress set up the site (I don't feel like writing it myself, it's just a portfolio).
did you look on godaddy.com? when i was pricing my site, there were deals for like $3/yr, tho you got literally nothing but the name.
The link to the museum's website on the exhibit, and another link for those who want the physical book on Amazon
I have this Jem which very well could be what you are trying to replace. https://www.amazon.com/Artograph-Tracer-Projector-And-Enlarger/dp/B000KNHRG2 I found taping some things up inside improved it’s performance a bit. Beyond that I think it depends on budget. The school style overhead projectors could work and can be found second hand cheap but then you need a transparency of your work. Just some thoughts.
Going off of what u/hexavibrongal said, I have used screens like this in the past:
They have HDMI ports, and you can just link a media player with that. So all I did was just turn it on at the mains, and it auto loaded the video in my HDMI player. If you need sound, I believe you may need external speakers... I didn't for my work, so never bothered me.
I embedded this screen into a canvas, so it worked really well, and was flush (looking at your drawings).
I'm trying to order this book online ( I've recently started getting into Fisher's work and seeing your quote I'm going to have to get that book!)--is this the one that the quote is from? Thanks! https://www.amazon.ca/K-punk-Collected-Unpublished-Writings-Fisher/dp/191224828X
Read through the wiki on Modernism, it's mostly art.
That's a decent enough overview.
A good book but out of print, used copies are available, is Werner Haftmann's Painting in the Twentieth Century (2 volumes - one's images, the other mostly text).
Haftmann in particular tries to answer your question, what prompted the stylistic changes.
Will Gompertz's book What Are You Looking At? is probably the closest thing to what you're looking for. Art Theory For Beginners by Richard Osborne would probably be helpful to you as well -- good luck!
Thanks, glad it sounds useful.
The cheapest package will not come with a remote, but it's designed so that many times you won't need one, and if you do, you can access the menus by plugging in any USB keyboard or remote. Settings can also be changed by editing the device configuration file which is a human readable text file that it writes to your USB stick.
The base model will just come with a power supply, but the full package will also include AV cables, a USB stick, and probably this remote
I have a couple of older books, Futurist Performance which has a lot of the plays and Marinetti Critical Writings i recommend both for primary sources in translation.
This original book maps out places and scents from around the world, in architecture throughout the ages, accompanied by expert "noses": celebrated architects, avant-garde artists and scientists who research perception.
It's necessary to be able to differentiate from the kind of abstractions you posted and actual minimalism, so I see no reason to dilute the term. Minimalism is typically more about breaking the medium down into its components, going deeper than breaking surface composition down to visual components like shape and color. There are some artworks that sit on the line, but what you posted just seem like basic abstraction. This book is a pretty good history.
This is a classical one: Aesthetic Theory
But, don't miss this one: Art and It's Shadow
This is such an interesting question!
This is my take, and could be completely off. The price and value of art generally goes up based of the idea of the "rare", right? I'm thinking Christie's, Sotheby's, Phillips' type sales, so excluding sales from smaller galleries. The bids skyrocket based off the art economy, which I won't pretend to understand, but also based on the idea of a work of art going up to bid for the last time. Better grab it before it's in a will for 200 years or a museum grabs it. This applies mainly to Old Masters and dead artists.
Damien Hirst is a living artist and has created countless works. People were excited about his work and wanted it. "The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living" and all that. But Hirst is still living and creating. So maybe the trend is slowing down, because people don't fear missing out on acquiring the next Hirst piece. I would be super interested to see what happens to the value of his works once he passes and is more established in the timeline of art history.
OR maybe it's because most of his works are a bitch to keep up with. Isn't the shark leaking?
I don't really have an answer beyond speculation but if you're interested, you should check out this book!
one of my favorite books.
In terms of theory, Sarah Thornton (same author) just published a more recent book in 2012 called 33 Artists in 3 Acts.