It's server side code (PHP), so there is no way for the user or to access the game logic, unfortunately. If the people in charge didn't make a backup, that's it :( But if you want, you can try to rebuild it, for example with
Poster's Note: I am Thunderbird on, a.k.a. Obversa here. I'm relatively new to Reddit, but I thought I'd share an Inheritance-related work I commissioned in 2012 by a particularly good artist. [Watermarked to prevent theft.]
Here is the unwatermarked version, used as part of Niernen's webpage on
The piece was originally for my fanfiction "The Rider's Apprentice" (now removed from It depicts an adult Elva and her bonded dragon, Niernen.
> The sky is hollow and the world is round.
^(Posted on behalf of) ^(Hellomynameis99) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
Poster's Note: I am Thunderbird on, a.k.a. Obversa here. I'm relatively new to Reddit, but I thought I'd share an Inheritance-related work I commissioned in 2012 by a particularly good artist. [Watermarked to prevent theft.]
Here is the unwatermarked version, used as part of Arundel's webpage on
The piece was originally for my fanfiction "The Rider's Apprentice" (now removed from It depicts one of the new generation of Dragon Riders, Demetrius Waldgrave, and his bonded dragon, Arundel.
The Dragon Rider order was established as part of the peace treaty between the dragons and elves after their war. The wild dragons would give a few eggs to the Riders every year (and presumably any eggs laid by bonded dragons). The Riders cast a spell on these eggs, making them part of the bond - they will now only hatch when they are touched by whoever they deem worth to be their Rider.
All other dragon eggs not chosen to become bonded will hatch normally - that is, when environmental conditions are suitable for hatching.
That means these 26 eggs have been chosen and had the spell cast upon them.
^(Posted on behalf of) ^(Hellomynameis99) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
Of course! It's necessary for more people to enjoy a work, yet unfortunate that the author's intent cannot always be captured in other languages (or perhaps even if it can, the translator might not know how). Do let us know if you notice any more important changes when you read them again 🙂
^(Posted on behalf of) ^(Hellomynameis99) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
English version for comparison:
> Of itself, that was hardly notable; many a lord throughout the Empire had a reputation for brutality.
I'd chalk it up to just an accident the translator made. Of course, it's not actually a problem with Paolini's original Inheritance Cycle, so it doesn't personally bother me. It's very interesting to know though - I'm sure there are many subtle issues with not only the Finnish but all other translations. I guess it's just the nature of language.
^(Posted on behalf of) ^(Hellomynameis99) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
Hellomynameis99: It's an inside joke about the Eragon movie that is pretty common on this subreddit - since the movie is so bad, a lot of us like to pretend that it doesn't even exist. This often manifests as jokes about a "black screen" whenever we see a picture of the movie.
It's really nothing to do with CinemaSins - the video is, of course, up to their usual standards in reality.
^(Posted by GilderienBot on behalf of) ^(Hellomynameis99) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
Sure you can! If someone is going to judge you, that's a them problem! I'm a girl and blacksmithing is a hobby of mine and welding is what I do as a job, and both are typically guy activities. My point is, do what you like because it makes you happy, and don't let norms prevent that happiness either! Much love!
Here's the link should you go for it!
ooh...i don't like that🤢
^(Posted on behalf of) ^(Areiia_the_elf) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
I would think that if the elves knew, Eragon would have learned about it during his training. Since Eragon and Saphira (and indeed Glaedr) were all surprised by what they saw, I'm guessing the Elves did not know about (or at least didn't spend much time thinking about) it.
I'm sure some human scholars knew. Humans are far more prolific and curious than the elves when it comes to science and exploration. Humans (in the real world) have known that the Earth is round for millennia, and the Torricellian vacuum (a vacuum made with mercury in a glass tube just like Orrin's vacuum) was created in the 17th century. Since science in Alagaesia has advanced at least far enough for this, I think we can assume that far older more basic ideas like a globe world were considered.
So why doesn't Eragon know about it if humans supposedly knew this? Well, since Galbatorix rose to power, a lot of that literature has probably been destroyed. Add to that the isolation of Carvahall and the uneducated populace (Eragon couldn't read), it's very possible that "the world is round" was once a widely accepted theory before the "dark ages" of Galbatorix's rule.
^(Posted on behalf of) ^(Hellomynameis99) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
SkepticalPizza: It probably was.
^(Posted by GilderienBot on behalf of) ^(SkepticalPizza) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
While I always try to support my LBS, if you've tried finding it but haven't, just go ahead and buy it off Amazon.
It's definitely worth it, behind Inheritance, Brisingr is my favorite book in the series.
It would seem that some people hold firm that there will be no movie, and some people are certain there are. I would like to believe there will be, at some point in the future. check this link out, pretty interesting! There are no sources, but if that is correct, then that would almost certainly mean that there is another movie in the relatively near future.
Yeah, there will be another book, but who about? and will it be prequel, sequel, or a side story? and how long will it take to write it? thats the only problem, and no body knows except Paolini, which sucks lol.
Yeah! If you like dragon riding books you should read Scales and Honor. It's an original story of a paladin and a dragon coming together for an adventure and i love it.
Scales and Honor is an awesome series i highly suggest reading. It has a paladin bond with a dragon who goes on an adventure together.
I have been reading a series called Scales and Honor, it's your classic knight in shining armor who befriends a dragon and go off on adventures together. I highly recommend you read it if you like the Inheritance cycle.
I wouldn't be surprised if he did, I mean, this is the exact thing he described in the books!
In terms of puzzle rings, I'd say start out with 4 bands and practice with it. If you like it, graduate yourself to 6, or even 8. I got all of mine from Renaissance festivals, but this conversation convinced me to order one from Amazon not even half an hour ago, so, when it comes in, I'll let you know how it goes. If you're curious, here's a link!:
It's not something you'd find in an online store, it was just sold physically...not that you should want to play it, it's worse than the movie itself.
But if you really want it, you could take a chance on one of the Amazon listings for it.
Oh my goodness! That seriously looks like the Ra'zac... ooh... i don't like that...
^(Posted on behalf of) ^(Areii_the_elf) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
I've actually read the ranger's apprentice. I will second that. The Ranger's Apprentice is actually a very good series.
^(Posted on behalf of) ^(Areii_the_elf) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
Wow! That's really well done; you should be proud of yourself.
^(Posted on behalf of) ^(Areii_the_elf) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
I can't believe i never thought of this! This is sooo weird. But i think it would make sense, because Angela is very mysterious, and she has many names. In the battle of Dras-Leona, she went up to the High Priest and said something along the lines of, "Would you like to hear my name, O Toungueless One? Perhaps you know it." and then bent down and whispered something in it's ear, and it started screaming. Perhaps it could have been afraid of "The Soothsayer"?
^(Posted on behalf of) ^(Areii_the_elf) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
The sorcerers are able to bind the spirits to use their power, but if the spirits are stronger they can overpower the sorcerer and they take over the body as punishment/revenge. They don’t like being forced out into the mortal plane.
^(Posted on behalf of) ^(Alex) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
Oh my goodness! I really, really, really love Murtagh as a character. I also really love the whole Murtagh/Nasuada thing, so if CP could elaborate on it, i would absolutely love it. Just one question: will he?
^(Posted on behalf of) ^(Areii_the_elf) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
I don't think the name "Fractalverse" can imply "sub universes". Fractals and fractures are different things. A fractal in mathematics is an infinitely complex pattern - a fracture is a break or crack.
^(Posted on behalf of) ^(Hellomynameis99) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
If i remember correctly, then the books said that brightsteel was actually otherworldly metal; meaning that it came from meteors or meteorites.
^(Posted on behalf of) ^(Areiia_the_elf) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
A projectile is a projectile. There's nothing inherently different about a bullet compared to an arrow except for its speed.
So, if you have wards against projectiles, your wards will stop a bullet. It might take a bit more energy, but that's not a problem for the King.
^(Posted on behalf of) ^(Hellomynameis99) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
^(Posted on behalf of) ^(Hellomynameis99) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
This one was done by Paolini.
^(Posted on behalf of) ^(Hellomynameis99) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
woah coooooool
^(Posted on behalf of) ^(Areiia_the_elf) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
A Rider doesn't necessarily die when their dragon dies, and a dragon doesn't necessarily die when their Rider does. This was an oversimplification made by the movie: See this thread.
Still, dragon and Rider do often die together. Often they (the one remaining alive, either dragon or Rider) are driven to suicide because they can't bear to live without their partner. The longer the bond has been in place, the more likely this is to happen. Another reason why both the dragon and Rider die when one is killed is that the living partner tried to take their partner's consciousness into their own body and shelter it there - to have two souls inside one vessel. Unfortunately, this has never been successful and results in the death of both the dragon and Rider. However, Riders and dragons underwent training to sever the connection between them in order to protect each other from unnecessary suffering and even insanity. Additionally, a dragon who had disgorged its Eldunari and no longer had a body would be unable to commit suicide if its Rider died. Like Glaedr, eventually, they could recover and interact with the world once again.
^(Posted on behalf of) ^(Hellomynameis99) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
Well they don't die when their rider dies. Remember in inheritance when oromis dies and Glaedr is alive?
^(Posted on behalf of) ^(Areiia_the_elf) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
oh my goodness yes
^(Posted on behalf of) ^(Areiia_the_elf) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
oh my goodness
^(Posted on behalf of) ^(Areiia_the_elf) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
heheheh... LOL seriously, this is hilarious 😄 😄 😄
^(Posted on behalf of) ^(Areiia_the_elf) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
Not a problem 😉
^(Posted on behalf of) ^(Areiia_the_elf) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
well i can reccomend one, it's on AO3, or Archive of Our Own, and it's called Of Poems and Maps by LariMagicfeather. It's really good.
^(Posted on behalf of) ^(Areiia_the_elf) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
Oh my goodness... that's so weird... I had thought of it, but i never really paid much attention to it...
^(Posted on behalf of) ^(Alita_99) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
Yo dude, this sounds like fun. Just reskin the werewolf. so you don't have to worry about balacing. If you want them to be strong just add a template.
Quality content
^(Posted on behalf of) ^(Hellomynameis99) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
If you've been out of the loop for 3-4 years, you might not have heard about "The Fork, the Witch and the Worm" published on the 31st of December 2018.
It's not book 5 - that's coming after TSiaSoS - but it is in the Eragon universe.
^(Posted on behalf of) ^(Hellomynameis99) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
^(Posted on behalf of) ^(Hellomynameis99) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
I think a date specific to the Inheritance Cycle would be better. The TSiaSoS release date doesn't have anything to do with Eragon, and Paolini will be too busy with that to give much attention to the tweet storm.
^(Posted on behalf of) ^(Hellomynameis99) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
I feel like we need something more coordinated than this if we are to have any chance at all. You need to set a date and time (give everyone plenty of notice) for a "tweet storm". A barrage of positive messages all at once is more noticeable than a small trickle, and has a better chance of trending.
^(Posted on behalf of) ^(Hellomynameis99) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
I was thinking of running a game of Spell RPG with a few home rule changes because it would work somewhat better with Alagaesia's system of magic/ancient language.
Here's a post on /r/RPG about Spell.
Only if she knew how they were made in the first place. There has to be more than one Elven smith - perhaps another played a part in their creation?
Or perhaps Rhunon did forge the lances that were to become Dauthdaertya, but one or more other (long since dead) elves were responsible for the magic and wards imbued in them. If this is the case, Rhunon would only know part of their creation process, but not enough to remake them today.
^(Posted on behalf of) ^(Hellomynameis99) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
Exactly that - she was checking if he messed up. A paragraph in the previous chapter sets up this moment:
> Not a word did she say, nor did she attempt to slow or stop him. Nevertheless, Eragon understood her warning (...). Once before he had tampered with he fate of an infant, and with dire consequences. He could not allow himself to make such a mistake again (...) because if he did, Elva would become his sworn enemy.
Elva's nod tells Eragon that she is not her enemy. He didn't repeat his mistake. Whether Elva could or did sense anything deeper than the physical reparations he made is up for debate, but even if she could, it didn't matter to Eragon - he understood her warning.
^(Posted by GilderienBot on behalf of) ^(Hellomynameis99) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
Hellomynameis99: There are indeed grammatical rules to the Ancient Language. Some of them we learn in the books:
> The suffix o forms the past tense of verbs ending with r and i. Sköliro means shielded, but skölir means shield. > ~ Oromis
Some of them we can learn by analysing the language. A group of linguistics students from the University of Amsterdam did just that, and wrote a paper too. More on that here
^(Posted by GilderienBot on behalf of) ^(Hellomynameis99) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
Hellomynameis99: Here's the post
So many upvotes. Things like this make me hopeful that someone will eventually ~~reboot~~ make an Eragon movie.
^(Posted by GilderienBot on behalf of) ^(Hellomynameis99) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
Hellomynameis99: Volcanoes do indeed exist - Farthen Dur (the mountain in which the dwarves built their capital city Tronjheim) is an extinct volcano.
So why wouldn't a Rider take energy from all the life about to be obliterated by a volcano? Well, eruptions are pretty rare. There probably hasn't even been any active volcanoes in Alagaesia since the Rider's order was established. There are much easier ways to get energy than wait for a volcano to erupt.
^(Posted by GilderienBot on behalf of) ^(Hellomynameis99) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
^(Posted by GilderienBot on behalf of) ^(Hellomynameis99) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
Hellomynameis99: Dragons "speak" normally when talking to others - are you referring to their internal dialogue? I think that's just Paolini's representation of a Dragon's thought process, to demonstrate that it is different to our own.
^(Posted by GilderienBot on behalf of) ^(Hellomynameis99) ^(from the Arcaena & MCAlagaesia Discord Server)
For the tapestry, I'm not sure, it's from Amazon, though:
For the painting of the lady in blue to the right:
i dont think the limited edition is the deluxe but i found the deluxe on amazon for u:
Eragon: the dragon rider legacy now? Meinst du Harbinger (Dragonrider Legacy)? Denn das sieht nicht nach Paolinis Buch aus lol