Hi guys - the issue came out like 10 minutes ago and there's a lot to digest. In addition to the numbers there's a lot of fan comments aswell as the creator's interviews. I'll be working on getting as much translated as I can this evening and tomorrow, until then I thought the character popularity poll would probably be interesting! You can buy the issue here or here.
ETA: Hiding the name of 10) is done in the magazine itself, its four blank letters which fits >!ザックス - Zack !< in Japanese.
It's not an april fool. The video was just uploaded by Square-Enix, it talks about the development of the original game. They did the same thing with Final Fantasy IX.
Oh come off it. Quit trying to start an argument.By me saying what I said suffixed by the tongue pokey outey expression above "=p" implies i'm making light of the situation as that emoji is used when someone is kidding. It's loose irony given that everyone went nuts on the original post about that scratchy background and what it could mean.....
Perhaps rather than me saying ''Oh it was a joke'' I should've said ''Oh I'm kidding'', which is by and large a replacement word for joke, or joking and not really mean't to be taken literally within the context it's used in.
Damn that was exhausting.
japan has a really poor amount if none game press at all.
a semi good way to get an idea how it was received in japan is to check out the amazon japan listing of the game and its reviews.
at the moment it looks to be in line with EU/US falling somewhere around 4/5 stars area.
Hey, I linked it on my first post but I didn't want to keep flashing it around as people may think I was self-promoting.
https://www.twitch.tv/projectkry is a direct link to it. All the FFVII streams have been archived on there in case you wanted have a lookie. I stream in UK/GMT time, sometimes during the afternoon 13:00-16:00 but mainly in the evening 19:00-24:00 :)
windows defender is free and has a high protection rate
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This guy complaining about not understanding basic concepts while actively omitting information that shoots down his narrative from Nojima himself.
Pot, meet kettle.
I can try to get it. But it may be sold out, so if you look on a search engine I'm sure somewhere else will be selling as well.
NexiGo Upgraded PS5 Controller Charger, Charging Dock Station for Playstation 5 Dualsense Controllers with LED Indicators, Fast Charging Station with Safety Chip Protection, White https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08N579SF1/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_4F6DHD7YQDBD4TYKD1QD?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Friend of mine wrote an Attack on Titan novel that is in the same boat! She was commissioned to do it, she got paid to do it, it got translated back to Japanese for that audience, but one would be hard pressed to call it canon.
So official fanfiction it is. Doesn't matter to her, she loves the series and was happy to get paid to write something for it.
Ahhh this brings back nostalgia. I remember when I was like 13 I made my own geocities site and had this as a piece of my content. I had a theory that they had a cactuar in the original version of this scene. I swear it was more clear (probably not) but this is the closest picture I can find.
as long as you don't follow in this guy's footsteps you'll be fine https://thenextweb.com/insider/2015/12/21/man-sues-bethesda-after-3-week-fallout-4-binge-led-to-divorce-job-loss/
I don’t know about iTunes but Spotify has it or you can purchase it on Amazon, that’s how I got mine.
FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE Original Soundtrack https://www.amazon.de/dp/B088ZQ41YK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_ZKDXFM8XWQMVZEXTYFDS?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I think this is an important point: "We’re designing for forward compatibility, so you can get started with next-gen development now in UE4 and move your projects to UE5 when ready". From here EXCITING TIMES AHEAD!
If you've seen the Crisis Core ending you know that Zack walking with Cloud after that fight is the exact opposite to what actually happens.
Cloud's vision in chapter 3 is of the future, related to the new Remake plot, while Cloud's memory of Tifa is one he's suppressed when taking on Zack's persona, they're two very different and separate things. Here you can find more clarification on that.
This is already a bit outdated but maybe you'll find something of interest. A few minor things were pointed out to me, like Cloud's reaction to the underground lab was justified since he did see the Nibelheim reactor.
More to come about "two Clouds", Jenova and why the Whispers were swarming Midgar at the time of Zack's last stand (Rufus!).
It's a book, but there are multiple in the Final Fantasy series. The Remake in particular seems to have a few of them in Japan.
The English copy of one of them just came out and you can get a copy on Amazon:
Delicious, delicious sauce. Unverified though.
“They have really made an effort to make each town feel lived in, and feel like there is a reason why each place is like the way it is. Each town is very unique from the last. Cosmo Canyon and its occasional dust storms are a stark contract to the streets of Midgar. Upper Junon feels very much more like a military installation than Midgar as well.”
Final Fantasy VII Remake: Material Ultimania https://www.amazon.com/dp/1646091213/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_8CNS5EZ2074VA7RAYGY4?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
This comes out December 28th in the USA. So those posts might have something to do with it. I don’t have Facebook so I can’t check out their page.
Really happy to see this and it also rose to 89 on OpenCritic as well.
Neat to see a game go up in score with this many reviews under it's belt. Deserves it too.
Thats not the point, we are not judging the quality. The official embargolift is according to metacritic 3am PST. That's the reviews the sub is currently holding its breath for. Unfortunately this ofcourse denies smaller youtubers like this one to grow, but we (probably, undecided yet) will allow these reviews in the comments of the Megathread and list the major ones in the Postbody.
I know many people recoil at the idea of playing mobile games, but if you have a decent PC there are phone emulation options, such as this one.
You might still hate it, but you have options. We've seen mobile games come to console before, and it will probably be the same here. I think this is more about SE reaching out to the Japanese market.
I finished the game at 3AM last night and have a lot to say about the game I guess, so I wrote up a formatted document to be read here on this site that allows markdown formatting.
My thoughts were longer than the Reddit character limit, sorry:
It's a very polarising experience towards the end, but it was very fun until the last three hours or so... I do wonder wtf they were thinking with the story alterations at the very end of the game.
The conector to the HDD (hard drive) is SATA 2, the ones in the slim and pro are SATA 3. Basically sata2 is 3gb/s and sata 3 is 6gb/s, basically double the bandwidth for the HDD.
The biggest problems with the games are usually that assets take too long to pop in, or NPC dialogue takes a bit to load, or something I experienced was that the battle stops for a second when summoning, as the assets for the beards take a bit to load. Stuff like that. With a sata3 PS4 (slim/pro) these effects are lessened, and with an SSD you won't have any of these issues.
You can change the stock HDD for a SSD or for a hybrid disk (which is an HDD with SSD cache, cheaper than ssd and basically same results) super easily.
I really recommend it if you wanna give a few more years of life to your PS4. You'll notice menus and such are suddenly much more snappy and stutterless, file transfers and downloads will be a breeze, and it will just give a better experience overall for the newer games.
And of course, on ps5 you have none of these issues whatsoever, to the point where you don't even have loading screens
Personally I feel the FF VII Remake overall retells the story to match up things better with the overall FF VII Compilation (OG, Crisis Core, Advent Children, the books and etc). There are a number of references to things that were originally mentioned in Crisis Core throughout the Remake. Some of the characters added to the Remake’s story were characters first introduced in The Kids Are Alright book. It wouldn’t surprise me that other characters from that book will appear in future parts of the Remake.
For anyone interested in purchasing a copy, I got mine from amazon
Final Fantasy VII Poster Collection https://www.amazon.com/dp/1646090837/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabt1_0t.SFbK542PPD?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I have Pikachu too. Just waiting on Charmander and Squirtle.
Thanks for the link! But is that really the one? This one only has 136 pages and it's called World Preview. I'm talking about the Ultimania with almost 750 pages (I wasn't really specific tbf) FF7R Ultimania
For anyone interested I got this on amazon
Final Fantasy VII Remake: World Preview https://www.amazon.com/dp/1646090845/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_PZOAFbSBNTK5J
Also there is a poster collection book coming in November
Final Fantasy VII Poster Collection https://www.amazon.com/dp/1646090837/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_21OAFb6TPHKXW
> apparently it was only for Amazon UK
That's not true at all. I'm in the US and got the theme with my preorder. It was specifically advertised on the Amazon page too, though going by that page now you weren't the only person to have DLC issues with Amazon support: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SJ2P1XC
You can order a copy either in print or digital from most Japanese online booksellers, Amazon Japan will ship West for example: https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/4757565860/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
If you don't mind getting it from Amazon there's the US link
Wow thats a bit insane if they are sold out - i'd keep checking back
You can still pre order through amazon USA.
Sold out? You can pre-order this on Amazon right now. (US)
Final Fantasy 7: Remake (Special Edit Version) (Limited Edition) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0862FC3RT/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_GNwZEb0H0DXX4
You can buy it on Amazon Japan aswell https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B0862DZ9DX/?coliid=IWDVZPRMDW63C&colid=3D2M4R0J2M2XT&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it
I just got my Ultimania guide for FFVII, FFVIII, and FFIX in the mail and it was 51% off. Check it out here from Amazon
They’ve done them before, why not again? They are planning to translate the FF7R World Book for release in September, I think.
I know it’s been established that the carbuncle dlc is digital deluxe and first class only but I did find the subreddit thread with the archived link to amazon.com showing carbuncle is included with the deluxe edition
Which is what I saw originally as well when I preordered. It would be nice if it was honored but again since it’s first class and digital deluxe only that means amazon doesn’t even have codes to give even if they wanted to honor it and you know SE wouldn’t on Amazon’s behalf lol.
So whos is it? I pre-ordered this album on amazon and its not shipping yet. It doesn't ship until March. Pre-order here
>Its 2 blu-rays. Even with a competent internet it's going to take time. Granted it will be compressed a bit but that causes more problems. You would need twice the amount of space. Realistically the download might be around 60gb. That means you will need at least 120gb.
>Also say you completed it. And a year in a half later we get the release date for part 2. And you want to replay it. You have to go through that nonsense again of deleting shit. Then waiting for ever to download it. Then having it installed.
The download is usually unlocked 2 or 3 days before the official release. That's more than enough time for most of us to fully download the game.
>Yeah no can do for me. Rather have the physical and only have to download a smaller update file if needed.
If anything you are better off with the digital version. Since possible "day 1 patches" are usually already included in the digital version. So while you are still waiting for the game to arrive or the patch to be installed I have already been playing for 8+ hours.
*That being said I consider buying a SSD. Loading times have been bothering me for a while. Then again the PS5 is bound to be released in 1 1/2 years. So it might not actually worth it for FF7R, TLOU2 and Death Stranding alone and these little fuckers are expensive,
No, but again it looks more realistic (full-support sports bras can be pretty large and would probably show from under a crop top like Tifa's), and gives her new outfit a little more contrast and detail.
That's Amazon's placeholder date for 2017. Other games like Gran Turismo Sport have the same date.
Amazon has a pre-order page for 59.99 on December 31st 2016
Absolutely. Keeping an announcement of this scale on the DL is beyond impressive, but to me also supports my concern that they are only in the very earliest possible stages of development. The interview does provide great insight to Nomura's mindset, which is obviously coming from a place of modesty, respect, and passion.
With that said, I can confirm I saw it for preorder on Amazon sporting the notorious release date of December 31st 2016.