I mentioned above that my friend found it at a yard sale recently.
Thanks to /u/tb21666, you can also find it here.
A long time ago, I purchased a Frasier Script book, containing 15 scripts. It’s really cool. It’s overpriced on Amazon, but you can take a look for fun: https://www.amazon.com/Frasier-Scripts-Newmarket-Shooting-Script/dp/1557044031
My apologies here we are this is the best value. You also get some with George from Seinfeld.
I don't know if this is something that interests you... but Netflix (US) has all the seasons.
You can go in for their free trial for a month
I found this website:
I gave the Spanish subtitles a try. The download included some srt files and once I renamed them to match the video file they played automatically in VLC and MPC. My Spanish isn't the best, but they seemed passable. Hope this helps!
You can still stream it on Prime Video & it's available for purchase on Amazon.
Owning a physical copy is the best bet for never having to worry about it being removed from any platform in the future.
The only thing I've found is a 1999 Chicago Tribune article where set director Ron Olsen says he gets a lot of calls about "the painting behind Frasier's grand piano (a replica)"
Here is Ron Olsen's LinkedIn profile. It might be worth trying to contact him on there
Yes, I think they only do it for seasons 1 - 3. I'm on S4 right now and the bonus content isn't there. All the season finales have the credit roll with "Thanks for calling!" followed by the photos of all the actors who called in that season, just like in the original broadcast. The DVD set I have plays the clips from the actor's call, then shows their name. I wish they had that for all the seasons!
The set I have is this one.
Ah ha! I just looked on YouTube to see if anyone had uploaded them. Here's the one from the S1 DVD. I'm sure the others are there; I just got lazy.
£30.50 New from Amazon UK, that is some price difference even with FX.
They cracked down on them so some don't work. But others have made it a staple of their service to find ways around it.
Off the top of my head ExpressVPN and Getflix are popular Netflix-friendly VPNs.
FRASIER, Hand Signed by AL HIRSCHFELD, Limited Edition Lithograph, Kelsey Grammer, David Hyde Pierce, Jane Leeves, John Mahoney, Dan Butler, Peri Gilpin https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00N5C30OI/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_4RGNBb1F4QJEP
No, just an image hosting site such as this one where you don’t need an account https://imgbb.com/
There are others but I picked the first one on google search.
When I said social media account, what I meant was simply showing us a verified Twitter, Facebook or Instagram account with perhaps a simple message to prove you are who you say you are. But really, I’m sure showing us a photo or two would be fine :)
For future reference, MKVToolNix is both free & does exactly what you want, fast!
All you have to do is manually select the track & rename the file extension to your preferred container if it's not what you want from within the file.
Handbrake is great & could've done the audio only for you & saved a time consuming step, as well. Either way, enjoy!
This is the one I got for my living room and basement. I find it does a good job and I like the design. It's fairly quiet too.
Now that's.... interesting. But then so is this https://www.amazon.com/Pcaocmro-Frasier-Underwear-Stretch-Waistband/dp/B08SJZ4JBR
Being it was made in either 2016 or 2018 from the small date in the photo, shouldn't be too hard to dig up a source.
Odd such a new looking & 'mint' item would be found in a yard sale so soon after manufacturing, considering Amazon lists them being made available for sale as of April 4th, 2017..?
I have a multi year plan with NordVPN just for my day to day internet use, and it works about half the time.
Netflix cracks down on USA servers hard, but surprisingly Sweden let's you watch Frasier haha.
only a link to amazon... I will of course be waiting for the delightful pirates to rip it in 1080p and get a torrent out there...
It's an official release by CBS. But it is a "manufactured on demand" release, only available online, which CBS do more and more with home video releases nowadays. In the case of this release, the discs are still pressed, but the case inserts will still be printed, and it's generally fair to say that there is usually limited budget for things like redesigning cases, creating new extras, etc. If you are still suspicious, you can see the Amazon.com listing here https://www.amazon.com/Frasier-Complete-Box-Set-Blu-Ray/dp/B0BF2PRG52/ and discussion on the Blu-ray.com forum (full of experts) here https://forum.blu-ray.com/showthread.php?t=354935 (jump to later pages in the discussion to see people actually discussing the final product)
It's from the current issue my library has out right now, it's not an old rare one or anything. Maybe Barnes and Noble would have it?
Digital version is on amazon:
I concur! An Incomplete Education is a terrific resource. I’ve had my copy since 1987 & I still enjoy looking through it. Whenever I find topics in that book that are of more interest to me I then turn to the internet for further study. It’s much easier now than it was in the 80’s, when we next turned to encyclopedias & the library. That book gives an appetizer portion of information on an amazing array of topics, just enough info to make you sound informed. These snippets can spark your interest so you know which topics you’d like to pursue further. It’s a wonderful place to start. I highly recommend it!
There used to be (maybe still is) a trend in publishing of books like An Incomplete Education. I always enjoy thumbing through reference works like that and then following up on areas that interest me.
Wow, You're not kidding. though I did find one for $40 on Amazon in case you're interested:
Cafe' Nervosa: The Connoisseur's Cookbook https://www.amazon.com/dp/0848715500/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_5EGVGV5TQQKH4R6EXFQ5
I don't use them, yet; but SMPlayer [ for videos on computer ] has under the Subtitles tag 'Find Subtitles at OpenSubtitles.org'.
Even if not playing on a computer, I'm sure subtitles could be downloaded and transferred --- they are usually simple txt files --- or some other method from the fons et origo:
Patentinhaberin, die Universität Edinburgh, die in den Ansprüchen 47 und 48 das Adjektiv "nicht menschlich" eingefügt hatte. eur-lex.europa.eu
[...] by the proprietor of the patent, the University of Edinburgh, which added to claims 47 and 48 the adjective "non-human".
Oh yeah duh now I remember the issue with non-UV blocking now. I have real sunglasses I wear 90% of the time. $20 can get you a set of 3 on amazon. I have that same set but there's tons of styles for the same price. I have a pair of oakleys that were a gift I wear very rarely since I'm worried about loosing or ruining an $80 pair of shades. The Dollar Tree specials are just backups. I have a pair of polarized I use for fishing since it helps me see what's going on in the water a bit more
Saratoga Natural Spring Water, 12oz Cobalt Blue Glass Bottle (Pack of 6, Total of 72 Fl Oz) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WGHGSM8/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_7GV6HS7X4FAN5GBVGR4X
$23.00 for a 6 pack, the bottles are pretty though
I have seasons 1-3 in Japanese. I got them for like $25 or so per season. Definitely don’t pay the $124. But be careful if you do buy them, as the DVDs are region locked, meaning they can only be played on a DVD player that plays Japanese DVDs.
Here’s season 1 for cheaper. Obviously I can’t promise they’ll ship to wherever you live. I’d also like to forewarn you that the Japanese dub isn’t so great, and the subs aren’t so good either. Lots of jokes not translated properly/at all. My wife is Japanese but doesn’t speak English very well, so I introduced Frasier to her last year with these DVDs. I noticed while watching it together that a lot of the subs were clearly made by someone simply translating the WORDS of the jokes and not the actual MEANING of the jokes, really losing a lot of the actual comedy.
Frasier: The Complete Seasons 1-11 https://www.amazon.nl/dp/B002D3ZJD0/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_api_glt_i_Q5ZDBSTCJF2PG90BXBY4
This link says it has spoken French. They have released a couple of those boxes in Europe. I don’t know if I have that one or the “only English” one.
Does she like to bake? My sister got me Cafe' Nervosa: The Connoisseur's Cookbook, and I love it. The recipes are great, and the quotes on the pages make me laugh. It's been out of print for many years, making it even more special to me https://www.amazon.com/Cafe-Nervosa-Connoisseurs-Frasier-Crane/dp/0848715500
>I'm in the UK
So am I. Recently bought the full set off Amazon for £32.50 but they're going at £30 today
If one decided to go this route, they should download a trustworthy and free VPN to hide their IP address from their ISP. This isn't difficult, they should just look up WindScribe. For downloading the actual torrent, they should use a small and easy-to-use client like QbitTorrent, also free.
Thanks for reading my comment. I'm sorry to have confused your listeners. 😅 This is the first time I have used Reddit, and downloaded it just for your show! Just a bit of a learning curve. Haha.
Here is the book this title is based off https://www.amazon.com/dp/0446601640/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_vQSfFb0BH7T7E I started reading it some time ago when I first saw it was related to this episode. It's not bad, very much a popular type novel written for the masses but definitely an easy read because of that. Anyway, loved the episode as always and can't wait for next week. :) You guys are awesome!
It's listed at a discount right meow.
It's also on Hulu, but I do wonder if the box set extras are juicy.
Use ExpressVPN. Most VPNs cant get past geoblocks anymore, particularly Netflix, but Express make it a staple of their service to always have servers that get around it.
I'm Australian and I never turn it off, it's fantastic.
Definitely a licensing issue for Netflix since they have it in the US. If you have Netflix and can afford another $10/month I'd highly recommend ExpressVPN. They're one of the few services that work with Netflix and do a good job staying ahead of the restrictions. (just make sure to contact customer support for a list of servers)
I found some Libbey 8089 Sherry glasses on an old Frasier forum and amazingly they had them on amazon. They look pretty close to the ones Niles and Frasier use and the size of the glass is about the same size too. They came in a pack of 12 for like $53.
Shipper tossed 6 glasses in a plastic bag and put bubble around it. Did this twice for all 12. Only 6 made it to me without breaking and I got a full refund so it all worked out... but these glasses are really great and are the closest I’ve ever found. They look tall in the pic but they are pretty short and fit about a little more than a shot full of sherry.
I suspect they would be more of a Williams-Sonoma fan.
The complete collection isn't that expensive on Amazon. You should definitely consider it!
I've had those for 5 years now. They're just pieces of slate with some felt on the bottom, and I really like them a lot.
Mine are a little dirty right now but here's another photo. I just run them under the water and wipe them with a washrag every once and a while.