From the title, it sounds like they are just trying to scare us with how these terrorists are getting "technical" and serious about "encryption" - the very things that our government wants to stop. How convenieint.
Nevermind the fact that they have been using encryption since the 90s a d have even gone so far as to roll their own programs to evade our surveillence as far back as 2003.
The day after the last scheduled theShadowBrokers dump, was the day KRACKs was made public. The NSA clearly had an exploit in their arsenal that is very similar to KRACKs. I'm wondering now if they knew it was going to be released, and tried to soften the blow, by developing a 'fix' and pushing it out before that date.
If that's the case, we should expect something similar this week, as the next theShadowBrokers dump is scheduled for 11/15. If we see another out-of-band update like we did last time, I wonder if it'll be in preparation for the next NSA exploit on the list.
Although the premise of this article is correct, Russia is attacking Germany (and many other countries with Propaganda), this article is highly biased however. One sentence in particular made me laugh coffee out of my nose:
> In fact, Western diplomats are at a loss about how to counter the effects of Kremlin propaganda on Russian speakers in EU countries
Both the EU and U.S. are actively, and effectively, operating in the information war space using propaganda to shape public opinion. The U.K. in particular was exposed by Snowden documents as applying advanced propaganda techniques.
Biased or not, the key word for me is "conjectured". But, yeah, I'd have to say his bias is showing when he says "like no one had previously plundered a US intelligence".
Or see: <em>TheShadowBrokers Monthly Dump Service – June 2017,</em> which is being the actual SB communiqué itself and is having all their usual quirky linguistic shenanigans.
(Some twitter user has verified the pgp signature apparently)
Circumstantial at best, but it is compelling, from the article:
> The attack method implemented by the XCodeGhost is similar to the one developed by the experts at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) which was reported by The Intercept in March 2015.
To be fair, we do know that Justin Cooper was caught by Chelsea Clinton loading spyware on a Clinton foundation computer (warning: wikileaks link. So maybe not NSFW, depending on your W).
Relevant portion:
>Ilya physically saw/caught Justin a couple of days ago reading his bberry and loading the same spyware onto his computer that he loaded onto Bari's computer
Justin, the same one that was caught loading spyware on one computer and reading someone's email on their blackberry, was also one of the individuals that administered Clinton's private email server
Relevant portion:
>Cooper was one of the key persons that help administer Hillary's private email server. Hillary's private server as been part of an on going Federal investigation. The internet domain,, was registered to Cooper, not the Clintons, while she was secretary of state. The domain was registered by Cooper before Hillary became secretary of state on January 21, 2009. Hillary used the email, , on her private server while secretary of state, rather that use a dot gov account for all of her secretary of state work. Cooper had no US security clearance or expertise in computer security.[11] Cooper also helped the Clinton's with other tech support. Later, Bryan Pagliano, the former IT director for Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign, was hired to maintain their private email server while Clinton was Secretary of State, while the domain was still registered to Cooper.[12][13] In 2014 changed to a new registered owner, Perfect Privacy, a proxy company. Perfect Privacy and other proxy companies are set up to shield the identity of those wanting privacy.
Can one of you guys post the following with link. I'm not sure how to post as a subject on Reddit.
Lockerbie Pan Am 103
Posted on Scribd - the concealed 167 page Scottish police report of 5th June 1989 confirming PFLP-GC as the perpetrators of the Lockerbie atrocity.
I agree, I was just reading on tradecraft for this fairly 'exploitable' resource. This included the KGB 'swallows'.
The best two choices are wikileaks' submission page or more directly through finding a journalist that has a record of being critical of whatever you would be revealing.
I can believe the blackmail stuff. I think intelligence is well known for attracting unusual types. Look up Hoover's dress.
Google did do that but SSID maps are available from other sources.
EDIT: This is an old video and covers some unrelated technologies but it explains a bit more about SSID mapping and how it can be used for nefarious purposes.
Yeah, because we all know how well it worked out for dissenting behavioral psychologists in America.
RIP Scott Gerwehr.
> Second "whistle-blower" is first "whistle-blower" source.
Which just confirms that it was all true from the jump.
>Ukrainian President says he never felt pressured.
"Look guys the victim says they weren't raped while standing next to the rapist w/o protection of any kind! Case closed!" lmao seriously
>Ukraine reopened it's own investigation in March of this year.
Firstly - this has only been reported by a conservative source and secondly, the investigation was into Burisma, not the Bidens, and thirdly - if this was all ongoing - why did Trump need to withold aid to ensure the Bidens were included in the probe?
Text Messages Show Diplomats Believed Ukraine Aid Was Linked to Biden Probe
Playing defense on this has to be tricky.
Here's the definition of impunity. You think I should be punished?
I cannot speak to the circumstances around all form Soviet block countries' admission to NATO, but I doubt they were all as simple as you put it. In any case Ukraine was clearly not -- US/NATO clearly undertook non-democratic strategies (bribes) to compel their government against the prevailing public sentiment opposing NATO and then supported a coup to overthrow the elected Ukrainian government.
Moreover, the terms of an agreement between US/NATO and Russia aren't subject to the wants of any third-party Eastern European country.
They knew of some of the NSA data collection. How else would Yahoo & others have challenged the legal basis for the programs? I'd assume they didn't know of most other collection programs, one example being the wiretaps between data centers.
It was leaked a long time ago. There are unredacted versions floating around. The butler, now dead, was caught by the FBI trying to sell it.
Here is one.
now they claim that leader of shaltay was arrested int October of 2016. Article on rosbalt says that members of shaltay were found in summer of 2016 and since then shaltay was working for FSB.
original article:
>The only solution is to design the tech so that undesired actions can't be done.
Smart tech companies know this and are responding accordingly.
FYI, all the Russians from the UN are centered in the North Riverdale area of the Bronx, featuring multimillion dollar homes and three of the most expensive top-tier private schools in the country.
Map of their official compound here: Official Residences of Russian Permanent Mission to the UN (New York City, New York)
Exiftool and FOCA is another good tool but their site is down and I don't know if it is still in dev or where a safe download can be found.
One would also want to look into google dorking as that is another method of finding relevant information for doing correlation work.
My "insider friend"?
Lol. I'm a caterer.
I have a of of friends in a lot of places and if you knew how these things are talked about, it might make more sense to you.
I don't see it as implausible that factions within the CIA are getting desperate because they just got exposed in some really bad ways that people are going to start finding about pretty soon.
For you to treat the issue like it is totally implausible, with ZERO evidence, just your armchair opinion, still gives me no reason to listen to you other than to figure out why this article butt hurt you so bad.
> 6. Government. information about an enemy or a potential enemy. the evaluated conclusions drawn from such information. an organization or agency engaged in gathering such information: military intelligence; naval intelligence.
Chiang could not keep the landlords from exploiting the peasants, and he would not fight aggressively against the Japanese. Check out Barbara Tuchman's Stillwell and the American Experience in China. She is a superb historian who was born in China, the daughter of missionaries. Her analysis of Chiang is brilliant, and you can see why the American military got fed up with Chiang.
Believe it or not, it’s a lot simpler than doing “specialized attacks/weapons” for attacks. Sometimes there are crazy hits, like what mossad did with the motorcycles and attached explosives on cars. But for the most part during the Cold War, hits weren’t super crazy. The manipulation to put the target in position is what is truly fascinating. A quick look on amazon would steer you Usually they kill spies that either turn or play both sides.
Yep. Even under the best of circumstances, you're basically flagging yourself as a potential person of interest.
I wonder how many intelligence agencies have people working as "trusted insiders" at places like Mullvad? It wouldn't be any great trick to buy off the secretary who mails out account numbers to everyone who sends in their cash envelopes.
Your academic experience demonstrates qualities that would be desirable across the community. The FBI after 9/11 has a mission that spans foreign and domestic intelligence domains.
Read Mark Lowenthal's book, Intelligence: From Secrets to Policy, to gain a foundational knowledge of the community. Do not be dissuaded by the price. Lowenthal releases a new edition every couple years, and its use as a textbook demands a high price. You can aquire a previous edition at a cheaper price and be equally served.
"In response to the changing world, Niccolo Machiavelli, a Florentine political philosopher, published a series of books detailing the qualities and actions of effective rulers. In his works, The Prince, and The Art of War, Machiavelli advocated that rulers routinely employ espionage tradecraft, engaging in deception and spying to insure protection of their power and interests."
Although I have studied The Prince and The Art of War by Machiavelli to some degree, I cannot remember specifics. Nevertheless, Machiavelli was an early and pragmatic political scientist, and also a diplomat, so I would recommend looking at the works mentioned above for some good insights of the application of espionage.
Edit: Formatting
It just keeps getting better, grammatically and in regards to humor.
The lawyers representing this guy include Robert Buschel, the author of a book (released Aug 2016) about a presidential candidate incredibly similar to Trump (, and Kendall Coffey, a US attorney appointed under Bill Clinton, forced to step down after biting a stripper in Miami.
Of course you're right. I wasn't speaking in terms of determining guilt or innocence in a law enforcement context; the main point of the exercise as far as I'm concerned is to expose yourself to as big sample set of data points as possible, which is why I said "Whether you're right or wrong, read their bios afterward and a bit of their criminal history when you can find it."
In general, after you've read a fair amount, you won't confuse people up for violent homicide with "sex with a minor" cases. Or public drunks with financial fraud/embezzlers. Different kinds of criminals have different habits, environments, routines and mindsets that cause them to look different from each other. Is it always reliable? Of course not, people are complex. Are profiling and stereotypes part of the reason people get busted in the first place? Absolutely. But so is the opposite. Learn how to beat the system by subverting the profiling methodology, and you won't be a suspect because you won't even be on the radar in the first place.
Remember that story a year or so ago about the checklist Russian counterintelligence used to root out CIA fucks in the State Department diplomatic corps? Like that. Or the one about the professional pool shark who always cleaned everyone out when he showed up in a horn-rimmed glasses and a brown tweed "professor's jacket" to use people's prejudices to keep them from seeing him for what he was? Like that; on and on.
Oh well, I tried. Time to go fuck off and console myself by reading more Barton Whaley. lol
Copying and pasting Wikipedia commentary doesn't help your case. You admittedly know nothing about Quigley or his writings. If you had, you'd know that Antony Sutton's scholarship confirms Skousen's basic claims. If you were familiar with Quigley's work, you'd understand why he didn't consider it a conspiracy theory. He was a lifelong elitist insider who believed in the cause of the shadow government and wanted its agenda to be known because he didn't personally believe it to be sinister.
Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency - (2001) James Bamford
This was the first book I read about the NSA. Up until this point, I knew next to nothing about them. This book did a great job of showing the NSA's systematic crippling of industry encryption standards by infiltration, blackmail, exploitation, politics, etc. Their infiltration of RSA and attempted infiltration of PGP were some of the best parts of the book, as it showed that the NSA was looking beyond code breaking, and specifically at introducing mathematical weaknesses in standard encryption systems.
CIA's Dysfunctional Intelligence Culture
This book goes a long way toward hilariously debunking Snowden's view. The CIA appears to be just as flawed as the rest one would expect of a government entity.
I'll post something out of the norm. I know it's not James Bond-y but it's still a very important aspect of Intel that gets overlooked elint.
Excellent book in the Fort Huachuca MI Library on this exact topic.
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