This is really what you should do. You'll have to learn how to use git, which has a bit of a curve, but in the end you'll be happy. What this allows you to do is save every revision of your project, so if you ever want to go back to a previous state, you can. Plus when you use github, you open the door for potential collaborators. I posted a project to /r/maxmsp a while ago, so as an example you can check it out here:
Love it!! I've been toying with the idea of building a knock-off of one of those using a Beagleboard ( running PD and a hacked footpedal. Look forward to seeing what you come up with!
So, currently the automated setup is quite simple because Instagram removed the ability to auto-magically upload content to accounts unless the account is a business account. Considering that my account is a "creator" account, I'm stuck with doing things manually.
However, from Max I currently press a toggle that starts a countdown, and when the countdown goes to 0, the 60 seconds start. The toggle triggers a bash script that contains a few lines to automate the recording, trimming and cropping of the video. Core elements of this chain are:
I also use "SwitchAudioSource" from switchaudio-osx to auto switch the internal settings of my audio routing. I am currently using a free version of LoopBack to make things easy but you could do it with any other re-routing software.
It's more like Max/MSP vs. Smalltalk if you ask me. Max implements a very powerful graphical message-passing expression language, similar to Smalltalk or Self. From a computer science perspective, it's one of the highest level languages ever designed. That's why people sketch synthesizer designs in it that go on to become actual chips and boards.
Python is almost a Lisp, which can be shown by the pragmatic decision MIT made to move their introductory computer science course from Scheme to Python (to pick up tons of libraries and robotics support from Python's ecosystem). That decision was quite controversial at the time because many Computer Science professors (still) consider "The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" to be one of the best books on computer science ever written (and it's taught using Scheme).
This. OSC is the better way to do it. Resolume has predetermined OSC message addresses - unlike apps like VDMX which have learn modes. Resolume's manual has some info on it's OSC implementation:
This video I put up a few days ago may be usefull if you haven't dealt with OSC in max before:
You would probably need a midi to usb cable something like this. Or if you have an audio interface it probably has a midi out you can use
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Not familiar at all, tbh. Given what you want, it probably isn't the solution you are looking for.
I would say, for that kind of setup you would need something more involved. How experienced at you at programming outside of Max?
If you're looking for something a little more "plug n' play", there could be something in IFTTT:
Maybe writing something to a dropbox file that is on your Max machine, and then gets used in your Max patch as a variable?
Are you trying to have it update 'live'? (Or as close to live as possible?) Or would like 1-2 updates per day suffice?
I usually throw on 2 gate~ objects (one for eight audio and one for left audio) that are enabled by the same switch and put that in between gain~ (or whatever you’re using for volume control) and the DAC/ezdac.
I’m real sorry if you weren’t looking for this kind of answer - do you absolutely need a parallel to that “startwindow 1” trick?
e: here's a patch that explains this:
For step 1, you can route and capture audio from other programs with rogue amoeba loopback or something like it.
However, by "sound from all other programs" do you mean including sound from Ableton Live? If so, step 1 will be difficult using Max for Live, since you can't set a separate audio device input for it. Max standalone lets you set audio i/o devices separately from Ableton.
Steps 2–3 are certainly possible. One way would be to use a groove~ object, which allows playback from a buffer~ at variable speed. Just be aware that since buffers are allocated with a fixed length, you might have to get creative if you want this effect to be able to continue indefinitely in time.
I have used the Android app "oscHook" to get phone data into Max. Works via the local network (udp - netreceive) so no need for bluetooth.
Posted this in pD too!
Andy Farnell's book, Designing Sound models combustion engines in pD. I believe he uses waveguides, not sure. You should be able to borrow a copy from the library.
You can find all the pD code examples from his book here. Look under machines and cars.
I got it from amazon. It works great for the price, would recommend
I use andrOSC ( for android.
You have to create a peer-peer network (I'm on a mac and trying to do this with and android tab is a NIGHTMARE - but I can give anyone a walkthrough if they need it), and set up the interface you want on the tab/[OSCRoute] in your patch.
APPARENTLY you should be able to send OSC templates over the network, but not experimented with this yet. If not, you have to create interfaces on the tab - a ball ache but it works.
MIRA seems to be dead in the water unfortunately, and I'm happy plugging away with OSC (TINY amounts of lag, really lovely.)