So, dearest Anon, you might want to know how to DDOS with prudence; your lawn too, is splendid space for a shiny Van of Truth.
Aquire a high-capacity VPN or VPS; this will not be free. It's anonymous enough to buy one via regular payment systems. Not more than five people have been raped the previous time, anyway. Pick a respectable one outside the US for additional lulz. Anon will be delighted to tell you who these fair chaps are.
If you want decent anonymity, I'd recommend the Bitcoin payment system. Among the traders are a plethora of VPN and VPS hosts. Aquire Bitcoins through MtGox, order through Tor, SSH through Tor. This route is not recommended for idiots; just use your home connection, thank you.
If you're running Linux and still want to use FaiLOIC, do it liek dis:
More anon here on IRC, mostly idiots though:
I can confirm that this is thanks to reseph's open source patch. In addition, we're now using the HTML5 <time>
element for these timestamps. You'll find that this works on your user profiles as well... ;)
There was already a project that did this. I was a moderator/tester for the project for quite a while, but unfortunately it's now dead.
The source code is on github if anyone is curious:
Being able to add collaborators to your repo without confirmation has been abused twice in the history of the site. The first time it happened, the abuser was banned. I wish Zed had contacted our support to bring this issue to our attention prior to taking matters into his own hands.
I'm happy to address the specifics, but there's no conspiracy here. The bottom line is we're already working on a blocking feature because a troll decided to ruin it for everyone.
Update: This comment didn't climb nearly high enough, but hopefully people will see this:
Chrome Extension Developers must request permission to access certain APIs, certain functionality provided by the browser. If an extension needs access to Your browsing history, the developer has requested the tabs permission. That gives the developer the ability to create, close, reorder, inject code into, redirect, and get info about your tabs. The info it can get includes the URL of the tab, so a developer could theoretically keep a log of each URL you visit. This probably happens rarely, especially if the code is open source like Mostly Harmless.
From the API documentation, here's the info an extension with the tabs
permission can get:
You shouldn't removeAllObjects
before releasing a dictionary/array. If the release is actually dealloc'ing the object, it will remove all items. If not, somebody else is retaining the object and you are probably messing with them.
I would use member directly instead of properties when reading. E.g.:
// [self.allEntries objectForKey:key]; [allEntries objectForKey:key];
That way you avoid calling a method when possible.
I don't see the point of having a @protocol that's only implemented by one class... just use SudokubotViewController*
instead of id <RootViewDelegate>
For - (UITableViewCell*) tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
I'd recommend you to use a xib file and load it this way instead of creating views by code which is pretty hard to maintain.
I have pinpointed an exact moment this bug was introduced.
It looks like this space was deliberately inserted in there. I mean... HOW?
If you really want to use your Nvidia and only your Nvidia, then you can use the acpi_call kernel module to send your card an ACPI message that basically amounts to, "Next time you boot up, use the Nvidia instead of the Intel."
And next time you boot up, it will run just fine in Nvidia, and the Intel won't even be recognized.
The bumblebee package you're talking about is useful if you want to run both at the same time, but if you really just want to use the Nvidia all the time, then you don't strictly need this.
It's not WELL supported, but I assure you that your graphics card is not unusable.
The downside of the acpi_call method is that you have to send the message every time you boot up or it will wake up in dual-card mode.
> The worse part of all this is that Nvidia have no plans on ever supporting their optimus cards on linux which means all new laptops with Nvidia cards will no longer work on linux.
As these technologies mature, the Optimus cards will be supported natively on many distros. There is already support for this in the kernel. NVidia doesn't really need to support the system because the community is already on top of it.
I used a variation of the technique emscripten uses. He describes it in detail in his paper:
Essentially, any block containing gotos becomes a switch statement inside a while loop. The gotos then become an update of the switch statement's 'label' variable, and you use 'continue' on the outer while loop to 'skip' to the target label. This handles the vast majority of uses of goto, at least in C#. (MSIL actually allows a wider variety of goto constructs, including ones that cross control flow structures and jump in/out of catch blocks. But in practice, those don't show up much.)
At present there are actually some rare forms of goto I don't implement, but I've only seen them in compiler-generated code.
The real story lurking here is that macports, brew, and some features of fink require XCode. This means that all of the open-source package managers on OS X are going to either require $5, depend on an outdated codebase, or redesign XCode out of their installation processes.
I am not sure why Sarbanes-Oxley compels Apple to charge $5 for Xcode while Microsoft can give Visual Studio Express away for free. But this move is a serious blow to free as in beer or free as in freedom software on OS X. Or it could be strong motivation to build a purely free toolchain similar to cygwin for OS X.
I took 5 minutes from my extremely busy reddit schedule to make a fork that can be installed on the SD card. You can download it from here. You'll need to uninstall RIF if you already have it installed because mine isn't signed with the same key.
From 2011-01-28-tera.markdown: > I request that you immediately issue a cancellation message as specified in RFC 1036 for the infringing postings and prevent the infringer, who is identified by its Web address, from posting the infringing contents to your servers in the future.
(For reference: RFC 1036)
Anyone else highly entertained by the suggested removal method?
Here's my personal experience:
I'm a computer programmer. In my country technology trends aren't being followed closely and the most popular web programming languages are PHP, ASP and... Java. I'm a fan of more dynamic languages (Ruby, Python) and especially App Engine.
So, instead of working at a low paying job for some generic local software shop , I said "Fuck this shit" and started working on this project. Then released this simple library. During this time my family kept on objecting and pressure me to get "a real job", but I refused and kept working on my stuff.
Then I got a visa, came to London, interviewed a company that heavily works on App Engine and got the job. My current working conditions are pretty awesome as developers have autonomy and there's free beer and snacks at the office. Also, we're a subcontractor for Google, so we have our lunches in Google's cafeteria.
TL,DR: Worked on the projects I loved, got a great job in the end.
At least one person is trying to stand up for their rights under the DMCA and filed a counter-notice:
His repository is back up as of now.
I wouldn't be so sure that they're not. In their "block the bullies" post they've been deleting comments critical of "the Ruby community", but allowing the Zed-mocking circlejerk to remain.
I think they're just projecting a professional public face. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that, elsewhere, in other circles, they love ASCII dicks
They deleted a comment by JedSmith decrying the Rubyists, and one by me joking that "Ruby is a ghetto, dongs are a catalyst"
Meanwhile, these remain:
>Can't wait to see what @zedshaw complains about next.
>Is this just for @zedshaw or does everyone get it?
>even though @zedshaw is a bit of a troll,
> Attribute the actions of individuals to the whole community @jedsmith, that's a brilliant idea. Nice feature add, even if it was in response to another childish explosion by the developer world's loudest diva of late. He has great points, but he expresses them like a whining twit.
So I don't buy that the deletions had anything to do with deceny, just because I referred to the dongy elephant in the room
It is possible to complete Grim Fandango now in Residual, which is used in the screenshot here, of course.
Residual is the "side project" to ScummVM, which every gamer worth his salt knows is an engine recreation for classic adventure games.
Residual notes that Grim is completable with "minor glitches" and it should be noted that Residual cannot be made fullscreen at this time, so you are limited to a window.
But please, go on ahead and try out Grim Fandango in Residual and report any and all bugs you come across whilst playing it.
I am not the only one here that wants Residual to be as perfect as ScummVM, right? So get testing! Report those bugs here at the Residual bug tracker
On Linux or Mac? Grab the source and compile it. If not, just download the installer.
Extract the .TAB and .LAB files from your Grim Fandango discs to a folder and click Add Game in Residual and point it to the path. Then get playing and reporting bugs.
Believe it or not, there's real academic research that has gone into this and has been discussed (not certain if it's been presented) at the International Conference on Software Engineering. Also check out Git Achievements
Did I mention that it's open source too? Your move!
Edit: I'm also the author of Omen, SexyMap, and Chatter, so I've sorta been around this WoW software thing for a while.
I'm a software engineer. I'm doing this. Email me at
I'm thinking.. a web app with heavy jQuery effects.
If you want to help email me. The project will be open source, so everyone will be able to FORK it, and submit pull requests to get their changes made.
I know that people constantly complain about me using scribd, so the PDF is available separately:
The code is on github:
Hi Ryan, thanks for doing this.
npm recently hit 1.0 (congrats Isaacs), would you consider it likely that npm (or other 3rd party libraries) would eventually work their way into node core?
Have you any thoughts on SpiderNode (other than 'competition is good')? Is there anything that you particularly like (or dislike) about SpiderMonkey in comparison to V8?
Still a bit more work to get this baby polished. I know that the iOS updates have been lagging, so I wanted to share what's taking so damn long. I've been working on improving the comment entry on both iOS versions - especially after the lessons learned in developing for the Mac.
One of the biggest short-comings of ABHD is its lackluster comment entry. So I've put some work in to make this a far better experience. In subreddits that use graphic tags (like 7f12u, AdviceAnimals etc.), you will be able to scroll and tap the image to insert it into your comment.
I'm also developing support for primitive markup (like Bold, Italic etc.), but will likely roll that out in a subsequent update. I'm looking to seed this for testing over the next couple of days, and I hope you find it far more pleasant than the old way. :)
Also, if any iOS devs like the look of those tab/toolbar views - I rolled up the source code here in an easy to use library so that you can drop them into your own projects.
Why are you bashing them? I like the idea a lot (a single language that replaces Javascript,PHP,SQL,server-side JAVA,...).
Have you tried it, or you just dont like the website? They released the whole thing 1 week ago, and its opensource.
I would be really interested to see someone review it in detail, so i can decide if its really as good as it sounds.
If you use Linux or OSX, you can use sshuttle to tunnel virtually everything, including DNS and Flash. It's faster than using a plain SSH tunnel, and easier than setting up a VPN.
> Actually, it's not on the Mac, either -- it's vaporware.
The author has code in github: TermKit
EDIT: That said, the 70x15 terminal and the bit about the permission bits makes me suspicious, too.
I am collecting screenshots (for several reasons; one is to play around with machine learning / computer vision; one example is here: A lot of them. :)
Right now, I have about 88k screenshots with about 77GB. And as many of them have a lot of repetitive areas (on some days, I were making a screenshot every 10 seconds, even when not using the computer at all, so the only changing part was the time display), I didn't wanted to waste so much space on so much repetitive data.
With this PNG DB, I have a compression rate of about 400-500% (for the first 1k screenshots or so; probably the rate will even be higher for all of them).
This example with the screenshots is probably an extreme case (where this applies extremely well). But I guess in many other cases where you are collecting a huge amount of PNG images (with computer-generated content; real-world images would not work that well), you can safe some space by it.
And if this gets optimized as far as possible, it may be even faster than normal filesystem access (because of less disk IO).
In your one and only example
Where's the garbage collection? You're explicitly calling delete/free everywhere you'd traditionally need to. There wouldn't be any leak even without your garbage collector.
I feel like a good UI should make it dead easy to see the source code.
A github project has it in front of you by default, e.g.,
Bitbucket shows you commit messages upfront, but it's only one click to get to the source, e.g.,
Google code, on the other hand, requires at least 3 clicks, e.g., Click source, browse... oh look a tree. More clicking ahead.
3 clicks isn't the end of the world--but it always feels like a ton of work to look at a project.
Yes. There are two major things I want to accomplish before I call it 1.0.
Run really well on Windows with IOCP. This effort is underway
Flesh out the "multi-node" story. This is more ambiguous - but I think we can add a lot of value by showing people how to hook multiple instances of Node together to form networks. The non-blocking async nature of Node means these nodes will be able to recv and send messages independent of what's going on elsewhere in the process. I think this will be really interesting and fun.
Controls: scroll wheel to zoom, click-and-drag to move, Right-Clicking will display a menu, including full screen view.
<strong>Space Panorama Collection</strong>
The main link is the Groth Strip (Hubblesite download).
I have made about 12 zoomable space panoramas, all of the largest images ever produced by NASA and the ESO. When I have them uploaded to some webspace I will link them here on r/spaceporn.
I made these with OpenZoom Tango. Google Sky and WorldWide Telescope do a wonderful job, far better then I can ever hope to do, but their interfaces are a little cluggy. I like speed and simplicity. Nothing else on the screen to distract you.
Is anyone else seeing this? There's no way those submissions should be outranking the posts below them.
I've had one person post about this yesterday, and now two more today. Something is afoot...
Questions for those affected (and this is NOT exclusive to listentothis, we may have more visitors soon).
UPDATE: Thanks to the folks in /r/help. This is a known issue. Here's the link to the open bug ticket.
Name: Destroy The Stars
Description: Blow up the stars by using the gravity of nearby planets to direct the flow of star destroying energy. Be careful not to let too much energy hit your own planets.
No information gets sent to reddit (not Conde Nast Digital) unless you actively interact with it -- voting, saving, or submitting. The extension also checks for new messages on reddit's servers every 5 minutes, but you can disable that in the options. The requests the extension makes are the same as the ones your browser makes when you vote on stories on the reddit frontpage. The extension permissions unfortunately have to include access to all pages in order to be able to insert the bar UI into the content of page.
I'm the author of the extension, and started development a year before working at reddit. All of the code is open source, so feel free to verify these claims. You can also open the background tab in the web inspector to view the network activity at any time. :)
I swear I've attached to a Windows shared drive by forwarding TCP port 445 before. Maybe I was dreaming.
Anyway, never forget ssh negotiates the connection in clear text, so you'll pop up some red flags on the corp IDS. AFAIK most still can't detect obfuscated-openssh.
The gameboy's CPU is not a Z80, it was made in the spirit of the Z80 (some opcodes were changed as well as the timings, and the cpu die is different). If he wants to program the GB or GBC, then he should read these pdfs:
(and drumroll please...)
You'll want to program with assembly code, not C, since you'll want to count your clock cycles. You might also want to check out how I coded a gameboy color emulator by checking so you can clearly see how the GB/GBC work.
Safari is super fast now, and even though it is behind in some synthetic benchmarks, I honestly can't tell the difference between the speeds. Reading list (over the air sync with iOS5 beta), much nicer 1Password integration, true Fullscreen, the Multitouch-Gestures (2 finger swipe ftw) AND the added speed in Safari made me switch after more than 1 year of using Chrome. Only feature I missed so far was the Omnibar, but this fixes that too.
Sorry for being late to the party.
I cooked up a script that, along with sending you beeps, also allows us to see the number of totally beeped beeps in realtime.
You can find a screenshot here:
The source is here:
And the documentation here:
Oh, and by the way. You got a typo in the source, here's a patch:
31c31 < input.bouton { --- > input.button { 38c38 < input.bouton:hover { --- > input.button:hover { 51c51 < <input type="submit" value="BEEP" class="bouton" name="bouton" /><br><strong>19482 --- > <input type="submit" value="BEEP" class="button" name="button" /><br><strong>19482
It was a weekend project of mine. I can toss the code up somewhere when I get off of work.
Edit: I'm sort of a noob when it comes to code sharing. I put the code up on github. It's in C#. I removed the web.config for now since the site is sharing a db with other projects and the user/pass was in there. It uses a single table called Reddit_Cache: Url varchar(150), LastUpdate datetime, Response text
That is a disclaimer on the demo, not on the API. If people use the API to create URLs which do not resolve server-side then we are in no better position than with hashbangs. See Github's tree slider for a proper implementation.
Here's the thing... Snes9x in the Android Market, in usable form, is actually worth something to me. I am willing to pay for that. I would prefer my money go the developers, of course, but if in the end, I'm going to be out money, and my phone is going to have Snes9x on it, then my desired end result is achieved.
This, on the other hand, is useless to me. I have absolutely no idea what to do with the information and/or links on that page. That is not an easy to install app. I will pay someone for an easy to install app. Either the developers should make one, or they should be slightly less angry when someone else does instead.
Sorry if this offends anyone; I'm just providing an honest user perspective.
This is a great and simple setup for interposing library function calls, but a lot more work is required to interpose arbitrary function calls within a program, since they're sometimes called using position-relative jumps. The standard way is to rewrite a bit of the function preamble to reroute program flow to your own code, and then the tricky part: After your code is done, performing the job of the function preamble you just overwrote before jumping back to the original function. It requires dynamically disassembling the part of the program involved.
For bonus points, load and inject the necessary code while the program is still running, without any preparation having performed on the program when it was first started. Basically, that involves attaching to the process, interrupting it, then creating a new stack frame on top of the current one and changing the current registers of the process to fake the process's state as if it naturally called the function you want in the part of the code you interrupted it at.
I'm sure others have more polished versions of this, but this is the code I put together to debug a memory leak in a long running MUD server (without taking down the game). Also I used it to pull pranks on people. :P
I was planning on polishing it and putting it up, but never got around to it until I saw this post. It's Linux specific mostly due to laziness. Most of the differences will be how information on the target binaries will be extracted and how to attach to processes and peek and poke at them.
I had a more polished version of this code that worked on x86 (and not just x64) but I lost it somewhere. :(
If there's any questions on the code, I'm happy to answer them. Putting it together was a lot of fun.
Whenever I think about metaclasses I'm reminded of this quote from the Zen of Python:
> Simple is better than complex. >Complex is better than complicated.
Use of metaclasses is an example of the latter. 99% of the time, you don't need or want to use them. But there are very rare cases when introducing the complexity of a metaclass is better than the alternative, complicated solution (which often involves using a hundred nested if/elif/else or try/except/finally statements, and/or the dreaded eval).
The Django ORM is a great real-world example. Those interested in the actual implementation can read the code in ModelBase and Model (lines 28 and 275) and the get_model function. This code looks complex (and it is), but is much easier to understand than you'd think. The major (imo) feature it adds is the handling of type translation from the database to your program, which saves a huge amount of time for the programmer. I don't want to ramble on too much about Django because not everyone here is a Django user, but I think this is a really cool example of real-world metaclass use.
Oh boy, this is going to be good...
Oh good, a regexp-based JSON validator! This is totally not going to break horribly!
>>> // copy isJSON and modify it so that it works in a Firebug sesssion >>> isJSON(']]]'); true
I found that in about five minutes of staring at the code. Someone determined could find a better hole that makes it unsafe. Seriously, JSON is one of the easiest languages to parse, ever... don't do this.
I've been following it with quite a bit of interest. By design it's not offering anything radical and new, but I'm happy to see people still working in the native-compilation space. It looks to be much more concurrency-oriented than D (via Erlang-like lightweight tasks) and much safer than Go (e.g. no null pointers).
More than anything else, it gives off a vibe of being a real language to build real systems, rather than an ivory-tower research toy. (I've always been a little impatient with the strict functional approach; I'm sure your quicksort is lovely, but if you're having to tie yourself into conceptually-contorted knots to do things like file I/O or graphics then something's gone wrong somewhere.) Cross-platform focus (Windows still matters, however hopelessly unhip it may be), a sane-looking module system, respect for boring but important things such as tracing and logging; stuff like that.
No, none of it is closed source. If you download the dmd D package, you get 100% of the source for the compiler and Phobos (the runtime library).
Phobos is under the Boost license, meaning you can do nearly anything you want with it. It's the most open of any of the open source languages.
The dmd D compiler is in two parts - the front end which is GPL and as such is the basis for the GDC D compiler and LDC D compiler. The backend source comes with D, but is licensed from Symantec. You can use it to build the compiler and create your own custom versions, but can't redistribute it. Lots of people use this to develop github pull requests to improve dmd.
We are currently working with the FSF to transfer the GPL part to them.
All of this is also available on github, where you can follow the development of D and participate. You're welcome to join us.
So I'm not sure how much detail you were looking for, but there's nothing very complex being done, really.
I'm using the reddit API through mellort's python wrapper for it. Every 5 minutes, a script connects to reddit, logs in as FilterBot, and starts going through the newest submissions to /r/gaming, starting from the newest (like going from the top of the /new tab).
For each submission, it first checks if it's already made a decision about this one on a previous run, and if it has, it stops executing. If it hasn't, it applies a few checks to it. Right now, the checks are whether it's an image (by checking the extension at the end of the URL, if any), whether it's a self-post, or whether its domain is on my banned list (stored in a database). If it passes the checks, it submits a link to the post to /r/filteredgaming.
Whether the checks pass or fail, it records some info about the post and the decision it made (and if it filtered it, why) into the database. This is where it checks to see if it's already decided on a post, and I'll also be using the data here to make a publicly-available "decision history" page, which should help for figuring out if some of the conditions need to be changed.
That's really about it, let me know if there was some more specific information you wanted or anything.
oh c'mon, hatred? I'm kidding get it already.
my point -besides the jokes- is that github is a place related to my work which my employers and I take more seriously than 4chan thus I wouldn't want to be part of a "dicks" repo nor I expect to be posting memes there* while I don't mind them here.
*as the ruby community does, and they suck for that.
ha.. I wrote a remarkably similar bash script myself (the same concept - using find to index music files, and playing random files with play/mplayer). Ended up adding more and more features and eventually ported it to python. It supports filename matching and booleans now: $ ./ jazz AND charlie parker OR thelonious monk
EDIT: link to said script -
I loved SimAnt when I was a kid. I am a python developer and I'd be happy to contribute on my free time. But there are two things that should be done before that is possible:
1) Looking at the network graph there seems to be some good work done by "wonkoderverstaendige" that was never merged into the mother project
2) What should we work on ? The issue tracker doesn't give any information ! A page on the wiki is the closest one gets to a roadmap.
Cool! This reminds me of that open-source solver for the iPhone that was discussed a while ago.
(This seems to be an unrelated project, as the author and license are different.)
This may be a discussion better suited to /r/redditdev, but I can give you a quick rundown here.
The canonical form of comments is key/value data in PostgreSQL. Each comment has an ID that is stored in its "thing" table as well as data attributes in the "data" table (one row per attribute). Comments have several attributes, including their author's id, body text, timestamp, etc. The attributes germane to this discussion are
, which holds the ID of the parent comment for child-comments, it's not present on root-level comments.link_id
, the ID of the link the comment is posted on.So the structure of the relational schema is very flat as you can see.
A ton of data about the comment tree is then built up and cached, including lists of children for each parent id. You can see exactly what data is cached in <code></code> in our source code. This cached data is updated in-place when comments are added or removed.
Finally, the rendered view of the comments is built up using the comment builder. Loosely, this will use the cached data to figure out exactly which comments need to be rendered, then grab their data as a single SELECT (which looks something like SELECT ... FROM reddit_data_comment WHERE thing_id IN (1, 2, 3...);
). You can see this in action in _builder.pyx.
Forgot to mention the JavaScript GameBoy Color emulator itself is completely open source and is open to forking and code committers. JS, HTML5, and CSS devs can help, even if they're "n00bs".
The language detector isn't 100% accurate in terms of web apps. If you have a few python files and a ton of javascript, your repo would get tagged javascript.
Here is an example of a PHP app that is tagged as javascript
Shows a lot of promise.
Good points:
Bad points:
Disertation on the C# Decompiler [PDF]
I am writing a book introducing people to Agda programming in the "Learn you a" style. I have an illustrator working on illustrations for it as well. While it's still very early in development, my github page will have updates soon.
The actual project is here:
Basically instead of one Makefile, you would have lots of .do files. Each generated file can have a .do file or you can have a 'default' file. Each of them has shell commands for building stuff, and there's also a magic command "redo-ifchange" which tells it under what circumstances to rebuild.
Seems like a nice simple design. Very similar in philosophy to Make.
I see this claim repeated a lot, but I haven't seen this mysteriously-unreadable Perl that apparently terrorizes production environments.
Here's a Perl file I picked off github by clicking links randomly; what's unreadable about it?
If it were some xorg issue, then I wonder how the open source community got it working:
Considering how this project works, I'm of the opinion that Nvidia was just too cheap to care about the Linux community.
Open-Transactions (core):
Moneychanger (GUI):
The software is still brand new, and experimental, but I think you may find it agreeable.
Bitcoin address: 1Q8eqe9E9y8G16Ao9zhgvCevzYgUrqN5te
The source code is available on GitHub.
Edit: The link is to the subdirectory containing all the game specific code (as well as the SDL port and a bunch of other libraries). Check the root of the repository for his custom build scripts and a pretty detailed readme.
Having implemented an embedded Prolog logic engine in Clojure that bests the one laid out in Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence for Common Lisp that is purely functional (and competitive with SWI-Prolog on some benchmarks), I'm going to say you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
This is not new, it's just encoding the audio data as a WAV PCM binary and encoding it as a data URI. I did this long ago as a fallback for output for my own audio library. Also it appears this person does not know about a superior way to output audio via moz audio, which he can feature detect.
moz audio:
My own audio library which does WAV PCM data URIs (like the op's page), moz audio, and webkit web audio -
I'm already synthesizing and mixing multiple real time audio streams continuously (rather than one at a time like the op) in JS for my GameBoy Color emulator with no plugins.
My emulator project:
I guess not. For now the rules might change on a day to day basis. You cannot expect anything... but you can help to make this challenge more interesting !
Check-out this thread on the forum:
And this "how-to-contribute" entry:
Launchpad is (was) targeted primarily for Linux developers, who tend to take the subject of openness very seriously. Github is primarily used by an entirely different demographic, at least according to its language statistics.
It looks like their PR department sent this out before their engineers integrated the changes into their GitHub repository
It's my understanding that we'll see EKOPath4 drop into this repo real soon now :)
It's actually nothing to do with the image's size, but rather the aspect ratio. Our code will skip over images whose larger dimension is greater than 1.5 times its smaller dimension (i.e. very long or very wide images).
This makes sense for scraping a regular page, as I imagine that most really skinny or wide images are not content (banner ads, title bars, etc.). But we could, and probably should, make an exception for direct links to images/imgur as there's no ambiguity about what the primary image is for thumbnailing purposes. In the mean time, one possibility is for you to post your collection of photos as an imgur gallery rather than compiling them into one large image. Alternatively, you could arrange them so that the resultant image is closer to a square.
At this rate it looks like the Minecraft server should just be open source anyway. After all it's already on GitHub, in pure source & modified CraftBukkit form and that full decompiled source is even LGPL licensed.
Hi there! I'm one of the web developers that worked on the competition site. Allow me to set a few of the claims here straight from a technical standpoint. Please note that I do not represent or speak for Mozilla in any offical capacity.
We did not edit any game's description. There was, however a bug that affected all the games that we discovered before pushing the winners live last night where the descriptions were being truncated (see this part of this commit:
Additionally, we did not "hellban" any games that were hidden on the site. For the public gallery, we hid games that had been banned for any reason. However, we decided from a usability standpoint to let users see their own games regardless of status. If this caused confusion here, that's a mistake I apologize for, and us developers will not make in the future.
While I can't speak for everyone who was approving games, I did approve/ban several. We had many spammy submissions to the competition, and, ironically, it would appear this game was banned for what looked like spammy behavior. It seems that in fact was the whole point.
Even better is a neat little utility called autojump. It's like 'cd -' but with a history that'll guess where you want to go. Can't live without it now to be honest.
Official description:
>autojump is a faster way to navigate your filesystem. It works by maintaining a database of the directories you use the most from the command line. The jumpstat command shows you the current contents of the database. You need to work a little bit before the database becomes usable. Once your database is reasonably complete, you can “jump” to a commonly "cd"ed directory by typing:
>>j dirspec
>where dirspec is a few characters of the directory you want to jump to. It will jump to the most used directory whose name matches the pattern given in dirspec. Note that autojump isn’t meant to be a drop-in replacement for cd, but rather a complement. Cd is fine when staying in the same area of the filesystem; autojump is there to help when you need to jump far away from your current location.
Edit: Oops, looks like someone mentioned it already.
> A github project has it in front of you by default, e.g.,
On the other hand, that makes the front page completely horrible for people who do not want to look at your source files immediately, which is pretty much everyone who lands on the front page for the first time.
Seems like a good time to promote the 3D equiv:
Try this one, even though a bit creepy:
I don't understand why this guy thinks Github is some sort of haven for Ruby developers.
According to the stats on Github, which are easily available to all, Javascript is the dominant language for projects on the website.
I wrote the VX Library that Terradex use to interface to the drives. I'm also something of an expert in Perl, and pretty handy at KanDev, too. It's been a few years since I did any serious work with 5M. I haven't used DreadC++, but I've worked with both Dryad and Demonic compilers which, as I'm sure you know, are very similar, so I don't think I'll have any trouble there.
Logic - no problem. Teutonic, isometric and varionic dialects are all second nature to anyone who's spent as much time under the hood of a resonator transflux coil as I have!
My favourite partial solution of the Turin Riddle is (±√π, e), which of course resolves to 0 (or -1 in the complex plane) via Euler's Identity. Of course there is no full solution that gives a single integer answer. Ruskin and Paternoster proved in their seminal paper (does anyone have the link handy?) that a minimum of 6 dimensions of spacetime are required for all full solutions. Yardley's Maxim tells us (via pi^2 /d) that a single integer value would only yield at a delta of 1.641666. which is, of course, impossible.
I'm working on the European Transductor project until the end of July, but I've then got a window open until November when the outer ring will be ready to go operational and they'll need me back again.
Reddit's policy prevents me from posting any identifying personal detail, but I'm guessing you're able to work out who I am from the above details. Obviously I know who you are ;-)
Gimme a call - it'd be great to work together again. I'm fairly certain Roger would be interested, too. I know he's been itching to get his hands on the quadfusion and I don't think he's got anything lined up right now.
I use this: it's not mine and (not yet) part of oh-my-zsh
function extract() { if [[ -f $1 ]]; then case $1 in *.tar.bz2) tar xvjf $1;; *.tar.gz) tar xvzf $1;; *.tar.xz) tar xvJf $1;; *.tar.lzma) tar --lzma -xvf $1;; *.bz2) bunzip $1;; *.rar) unrar $1;; *.gz) gunzip $1;; *.tar) tar xvf $1;; *.tbz2) tar xvjf $1;; *.tgz) tar xvzf $1;; *.zip) unzip $1;; *.Z) uncompress $1;; *.7z) 7z x $1;; *) echo "'$1' cannot be extracted via >extract<";; esac else echo "'$1' is not a valid file" fi }
alias x=extract
This isn't the chief complaint against perl, but you can argue that having variables like $>
don't help readability. Line 16
Funny you should mention that. I was reading RFC 3986 just a few weeks back and stumbled across this example URL:
foo:// _/ ___________/___/ ___/ _/ | | | | | scheme authority path query fragment | __________________|_ / \ / \ urn:example:animal:ferret:nose
I recognised this as being an example I had written in some code many years ago. I don't know how it ended up in RFC 3986, but it felt kinda nice to know that I had been cited by Tim Berners-Lee, in a roundabout kinda way.
I've been writing web applications in D every day for about a year and a half now. It's heaven.
Some of the foundation libraries I use are available on my github page now:
I've only recently started documenting it, but check out the README in there for links to what I have written up so far.
The fancier file, web.d, is actively undergoing major change right now. The simpler interface, cgi.d, is pretty much stable and it alone gives you easy entry into writing web code in D.
Some people don't like Markdown, some people do. And the README file is inside the repository, it would be bad publicity for GitHub if they started to modify the content of those repositories. Last but not least, GitHub has more than one format available.
I've been developing a project called Glasir, which is an HTML5 audio player, and I've found different browsers to be a pain to develop toward. It's like the IE6, Netscape, Mozilla landscape again. Firefox won't take mp3 so I have to convert everything to Ogg, but I don't want to have duplicate files in my folders so I convert them into a tmp directory. ~~Chrome won't work with Ogg, so I have to convert everything to mp3~~. Neither have the buffer property in place. Firefox has its own functions, like a buffer property or current position property, but those don't work like a property, instead they are events that happen when the data is updated. Chrome can get the currentTime attribute, wait a millesecond and get it again and it'll be different, but Firefox reports it as the same time. Neither has an attribute called isPlaying so you have to do some programming trickery to figure out of the audio player is playing. Some of the things that look finalized in the docs aren't implemented properly, or at all, and the docs don't describe some very basic functionality that would be useful (isPlaying property!).
Don't get me started on the webcam html5 support that's not implemented in any browser, nor is it planned to be implemented.
It's a known bug with Reddit:
> During heavy load times, we can end up with someone attempting to delete the same comment multiple times which results in negative comment counts on links.
I was in exactly the same mindset as you until I started using livereload.
I've gotta say it was the biggest improvement to my workflow since switching to TextMate.
It may not seem like much, but having your browser on another screen auto-update as you save files, especially CSS, is just so much nicer. The whole save -> alt+tab -> refresh -> wait -> alt+tab back process is replaced with a slight glance to my left.
I highly recommend at least giving it a shot.
Actually bitbucket claims 300k pushes last may across public and private repos, which is as much as googlecode had on this five months data set (january through may; svn commits can be compared to pushes).
Censorship is an interesting proposition in the age of the disposable, on-demand VPN:
Launch a cloud instance running Linux, then deploy Swandive to create an IPsec/L2TP VPN tunnel. Supported natively by iOS, OS X, Windows, Android... Almost zero configuration required.
Wrote a program that I ran when getting up from my desk, if you hit any key without first executing the secret key combo then it would lock the computer, take a picture of the person (webcam) and email it to me. Got people all the time trying to fuck with my computer lol
Added code to github, I made this code when I first started with Python so don't be too mean to me :D. I've been super busy so I didn't get a chance to clean it up as much I wanted.
I think this implementation is too low-level. Here's how I would go about writing a CSV line parser using esrap:
A line is a sequence of fields or whitespace:
(defrule line (or fields whitespace))
A sequence of fields is a field and the next fields:
(defrule fields (and field (* next-field)) (:destructure (first rest) (cons first rest)))
A next field is a field following a comma:
(defrule next-field (and #\, field) (:function second))
A field is either a complex value or a simple value, surrounded by whitespace:
(defrule field (and whitespace (or complex-value simple-value) whitespace) (:function second))
Whitespace is spaces and tabs:
(defrule whitespace (* (or #\Space #\Tab)) (:constant nil))
A simple value is a sequence of simple characters:
(defrule simple-value (* simple-char) (:concat t))
A simple character is one that is not a comma, a quote, or whitespace:
(defun simple-char-p (char) (not (member char '(#\, #\' #\Space #\Tab))))
(defrule simple-char (simple-char-p character))
A complex value is a sequence of complex characters surrounded by quotes:
(defun concat-second (list) (concat (second list)))
(defrule complex-value (and #\' (* complex-char) #\') (:function concat-second))
A complex character is either a simple character, a comma, a space, a tab, or a quotes pair:
(defrule complex-char (or simple-char #\, #\Space #\Tab quotes-pair))
A quotes pair is a quote followed by a quote:
(defrule quotes-pair (and #\' #\') (:constant #\'))
Now we can parse a CSV line:
CSV> (parse 'line " hello , '''quick & dirty'', according to some' , world ") ("hello" "'quick & dirty', according to some" "world") NIL CSV>
Not quite. I have a MacBook Air, and you're leaving out the slightly inconvenient step where I first download the 3GB installer.
However! There is at least this: gcc without xcode. I haven't tried it yet (it still requires the original installer), but have heard good things.
Well, each and every of these sentences is wrong. GDC is alive and well, thanks. Tango is a Java-style library so it is modern to the extent that is, and is very scarcely updated since two years ago; Phobos is a multiparadigm open-source library with 32 documented collaborators and 1.7 new pull requests a day since six months ago; and the latest dmd release has fixed the most bugs in the history of the compiler, ever.
With the Internet handy it is ever more awkward to speculate from the hip.
There are two sheets - subreddits and moderators. (I always miss when a spreadsheet has multiple pages.)
Info: This is data on subreddit moderators for the top 5000 subreddits (as listed by this page). Data was retrieved last week.
Background: I first started gathering data on mods last week during "no pics day" because I was curious about "locks." Suppose that users A and B both moderate subreddits X and Y. If A is above B in X, but B is above A in Y, then they're "locked" because they can retaliate against each other should either of them get removed.
After gathering the data, I ended up parsing some other interesting tidbits about mods - such as how many subreddits they moderate, how many they lead, etc. I wanted to share this data with r/TheoryOfReddit and see what people thought of the data.
Participation: If you look at the github project I provide a cache of the data I collected. Also, the code itself can be used to retrieve a new cache, though know that this will take a few hours. Feel free to do whatever you want with the data; it should be self-explanatory.
I'll leave the analysis up to others. I have my own thoughts on the data but I'm curious what others think first.
Some resources for you: Android cookbook and Stack overflow list of libraries Sorta useful I think. if your specifically looking for one brand of ui then try Green Droid framework
As I have benchmarked a few years ago, my single-header khash library is faster and much more lightweight than uthash. Even if you do not like my library, there are more decent C hash table libraries (e.g. glib and stb.h) than uthash, which I believe chose a wrong way. Generic programming should not come at the cost of speed or memory.
Essentially, you write classes that mirror a portion of the class that you wish to add type information to, and then you tag them with a couple attributes to control how the proxying works. At that point, information from your proxy class (like method signatures and attributes) will override any existing information on the targeted class(es).
One of the benefits of the proxy system is that it reduces the amount that the compiler has to know about the details of .NET's type system. .NET types have a lot of 'special' properties and methods that are effectively blessed by the runtime/compiler, and in practice, I can use proxies to implement a lot of them.
Here are the proxies for Array and String:
Yes, GUIs always use event loops and node is good at scripting event loops. There is already a node-gtk module and (using v8/node to script Cocoa/Skia visualizations). I'm interested to see how Node can be used to build mobile apps.
Just to further this sentiment:
MacVim is a great foundation, but the VIM learning curve is steep, and VIM/MacVim ships in a pretty rough default state. To really enjoy VIM, you'll need to learn how to edit your .vimrc file as well.
I would recommend looking at It's from a Ruby/Rails oriented perspective, and was the product of someone switching from TextMate, but the stuff they use easily supports all uses of VIM, and showcases and explains some of the popular extensions.
The biggest problem will be the learning curve. If you've got a bunch of free time, jump in head first, but if you're busy, I would make a concentrated effort to learn one VIM feature at a time, first using it to augment your workflow, then after basic mastery, replacing your primary editor with it (I was totally converted to VIM before finally committing to the HJKL movements).
One time I was was drawing a picture of a girl, and I sent her the .c copy of it. I still have it in my pictures folder.
I wrote my own sort of Wanda the fish in Haskell and for the actual Wanda images it was more convenient to have them built in rather than needing to load the picture.
I've never had the same problem - I only work with small repos - but what about Git submodules? You can have a 'main' repository and then multiple subrepositories in its tree, and only checkout those you need.
For example, if you clone kohana, you'll get a directory 'modules' with a bunch of empty subdirectories, which are really submodules. If you want to get submodule 'database', for example, you just do
git submodule update --init modules/database
And it'll clone the submodule in place.
This is probably still not enough, but if you have clear divisions between the type of content, it's useful.
> Something I'd like to know is what language the "original" Git daemon is written in
The original daemon is written in C, as described in the series's introduction Github initially reimplemented git-daemon because they did not like the stock one (they needed more flexibility in path->repo mappings, wanted better error reporting, …) but they hit performance issues:
> This software was in production use at for a short time until it became obvious that the communications model was flawed. To be specific, if the upload-pack takes a long time to respond (for big repos), either the timeouts have to be increased to unreasonable values (slowing the entire transfer down), or some connections will timeout and fail.
and ended up switching to something else (I don't know if they went with git-daemon again or if they used an other implementation).
Andrew Thompson wondered why they'd hit that issue (as he didn't see why Erlang itself would cause it) and had apparently been improving the performance of other Erlang stuff so he was "in that zone".
The interesting part is not so much the relation to git-daemon as the patterns and anti-patterns in erlang, and how to use OTP principles for both architectural and performance reasons.
I would either consider Sinatra, or Rum. Rum is probably the closest you'll get to Rack without implementing too many low-level things yourself.
If you just need to execute something when a request comes in, they can both do it well.
class Main < Sinatra::Base
get '/diskspace' do
df -h
App = {
on path("diskspace") do
puts df -h
Rum can get you more requests-per-second theoretically, but I think Sinatra will surely be just fine for your purposes as well.
Other things to consider would be Camping, and maybe just plain ol' Rack.
The README on github clearly states:
>Beta software - code review highly appreciated.
I don't know about you, but I feel this is a rather relevant piece of information that the OP has, for some bizarre reason, chosen to ignore.
I actually like new Safari. I switched back from Chrome.
But it's good that Google is working on it, for the people who like Chrome enough to stay on it.
Edit: It helps that Safari now has an omnibar, which was the killer feature for me in Chrome:
Emacs + Ensime is magic. At Twitter, we wrote our own .ensime generator. (.ensime is the file format that tells ensime where to find your source, library jars, and tests)