So, I would first advise you to go read the /r/Fitness FAQ and decide on a novice weightlifting program to follow. Don't let your weight stop you from training. There is honestly no better time in your life than now to put on muscle and get stronger.
To answer your actual question I think a PSMF might be overkill for somebody so young. Cleaning up your diet, counting calories, and getting more serious about training should give you the results you're looking for.
I use for tracking my calories. It is free and has a large food database. Just ignore the protein guide as you'll want something closer to .8g per lb of bodyweight if weight training.
Progress. Not cut yet, but definitely thinner. Pants are looser, can cinch up my weight lifting belt another notch. Its a good feeling. Hovering around 203ish.
You can use these or honey sticks, honey is an immediate form of glucose.
Wait protein powder or protein shake? If it’s protein powder then the first comment hit the nail on the head by suggesting Optimum Nutrition Chocolate Whey Powder. For protein shakes I normally get Fairlife because it taste delicious and drink 2 a day. I only get the Vanilla one because it has the least amounts of carbs and fat amongst the various flavors.
Buy this book. My family loves some of the recipes from this book.
Is something like this available in your country? This is what I use.
The problem with potassium capsules is that they usually contain so little potassium compared to how much you need per day that it's almost pointless to take them (unless you have prescription potassium but that's usually only for people with severe heart or kidney problems).
Cream of tartar is great for potassium. I'd say eat lots of avocados as they are probably the food with the highest potassium, but they have too much fat for PSMF (although they are great if you every switch to regular keto). Instead, do lots of dark leafy greens for your veggies- kale, spinach, etc.
Thanks a ton. Feeling great and staying on top of my electrolytes, I use this as a supplement when im feeling off:
Just going to try to keep pushing through till goal weight, may need a break in a month or so though.
When I track, I use FatSecret. I also recommend it to my clients.
You can use the app and/or the website. The food database is quite extensive and has a lot of country-specific entries. You can also add your own dishes/recipes.
There's also a social aspect/likes/followers, if you're one of those people who enjoys posting pictures of their food and telling others how much you ate/etc.
And best of all, all the stuff like reports, macros breakdown, etc., that you have to pay for in MyFitnessPal, is FREE.
Down to 195. Still look similar to my last pictures, fat is still hanging around my lower stomach. My arms and upper stomach is definitely leaner. I can start to see a watery six pack in the right lighting. I am still maintaining my strength, but the weight loss is definitely slowing down. I may need to cut my calories a bit during the week to get everything back on track.
Steady as she goes.
Thank you for your response. Would cod liver oil (from the tin, I have cod livers in the house) do? Would I need to count the fat? Presumably only a small amount is required? I do need to supplement electrolytes on low carb so will keep that going and get a multivitamin.
I see what you mean. I'd love to buy the book however as you can see it is ridiculously expensive in the UK:
I'll see if I can find it elsewhere.
Bioelectric impedance scales are just about the worst for estimating body fat. The Navy formula is much better (just buy yourself a cloth tape measure or one of these kind of things) and measurement is super easy, barely an inconvenience. Calipers can be great, too, but I always had trouble getting consistent measurements at some of the skinfold spots.
There's also a cool online tool at (they even have a sub at /r/bodywhat) but I think it's probably more accurate for people under 20%BF or so.
Yeah get a cheap psyllium husk. Like 15 grams per day. So, poop is more than food. It's also a lot metabolic waste from things like red blood cell death... Fiber helps it come out and not build up.
Also, reducing calories can cause digestive shutdown/slow down (this prevents a lot of calories from being burned). So, having something in there is beneficial no matter how you look at it.
Yerba Prima Psyllium Whole Husks, Colon Cleanser 12 oz ( Pack of 2)
Hah. Right before I left to join the Army I decided I wanted to drop a bit more weight than I had already.
Queue me drinking 5 of these a day:
And only that for about 17 days. Fastest I've ever lost 20 lbs and worst than I've ever felt. Passed out on my initial PT test lol.
ALMOST psmf lol but it was done with no research so it was missing some key ingredients.
> rapid fat loss handbook
But now I see there is an updated one in a kindle version for $5, but people say the links are all broken so it's not usable.
I'll throw this in.. I actually posted on /r/SkincareAddiction regarding omega 3s causing breakouts (mainly it's because it's 1000x more reactive in the body than other fats)..
I found that fish oil breaks me out if I mix it with other inflammatory foods.. like whey proteins, etc.. but if I eat it before a real meal I'll be fine. I personally use:
To answer your question.. You can skip it.. and you'll be fine.. but you should add some olive oil to get your omega 3s.. I would buy that one fish oil supplement I listed.. and eat it right before dinner (so long as it's a real meal).. my skin has still remained perfectly clear.. I used to get bad cystic acne when I combined it with whey protein..
Tried Sominex ( last night and it seems to have worked. Took it about an hour before bed. I believe this is Diphenhydramine so the same ingredient found in Benadryl.
How does Nyquil compare I'm wondering?
Off topic, regarding omega 3, 6g of fat through fish oil a day, do EPA/DHA ratios matter?
This is the Omega 3s I was planning on buying
Is taking 6 of those pills a day safe? two pills = 2g of fat
Does the dosage matter?
According to Lyle McD's RFLD e-book, he says:
"Recent research has found that the body will saturate tissue
levels of the EPA and DHA at an intake of roughly 1.8 grams EPA and 1.2 grams of DHA."
So, I take 3 of these in the morning:
I easily hit those numbers with just 3. Now that I think about it, I could probably save some money by just taking 2, I'd only be off about 200mg of EPA.
I have to admit I find these threads perplexing. I am not following this protocol currently but I ate 224g of protein today with no problem at all. I eat 5oz of chicken breast 3x/day and 5oz of lean steak for my 4th meal. 1 scoop of protein powder and a Quest bar.
When I get tired of dry seasoning on my chicken breast, I put some of this sugar free honey bbq sauce on top:
(I don't buy from Amazon; I buy from a local store for $3-4/bottle) If you like sweet bbq sauce like sweet baby ray's, you'll love this bbq sauce.
Hello. I haven't started my psmf yet (starting tomorrow) but have done keto for a long, long time. I got the fogginess and general "brain lag" that some have described. The kind folks over at /r/keto advised me to increase my daily sodium intake, and drink a cup of broth (chicken, whatever) specifically when I was feeling "blah". That cleared it up for me, but I am not a big broth fan (not a fan of drinking it as a beverage, anyway). I since found "electro-mix", it's a powder that you mix into your water to make electrolyte water. It's made by the Emergen-C people. It tastes lemony and good, no carbs, calories, sugar, etc. Love it. No more brain farts.