Of course! Here is the document I usually give to people after we've had a conversation about building, or I've done a lesson. It's not too pretty but it has helped a lot of people. This doesn't contain my Ohm's law sheet which is just a very basic introduction to electricity, what each variable means in terms of ecigs and why it is important, as well as how to calculate the amp draw of any particular build.
I'm reading this post thinking "Tencel, where the hell have I heard that before?"
Oh yeah, I've used the crap out of that stuff. :)
You can thank me later, but invest in these.
Wiha 35392 5-piece Micro Metric Short Arm Hex Key Set in Mini Molded Holder : https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001ATKWJY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awd_OjNuwb6TR5JZD
They are quality metric hex keys in small small small sizes. I got tired of stripping out the cheap Chinese keys/grub nuts. Never looked back.
Ninja edit: wrong link.
I got sick of this happening so I bought one of these.
I use it for all kinds of things and it takes up very little space mounted on the corner of my desk.
M1x17 Buna-N O-ring, 70A Durometer, Round, Black, 17 mm ID, 19 mm OD, 1 mm Width (Pack of 100) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00595II50/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_pW9Cvb14QJADB
Use these and they work perfectly. 17mm inside 19mm outside. 100 for $5 they'll last forever.
Those are both links to odysseus clones. Not really a genesis but worth looking at.
I also heard that they are going to be releasing a AGA-T2 in january that is 100% SS
As we've been talking, I've been trolling Ali Baba. I've put in bid requests for 2.5mm silica, 3mm silica, (the american made silica to just too expensive), SS mesh in 325, 400, and 500 mesh, and well as these cute a7's in black. As soon as i hear anything, I'll be posting
honestly, most excited about the A7s :p those look classy as shit
There is great deals on amazon Prime for like 200 or 400 (can’t remember too well) squares of the Japanese cotton for under 10 bucks
Edit : it went up to 12
Selena Organic Cotton Puff Size M (200Pc) 2pcs Set https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00N7E9YYO/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_sg8xAbFNC6YWT
Nevermind about 26 gauge, you will need too many wraps. I suggest 28 gauge wrapped around a 2.5mm bit. If you dont have that you can get a 2.5mm screwdriver from any hardware store. Like this set
I own one and I have no problems with it. I'd suggest getting decent allen keys, the shitty Chinese ones strip pretty easily.
I've fit fused 24g claptons in it, so it'll basically fit any build you can make.
Edit: These are what I'm talking about, should be in every vape kit: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001ATKWJY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awd_4pfTwb8CGKHSA
I usually wash it with some dish soap and hot water, then throw it into an ultrasonic cleaner which is great because then you don't have to worry about losing small pieces down the drain.
I got it here. Works fine for me, I clean it with alcohol before I wrap it.
This will last you a few years easy. http://www.amazon.com/Selena-Organic-Cotton-Facial-Puffs/dp/B000TCD51A/ref=pd_bia_nav_t_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=022KM8GXH48CYMHERTYM
I got mine back in April, and I've only gone through about a dozen pads so far. The flavor I get with it is wonderful, just make sure you fluff it out a bit before adding it to your coil.
Make sure you are at least using organic cotton, nothing that has been bleached or has had chemicals added/used in it. You can boil the cotton down and strain it and dry it well. I personally bought this and it works great. $18.00 in and I still have 3/4's of a box left since march.
That said that is with a lot of rebuilds, I'm a fairly new vapor still myself. I've liked to experiment with all the builds!!
Oh I don't know where that is.
I bought the other one https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00S65R5WW/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_cFJvvb1BBV7BJ will this be fine or should I cancel? I also got this not sure if I need it though. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00UR9WJ4E/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_YGJvvb0YPW99H
You could probably build one out of green stuff: http://www.amazon.com/Games-Workshop-Green-Stuff-Modelling/dp/B000FCLTY4
But I don't know how well it'll hold up. Alternatively, you could just get a Kayfun v4 and be done with that bottom filling ridiculousness for good. ;)
Thanks, I ordered these and they work great. They're a little bit small so when they aren't screwed down they can easily fall out of the post holes, however when I screw them in they fit great. I switched them out because one of my philips screws that came with the plume veil kept backing out. These do not back out at all.
I bought this to make coils, and the biggest crank rod just happens to be the exact same size as the original spring that came with the clone I bought. I made about two extra, just because I had the extra coaxial lying around. The core of the wire is steel (copper plated), so the spring retains it's shape pretty good.
This is concerning, the nominal voltage range for an 18650 is 3.6-3.7 and the maximum voltage on a full charge might hit closer to 4.3v. What charger are you using, and what volt meter.
I would still recommend picking up a true multi meter, it dosen't have to be a fluke or a klein, just something that gives an accurate reading.
I purchased one of these the other day, specifically to try out these prettier coils. I'll let you know if it works with this type of setup.
I got a 100 pack from amazon, because every time my kayfun isn't hitting right I just swap a new one in (and it seems to help more often than not). Here is what I bought on Amazon, but I wouldn't be surprised if home depot sold the same thing. A 100 pack of rings is only ~2x as much as a kayfun spare part kit from vaperev.
One other thing I'd recommend is pre-lubing both the o-ring and the spot it sits with a few drops of juice.
You should give dual coils in there a shot. I just got a nemisis and a kayfun (3.1, not lite) about two weeks ago and today I dual coiled them on some ~1mm diameter bits I got off Amazon, did 11 wraps around those and it's measuring a perfect .6 ohm..Perfect for my battery anyway, wouldn't build it lower. Here's the RIPTripper video tutorial in case you haven't seen it
Changed things.
Also handy is a fly tying bobbon like these: http://www.amazon.com/UMPQUA-Metz-Bobbin-Standard-Flared/dp/B005R42PEI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1406492670&sr=8-1&keywords=fly+bobbin
These things make winding a breeze and hold your kanthal in place, so you don't wind up with the most irritating pile of wire you've ever encountered when it flies off the spool.
Its also available on amazon with multiple gauges. It appears to be straight through them as well.
$4.99 + $2.49 Shipping.
if not you could always get small wood dowels at the hobby/craft shops.
Yes, I was just thinking that... bend the legs out of the way. The craft press he uses in his photos, this one is pretty cheap on Amazon.
Edit: Here's the one I bought: Quick-Grip 546 Mini Bar Clamp by Quick-Grip
this is the exact same stuff should be in most drug store with a cosmetics counter when higher end cosmetics... I use Japanese cotton in my kayfun and sterile organic cotton in my dripper.. http://www.amazon.com/Shiseido-0446125933235-Facial-Cotton/dp/B00020E1P8 in Toronto On Canada $11.99 for 168 sheets
This is all I know of, probably the one you've already seen at the craft store. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0068RQ85K/ref=oh_details_o03_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Other than that there's some fisherman sets like this http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000TBPT5Q that could be useful i guess.
Here's a couple for Amazon Prime users:
I use one of these.
The "organizer" boxes inside are all removable, and they have recessed bases so that you can take all of the boxes out around one and it will still stay in place.
The top shelf holds all of my atomizers, small juice bottles, tweezers, clippers, etc. The bottom section holds everything too big to go in the top.
If it had a lock on it I'd call it perfect, but for now it goes on the top shelf of a child-safety-locked closet.
the important part is "4mm Length, Fully Threaded, M2-0.4 Metric Coarse Threads" or M2-0.4 4mm. I made sure I ordered 316stainless steel, you definitely want to make sure you order stainless steel and not zinc plated screws otherwise you might unintentially introduce nasty stuff into your lungs with the extreme heat that your coils can produce. i ordered 100 of them and they replaced the crappy little grub screws on the igo-w and are amazing. theyre slightly like a tiny fraction bit longer than the regular screws so they trap wires way easier, and are way easier to screw in and get snug without wiggling or stripping. itd be no real big deal to throw 3 of them into an envelope and mail them to you... i have extra stamps i need to get rid of so /shrug lol suit yourself
$3 you have to keep spending repeatedly because you're using the wrong tool...
$5, free shipping, lifetime guarantee... you can also get these included in sets of tools (cheapest way if you count the value).
Pretty much everything has already been said, I love this stuff though. I'm using the Labo organic Japanese cotton (as it was cheaper) and it's working great. I don't think I'll ever be going back to regular ole organic cotton. And the pads are extremely easy to work with.
Here's a link to where I bought mine, in case anyone is interested: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000TCD51A/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Your analysis of my background and knowledge is extremely wrong. In fact, you've proven that you lack comprehension of what I wrote. Your overly simplistic view of the subject derides your own message, and really calls into question any thought that you have anything beyond a high school level understanding of economics.
If you'd care to educate yourself on the actual topic I raised, please read "The Economics of Counterfeit Trade" by Dr Chaudhry and Dr. Zimmerman. http://www.amazon.com/The-Economics-Counterfeit-Trade-Intellectual/dp/3540778349
While it goes deeper then the grey market discussion I started, it is pertinent since Fasttech has started crossing into outright counterfeited goods. Others are doing it as well, but with Fasttech becoming the #1 mentioned vendor on Reddit, they're the best one to target about any conversation concerning the impacts of endorsing these type of trade practices within our industry.
If you'd like to have a civil discussion concerning these subjects, I'm always here, otherwise I will just be a minor annoyance that you can choose to ignore. I reserve the right to extend the same courtesy to you.
Personally I got these at Home Depot. They came in a 2 pack with a small pair of pliers. It was in the hardware section with the power tools.
I recently got this one and when I test coils before I mount them on my IGO-L, I get crazy fluctuations in my readings for an estimated 1.0 Ohm coil, I get readins of 300 Ohms to 1 Ohm) and, if it does settle at all, it;s widely inaccurate.
My buddy told me that the test lead's cables are probably shoddy and I'm probably never going to get a good reading for low Ohm coils with a cheapy meter like this.
I'm thinking now of going with one of those Ohm Readers with 501 connectors right on the unit like this. even though I had the idea of having a "single-purpose tool", I guess I can use it as a stable "work base" while I'm building as well. Any opinions?
Got a package of them on smallparts.com (aka Amazonsupply.com) but I'm sure there are other places, aka mcmaster, grainger, etc. http://www.amazonsupply.com/stainless-steel-washer-meets-specifications/dp/B009OJZD0U/ref=sr_1_1_child?sr=1-1&qid=1366033617&filterBy.inside_diameter_string-bin=2.2+millimeters I can't remember the exact size of the AGA positive post. I think most of the post is M3 size but I think it gets smaller at the top where the threads are. I would just double-check before ordering.
http://www.amazonsupply.com/dp/B0050K3GGU 3/32" for AGA-T2.
I have 1/8" too but it's too big for any stock wickholes I have.
Need to remove the inner nylon core-- you can easily remove it by unwinding the strands "like string cheese" and putting it back together. /u/shortyjacobs taught me how via nu-vapor's rba forum.
Love it, pita to cut unless you have a dremel... bolt cutters won't work.
Xuron 170-II Micro-Shear Flush Cutter
Doubles as a hangnail remover in a pinch, and vaping toe jam sounds like a bad idea. :)
Yes, its happened before lol. Sometimes you just need to step away for about ten minutes, wash your hands, make sure they're nice and dry, and start all over. About 90% of my problems had to do with oily / juicy hands and the shitty standard 'grub' screws that the igo-w comes with. i got so pissed off one night, clipping wires when trying to tighten down the posts, not being able to secure them properly, partially stripping the screws etc that I ordered these: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00918JYMM/ref=oh_details_o01_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
and they solved almost all my troubles. theyre like the slightest fraction of a bit longer so they don't come loose, and super easy to tighten and they dont strip.
I'm using 7x7 3/28 inch cable. 316 grade = surgical grade/marine grade stainless, more resistant to corrosion. Better than 304, what is used for many RBA construction.
http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0013HGP9Y/ref=biss_dp_t_asn 25 feet for 11 USD
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmGfBFPi7bQ - how to remove
No matter which rope you choose, make sure you torch it till its red hot to remove anything from the manufacturing process. Some people just boil it, but I wouldn't.
Yes, get some nice cable cutters.
For lack of a power drill, check out this Mini Micro Drill Bit Set. Saw it in another thread and thought if I didn't already own a drill, this could be a good alternative on the cheap.
edit: word
I use this guy but, admittedly, I do a lot more than just measuring coils with it.
not really a huge deal but get some better quality butane than that ronson. one can wont hurt ya, but the contaminants in that shit will ruin your torch eventually. i reccomend this stuff (this should be at least a years supply for e cig purposes) http://www.amazon.com/Vector-Quintuple-Refined-Butane-Refill/dp/B0035VBSWK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1368391797&sr=8-1&keywords=vector+butane
You sound like a candidate for a trigger torch. Initial expense is recouped through lower fuel use.
Some torches have the trigger start but still manual valve control. The ones I like the trigger is also the valve. I have this one and it'll blast kanthal apart, probably better to get the "lesser" version:
As long as you don't physically abuse it it should last your lifetime. Mine is 15 years old and got knocked around a jobsite for 12.
I carry one of these beasts on me at all times. I suggest any man who doesn't should. Thing has saved my ass on quite a few occasions.
I've tried MNKEs, but haven't used them long term to have credible experience. I know they don't have as much mah as the INRs though.
The case is a shotgun shellbox
This is the cotton that I use (from Amazon)
Just be sure to boil it for about 15 minutes and let it dry completely.
Side note: LOL @ the 32awg Kanthal listed in the "frequently bought together" at the bottom of the page.
Id have to get some calipers to measure. I use the middle size of my micro screwdriver set. Its a bit bigger than most people use I think.
Its one of the 2 middle screwdriver in this set. http://www.amazon.com/Husky-Piece-Precision-Screwdriver-Set/dp/B009JBFDM6/
EDIT: According to the package its 2.4mm.
I got this one from Amazon based on another Redditor's suggestion. Was working great until the battery died. Good thing Amazon is good w/ returns and replacements.
I got this set below from amazon, i spent less than 10 bucks. works great, i use 1.2 then 1.3 and stop at 1.4 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000RB5JJO/ref=oh_details_o01_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Don't worry, sir. :)
I have one of these in the passenger seat that I refill daily.
I got this from amazon. Can't vouch for its accuracy as I really haven't used it too much yet but I bought for the sole reason of checking coil resistance.