/u/honestbleeps /u/ThatOneGuy1294
This happens to me ALL the time! I'm so happy I was able to find /r/RESissues.
I know for a fact that this bug started for me when I checked the 'convert gifs to gyfcat' option. I have disabled all my extensions and the bug still occurs.
The easiest way to reproduce is click a normal gif but before it loads click the expando again (usually just once to reproduce bug). You may have to click it several times (when the initial expando is loading) for the bug to occur (but it does occur).
The amount (ie: number of times) the image gets duplicated depends solely on the number of times you click on the expand button while the image is loading (e.g: not displayed). The bug can occur for a post or inside a comment thread where a gif has been posted (read: every comment thread ever).
Edit: /u/apathetic012 also reported the problem here and /u/master3243 also seems to pinpoint it down to the 'convert gifs to gyfcat' option.
After filing a ticket with LastPass they told me to install the latest version from https://lastpass.com/dl, and though the version hasn't changed from 3.1.1 this issue seems to have been resolved for me now!
I finally decided to look into why twimg links have never worked for me, and so I am somewhat amused to find this post not more than a day old.
I did some digging around and I believe I know the issue. twimg.com is a blocked domain according to disconnect.me. Firefox's tracking protection feature uses disconnect.me as the source for which domains to block.
Take a look at your console when clicking on the expando. You will most likely see the following line:
The resource at “https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C4TzSteXAAAn-9h.jpg” was blocked because tracking protection is enabled.
As such, this is not a RES issue. And since disabling tracking protection is not an option (in my mind), all that can be done is for disconnect.me to remove twimg.com from its list. However, I suspect the domain is included for good reason.
Indeed. All three of those links you listed are not working for me either. It should be noted that when I middle clicked on them from inside my messagebox they opened in new tabs, but now that I am middle clicking on them from the comment thread, they open in the same window.
In order to answer your crossed out question (for the sake of clarification), the links that originally were giving me the issue were:
*https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dGxsZ2VJeVZMNVNfeHJCa3d4ZzhiblE6MQ#gid=0 (A survey collecting information from /r/Guildwars2)
*http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=6xRm7OKH844#t=54s (A video from the "3 old ladies watch the Kim Kardashian Sex Tape" thread)
~~Edit: See link at bottom of the OP. I reposted this bug since I didn't put a proper title the first time around.~~
Quick and simple... Though you could also use ESR, an alpha release, or an unbranded release.
I use FF 48 portable, so that wasn't really an option for me, hence finding the above link.
It looks like you aren't running the latest version of RES for your browser. <strong>Upgrade to the latest version</strong>--the problem might already be fixed. ([Read more about supported versions](/r/Enhancement/wiki/support).)
You should [back up your RES settings](/r/Enhancement/wiki/backing_up_res_settings) before upgrading! Keep it in a safe place and back up regularly!
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It looks like you aren't running the latest version of RES for your browser. <strong>Upgrade to the latest version</strong>--the problem might already be fixed. ([Read more about supported versions](/r/Enhancement/wiki/support).)
You should [back up your RES settings](/r/Enhancement/wiki/backing_up_res_settings) before upgrading! Keep it in a safe place and back up regularly!
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There are a few ways to trim it down a bit. Before doing anything, close Chrome and make a backup.
In the empty pane at the top-right, paste in the command
DELETE FROM "ItemTable" where key like '%keyboardNavLastIndex%';
and press F9 to execute it.
- Choose 'Vacuum Database' from the 'Execute' menu at the top of the window
- Exit the program, choosing 'No' when prompted.
The file should now be considerably smaller.
Additionally regarding mediacrush links, it's likely a problem with NoScript. Whitelist mediacru.sh in NoScript and you should be fine. It's because of a bug with how NoScript handles XHR over cross-domain requests.
If you're worried about mediacru.sh's scripts, don't be.
Disclaimer: I am one of the guys who works on MediaCrush
I don't know how to work NoScript, but you can add this to your hosts file (on Windows, this is in %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
and at /etc/hosts
on Linux): mediacru.sh cdn.mediacru.sh
That being said, any reason why you don't feel comfortable giving us script privledges? MediaCrush is open source, which means our JavaScript is available to be modified and audited by the public. We also respect things like Do Not Track and generally try to do no evil.
Turning off U Block Origin for reddit fixed the broken icons for me. Reddit isn't the only web site that today has broken icons that turning off U Block Origin fixes.
I noticed the icon on https://www.wireshark.org/#download next to the selected version was broken. The same problem happens on two different Windows installs. This doesn't fix the v.redd.it auto-expand problem.
Edit: Allowing remote fonts in U Block Origin with UBO enabled fixes the icons for me.
That folder will (should) have other folders begining wuid-
that correspond to an extension. You need to find the one that corresponds to RES by clicking into them and opening the 'prefs.dat' in a text editor. THe file with
<value id="name" xml:space="preserve">Reddit Enhancement Suite</value>
is the one you're looking for. When you've found the right folder, open it, click through into 'pstorage', then down another two folders until you get to file called '00000000'. That's your settings.
Once that's done, install RES from the extensions gallery and close Opera. Now in your current AppData/Local/Opera folder, locate the RES wuid folder. When you've found it you can then copy over the old 00000000 file and overwrite the new one. Start Opera and your settings should be intact.
It looks like you aren't running the latest version of RES for your browser. <strong>Upgrade to the latest version</strong>--the problem might already be fixed. ([Read more about supported versions](/r/Enhancement/wiki/support).)
You should [back up your RES settings](/r/Enhancement/wiki/backing_up_res_settings) before upgrading! Keep it in a safe place and back up regularly!
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It looks like you aren't running the latest version of RES for your browser. <strong>Upgrade to the latest version</strong>--the problem might already be fixed. ([Read more about supported versions](/r/Enhancement/wiki/support).)
You should [back up your RES settings](/r/Enhancement/wiki/backing_up_res_settings) before upgrading! Keep it in a safe place and back up regularly!
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The uMatrix developer is tracking this issue here: https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix/issues/795
The thread also includes a workaround fix for the issue if you don't want to downgrade to the old version of uMatrix.
and no errors in the Web Console in the Console tab?
maybe also try turning off your other extensions, just to rule them out. and turn your computer off and on again, that might help.
I gave you a bum name. The program is called SQLiteSpy and it's free, here. Just open the file in that, then go to Execute > Vacuum Database which should reclaim some free space.
> haven't seen any reduction in size
That's why you need to use that program, or similar. Don't use the one you edited with Wordpad, just dump that. The file format is sqlite3 and removing entries from them doesn't reduce the file size, it just marks the space as empty. This isn't an issue with Firefox/Opera since they use different formats.
> get to be too big
Just general heavy usage. Things like, each comment/post that gets voted on creates a entry for that author (provided they don't have one already), with a corresponding vote count. If you frequently vote on content then this can add up over time.
> I checked the wiki
It's not mentioned because only a small handful of people have breached the limit so far. That program was the most user-friendly way I could find of shrinking the file back to sub-5MB in size, without having to dig into the file itself. Making manual alterations and just one error can break an entire field of entries.
As ever, keep your original file backed up safely.
Make sure your browser is up to date: upgrade Chrome on google.com.
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Make sure your browser is up to date: upgrade Chrome on google.com.
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Hmmm, that's strange. I'm not sure how much I can do.
I'm assuming that this is your own PC, not a work PC? (if it is a work PC then it's likely caused by software restrictions)
You hopefully should be able to reinstall Chrome from here and then install RES on the newly installed Chrome, but you'll lose your settings. If that doesn't work you might have to uninstall and reinstall Chrome completely (of course, losing your settings).
This occurs for me as well.
Night mode: true RES Version: 5.6.0 Browser: Firefox Browser Version: 53 Cookies Enabled: true Reddit beta: false
CanvasBlocker 0.3.7-Release
Decentraleyes 1.3.8
FoxyProxy Standard 4.6.5
Greasemonkey 3.11
NoScript 5.0.3
Stylish 2.0.7
uBlock Origin 1.12.1
User Agent Switcher
Is there a fix in the works? Expandos for gfycat also suffer from this, and Chrome refuses to open it. Example: https://www.reddit.com/r/Military/comments/2gaecp/straya_man_what_to_do_with_too_many_patches/ckh8sb4
/u/influensi's tweak with changing the hex value of the address 0x011A0AB7 from 02 to 03 in the chromium-binary works (for me).
thank you so much for the hex-editing tweak. Somehow it works. I changed the 03 to 02, enabled RES in chromium and it didn't crash!
When I changed back the 02 to 03, chromium crashed (while browsing https://www.reddit.com)
I don't even know what I changed there and why this one number has such an influence on the chromium behaviour!
If you don't mind, would you care to explain?
It looks like you are posting about Safari support. RES no longer supports Safari, please see here for more information.
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It looks like you are posting about Safari support. RES no longer supports Safari, please see here for more information.
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I'm using chromium.
For testing purposes I installed the Chrome browser and added the RES extension. The browser survived a visit to https://www.reddit.com so it's probably an issue with chromium.
Looks like I need to use google chrome for a while, then. Can't surf reddit without RES anymore...
I have officially found the problem to be KB SSL Enforcer (because it resolves Reddit in SSL)
If you have it enabled with RES Night Mode, Chrome crashes.
edit: crashes if you have visited reddit before (i.e. the certificate has been retrieved prior?), not on the 'first visit'
edit2: Officially, it's not the extension conflict. It's how RES resolves in https. Simply visiting https://www.reddit.com crashes chrome
It looks like you aren't running the latest version of RES for your browser. <strong>Upgrade to the latest version</strong>--the problem might already be fixed. ([Read more about supported versions](/r/Enhancement/wiki/support).)
You should [back up your RES settings](/r/Enhancement/wiki/backing_up_res_settings) before upgrading! Keep it in a safe place and back up regularly!
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It looks like you aren't running the latest version of RES for your browser. <strong>Upgrade to the latest version</strong>--the problem might already be fixed. ([Read more about supported versions](/r/Enhancement/wiki/support).)
You should [back up your RES settings](/r/Enhancement/wiki/backing_up_res_settings) before upgrading! Keep it in a safe place and back up regularly!
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Figured it out! It's an issue with the Downloadstudio extension (Site).
If I turn it off, the inline viewer works as expected (Images still disappear thoug, but I think thats a known thing).
It's an sqlite3 file. On Windows you can use sqlite browser or sqlite spy, both free. The latter is a bit more user-friendly. Make sure to have Chrome closed when inspecting it.
It looks like you aren't running the latest version of RES for your browser. <strong>Upgrade to the latest version</strong>--the problem might already be fixed. ([Read more about supported versions](/r/Enhancement/wiki/support).)
You should [back up your RES settings](/r/Enhancement/wiki/backing_up_res_settings) before upgrading! Keep it in a safe place and back up regularly!
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It looks like you aren't running the latest version of RES for your browser. <strong>Upgrade to the latest version</strong>--the problem might already be fixed. ([Read more about supported versions](/r/Enhancement/wiki/support).)
You should [back up your RES settings](/r/Enhancement/wiki/backing_up_res_settings) before upgrading! Keep it in a safe place and back up regularly!
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It looks like you aren't running the latest version of RES for your browser. <strong>Upgrade to the latest version</strong>--the problem might already be fixed. ([Read more about supported versions](/r/Enhancement/wiki/support).)
You should [back up your RES settings](/r/Enhancement/wiki/backing_up_res_settings) before upgrading! Keep it in a safe place and back up regularly!
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It looks like you aren't running the latest version of RES for your browser. <strong>Upgrade to the latest version</strong>--the problem might already be fixed. ([Read more about supported versions](/r/Enhancement/wiki/support).)
You should [back up your RES settings](/r/Enhancement/wiki/backing_up_res_settings) before upgrading! Keep it in a safe place and back up regularly!
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It looks like you aren't running the latest version of RES for your browser. <strong>Upgrade to the latest version</strong>--the problem might already be fixed. ([Read more about supported versions](/r/Enhancement/wiki/support).)
You should [back up your RES settings](/r/Enhancement/wiki/backing_up_res_settings) before upgrading! Keep it in a safe place and back up regularly!
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It looks like you aren't running the latest version of RES for your browser. <strong>Upgrade to the latest version</strong>--the problem might already be fixed. ([Read more about supported versions](/r/Enhancement/wiki/support).)
You should [back up your RES settings](/r/Enhancement/wiki/backing_up_res_settings) before upgrading! Keep it in a safe place and back up regularly!
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It looks like you aren't running the latest version of RES for your browser. <strong>Upgrade to the latest version</strong>--the problem might already be fixed. ([Read more about supported versions](/r/Enhancement/wiki/support).)
You should [back up your RES settings](/r/Enhancement/wiki/backing_up_res_settings) before upgrading! Keep it in a safe place and back up regularly!
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It looks like you aren't running the latest version of RES for your browser. <strong>Upgrade to the latest version</strong>--the problem might already be fixed. ([Read more about supported versions](/r/Enhancement/wiki/support).)
You should [back up your RES settings](/r/Enhancement/wiki/backing_up_res_settings) before upgrading! Keep it in a safe place and back up regularly!
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FWIW it's supposed to automatically download it for you, but Safari still doesn't support the download
attribute. (looks like it's in the technical preview now, at least)
Make sure your browser is up to date: upgrade Chrome on google.com.
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Make sure your browser is up to date: upgrade Chrome on google.com.
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Make sure your browser is up to date: upgrade Chrome on google.com.
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Make sure your browser is up to date: upgrade Chrome on google.com.
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Make sure your browser is up to date: upgrade Chrome on google.com.
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Make sure your browser is up to date: upgrade Chrome on google.com.
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Make sure your browser is up to date: upgrade Chrome on google.com.
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Make sure your browser is up to date: upgrade Chrome on google.com.
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Make sure your browser is up to date: upgrade Chrome on google.com.
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Make sure your browser is up to date: upgrade Chrome on google.com.
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Make sure your browser is up to date: upgrade Chrome on google.com.
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Make sure your browser is up to date: upgrade Chrome on google.com.
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honestly it seems like maybe your firefox installation is messed up. maybe due to some sort of corruption on the installation?
maybe try installing a portable version of Firefox just as a test, put it in a directory wherever you like, and run that for a while and see if it runs better?
I just followed these steps and RES is working for me again! Moved from FF to Chrome. I didn't realise how fantastic RES is until I tried browsing Reddit without it! <3
RES for Opera is very outdated, unfortunately (I don't use it). Have you tried the version on the google store?
If you don't mind, there's an extension, that let's you install extensions from the google store.
It looks like you aren't running the latest version of RES for your browser. <strong>Upgrade to the latest version</strong>--the problem might already be fixed. ([Read more about supported versions](/r/Enhancement/wiki/support).)
You should [back up your RES settings](/r/Enhancement/wiki/backing_up_res_settings) before upgrading! Keep it in a safe place and back up regularly!
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It looks like you aren't running the latest version of RES for your browser. <strong>Upgrade to the latest version</strong>--the problem might already be fixed. ([Read more about supported versions](/r/Enhancement/wiki/support).)
You should [back up your RES settings](/r/Enhancement/wiki/backing_up_res_settings) before upgrading! Keep it in a safe place and back up regularly!
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It looks like you aren't running the latest version of RES for your browser. <strong>Upgrade to the latest version</strong>--the problem might already be fixed. ([Read more about supported versions](/r/Enhancement/wiki/support).)
You should [back up your RES settings](/r/Enhancement/wiki/backing_up_res_settings) before upgrading! Keep it in a safe place and back up regularly!
[I am a bot](/r/AutoModerator/comments/q11pu/what_is_automoderator/), and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FRESissues) if you have any questions or concerns.
It looks like you aren't running the latest version of RES for your browser. <strong>Upgrade to the latest version</strong>--the problem might already be fixed. ([Read more about supported versions](/r/Enhancement/wiki/support).)
You should [back up your RES settings](/r/Enhancement/wiki/backing_up_res_settings) before upgrading! Keep it in a safe place and back up regularly!
[I am a bot](/r/AutoModerator/comments/q11pu/what_is_automoderator/), and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FRESissues) if you have any questions or concerns.
It looks aren't running the latest version of RES for your browser. <strong>Upgrade to the latest version</strong>--the problem might already be fixed. ([Read more about supported versions](/r/Enhancement/wiki/support).)
You should [back up your RES settings](/r/Enhancement/wiki/backing_up_res_settings) before upgrading! Keep it in a safe place and back up regularly!
[I am a bot](/r/AutoModerator/comments/q11pu/what_is_automoderator/), and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FRESissues) if you have any questions or concerns.
so I just went to the "download RES - opera 12" link in the sidebar with Opera 12.16 on OSX and it installed v4.3.0.3.
Maybe you should uninstall RES (after backing up your settings) and try again.
Download RES for Opera from the opera web store thing. The website's a little out of date.
What do you mean by 'I don't see RES'?
It looks like you aren't running the latest version of RES for your browser. <strong>Upgrade to the latest version</strong>--the problem might already be fixed. ([Read more about supported versions](/r/Enhancement/wiki/support).)
You should [back up your RES settings](/r/Enhancement/wiki/backing_up_res_settings) before upgrading! Keep it in a safe place and back up regularly!
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RESissues) if you have any questions or concerns.
It looks like you aren't running the latest version of RES for your browser. <strong>Upgrade to the latest version</strong>--the problem might already be fixed. ([Read more about supported versions](/r/Enhancement/wiki/support).)
You should [back up your RES settings](/r/Enhancement/wiki/backing_up_res_settings) before upgrading! Keep it in a safe place and back up regularly!
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RESissues) if you have any questions or concerns.
It looks like you aren't running the latest version of RES for your browser. <strong>Upgrade to the latest version</strong>--the problem might already be fixed. ([Read more about supported versions](/r/Enhancement/wiki/support).)
You should [back up your RES settings](/r/Enhancement/wiki/backing_up_res_settings) before upgrading! Keep it in a safe place and back up regularly!
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RESissues) if you have any questions or concerns.
It looks like you aren't running the latest version of RES for your browser. <strong>Upgrade to the latest version</strong>--the problem might already be fixed. ([Read more about supported versions](/r/Enhancement/wiki/support).)
You should [back up your RES settings](/r/Enhancement/wiki/backing_up_res_settings) before upgrading! Keep it in a safe place and back up regularly!
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RESissues) if you have any questions or concerns.
This is fixed in RES v5, which you can download from https://redditenhancementsuite.com/
Sorry there hasn't been the autoupdate pushed yet.
For reference: https://www.reddit.com/r/cssnews/comments/54shs4/upcoming_css_change_hires_versions_of_default/
Fixed it myself; here's how (for Chrome):
I've submitted the bug report now. Meanwhile, I've downgraded Vivaldi to V 2.10.1745.27 (I chose 2.10, since it was the most recent without the issue) found here.