Move your touch point (the point where the bar touches the chest) up. Touch the bar to your sternum even with your nipple line. This will help you feel the lift in you chest.
Consult figure 5-13, 5-15 and the "Elbows" section of chapter 5 "The Bench Press" in the blue book, Staring Strength: Basic Barbell Training, 3rd edition, for a detailed explanation of why this is the correct touch point for beginner lifters especially.
At the risk of being the normie who doesn't gyroscopically zero and sand down any burr out of tolerance with mean sea level on my deadlift platform... you can buy some foam workout pads from Amazon for about $50 that work absolutely fine. The 24sq ft versions come with 6 sections which you can stack for extra padding as necessary. It's quick, simple, and cheap. It will offset your bar a couple inches from your normal pull position, depending on how many you use.
Hands down the best I have used is Personal Training Coach. Great features, lots of built in programs and developer is super responsive. See for iOS and for Google Play (disclosure: I use the iOS version).
If you want a legal non kindle version you can always buy the kindle version and convert it into pdf yourself. I personally like using to do the ebook conversion as well as keep track of my digital ebook library.
I found this app that lets me import vids into it and it adds in the bar path. I know bar path isn't the end all, but being able to see what I'm doing has really helped me.
I found this app that lets me import vids into it and it adds in the bar path. I know bar path isn't the end all, but being able to see what I'm doing has really helped me.
I found this app that lets me import vids into it and it adds in the bar path. I know bar path isn't the end all, but being able to see what I'm doing has really helped me.
Great news - I hope you and Dr. D do resume you make a great team. For me Keto has been a god send. Went keto two years ago, dropped 90lbs and got control of my eating for the first time in my life. Also its amazing what it did for my health. I think it would be a great podcast to have Dr. Ken Berry or similar pro keto guy on for a counter view to you and Santana's position. If you are not familiar with Dr. Berry's book Ill link below:
I def agree that keto is not right for everyone but a lot of changed lives out there...
I'll check out the new podcast I hope you guys discussed or will discuss energy systems again. I love listening to Santana walk through that hole ATP system stuff...still haven't figured it all out but I think I learn more each time I hear it.
You can push just as hard against a fabric belt as a leather one as long as the fabric one has an adequate mechanism to secure it (i.e., a proper clasp). I hate leather belts and only use fabric like this one.
In regards to your post on starting strength reddit:
Basic shoes, nothing fancy.
Get yourself an Ss coach if you can.
I’ve been training for about 3 years, with one. It had made all the difference.
Diet will be a big part of your recovery. If you're feeling crushed by the weight it could be a sign you need to get your nutrition squared away. It could also be time to make an adjustment to the program. Check out Stan Efferding's book The Vertical Diet. Hes got lots of recommendations in there about how to eat big easily. Lots of rice and meat. Also, I'll link a podcast where Nick and Ray talk about what to do when the weights get heavy as you are going through your Novice Linear Progression.
You can certainly do what ever you want. But I do coach this method all day, every day and I can tell you best results in strength acquisition, weight loss, and body recomposition come from a diet with much higher protein intake than what you're at regardless of what the RD says.
Heres an in depth article about protein intake written by an RD who is also a coach in our system:
>Thus... 100-150 g protein per day is likely sufficient for healthy females of all ages. Smaller individuals may need less, and larger individuals may need more. Individuals who are in negative energy balance pursuing weight loss should stay on the higher end of the spectrum, and individuals gaining weight can hang out somewhere in the middle.
-Protein Intake by Robert Santana MS, RD, SSC
We also use Stan Efferding's dietary recommendations from his book The Vertical Diet. His protein recommendations for you may be somewhat higher depending on your goals.
If you got the money, get the Romaleos. If you're looking for a budget friendly option here's what I wear. Adidas Powerlift 2.0
I'd rather spend the difference of these shoes and romaleos on a top-of-the-line (Inzer) belt.
Set the camera up on a bench or get a little tripod like this. The angle doesnt have to be perfect but taking the video from hip to chest height helps a lot.
This is not a bad bench press for a 15 year old. You are going to need fractional plates like these to keep making steady progress. If you search on amazon there are lots of options. Just put them in your gym bag and take them with you when you go to workout.
So as you can tell everyone is telling you to lean over more but the bigger concept is lean forward so you can push your butt further BACK ie keep the bar over the center of you foot - NOT the center of the "front" of your foot the the highest point in the arch of your foot. You'll know when you get there because you'll feel the weight on both your heels AND the balls of your feet. Most drama around ankle flexibility is overblown and can be fixed with shoes and some simple stretches. If you are really worried about it get a slant board and stretch on it for 3 minutes 3 times a day for two weeks, it will fix all your issues.
The phone should be placed somewhere between hip and shoulder height. You can set it on a bench or a table or a piece of equipment or get a small tripod or amazon or hang it from the ceiling or use telekinesis. What ever works to get the shat at the right angle and height.
It really is a great book. Changed my life. Book is linked on this page but here it is. There really are a lot of great resources linked in the "windows" on this page. Mod's have done a great job putting what you need right here. Feel free to ask any questions. SS also has its own website. Again - good luck!
So NOT giving medical advice just telling you what I've seen before. Shoulder pain while doing the program usually comes from squatting not benching. Are you sure its shoulder impingement? The lowball squat can put torque on the biceps muscles and tendons that attach at the elbow and shoulder. If you get tendonitis at the elbow this is called Golfers elbow, if the pain manifests at the shoulder (the other place the muscle inserts) its call squatters shoulder. Fixing that is pretty easy you just change how you hold your arms. People who get Squatters shoulder SWEAR it comes form benching until they quit benching and the pain does not go away.
If you do have shoulder impingement I also had it and I cured it by doing brachial hanging (google that). Three weeks of it ended years of pain. I was so shocked how well it worked I also read the book its based on but you don't need to read the book, just do the hangs. The book is called "Shoulder Pain? The Solution & Prevention, Revised & Expanded" by Dr. Kirsch MD
Worked amazing for me!
Link to book on amazon NOT an affiliate link.
As a young, growing, male who works out your main concern should be just getting enough to eat. Enough food and enough protein. If you want to get into details check out Stan Efferding's book The Vertical Diet. And here is a recent podcast from our YouTube channel where Stan talks about diet stuff.
Its an old article explaining squat mechanics.
>In the high-bar position, the barbell is located generally higher. Such bar placement creates a longer lever increasing the chance for the athlete to curve his back or lose his stable and safe posture if he happens to go off balance. That’s why strong back muscles and solid torso stabilization is required for the high-bar technique.
>In the low-bar position, the barbell is located much lower, which makes the torso lever shorter. This is the reason this technique allows us to lift the bigger weights.
He makes the mistake of measuring the length of the lever instead of the length of the moment arm to talk about the mechanical advantage of each squat variation.
The correct way to do this is covered in the squat chapter of our blue book Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training, 3rd edition. Basically, the distance that matters for determining the moment force the lifter experiences in any one position is the horizontal distance between the point of rotation, in this case the hip, and the bar path, not the length measured along the spine from the bar to the point of rotation.
The X3 would be perfect for you. You can take it on deployments. You can pretty much work out anywhere. It's a time saver too. 15 to 30 minute workouts and still delivering better results than hours in the gym. It's a well thought out piece of kit. You owe it to yourself to at least read his book or check out one of his interviews on youtube or a podcast. I sure wish I had the X3 when I was in the military. I see there are a lot of people who have negative opinions about the X3 who haven't actually used it. I wouldn't value their opinions too highly.
Here is a link to the book:\_1\_1?crid=2OAMLT3TICP9X&keywords=jaquish+book&qid=1654265028&sprefix=jaquish%2Caps%2C193&sr=8-1
Belts operate via tension; how thick/study a belt is mostly immaterial to its ability to non-elastically resist you pressing against it. The belt I use is made of very deformable nylon webbing and it works great; I've squatted over 540 lbs for reps with it. I don't like leather belts; I expressly don't like how they're often very rigid, I don't like how they can bruise you up, and I don't like how they generally only fasten at discrete intervals. I also don't like prong-based fasteners.
Starting Strength isnt even limited to 3x5... some books to get you started: Practical Programming for Strength Training
Pick up Practical Programming and read the first section to make sure you've squeezed everything you can out of the NLP.
Then look at the intermediate section. There are several examples of what to do for olympic lifting including, as someone else mentioned, a Nebraska method.
Also, sex has a great deal of impact on training on average while gender, to whatever extent that word is defined, has none. You may be able to argue the gender is flexible, but sex isnt. It comes down to gametes and outside of an intersex issue, which would be important to detail when asking for training advice, you'll fit nicely into one of two categories; ovum producer, or spermatozoan producer.
Step 1. Get on amazon and find some micro plates like these.
Step 2: Reset all lifts that have stalled by 10%
Step 3. Initiate Phase 3 of the NLP. So your week will look like this
Monday Squat 1x5 (increase by 5 lbs over last workout) Squat 2x5 at 90% of your top set
Press 15 reps (increase by 2.5 lbs each time) Or Bench 1x5 (increase by 2.5 lbs each time) Bench 2x5 at 90% of your top set
Chin ups: 3 sets AMRAP. When your first set get to 10 then add 2.5 lbs of weight.
Wednesday Squat 2x5 at 80% of your last top set
Bench 1x5 (increase by 2.5 lbs each time) Bench 2x5 at 90% of your top set Or Press 15 reps (increase by 2.5 lbs each time)
Deadlift 1x5 (increase by 5 lbs each week)
Friday Squat 1x5 (increase by 5 lbs over last workout) Squat 2x5 at 90% of your top set
Press 15 reps (increase by 2.5 lbs each time) Or Bench 1x5 (increase by 2.5 lbs each time) Bench 2x5 at 90% of your top set
Clean 15 reps, one rep every minute for 15 minutes. Add weight when ever you can.
With the press you're going to plan on doing 3 sets of 5 but if you miss reps just make them up at the end. So if you get 5 then 4 then 2 keep doing sets until you've accumulated 15 reps. It may look like this; 5,4,2,2,2. When you are down to triples, doubles and singles switch to texas method for the press.
For the bench keep adding 2.5 lbs to your top set till you cant get 3 reps anymore. Then switch to texas method.
For the squat, eventually you wont be able to go up twice a week anymore. Once that happens Monday becomes a 4x5 at 90% of the last friday top set. Wednesday is 2x5 at 80% of Friday's top set and Firday is 1x5 at a new PR.
This should give you at least a few more months of progress on all your lifts.
Welcome and great idea getting advice right when you're starting instead of 3 months from now after bad habits set in
Looks like you've already got some decent feedback from others, and since you have the book on order obviously read and study that
If you weren't aware there is also an app which has a lot of the material along with videos that you could start using immediately
I recommend the Starting Strength program and the Starting Strength app
You should give this Mark Rippetoe fellow a listen too
Reset your squat 15 pounds and then add a light squat day on the middle day of your week. The weight will be 90% of your last heavy squat. Add weight on the first and third day of the week.
For the deadlift you should begin deadlifting every other day alternating with chins or cleans. Then once that gets hard you'll only deadlift once a week on the light squat day and chin or clean on the other days.
Get the Blue Book and read it if you havent. Then the Grey Book. Programming changes only get more complicated from here, it's important that you hire a coach or learn the principles of programming yourself so you can continue to make progress.
Hey Max - hope your powerlifting progress is going well!
I recently built an RPE app for beginner powerlifters as a personal side project. It's free and will never have ads.
Check it out here if interested:
I use a nylon belt with velcro for deadlifting. Quick and comfortable
Men's Deadlift Belt - Nylon, Powerlifting, Weightlifting
I hate the way that he writes too.
If you read through the beginning explanations of the movements along with Dan Austin and Bryan Mann's <em>Powerlifting</em>, which is shorter and far more "go your own flow," you might have a better experience with Rippetoe's neverending meandering.
Here is the link to the sling I used! this one was very good for sleeping because when you’re unconscious you may toss and turn a lot and end up popping out of place a lot in your sleep. This one wraps around your arm and holds it to your body. It may feel weird at first but it’s actually surprising comfortable and definitely beats trying to sleep in a traditional sling. I also used this for a while because it allows you to use your arms and provides some extra stability to the joint! I won’t lie to you this one is not comfortable lol and it probably won’t work perfectly but it does help hold it in place while doing things if you want to try it out! But definitely keep me posted
Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe
That book outlines the program that this sub is dedicated to. It provides lots of information about programming, technique etc.
/u/rejonkulous is right. I've been using these for a few months, on and off (also use tape. These are just more convenient sometimes:
Not seeing much leg drive/back arch-You’ll need it as the weight gets heavier. Keep adding 5lbs each session.
Join the google hangout to discuss:
Or just post your questions here.
I'll be here for the next 65 minutes!
This is completely unnecessary and your energy is probably better spent doing something else. You should be following Dr. Sullivan's instructions from his book The Barbell Prescription when your lifts get stuck.
This book will address both of your questions.
Follow the dietary recommendations, do the lifts, you’ll get stronger for sure.
This is a sub for people following the Starting Strength Method outlined in Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training, 3rd edition. And here is a link to a short overview with Paul Horn.
Its a barbell strength training program. We use 5 compound movements because that's all you need to get strong. You should check it out when you're ready to quit playing around with gzclp
You can buy the book here.
Tons of related information on starting strength forums.
Vids from mark rippetoe and Alan thrall on YouTube.
>You are not an authority on what’s good or bad training for this dude.
This is a red herring.
>The most important part of training for the average person is actually being excited to lift and staying healthy.
A novice performing singles at rpe 10 for starting strength subreddit form check is not training.
>Plenty of programs include frequent heavy singles.
They typically, and I say typically because theres really no reputable novice program that does, are intermediate and above programs.
>For a lot of people that’s just more fun than doing 5x5s.
Starting Strength is not a 5x5 program.
>Sure, that’s not the purpose of this sub, but it’s not an objective truth that high volume is the best way to train.
5x5 is not high volume. Nevertheless, a single at rpe 10 (and actually failing the initial attempt) is not a beneficial approach to training.
I found this app that lets me import video and it does the overlay. I know it's not the end-all be-all, but my bar path was all over the place, and this app really helped me tighten it up.
I found this app that lets me import video and it does the overlay. I know it's not the end-all be-all, but my bar path was all over the place, and this app really helped me tighten it up.
I found this app that lets me import video and it does the overlay. I know it's not the end-all be-all, but my bar path was all over the place, and this app really helped me tighten it up.
Hawk Sports Lever Belt 10mm Powerlifting Belt for Men & Women Buckle Strongman Power Weight Lifting Weightlifting Belts Most top tier lifters use lever belts like this because they’re easier to take on and off.
Welcome to r/StartingStrength... a sub for people who follow the specific method outlined in the book Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training, 3rd edition.
This method involves using heavy barbell lifts to get strong instead of living life like a man with glass bones.
Just LED lights from Amazon, comes with remote and different color and mode options. They were like $13 for 2 rolls of 25ft. I only used 1 roll for the mirror. Here is the link - LED Light Strips
Some very heavy deadlifts have been pulled from the wrong starting position. But this is r/startingstrength, a sub for people following the specific method outlined in Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training, 3rd edition. When they ask for formchecks they're asking to be checked against that model.
Welcome to r/startingstrength, a subreddit for people following the Starting Strength Method outlines in Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training, 3rd edition .
You'll want to read chapter 2, The Squat. Particularly the section starting on page 50 under the diagram of the adductors.
Welcome to r/startingstrength, a subreddit for people following the Starting Strength Method outlines in Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training, 3rd edition .
You'll want to read chapter 2, The Squat. Particularly the section starting on page 50 under the diagram of the adductors.
Alright. Good news is solution is simple. Bad news is you're not gonna like it.
You dont need to try eating a caloric surplus, you need to gain weight. That means putting how ever much food down the hatch that it takes to gain about 3 lbs a month for the foreseeable future.
In the mean time we should adjust your programming. You'll be an "artificial intermediate" meaning that due to your circumstances you'll be forced to train like a more advanced athlete than you actually are, which just means increasing the weight less often.
I'd suggest picking up Practical Programming and reading the thing. Particularly the 4 day texas method outlined in Chapter 7 under the "Split Routine" section. It's a 4 workout routine (Days A, B, C, D) that can be performed 3 days a week with a 4 week cycle looking like this
Week 1: A,B,C Week 2: D,A,B Week 3: C,D,A Week 4: B,C,D
It's got plenty of room for accessory work too but you'll still have to cut out a lot of the silly stuff Blaha has you doing. That's ok though
Strength Training Anatomy by Frederic Delavier
However, do you have the print or Kindle version of SS? I thought there were sufficient pictures in the print version but perhaps you have the other
Please see the About section in the sub for resources.
Here's the primary Blue Book
Because he’s following the Starting Strength program, which calls for low bar. Out of curiosity, how did you stumble upon this subreddit, since I’m assuming you’re not familiar with Mark Rippetoe or the blue book?
Get some micro plates. Biceps are super tiny and weak compared to lots of the muscles so a 5# jump might be too big. A 1.25# jump might be ok and allow for plenty gains. Something like this
Congrats on leaving the Smith Machine behind. Now that you're using free weights, if you want to use the Starting Strength method, you'll want to adjust some things. Check out the squat tutorial video on the pinned post on this subreddit. Most of the issues with your form others have mentioned are addressed in this short tutorial.
Additionally, I highly recommend the book that this subreddit is based on, Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe. It explains the proper form for compound lifts in great detail, and perhaps more importantly-- why these movements should be done that way.
If you have any questions about the video tutorial, the book, or your form after making these adjustments feel free to ask. Please ignore the thirst in this thread. There really are a lot of helpful people in this subreddit-- good luck and happy lifting!
Yeah, you're on the wrong sub. NBD but this sub is specifically about Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength methodology and related programs.
OP can also stack some plates on the floor or use books to lift the barbell up a bit. Alternatively, 10lb olympic training plateswill provide the proper height.
I can feel it the same as you. You need to get arch supports in there and focus on driving through part of the support that is making contact with the middle of your foot. It can be done.
I've used a number of arch supports in squat shoes. I have a pair of Do-Winn's right now with these arch supports and I've been very happy thus far. I do recall if feeling very snug at the top of the foot when I started, but once the shoes and arch supports break in, it's much better. I still wear very thin socks when lifting, though, as a thick sock is still too much. And don't forget to take the original insole out. :-p
One other thing: If the arch support is TOO high (the Superfeet Greenies suck ass - don't buy them) that will also push the weight to the outside of the foot since the arch will cause the ankle to sort of "camber."
Get whats called a "slant board". Use it three times a day for three - 5 min per session. Two weeks you'll be fine and you'll never have plantar facitis ;-) I'll link one like the one I've had for years.
Again, there is a link on this very page but I'll link it below. I just noticed that you can get it on the Kindle for only $9.99 US thats amazing! I paid like $25 last time I bought it.
For the past 20+ years I always lift, run, and exercise in a wrestling singlet. I usually buy them in black and just wear it under a loose t-shirt and loose fitting cotton shorts that hit mid thigh. Wrestling singlets grab the glutes so no weggies. A singlet is great because you don't have to rearrange the shorts all the time The shoulder straps keep the shorts in place and the singlet prevents chaffing and provides great support for all the lifts. I do all my cardio in one also. This is one of my favorites
Yeah, I meant spoil. English is not my native language.
What you mean by a cooler? Would one of those bottles that keep the liquid cold for a long time work?
Such as this:
Stop doing lunges, buy the book, do the program, eat more.
Also dont waste your time seeing a doctor unless you're trying to get an exemption from PE class or something.
This is a subreddit for a specific training method called Starting Strength. Heres the book. So the advice around here is gonna go something like this...
Step 1: Stop doing leg raises, foam rolling, stretching, and other silly bullshit. As you have seen this stuff is... not very effective training.
Step 2: Start barbell lifting. Squat, bench, overhead press, deadlift. Here is a playlist of How To videos to get you started.
> Hands are sweaty
Chalk up my dude. Buy liquid chalk if your gym doesn’t allow regular chalk, I use Liquid Grip. It lasts forever and keeps your hands safe
I BEG you read this book. Fixed all my pain. My shoulder used to ache when I slept and OH pressing and Squatting hurt like hell. My doctor was telling me I needed surgery. Its barely a book and not much more than a pamphlet takes about 2 hours to read but its dead on and it works:
Shoulder Pain? The Solution & Prevention: Fifth Edition Revised and Expanded Kindle Edition
This is a starting strength sub... the advice here will be "quit doing what ever silly shit you're doing now, read the book, and do the program."
Your shoulders probably hurt because they're weak and your form is bad. We have all been there. Fix your form and get strong
Microgainz. Buy a set for yourself and bring them in your bag. This guy lives in the US and has built his company the right way. Well worth your $40.
Micro Gainz Calibrated Fractional Weight Plate Set of .25LB-.50LB-.75LB-1LB Plates (8 Plate Set) w/Bag- Designed for Olympic Barbells, Used for Strength Training & Micro Loading, Made in USA
Personally I would put this $50 bench on my credit card and pay 10 bucks a month for it if worse came to worse: CAP Barbell Flat Weight Bench, Black
I have the same plates as you and picked up some Titan 45lb bumpers on Amazon to get me to the proper height for deadlifts:
Here's a pic of my bar with 335 on it, so you can see how big a difference in height there is between the Fitness Gear 45 and bumper 45:
Cant rip these, even if the fit leaves something to be desired.
It goes in four week cycles All sets ramp up last set being heaviest
Week 1 is 3x5.
Week 2 is 3x3.
Week 3 is 1x5, 1x3, and 1x1 going for a new one rep max.
Week 4 is a 3x5 deload
I usually skip week 4 as I haven't felt the need for it yet. The lower rep weeks are easier for me to recover from so I skip deloading week will probably change once it gets crazy heavy but so far so good.
I use personal training coach and it already has everything programmed out and calculates your percentages for you.
You can get these on sale for like $50 if you look around and theyll last forever.
Here are what I wear - Im not "connected" with them but I tried a lot of different options and fell in love with these when I finally found them. Perfect except for the goofy logo - which I fixed with a magic marker.
We're allowed to lower them at my gym but only if during our sets and if no one is around us for at least 6 feet. The black one I'm wearing had plastic flaps in the vents that I ripped out. Which renders it useless for transmission probably but it lets in way more air than the cloth ones and I don't have to worry about lowering it all the time.
Send him a copy of The Barbell Prescription, and point him toward The Greysteel Channel on YouTube.
Folding bench like this doesn't take up much space.
You should be lifting with a belt and shoes by now. You’ll feel the difference instantly - more stability and control. Here’s an article about important accessories:
And here’s a link to recommended belt by my coach, though I can’t personally vouch for it:
I got an Upright Go for my birthday, but unfortunately I've only had a chance to test it once (and it works, at least). This is the slightly more expensive version, which is what seems to be on Amazon right now:
It adheres to your upper back and buzzes when you hunch over. At first you'll be like "WTF, I'm not hunched over!".... and it turns out you are. The app seems to want to push you to use it for 20 minutes sessions, for the uninitiated. But we, Batman, are the initiated. Just put it in the other mode and it will work as long as you have it turned on.
Barbell Logic
Andy Baker
Practical Programming for Strength Training by Mark Rippetoe and Andy Baker
Seriously, use a google search before you post.
How tall are you? I'm 6'1" about 215 and have always had this problem with underwear. I try to buy 7-9" long boxer briefs in size XL. I'd recommend these:
Don't have anything to add on straps you posted, but do have these saved for future purchase as have seen them repped here a few times in past:
Both get an A rating on FakeSpot.
If your form gets better with sets, it means you're becoming better at identifying what's wrong with your own technique. I'm assuming you're reviewing your sets on the spot.
Buy something like this (it's not that expensive):
Can you show me your journal for the last four press sessions?
I got this one:
Ader Leather Power Weight Lifting Belt- 4" Red/ White/ Blue (Large)
I know people recommend single prong but I don't have a problem. Will recommend getting a single prong.
I got this one from Amazon. I've only had it for 3 months, but it seems to be high quality and has held up well, I'd definitely recommend
They make a tripod specifically for phones. Just look at what they say each size will fit and match it up to yours. Also, I live in Fort Collins so if you wanted to train together sometime or let me coach you a bit I'd make the drive down or you could come lift with me at my garage. I could answer most of the questions you'd have because you're just getting started.
Edit: Here's the amazon link for the tripod I use.
I bought some pull up bands from Amazon that have really helped me increase my rep count. I think it assists 100lbs, but you can remove bands to decrease the amount of assist it gives you.
Not OP, but just a quick question.
I want to purchase some shoes soon and I saw the ones that you linked. I was just wondering if these are acceptable shoes as well? It's much cheaper but if the one you linked is of higher quality and will last me longer then I might get that one instead.
If shipping time is a priority, this is a great value and amazon prime 2-day shipping. Solid leather with suede stitch. The reason I actually chose this was because of my short torso and difficulty finding a good 3" belt. This works well for both my squats and deadlifts.
Leather Weightlifting Belt Single Prong for Men and Women - 3" Wide X 10mm Thick - Medium
Flatter isn't the answer. Not-squishy is.
I used to lift in running shoes. It was okay until I approached body weight. Then it's basically like liquefaction in an earthquake, but in reverse: any movement in the upper body was magnified down below. I would have rolled an ankle.
I'm currently using Vans slip on skate shoes. They're okay right now, I seem to have "enough" ankle mobility.
But the folks at /r/weightlifting and /r/weightroom say that if you're performing squats, deadlifts, cleans, and snatches with any kind of frequency, the specialty weightlifting shoes are a must.
They're not flat. There's a heel raise, anywhere from 1/2" to 1-1/2" depending on brand and model. The heel raise uses a very solid outsole that doesn't squish.
The crossfit shoes are certainly better than running shoes, but they're more expensive than Adidas's "entry level" weightlifting shoe.
I've been watching the price on amazon, they tend to be anywhere from $66 to $89.
Going rate for the paperback is $20.
The hardcover is normally $45, but they're selling it for $23. It came to $27 with shipping for me.