> it would trend a lot closer to a Christian understanding of the afterlife
Well, I don't want to go into religious debate, but I will say that there's a difference between how Christianity is practiced in the modern day, and the literal tenets of the religion ("easier for a rich man to ... ", Good Samaritan parable, etc.).
Of those two, I don't see the literal tenets as being incompatible with the show.
There's a great book called The Second Greatest Story Ever Told in which God's daughter comes down and does Letterman, etc., and my favorite bit in the story is how all the commandments are boiled down to one that's easier to remember: "Be kind."
I think you're right on the money. Also, I think this show could be returned The Nicomachean Ethics: The Comedy! Aristotle keeps getting mentioned and the Nicomachean Ethics is one of his seminal works. One of the big things Aristotle proposed in it was the concept of the "golden mean", whereby a truly virtuous person operates in a middle-ground of various virtues. Our characters all seem to be extremes of various things. Chidi is all theory and no application. Eleanor is completely ignorant of ethical theory. Tahani is very prideful. Jianyu completely avoids the world (maybe? I don't know if he is actually a Buddhist monk or not).
My Nicomachean Ethics is rusty, so I might have to brush up on it, but I think we're being set up for all the characters to move to the "golden mean" by learning from each other. I'm also guessing that the "soul mate" is actually closer to the perfect complement of the person, i.e. what one person is difficient in, the other has in excess. For example, Chidi is all theory and no action and Eleanor is all action and no theory.
Best screenshot I could take. Judging by the large step from the barrel to the section , absence of threads in lieu of a snap cap and the un-ergonomic shape of the pen, I'm guessing it's some random kit pen he's using as a prop.
Almost certainly the product in this amazon listing, or something very similar to it. There's a ton of cheap Chinesium "luxury" fountain pens on amazon. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0797LMTMR/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_q8D0BbYKHBDSQ
For in case it's a reasonable solution for you, on netflix UK they have all the seasons (even with subs in various languages!) So using a VPN app (ExpressVPN is highly recommended) fixes the problem, if you're not from the UK. Anyway, you could always watch it on popcorn time or just look for it online. I personally use Netflix and a VPN app, it has many other uses.
There's a book with the same title as Chidi's lecture, What We Owe To Each Other. I've always been of the mindset that we are here for each other. When a friend lost his house and cats to fire, something truly devastating to him, he had a breakdown about how he could possibly move forward. If everything can be taken from you in a moment, what's the fucking point?
The point is to be there for each other. The point is that we're not really here for any reason. We just are. And that's okay. Make the most of it. Make someone smile. Do any small thing. It could mean nothing to anyone. And it could mean everything to just one.
I can echo this recommendation, though mainly as a starting point for people coming from a religious background. I started with this book early on, and coming from an atheist agnostic background, I was rolling my eyes a few times.
The book that helped me reconcile the more abstract ideas at work against my secular POV was What The Buddha Taught by Walpola Rahula. It walks the line between Theravada and Mahayana thought, as well as walking the line between secular and religious thinking. This was enough to get me to start seeing the other side, as it were.
The book I've recommended to other friends of mine recently has been Why Buddhism is True by Robert Wright. While the title is quite assertive, the basic idea of the book is to juxtapose traditional Buddhist thought against the state of knowledge in modern evolutionary psychology to show that they are speaking the same language and informing one another in interesting ways. This can be a strong introduction for someone coming from a scientific background to help put the more flowery and abstract ideas into a grounded context.
I definitely recommend checking out all of these, they are all fantastic reads!
2 options either use a VPN for netflix or torrenting.
Just use any of these 5 VPNs recommended by other Redditors for torrenting or netflix.
I am using CyberGhost and NordVPN without any issue at all.
FYI the sidebar works on certain apps, but apparently not on others.
Reddit is Fun shows the sidebar when you click the info button on any sub’s main page. It also shows submission guidelines properly on the submit page.
AFAIK the official Reddit app is the most deficient. Most of the complaints we’ve received of mobile users not seeing the sidebar have been from these users.
Yup, really good in-depth stuff on how the show's made and all the production decisions that go into it. Often funny too. It's available in loads of places, I use player.fm but just search for The Good Place The Podcast and you'll find it.
Oh fork! Did not notice that, too busy trying to spell everything correctly! Here's a fixed version https://imgur.com/a/CLIHC
Yeah I looked at it and thought it was too much for a thing I was just making offhandedly, I used Sen which is similar but you can definitely tell if you look at it for long enough
Sometimes before an episode Netflix sends a notification to turn off the VPN (I’m using NordVPN) but after pressing okay and clicking on the episode again has always worked for me... Hopefully you can find a way to watch season 4!
UK Netflix has it.
If you are not from the UK like I am, use a VPN.
I used ExpressVPN and they give you a 7 day free trial which gave me plenty of time to finish the season. Works on both phone and computer.
You can try using ExpressVPN on android. There's a 7 day free trial, so atleast you can watch both of the other seasons in that week.
Or if you're on pc, try using opera browser with it's built in VPN. It's free too.
hm, maybe some? But I know for a fact that Japan is Japan (there's a whole bunch of anime there that you can't find elsewhere). I'm using NordVPN which seems to have pretty decent reviews so that'd be kinda weird if they're lying about something so simple..
I hold a graduate degree in Philosophy focusing on Applied Ethics. Someone already pointed out some of the books, but Chidi also mentions Plato and Aristotle a lot.
The ethical works for Aristotle are the Nicomachean Ethics, and also the Politics. You could easily find a selection/abridged version that might be easier to understand. We would spend entire grad seminars on even minor parts of them, they are not easy works.
For Plato, it's the Republic, Euthyphro, and the Meno mostly. The Euthyphro is a great dialogue, about where the idea of ethics comes from. Is what is right or wrong because God/gods commanded that these things are right or wrong? Or are things right or wrong outside of what God/gods command? It's not a long read or overly complicated, it's a good place to start for Plato.
If you want suggestions on books to read, especially introductory texts, I can give some recs. Some of the books mentioned, especially "What we owe to each other" are an absolute strain to get through even for people with academic training in philosophy.
It reminds me of this, hank azaria talking about how talented Mel Blanc is to be able to do both bugs bunny imitating daffy and vice versa.
Not exactly the same since I'm sure Janet comes pretty easily to her, but it's a really impressive feat to pull off well. Accurately doing all 4 of them in addition to Eleanor pretending to be Jason had to be incredibly tough.
Depends on where you are in America. Everywhere I’ve lived, route like root has been the most common said. I’ve definitely heard it pronounced like trout though. I’ve always just thought it was like how some people say aunt like ant or aunt like awnt. Also, roof? This is the only way I’ve ever heard it. How else have you heard it? Genuinely curious.
I wanted to see how I could get my hands on one and I strongly suspect it’s a modification of this wooden model: https://www.amazon.com/Occre-Francisco-No-60-Street-Wooden/dp/B002LWJDX0#aw-udpv3-customer-reviews_feature_div
Really great work
Based on the collection of titles you already have, I believe you may get the most mileage out of a complete collection of Montaigne’s Essays
The show creator wrote a book called How to be Perfect, so that's an option!
It isn't strictly a Good Place book, but it very clearly was inspired by it. He mentioned it during the AMA he did about a month ago.
You may enjoy Sir Thomas More's Utopia.
This is the Gutenberg link but it's currently down?
It's more entertaining and easier to read than you'd expect a philosophy book to be.
Nononononono, please don’t do this ivonahora! I have kids, three wonderful kids! This is little- Again, that wasn’t real. I can’t feel emotion. And that was a stock photo of some random children from my endless bank of knowledge.
Book recommendation:Sophie's World
That's ... That's all I'm going to say, lol
God I haven't seen Blackadder Goes Back and Forth in ages.
Funnily enough if you didn't know the guy that wrote that actually now does a sitcom about Shakespeare.
It's called The Upstart Crow and it's definitely worth taking a look.
It's on a few different places, this is the link to the entire podcast series. The line OP is talking about is the very last one of the latest episode of the podcast.
I think on The Good Place Podcast ^(I hope I linked the right episode) somebody said they thought that her Jason was terrible... but then remembered it was Eleanor/Jason and it was supposed to be an impersonation of Jason
I bought the black and white trucker hats from amazon and then took it it to screen printing personalized shop. They had a stock graffiti looking font that looked like Jason’s hat.
2 Packs Baseball Caps Blank Trucker Hats Summer Mesh Cap (2 FOR Price of 1) (Black/White) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XSMG3MQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_dzj9BbW7E0HCR
There is a pre-order on amazon uk. The date says Jan 27 2020.
This maybe a placeholder date but im sure S3 will come to blu-ray at some point.
I use ExpressVPN and you have to pay for it. I think it works the best.
I think there’s Hola extension for chrome too and that’s free but I find it doesn’t update as well to work with Netflix, it sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t
There’s an option to change to any country you want with them
Netflix in the UK has every episode, including all the episodes in the final season. If you have a VPN like NordVPN or ExpressVPN, you can set your server as coming from the UK and watch The Good Place entirely legally
Since there were more than one request:
I found the set on Amazon. It’s actually a duvet cover and pillow cases. (Mine is navy, Eleanor’s was teal)
Yup! They still make it. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0000CBILL/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1
Ah! I was searching hard for lace front and I found this:
NOBLE Lace Front Wig Princess... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MPY6YTD?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
But the color turned out not to be the dark brown I thought it was, and more of a solid black. ��
Sure! The only issue I had is that the part is sewn in, so I couldn't get the hair exactly right. I settled for pinning the front to the side. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XRB23NG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_TjgWDbHKZNVCV
Thanks! This is the dress: GUBEERY Womens Plus Size Dressses... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MX1WGDY?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I personally think the sizing is a bit off, and would recommend sizing up. Happy Halloween!
Yeah, NordVPN is well regarded. I hope they are not creating new ways of blocking content or anything. I haven't used a VPN for a while, but it used to be pretty straight forward. Content switched instantly as soon as I activated the VPN.
I have an antenna kinda like this which is flat and can be nailed to the wall. It plugs into the cable plug not hdmi or anything so it won't take any spots from anything else. Cheap one time cost to watch NBC, CBS, ABC, and Fox free. Mostly watch sports, late night, etc
You mean:
>There's a book with the same title as Chidi's lecture, What We Owe To Each Other. I've always been of the mindset that we are here for each other. When a friend lost his house and cats to fire, something truly devastating to him, he had a breakdown about how he could possibly move forward. If everything can be taken from you in a moment, what's the forking point?
>The point is to be there for each other. The point is that we're not really here for any reason. We just are. And that's okay. Make the most of it. Make someone smile. Do any small thing. It could mean nothing to anyone. And it could mean everything to just one.
I have the Oxford Illustrated History of Western Philosophy and it's been a pretty good resource over the years. I particularly like that it includes brief biographies of each philosopher so you get some perspective on how their theories may have been influenced by personal experience. I would recommend it--it's not too dense or difficult to read IMO, but it's serious in nature and pretty comprehensive considering how much it tries to cover.